JackyBook is a full stack social media application with full CRUD operations of posts, comments, likes, file sharing, and friends. It also includes notifications of any interactions your friends have with you! JackyBook is currently deployed under branch: main-without-socket as real time notifications is still being implemented
To test the full capabilities of the app, I recommend to log in with the following test accounts:
Email: [email protected] Password: F&dgT#22
Email: [email protected] Password: H2*er@W7
Email: [email protected] Password: Gp!5fJk8
If you would like to run the application locally, follow installation instructions bellow
- React/NextJS
- Material UI
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- Socket.io
- Axios
- NodeJS
- ExpressJS
- JavaScript
- MongoDB Atlas
cd client
npm install
Add a .env.local file inside the client folder so the front end can be connected to the backend and paste the following code: