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Windows installation instructions

These instructions are for Windows 10 x64 and using a GPU. Adapting to use CPU is fine, but please run as a precache client only, which does not have time restrictions.

Huge thanks to laserwean for the original instructions, which were adapted for completeness.

Looking for the old instructions with the node? They are outdated (the new instructions here are easier), but you can find them here.

Download and run the work server

  1. Download a pre-compiled binary of nano-work-server here.

  2. Extract the zip to any folder, which should contain nano-work-server.exe.

  3. In the folder with the extracted file, use shift + right-click and select Open Powershell window here.

  4. Write ls and Enter to make sure nano-work-server.exe is there.

  5. Open Task Manager, and go into the Performance tab. There should be a GPU 0 device there, and maybe a GPU 1 if you have an integrated GPU as 0. Note here the number for the GPU you want to use.

  6. Write .\nano-work-server.exe --gpu 1:0 --listen-address and press Enter. If it fails, then try replace 1:0 by 0:0 after --gpu. Always wait a few seconds for initialization, and you should see some text such as "Initializing GPU: (...)".

All ready, you have nano-work-server running locally and listening to requests on port 7076. Now we need to setup DPoW.

Install Windows 10 Sub System for Linux, and Ubuntu

  1. Open PowerShell as administrator: hit Win, write Powershell, right-click and Run as Administrator. Run:

Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux

  1. Restart your computer.

  2. Install Ubuntu from Windows Store.

  3. Run Ubuntu from the start menu and finish its setup, see this image.

Configure and run DPoW

Almost there!

Excecute the follwing commands within your ubuntu windows (one after the other, don't copy everything).

cd ~/
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install git python3-dev python3-setuptools libb2-dev build-essential -y

git clone
cd nano_distributed_pow_client
python3 build
sudo python3 install
cd ~/

Test work generation (the node must be running). Your output should be similar to this:

curl -sd '{ "action": "work_generate", "hash":"3E7C5911880A5DB34D12FD1D306B572ED5C0363A28D11414650537FE8BBBD174" }' localhost:7076

Now you can run the DPoW client normally>

nano-dpow-client --node --address YOUR_NANO_ADDRESS

About the two types of clients, doing on demand or precached work:

  • If you are using your GPU, consider only computing on demand work by adding --work-type urgent_only. This is the type of work that needs to be computed as soon as possible.

  • If you are using CPU, you will be timed out from on demand work if you can't complete it within 6 seconds. These clients are still very useful, but should add --work-type precache_only so that they only compute precache work, which has no time restrictions.