This dataset contains emergency declarations and mitigation policies for each US state starting on January 20, 2020. The data are aggregated by the Policy Surveillance Program at the Temple University Center for Public Health Law Research, and are published and maintained at
For more information about each field see the LawAtlas Project dataset page and the corresponding codebook.
This table can be found at the following URL:
Name | Type | Description | Example |
date | string |
ISO 8601 date (YYYY-MM-DD) of the datapoint | 2020-03-30 |
key | string |
Unique string identifying the region | US_CA |
lawatlas_mitigation_policy | integer [0-1] |
Has the state instituted legal action aimed at mitigating the spread of COVID-19? | 0 |
lawatlas_state_emergency | integer [0-1] |
Is there an emergency declaration in effect in the state? | 0 |
lawatlas_emerg_statewide | integer [0-1] |
Does the emergency declaration apply statewide? | 0 |
lawatlas_travel_requirement | integer [0-1] |
Is there a restriction on travelers? | 0 |
lawatlas_traveler_type_all_people_entering_the_state | integer [0-1] |
What types of travelers are restricted? | 0 |
lawatlas_traveler_type_travelers_from_specified_states | integer [0-1] |
What types of travelers are restricted? | 0 |
lawatlas_traveler_type_travelers_from_specified_countries | integer [0-1] |
What types of travelers are restricted? | 0 |
lawatlas_traveler_type_general_international_travelers | integer [0-1] |
What types of travelers are restricted? | 0 |
lawatlas_traveler_type_all_air_travelers | integer [0-1] |
What types of travelers are restricted? | 0 |
lawatlas_requirement_type_traveler_must_self_quarantine | integer [0-1] |
What does the traveler restriction mandate? | 0 |
lawatlas_requirement_type_traveler_must_inform_others_of_travel | integer [0-1] |
What does the traveler restriction mandate? | 0 |
lawatlas_requirement_type_checkpoints_must_be_established | integer [0-1] |
What does the traveler restriction mandate? | 0 |
lawatlas_requirement_type_travel_requirement_must_be_posted | integer [0-1] |
What does the traveler restriction mandate? | 0 |
lawatlas_travel_statewide | integer [0-1] |
Does the restriction apply statewide? | 0 |
lawatlas_home_requirement | integer [0-1] |
Is there a requirement that residents stay home? | 0 |
lawatlas_home_except_engaging_in_essential_business_activities | integer [0-1] |
What are the exceptions to the stay-at-home requirement? | 0 |
lawatlas_home_except_obtaining_necessary_supplies | integer [0-1] |
What are the exceptions to the stay-at-home requirement? | 0 |
lawatlas_home_except_accessing_emergency_services | integer [0-1] |
What are the exceptions to the stay-at-home requirement? | 0 |
lawatlas_home_except_caring_for_a_person_outside_the_home | integer [0-1] |
What are the exceptions to the stay-at-home requirement? | 0 |
lawatlas_home_except_caring_for_a_pet_outside_the_home | integer [0-1] |
What are the exceptions to the stay-at-home requirement? | 0 |
lawatlas_home_except_engaging_in_outdoor_activities | integer [0-1] |
What are the exceptions to the stay-at-home requirement? | 0 |
lawatlas_home_except_attending_religious_services | integer [0-1] |
What are the exceptions to the stay-at-home requirement? | 0 |
lawatlas_home_except_engaging_in_essential_health_care_services | integer [0-1] |
What are the exceptions to the stay-at-home requirement? | 0 |
lawatlas_home_statewide | integer [0-1] |
Does the requirement apply statewide? | 0 |
lawatlas_curfew_reg | integer [0-1] |
Is there a required curfew? | 0 |
lawatlas_mask_requirement | integer [0-1] |
Is there a requirement that residents use masks? | 0 |
lawatlas_mask_statewide | integer [0-1] |
Does the requirement apply statewide? | 0 |
lawatlas_business_close | integer [0-1] |
Is there a requirement that businesses close? | 0 |
lawatlas_business_type_all_non_essential_businesses | integer [0-1] |
What types of businesses are required to close? | 0 |
lawatlas_business_type_non_essential_retail_businesses | integer [0-1] |
What types of businesses are required to close? | 0 |
lawatlas_business_type_entertainment_businesses | integer [0-1] |
What types of businesses are required to close? | 0 |
lawatlas_business_type_personal_service_businesses | integer [0-1] |
What types of businesses are required to close? | 0 |
lawatlas_business_type_restaurants | integer [0-1] |
What types of businesses are required to close? | 0 |
lawatlas_business_type_bars | integer [0-1] |
What types of businesses are required to close? | 0 |
lawatlas_business_type_fitness_centers | integer [0-1] |
What types of businesses are required to close? | 0 |
lawatlas_essential_def_appliance_stores | integer [0-1] |
What is considered an essential retail business? | 0 |
lawatlas_essential_def_convenience_stores | integer [0-1] |
What is considered an essential retail business? | 0 |
lawatlas_essential_def_gas_stations | integer [0-1] |
What is considered an essential retail business? | 0 |
lawatlas_essential_def_grocery_stores | integer [0-1] |
What is considered an essential retail business? | 0 |
lawatlas_essential_def_gun_stores | integer [0-1] |
What is considered an essential retail business? | 0 |
lawatlas_essential_def_hardware_stores | integer [0-1] |
What is considered an essential retail business? | 0 |
lawatlas_essential_def_liquor_stores | integer [0-1] |
What is considered an essential retail business? | 0 |
lawatlas_essential_def_pharmacies | integer [0-1] |
What is considered an essential retail business? | 0 |
lawatlas_essential_def_marijuana_dispensaries | integer [0-1] |
What is considered an essential retail business? | 0 |
lawatlas_essential_def_pet_stores | integer [0-1] |
What is considered an essential retail business? | 0 |
lawatlas_essential_def_type_of_essential_retail_business_is_not_specified | integer [0-1] |
What is considered an essential retail business? | 0 |
lawatlas_essential_def_no_restriction_on_retail_businesses | integer [0-1] |
What is considered an essential retail business? | 0 |
lawatlas_business_statewide | integer [0-1] |
Does the requirement apply statewide? | 0 |
lawatlas_rest_restrict | integer [0-1] |
Is there a restriction on restaurant operations? | 0 |
lawatlas_service_type_takeout | integer [0-1] |
What type of service is allowed? | 0 |
lawatlas_service_type_delivery | integer [0-1] |
What type of service is allowed? | 0 |
lawatlas_service_type_limited_on_site_service | integer [0-1] |
What type of service is allowed? | 0 |
lawatlas_rest_statewide | integer [0-1] |
Does the requirement apply statewide? | 0 |
lawatlas_schools_requirement | integer [0-1] |
Is there a requirement that schools close? | 0 |
lawatlas_schools_type_private_elementary_schools | integer [0-1] |
What type of schools are required to close? | 0 |
lawatlas_schools_type_private_secondary_schools | integer [0-1] |
What type of schools are required to close? | 0 |
lawatlas_schools_type_public_elementary_schools | integer [0-1] |
What type of schools are required to close? | 0 |
lawatlas_schools_type_public_secondary_schools | integer [0-1] |
What type of schools are required to close? | 0 |
lawatlas_schools_type_colleges_and_universities | integer [0-1] |
What type of schools are required to close? | 0 |
lawatlas_schools_type_technical_schools | integer [0-1] |
What type of schools are required to close? | 0 |
lawatlas_schools_type_type_of_school_not_specified | integer [0-1] |
What type of schools are required to close? | 0 |
lawatlas_schools_statewide | integer [0-1] |
Does the requirement apply statewide? | 0 |
lawatlas_gathering_ban | integer [0-1] |
Is there a ban on gatherings? | 0 |
lawatlas_gathering_type | integer [0-17] |
What size gatherings are banned? See codebook for more information. | 0 |
lawatlas_gathering_statewide | integer [0-1] |
Does the requirement apply statewide? | 0 |
lawatlas_med_restrict | integer [0-1] |
Is there a restriction on medical procedures? | 0 |
lawatlas_med_except_delay_would_threaten_patients_health | integer [0-1] |
What procedures are allowed under the restriction? | 0 |
lawatlas_med_except_delay_would_threaten_patients_life | integer [0-1] |
What procedures are allowed under the restriction? | 0 |
lawatlas_med_except_procedure_needed_to_treat_emergency | integer [0-1] |
What procedures are allowed under the restriction? | 0 |
lawatlas_med_except_procedure_does_not_deplete_hospital_capacity | integer [0-1] |
What procedures are allowed under the restriction? | 0 |
lawatlas_med_except_procedure_does_not_deplete_personal_protective_equipment | integer [0-1] |
What procedures are allowed under the restriction? | 0 |
lawatlas_med_except_family_planning_services | integer [0-1] |
What procedures are allowed under the restriction? | 0 |
lawatlas_med_except_no_exception_specified | integer [0-1] |
What procedures are allowed under the restriction? | 0 |
lawatlas_abortion_essential_new | integer [0-1] |
Are abortion services permitted under the restriction? | 0 |
lawatlas_med_statewide | integer [0-1] |
Does the requirement apply statewide? | 0 |
lawatlas_correct_requirement | integer [0-1] |
Is there a requirement regarding the operations of correctional facilities? | 0 |
lawatlas_correct_facility_all_state_facilities | integer [0-1] |
To what type of facility does the requirement apply? | 0 |
lawatlas_correct_facility_all_department_of_corrections_facilities | integer [0-1] |
To what type of facility does the requirement apply? | 0 |
lawatlas_correct_facility_all_county_jails | integer [0-1] |
To what type of facility does the requirement apply? | 0 |
lawatlas_correct_facility_juvenile_detention_centers | integer [0-1] |
To what type of facility does the requirement apply? | 0 |
lawatlas_correct_type_intakes_suspended | integer [0-1] |
What type of requirement exists? | 0 |
lawatlas_correct_type_duty_to_receive_prisoners_suspended | integer [0-1] |
What type of requirement exists? | 0 |
lawatlas_correct_type_transfers_to_custody_suspended | integer [0-1] |
What type of requirement exists? | 0 |
lawatlas_correct_type_release_of_inmates | integer [0-1] |
What type of requirement exists? | 0 |
lawatlas_correct_type_rules_regarding_inmate_release_suspended | integer [0-1] |
What type of requirement exists? | 0 |
lawatlas_correct_type_release_notice_suspended | integer [0-1] |
What type of requirement exists? | 0 |
lawatlas_correct_type_cease_in_person_parole_hearings | integer [0-1] |
What type of requirement exists? | 0 |
lawatlas_correct_type_develop_process_for_virtual_parole_hearings | integer [0-1] |
What type of requirement exists? | 0 |
lawatlas_correct_type_visitation_suspended | integer [0-1] |
What type of requirement exists? | 0 |
lawatlas_correct_statewide | integer [0-1] |
Does the requirement apply statewide? | 0 |
lawatlas_state_preempt | integer [0-1] |
Does the state explicitly preempt local regulation of social distancing? | 0 |
lawatlas_action_preempt_imposing_additional_social_distancing_limitations_on_essential_business | integer [0-1] |
What local measures are preempted by state action? | 0 |
lawatlas_action_preempt_imposing_additional_restrictions_on_public_spaces | integer [0-1] |
What local measures are preempted by state action? | 0 |
lawatlas_action_preempt_restricting_scope_of_services_of_an_essential_business | integer [0-1] |
What local measures are preempted by state action? | 0 |
lawatlas_action_preempt_expanding_the_definition_of_non-essential_business | integer [0-1] |
What local measures are preempted by state action? | 0 |
lawatlas_action_preempt_restricting_the_hours_of_operation_of_an_essential_business | integer [0-1] |
What local measures are preempted by state action? | 0 |
lawatlas_action_preempt_imposing_restrictions_that_conflict_with_state_order | integer [0-1] |
What local measures are preempted by state action? | 0 |
lawatlas_action_preempt_restricting_the_performance_of_an_essential_function | integer [0-1] |
What local measures are preempted by state action? | 0 |
lawatlas_action_preempt_restricting_people_from_leaving_home | integer [0-1] |
What local measures are preempted by state action? | 0 |
lawatlas_action_preempt_restricting_the_operations_of_schools | integer [0-1] |
What local measures are preempted by state action? | 0 |
lawatlas_action_preempt_imposing_gathering_bans | integer [0-1] |
What local measures are preempted by state action? | 0 |
lawatlas_local_allow | integer [0-1] |
Does the state explicitly allow local authorities to impose additional requirements? | 0 |