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162 lines (144 loc) · 4.37 KB

File metadata and controls

162 lines (144 loc) · 4.37 KB


Clone the project

git clone

Install Postgresql

Initializing postgresql

For Linux users

Step 1: Log into the psql shell

sudo -u postgres psql

Step 2: Change your password


Step 3: Create a database


Step 4: exit using


For Windows users

Step 1: Press the Windows key and search for "psql"

Step 2: Open the shell and hit enter for every prompt you are given

Step 3: Change your password using


Step 4: Create your database


Step 5: Exit using


Installing the libraries

Open a terminal inside the bigbbe directory and enter the following command

For Ubuntu/linux users

sudo apt install virtualenv

Create a virtual environment using the command

virtualenv env

Install the libraries

source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

For Windows users

pip install -m virtualenv

Create a virtual environment and install the requirements

python -m venv env

If you get an UnauthorizedAccess error, then open PowerShell in admin mode and type the following command

set Restriction-Policy Unrestricted

and rerun the above commands and finally

pip install -r requirements.txt

Setting environment variables

For Debian/Ubuntu users

Open your bashrc file in your terminal using

nano ~/.bashrc

and add the following lines at the end

export SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URL="postgresql://postgres:password@localhost/bigbbe"
export SENDGRID_API_KEY="<your api key goes here>"
export SENDER_EMAIL="<your authorized sender email address goes here>"

and in your terminal

source ~/.bashrc

For Windows users

Step 1:Open your search bar using the Windows key and search for "Edit environment and system variables" and click on the first option

Step 2: Click on the Environment Variables button

Step 3: In the System variables tab, click on new and you will see two input boxes called Variable name and Variable value

The words on the left hand side of the = go in the Variable name box and the ones on the right hand side go in the Variable value box

SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URL = postgresql://postgres:password@localhost/bigbbe
SENDGRID_API_KEY = <your api key goes here>
SENDER_EMAIL = <your authorized sender email address goes here>

Database Initial Migrations

If you have successfully completed the database setup as mentioned above, then we can migrate our models into our database using alembic

Step 1: Initialize alembic

alembic init migrations

You should now see a folder called migrations and a file called alembic.ini

Step 2: Edit sqlalchemy.url the alembic.ini file and add the following string


You need to replace password with the password you entered changed to using \password.

Keep this string stored somewhere accessible outside the project as this string will be used to connect bigbbe to your local database

Step 3: Inside your migrations folder, open the and replace the line target.metadata=None To

import app.models as models
target.metadata = models.Base.metadata

Step 4: Migrate your models by opening your terminal inside the root directory of bigbbe and enter the commands

alembic revision --autogenerate -m "msg"
alembic upgrade head

Now the database has been setup completely.

Running the app

To run the app, first the virtual env must be activated

For windows


For Linux

source env/bin/activate

and when your env has been activated, you can run the app using the following command

uvicorn app.main:app --reload


When you make any changes to the models and want to see them reflected on your database, you can use the following commands

alembic revision --autogenerate -m "msg"
alembic upgrade head