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WebRTC video chat app with ReactJS and Weboji

This demo has been developed from webrtc-video-room by Dian Dimitrov. It is released on Github under MIT software license.

Demo notes

There is no hot loading. You need to run:

npm run dev

to recompile the app each time you do a change. You don't need to restart npm starŧ, but you need to reload the web page. You are welcome to submit a PR to add the feature :).

I have changed the RoomPage.js component, and more especially the getUserMedia Promise. Instead of directly returning the camera video MediaStreamTrack, I chain another promise to:

  • Init WEBOJI, create the THREE.js canvas,
  • Get the videoStreamTrack from the Weboji canvas,
  • Get the audioStreamTrack from the original video,
  • Create a new MediastreamTrack using original video and canvas as video.

Modifications in the source code are commented. Comments begin by JEELIZ:.

This demo relies on canvas.captureStream to extract the video stream from the canvas. Please check the compatibility here:

Original documentation


WebRTC audio/video conferencing app with user authentication using ReactJS.


Simple ReactJS app that interacts with the WebRTC APIs to establish audio/video conference between 2 users, without a trip through a server.

Application Logic and Implementations

To connect two users over WebRTC, we exchange information to allow browsers to talk to each other. This process is called signaling and it is facilitated by using NodeJS and socket server chained to the express 4.0 engine to provide the plumbing. Other than signaling, no data has to be sent through a server. When a connection is successfully established and authentication and authorization are complete, stream data exchanged between peers is directed to a React component for rendering.


Once you have forked this project, go ahead and use npm through the command line to install all required dependecies:

npm i
npm start

The app can be accessed at:
