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Multi-key Selection 多键选择

Typing whole words


Instead of typing each letter of a word individually, it is possible to capture a whole word (or phrase) in one go. To activate multi-key selection select the Multi-key Selection key to press or lock it down:

Optikey 能够一次性录入整个单词(或短语),而不需要逐字输入单词的每个字母。通过按下或者锁定 “多键选择(Multi-key Selection)” 按键即可激活多键选择功能:

  1. Multi-key selection key up
  2. Multi-key selection key locked down
  3. Multi-key selection key locked down

You'll notice that the Multi-key Selection key cycles through 3 states; UP, DOWN, and LOCKED DOWN, before returning to UP, meaning it can be off, on for just one multi-key capture, or permanently on for many multi-key captures. The progression as each selection is made looks like this:

多键选择按键在 “向 上、向下及锁定” 这三个状态间切换 ,在返回向上之前 ,可以关闭这个功能,只打开一次多键录入功能,以及持续打开用于多次录入。每一次选择过程如下所示:

Multi-key selection key upMulti-key selection key downMulti-key selection key locked downMulti-key selection key up etc

The process of capturing a word using fixation selection then works like this;


  1. Select the first letter of the word, e.g. the "h" if you want to type "hello". You have begun capturing the word (or phrase).

  2. 选中单词的首字母,比如你想输入 “hello” 的 “h”。你已经开始录入这个单词(或者短语)。

    Selecting the first letter

  3. Direct your attention to each letter in the word. You don't have to select each one, just briefly register your interest in each letter; "e", "l", then "o". Don't worry about double letters like the "ll" in "hello" - OptiKey will figure that out for you.

  4. 直接注视这个单词的每一个字母,你可以不需要依次地选择每一个,而只需要简单看一下每一个字母:“e”、“l”和 “o”。不用担心双写字母的问题,比如 “hello” 中的 “ll” —— Optikey会帮你解决这个问题。

    Selecting the rest of the letters

  5. When you get to the last letter select it to signal that you are finished capturing the word (or phrase). OptiKey will match what you captured with its dictionary of words and phrases and type the best match to the "scratchpad". Alternative suggestions will be displayed at the top, which you can select if OptiKey matched your capture to the wrong word.

  6. 当到达到最后一个字母时,你需要选择它来告知这个单词(或短语)已经完成录入了。Optikey 会把你录入的内容同字典中的单词和短语做匹配,然后在 “提示框(scratchpad)” 输出最匹配的。如果Optikey匹配的单词不正确,你可以在顶部的备选建议中进行选择。

    Multi-key selection of hello completed

Multikey selection learns which words you use frequently and will improve its suggestions over time.


Typing single letters with multi-key selection enabled


To type individual letters with multi-key selection enabled, just select the same key twice, without focusing on any other keys in between, e.g. to type "I" select the "I" key to start the word capture, then stay on the "I" key to select it again; this will stop the capture and output a single "I".

在多键选择键开启情况下输入单个字母,只需选择相同的键两次,而不注视任何其他按键。 例如, 输入 “I”,选择 “I” 键启动单词捕获,然后保持 “I” 键再次选择,这将停止捕获输入并输出单个 “I”。

Typing whole phrases


Whole phrases are types in the same way as whole words, but instead of typing each letter of each word you only type the first letter of each word. For example if the phrase "how are you" was in the dictionary, then you could type this as one multi-key selection like this:

整个短语的输入和单词类似,但是和输入单词的每个字母不同,你只需要输入每个单词的首字母。举例,如果 “how are you” 短语在字典里,你只需要用一个多键选择,按以下步骤输入:

  1. Select the first letter of the first word, i.e. the "h" from "how". This begins the capture.

  2. 选择第一个单词的首字母,比如 “how”的“h”,启动录入。

  3. Direct your attention to the first letter of each word, so "a", then "y" in our example.

  4. 注视每个单词的首字母,对上例而言,先 “a” 后 “y”。

  5. Stay on the last letter ("y") to select it and signal that you are finished capturing. The set of matching words and phrases will be calculated and the best choice output to the scratchpad (the rest of the suggestions will appear at the top, above the scratchpad).

  6. 停在最后一个字母 (“y”)上完成选择,以标识录入完成。匹配的单词和短语将通过自动匹配并将最优的选择输出在提示框上(剩下的拼写建议会显示在提示框的顶部)。

N.B. OptiKey can only find matches for your multi-key selection in its dictionary - see ['Changing and editing the dictionary'] ( for info on how to add and remove words and phrases.

注意:Optikey只能够在它的字典中找到多键选择的词库 —— 关于如何增加和删除单词和短语,请查看 改变和编辑字典 部分。