- Made using NextJS, Typescript, React and CSS modules
- No external libraries apart from the above
- Mobile friendly & resizable friendly
- Original and (somewhat) inventive design choices
- Custom intepretation of the windows command prompt
- An interactive mosiac built entirely in HTML & CSS
- Nifty animations
- Cool art
- A plethora of easter eggs 🥚
The portfolio itself is the project
In all seriousness, i've tried to incorporate my main projects into this portfolio. There's a few to explore, including snake and the command prompt terminal. I plan to include the rest in a list somewhere - maybe as the output of a PROJECTS command.
Although, since you are here already, feel free to check out my github for a few more cool projects : )
Please tell me! You can find my contact details through the CONTACT command in the terminal, or alternatively through hitting the email button.
I'm glad you want to hire me immediately. I guess the real question is, what do you want to hire me for??
Regardless, please notify me through the CONTACT command - I'm always ready for an opportunity!
Couldn't I just look through the project code, discover all the easter eggs and claim the grand prize for myself?
I mean you could
But maybe I want you to do that, maybe it's all a con to get you to check through my code
Doesn't feel so scandalous now does it
If I ask you question, assuming i'm the only person who asked a question, wouldn't that count as a frequently asked question and hence be qualified to be put on this section of the README?
Hey, that's a great idea! Go ahead, ask me a question
First, run the development server:
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev
Then, open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to check it out
Check out https://portfolio-jxav22.vercel.app/ for the live version of my portfolio