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mhuisi committed Aug 11, 2022
2 parents e0b209c + 4196bfa commit 634cd9b
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Showing 7 changed files with 746 additions and 402 deletions.
889 changes: 573 additions & 316 deletions Cli/Basic.lean

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

16 changes: 7 additions & 9 deletions Cli/Example.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,9 +2,6 @@ import Cli

open Cli

def doNothing (p : Parsed) : IO UInt32 :=
return 0

def runExampleCmd (p : Parsed) : IO UInt32 := do
let input : String := p.positionalArg! "input" |>.as! String
let outputs : Array String := p.variableArgsAs! String
Expand All @@ -26,13 +23,14 @@ def runExampleCmd (p : Parsed) : IO UInt32 := do
return 0

def installCmd := `[Cli|
installCmd VIA doNothing; ["0.0.1"]
"installCmd provides an example for a subcommand without flags or arguments."
installCmd NOOP;
"installCmd provides an example for a subcommand without flags or arguments that does nothing. " ++
"Versions can be omitted."

def testCmd := `[Cli|
testCmd VIA doNothing; ["0.0.1"]
"testCmd provides another example for a subcommand without flags or arguments."
testCmd NOOP;
"testCmd provides another example for a subcommand without flags or arguments that does nothing."

def exampleCmd : Cmd := `[Cli|
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -135,7 +133,7 @@ Yields:
installCmd installCmd provides an example for a subcommand without flags or
arguments that does nothing. Versions can be omitted.
testCmd testCmd provides another example for a subcommand without flags
or arguments.
or arguments that does nothing.
81 changes: 59 additions & 22 deletions Cli/Extensions.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -41,39 +41,76 @@ namespace Cli
section Extensions
/-- Prepends an author name to the description of the command. -/
def author (author : String) : Extension := {
extendMeta := fun meta => { meta with description := s!"{author}\n{meta.description}" }
extend := fun cmd => cmd.update (description := s!"{author}\n{cmd.description}")

/-- Appends a longer description to the end of the help. -/
def longDescription (description : String) : Extension := {
extendMeta := fun meta => { meta with furtherInformation? :=
some <| meta.furtherInformation?.optStr ++ lines #[
(if meta.furtherInformation?.isSome then "\n" else "") ++ renderSection "DESCRIPTION" description
extend := fun cmd => cmd.update (furtherInformation? :=
some <| cmd.furtherInformation?.optStr ++ lines #[
(if cmd.hasFurtherInformation then "\n" else "") ++ renderSection "DESCRIPTION" description

/-- Adds a `help` subcommand. -/
def helpSubCommand : Extension := {
priority := 0
extend := fun cmd =>
let helpCmd := .mk
(parent := cmd)
(name := "help")
(version? := none)
(description := "Prints this message.")
(run := fun _ => pure 0)
-- adding it once without a command handler ensures that the help will include
-- the help subcommand itself
let cmd := cmd.update (subCmds := cmd.subCmds.push helpCmd)
let helpCmd := helpCmd.update (run := fun _ => do
return 0)
let subCmds := cmd.subCmds.set! (cmd.subCmds.size - 1) helpCmd
cmd.update (subCmds := subCmds)

/-- Adds a `version` subcommand. -/
def versionSubCommand! : Extension := {
extend := fun cmd =>
if cmd.version?.isNone then
panic! "Cli.versionSubCommand!: Cannot add `version` subcommand to command without a version."
let helpCmd := .mk
(parent := cmd)
(name := "version")
(version? := none)
(description := "Prints the version.")
(run := fun _ => do
return 0)
cmd.update (subCmds := cmd.subCmds.push helpCmd)

Sets default values for flags that were not set by the user according to
`defaults := #[(long flag name, default value), ...]` and denotes the default value
in the flag description of the help.
Panics if one of the designated long flag names cannot be found in the command.
def defaultValues! (defaults : Array (String × String)) : Extension :=
let findDefaultFlags meta := <| fun (longName, defaultValue) =>
meta.flag! longName, defaultValue⟩
let findDefaultFlags cmd := <| fun (longName, defaultValue) =>
cmd.flag! longName, defaultValue⟩
extendMeta := fun meta =>
let defaultFlags := findDefaultFlags meta
let newMetaFlags := fun flag =>
extend := fun cmd =>
let defaultFlags := findDefaultFlags cmd
let newMetaFlags := fun flag =>
if let some defaultFlag := defaultFlags.find? (·.flag.longName = flag.longName) then
{ flag with description := flag.description ++ s!" [Default: `{defaultFlag.value}`]" }
{ meta with flags := newMetaFlags }
postprocess := fun meta parsed =>
let defaultFlags := findDefaultFlags meta
cmd.update (flags := newMetaFlags)
postprocess := fun cmd parsed =>
let defaultFlags := findDefaultFlags cmd
return { parsed with flags := parsed.flags.leftUnionBy (·.flag.longName) defaultFlags }

Expand All @@ -83,20 +120,20 @@ section Extensions
Panics if one of the designated long flag names cannot be found in the command.
def require! (requiredFlags : Array String) : Extension :=
let findRequiredFlags meta := (meta.flag! ·)
let findRequiredFlags cmd := (cmd.flag! ·)
extendMeta := fun meta =>
let requiredFlags := findRequiredFlags meta
let newMetaFlags := fun flag =>
if let some requiredFlag := requiredFlags.find? (·.longName = flag.longName) then
extend := fun cmd =>
let requiredFlags := findRequiredFlags cmd
let newMetaFlags := fun flag =>
if requiredFlags.find? (·.longName = flag.longName) |>.isSome then
{ flag with description := "[Required] " ++ flag.description }
{ meta with flags := newMetaFlags }
postprocess := fun meta parsed => do
cmd.update (flags := newMetaFlags)
postprocess := fun cmd parsed => do
if parsed.hasFlag "help" ∨ parsed.hasFlag "version" then
return parsed
let requiredFlags := findRequiredFlags meta
let requiredFlags := findRequiredFlags cmd
let missingFlags := requiredFlags.diffBy (·.longName) <| (·.flag.longName)
if let some missingFlag ← pure <| missingFlags.get? 0 then
throw s!"Missing required flag `--{missingFlag.longName}`."
Expand Down
67 changes: 53 additions & 14 deletions Cli/Tests.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,29 +12,33 @@ section Utils

instance [Repr α] [Repr β] : Repr (Except α β) where
| Except.ok a, n => s!"Except.ok ({repr a})"
| Except.error b, n => s!"Except.error ({repr b})"
| Except.ok a, _ => s!"Except.ok ({repr a})"
| Except.error b, _ => s!"Except.error ({repr b})"

def Cmd.processParsed (c : Cmd) (args : String) : String := do
let mut args := args.splitOn
if args = [""] then
args := []
match c.process args with
| Except.ok (cmd, parsed) =>
| Except.ok (_, parsed) =>
return toString parsed
| Except.error (cmd, error) =>
| Except.error (_, error) =>
return error

def Cmd.extendedHelp (c : Cmd) : String :=
c.extension!.extend (.ofFullCmd c) |>.toFullCmd c |>.help

end Utils

def doNothing (p : Parsed) : IO UInt32 := return 0
def doNothing (_ : Parsed) : IO UInt32 := return 0

def testSubSubCmd : Cmd := `[Cli|
testsubsubcommand VIA doNothing; ["0.0.2"]
testsubsubcommand VIA doNothing;
"does this even do anything?"

def testSubCmd1 : Cmd := `[Cli|
testsubcommand1 VIA doNothing; ["0.0.1"]
testsubcommand1 NOOP; ["0.0.1"]
"a properly short description"

Expand All @@ -45,6 +49,10 @@ def testSubCmd1 : Cmd := `[Cli|



def testSubCmd2 : Cmd := `[Cli|
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -134,8 +142,17 @@ section ValidInputs
(testCmd.processParsed "testsubcommand1 testsubsubcommand")
== "cmd: testcommand testsubcommand1 testsubsubcommand; flags: #[]; positionalArgs: #[]; variableArgs: #[]"

#eval (testCmd.processParsed "testsubcommand2 --run asdf,geh")
(testCmd.processParsed "testsubcommand2 --run asdf,geh")
== "cmd: testcommand testsubcommand2; flags: #[--run]; positionalArgs: #[<ominous-input=asdf,geh>]; variableArgs: #[]"

(testCmd.processParsed "testsubcommand1 help")
== "cmd: testcommand testsubcommand1 help; flags: #[]; positionalArgs: #[]; variableArgs: #[]"

(testCmd.processParsed "testsubcommand1 version")
== "cmd: testcommand testsubcommand1 version; flags: #[]; positionalArgs: #[]; variableArgs: #[]"
end ValidInputs

section InvalidInputs
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -242,7 +259,7 @@ section Info
== "testcommand [0.0.0]\nsome short description that happens to be much longer than necessary and hence\nneeds to be wrapped to fit into an 80 character width limit\n\nUSAGE:\n testcommand [SUBCOMMAND] [FLAGS] <input1> <input2> <outputs>...\n\nFLAGS:\n -h, --help Prints this message.\n --version Prints the version.\n --verbose a very verbose flag description that also needs\n to be wrapped to fit into an 80 character width\n limit\n -x, --unknown1 this flag has a short name\n -xn, --unknown2 short names do not need to be prefix-free\n -ny, --unknown3 -xny will parse as -x -ny and not fail to parse\n as -xn -y\n -t, --typed1 : String flags can have typed parameters\n -ty, --typed2 -ty parsed as --typed2, not -t=y\n -p-n, --level-param : Nat hyphens work, too\n\nARGS:\n input1 : String another very verbose description that also needs to be\n wrapped to fit into an 80 character width limit\n input2 : Array Nat arrays!\n outputs : Nat varargs!\n\nSUBCOMMANDS:\n testsubcommand1 a properly short description\n testsubcommand2 does not do anything interesting"

== "0.0.0"

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -294,19 +311,18 @@ section Info
== "testcommand testsubcommand2 [0.0.-1]\ndoes not do anything interesting\n\nUSAGE:\n testcommand testsubcommand2 [FLAGS] <ominous-input>\n\nFLAGS:\n -h, --help Prints this message.\n --version Prints the version.\n -r, --run really, this does not do anything. trust me.\n\nARGS:\n ominous-input : Array String what could this be for?"

testcommand testsubcommand1 testsubsubcommand [0.0.2]
testcommand testsubcommand1 testsubsubcommand
does this even do anything?
testcommand testsubcommand1 testsubsubcommand [FLAGS]
-h, --help Prints this message.
--version Prints the version.
(testCmd.subCmd! "testsubcommand1" |>.subCmd! "testsubsubcommand").help
== "testcommand testsubcommand1 testsubsubcommand [0.0.2]\ndoes this even do anything?\n\nUSAGE:\n testcommand testsubcommand1 testsubsubcommand [FLAGS]\n\nFLAGS:\n -h, --help Prints this message.\n --version Prints the version."
== "testcommand testsubcommand1 testsubsubcommand\ndoes this even do anything?\n\nUSAGE:\n testcommand testsubcommand1 testsubsubcommand [FLAGS]\n\nFLAGS:\n -h, --help Prints this message."

testcommand [0.0.0]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -344,9 +360,32 @@ section Info
this could be really long, but i'm too lazy to type it out.
(testCmd.update' (meta := testCmd.extension!.extendMeta testCmd.meta)).help
#eval testCmd.extendedHelp
== "testcommand [0.0.0]\nmhuisi\nsome short description that happens to be much longer than necessary and hence\nneeds to be wrapped to fit into an 80 character width limit\n\nUSAGE:\n testcommand [SUBCOMMAND] [FLAGS] <input1> <input2> <outputs>...\n\nFLAGS:\n -h, --help Prints this message.\n --version Prints the version.\n --verbose a very verbose flag description that also needs\n to be wrapped to fit into an 80 character width\n limit\n -x, --unknown1 this flag has a short name\n -xn, --unknown2 short names do not need to be prefix-free\n -ny, --unknown3 -xny will parse as -x -ny and not fail to parse\n as -xn -y\n -t, --typed1 : String [Required] flags can have typed parameters\n -ty, --typed2 -ty parsed as --typed2, not -t=y\n -p-n, --level-param : Nat hyphens work, too [Default: `0`]\n\nARGS:\n input1 : String another very verbose description that also needs to be\n wrapped to fit into an 80 character width limit\n input2 : Array Nat arrays!\n outputs : Nat varargs!\n\nSUBCOMMANDS:\n testsubcommand1 a properly short description\n testsubcommand2 does not do anything interesting\n\nDESCRIPTION:\n this could be really long, but i'm too lazy to type it out."

testsubcommand1 [0.0.1]
a properly short description
testsubcommand1 [SUBCOMMAND] [FLAGS] <city-location>
-h, --help Prints this message.
--version Prints the version.
--launch-the-nukes please avoid passing this flag at all costs.
if you like, you can have newlines in descriptions.
city-location : String can also use hyphens
testsubsubcommand does this even do anything?
version Prints the version.
help Prints this message.
#eval testSubCmd1.extendedHelp
== "testsubcommand1 [0.0.1]\na properly short description\n\nUSAGE:\n testsubcommand1 [SUBCOMMAND] [FLAGS] <city-location>\n\nFLAGS:\n -h, --help Prints this message.\n --version Prints the version.\n --launch-the-nukes please avoid passing this flag at all costs.\n if you like, you can have newlines in descriptions.\n\nARGS:\n city-location : String can also use hyphens\n\nSUBCOMMANDS:\n testsubsubcommand does this even do anything?\n version Prints the version.\n help Prints this message."
end Info

end Cli

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