All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Loading error because of incorrect path in a require_relative. @petervandoros
- Rubocop linting. @petergoldstein
- Specs for reading data off the socket, to ensure that code functions as expected. @petergoldstein
- This @petergoldstein
- Support for Google Cloud MemoryStore. @petergoldstein
- Parsing error when retrieving the version. Version string is now parsed correctly. @petergoldstein
- Library would error when the engine version was non-numeric or included additional data. Now treats such situations as a "modern" engine version. @petergoldstein
- BREAKING: engine_version is now returned as a string rather than a Gem::Version to support potentially non-numeric versions. @petergoldstein
- Updated README to reflect deprecation of DalliStore and preferred use of MemCacheStore. @xiaoronglv
- Switched to GitHub Actions from Travis for CI. Added Ruby 2.6, 2.7, 3.0, 3.1, ruby-head, jruby-9.3, jruby-head. @petergoldstein
- Dalli::Elasticache now raises an ArgumentError if it cannot parse the config endpoint argument. @petergoldstein
- Now use default port of 11211 for configuration endpoint when not explicitly specified. @petergoldstein
- Refactored internal classes to better enable testing, shrink individual class responsibilities. @petergoldstein
- Allow underscores in hostnames.
- Support for all Rubies before 2.6 was dropped. @petergoldstein
- Node connections now use hostnames as opposed to IPs (which may change over time). @BanjoInc
- Ruby 2.2 and 2.3 was added to CI. @ktheory
- Support for Ruby 1.9.2 and 1.9.3 was dropped. @ktheory
- Added Ruby 2.0 and 2.1 to CI. @petergoldstein
- Addressed NameError on refresh. @ryo0301
- Ability to retrieve configuration version (indication of how many times the node set has changed) from endpoint. @zmillman
- Specs for existing functionality. @zmillman
- Continuous Integration using Travis CI. @zmillman
- Refresh capability for the node set. @zmillman
- Refactoring and repackaging of the endpoint classes. @zmillman
- Initial implementation for fetching node addresses from an Amazon ElastiCache endpoint. @ktheory