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Techniques for quick MSSS data processing

John Swinbank, March/April 2012

This document describes scripts and techniques which may be used for rapidly processing data as part of the ongoing MSSS commissioning effort.

Basic calibration workflow

Processing a single snapshot

This section describes the script. This is based on code originally written by Tom Hassall: see the report by Bell, Hassall and Heald. It has been substantially modified and updated. processes a single band (in the following examples, we'll use 6) of an observation ("obs_id"; in the following examples, we'll use L42025), making it easy to:

  • (Optionally) copy the relevant data from the /data/scratch/pipeline directories on the compute nodes (where it is stored after standard processing) to your work area.

  • (Optionally) Run BBS on a calibrator beam and transfer solutions to the target. That is:

    • Use BBS to determine gain solutions for the calibrator beam.
    • Eliminate aberrant points in those solutions using
    • Make diagnostic plots of the results with
    • Transfer the gain solutions to the target field.
  • Combine all subbands using NDPPP.

  • Flag the combined data with rficonsole.

  • Perform phase-only calibration of the result with BBS.

  • (Optionally) detect bad stations using the scripts developed by Martinez and Pandey.

  • (Optionally) remove bad (or other, user-specified) stations from the data.

At this point the data is ready for imaging using awimager, casapy or another tool of your choice. is available on CEP2 as ~swinbank/msss/ Running it with no arguments will produce a usage message:

$ ~swinbank/msss/
Usage:    /home/swinbank/msss2/ [options] <obs_id> <beam> <band> <skymodel>

Processing of calibrator band:
    -b   Calibrator beam (default: NONE)
    -m   Model for calibration of calibrator (default: NONE)
    -a   Parset for calibration of calibrator (default: cal.parset)
    -g   Parset applying gain calibration to target (default: correct.parset)
    -d   Dummy sky model for use in applying gains (default: /home/hassall/MSSS/dummy.model)

Other options with string arguments:
    -o   Output filename (default: ${obs_id}_SAP00${beam}_BAND${band}.MS)
    -p   Parset for phase-only calibration of target (default: phaseonly.parset)
    -s   Flag a specific station in the output

Options which take no argument:
    -c   Collect data prior to processing
    -r   Robust mode: continue even if some subbands are not available
    -f   Automatically identify & flag bad stations
    -w   Overwrite output file if it already exists
    -h   Display this message

    /home/swinbank/msss2/ L42025 0 6 sky.model

The four parameters in <> angle brackets are all required, and must be specified in the order shown. Note that they must come after any optional arguments, as shown in the usage message. Filenames are specified relative to the current working directory: you might well find it safest to use full paths (/home/swinbank/msss/sky.model etc) to avoid confusion. It is hoped that obs_id, beam and band are self-explanatory. skymodel is a model (in makesourcedb format) which will be used when performing phase-only calibration on the target field.

By default, the script will look for configuration parsets for BBS in your current working directory: cal.parset, correct.parset and phaseonly.parset as per the usage message. You may specify alternative parsets using the command line options if required (eg -p /home/swinbank/alternative.parset).

If -c is specified, the script will attempt to find the data required and copy it to your current working directory before processing. It is suggested that you use this option the first time you run this script, then, once you have a copy of the data, you don't need this option again. Until you delete it by mistake...

Occasionally, some subbands are not available (because of a problem with the observation or with the pre-processing, for example). Normally, this causes a fatal error, and stops. If -r is specified, processing will continnue with whatever subbands are available. Note that if you specify this option, you must carefully check the log to see which subbands have been included!

if -b is used to specify a calibrator beam (eg -b 2), then calibration will first be performed to that beam, then the resulting intrument database will be applied to the target beam. If -b is not specified, this stage of processing is skipped. If -b is specified, appropriate values must also be provided for -m, -a, -g and -d, as per the usage message.

The -s option enables you to remove specific stations from the output. It may be specified multiple times and the results are cumulative.

If -f is specified, the script will automatically attempt to identify and remove bad stations using the code developed by Martinez and Pandey. It is cumulative with -s, above. For example, on one particular dataset:

$ ~swinbank/msss/ -s CS001LBA -s CS002LBA -f [...]

causes CS001LBA, CS002LBA, CS013LBA, CS030LBA and CS032LBA all to be removed: the first two because the user specified them, the remainder because they were automatically identified as bad. Note that the automatic identification of bad stations can be slow: you might wish to specify -f on your first run through a given dataset, take note of the stations it identifies as bad, and remove them with -s on subsequent runs.

By default, the script will stop if its output location already exists. If you would like to automatically remove and replace pre-existing output data, specify -w.

Note that it is generally a good idea to keep a log of exactly what processing you've done. will create a log directory in your current working directory into which it will place the output from BBS and other long running processes. It will also send progress information to standard output. You may wish to send this progress information to a log file of your own for future reference. Try something like:

$ ~swinbank/msss/ [...] | tee log-`date +%F-%X`

Finally: where possible, the various tasks are performed in parallel. That means (for example) that all the calibrator subbands are procesed simultaneously. Assuming you're processing a 10-subband band on a CEP2 compute node, this is good news: you should see a tenfold speedup relative to processing each subband sequentially! If you attempt to use this script to process very many subbands, or run on a machine with much more constrainted resources than the CEP2 nodes, you might need to rethink this strategy.

Processing multiple snapshots

The above should make it relatively straightforward to rapidly process a single snapshot. However, a standard MSSS observation will consist of multiple snapshots which are combined prior to imaging. Luckily, rapidly processing them all at once with the same configuration is (fairly) straightforward. A suggested workflow follows. Note that this assumes you are running bash, like all right-thinking people: translation to tcsh is left as an exercise for the reader!

First, choose your compute node, and create a working directory on it:

$ ssh locus024
$ mkdir -p /data/scratch/swinbank/L227+69
$ cd /data/scratch/swinbank/L227+69

In that directory, place all the skymodels and parsets you'll need to run the script. Then, create sub-directories named for each of the obsids that you intend to process:

$ mkdir L41961 L41969 L41977 L41985 L41993 ...

Now you can run the in each of those directories in turn by means of a single shell command:

$ for dir in L*; do cd $dir && ~swinbank/msss/ -c \
  -f -a ../cal.parset  -g ../correct.parset -p ../phaseonly.parset\
  $dir 0 6 ../sky.model ../cal.model ; done

That's fine in so far as it goes, but if you're really impatient you can actually process multiple observations in parallel:

$ for dir in L*; do echo $dir; done |                                  \
  xargs -Idir -n1 -P4 sh -c 'cd dir && ~swinbank/msss/ \
  -c -f -a ../cal.parset  -g ../correct.parset -p ../phaseonly.parset  \
  dir 0 6 ../sky.model ../cal.model'

Phew! That is, admittedly, something of a mouthful, but your data will likely be processed by the time you've got yourself a cup of coffee. Note that we limit the above to processing only 4 snapshots at a time: that should still be plenty to saturate a compute node. You an adjust the number of snapshots processed simultaneously by changing the -P4 parameter.

Concatenating snapshots

Of course, you can now go ahead and image each of those snapshots independently. However, you may well find it desirable to concatenate them together and image them as one unit. You can do this concatenation yourself (but note that Bonafede & Macario warn against using casapy), but a simple script is available to make your life even easier:

$ ~swinbank/msss/ <output.MS> <input1.MS> ... [inputN.MS]

You must specify an output MeasurementSet (which will be created for you) and at least one input. Following our example above, we could write:

$ ~swinbank/msss/ final.MS L4*/*MS.flag

To concatenate all the snapshots we have calibrated. You can then go ahead and image final.MS using casapy, awimager, etc.


Processing all nine snapshots targeting L227+69 (L41961, L41969, L41977, L41985, L41993, L42001, L42009, L42017 and L42025) through, including collecting all the data (-c) and automatically identifying bad stations (-f) took a wall-clock time of 14 minutes 20 seconds. The total CPU time, real+user, was nearer 106 minutes, thus demonstrating the advantages of parallelization! Note that the processing time can be heavily dependent on the BBS configuration used, in particular the complexity of the sky model used when performing the phase-only calibration step.

Concatenating the results of all nine snapshots took a further 20 seconds.


"I should really try using that script" -- Jess Broderick

Tapering skymodels

Another script which may be of interest is ~swinbank/msss/ It enables you to easily apply a Gaussian taper to a sky model, so that (for example) at the centre of your image the model includes all sources, however fait, but around the edges only the brightest sources are included. It is run as follows:

$ ~swinbank/msss/ -- Applies Gaussian taper to skymodel

Usage: <flux_limit> <fwhm> <ra> <dec> < [input] > [output]
Reads input sky model from stdin, outputs to stdout.

You must supply four positional arguments. flux_limit specifies the minimum flux which will be included at the edge of the taper: note that all sources at the centre will be included). fwhm specifies the full-width at half-maximum of the tapering. ra and dec specify the position of the centre of the tapering function: these can be supplied in any format which is understood by casacore (so you can, for example, copy and paste from your skymodel file).

Input is read from standard input, and the result is written to standard out. You can therefore use the redirection facilities in your shell (< and >) to arrange for the tapered model to be saved to an appropriate location.


"It works, but it didn't make much difference to the RMS" -- Antonia Rowlinson

Extra: Problems with X11 forwarding

If you are using a Mac to connect to CEP, you might experience a problem where your X11 forwarding appears to stop working randomly (that is, if you type xterm, rather than having a terminal appear you get a message to the effect Xt error: Can't open display or similar). This can be a problem, as various MSSS tools check for an X11 connection, even if they don't actually display anything using it, and therefore start breaking spontaneously. Which is sad.

You should be able to work around this by setting the ForwardX11Timeout option to 596h when running SSH on your Mac. For example:

$ ssh -o ForwardX11TImeout=596h locus024

You may wish to add this to your ~/.ssh/config file to avoid typing it every time -- figuring out the relevant syntax is left as an exercise for the reader!

You might also have some luck by using "trusted" X11 forwarding. Enable this by using -Y in the place of -X in your SSH command line.


Your contributions, suggestions, bug-fixes, etc to the scripts mentioned in this document are, of course, welcomed. Mail me: [email protected].