Raycity is an openworld MMO Racing Game set in Seoul developed by J2M Soft and published by Neowiz
This project is not related to private servers currently operated for commercial purposes
inform you that this is created by an individual for the purpose of simple study and research
- The Raycity server is optimized for SEA 590 (Release date : 2011-07-29)
- Running higher clients requires internal packet modification of the server
- The current database and server have not fully recovered and are incomplete
Microsoft Sql Server install
Sql Server Configuration Manager -> SQL Native Client 11.0 -> Client protocol Change all to Enabled
CenterServer - config.xml info_server.xml
GameServer , Agent - config.xml
enter your IP
To connect the DB to the center server you must enter the server address, ID, password in config.xml
Tools -> Daily Tools -> thunterhk.exe -> Client -> 0m decrypt -> Raycity.0m Select
Modify the server IP and port through HxD
Change the Port from 2180 to 2080
thunterhk.exe -> Client -> 0m encrypt
Legend System
New Town (Dark City) Traffic Cars
Saha Tunnel Village Portal opened in Dogok-dong Village
LuckySpot Lucky Rain
Take A Rest and Korean Grade
Beginner Help manual
File recovery system (Fileinfo.0m Features that only existed on Korea server)
UsepassPatcher (Available in all versions)
Skill use information loads properly
profile creation system Fixed Now it works fine.
Field NPC missions operate normally
The Jamsil portal in the COEX Town has been modified to work for the client
Quest NPC illustration load normally / The NPC dialogue script is displayed
Guild System and Zone Battle
Korea Game Forced Shutdown System
Field Environment Event / Xtreme Night
Under Neon / Emblem / TPart / Saver
Crash Time
Web Loading Image
Upload Image
Changed the field racing fence to blue (Fence that was only patched on the Korean live server)
Added a dummy racing track (A track that has been removed from the official server has also been added)
Load UI.2 and item mode
Rejoin Button
As of December 19, 2021, Korean-related files have been released
The in-game stringbag has about 2000 rows written
Almost all sets in the set list have been translated into Korean
All translations of the arealist have been completed
Some of the items on the itemlist have been translated into Korean
Thank you for being with me, Naro and Reverse
After changing the GlobalAccount -> RC_Account -> AccountState value to 126 Change the admin IP in the AdminIPList to activate the admin console
help - You can check some commands
pcbang - Activate the PCRoom(ICafe) buff
legendpoint - You can earn Legend Point
loadcar - Loads the currently worn car (ex. Xtreme , LE Race)
misson - Clear the Field NPC mission with grades that match the value (1-Poor 2-Normal 3-Good 4-Great 5-Exellent)
race track - The field racing track is changed to match the value (See RaceAgent -> Track.xml for detailed values)
race finish - finish the race immediately
wcolor R G B - You can change the color of the weather by entering a command to match the RGB values.
run start - Ignore the count and start the extreme race
run stop - You can end an extreme race that is currently in progress
Itemlist - You can search for items registered in the database (ex. itemlist Theta Engine 2.9 Normal)
move - You can move to a reset position near the coordinates you entered. (Go to the entered coordinates when used in field racing)
pos - It tells you the coordinates of where you are
goto - Field move command (kr d1 n1 g1 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 tutorial r1 l1 l2 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5)
freecam - Camera Free view
car - Registering a vehicle value creates a CheatCar.
loadracecar - Change to LE mode car. (ex. loadracecar gabriel)
item - You can create an item by entering the item value.
setitem - Enter a setitem value to create a setitem
rain - Add GameMoney
rp - Add RacePoint
inventory - You can check the items you have in the inventory window
movplay - Automated driving without destination (Value : 0 stop 1 start)
loadenv - Change the weather (sunset, day, sunrise, night, night_kr, night_d1)
headlight - Turns the headlights on and off
signborad - Turn the signboard light on and off
Other commands can be found through analysis
This xml file is a file that activates the Private Command contained in Raycity.exe
- usePerfHud is short for Performance Heads Up DisPlay
- If you enableDevInfo The developer-only console is activated & UsepassPatcher will work by default.
- When using dataPackOff you can run the game with the data unpacked through the DataRaw folder.
- passLoading is activated the video intro and loading at the beginning of the game are bypassed
- iamshuruk acts as an activation key for some commands
- iamqa provides private functions used by the QA team (For example you can gain access to the internal QA server)
- bypassMode omits the ID input/channel entry process
- RawFolder is a command related to the DataRaw folder
usePerfHud carRenderLod2 dataPackOff bypassMode enable loginId channel iamqa iamshuruk pw 1122qq passLoading enableDevInfo cameraRot autoRUN rawFolder
저는 과거 이 2011 SG 다크시티 서버팩에선 데이터서브와 통신은 뉴스와 베스트 스크린샷 + etc의 일부 기능만 제대로 작동하는 줄 알았습니다.
하지만 그게 아니라 그 서버는 멀쩡한 서버였고 기타 통신까지 전부 가능한 공식 서버팩이 맞았습니다.
중요한 요점은 데이터서브에 있는 data00~21.0m 이 파일인데
이 파일은 특정 지정된 테이블의 수정이나 새로운 열이 추가가 된되면 그걸 받아와서 저장을 합니다.
이걸 본섭 파일로 생각을 한다면 서비스 종료 직전까지 유지된 스톡 아이템리스트 스트링백 로드파이터+@ 파일들이 있는겁니다.
항상 리버스 레이시티에 대한 의문점이 많았는데 리버스도 이 파일의 암호화를 풀어서 데이터를 얻은걸로 추측이 됩니다.
파일 암호화가 생각보다 단순해서 내가 좀 친다 생각이 드신다면 한번 시도해 보시면 좋은 결과가 있을겁니다.
Exterior2 & Jewel
Saver System
help Beginner System
Season Shop
NWPcBang ICafe
Login&LoadingStage GameGrade load
Content statements other than lists can be found through analysis