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945 lines (708 loc) · 26.3 KB

File metadata and controls

945 lines (708 loc) · 26.3 KB

VBA, maybe it could be my ancient future


  • Practice to use Enum statement

    • Declare the Enum data type and observe how values are assigned
    • Apply For loops, Select~Case statements to iterate through them
      • For loop seems adoptable only when the values are continuous and sequential
    • Can enhance readability by using Enum's element names that convey meaning rather than just plain integers when indexing arrays
  • References

  • Code and Output

    Code : Enum.bas
    Option Explicit
    Private Const SHEET_NAME As String = "ENUM"
    ' Define enumerations for days of the week
    ' Enum DaysOfWeek1
    ' Description: Enumerates the days of the week starting from Sunday.
    Private Enum DaysOfWeek1
        Sunday                              ' Sunday as the first day
    End Enum
    ' Enum DaysOfWeek2
    ' Description: Enumerates the days of the week starting from Sunday
    '             and assigns numerical values starting from 1.
    Private Enum DaysOfWeek2
        Sunday = 1                          ' Sunday assigned numerical value 1
    End Enum
    ' Enum DaysOfWeek3
    ' Description: Enumerates the days of the week and assigns custom
    '             numerical values to each day.
    Private Enum DaysOfWeek3
        Sunday = 1                          ' Sunday assigned numerical value 1
        Monday = 1                          ' Monday assigned numerical value 1
        Tuesday = 2
        Wednesday = 3
        Thursday = 5
        Friday = 8
        Saturday = 13
    End Enum
    ' Enum DaysOfWeek4
    ' Description: Enumerates the days of the week and assigns custom
    '             numerical values to each day.
    Private Enum DaysOfWeek4
        Sunday = 1
        Monday = 3
        Tuesday = 5
        Wednesday = 7
        Thursday = 6
        Friday = 4
        Saturday = 2
    End Enum
    ' Function to iterate through each day of the week in an enum
    ' TestEnumLoop
    ' Description: Iterates through each day of the week in the specified
    '              enum and prints the result to the Immediate Window.
    ' Parameters:
    '   - num: Integer indicating which enumeration to test.
    Sub TestEnumLoop(num As Integer)
        Dim outputText As String
        outputText = "TestEnumLoop(" & num & ") : "
        Select Case num
        Case 1
            Dim currentDay1 As DaysOfWeek1
            For currentDay1 = DaysOfWeek1.Sunday To DaysOfWeek1.Saturday
                outputText = outputText & currentDay1 & " "
            Next currentDay1
        Case 2
            Dim currentDay2 As DaysOfWeek2
            For currentDay2 = DaysOfWeek2.Sunday To DaysOfWeek2.Saturday
                outputText = outputText & currentDay2 & " "
            Next currentDay2
        Case 3
            Dim currentDay3 As DaysOfWeek3
            For currentDay3 = DaysOfWeek3.Sunday To DaysOfWeek3.Saturday
                outputText = outputText & currentDay3 & " "
            Next currentDay3
        Case 4
            Dim currentDay4 As DaysOfWeek4
            For currentDay4 = DaysOfWeek4.Sunday To DaysOfWeek4.Saturday
                outputText = outputText & currentDay4 & " "
            Next currentDay4
        Case 5
            Dim currentDay5 As DaysOfWeek1
            For currentDay5 = DaysOfWeek1.Sunday To DaysOfWeek1.Saturday
                Select Case currentDay5
                    Case DaysOfWeek1.Saturday, DaysOfWeek1.Sunday
                        outputText = outputText & currentDay5 & " "
                    Case Else
                        outputText = outputText & "X" & " "
                End Select
            Next currentDay5
        Case 6
            outputText = outputText & DaysOfWeek4.Sunday & " "
            outputText = outputText & DaysOfWeek4.Monday & " "
            outputText = outputText & DaysOfWeek4.Tuesday & " "
            outputText = outputText & DaysOfWeek4.Wednesday & " "
            outputText = outputText & DaysOfWeek4.Thursday & " "
            outputText = outputText & DaysOfWeek4.Friday & " "
            outputText = outputText & DaysOfWeek4.Saturday & " "
        End Select
        Debug.Print outputText
    End Sub
    ' Main function to run all TestEnumLoop functions
    ' Main
    ' Description: Clears the specified sheet and runs all TestEnumLoop
    '              functions to test different enumerations.
    Private Sub Main()
        Sheets(SHEET_NAME).Cells.Clear      ' Clear sheet before running tests
        Call TestEnumLoop(1)
        Call TestEnumLoop(2)
        Call TestEnumLoop(3)
        Call TestEnumLoop(4)
        Call TestEnumLoop(5)
        Call TestEnumLoop(6)
    End Sub
    TestEnumLoop(1) : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 
    TestEnumLoop(2) : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 
    TestEnumLoop(3) : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 
    TestEnumLoop(4) : 1 2 
    TestEnumLoop(5) : 0 X X X X X 6 
    TestEnumLoop(6) : 1 3 5 7 6 4 2 
  • Seems to be related to the failure of making a payment after the end of the Free trial usage of the ChatGPT API, although the code appears to be working properly

  • Pause the phase here as a commemoration of the failure(?) while the problem can be resolved by making a payment

  • Plan to upload to the MyBizApps repository from the next version (improvised)

    VBA × ChatGPT

    Code : ChatGPT_QA_0.bas
    Option Explicit
    Private Type CellLocationsType
        endpoint As String
        model As String
        apiKey As String
        question As String
        answerRange As Range                                    ' Not String but Range
    End Type
    Private Sub SetCellLocations(ByRef thisType As CellLocationsType)
        thisType.endpoint = Range("C2").Value
        thisType.model = Range("C3").Value
        thisType.apiKey = Range("C4").Value
        thisType.question = Range("C7").Value
        Set thisType.answerRange = Range("C8")                  ' Don't forget `set`!
    End Sub
    Private Sub ChatGPT()
        Dim CellLocations As CellLocationsType
        Dim request As Object
        Dim request_body As String
        Dim response As String
        ' Set required data
        Call SetCellLocations(CellLocations)
        ' Clear the Answer cell
        CellLocations.answerRange.Value = ""
        ' Request ChatGPT API
        Set request = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
        request.Open "POST", "" & CellLocations.endpoint, False
        request.SetRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/json"
        request.SetRequestHeader "Authorization", "Bearer " & CellLocations.apiKey
        request_body = "{" & _
            """prompt"": """ & Replace(CellLocations.question, """", "\""") & """," & _
            """model"": """ & CellLocations.model & """," & _
            """max_tokens"": 4097," & _
            """n"": 1," & _
            """stop"": [""\n""]" & _
        Debug.Print request_body
        request.Send request_body
        ' Output
        response = Replace(request.ResponseText, Chr(34), "")
        response = Replace(response, "\n", "")
        Debug.Print response
        CellLocations.answerRange.Value = response
    End Sub
    Private Sub btnRun_Click()
            Application.Calculation = xlManual
                Call ChatGPT
            Application.Calculation = xlAutomatic
    End Sub

    Free Trial Usage

  • Practices to use Erase for a static array and a dynamic array

    • Erase Static Array : just fills all the cells as 0
    • Erase Dynamic Array : completely sets it back as Type()
    Code : Erase.bas
    Option Explicit
    Private Sub Main()
        Dim T800(1 To 9)    As Integer
        Dim T1000()         As Integer
        Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, str As String
        ' 1. Static Array
        ' 1.1 Fill the array
        For i = 1 To 9
            T800(i) = i
        Next i
        ' 1.2 Print the array
        str = ""
        For i = 1 To 9
            str = str & T800(i)
        Next i
        Debug.Print str                                         ' 123456789
        ' 1.3 Erase the fixed array
        Erase T800
        ' 1.4 Print the array after erased
        str = ""
        For i = 1 To 9
            str = str & T800(i)
        Next i
        Debug.Print str                                         ' 000000000
        ' 2. Dynamic Array
        ' 2.1 Fill the array
        ReDim T1000(1 To 9)
        For i = 1 To 9
            T1000(i) = i
        Next i
        ' 2.2 Print the array
        str = ""
        For i = 1 To 9
            str = str & T1000(i)
        Next i
        Debug.Print str                                         ' 123456789
        ' 2.3 Erase the fixed array
        Erase T1000                                             ' become Integer()
        ' 2.4 Print the array after erased
    '    str = ""
    '    For i = 1 To 9
    '        str = str & T1000(i)                               ' error
    '    Next i
    '    Debug.Print LBound(T1000) & " " & UBound(T1000)        ' error
    End Sub
  • Get a file list from a folder through Folder object in VBA

  • Reference : [Microsoft Docs] VBA > Objects > Folder Object

    Get File List

    Code : File_GetFolders.bas
    Option Explicit
    Sub GetFileList()
        ' Set zero point to print
        Dim printZero As Range
        Set printZero = Range("A5")
        ' Clear area to print
        Dim usingArea As Range
        Set usingArea = Range(printZero, printZero.Offset(10000, 3))
        ' Get path
        Dim path As String
        If Range("B1").Value <> "" Then
            path = Range("B1").Value
            path = ThisWorkbook.path & Application.PathSeparator
        End If
            ' Debug.Print path
        ' Get oFile collection's informations
        Dim oFSO, oFolder, oFile
        Dim i As Integer
        Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        Set oFolder = oFSO.GetFolder(path)
            ' Debug.Print oFolder.Name
        For Each oFile In oFolder.Files                                             ' .Files property returns a Files collection consisting of all File objects
            printZero.Offset(i, 0) = oFile.Name
            printZero.Offset(i, 1) = oFile.Type
            printZero.Offset(i, 2) = oFile.Size
            printZero.Offset(i, 3) = oFile.DateCreated
            i = i + 1
        Next oFile
    End Sub
    Private Sub btnGetFileList_Click()
        Application.Calculation = xlManual
            Call GetFileList
        Application.Calculation = xlAutomatic
    End Sub
  • Read the DateCreated property from an external file through File object in VBA

  • Reference : [Microsoft Docs] VBA > Objects > File Object

    File Object

    Code : File_DateCreated.bas
    Option Explicit
    Sub ReadDateCreated()
        Dim fs, f, s
        Dim path As String
        path = ThisWorkbook.path & Application.PathSeparator & Range("B1").Value
            'Debug.Print path
        Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        Set f = fs.GetFile(path)
        s = f.DateCreated
        Range("B2").Value = s
    End Sub
    Private Sub btnReadDateCreated_Click()
        Application.Calculation = xlManual
            Call ReadDateCreated
        Application.Calculation = xlAutomatic
    End Sub
  • A technical issue raised from Idea Generator v0.20 (2022.06.03)

  • Every variable should be specified individually as its type although they are declared in a line.

  • In the below cases, the result 0 means Empty (uninitialized) and 2 does Integer from VarType().
    ※ Reference ☞ [Microsoft Docs] VBA > VarType function > Return values

    Code : DeclarePluralVariable.bas
    Option Explicit
    Private Sub StupidDeclare()
        Dim a, b As Integer
        Debug.Print VarType(a) & " " & VarType(b)
    End Sub

    0 2

    Private Sub SmartDeclare()
        Dim a As Integer, b As Integer
        Debug.Print VarType(a) & " " & VarType(b)
    End Sub

    2 2

  • Advanced from Color Scroll (2020.11.14) : succeed in making it move!

  • Use array Application.Calculation RGB(), without Select/Selection

    Color Scroll 2

    Code : ColorScroll2.bas
    Option Explicit
    'Private Declare PtrSafe Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal Milliseconds As LongPtr)   ' actually it is somewhat crazy to declare it as Private
    Sub ColorScroll2()
        Dim width, interval As Integer
        Dim base(2), rgbCol(2) As Integer                                               ' 2 means 0 to 2 (size : 3)
        width = 96
        interval = 16
        base(0) = 0
        base(1) = 127
        base(2) = 255
        Dim i, j, k As Integer
        ' shift i times
        For i = 1 To 100
            Application.Calculation = xlManual
                ' i-th drawing
                For j = 1 To width
                    ' for base(0 ~ 2)
                    For k = 0 To 2
                        If (base(k) \ 256) Mod 2 = 0 Then                               ' / : don't operate as int / int
                            rgbCol(k) = base(k) Mod 256
                            rgbCol(k) = 256 - (base(k) Mod 256)
                        End If
                        ' test
                        'Cells(2 + k, j) = rgbCol(k)
                        base(k) = base(k) + interval
                    Next k
                    Cells(1, j).Interior.Color = RGB(rgbCol(0), rgbCol(1), rgbCol(2))   ' not .ColorIndex
                Next j
            Application.Calculation = xlAutomatic
            base(0) = base(0) + interval                                                ' is it the best?
            base(1) = base(1) + interval
            base(2) = base(2) + interval
    '        Sleep (100)
        Next i
    End Sub
    Sub Reset()
    'Initialize the sheet
        Selection.ColumnWidth = 1
        Selection.RowHeight = 10
        Cells(1, 1).RowHeight = 409                                                     ' 409 : the max row height supported by Excel
    End Sub
  • Load several operation results into Public variables and call them into local Sub procedure

  • I don't think it is an enough practice but my front line now here ……

    Variable Scope

    Code : Scope.bas
    ' Module1
    Option Explicit
    Public num1, num2, res(7) As Integer
    Sub Operate()
        num1 = ActiveSheet.Range("B1")
        num2 = ActiveSheet.Range("B2")
        res(0) = num1 + num2
        res(1) = num1 - num2
        res(2) = num1 * num2
        res(3) = num1 / num2
        res(4) = num1 \ num2                                        ' no difference from '/' because of Integer / Integer
        res(5) = num1 Mod num2
        res(6) = num1 ^ num2
        res(7) = num1 >= num2                                       ' why -1 when num1 = 5, num2 = 2?
    End Sub
    ' Sheet1
    Sub ReadResults()
        Dim i As Integer
        For i = 0 To 7
            ActiveSheet.Range("B" & 3 + i) = res(i)
        Next i
    '    Range("B3:B10").Value = res                                ' why doesn't it work?
    '    Range("B3:B10").Value = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(res)   ' it works but I want to avoid WorkSheetFunction() if possible
    End Sub
  • Control Excel's formula calculation option by Application.Calculation method

  • Working with xlManual status is much faster than xlAutomatic

    VBA Formula Calc. Option = xlAutomatic

    Code : FormulaCalcOption.bas
    Option Explicit
    ' Make a sample case that contains many calculations
    Sub sampleWork()
        ' Set range
        Dim row, rowEnd, col, colEnd As Integer
        row = 1
        rowEnd = 34
        col = row
        colEnd = rowEnd
        ' Generate formula n * n times
        While row <= rowEnd
            While col <= colEnd
                If (row = rowEnd And col = colEnd) Then
                    Sheet1.Cells(row, col) = rowEnd * 3 - 3
                ElseIf (col = colEnd) Then
                    Sheet1.Cells(row, col).FormulaR1C1 = "=R[+1]C-3"    ' 삼천포 you nahm sayin
                    Sheet1.Cells(row, col).FormulaR1C1 = "=RC[+1]-3"
                End If
                col = col + 1
            col = 1
            row = row + 1
    End Sub

    VBA Formula Calc. Option = xlManual

    Code : FormulaCalcOption.bas
    ' Skip excel formula calculation temporarily
    Sub SkipFormulaCalc()
        Application.Calculation = xlManual
            Call sampleWork
        Application.Calculation = xlAutomatic
    End Sub
  • Use Open ~ For ~ As statement

  • path requires absoulte one

    Code : ReadBinaryFile.bas - Trial 1
    Option Explicit
    Sub ReadBinaryFile()
        'Call the target file's path that user entered
        Dim path As String
        path = Range("B1")
        'Check if the file exists
        Dim fileChk As Boolean                      'default : False
        If (Len(Dir(path)) > 0) Then fileChk = True
        Range("B2") = fileChk
        Dim fn As Integer                           'fn : file number
        fn = FreeFile
        Dim output As Range
        Set output = Range("B5")                    'set offset location for output
        Open path For Binary Access Read As #fn
            Dim pos, posEnd As Integer
            pos = 1
            posEnd = 10
            Dim data As Byte
            While pos <= posEnd
                Get #fn, pos, data
                output.Offset(0, pos).Value = data
                pos = pos + 1
        Close #fn
    End Sub

    data doesn't work well.

    Read Binary 1

    Read Binary - Debug

    Code : ReadBinaryFile.bas - Trial 2

    ☞ receive advice from Can't read binary file data (StackOverflow)

    Before :

    path = Range("B1")

    After :

    path = ThisWorkbook.path & Application.PathSeparator & Range("B1")

    Read Binary 2

  • Use Try ~ Catch ~ Finally statement in VBA

  • Actually VBA doesn't support it officially, but we can imitate it with label based on GoTo grammar.



    Code : TryCatchFinally.bas
    Option Explicit
    Function Divide(a As Integer, b As Integer) As Integer
    Try:                                                ' the below lines will run regardless of this
        On Error GoTo Catch
            Divide = a / b                              ' occurs en error when b = 0 or any possible cases (I can't imagine but ……)
        GoTo Finally                                    ' pass Catch: when it doesn't occur an error
        If b = 0 Then
            MsgBox "An error occurs : division by zero."
    '    Else                                           ' When b is not entered, it calls 0 as a default value.
    '        MsgBox "An error occurs."
        End If
        Exit Function                                   ' need not to run under Finally:
        MsgBox Divide                                   ' I have no any other idea to use Finally:
    End Function
  • Make a color matrix by Nested For statement

  • Want to make it flow, but it doesn't work well yet

    Color Scroll

    Code : ColorScroll.bas
    Option Explicit
    Sub ColorScroll()
        Dim StartRow As Integer, StartColumn As Integer, Width As Integer, Height As Integer
        Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer
        Dim FirstColumn As Range, LastColumn As Range
        StartRow = 1
        StartColumn = 1
        Width = 56
        Height = 56
        Range(Cells(StartRow, StartColumn), Cells(Height, Width)).Select
        Selection.RowHeight = 10
        Selection.ColumnWidth = 1
        For i = 1 To Height
            For j = 1 To Width
                Cells(i, j).Interior.ColorIndex = (i + j) Mod 56 + 1
            Next j
        Next i
    '    Differnt result from debugging mode and normal run mode(F5)
    '    For k = 1 To Width
    '        Columns(Width).Select
    '        Selection.Cut
    '        Columns(1).Select
    '        Selection.Insert Shift:=xlToRight
    '    Next k
    End Sub
    Sub Reset()
    'Initialize the sheet
        Selection.ColumnWidth = 10
        Selection.RowHeight = 15
    End Sub