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GIT Cheat Sheet

By Christopher M. Judd ([email protected])


Create Respository

Initialize local repository

git init <directory>

Clone existing remote repository

git clone <repo url>

Add Files

Add file to staging area

git add <file>

Add all files to staging area

git add .


List new or modified files not committed

git status


Commit changes to staged files

git commit -m "<message>"

Add and commit changes

git commit -a -m "<message>"
git commit -am "<message>"

Checkout a previous commit

git commit <commit id>

Revert a commit

git revert <commit id>

Reset a commit

git reset <commit id>
git reset --hard <commit id>
git reset --hard origin/master


Restore/discard changes in working directory

git restore <file>

Restore/unstage changes in staging area

git restore --staged <file>


Move or Rename file

git mv <current path> <new path>

Remove a file from repo

git rm <file>

Remove file from staging

git rm --cached <file>


List local branches

git branch

List remote branches

git branch -r

List local and remote branches

git branch -a

List branches with last commit

git branch -v

Create branch

git branch <branch>

Create and switch branch

git checkout -b <branch>

Switch branch

git switch <branch>
git checkout <branch>

Delete/remove local branch

git branch -D <branch>

Delete/remove remote branch

git push origin --delete <branch>


Merge branch

git merge <branch to merge into head>

Merge No fast-forward

Creates a merge commit even if the merge resolves as a fast-forward.

git merge --no-ff <branch to merge into head>

Merge squash

Squashes all commits from branch into a single commit.

git merge --squash <branch to merge into head>


Rebase banch

git rebase <branch to rebase from>


Default commit history

git log

Commit history with file names

git log --stat

Commit history with diff

git log -p

Hash (short) and comment limited

git log --oneline -10

Hash (short) and comment limited to a # of commits

git log --oneline -10

Hash (full) and comment

git log --pretty=oneline

Hash (short), HEAD index and comment

git reflog -10

Hash (short), date, comment, author

git log --pretty=format:'%h %ad | %s%d [%an]' --graph --date=short


Show changes to unstaged files

git diff

Show changes to staged files

git diff --staged

Show changes between two commits

git diff <commit id 1> <commit id 2>



git stash

Stashing with message

git stash save "<message>"

List stash

git stash list

Apply stash

git stash apply <id>
git stash apply stash@{<index>}

Apply and remove (pop) stash

git stash pop
git stash pop <stash id>

Display stash changes

git stash show <stash id>

Remove stash

git stash drop <stash id>

Remove all stashes

git stash clear

Remote Repositories

Add remote repository

git remote add <remote alias> <url>
git remote add origin <url>

List remote repositories

git remote
git remote -v
git remote show <alias>
git config --get remote.origin.url

Remove remote repository

git remote rm <remote alias>

Rename remote repository

git remote rename <old alias> <new alias>


Fetch latest changes from origin

git fetch

Fetch latest changes from remote repository

git fetch <remote alias>

Fetch latest changes from remote repository's particular branch

git fetch <remote alias> <branch>

Pull latest changes from origin

git pull

Pull latest changes from remote repository and particular branch

git pull <remote alias> <branch>

Pull latest changes from origin and rebase

git pull --rebase

Push changes to remote repository

git push
git push <remote alias>
git push <remote alias> <branch>


List tags

git tag

Create tags

git tag -a <tag name> -m '<label>'

Push tags

git push --tags

Delete tags

git tag -d <tag>
git push origin :refs/tags/<tag>

Create branch from tag

git checkout -b <new branch name> <tag>


checkout remote branch

git switch <branch>
git checkout -t origin/<feature>/<feature num>
git checkout -t origin/feature/<feature num>

rename branch

git branch -m <oldname> <newname>

list the change dates and authors for file

git blame <file>

show file changes for commit id and/or file

git show <commit id>:<file>

undo last commit

git reset --soft HEAD~
git reset HEAD

amend (or add to previous commit)

git add .
git commit --amend

ignore files (untrack files)

git update-index --assume-unchanged path/to/file

retrack files (track files again)

git update-index --no-assume-unchanged path/to/file

diff branches

git diff --staged
git diff --name-status master..<branch>

create patch

git format-patch <parent branch>

apply patch

git am < <patch file>


git bundle create <repo>.bundle master
git clone <repo>.bundle -b master <bundle>

show config

git config --list

common configs

git config --global "[name]"
git config --global "[email address]"
git config --global color.ui auto

revert to a specific commit

git reset ea5a181
git reset --soft <sha>
git commit -m "Revert to <sha>"
git reset --hard
git clean -f -d
git push -f origin <branch name>

cherry pick

git cherry-pick <commit sha>

list ignored files

git ls-files --other --ignored --exclude-standard

contains commit

git branch --contains <sha>
git log -p <branch1> --not <branch2>

show repositories

ssh git@<server> info

Git Worktrees

list trees

git worktree list

add tree

git fetch
git branch <branch> origin/<branch>
git worktree add <tree dir> <branch>

clean tree

git worktree remove <tree dir>

GIT Flow

list/start/finish feature branches

git flow feature
git flow feature start <name> [<base>]
git flow feature finish <name>

push/pull a feature branch to the remote repository

git flow feature publish <name>
git flow feature pull <remote> <name>
git flow feature pull origin <name>

list/start/finish release branches

git flow release
git flow release start <release> [<base>]
git flow release finish <release>

list/start/finish hotfix branches

git flow hotfix
git flow hotfix start <release> [<base>]
git flow hotfix finish <release>

list/start support branches

git flow support
git flow support start <release> <base>

Copy/Move Repository

copy or move full git repository

git clone --mirror <repo url> temp-dir
cd temp-dir
git tag
git branch -a
git remote rm origin
git remote add origin <new repo url>
git push origin --all
git push --tags


Backup up full repository

git clone --mirror [email protected]:path/repo.git
git bundle create repo.bundle --all