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File metadata and controls

203 lines (177 loc) · 7.24 KB

Database - Migrations

Spiral ships with a set of embedded commands to control your database migrations, component is build upon DBAL and support virtual databases and prefixes.

Configure Migrations (optional)

You can configure what database and table to use to store information about schema version in migrations config. Create app/config/migrations.php to alter default values:

return [
    // directory to store migration files
    'directory' => directory('application') . 'migrations/',

    // Table name to store information about migrations status (per database)
    'table'     => 'migrations',
    // When set to true no confirmation will be requested on migration run. 
    'safe'      => env('SPIRAL_ENV') == 'develop'

Migration state table can be automatically initiated using the command migrate:init.

Create a migration

We can create our migrations manually or use scaffolder module for such purposes with a set of helper options:

$ php app.php create:migration -t sample_table -f id:primary -f name:string my_migration
Declaration of 'MyMigrationMigration' has been successfully written into '20170401.160544_0_my_migration.php'.

The migration will be automatically placed into your app/migrations directory:

class MyMigrationMigration extends Migration
     * Create tables, add columns or insert data here
    public function up()
            ->addColumn('id', 'primary')
            ->addColumn('name', 'string')

     * Drop created, columns and etc here
    public function down()

Install scaffolder module first.

Working with migrations

You can run all outstanding migrations using migrate command.

$ php app.php migrate

You can now view your table using db:table command:

$ php app.php db:table sample_table
Columns of primary.sample_table:
| Column: | Database Type: | Abstract Type: | PHP Type: | Default Value: |
| id      | int (11)       | primary        | int       | ---            |
| name    | varchar (255)  | string         | string    | ---            |

Use -vv flag to get more information about generated queries:

$ php app.php migrate:replay -vv
Rolling back executed migration(s)...
[MySQLDriver] SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `information_schema`.`tables` WHERE `table_schema` = 'sample_2' AND `table_name` = 'migrations'
[MySQLDriver] SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `information_schema`.`tables` WHERE `table_schema` = 'sample_2' AND `table_name` = 'migrations'
`id`, `time_executed`
FROM `migrations`
WHERE `migration` = 'my_migration'
[MySQLDriver] Begin transaction
[MySQLDriver] SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `information_schema`.`tables` WHERE `table_schema` = 'sample_2' AND `table_name` = 'sample_table'
[MySQLDriver] SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `sample_table`
[MySQLDriver] SHOW INDEXES FROM `sample_table`
[MySQLDriver] SELECT * FROM `information_schema`.`referential_constraints` WHERE `constraint_schema` = 'sample_2' AND `table_name` = 'sample_table'
[MySQLDriver] SHOW INDEXES FROM `sample_table`
[MySQLDriver] SHOW TABLE STATUS WHERE `Name` = 'sample_table'
[MySQLDriver] DROP TABLE `sample_table`
[MySQLDriver] Commit transaction
[MySQLDriver] DELETE FROM `migrations`
WHERE `migration` = 'my_migration'
`id`, `time_executed`
FROM `migrations`
WHERE `migration` = 'my_migration'
Migration my_migration was successfully rolled back.

Executing outstanding migration(s)...
[MySQLDriver] SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `information_schema`.`tables` WHERE `table_schema` = 'sample_2' AND `table_name` = 'migrations'
[MySQLDriver] SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `information_schema`.`tables` WHERE `table_schema` = 'sample_2' AND `table_name` = 'migrations'
`id`, `time_executed`
FROM `migrations`
WHERE `migration` = 'my_migration'
[MySQLDriver] Begin transaction
[MySQLDriver] SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `information_schema`.`tables` WHERE `table_schema` = 'sample_2' AND `table_name` = 'sample_table'
[MySQLDriver] CREATE TABLE `sample_table` (
    `id` int (11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
    `name` varchar (255) NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
[MySQLDriver] Commit transaction
[MySQLDriver] INSERT INTO `migrations` (`migration`, `time_executed`)
VALUES ('my_migration', '2017-04-01 16:12:21')
[MySQLDriver] Given insert ID: 2
`id`, `time_executed`
FROM `migrations`
WHERE `migration` = 'my_migration'
Migration my_migration was successfully executed.

Enable DEBUG mode first.

Run command migrate:rollback and migrate:replay to rollback your migrations.

Update existed schema

Create migrations to alter existed table schema:

class NewFieldMigration extends Migration
    public function up()
            ->addColumn('field', 'float')
    public function down()
$ php app.php migrate -vv
[MySQLDriver] SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `information_schema`.`tables` WHERE `table_schema` = 'sample_2' AND `table_name` = 'migrations'
[MySQLDriver] SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `information_schema`.`tables` WHERE `table_schema` = 'sample_2' AND `table_name` = 'migrations'
`id`, `time_executed`
FROM `migrations`
WHERE `migration` = 'my_migration'
`id`, `time_executed`
FROM `migrations`
WHERE `migration` = 'new_field'
[MySQLDriver] Begin transaction
[MySQLDriver] SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `information_schema`.`tables` WHERE `table_schema` = 'sample_2' AND `table_name` = 'sample_table'
[MySQLDriver] SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `sample_table`
[MySQLDriver] SHOW INDEXES FROM `sample_table`
[MySQLDriver] SELECT * FROM `information_schema`.`referential_constraints` WHERE `constraint_schema` = 'sample_2' AND `table_name` = 'sample_table'
[MySQLDriver] SHOW INDEXES FROM `sample_table`
[MySQLDriver] SHOW TABLE STATUS WHERE `Name` = 'sample_table'
[MySQLDriver] ALTER TABLE `sample_table` ADD COLUMN `field` float NOT NULL
[MySQLDriver] Commit transaction
[MySQLDriver] INSERT INTO `migrations` (`migration`, `time_executed`)
VALUES ('new_field', '2017-04-01 16:23:36')
[MySQLDriver] Given insert ID: 4
`id`, `time_executed`
FROM `migrations`
WHERE `migration` = 'new_field'
Migration new_field was successfully executed.
[MySQLDriver] SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `information_schema`.`tables` WHERE `table_schema` = 'sample_2' AND `table_name` = 'migrations'
`id`, `time_executed`
FROM `migrations`
WHERE `migration` = 'my_migration'
`id`, `time_executed`
FROM `migrations`
WHERE `migration` = 'new_field'

Compatibility with DBAL

All migration methods are based on DBAL functions, feel free to use same abstract types as in direct schema declarations.

Note that ORM component can create migrations automatically.