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File metadata and controls

495 lines (364 loc) · 14.1 KB


type Parser

export type Parser<O={}, I=O> =
  | Params<O, I>  // { _params: Record<string, Adapter<any>> }
  | Segment<O, I> // { _key: string, _adapter: Adapter<any> }
  | Embed<O, I>   // { _key: string, _parser: Parser<unknown> }
  | OneOf<O, I>   // { _tags: Record<string, Parser<unknown>>, _prefixTrie?: PrefixTrie }
  | Path<O, I>    // { _segments: string[] }
  | Extra<O, I>   // { _payload: object }
  | Custom<O, I>  // { _parse(s: ParserState): Array<[O, ParserState]>, _print(a: I): UrlChunks }
  | Merge<O, I>   // { _first: Parser<object>, _second: Parser<object> }

Parser defines rules for matching urls to some intermediate structure of type O (O for output). All parsers are invertible, i.e. you can get back original url from an I using method print. I (for input) is usually the same type as O, but some fields could be optional

type Route = 
  | { tag: 'Home' }
  | { tag: 'Blog', category: 'art'|'science', page: number }
  | { tag: 'Contacts' }

const parser = r.oneOf(
  r.tag('Blog').path('/blog').segment('category', r.literals('art', 'science')).params({ page: r.nat.withDefault(1) }),

console.log(parser.parse('/blog/art')); // => { tag: 'Blog', category: 'art', page: 1 }
console.log(parser.parse('/blog/unknown')); // => null
console.log(parser.print({ tag: 'Blog', category: 'science', page: 3 })); // => "/blog/science?page=3"
console.log(parser.print({ tag: 'Home' })); // => ""


parse(url: string): O;

Try to match given string to an O


print(route: I): string;

Inverse of parse. Convert result of parsing back into url.


parseAll(url: string): O[];

Similar to parse, but returns all intermediate routes

const parser = r.oneOf(
  r.tag('Item').path('/shop/item').segment('id', r.nestring),
// => [{ tag: 'Item', id: '42' }, { tag: 'Shop' }, { tag: 'Home' }]


path(path: string): Merge<O, I>;

Add path segments to parser

const parser = t.tag('Contacts').path('/my/contacts/');
console.log(parser.print({ tag: 'Contacts' })); // => "my/contacts"


segment<K extends string, A extends Adapter<any, { nonEmpty: true; }>>(key: K, adapter: A): Parser<O & { [K_ in K]: A["_A"]; }, I & { [K in keyof { [K_ in K]: A; }]: { [K_ in K]: A; }[K] extends Adapter<infer A, { hasDefault: any; }> ? { [K_ in K]?: A; } : { [K_ in K]: A; }[K] extends Adapter<infer A, any> ? { [K_ in K]: A; } : never; }[K]>;

Check one path segment with adapter and store the result in the given field

const parser = r.path('/shop').segment('category', r.nestring).segment('page', r.nat);
console.log(parser.parse('/category/art/10')); // => { category: "art", page: 10 }
console.log(parser.parse('/category/art')); // => null
console.log(parser.print({ category: 'music', page: 1 })); // => "category/music/1"


params<R extends Record<string, Adapter<any, {}>>>(params: R): Parser<O & OutParams<R>, I & { [K in keyof R]: R[K] extends Adapter<infer A, { hasDefault: any; }> ? { [K_ in K]?: A; } : R[K] extends Adapter<infer A, any> ? { [K_ in K]: A; } : never; }[keyof R]>;

Add query parameters

const parser = r.path('/shop/items').params({ offset: r.nat.withDefault(0), limit: r.nat.withDefault(20), search: r.string.withDefault('') });
console.log(parser.parse('/shop/items')); // => { offset: 0, limit: 20, search: "" }
console.log(parser.print({ offset: 20, limit: 20, search: "bana" })); // => "shop/items?offset=20&search=bana"


merge<That extends Parser<any, any>>(that: That): Merge<O & That["_O"], I & That["_I"]>;

Join two parsers together. Underlying types will be combined through intersection. That is, the fields will be merged

const blog = r.path('/blog').params({ page: r.nat.withDefault(1) });
const parser = r.tag('Blog').path('/website').concat(blog);
console.log(parser.parse('/website/blog')); // => { tag: "Blog", page: 1 }
console.log(parser.print({ tag: "Blog", page: 10 })); // => "website/blog?page=10"


embed<K extends string, That extends Parser<any, any>>(key: K, that: That): Merge<O & { [k in K]: That["_O"]; }, I & { [k in K]: That["_I"]; }>;

Join two parsers together. Result of the second parser will be stored in the field key

const blog = r.path('/blog').params({ page: r.nat.withDefault(1) });
const parser = r.tag('Blog').path('/website').concat(blog);
console.log(parser.parse('/website/blog')); // => { tag: "Blog", page: 1 }
console.log(parser.print({ tag: "Blog", page: 10 })); // => "website/blog?page=10"


extra<E extends {}>(payload: E): Merge<O & E, I>;

Add some extra fields to the output. These fields are not required in input, i.e. in Parser.prototype.print. This is convenient way to store related information and keep configuration in one place.

const parser = r.oneOf(
  r.tag('Shop').path('/shop').extra({ component: require('./Shop') }),
  r.tag('Blog').path('/blog').extra({ component: require('./Blog') }),
  r.tag('Contacts').path('/contacts').extra({ component: require('./Contacts') }),
console.log(parser.parse('/contacts')); // => { tag: "Contacts", component: Shop { ... } }
console.log(parser.print({ tag: "Contacts" })); // => "contacts"


toOutput(input: I): O;

Add additional fields to I


function tag<T extends string>(tag: T): Parser<{ tag: T; }, { tag: T; }>;

Provide parser with a unique key in order to use it in oneOf


function custom<O, I = O>(parse: (s: ParserState) => [O, ParserState][], print: (a: I) => [string[], Record<string, string>]): Custom<O, I>;

Construct a custom parser


function oneOf<P extends Parser<{ tag: string; }, { tag: string; }>[]>(...args: P): OneOf<P[number]["_O"], P[number]["_I"]>;
function oneOf<P extends Parser<{ tag: string; }, { tag: string; }>[]>(array: P): OneOf<P[number]["_O"], P[number]["_I"]>;

Combine multiple alternative parsers. All parsers should be provided with a tag

const parser = r.oneOf([
console.log(parser.parse('/first')); // => { tag: "First" }
console.log(parser.parse('/second')); // => { tag: "Second" }
console.log(parser.print({ tag: 'Third' })); // => "third"

type UrlChunks

export type UrlChunks = [string[], Record<string, string>];

Deconstructed url. The first element of the tuple is the list of path segments and the second is query string dictionary. This type is used as the result type of doPrint


type Adapter

export type Adapter<A, F={}> =
  | CustomAdapter<A, F>  // { _apply: (s: string) => Option<A>, _unapply: (a: A) => string }
  | DefaultAdapter<A, F> // { _adapter: Adapter<A, any>, _default: A }
  | NamedAdapter<A, F>   // { _adapter: Adapter<A, any>, _name: string }
  | DimapAdapter<A, F>   // { _map: (x: B) => A, _comap: (x: A) => B, _adapter: Adapter<B, F> }
  | HasAdapter<A, F>     // { toAdapter(): Adapter<A, F> }

Partial isomorphism between string and A. Parameter F contains type-level flags for distinguishing different kinds of adapters. An adapter can be thought of as just a pair of functions like in this simplified definition

type Adapter<A> = {
  apply(s: string): Option<A>;
  unapply(a: A): string;


apply(s: string): Option<A>;

Try to match a string to a value of type A


unapply(a: A): string;

Inverse of apply. Serialize an A back into a string


applyOption(s: Option<string>): Option<A>;

Similar to apply but also handles lack of the input (when the key doesn't exist in query parameters)


unapplyOption(a: A): Option<string>;

Inverse of applyOption


withName(name: string): NamedAdapter<A, F>;

Provide different parameter name

const parser = r.path('/home').params({ snakeCase: r.nat.withName('snake_case') });
console.log(parser.print({ snakeCase: 42 }));  // => "home?snake_case=42"


withDefault<B>(_default: B): DefaultAdapter<A | B, F & { hasDefault: true; }>;

Provide default value. This value will be used when the key doesn't exist in the query parameters

const parser = r.path('shop/items').params({ search: r.string.withDefault(''), page: r.nat.withDefault(1) });
console.log(parser.parse('/shop/items')); // => { search: "", page: 1 }
console.log(parser.print({ search: 'apples', page: 2 })); // => "shop/items?search=apples&page=2"
console.log(parser.print({ search: '', page: 1 })); // => "shop/items"


dimap<B>(map: (a: A) => B, comap: (b: B) => A): DimapAdapter<B, F, A>;

Change type variable inside Adapter, similar to, but requires two functions

const litAdapter = r.literals('one', 'two', 'three');
const choiceAdapter = litAdapter.dimap(
  n => ['one', 'two', 'three'].indexOf(n) + 1,
  n => ['one', 'two', 'three'][n - 1] as any,
const parser = r.path('/quiz').params({ choice: choiceAdapter });
console.log(parser.parse('/quiz?choice=three')); // => { choice: 3 }
console.log(parser.print({ choice: 1 })); // => "quiz?choice=one"


function array<A>(adapter: Adapter<A, any>): CustomAdapter<A[], {}>;

Comma-separated list

const statusAdapter = r.literals('pending', 'scheduled', 'done');
const parser = r.path('/todos').params({ statuses: r.array(statusAdapter) });
type Route = typeof parser['_O']; // { statuses: Array<'pending'|'scheduled'|'done'> }
console.log(parser.print({ statuses: ['pending', 'scheduled'] })); // => "todos?statuses=pending,scheduled"


function literals<A extends string[]>(...a: A): Adapter<A, {}>;
function literals<array extends Expr[]>(array: array): Adapter<array[number], {}>;

Union of string literals

const fruitAdapter = r.literals('apple', 'orange', 'banana');
const parser = r.path('/fruits').segment('fruit', fruitAdapter);
type Route = typeof parser['_O']; // { fruit: 'apple'|'orange'|'banana' }
console.log(parser.print({ fruit: 'apple' })); // => "fruits/apple"
console.log(parser.parse('fruits/apple')); // => { fruit: "apple" }
console.log(parser.parse('fruits/potato')); // => null


function of<A extends Expr>(a: A): CustomAdapter<A, {}>;

Create adapter that always succeeds with the given value


function custom<A>(apply: (s: string) => Option<A>, unapply: (a: A) => string): CustomAdapter<A, {}>;

Constructor for CustomAdapter


map<B>(proj: (a: A) => B): Option<B>;

Apply function f to the underlying value


chain<B>(f: (a: A) => Option<B>): Option<B>;

Extract value from this then apply f to the result


fold<B extends Expr, C extends Expr>(fromNone: B, fromSome: (x: A) => C): B | C;

Unwrap underlying value


withDefault<B extends Expr>(fromNone: B): A | B;

Unwrap value by providing result for None case


or<B>(that: Option<B>): Option<A | B>;

Similar to || operation with nullable types

class None

Class which instances represent absence of value, similar to null and undefined

class Some

Contains one single value


function traverse<A, B>(xs: A[], f: (a: A) => Option<B>): Option<B[]>;

Apply f to each element of xs and collect the results

const safeDiv = (a: number, b: number) => b === 0 ? none : some(a / b);
const divisors1 = [1, 2, 3, 4];
const divisors2 = [0, 1, 2, 3];
console.log(traverse(divisors1, b => safeDiv(10, b))); // => Some { value: [...] }
console.log(traverse(divisors2, b => safeDiv(10, b))); // => None { }