The official language of Joomla is en-GB and this guide is intended to assist anyone writing language strings in en-GB (British English). This guide should not be translated but may help serve as a starting point for Translation Teams to localise and produce their own guide.
- Establish official style guidelines for writing en-GB strings.
- Ensure consistency throughout Joomla.
- Traditional rules of grammar do not always apply to the web. See Break Grammar Rules on Websites for Clarity.
- See NNG on American vs British english for the web.
- Primary: Developers writing en-GB strings.
- Secondary: Translation teams.
- Primary: Basis for all en-GB strings.
- Secondary: Assist non native en-GB developers writing language strings in en-GB.
- Tertiary: Provide guidelines for translation teams to localise.
Be explicit wherever necessary but don't explain the obvious. On the web scanning is the norm and too much text weakens the effectiveness of the message - it does not enhance it.