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Low Code Browser Extension

Work in progress. Adds Lowcode tab to Chrome Devtools and integrates with React Dev Tools. You can modify your React application from the browser and save your changes to the filesystem.


  • Navigate to the source code (a specific JSX/TSX file) while browsing your React application in developmen mode
  • Edit the source code directly in Chrome "visualy" or by using Monaco Editor
  • Add a new page to your app without writing code
  • We support React + React-router (UI toolkits: Material-UI, Ionic, Semantic UI, Ant Design, Grommet)

Navigate to the source code (a specific file)

Edit the source code directly in Chrome

Add a new page to your app without writing code

Edit your localization files

Getting started

Chrome extensions

  1. Ensure React Developer Tools chrome extension installed
  1. Install Lowcode Chrome Extension
  • Go to /packages/browser-extension folder in repository.
  • yarn install to install dependencies. (You should use yarn rather then npm)
  • yarn run dev:chrome to start the development server for chrome extension
  • yarn run dev:firefox to start the development server for firefox addon
  • yarn run dev:opera to start the development server for opera extension
  • yarn run build:chrome to build chrome extension
  • yarn run build:firefox to build firefox addon
  • yarn run build:opera to build opera extension
  • yarn run build builds and packs extensions all at once to extension/ directory
  • Go to the browser address bar and type chrome://extensions
  • Check the Developer Mode button to enable it.
  • Click on the Load Unpacked Extension… button.
  • Select your extension’s extracted directory.
  • Exception is when you don't have standard CRA (npx create-react-app your-app) => see lowcode/
  1. Start FS over HTTP (used for saving modified source code)
  • Go to /packages/fs-over-http folder in repository.
  • yarn install to install dependencies. (You should use yarn rather then npm)
  • yarn start to start the project.
  1. Start your React applicantion in development mode and open in browser

How it works

  • Babel plugin (used out of the box in Create React Application boilerplate) enriches the javascript with __source property (sorce code path, line and column)
  • We have reused React Developer Tools Chrome extension
  • Lowcode listens for message "inspectedElement" from React Deveoper Tools are sending
  • Using Lowcode you can modify JSX/TSX source code either "visualy" (more features will come) or by integrade Monaco editor
  • Web Pack Dev server will recompile (tested also with Hot Code Replace)
