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36 lines (27 loc) · 1.65 KB

File metadata and controls

36 lines (27 loc) · 1.65 KB

Contributing Guidelines

Pull Requests

For pull requests, it is recommended to create a new feature branch (e.g., feat/my-new-feature) and submit the pull request from that branch. If instead you add the commit(s) directly to the master branch in your own repository, then it can be more difficult to get back in sync if changes are required to the patch.

To have your pull request accepted quickly, please try to follow these guidelines:

  • Markdown mode contributions should adhere to both the GNU Emacs Lisp coding conventions and the Major Mode Conventions.

  • Test cases are needed for significant changes. Markdown Mode uses the ert (Emacs Lisp Regression Testing) library. If you are not familiar with writing tests, there are hundreds of examples in tests/markdown-test.el that you can use as a starting point for new tests.

  • You can confirm that your tests pass by either typing make test from the command line or by issuing a GitHub pull request and letting the Travis CI integration on GitHub run the tests for you.

  • Please be sure to update the documentation at the top of markdown-mode.el and the docstrings for related variables or functions.

  • If your patch involves changes to the documentation, you can update the file by running the script.

  • It's also helpful if you update the file to reflect the bug you fixed or the feature you added or improved.