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Releases: karatelabs/karate


19 Mar 07:40
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New Features

Parallel Execution

This is a huge time-saver and significantly differentiates Karate from the competition: Parallel Execution

IDE Integration

Earlier it was not possible to 'right click and run' a *.feature file in IntelliJ or Eclipse when using the Cucumber plugin / support. This is fixed and even switching the environment by passing for e.g. -Dkarate.env=e2e from the IDE 'run configuration' - works just like you would expect.

configure headers supports JSON in addition to a JS Function

Sometimes you just want the same hard-coded headers for all requests and a function would be over-kill. The documentation has been updated for configure headers and so has the demo example.


12 Mar 07:36
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The new behavior of `karate.get' in v0.2.5 caused a regression / break in headers routine (call) handling. This was fixed and multiple unit test cases have been added to prevent this happening in the future.

If you are upgrading from v0.2.4 or earlier, there are some breaking changes, please refer to the detailed release notes:


12 Mar 02:47
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Breaking Changes

TestNG runner base class name change

KarateTest was re-named to KarateRunner to be consistent with the recommended naming conventions.



public class SmokeTest extends KarateTest {



public class SmokeRunner extends KarateRunner {

JS karate object does not support HTTP calls anymore

The karate.request() method is not available, so the below will not work any more.

var req = { url: loginUrlBase, method: 'post', body: { name: 'foo' } };
var res = karate.request(req);

This is because the ability to call other *.feature files introduced in v0.2.4 is sufficient for making (re-usable) calls. Do note that you can now make a call from JavaScript if really needed as described later.

New Features

JS karate object has a call method

The signature is, [arg]) and this works the same way that the call keyword works.

get keyword introduced

Now you can save the results of JsonPath expressions to variables:

* def cat = 
  name: 'Billie',
  kittens: [
      { id: 23, name: 'Bob' },
      { id: 42, name: 'Wild' }
* def kitnums = get cat.kittens[*].id
* match kitnums == [23, 42]
* def kitnames = get cat.kittens[*].name
* match kitnames == ['Bob', 'Wild']

JS karate object get method now supports JsonPath expressions

* def foo = { bar: [{baz: 1}, {baz: 2}, {baz: 3}]}
* def fun = function(){ return karate.get('[*].baz') }
* def res = fun()
* match res == [1, 2, 3]

table keyword introduced

This is a super-elegant and easy way to convert a Cucumber data-table into JSON.

* table cats =
    | name | age |
    | Bob  | 2   |
    | Wild | 4   |
    | Nyan | 3   |

* match cats == [{name: 'Bob', age: 2}, {name: 'Wild', age: 4}, {name: 'Nyan', age: 3}]

Calling *.feature files in a loop for dynamic data-driven testing

If the argument to a *.feature call is an array, the call will loop over the array. More details at data-driven features.

* table kittens = 
    | name     | age |
    | Bob      | 2   |
    | Wild     | 1   |
    | Nyan     | 3   |

* def result = call read('cat-create.feature') kittens


09 Mar 04:47
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*.feature files are re-usable

And can be called from other test scripts.

This is huge and pushes the underlying Cucumber-JVM framework beyond what it normally supports. There is no more need to use JavaScript for common 'set up' HTTP calls or authentication flows.

Read more at the documentation here: Calling Other *.feature Files. And the Karate Demos project has added an example for this as well.


05 Mar 15:33
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Breaking Change:

multipart post replaced with method post

multipart post has been removed and a simple method post will suffice. The steps of multipart field or multipart entity are sufficient to determine user intent, and that would drive the behavior of the next POST. So now only soap action is the odd man out (as the only other step besides method that issues the HTTP request to the server), which should be fine.

# before
And multipart field file = read('test.pdf')
When multipart post

# after
And multipart field file = read('test.pdf')
When method post

Notable Fixes:

#23 Much better reporting of match failures especially when large arrays are in the picture.
#8 A set of nice, real-life examples are available now in the karate-demo sub-folder


02 Mar 14:08
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Fixed #21 - relative file paths confused the parser into thinking it was xpath
Fixed #22 - archetype package had typo

Now conditional (equality) validation where $ refers to the JSON root is possible using embedded expressions:

Given def temperature = { celsius: 100, fahrenheit: 212 }
Then match temperature == { celsius: '#number', fahrenheit: '#($.celsius * 1.8 + 32)' }

Given def json =
  "hotels": [
    { "roomInformation": [{ "roomPrice": 618.4 }], "totalPrice": 618.4  },
    { "roomInformation": [{ "roomPrice": 679.79}], "totalPrice": 679.79 }
Then match each == { roomInformation: '#array', totalPrice: '#($.roomInformation[0].roomPrice)' }


27 Feb 14:52
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The main enhancement is the ability to refer to the root doc via $ in validation expressions and enable insane things like this:

Given def temperature = { celsius: 100, fahrenheit: 212 }
Then match temperature contains { fahrenheit: '#? _ == $.celsius * 1.8 + 32' }

Given def json =
  "hotels": [
    { "roomInformation": [{ "roomPrice": 618.4 }], "totalPrice": 618.4  },
    { "roomInformation": [{ "roomPrice": 679.79}], "totalPrice": 679.79 }
Then match each contains { totalPrice: '#? _ == $.roomInformation[0].roomPrice' }


24 Feb 13:42
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Breaking changes:

With the introduction of TestNG support, JUnit support had to be factored out into a new Maven module.

Maven artifact has changed

    <!-- before -->
    <!-- <artifactId>karate-core</artifactId> -->
    <!-- after -->

Package name change for JUnit runner

There is a change to the package name.

// before

// after

Header manipulation is now set via configure

headers is no longer a magic variable. use the configure headers syntax to set up header manipulation.

# before
* def headers = read('my-header-function.js')

# after
* configure headers = read('my-header-function.js')

How to enable SSL has changed

enabling ssl is now via the unified configure syntax

# before
* ssl enabled

# after
* configure ssl = true

New: HTTP time outs

Now http read and connection timeouts can be configured.


23 Feb 07:37
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json path traversal on arrays was broken, fixed #9
implemented match contains only


19 Feb 12:30
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set for xml chunks implemented, introduced match each for arrays, ssl catch-all cert not added by default and can be switched on with ssl enabled