- Remove old decision type from toezicht decision scheme [DL-6366]
drc restart migrations
drc up -d loket
- Bump op-public-consumer [DL-6347]
- Fix an issue where secondary phone numbers couldn't be deleted [DL-5355]
drc restart resource cache
- Adjust anomalies in names [DL-6278]
- Submissions cross referencing [DL-5814]
- Add kerkenbeleidsplan form [DL-6235]
- Erediensten Dispatching from harvester, for OLV Temse [DL-6280]
- Includes 3 migrations and perform a restart such that dispatching is automatically started.
- Remove wrong labels for some bestuurseenheden. [DL-6323]
Ensure the environment variables are correctly set for worship-decisions-cross-reference
, e.g. :
WORSHIP_DECISIONS_BASE_URL: "https://databankerediensten.lokaalbestuur.vlaanderen.be/search/submissions/"
The following links;
- DEV: "https://dev.databankerediensten.lokaalbestuur.lblod.info/search/submissions/"
- QA: "https://databankerediensten.lokaalbestuur.lblod.info/search/submissions/"
- PROD: "https://databankerediensten.lokaalbestuur.vlaanderen.be/search/submissions/"
drc restart migrations && drc logs -ft --tail=200 migrations
drc restart dispatcher resource cache vendor-data-distribution delta-producer-publication-graph-maintainer
drc restart dispatcher-worship-mandates
# For "healing" erediensten positions after migrationsdrc up -d
- Update rules for form
Besluit AGB/APB over retributies
- OP-consumer has been extend to ingest everything that is produced by delta-stream
(DGS-383): https://github.com/lblod/frontend-loket/blob/development/CHANGELOG.md#v0973-2024-09-24
- Remove all Subsidies services, configuration and old migration files
- Bump package-bbcdr [DL-6193]. (It basically adds a
to ``SELECT` queries)
drc down;
Update docker-compose.override.yml
DCR_SYNC_BASE_URL: "https://organisaties.abb.vlaanderen.be" # choose the correct endpoint
DCR_LANDING_ZONE_DATABASE: "virtuoso" # for the initial sync, we go directly to virtuoso
DCR_REMAPPING_DATABASE: "virtuoso" # for the initial sync, we go directly to virtuoso
drc up -d migrations
drc up -d database op-public-consumer
# Wait until success of the previous step
drc up -d update-bestuurseenheid-mock-login
# Wait until it boots, before running the next command. You can also wait the cron-job kicks in.
drc exec update-bestuurseenheid-mock-login curl -X POST http://localhost/heal-mock-logins
# Takes about 20 min with prod data
Then, update docker-compose.override.yml
DCR_SYNC_BASE_URL: "https://organisaties.abb.vlaanderen.be" # choose the correct endpoint
drc up -d #(or the usual procedure if you want to avoid error-emails)
- Update URI form "Aangewezen Burgemeester" [DL-6298]
drc restart migrations berichtencentrum-sync-with-kalliope; drc up -d enrich-submission
- Adjusted the export filter to exclude two more type from being exported to Toezicht (DL-6234):
- Besluit over budget(wijziging) eredienstbestuur
- Besluit over meerjarenplan(aanpassing) eredienstbestuur
Restart the export-submissions
drc restart export-submissions
Nothing else special to do. Exporting happens at regular time intervals.
(DL-6228): https://github.com/lblod/frontend-loket/blob/development/CHANGELOG.md#v0974-2024-11-04
- remove any overrides from the docker-compose.override.yml file
- run
drc up -d loket
- cut-over to LMB: see DL-6144.
- Bump enrich-submission-service [DL-6245]: add KBO number for erediensten codelist
In docker-compose.override.yml
LDES_BASE: "https://mandatenbeheer.lblod.info/streams/ldes/public/" # Adapt endpoint in function of environment.
FIRST_PAGE: "https://mandatenbeheer.lblod.info/streams/ldes/public/1"
drc down;
# flushing data first
# Please make sure the correct config file is used for the virtuoso, or it might just get stuck
cd scripts/purge-lmb-data/
drc -f docker-compose.script.yml up -d # check logs until finishes
drc -f docker-compose.script.yml exec virtuoso isql-v
drc -f docker-compose.script.yml down
cd -
drc up -d virtuoso # wait for proper startup of virtuoso
drc up -d database
drc up -d lmb-public-ldes-client # Wait until success
# Here comment out all delta-rules in (config/delta/rules.js) except the ones going to:
# - delta-producer-publication-graph-maintainer
# - delta-producer-dump-file-publisher
drc up -d database virtuoso deltanotifier resource delta-producer-background-jobs-initiator delta-producer-publication-graph-maintainer publication-triplestore delta-producer-dump-file-publisher
drc exec delta-producer-background-jobs-initiator curl -X DELETE http://localhost/mandatarissen/healing-jobs
drc exec delta-producer-background-jobs-initiator curl -X POST http://localhost/mandatarissen/healing-jobs # wait until success of the TASK (not the job)
drc logs -ft --tail=200 delta-producer-publication-graph-maintainer
drc exec delta-producer-background-jobs-initiator curl -X DELETE http://localhost/mandatarissen/healing-jobs
drc exec publication-triplestore isql-v
drc exec delta-producer-background-jobs-initiator curl -X DELETE http://localhost/mandatarissen/dump-publication-graph-jobs
drc exec delta-producer-background-jobs-initiator curl -X POST http://localhost/mandatarissen/dump-publication-graph-jobs # wait until success of the TASK (not the job)
drc logs -ft --tail=200 delta-producer-publication-graph-maintainer
drc exec delta-producer-background-jobs-initiator curl -X DELETE http://localhost/mandatarissen/dump-publication-graph-jobs
# The service does not like it when all rules start up at once from scratch.
# Comment out the publication graph maintainer `deltanotifier` rule after checkout:
# - delta-producer-publication-graph-maintainer
drc restart deltanotifier
After that, ensure docker-compose.override.yml
LDES_BASE: "https://mandatenbeheer.lblod.info/streams/ldes/public/" # Adapt endpoint in function of environment.
FIRST_PAGE: "https://mandatenbeheer.lblod.info/streams/ldes/public/1"
Set the following env vars in docker-compose.override.yml
EMBER_MANDATENBEHEER: "false" # This disables the Loket mandatenbeheer tile
EMBER_MANDATENBEHEER_EXTERNAL_URL: "https://mandatenbeheer.lokaalbestuur.vlaanderen.be"
drc up -d
In docker-compose.override.yml
LDES_BASE: "https://mandatenbeheer.lblod.info/streams/ldes/abb/" # Adapt endpoint in function of environment.
FIRST_PAGE: "https://mandatenbeheer.lblod.info/streams/ldes/abb/1"
EXTRA_HEADERS: '{"Authorization": "Basic encodedString"}'
drc up -d lmb-private-ldes-client
Ensure the environment variables are correctly set. See lblod/frontend-loket#408
- Bump
. - Only filter tasks related to
. - Run migration to fix task/job that are stuck in a failed state.
- The migration will run directly on the production server.
- Set
manually to trigger the export for the first time and observe the logs. - If export is successful, update
to"0 0 21 * * *"
so that exports are triggered automatically starting from the next day.
drc restart migrations && drc logs -ft --tail=200 migrations
drc up -d export-submissions && drc logs -ft --tail=200 export-submissions
drc exec export-submissions curl -X POST http://localhost/export-tasks
- If export finishes successfully:
touch -d "2 hours ago" data/export/submissions/xxx.ttl
is the latest export file.
- Bump export-submissions (DL-6233)
- Preprocess dates in toezicht export configuration to lessen load on the database (DL-6241)
- Fix bug in the toezicht export configuration for
- Set
manually to trigger the export for the first time and observe the logs. - If export is successful, update
to a reasonable value so that exports are triggered automatically starting from the next day.
drc up -d export-submissions
- Bump export-submissions (DL-6233)
- Transform toezicht export configuration (DL-6241)
- Set
manually to trigger the export for the first time and observe the logs. - If export is successful, update
to a reasonable value so that exports are triggered automatically starting from the next day.
drc up -d export-submissions
- Fix submissions not flagged for export (DL-6182)
drc up -d prepare-submissions-for-export
- see script Readme in #599
- Fix failed emails report. (DL-6091)
- Add cleanup job to routinely move failed emails from the failbox to the outbox. (DL-6091)
drc restart migrations && drc logs -ft --tail=200 migrations
drc restart report-generation resource cache
drc exec dbcleanup curl -X POST "http://localhost/disableCronJobs" && drc logs -ft --tail=200 dbcleanup
drc exec dbcleanup curl -X POST "http://localhost/cleanup" && drc logs -ft --tail=200 dbcleanup
(DL-6046, DL-6088): https://github.com/lblod/frontend-loket/blob/development/CHANGELOG.md#v0970-2024-09-05
- Note: see lblod/frontend-loket#408 for the necessary feature flags
- Fix migrations that removes duplicate URI for IBEG. (DL-5770)
drc restart migrations && drc logs -ft --tail=200 migrations
drc restart resource cache
- Remove duplicate URI for IBEG. (DL-5770)
drc restart migrations && drc logs -ft --tail=200 migrations
drc restart resource cache
- Fix consumer mapping issue [DL-6152]
- updated consumer [DL-5911]
- update producer [OP-3372]
- Note: the application will be down for a while.
- Ensure application goes down:
drc down
- Ensure in
(on prod)loket: image: lblod/frontend-maintenance:0.1.0 # (...) update-bestuurseenheid-mock-login: entrypoint: ["echo", "Service disabled to ensure re-sync OP works propery"] op-public-consumer: environment: DCR_SYNC_BASE_URL: "https://organisaties.abb.vlaanderen.be" DCR_DISABLE_INITIAL_SYNC: "false" DCR_DISABLE_DELTA_INGEST: "false" DCR_LANDING_ZONE_DATABASE: "virtuoso" # for the initial sync, we go directly to virtuoso DCR_REMAPPING_DATABASE: "virtuoso" # for the initial sync, we go directly to virtuoso
drc up -d migrations loket
- That might take a while.
drc up -d --remove-orphans
- Wait until the consumer is finished.
- Enable the frontend, submissions-consumer and update-bestuurseenheid-mock-login
- Ensure op-public-consumer in
is syncing with database again - So the final
will look likeloket: # image: lblod/frontend-maintenance:0.1.0 #comment out the maintenance page # (...) op-public-consumer: environment: DCR_SYNC_BASE_URL: "https://organisaties.abb.vlaanderen.be" DCR_DISABLE_INITIAL_SYNC: "false" DCR_DISABLE_DELTA_INGEST: "false"
- ``drc up -d`
- Adjust download/berichtencentrum url warning cleanup job. (DL-6140)
- Add cleanup job to remove authentication data. (DL-6077)
drc restart migrations && drc logs -ft --tail=200 migrations
drc restart resource cache
drc restart dbcleanup && drc logs -ft --tail=200 dbcleanup
- Bump
. (DL-5601) - Add old error/job cleanup jobs. (DL-5612) (DL-5613)
- Fix an issue with the job deletion flow in
. (DL-5905)
drc down
drc up -d virtuoso && drc logs -ft --tail=200 virtuoso
- Make sure
is online.
- Make sure
drc up -d migrations && drc logs -ft --tail=200 migrations
- Inspect
logs for any abnormal exit codes, which may indicate an unexpected timeout due to the heavy queries.
- Inspect
drc up -d && drc logs -ft --tail=200 dbcleanup
- At service startup, cleanup jobs will be automatically scheduled. You should see an output similar to this:
Job with ID x and title y has been scheduled.
- At service startup, cleanup jobs will be automatically scheduled. You should see an output similar to this:
- Add missing bestuurseenheden [DL-5722]
drc restart migrations && drc logs -ft --tail=200 migrations
drc restart resource cache
- Add open proces huis session role for all organizations [DL-5816]
- Bumped delta-producer-publication-graph-maintainer.
- Fixed failed emails report. [DL-6044]
- Link Toezichthoudende Provincie Antwerpen to "Orthodoxe Parochie Heilige Sophrony de Athoniet" [DL-6014]
(DL-4540, DL-4069, DL-6053): https://github.com/lblod/frontend-loket/blob/development/CHANGELOG.md#v0960-2024-08-05v0.95.0
(DL-6042, DL-6050): https://github.com/lblod/frontend-loket/blob/development/CHANGELOG.md#v0950-2024-07-11v0.94.1
(DGS-316): https://github.com/lblod/frontend-loket/blob/development/CHANGELOG.md#v0941-2024-06-25v0.94.0
(DL-5816, DGS-161): https://github.com/lblod/frontend-loket/blob/development/CHANGELOG.md#v0940-2024-06-19
- Enable manual cross referencing [DL-5903] [DL-5865] [DL-5868] [DL-5869] [DL-5870] [DL-5867] [DL-5874].
On production, remove the delta-producer-publication-graph-maintainer image in the docker-compose.override.yml.
Ensure the environment variables are correctly set for worship-decisions-cross-reference
, e.g. :
WORSHIP_DECISIONS_BASE_URL: "https://databankerediensten.lokaalbestuur.vlaanderen.be/search/submissions/"
The following links;
- DEV: "https://dev.databankerediensten.lokaalbestuur.lblod.info/search/submissions/"
- QA: "https://databankerediensten.lokaalbestuur.lblod.info/search/submissions/"
- PROD: "https://databankerediensten.lokaalbestuur.vlaanderen.be/search/submissions/"
drc restart migrations && drc logs -ft --tail=200 migrations
drc restart report-generation resource cache
drc up -d loket
- [DL-6049] Add missing organizations that are present in OP and Kalliope but not in Loket.
drc restart migrations && drc logs -ft --tail=200 migrations
drc restart resource cache
Make sure to change MAX_MESSAGE_AGE
from 2
to 30
for berichtencentrum-sync-with-kalliope
in docker-compose.override.yml
drc up -d berichtencentrum-sync-with-kalliope
Once the logs have indicated a successful resync, restore the value of MAX_MESSAGE_AGE
from 30
back to 2
drc up -d berichtencentrum-sync-with-kalliope
- [DL-6020] Fix an issue where the configured email would revert to the old value after updating it
drc restart migrations resource cache
- Bump delta-producer-publication-graph-maintainer [DL-4527] and related [OP-3151]
- Bump
for healing, needed for [DL-5925]. Already been deployed via overrides indocker-compose.override.yml
. Please remove the image override there.
- DL-5856: ensure some type of submissions are not exported to
- See also: DL-5922
- DGS-298: update lokaal bestuurlijk talent subsidy enddate
drc up -d delta-producer-publication-graph-maintainer export-submissions; drc restart deltanotifier migrations cache resource; drc up -d
- Remove the image override for service
- Hotfix: update lokaal bestuurlijk talen deadline
- Add new report
which tracks failed emails (DL-5943)
drc restart migrations report-generation
- Fix custom info label field in forms LEKP-rapport - Melding correctie authentieke bron and LEKP-rapport - Toelichting Lokaal Bestuur (DL-5934)
drc up -d enrich-submission; drc restart migrations resource cache
- Bump
to fix missing data in some organisations (DL-5823). This new version is better at dispatching data with its entire hierarchical model. For this, a migration needs to run to completion and this service then needs to be restarted. You candrc up -d
it at the end of the deploy. This is included in the commands below.
drc restart migrations && drc logs -ft --tail=200 migrations
(wait for these to complete)drc up -d dispatcher-worship-mandates
(DL-5888): https://github.com/lblod/frontend-loket/blob/development/CHANGELOG.md#v0931-2024-05-06v0.93.0
(DL-5849): https://github.com/lblod/frontend-loket/blob/development/CHANGELOG.md#v0930-2024-05-02
- Consolidation worship-sensitive delta-producer (DL-5588)
- Bump automatic submission service (no jira reference)
- Adjust reports
Toezicht module: Meldingen
,Eredienst mandatarissen
andMessage report with provenance
(DL-5836) (DL-5815) - User impersonation for admin users (DL-5757)
- Update forms
- Adjust LEKP rapport Klimaattafels (DL-5832)
- Add new LEKP rapport Wijkverbeteringscontract (DL-5829)
- Fix reports with too many quotes around fields in the data. (DL-5811)
- Bump
- Copy
config fromconfig/delta-producer/background-jobs-initiator/config.json
to the override file. - Change
- Copy
config fromconfig/delta-producer/publication-graph-maintainer/config.json
to the override file. - Add
"key": "<producer_key>"
at the end of each stream's config; checkdocker-compose.override.yml
for the value of that key.
The API broke in the dispatcher, which makes sense because there was an error. But of course, we have to be careful; the consumers might depend on it. Luckily, it's very likely we can access the consumers, so we'll have to go on tour and update the paths where they connect to.
On PROD, QA, and DEV, in docker-compose.override.yml
DCR_SYNC_LOGIN_ENDPOINT: 'https://loket.lokaalbestuur.vlaanderen.be/sync/worship-services-sensitive-deltas/login'
DCR_SYNC_LOGIN_ENDPOINT: 'https://loket.lokaalbestuur.vlaanderen.be/sync/worship-services-sensitive/login'
- Remove the image override. v0.91.3 is currently deployed but the same fix is part of v0.93.1 so we can safely remove it.
We no longer need this environment since we now have the admin role and impersonation feature. We can remove the controle environments from both QA and PROD.
- Remove the "controle" service from
- The DNS configuration for the following domains is no longer needed so ask Aad to remove it once the change is deployed to production:
- controle.lblod.info
- qa.controle.lblod.info
The PROD environment has more controle-* prefixed services, but we can't remove those yet since they are used by the
services as well.
The standard docker-compose.yml
config seems in accordance with what is provided by the dispatcher. Remember Loket exposed two flavors of paths, one for the files and one for the login.
drc up -d --remove-orphans deltanotifier automatic-submission loket enrich-submission
drc restart report-generation
drc restart delta-producer-publication-graph-maintainer
drc restart migrations && drc logs -ft --tail=200 migrations
drc restart resource cache database dispatcher identifier
- bump-berichtencentrum (DL-5775)
drc up -d berichtencentrum-email-notification
- Update Lekp 1.0 (2021 - 2024) opvolgmoment 2024 deadline (DGS-238)
- Update predicates to export for
(in context of DL-5738)
drc restart delta-producer-publication-graph-maintainer
drc restart migrations && drc logs -ft --tail=200 migrations
drc restart resource cache
- Bump
service, which fixes the general problem where no emails about messages get sent. (DL-5775)-
Note: It will already be deployed on production (
) before this release gets deployed.
- Bump
(DL-5822) - Add logging config for the
service (DL-5818)
- Add a new politiezone:
PZ Aalter/Maldegem: Aalter en Maldegem
(DL-5730) - Add a new OCMW vereniging:
Ter Lembeek
- Add new 'Lokaal Bestuurlijk Talent' subsidy (DGS-184)
- Remove the pinned image of
drc up -d adressenregister dispatcher-worship-mandates loket
drc restart migrations && drc logs -ft --tail=200 migrations
drc restart subsidy-applications-management
drc restart resource cache
- Changed Report on Berichten: increased history to 12 months, changed column order and attachments are formatted with their filename. (DL-5696)
- Bump
(DL-5629, DL-5748) - Bump
(DL-5629, DL-5748) - Bump
(DL-5696) - Add deltas support for vendor management data (DL-5667)
- Adds
as a new delta-stream
- Adds
- Add a new "Virus scan" report (DL-5618)
- Remove berichtencentrum-sync-with-kalliope
image fromdocker-compose.override.yml
on QA - Restart the
service to pick up the new report config
- Change
. - Change
- Add
"key": "<producer_key>"
for the newvendor-management
delta stream.
drc up -d virus-scanner berichtencentrum-sync-with-kalliope berichtencentrum-email-notification report-generation
drc restart migrations dispatcher deltanotifier delta-producer-background-jobs-initiator delta-producer-publication-graph-maintainer delta-producer-dump-file-publisher jobs-controller report-generation
- Adjust/Add new forms and new codelists (DL-5669 - DL-5625 - DL-5643 - DL-5646 - DL-5665 - DL-5670) : See full changes on #528
- Add Fietssubsidie types via extractor (DGS-94)
- Add LEKP 1.0 (2021) types via extractor (DGS-107)
- Add slaapplekken subsidy types via extractor (DGS-165)
- Add Nooddorpen subsidy types via extractor (DGS-166)
- Update LEKP 1.0 (2021) deadlines (DGS-167)
- Update LEKP 2.0 deadlines (DGS-168)
- Update LEKP 2.1 deadlines (DGS-169)
(DL-5751): https://github.com/lblod/frontend-loket/blob/development/CHANGELOG.md#v0911-2024-03-13v0.91.0
(DL-5735): https://github.com/lblod/frontend-loket/blob/development/CHANGELOG.md#v0910-2024-03-12
- Bump
- Bump
(DL-5709) - Bump
(DL-5683) - Bump
(DL-5646 & DL-5670) - Bump
(DL-5643 - DL-5646 - DL-5670)
- Remove the frontend
image override fromdocker-compose.override.yml
- update the controle image to
in thedocker-compose.override.yml
file - Bump the
image indocker-compose.override.yml
drc up -d loket controle migrations mocklogin vendor-data-distribution enrich-submission prepare-submissions-for-export
drc restart migrations
drc restart subsidy-applications-management delta-producer-publication-graph-maintainer-subsidies resource cache
- Add new stadsvernieuwing - conceptsubsidie || Oproep 2024 reeks (DGS-154)
- Bump frontend to
(DL-5537, DL-5686): https://github.com/lblod/frontend-loket/blob/development/CHANGELOG.md#v0902-2024-02-19
- Consolidate
delta flow (DL-5585, DL-5586) - Consolidate
delta flow (DL-5582, DL-5583) - Move
publication graph endpoint fromvirtuoso
(DL-5584) - Bump
(DL-5584) - Added virus-scanner service (DL-5553)
- Bump
service to v1.4.0 to use vendor provance for dispatching harvested data. This hopefully resolves some of the issues where organisations could see data that they did not publish themselves. (DL-5567, DL-5568, DL-5569) - Add migration to remove all previously harvested data. Harvesting needs to be completely restarted.
- Add a future date warning validation to the "Datum zitting" fields (DL-5624)
- Change
- Add
"key": "<producer_key>"
at the end of each stream's config; checkdocker-compose.override.yml
for the value of that key.
- Remove the specific entries from
- Follow the steps in this guide
- The harvesting for the worship services needs to be completely restarted. It could be helpful to disable the
stack (or itsidentifier
service) while performing these steps, so that new jobs are not started while trying to remove data from old jobs.- Make sure the latest migrations are finished, more specifically:
- Make sure the graphs
are empty. If not, please execute a simple query to do so. - Flush sync jobs from the consumer with its API:
- Make sure the latest migrations are finished, more specifically:
drc exec eredienst-mandatarissen-consumer bash
# curl -X POST http://localhost/flush
{...warning output, continue...}
- OPTIONAL: You can remove (all) historical consumer files from disc on the path
. Files are structured in folders based on the date. - Inspect the logs of the
to see that the flush job was successful and that the periodic consumer job is running (every minute(?)).
- Update the version of the controle image in the docker-compose.override.yml file
drc up -d --remove-orphans
drc restart migrations dispatcher deltanotifier delta-producer-background-jobs-initiator delta-producer-publication-graph-maintainer delta-producer-dump-file-publisher
drc restart resource cache
- Bump frontend to
(DL-5537)- Fixes issue with
module cards not showing when logging through ACM.
- Fixes issue with
- Fix
session roles formock-login
users (which includes controle) (DL-5537).
- Update the version of the controle image in
drc up -d loket controle
drc restart migrations
drc restart resource cache
- Add mock-login session roles for
apps (DL-5599) - Bump
(DL-5560) - Replace wrong kbo-number with the correct one for s-Lim (DL-5609)
- Bump frontend to
- Add
module cards with external links (DL-5537, DL-5538) - Move subsidy warning to bottom of the page (DGS-111)
- Add
- Add the relevant external URLs (QA or PROD) to
under theenvironment
section ofloket
; the URLs can be found in DL-5537 and DL-5538:EMBER_CONTACT_URL: "{{URL}}"
drc up -d loket berichtencentrum-sync-with-kalliope
drc restart migrations
drc restart resource cache
- bump resource to
- Fixes: Error 500 in some rare cases when fetching submissions
- bump
to fix last message regression - Remove
- Remove
- Consolidate the above into
- Bump frontend to
- Fixes: Text clipping on
placeholder inMandatenbeheer
for worship services - Fixes: preview links in the "Toezicht" module
- Update forms
- New forms LEKP Collectieve Energiebesparende Renovatie, Fietspaden, Sloopbeleidsplan
- New forms Niet-bindend advies op statuten and Niet-bindend advies op oprichting
- Change form LEKP Melding correctie authentieke bron, removed field "type correctie"
- Bump enrich-submission v1.8.0
- Extend deadline nooddorpen
- Extend deadline oekraine slaapplekken
- Update lekp 2.1 and 2.0 opvolgmoment titles
- Remove line
image: semtech/mu-cl-resources:feature-differently-stable-luckless
on production. - Remove line
image: lblod/berichtencentrum-sync-with-kalliope-service:0.17.2-rc.1
on production. - We improved on the queries a lot, they should be light enough to work
through mu-auth, but if not, add the following config in
to connect to Virtuoso directly:
SPARQL_ENDPOINT_COPY_OPERATIONS: "http://virtuoso:8890/sparql"
- Change
- Add
"key": "<producer_key>"
at the end of each stream's config; checkdocker-compose.override.yml
for the value of that key.
- Remove the specific entries for
drc up -d --remove-orphans; drc restart migrations resource cache dispatcher deltanotifier delta-producer-background-jobs-initiator delta-producer-publication-graph-maintainer
- Fix s-limburg and a2gb start dates
- update active step for LEKP 1.0 to new opvolgmoment 2024 step for all consumptions
- add LEKP 1.0 - 2022 || opvolgmoment 2024 step
- fix berichtencentrum-sync-with-kalliope service to work better VDDS
- hotfix: improve migration speed
- Delta-dump-file producer tweaks for mandatarissen/leidinggevenden
- Maintenance of persons-sensitive deltas
- Reports: vendors/consumers and Loket.
- Added mockuser: Zorgband Leie en Schelde
- Added RO submissions for export: 471
- Adjust form 'Goedkeuringsbesluit budget(wijziging)' (Gemeente and Provincie)
- Producer config update
- Remove all LPDC code, data, reports and old migration files
- Added berichten-centrum integration, which entails:
- Added
. This service allows vendors to reports messages, and imports them into the Berichtencentrum module. - Added config for
: in its newer version, the config now uses type, trigger, path, remove and copy properties to select and copy data to the vendor graphs. These changes where needed to integrate with theberichten-melding-service
. - Added a new job for the
for the Berichten Melding. - Added dispatcher path for the
. - Added error emails for
. - Added
config. - A Message now also has a
. This is used to trigger thevendor-data-distribution-serivce
. - Added a reports on Messages and Conversations of the past 6 months. This is almost a dump of the entities and can be used to compare between
- Added migrations to copy Messages and Conversations to Vendor Graphs for Vendor API such that vendors can access that data through their authorised SPARQL client. NOTE: these migrations can take a long time to run!
- New Loket frontend: adding creator to messages and other various improvements to conversations and messages in Berichtencentrum.
- Added
A lot of data has to be removed, so it has to be backed up first and docker images have to be cleaned:
- Back up the database before any service(s) is(are) restarted
- Remove cronjobs for LPDC related services from the server
drc restart migrations
to run the new migrations and remove LPDC datadrc up --remove-orphans
to remove orphaned docker images
For persons-sensitive maintenance don't forget to add "key": "<producer_key>"
in config/delta-producer/publication-graph-maintainer/config.json
of persons-sensitive then drc up -d --remove-orphans
Run the following query on the stack with sufficient privileges after all
migrations have run. This does not have to go through mu-auth. Make sure to
set the real hostname of the running stack in place of <lokethostname>
PREFIX sch: <http://schema.org/>
PREFIX nie: <http://www.semanticdesktop.org/ontologies/2007/01/19/nie#>
PREFIX nfo: <http://www.semanticdesktop.org/ontologies/2007/03/22/nfo#>
PREFIX besluit: <http://data.vlaanderen.be/ns/besluit#>
PREFIX account: <http://mu.semte.ch/vocabularies/account/>
PREFIX core: <http://mu.semte.ch/vocabularies/core/>
GRAPH ?vendorGraph {
?attachment nie:url ?attachmentDownloadLink .
GRAPH ?vendorGraph {
a sch:Message ;
nie:hasPart ?attachment .
a nfo:FileDataObject ;
core:uuid ?attachmentUUID .
BIND (CONCAT("https://<lokethostname>.be/files/", ?attachmentUUID, "/download") AS ?attachmentDownloadLink)
FILTER(regex(STR(?vendorGraph), "http://mu.semte.ch/graphs/vendors/*", "i"))
- extend ukraine deadlines and update oproep
drc restart migrations
drc restart resource cache
- update virtuoso
- see: #426
- bump cache graph maintainer
- final version berichtencentrum-sync-with-kalliope
- update time window of export: start from 01-09-2023 now
- make attachments availible over deltas
- fix login endpoint for delta-consumer
Note: the deploy instructions assume we come from 1.85.0. So you might restart a bit too much. But that's okay.
drc restart virtuoso publication-triplestore
drc restart export-submissions berichtencentrum-sync-with-kalliope delta-producer-publication-graph-maintainer-subsidies delta-producer-publication-graph-maintainer-worship-submissions dispatcher migrations report-generation resource enrich-submission validate-submission cache; drc up -d
- update forms
- add status to worship mandates producer
- drc restart migrations berichtencentrum-sync-with-kalliope delta-producer-publication-graph-maintainer-ws-sensitive ; drc up -d prepare-submissions-for-export-service
- Bump multiple delta-related services
- Tweak virtuoso and publication datastore to account for bigger datasets
- prepare migration to export besluitenlijsten politiezones
- bump prepare-submission-for-export to have live streaming politiezones
drc restart virtuoso publication-triplestore migrations; drc up -d
- fix reports: extra fixes, plus added extra info for bedienaren.
- bump report-generation
- fix reports: improved code and removed bugs
- Add an environment variable to the frontend that can be used to display a "global system notification" to the users
- Bump identifier
- Bumped version berichtencentrum with kalliope, to have less data coming through
- Bump report generation; better character escape
- Improved mandatarissen-report
Automatic submission as very hot fix in docker-compose.override.yml. Remove this. If a maintenance message needs to be displayed, uncomment the environment variable in the docker-compose.override.yml file and edit the message.
drc up -d loket controle automatic-submission berichtencentrum-sync-with-kalliope report-generation identifier
- added ag2b
- besluitenlijst politiezone
- new producers, because much data
In your docker-compose.override.yml
- Ensure delta-producer-background-jobs-initiator-submissions is renamed to delta-producer-background-jobs-initiator
- Ensure delta-producer-publication-graph-maintainer-submissions is renamed to delta-producer-publication-graph-maintainer
In file config/delta-producer/background-jobs-initiator/config.json ensure "startInitialSync": false
is set to "startInitialSync": true,
In file config/delta-producer/publication-graph-maintainer/config.json ensure
# ...
"key": "the key in the docker-compose override previously"
drc up -d --remove-orphans; drc -r restart dispatcher deltanotifier migrations
- Startdate lekp 1 & 2 set to august 31 (past)
- various improvements automatic-submissoin
- bugfixes, cleanup
- feature: delete submission
- VGC added for Stadsvernieuwing - thematische subsidie
drc up -d; drc restart migrations resource cache subsidy-applications-management database dispatcher
- bump ldes-consumer
drc up -d lpdc-ldes-consumer
- Add autonoom gemeentebedrijf mercator APB Kappelen
drc up -d migrations
and trigger the update-bestuurseenheid-mock-login
- cleanup
- add uuids to subsidy producer export config
- added AGB berlaar bestuurseenheid
- setup worship consumer to harvest from vendor
- added reports to report on harvested information
- added IFIC personeel
- moved deadlines LEKP subsidies
drc restart migrations resource cache deltanotifier; drc up -d
- bump frontend (fixing issue archived vs revision in the UI)
drc up -d loket
to fetch the new version
- bump
to v0.24.4
drc up -d lpdc-management
to fetch the new version
- bump
to v0.24.3
drc up -d lpdc-management
to fetch the new version
- Update config so correct predicate for postal code is exported
drc restart delta-producer-publication-graph-maintainer-leidinggevenden
- bump
to v0.24.2
drc up -d lpdc-management
to fetch the new version
- Frontend v0.80.0 - v0.84.0
- bump
- bump
mu-resource and mu-auth
- Only toezichthoudende betrokkenheid should be shown (hence bump enrich-submission)
- Update besluit handhaven form label to Besluit handhaven na ontvangst schorsingsbesluit
- Update semantic form to include a new custom alert component in the Besluit handhaven na ontvangst schorsingsbesluit form
- flush, rerun op sync migrations to fix typeBetrokkenheid
- Add two new external subsidies (Hoppinpunten and Haltes)
- Add "nieuw" and "toegevoegd" labels and filters to concepts
- Add support for concept archiving
- stop the stack:
drc stop
- start the "maintenance" frontend?
- start the virtuoso container:
drc start virtuoso
- create a new checkpoint so the transaction log is cleared:
- enter the isql-v environment:
drc exec virtuoso isql-v
- create a checkpoint:
- exit the isql-v environment:
- enter the isql-v environment:
- stop the virtuoso service
- make a backup of the data/db folder in case something goes wrong and we need to downgrade again
cp -r data/db some-backup-folder
- remove the transaction log file:
rm data/db/virtuoso.trx
drc up -d virtuoso
to update to the new image- check the logs to see if nothing strange happened
- Follow the steps to re-sync data from OP
drc restart migrations
and check if they ran successfullydrc restart cache resource database dispatcher subsidy-applications-management report-generation enrich-submission; drc up -d
- bump import submission: centrale besturen should also be able to provide normal attachements.
drc up -d
- Frontend v0.79.3
- Bump adressenregister services
- Frontend vendor access management: allows setting read-only
- Add new thematische stadsvernieuwing subsidie
- Add LEKP 2.1 Indienen Pact report
- Remove the English requirement for text fields when publication channel "YourEurope" is not chosen
- update the
frontend images to the correct version -
Check the migrations were ok.
drc restart migrations
drc restart cache resource database subsidy-applications-management report-generation; drc up -d
- The bump of mu-resource and mu-auth (i.e. the performance improvement) has been postponed dueu to new bugs.
- hotfix: vendor-data-distrbution-service breaking data.
- Historical data for vendor-api is availible now.
drc up -d; drc restart migrations
- add new bestuurseenheid (
Politiezone Rivierenland
- Added vendor API
drc restart database dispatcher deltanotifier; drc up -d
- Frontend v0.78.0 & v0.79.0
- data: remove redundant person URIs for rotselaar councillor
- Frontend-vendor access management (note: this is bundled in a release, it was already 'hot'-deployed)
- Improve Readme
- Increased virtuoso memory for default deploys
- remove Advies samenvoeging for Gemeente
- remove Verslag lokale betrokkenheid for Gemeente and Provincie
- A bit of a performance tweak to diminish the load import/export submissins from loket to toezicht abb
- Fix bug automatic-submission (i.e. jobs not consistently failed weh download failed)
- make the "uitvoerende overheid" an optional field
- fix the creation of empty public service instances for some users
- Add more organization types (Gemeenten, OCMW, Autonoom Provinciebedrijf, Autonoom Gemeentebedrijf, etc.) to the "Uitvoerende overheid" and "Bevoegde Overheid" fields
- "YourEurope categorien" is now required if "YourEurope" is selected for "Publicatiekanalen"
- #389 Change date and title for subsidie opknapwerken slaapplekken oekraine
- new "Stadsvernieuwing fase 2" subsidy
- Update deadlines Opknapwerken slaapplekken OekraΓ―ne subsidy
- Increase max body size
- update the
image tolblod/frontend-loket:0.79.0-controle
(renamed from lblod/frontend-loket:x.x.x-batch-edit) - Remove the image from
image: lblod/frontend-vendor-access-management:0.7.0
drc restart migrations cache resource dispatcher subsidy-applications-management enrich-submission export-submissions; drc up -d
- Hotfix: "relevante bijlages" field in the Stadsvernieuwing - Projectsubsidie (Fase 1) and Stadsvernieuwing - Conceptsubsidie subsidies should be optional
drc restart subsidy-applications-management
- Added document 'afwijking principes regiovorming'.
drc restart migrtions; drc up -d
This is a replay from hotfix 1.78.5
which has accidently started and released from the wrong tag.
- Added mock-login creator on new bestuurseenheid
- Consume data from Organisations portal: Erediensten
- Make backup of virutoso
- Run migrations first
drc up -d
- Wait until the stack starts properly
- Start the intial sync
- Added document 'afwijking principes regiovorming'.
drc restart migrations; drc up -d
- hotfix: submission filters have been changed to reduce load on system
- added report links accross organisations
- Remove list of submission to be sent to Kalliope
drc restart berichtencentrum-sync-with-kalliope report-generation
- hotfix: removed unused uri to reduce warnings
- worship submissions: share publication date
- deploy notes:
drc restart delta-producer-publication-graph-maintainer-worship-submissions
- deploy notes:
- Frontend v0.77.0 & v0.77.1
- Vendor management frontend v0.6.0:
- Hopefully fix a data issue by changing the way we persist changes
- UX/UI improvements
- General maintenance
- maintain the creation order of listings in the semantic forms
- updated kbo number for st andries in antwerp
- fix relationship provincies and Kathedralen
- migration to avoid obsolete failed urls will trigger a warning
- update report a little 'hanging submissions'
- Download url service robustness
- Download url warning service
- extra report for non-sent submission
- bump lpdc-ldes-consumer
- Add LEKP 1.0 Opvolgmoment report
- Update deadline opvolgmoment LEKP 1.0 subsidy
- Add a new subsidy-measure: Stadsvernieuwing - conceptsubsidie
- Add dditional description field to lpdc forms
- Add representatieve organen to Vanden Broele
- Improved date entry UX by using a date input field instead of a date picker
- Update to the new v2 editor
- Fix automatic submissions for religiopoint
- Show a message about the self-registration option in ACM/IDM
- Set up Plausible analytics
- Implement the basic "review status notification" system
- read only modules if the data is managed by an external vendor
- add info messages so users know which positions they need to add
- Remove Mandaat 'Bestuurslid van Eredienst'
- Fixing issues 'Rechtspositieregeling' APB
- Stadsvernieuwing
- fix config issue
- re-publish public services with wrong language predicate
- hotfix cronPattern for toezicht, submission reports are now daily at 22:30
- Fix the problem where the app freezes when selecting the "Belastingsreglement" option in the "Type reglement/verordening" field
- modules to connect to external applications
- bug birth date-picker
- various improvements in semantic forms shared components
- helpdesk link in person module
- Various maintenance operations, both data and code
- Automatic submissions: migration to cogs:Jobs model, trackable submissions in the dashboard (if logged as bestuurseenheid through mock-login)
- Various mock-login updates
- Removal of the person reconcilation service
- Added besluit handhaven
- Added Representatieve organen
- Added forms Representatieve organen
- Updated forms: meerjarenplanwijziging, advies budgetwijzing, advies jaarrekenig for Eredienstbestuur.
- Extra selectbox component to link URI bestuureenheid of the advies.
- Update publication logic for forms eredienst forms
- Updates sync with kalliope
- perparation of read-only mode
- permanent alert
- address outside of flanders
- perparation of read-only mode
- address outside of flanders
- Added delta producer stream for eredienst-mandatarissen and bedienaren
- Added Vandenbroele as vendor of RO's
- textual updates
- Prefill the "Authority" fields for blank service instances
- Add support for fetching form data for conceptual public services (preparation for basic change notification feature)
- Ensure language is correctly set in the database. (Will re-publish this information)
- open up nooddorpen and opknapwerk again
- Some attachements were broken due to Kalliope, fixing these.
- Remove: Bestuurslid van het bestuur van de eredienst
- vandenbroele was missing some centrale besturen.
- Due to various issues after a batch sent in prod of automatic submission, we removed them to try again
- fix buggy table Fietssubsidies
- migration to skip optional step of climate subsidy 1 callup 2021
- Fixing required fields missing for PublicServices
- Update publication, to compensation validation issues for nested required fields
- To prepare the export to ipdc, we remove the publication flag.
- attempt to fix load issues
- allow multiple websites for procedure
- mandatory executing authority
- update code list:
- remove rechtenverkenner vloket
- limit doelgroep values + migrate existing
- fixes publish service: push back ipdc
- updated LEKP forms: klimaattafels
- several UI improvements eredienstmandaten & bedienaren
- remove duplicate person Nijlen
- added betrokken lokale besturen
- fix file data model:
- update file service
- update dashboard
- deltanotifier files organisation
- update dumpfile producer: clean up old dumpes
- bump file share service
- alignment identifiers for eredienstbesturen to enable ACM/IDM login
- Kerfabriek Vredegem
- evolutions frontend loket eredienst-mandatarissen
- evolutions frontend loket eredienst-bedienaren
- producers worship submission
- upgrade prepare-submission-for-export: more fine grained rules
- lpdc evolutions: various bugfixes, re-publish flow and fixing publication issues
- fix unsaved address publications
- new vendor
- update vendor with 100+ bestuurseenheden
- various data fixes
- updated lpdc repor
- updated bestuursorganen erediensten
- fix report fietssubsidies
- fix an issue with the website field (LPDC)
- fix an issue in the vendor-management app which prevented users from giving access rights to certain administrative units
- adjust deadlines fietssubsidies
- update reports
- hotfix climate subsidies: make sure old forms still render.
- hotfix status fietssubsidies: make sure status is set correctly
- LEPK forms added
- Eredienst positions corrections
- Eredienst bestuursorganen corrections
- update fietssubsidie-reports
- less reports IPDC per day
- lpdc-management ingests new organisations via IPDC
- typo in forms
- Release LPDC-module (both fronted and backend)
- Backend maintenance:
- bump mu-auth
- bump publication graph maintainer
- Update data erediensten
- codelists OP
- link person and nationality
- propgate persons first or last names to all the graphs it belongs to
- update bicycle subsidy deadline
- added e-inclusion report
- fix files graph persons sensitive
- fix bestuursperiodeselector
- bump download url service (to fix issues basic-auth issues for automatic-submission)
- climate subsidies
- e-inclusion subsidies
- API + data + backend services
- API + data
- erediensten mandatees (hidden feature flag)
- lpdc (hidden feature flag)
- various maintenance updates
- upgrade identifier
- bump publication graph maintainers
- update sync with kalliope: make sure timezone data is taken into account
- subsidy climate 1.0: adaptations
- subsidy OekraΓ―ne: nooddorpen
- subsidy OekraΓ―ne: nooddorpen
- maintenance docker-compose.dev.yml
- mandaten module: rangorde fix
- update automatic-submission related services: CBE should be able to send data
- climate-subsidies: call 2
- Pre-fill data.
- Reporting
- Cleanup double uuids personen and related
- Frontend: new version semantic forms
- Bugfix berichtencentrum-sync-with-kalliope-service
- correct dates zitting
- new bestuurseenheid: OCMW De Wijngaard
- vandenbroele as erediensten
- fix data issue double person
- deactivate plan samenleven subsidy
- Frontend updates: incremental updates/bugfixes and new components
- Prepare subsidies Oekraine (temporarily offline)
- Subsidy-applications-management service: new JS template
- Forms erediensten
- Klimaatsubsidies oproep 2
- GZG oproep 6 + 7 and reports
- GZG oproep 6 + 7 extra pick-list entries
- plan samenleven: update deadline
- Bicycle subsidies: AGB should be able to fetch these
- hotfix: change subsidy gzg deadline + codelists
- hotfix: show reports in concept for noodopvang
- hotfix: change deadline plan samenleven
- hotfix: fix/workaround performance persons sensitive
- bumped identifier
- tweaking cronjob setting
- subsidies plan samenleven deltas
- subsidies plan samenleven
- subsidies plan samenleven report
- person-sensitive data deltas
- BBCDR fix files list
- refactor a bit authorization of deltas
- lots of improvements in ember-submission-form-fields: deduplication, bugfixes, new components
- simplified producers: remove json-diff-file-producers (since provided by other services)
- update deadline climate/oproep-1/opvolgmoment
- added plan samenleven
- Update bike subsidy: added extra file upload fields
- extend filtering beschikbare subsidiemaatregelen: not all types of eenheden can now submit for all subsidies
- update labeling climate subsidy
- huge frontend maintenance: removal of webuniversum dependencies, update ember and other maintenance
- update publication graph maintainer (some fixes/improvements)
- adding new bestuurseenheden
- New GZG Oproep 5 reeks + report
- update export submissions config, to include missing besluitenlijsten
- update export submissions config, to include missing besluitenlijsten
- update publicaiton graph maintainer config
- Improved reports MAR-code
- clean up database for obsolete information
- Introduce config file berichtencentrum sync with kalliope
- New inzendingen voor toezicht:
- Collective notie van wantrouwen
- Code goed bestuur
- Overzicht presentiegelden
- Voorstellen in verband saneringsplan
- cleanup double subsidy bierbeek climate
- extend deadline gzg subisdy oproep 4
- [NEW] Toezicht module:
- Produces two CSVs in the dashboard:
- Meldingen
- Geuploade bestanden
- Produces two CSVs in the dashboard:
- [DEPRECATED] Submissions
- Bumped publication-graph-maintainer to latest
- [NEW] OCMW vereniging: Welzijnsvereniging Ter Nethe
- [NEW] OCMW vereniging: De Zilveren Zwaan
- Submission reports now include a column for publication-date
- Fix authorization rule for subsidies: didn't have access to the files
- Extend the period of subsidy GzG - callup 4
- Re-organise migration files
- Update performance of delta-publication flow for submissions (a separate triple store has been introduced)
- Included forms vastelling gemeentelijk beleidskader
- Update file service to deal with performance issues of files deletion residing in multiple graphs
- fixed missing migration: move attachments of manually created submissions
- disable the internal mandaten report, because performance concerns
- move files to org-graphs: migrations and update corresponding services to handle new location
- subsidy-applications-managenent: improve and simplify code tailored-data
- new bestuurseenheid: Politie Deinze-Zulte-Lievegem
- Noodopvang Kerst 2012:
- 7 new series forms
- reports
- Fietsinfrastructuur: new step + reports
- Reports GzG operoep 3 and 4
- Update report contactracing: added nazomer.
- New report GZG: oproep 2
- Update report contactracing: KBO-number
- Create publication producer: this will make sure submissions can be consumed by app-public-decisions
- Improve file-download-service: allow file type guessing if none is provided. (mainly to tackle VGC case)
- Validate-submission: less agressive rescheduling of remote-dataobjects, when submitting.
- Bump mu-java-script-template in multiple services, as to handle edge cases for nasty URL's
- General performance improvements on the passing of delta's by using mu-scope-ids.
- Bump all producers
- Subsidies: improve behaviour of delete button. Don't allow delete when submitting, saving or transition to next step.
- Subsidies: GzG oproep 4
- Upgrade virtuoso version to tenforce/virtuoso:1.3.2-virtuoso7.2.5.1
- Remove export leidinggevenden and mandaten, as these are covered by delta-producers
- Remove logging to app-http-logger on export-submissions. To decrease load.
- Bump automatic-submission, to have configurable endpoint to resolve json-ld endpoints.
- Report GzG: include concept status
- General improvement reports: make less assumptions, so potential issues with forms become more visible.
- Update submissions report to show bestuursorgaan + performance improvement
- Update GzG oproep 3: deadline
- GzG oproep 2 and 3
- Oproep contact tracing 'nazomer'
- Deleted a message in the berichtencentrum that wasn't intended for this bestuurseenheid
- Moved Climate subsidy-consumptions one step back per request of users, accidental submission by user
- Moved 2 Climate subsidy-consumptions one step back per request of users, accidental submission by users
- Update email adresses for automatic submission
- Update delta-producer-report-generator to use error notifications
- GzG report subsidies
- Force status for mandataris
- Moved 2 bike subsidy-consumption one step back per request of a user, accidental submission by user
- Moved subsidy-consumption one step back per request of a user, accidental submission by user
- Removed identical subsidy-consumptions per request of a user
- Moved up submission-date for Climate Subsidy's Proposal to 2022-10-31
- subsidy-application-flow-management-service: Wrong branch was released, new branch for new release
- Migrations to correct subsidies which have been harmed
- introduce alert service to get more error notifications
- improve some subsidy reports
- automatic submission service should give us alerts
- subsidy-application-flow-management-service: uncaught error
- subsidy-application-management-service: return correct http error when inconsistent state
- Introduce super SSN request
- Improve attachmenet fetching: not only text/html should be fixed
- authentication for download-url
- change deadline subsidy
- unblock accidentally submitted form
- prepared Loket to reconcile user.
- sync-with-kalliope-service: improve error handling: added gracefully handling of non-connection type of errors.
- Fietssubsidies: Improve validation on table fietssubsidies: make sure some fields cannot be left empty
- escape helpers for sparqlEscape URI: don't escape
- Fietssubsidies don't show empty table on transition to next step
- Adjustments GZG
- Report for fietssubsidies
- Download URL: consistent handling of file download streams
- update deadline fietssubsidie
- ACM/IDM: switch betuurseeneid needed updated after breaking changes ember-acm-idm
- Fix empty susbsidy form: DL-3028
- step 2 fietssubsidies, some edge cases were not fixed in the activation of step 2.
- bumped frontend
- addedd CHANGELOG.md
- step 2 fietssubsidies should take over data from step 1 in all cases
- harvesting attachtments in automatic submission flow