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BORIS BIKES by Alec and Jack | Makers Week 1 - Thurday Pairing session

Create a program that creates a network of docking stations and bikes that anyone can do.

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This program is a fork of crotcheycrows repo where challenges 1 through 9 (almost) were completed.

Update (end Wednesday): Max and I got to end of challenge 13.

Update (end Thursday) - Alec and Jack got to a third-way through challenge 18.


  1. Setting up a project
  • Create a directory from the command line
  • Initialise a git repository within that directory
  • Create a file from the command line
  • Write a clear README
  • Add the to the staging area
  • Commit your changes with a clear message
  • Push the project to Github.


  1. From user stories to a domain model
  • Write down all the nouns in the User Stories
  • Write down all the verbs in the User Stories
  • Draw a table like the one above
  • Organise the nouns and verbs into Objects and Messages within the table
  • Draw a diagram that shows how your Objects will use Messages to communicate with one another


  1. From a Domain Model to a Feature Test
  • Start irb (or any other REPL) from the Command Line
  • Set a variable docking_station equal to a new DockingStation object
  • Explain to your pair partner what the resulting error means.
    • error message essentially said that the constant did not exist and could not be found in the ruby language, the irb or any gems.


  1. Errors are good
  • Write down the type of error
    • uninitalized constant
  • Write down the file path where the error happened
    • /Users/jackmccarthy/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.7.2/bin/irb:23:in
  • Write down the line number of the error
    • Line 1 (in IRB)
  • Use the Ruby Documentation to find out what the error means
    • the Constant has not been defined
  • Suggest one way of solving the error.
    • Create a constant !


  1. From Feature Test to unit Test
  • Initialise RSpec within your project
  • Create a new spec file for your DockingStation object
  • Set up the spec file to describe a DockingStation
  • Run RSpec from the Command Line
  • Explain to your pair partner the difference between this error and the error you saw before.
    • No method created to release the bike


  1. Passing your first Unit Test
  • Create a new file for a Docking Station class, inside the /lib directory
  • Define a DockingStation class
  • Use require to include this file inside your spec file
  • Run RSpec from the Command Line
  • Explain to your pair partner the difference between what you see, and the error you saw before.


  1. Back to the feature
  • Start irb (or any other REPL) from the Command Line
  • Use require to include the file that contains the DockingStation class definition
  • Set a variable docking_station equal to a new DockingStation object
  • Explain to your pair partner why you do not see an error now, when you did before
  • Ask the docking_station instance to release_bike
  • Explain to your pair partner what the resulting error means.


  1. Back to the Unit
  • Add a test to your spec file that expects DockingStation instances to respond_to the method release_bike
  • Rewrite this test using RSpec's one-liner syntax
  • Run RSpec from the Command Line
  • Explain the error to your pair partner
    • no method release_bike, so cannot find it
  • Add a method release_bike to the DockingStation class
  • Run RSpec from the Command Line
  • Explain to your pair partner the difference between what you see, and the error you saw before.
    • we now have a method so it finds it and can run the test


  1. Building a bike
  • Start irb (or another REPL such as 💊 Pry)
  • Instantiate a DockingStation as docking_station
  • Ask docking_station to release a bike, and save the response to a variable bike
    • Max fixed - changed docking station to create a new bike object.
  • Ask the bike if it is working?
  • Explain the error to your pair partner
    • unable to find method .working?, no Bike class
  • Create a new spec file for a Bike class
  • Set up the spec file to describe the Bike class
  • Run RSpec from the Command Line
  • Fix the error you see, similarly to how you fixed the same error for DockingStation
  • Add a test to your bike_spec.rb file that expects Bike instances to respond_to the method working?
  • Make this test pass.


  1. Making Docking Stations Release Bikes
  • Feature-test the feature you are building using irb
  • Explain the error to your pair partner
  • Add a test to your DockingStation specification that a) gets a bike, and then b) expects the bike to be working
  • Make this test pass
  • Feature-test the feature again.


  1. Using Instance Variables
  • Write a feature test for docking a bike at a docking station
  • Write a unit test for the method you need to add to DockingStation to make docking possible
    • When unit test run, .doc_bike return the bike id to us
  • Pass both tests
  • Use an instance variable with attr_reader to do a full test-implementation cycle for the second User Story above
    • added tests which docked a bike, checked bike was included in the bikes array, and inspected the bikes array

As a member of the public So I can return bikes I've hired I want to dock my bike at the docking station

objects ------- messages

bike is_returned? dockings station

As a member of the public So I can decide whether to use the docking station I want to see a bike that has been docked

objects -------- messages

user docking station List.bikes docking_station.List specific_bike


  1. Raising Exceptions
  • Feature test the feature you are building using irb
  • Use {} and raise_error syntax in your RSpec unit test to test exception raising
  • Use the fail or raise keyword to raise an exception in your code (not your tests)
  • Make the test pass by raising an exception
  • Explain why you use curly braces in the RSpec error handling syntax to your partner
  • Feature-test the feature again.

As a member of the public, So that I am not confused and charged unnecessarily, I'd like docking stations not to release bikes when there are none available.

Object ------------------ Message

User true? OR false docking)station release_bike? error


  1. Limiting Capacity
  • Deliver the feature above in a Test-Driven manner

As a maintainer of the system, So that I can control the distribution of bikes, I'd like docking stations not to accept more bikes than their capacity.

objects ---------------- Message Maintainer == 1 docking_station.dock_bike fail

Write RSpec tests that expect errors Use fail or raise to raise an error Use a 'guard condition'


  1. Wrapping Collections
  • Write a manual feature test for the above feature. Consider using 20.times { docking_station.dock }.
  • Rename your attribute @bike to a name better reflecting that it will store more than one Bike instance.
  • Use rspec to identify areas of your code that need to be updated to use this new attribute name.
  • Update your existing tests to recognise this new name for the attribute.
  • Use an initialize function to set the initial value of this attribute to a simple collection object: an empty array.
  • Update your release_bike and dock methods to work with this new array (i.e. make your tests pass).
  • Update your release_bike and dock guard conditions to account for the new capacity of 20 bikes.

Wrap a collection in a class Set an initial attribute value using initialize

As a system maintainer, So that I can plan the distribution of bikes, I want a docking station to have a default capacity of 20 bikes.


  1. The Single Responsibility Principle
  • Define a full? predicate method that uses some of the dock code to return true or false depending on whether the station is full or not
  • Rewrite the guard condition of your dock method to incorporate your new full? method
  • Do the same for release_bike, using an empty? method
  • Use the private keyword to ensure these methods cannot be called from 'outside' instances of the DockingStation class.

Use the Single Responsibility Principle Refactor code for readability


  1. Removing 'magic numbers'

Learning Objectives covered

  • Use a constant

To complete this challenge, you will need to:

  • Define a constant, DEFAULT_CAPACITY, that stores the number 20. Do this within the DockingStation class.
  • Remove references to the magic number 20 in your implementation, using DEFAULT_CAPACITY instead.
  • Refactor your tests to use this new constant instead of the magic number 20.
  1. Initialisation defaults

Learning Objectives covered

  • Set an initial attribute value using initialize
  • Set a default initialisation value

To complete this challenge, you will need to:

  • Write a feature test that allows a user to set a @capacity instance variable when is called.
  • Create Unit tests for this
  • Implement the functionality in your code.
  • Write a feature test that ensures a default capacity of 20 is set when no parameters are passed to
  • Create a unit test for this default capacity
  • Use a default argument value within the initialize method to make this test pass.


  1. Dealing with broken bikes
  • Complete the Red-Green-Refactor TDD cycle for each of the features above.

As a member of the public, So that I reduce the chance of getting a broken bike in future, I'd like to report a bike as broken when I return it.

Public Bike - is broken Docking_station - report broken bike

ANSWERED - implemented this user story

As a maintainer of the system, So that I can manage broken bikes and not disappoint users, I'd like docking stations not to release broken bikes.

maintainer bike not_working docking station - does not release bike

As a maintainer of the system, So that I can manage broken bikes and not disappoint users, I'd like docking stations to accept returning bikes (broken or not).