- Nothing changed yet. (2022-10-30)
- Correct segmentation fault in Wayland (2022-10-07)
- add zest.releaser
- add drone-ci integration
- Fix mapping without wildcard during config conversion
- Fix browse button exception when using remote clients
- Add autolabel criteria: label, filename
- Add option to move torrents to label specific download destination
- Add preference for resetting torrent options on label unset
- Add label assignment functionality to torrent context menu in WebUI
- Fix move on path changes not being activated for labels with no children
- Fix timestamp issue that caused label data to be constantly reloaded
- Fix removal of unlabeled torrent not being reflected in label tree
- Fix UI not being enabled in classic mode
- Fix drag-n-drop autoscroll stopping on selected label
- Fix drag-n-drop not disabling autoscroll/autoexpand on failed drop
- Fix preferences not loading when plugin first enabled
- Fix event deregister issue that conflicted with other plugins
- Remove misbehaving scroll to top hack
- Fix dialogs not closing when label is invalidated
Autolabel now uses criteria based matching
Test autolabel using a collapsible test area
Select multiple label filters
Move labels using the rename dialog or sidebar drag-n-drop
Switch labels from within dialogs
Toggle fullname in various places independently
Label options added to torrent context menu
Revert label options by page
Dialogs are no longer modal
Popup file chooser replaced with browse dialog
Sidebar menu operates on right-clicked label without changing filter
Sidebar menu no longer contains "All" options
Status bar no longer opens label options
Dependency on MoveTools removed
Fix shared limit not updating when label added/removed
- Fix status bar not updating when label removed
- Improve performance when removing label with many sublabels
- Check for same path before attemping to move completed torrents
- Fix context menu using the wrong label when using "Parent"
- Allow "Parent" to be used by multiple selected torrents with the same label
- Re-add ability to jump to selected torrent's label
- Display base name in dialogs and full name in tooltips
- Fix label based subfolder appending full name when selected
- Set bandwidth limits per label
- Add label bandwidth usage to status bar
- Context menu navigation for less reliance on sidebar
- Some shortcuts to make navigating labels quicker
- Update config format to save sidebar state per daemon
- Increase compatibility with older versions of Gtk
- Various behavioral and cosmetic modifications
- Add auto-label regex support
- Add ability to jump to label in the sidebar based on a torrent's label
- Fix bug where only the first tracker was matched when autolabeling
- Fix bug where torrents set to no label were not moved back to default path
- Override Deluge 1.3.6 styling so that expanders are indented
- Various fixes
- Drag and drop torrents on label tree to label them
- Move label tree to its own tab for proper scrolling
- Move completed after recheck (if 'move on label path change' set in prefs)
- Various fixes
- Add auto move completed when label path changes (Requires Move Tools)
- Minor fixes
- Add label field to add torrent dialog
- Fix caching bug in torrent add/remove handlers
- Add client-side caching
- Add preference to toggle between short/full label names