An advanced bash script that creates an iptables and ip6tables firewall with many features to serve different situations
- Allow incoming traffic to specific ports of your choosing
- Allow/deny devices to connect to hotspot
- Rate-limit SSH to slow SSH brute-force attacks
- Route all traffic through the tor network via a transparent proxy
- Deceive inexperienced attackers by sending fake banners to port scanners to make it appear as though all your ports are open
- iptables
- ip6tables
- iptables-persistent (if using Debian-based distribution)
- NetworkManager
- figlet
- tor
- python 3
- iw
- Install all the packages listed above if you haven't already
- Make sure to add both and to your PATH.
- Add the following lines to your torrc file (located at /etc/tor/):
AutomapHostsOnResolve 1
TransPort 9040 IsolateClientAddr IsolateClientProtocol IsolateDestAddr IsolateDestPort
DNSPort 5353
NB: needs to be run as root in order for it to be able to make changes to your iptables rules