diff --git a/log.md b/log.md index c7afe8f02ce..36cfb70a52a 100755 --- a/log.md +++ b/log.md @@ -1,30 +1,373 @@ # 100 Days Of Code - Log -### Day 0: February 30, 2016 (Example 1) -##### (delete me or comment me out) +### Day 0: Tuesday, 29th August -**Today's Progress**: Fixed CSS, worked on canvas functionality for the app. -**Thoughts:** I really struggled with CSS, but, overall, I feel like I am slowly getting better at it. Canvas is still new for me, but I managed to figure out some basic functionality. +**Today's Progress**: Continued Freecodecamp - build a Rothko Painting. Started the build a photo gallery task. -**Link to work:** [Calculator App](http://www.example.com) +**Thoughts:** Fairly straightforawrd step by step, learning how to use the blur function. +**Link to work:** (https://www.freecodecamp.org/fcc9e9aab25-3e37-4137-8923-c4e572ed5125) -### Day 0: February 30, 2016 (Example 2) -##### (delete me or comment me out) +### Day 1: Wednesday, 30th August -**Today's Progress**: Fixed CSS, worked on canvas functionality for the app. +**Today's Progress**: Continued to build a photo gallery in freecodecamp. Began building a nutrition label task. -**Thoughts**: I really struggled with CSS, but, overall, I feel like I am slowly getting better at it. Canvas is still new for me, but I managed to figure out some basic functionality. +**Thoughts** I'm enjoying the step by step tasks but am conscious of remembering all the commands once the scaffold is gone! -**Link(s) to work**: [Calculator App](http://www.example.com) +**Link(s) to work** +1. (https://www.freecodecamp.org/fcc9e9aab25-3e37-4137-8923-c4e572ed5125)https://www.freecodecamp.org/fcc9e9aab25-3e37-4137-8923-c4e572ed5125 + +### Day 2: Thursday, 31st August + +**Today's Progress**: Finished the nutrition label task. Started the next one - Learn accessibility by building a Quiz. + +**Thoughts** Getting trickier but that means the satisfaction of getting it right is greater! + +**Link(s) to work** +1. (https://www.freecodecamp.org/fcc9e9aab25-3e37-4137-8923-c4e572ed5125)https://www.freecodecamp.org/fcc9e9aab25-3e37-4137-8923-c4e572ed5125 + +### Day 3: Friday 1st September + +**Today's Progress**: Continued on with task - Learn accessibility by building a Quiz. + +**Thoughts** Getting the hang of the more complicated elements. + +**Link(s) to work** +1. (https://www.freecodecamp.org/fcc9e9aab25-3e37-4137-8923-c4e572ed5125)https://www.freecodecamp.org/fcc9e9aab25-3e37-4137-8923-c4e572ed5125 + +### Day 4: Saturday 2nd September + +**Today's Progress**: Completed task - Learn accessibility by building a Quiz + +**Thoughts** The last few steps regarding the flexbox and using CSS to alter the parameters were completely new and I will need to recap these. + +**Link(s) to work** +1. (https://www.freecodecamp.org/fcc9e9aab25-3e37-4137-8923-c4e572ed5125)https://www.freecodecamp.org/fcc9e9aab25-3e37-4137-8923-c4e572ed5125 + +### Day 5: Sunday 3rd September + +**Today's Progress**: Build a tribute page task. + +**Thoughts** Read through the instructions and decided to make a plan it out - no actual code written + +**Link(s) to work** +1. +### Day 6: Monday 4th September + +**Today's Progress**: Started SoC bootcamp - introduced to CSS Garden. + +**Thoughts** Spent an hour working through the tasks on the website. +**Link(s) to work** +1. https://cssgridgarden.com/ + +### Day 7: Tuesday 5th September + +**Today's Progress**: Git commands. + +**Thoughts** Learning how to use git commands. Embedding add, commit, push and pull as well as revisiting command line navigation. +**Link(s) to work** +1. Line commander game + +### Day 8: Wednesday 6th September + +**Today's Progress**: Worked through some of the challenges on learngitbranching. Found some challenges harder than others but needed to persevere! + +**Thoughts** Spent an hour working through the tasks on the website. +**Link(s) to work** +1. https://learngitbranching.js.org/ + + +### Day 9: Thursday 7th September + +**Today's Progress**: Worked through some of more challenges on learngitbranching. Got my head around git reset and git revert. Planning esccape room project in scratch. + +**Thoughts** Spent an hour working through the tasks on the website. +**Link(s) to work** +1. https://learngitbranching.js.org/ +2. https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/890848255/ + + +### Day 10: Friday 8th September + +**Today's Progress**: Completed escape room project in scratch. + +**Thoughts** Spent at least an hour creating the game. +**Link(s) to work** +1. https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/890848255/ + +### Saturday 9th September + +**Today's Progress**: No coding done - need to add day on at end. + +### Day 11: Sunday 10th September + +**Today's Progress**: Wrote the html part of the tribute page on freecodecamp. + +**Thoughts** Some tricky parts making the code pass the tests, usually due to some silly mistakes. +**Link(s) to work** +1. https://www.freecodecamp.org/fcc9e9aab25-3e37-4137-8923-c4e572ed5125 + +### Day 11: Sunday 10th September + +**Today's Progress**: Wrote the CSS part of the tribute page on freecodecamp. + +**Thoughts** I found this fairly straightforward as all the tests related to the image. +**Link(s) to work** +1. https://www.freecodecamp.org/fcc9e9aab25-3e37-4137-8923-c4e572ed5125 + +### Day 12: Monday 11th September + +**Today's Progress**: Wrote the CSS part of the tribute page on freecodecamp. + +**Thoughts** I found this fairly straightforward as all the tests related to the image. +**Link(s) to work** +1. https://www.freecodecamp.org/fcc9e9aab25-3e37-4137-8923-c4e572ed5125 + +### Day 13: Tuesday 12th September + +**Today's Progress**: Signed up to codewars and completed first task + +**Thoughts** Lots of variation in difficulty. I spent a long time stuck on one before stopping and attempting an easier one. +**Link(s) to work** +1. https://www.codewars.com/users/AndyCarey/completed + +## Day 14: Wednesday 13th September + +**Today's Progress**: Continued with codewars tasks + +**Thoughts** A little more success today but still finding that I am spending a lot of time researching methods on google. +**Link(s) to work** +1. https://www.codewars.com/users/AndyCarey/completed + +## Day 15: Thursday 14th September + +**Today's Progress**: Continued with codewars tasks + +**Thoughts** Attempted a task but really struggled to find the solution, needed to use a range of methods to try and solve and even then found it hard. +**Link(s) to work** +1. https://www.codewars.com/kata/545cedaa9943f7fe7b000048/train/javascript + +## Day 16: Friday 15th September + +**Today's Progress**: Built a rock, paper, scissors game usings prompt/alert functions. + +**Thoughts** Spent a few hours (with a team) writing the code for the game. +**Link(s) to work** +1. + +## Day 17: Saturday 16th September + +**Today's Progress**: Discovered Exercism and signed up - completed the first and second task on Javascript. + +**Thoughts** Enjoyed the user interface and pathways through the learning. +**Link(s) to work** +1. Hello, World! and Luscious Lasagna https://exercism.org/tracks/javascript + +## Day 18: Sunday 17th September + +**Today's Progress**: Completed more Exercism tasks today. + +**Thoughts** Found the Freelancer rates final challenge tricky - managed to apply what we are learning about breaking a problem down to get there in the end! +**Link(s) to work** +1. Freelancer rates - https://exercism.org/tracks/javascript + +## Day 19: Monday 18th September + +**Today's Progress**: Completed more Exercism tasks today. + +**Thoughts** More Exercism tasks today, still enjoying reinforcing concepts we learned last week on the bootcamp! Completed Poetry Club Door Policy and started Elyses Enchantments +**Link(s) to work** +1. Poetry Club Door Policy - https://exercism.org/tracks/javascript + + ## Day 20: Tuesday 19th September + +**Today's Progress**: Spent an hour on codewars. + +**Thoughts** I have noticed syntax errors are starting to be less of an issue, it is now finding the best solution to the problem that I still need to research. +**Link(s) to work** +1. https://www.codewars.com/users/AndyCarey + +## Day 21: Wednesday 20th September + +**Today's Progress**: Spent an hour on codewars. + +**Thoughts** Levelled up! Now 7 Kyu 😁 +**Link(s) to work** +1. https://www.codewars.com/users/AndyCarey + +## Day 22: Thursday 21st September + +**Today's Progress**: Completed an hour on codewars - working in a tema to solve a range of problems. + +**Thoughts** completed the refactor task - highest and lowest + +**Link(s) to work** +1. (https://www.codewars.com/kata/554b4ac871d6813a03000035) + +## Day 23: Friday 22nd September + +**Today's Progress**: Built a weather app for a fixed location. + +**Thoughts** Managed to use the fetch command and display the weather data + +**Link(s) to work** +1. https://github.com/SchoolOfCode/bc15-w3-d5-hackathon-fetch-small-numbers + +## Day 24: Saturday 23rd September + +**Today's Progress**: Completed Elyses Enchantments. + +**Thoughts** Getting more confident with navigating arrays after completing this task. + +**Link(s) to work** +1. (https://exercism.org/tracks/javascript/exercises/elyses-enchantments) + + ## Day 25: Sunday 24th September + +**Today's Progress**: Quarter of the way! + +**Thoughts** Passed another task on exercism - Vehicle Purchase. Finding I understand functions more now. + +**Link(s) to work** +1. (https://exercism.org/tracks/javascript/exercises/vehicle-purchase) + +## Day 26: Monday 25th September + +**Today's Progress**: Practiced linking an API and making the contents appear in a browser page + +**Thoughts** Not as complete as I wanted it to be, but it displays the film titles from the API. I would like to add more functionality and styling to the page. + +**Link(s) to work** +1. https://github.com/SchoolOfCode/bc15-w3-recap-task-fetch-challenge-carey-andrew + +## Day 27: Tuesday 26th September + +**Today's Progress**: Learned how to add a unique ID generator to javascript + +**Thoughts** Opened my eyes to 3rd Party packages! +**Link(s) to work** +1. Created a database of people each with a unique Id! + +## Day 28: Wednesday 27th September + +**Today's Progress**: Used ExpressJS to build a Rest API. + +**Thoughts** Need to make sure that it follows RESTful conventions, so as not to give my users a poor experience. + +**Link(s) to work** +1. Created a REST API able to store and retrieve memorable quotes. + +## Day 29: Thursday 28th September + +**Today's Progress**: Learned how to add functionality such as PUT, PATCH and DELETE + +**Thoughts** Starting to see the implications of such a database, applications can be scaled up to storing users data for almost anything! +**Link(s) to work** +1. Same database as yesterday but now with more functionality. + +## Day 30: Friday 29th September + +**Today's Progress**: Built a RESTAPI from scratch as part of this week's hack-a-thon. + +**Thoughts** We chose to model it on a corner store set-up that sells fruits or chocolate and coded the ability to GET, POST, PATCH or DELETE products, all stored in a JSON file. + +**Link(s) to work** +1. https://github.com/SchoolOfCode/bc15-w4-d5-hackathon-backend-the-northern-team + +## Day 31: Saturday 30th September + +**Today's Progress**: Completed some more codewars tasks + +**Thoughts** 31 days in wow! Getting much more confident with coding and using skills I never thought I had. + +**Link(s) to work** +1. What is between? + + ## Day 32: Sunday 1st October + +**Today's Progress**: Weekend codewars! + +**Thoughts** Getting more comfortable with 8kyu - need to try more level 7's! + +**Link(s) to work** +1. Are You Playing Banjo? + +## Day 33: Monday 2nd October + +**Today's Progress**: Completed all the tasks on the SQL tutorial learning how to JOIN, SELECT and use WHERE in SQL. + +**Thoughts** Enjoying the common sense approach to the language used to navigate and query. +**Link(s) to work** +1.https://sqlbolt.com/ +2. +## Day 34: Tuesday 3rd October + +**Today's Progress**: Solved a murder mystery using SQL queries. + +**Thoughts** Really enjoyed navigating the game and writing the queries. +**Link(s) to work** +1. https://mystery.knightlab.com/walkthrough.html + +## Day 35: Wednesday 4th October + +**Today's Progress**: Added new lines of code to Movie API to return all titles and overviews - in a cleaner way + +**Thoughts** Changes suggested by mentor made sense! + +**Link(s) to work** +1. + +## Day 36: Thursday 5th October + +**Today's Progress**: Coded the link between Elephant SqL Db and node.js + +**Thoughts** managed to write the queries for one table, still need to complete another + +**Link(s) to work** +1. (https://api.elephantsql.com/console/05c8fe98-8084-4222-a4cd-15d6ed294007/stats?) + +## Day 37: Friday 6th October + +**Today's Progress**: Built an API with a database, using SQL to query. + +**Thoughts** Very satisfied with the amount of work completed today. Functioning database with CRUD functionality. + +**Link(s) to work** +1. https://github.com/SchoolOfCode/bc15-w5-d5-hackathon-build-a-rest-api-with-postgres-basethree + +## Day 38: Saturday 7th October + +**Today's Progress**: Started a portfolio website + +**Thoughts** HTML and CSS make a lot more sense than 38 days ago! + +**Link(s) to work** +1. https://github.com/carey-andrew/developer-portfolio/tree/main + +## Day 39: Sunday 8th October + +**Today's Progress**: More work on portfolio website + +**Thoughts** About me section updated + +**Link(s) to work** +1. (https://github.com/carey-andrew/developer-portfolio/tree/main) + +## Day 40: Monday 9th October + +**Today's Progress**: Added a background picture to portfolio and learned how to overlap the features + +**Thoughts** Problem solving skills tested today in order to get the look I wanted. + +**Link(s) to work** +1. https://github.com/carey-andrew/developer-portfolio/tree/main -### Day 1: June 27, Monday +## Day 41: Tuesday 10th October -**Today's Progress**: I've gone through many exercises on FreeCodeCamp. +**Today's Progress**: Codewars - scrabble score task done! -**Thoughts** I've recently started coding, and it's a great feeling when I finally solve an algorithm challenge after a lot of attempts and hours spent. +**Thoughts** Completed twice! Once as part of a project then refactored for codewars! **Link(s) to work** -1. [Find the Longest Word in a String](https://www.freecodecamp.com/challenges/find-the-longest-word-in-a-string) -2. [Title Case a Sentence](https://www.freecodecamp.com/challenges/title-case-a-sentence) +1. diff --git a/rules.md b/rules.md index 2d6921c6517..cf79fd02bf3 100755 --- a/rules.md +++ b/rules.md @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ ### *I will code for at least an hour every day for the next 100 days.* #### Start Date -June 25th, 2016. [PUT YOUR DATE HERE] +Tuesday 29th August 2023. ## Additional Rules 1. I will tweet about my progress every day -> using the hashtag #100DaysOfCode