Maze Solver based on image input.
There are a bunch of images from around the web in the maze/ directory. When you run the solver, you'll get to choose from one of those. Some will work immediately, some will take some time. And some will fail really bad...
- Run
- Choose an image file. Start with one of the simple ones.
- Press Enter to create a new "Maze" object.
- Left click on the start position on the picture.
- Right clcik on the end position on the picture.
- Middle click on some "road", so that it detects how wide the road is.
- Hit space and let it run!
- Enjoy.
The code is kind of a mess, or maybe a total mess. But it's half working ;) So all is good, but slow.
If you were to remove the UI part and the printing to standard output part, it might get a lot faster. And the UI's pretty much separated from the logic part...