diff --git a/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_ar.properties b/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_ar.properties
index 7a4e64c4626d66..5d21f44d9d8ff5 100644
--- a/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_ar.properties
+++ b/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_ar.properties
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ accepted=مقبول
accepted-answer=الإجابة المقبولة
accepted-date=تاريخ القبول
accepted-file-extensions=امتدادات الملفات المقبولة
-accepted-x-declined-x-pending-x-maybe-x=Accepted ({0}), Declined ({1}), Pending ({2}), Maybe ({3}) (Automatic Copy)
+accepted-x-declined-x-pending-x-maybe-x=مقبول ({0})، مرفوض ({1})، معلق ({2})، ربما ({3})
access-denied=ممنوع الدخول
access-from-desktop=الوصول من الحاسوب المكتبي
access-in-my-account=الوصول الي حسابي
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ access-token-key-byte-size=حجم الرمز المميز للوصول
access-token-key-byte-size-description=قم بتعيين عدد وحدات البايت العشوائية المستخدمة لإنشاء الرمز المميز للوصول.
access-token-size=حجم الرمز المميز للوصول
access-token-size-description=قم بتعيين عدد وحدات البايت العشوائية المستخدمة لإنشاء الرمز المميز للوصول.
-access-token-url=Access Token URL (Automatic Copy)
+access-token-url=URL لرمز الوصول المميز
accessTokenCreateDate=تاريخ إنشاء الرمز المميز للوصول
accessTokenExpirationDate=تاريخ انتهاء صلاحية الرمز المميز للوصول
accessed-urls=الروابط التشعبية المستخدمة
@@ -1068,7 +1068,7 @@ add-restriction=إضافة قيد
add-restrictions=إضافة قيود
add-result=إضافة نتيجة
add-results-help=إضافة النتائج التي يتم إرجاعها في العادة بواسطة استعلام البحث الرئيسي.
-add-return-item=Add Return Item (Automatic Copy)
+add-return-item=إضافة عنصر إرجاع
add-role=أضف دور
add-role-to-x=إضافة دور إلى {0}
add-row=أضف سطر
@@ -1218,7 +1218,7 @@ administrator-id=معرف المسؤول
administrator-role-names=أسماء دور المسؤول
administrator-user=مستخدم مسؤول
-administrators-can-create-and-execute-code-in-their-virtual-instance=Administrators can create and execute code in their virtual instance. Disabling this feature deactivates all actions and validations that use Groovy. (Automatic Copy)
+administrators-can-create-and-execute-code-in-their-virtual-instance=يمكن للمسؤولين إنشاء وتنفيذ رمز في المثيل الظاهري لديهم. وتعطيل هذه الميزة يلغي تنشيط جميع الإجراءات وعمليات التحقق التي تستخدم Groovy.
administrators-can-manually-unlock-pages-that-are-being-used-by-other-users=يمكن للمسؤولين إلغاء قفل الصفحات يدويًا التي يجري استخدامها بواسطة مستخدمين آخرين. الرجاء ملاحظة أن المستخدم الحالي قد يفقد التحكم في تحرير الصفحة إذا ألغيت قفلها.
administrators-can-view,-edit,-publish,-and-invite-other-users=يمكن للمسؤولين عرض المستخدمين الآخرين وتعديلهم ونشرهم ودعوتهم.
administrators-email=البريد الإلكتروني للمسؤول
@@ -1380,9 +1380,9 @@ all-your-pages-are-connected-or-redirected=جميع صفحاتك متصلة أو
all-your-unsaved-changes-will-be-lost-unless-you-save-or-publish-them-before-leaving=سوف يتم فقدان جميع تغييراتك غير المحفوظة ما لم تحفظها أو تنشرها قبل المغادرة.
allow-adding-pages=السماح بإضافة صفحات
-allow-administrator-to-create-and-execute-code-in-liferay=Allow administrator to create and execute code in Liferay. (Automatic Copy)
+allow-administrator-to-create-and-execute-code-in-liferay=السماح للمسؤول بإنشاء وتنفيذ رمز في Liferay.
allow-administrators-to-publish-and-edit-workflows=سماح للمسؤولين بنشر وتحرير عمليات سير العمل
-allow-administrators-to-publish-and-edit-workflows-description=When selected, users with the Regular Administrator role in a virtual instance can publish new workflow definitions, including scripting content that is executed inside the portal (and potentially in other virtual instances). (Automatic Copy)
+allow-administrators-to-publish-and-edit-workflows-description=عند الاختيار، يمكن للمستخدمين أصحاب دور مسؤول عادي في مثيل ظاهري نشر تعريفات سير عمل جديدة، يشمل ذلك محتوى التعليمات البرمجية التي يتم تنفيذها داخل البوابة (ومن المحتمل في المثيلات الظاهرية الأخرى).
allow-anonymous-emails=السماح بالبريد الإلكتروني المجهول
allow-anonymous-posting=السماح بالمشاركة المجهولة
allow-anyone-with-the-link-to-view-this-publication=سماح لأي شخص لديه الرابط بعرض هذا المنشور.
@@ -1441,7 +1441,7 @@ allowed-classes=الفئات المسموح بها
allowed-credentials-per-user=بيانات الاعتماد المسموح بها لكل مستخدم
allowed-credentials-per-user-description=تعيين رقم بيانات الاعتماد المسموح بها لكل مستخدم.
allowed-domains=المجالات المسموح بها
-allowed-domains-help=Set the domains which the portal is allowed to redirect to. Remove all entries to allow any domain. Specifying a domain with a leading "*." allows redirects to subdomains. PORTAL_DOMAIN will be replaced with the current domain of the portal. (Automatic Copy)
+allowed-domains-help=تعيين المجالات التي يُسمح للمدخل بإعادة التوجيه إليها. أزل جميع الإدخالات للسماح بأي مجال. يسمح تحديد مجال بالبادئة "*." بإعادة التوجيه إلى المجالات الفرعية.
allowed-file-extensions=امتدادات الملفات المسموح بها
allowed-fragments=الأجزاء المسموح بها
allowed-grant-types=أنواع التفويضات المسموح بها
@@ -2512,7 +2512,7 @@ base-quantity=الكمية الأساسية
base-tracking-url=عنوان URL للتتبع الأساسي
base-unit-quantity=كمية الوحدة الأساسية
base-unit-quantity-help=يمكن للبائعين الشراء فقط باستخدام القيمة التزايدية لكمية الوحدة الأساسية.
-base-url=Base URL (Automatic Copy)
+base-url=عنوان URL الأساسي
base-url-x-is-invalid=عنوان URL الأساسي "{0}" غير صالح. الرجاء إدخال عنوان URL أساسي صالح.
baseline-clauses=الفقرات الأساسية
@@ -2912,7 +2912,7 @@ calendar=التقويم
calendar-does-not-serve-unknown-resource-x=التقويم لا يخدم مورد غير معروف {0}.
calendar-item-color-picker-press-space-to-enter-the-color-picker=منتقي ألوان عنصر التقويم: اضغط على مسافة لإدخال منتقي الألوان.
-calendar-name=Calendar Name (Automatic Copy)
+calendar-name=اسم التقويم
calendar-notification-templates=قوالب إعلامات التقويم
calendar-resource-already-exists=مورد التقويم موجود بالفعل.
calendar-resources=موارد التقويم
@@ -3354,7 +3354,7 @@ changing-the-order-of-the-categories-is-not-supported=تغيير ترتيب ال
changing-the-structure-key-will-reindex-all-the-web-content-articles-with-this-structure.-this-action-may-take-some-time,-and-the-affected-items-may-not-be-available-during-this-process=تغيير مفتاح البنية سوف يعيد فهرسة جميع مقالات محتوى الويب بهذه البنية. قد يستغرق هذا الإجراء بعض الوقت، وقد تكون العناصر المتأثرة غير متوفرة أثناء هذه العملية.
changing-the-template-will-not-affect-the-original-web-content-default-template.-the-change-only-applies-to-this-web-content-display=لن يؤثر تغيير النموذج على القالب الافتراضي لمحتوى الويب الأصلي. لا ينطبق التغيير إلا على عرض محتوى الويب هذا فقط.
changing-the-value-of-this-field-reloads-the-page=تغيير قيمة هذا الحقل سيعيد تحميل الصفحة.
-changing-this-setting-will-reset-all-mappings-for-this-collection=Changing this setting will reset all mappings for this collection. (Automatic Copy)
+changing-this-setting-will-reset-all-mappings-for-this-collection=تغيير هذا الإعداد سوف يعيد تعيين جميع الارتباطات لهذه المجموعة.
channel-account-managers=مديرو حسابات القنوات
channel-defaults=افتراضيات القناة
@@ -4376,7 +4376,7 @@ cookie-consent-panel-configuration-name=لوحة الموافقة
cookie-enabled-help=تقوم خانة الاختيار هذه بتمكين معالجة تفضيل ملفات تعريف الارتباط استنادًا إلى الاختيارات التي يحددها المستخدم. ويقوم أيضًا بتمكين خيارات التكوين لكل من اللافتة ولوحة الموافقة.
cookie-explicit-consent-mode=وضع الموافقة الصريحة على ملفات تعريف الارتباط
cookie-explicit-consent-mode-help=في حالة تحديد هذا الخيار، لا يتم تعيين أي ملفات تعريف ارتباط حتى يوافق المستخدم على استخدامات ملفات تعريف الارتباط. خلاف ذلك، يتم تعيين جميع ملفات تعريف الارتباط حتى ينسحب المستخدم منها.
-cookie-explicit-consent-mode-help-deprecated=If this option is checked, then no cookies are set until the user agrees to cookie usages. Otherwise, all cookies are set until the user opts out of them. (Automatic Copy)
+cookie-explicit-consent-mode-help-deprecated=في حالة تحديد هذا الخيار، لا يتم تعيين أي ملفات تعريف ارتباط حتى يوافق المستخدم على استخدامات ملفات تعريف الارتباط. خلاف ذلك، يتم تعيين جميع ملفات تعريف الارتباط حتى ينسحب المستخدم منها.
cookie-policy=سياسة ملفات تعريف الارتباط
cookie-policy-link=ارتباط سياسة ملفات تعريف الارتباط
cookie-preference-handling-configuration-name=معالجة التفضيل
@@ -5489,8 +5489,8 @@ default-view=طريقة العرض الافتراضية
default-view-must-have-at-least-one-column=طريقة العرض الافتراضية يجب أن تتضمن عمودًا واحدًا على الأقل.
default-viewport=منفذ العرض الافتراضي
default-visualization-mode=وضع المرئيات الافتراضي
-default-visualization-mode-help=Customize which visualization mode will be shown by default for this Data Set. (Automatic Copy)
-default-visualization-mode-tooltip=To select a default visualization mode, first configure it in the Visualization Modes tab. (Automatic Copy)
+default-visualization-mode-help=تخصيص أي وضع مرئيات سيتم عرضه افتراضيًا لمجموعة البيانات هذه.
+default-visualization-mode-tooltip=لتحديد وضع المرئيات الافتراضي، قم بأولاً بتكوينه في علامة تبويب أوضاع المرئيات.
default-was-changed=تم تغيير الافتراضي
default-workflow-for-all-document-types=سير العمل الافتراضي لكافة أنواع المستندات
default-workflow-for-all-structures=سير العمل الافتراضي لجميع البنيات
@@ -5923,7 +5923,7 @@ display-did-you-mean-if-the-number-of-search-results-does-not-meet-the-threshold
display-discount-levels=عرض مستويات الخصم
display-entries-of-the-following-field-types-as-tables-select-from-list-single-selection-multiple-selection-and-boolean=عرض إدخالات أنواع الحقول التالية كجداول: قيمة منطقية، اختيار متعدد، اختيار من القائمة، واختيار فردي.
display-facet=عرض الواجهة
-display-field-name-in-structures-ui-and-allow-users-to-edit-it=Display field name in structures UI and allow users to edit it. (Automatic Copy)
+display-field-name-in-structures-ui-and-allow-users-to-edit-it=عرض اسم الملف في واجهة المستخدم للهياكل والسماح للمستخدمين بتحريره.
display-fields-and-one-to-one-relationships=عرض الحقول وعلاقات واحد إلى واحد.
display-folder-facet=عرض واجهة المجلد
display-frequencies=عرض الترددات
@@ -6236,7 +6236,7 @@ duplicated-from-x=تم التكرار من {0}
duplicated-variable-name=اسم متغير مكرر
duration=المدة الزمنية
duration-help=عدد الأيام التي يحتفظ خلالها العملاء بالوصول إلى الملف. اترك 0 للتنزيل غير المحدود. يُرجى ملاحظة ما يلي: إذا تم تمكين الاشتراك في المنتج، فسوف تتجاوزه مدة دورات الاشتراكات.
-duration-type=Duration Type (Automatic Copy)
+duration-type=نوع المدة
duration-x-x=المدة {0} {1}
dxp-has-successfully-connected-to-analytics-cloud,-complete-your-set-up-in-the-instance-scope-menu=اتصل DXP بنجاح بسحابة التحليلات، أكمل الإعداد الخاص بك في قائمة نطاق المثيل.
@@ -7303,22 +7303,22 @@ feature.flag.LPD-6368.description=يمكن للمستخدمين وضع نطاق
feature.flag.LPD-6368.title=ترتيبات نتائج البحث
feature.flag.LPD-6378.description=يمكن للمستخدمين تكوين صفحات الأدوات المساعدة لعمليات تسجيل الدخول ونسيان كلمة المرور وإنشاء حساب.
feature.flag.LPD-6378.title=صفحات الأدوات المساعدة لتسجيل الدخول
-feature.flag.LPD-10703.description=Include workflow information and actions when reviewing publication changes. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10703.title=Improve Publications Review (Automatic Copy)
+feature.flag.LPD-10703.description=يشمل معلومات سير العمل والإجراءات عند مراجعة تغييرات النشر.
+feature.flag.LPD-10703.title=تحسين مراجعة المنشورات
feature.flag.LPD-10793.description=يمكن للمستخدمين إنشاء وحفظ صور الذكاء الاصطناعي في تطبيق المستندات والوسائط باستخدام OpenAI.
feature.flag.LPD-10793.title=إنشاء صور بالذكاء الاصطناعي في المستندات والوسائط
feature.flag.LPD-10855.description=يمكن للمستخدمين إدارة جهات الاتصال المرتبطة بالحسابات مباشرة.
feature.flag.LPD-10855.title=جهات اتصال الحساب
-feature.flag.LPD-10856.description=Users can map each product specification individually on a content page. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10856.title=Mapping Individual Product Specifications (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10862.description=Users can activate the content creation prompt with a single click by leveraging AI capabilities directly within the CKEditor for seamless and efficient content generation. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10862.title=Generative AI for Commerce Product (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10887.description=Users can now configure purchase options for products based on date, times, time zones, and durations, allowing for the sale of time slots. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10887.title=Date Times as Option (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-11018.description=Notify users when publications fail to publish or when scheduled publications have conflicts. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-11018.title=Publication Conflict Notifications (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-11070.description=Add the preview draft permission for pages. This grants users read only access to page drafts. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-11070.title=Preview Page Drafts Permission (Automatic Copy)
+feature.flag.LPD-10856.description=يمكن للمستخدمين تخطيط مواصفة كل منتج فرديًا على صفحة محتوى.
+feature.flag.LPD-10856.title=تخطيط مواصفات المنتجات الفردية
+feature.flag.LPD-10862.description=يمكن للمستخدمين تنشيط مطالبة إنشاء المحتوى بنقرة واحدة من خلال الاستفادة من قدرات الذكاء الاصطناعي مباشرة داخل CKEditor لإنشاء محتوى سهل وفعال.
+feature.flag.LPD-10862.title=ذكاء اصطناعي ابداعي لمنتج التجارة
+feature.flag.LPD-10887.description=يمكن للمستخدمين الآن تكوين خيارات الشراء للمنتجات استنادًا إلى التاريخ والوقت والمنطقة الزمنية والمدة، مع السماح ببيع الفسحات الزمنية.
+feature.flag.LPD-10887.title=التواريخ والأوقات كخيار
+feature.flag.LPD-11018.description=إخطار المستخدمين بفشل نشر المنشور أو عندما يكون هناك تعارضات للمنشورات المجدولة.
+feature.flag.LPD-11018.title=إشعارات تعارض المنشور
+feature.flag.LPD-11070.description=إضافة إذن معاينة المسودة للصفحات. هذا يمنح المستخدمين صلاحية الوصول للقراءة فقط لمسودات الصفحة.
+feature.flag.LPD-11070.title=إذن معاينة مسودات الصفحة
feature.flag.LPD-11147.description=Users can configure the URL path for different asset types. (Automatic Copy)
feature.flag.LPD-11147.title=Configurable URLs for Asset Types (Automatic Copy)
feature.flag.LPD-11218.description=يمكن للمستخدمين تمكين عوامل تصفية "الأدنى" و"الأخير" لتحديد مكان المحتوى الخاص بهم بسرعة إلى جانب تاريخ إنشائه.
@@ -7327,8 +7327,8 @@ feature.flag.LPD-15596.description=يمكن للمستخدمين تحديد وإ
feature.flag.LPD-15596.title=إدارة الأذونات والجدولة عند نشر المحتوى
feature.flag.LPD-15804.description=يضيف خطوة جديدة إلى عملية السداد مع الخروج.
feature.flag.LPD-15804.title=امتداد عميل خطوة السداد مع الخروج في التجارة
-feature.flag.LPD-16469.description=Users have the ability to bulk manage permissions for multiple web content articles. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-16469.title=Bulk Manage Permissions for Web Content Articles (Automatic Copy)
+feature.flag.LPD-16469.description=يتاح للمستخدمين إمكانية إدارة الأذونات المجمعة لعدة مقالات لمحتوى الويب.
+feature.flag.LPD-16469.title=الإدارة الأذونات المجمعة لمقالات محتويات الويب
feature.flag.LPS-96845.description=يمكن لعملاء SCIM الذين تم تكوينهم الاستفادة من REST APIs لمزامنة معلومات الهوية للمستخدمين والمجموعات بتطبيقات خارجية.
feature.flag.LPS-96845.title=نظام لإدارة الهويات عبر المجالات (SCIM)
feature.flag.LPS-114700.description=إضافة حالة تشير إلى العدد الإجمالي لحقول محتوى الويب المترجمة لكل لغة.
@@ -7355,8 +7355,8 @@ feature.flag.LPS-171364.description=يمكن للمستخدمين نقل الت
feature.flag.LPS-171364.title=نقل التغييرات بين المنشورات
feature.flag.LPS-174417.description=سوف يتمكن مسؤولو صفحة الموقع وقالب الموقع من عرض التحذيرات عند وجود عناوين URL ودية بالفعل في قالب الموقع أو الموقع الذي تم إنشاؤه من قالب الموقع.
feature.flag.LPS-174417.title=تحذيرات تعارض عناوين URL ودية في قالب الصفحة
-feature.flag.LPS-174455.description=Use object REST APIs to manage attachment fields. Add, get, or update data in Base64 format. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPS-174455.title=Improve REST APIs for Object Attachment Fields (Automatic Copy)
+feature.flag.LPS-174455.description=استخدام واجهات برمجة التطبيقات لـ REST للكائن، لإدارة حقول المرفقات. إضافة البيانات أو الحصول عليها أو تحديثها بتنسيق Base64.
+feature.flag.LPS-174455.title=تحسين واجهات برمجة التطبيقات لـ REST لحقول مرفقات الكائن
feature.flag.LPS-178642.description=يمكن للمستخدمين إنشاء واجهات REST APIs بدون ترميز، مع نقاط نهاية ومخططات وعوامل تصفية وعمليات فرز. سوف تكون واجهة المستخدم متوفرة تحت لوحة التحكم > الكائن > باني واجهة برمجة التطبيقات.
feature.flag.LPS-178642.title=باني واجهة برمجة التطبيقات (API)
feature.flag.LPS-179669.description=بحث عن محتوى مطابق في فهرس الشركة. وإضافة واجهات بمصطلحات عرض مترجمة ومجموعة من خطط البحث في الطلب لإضافة بحث مخصص، والتصفية والتجميع والفرز.
@@ -7383,8 +7383,8 @@ feature.flag.LPS-188898.description=سوف يتمكن المطورون من اس
feature.flag.LPS-188898.title=امتداد العميل لقاعدة التحقق من صحة الكائن
feature.flag.LPS-193884.description=سماح بتعيين تاريخ انتهاء صلاحية على روابط "تعيين كلمة مرور جديدة" للمستخدم الجديد كما في روابط "إعادة تعيين كلمة المرور".
feature.flag.LPS-193884.title=تاريخ انتهاء صلاحية رابط تعيين كلمة المرور لمستخدم جديد
-feature.flag.LPS-196847.description=Users can manage permissions for page groups and visually distinguish between public and private pages. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPS-196847.title=Improve Permission Management for Pages (Automatic Copy)
+feature.flag.LPS-196847.description=يمكن للمستخدمين إدارة الأذونات لمجموعات الصفحات والتمييز بصريًا بين الصفحات العامة والخاصة.
+feature.flag.LPS-196847.title=تحسين إدارة الأذونات للصفحات
feature.flag.LPS-196935.description=تم إهمال قوائم البيانات الديناميكية واستبدالها بالكائن. سوف تتم إزالة قوائم البيانات الديناميكية في 2024. برجاء ترحيل بياناتك إلى الكائن قبل ذلك الموعد.
feature.flag.LPS-196935.title=قوائم البيانات الديناميكية
feature.flag.LPS-199086.description=Allows staging users to export/import a child page without its parents. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -8129,7 +8129,7 @@ grace-limit=حد السماح
grace-limit-help=يحدد هذا الخيار عدد المرات التي يمكن للمستخدم تسجيل الدخول فيها بعد انتهاء صلاحية كلمة المرور الخاصة به قبل أن يُطلب منه إدخال كلمة مرور جديدة.
grand-total=الإجمالي الكلي
-grant-type=Grant Type (Automatic Copy)
+grant-type=نوع المنح
grant-type-x-is-unsupported-for-this-client-type=نوع المنحة "{0}" غير معتمد لنوع العميل هذا.
graph-url=رابط الرسم البياني
@@ -8678,7 +8678,7 @@ import-siteminder-users-from-ldap-help=إذا تم تحديد هذا الخيا
import-status=حالة الاستيراد
import-strategy=استيراد الاستراتيجية
import-structure=استيراد البنية
-import-succeeded=Import Succeeded (Automatic Copy)
+import-succeeded=تم الاستيراد بنجاح
import-task-isolation=استيراد مستوى عزل المهمة
import-task-isolation-help=تعيين مستوى العزل لمهام الاستيراد لنشر قالب الموقع. يتم تعيين الإعداد الافتراضي إلى مجموعة. وهذا يعني أنه يمكن تشغيل مهمة استيراد واحدة فقط لنشر قالب موقع في نفس الوقت لنفس الموقع الهدف. مع ذلك، يمكنك ضبطه على الشركة أيضًا. وهذا سيقلل من التشغيل المتزامن من خلال السماح بتشغيل مهمة واحدة فقط على مستوى الشركة. بوجه عام، استخدم هذا الخيار لتقليل الحمل على المدخل في مقابل تأخير عمليات نشر قوالب الموقع.
import-translation=استيراد الترجمة
@@ -8906,7 +8906,7 @@ instance-id=الرمز التعريفي للحالة
instance-id-x=معرف المثيل: {0}
instance-scope=نطاق المثيل
instance-settings=إعدادات المثيل
-instance-web-id=Instance Web ID (Automatic Copy)
+instance-web-id=معرف الويب للمثيل
instanceable=قابل لإنشاء مثيل
instant-messenger=المراسل الفوري
@@ -9320,7 +9320,7 @@ javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_inventory_web_internal_portlet_Commerce
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_machine_learning_forecast_alert_web_internal_portlet_CommerceMLForecastAlertPortlet=تنبيه التنبؤ لتعلم الآلة التجاري
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_order_content_web_internal_portlet_CommerceOpenOrderContentPortlet=فتح عربات التسوق
-javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_order_content_web_internal_portlet_CommerceReturnContentPortlet=Returns (Automatic Copy)
+javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_order_content_web_internal_portlet_CommerceReturnContentPortlet=عمليات الإرجاع
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_order_rule_web_internal_portlet_COREntryPortlet=قواعد الأمر
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_order_web_internal_portlet_CommerceOrderTypePortlet=أنواع الأمر
@@ -10010,7 +10010,7 @@ layout.types.portlet=صفحة الأدوات الذكية
layout.types.portlet.description=قم بإنشاء صفحة عن طريق إضافة الأدوات والمحتوى.
layout.types.url=رابط تشعبي
layout.types.url.description=اربط بموقع ويب آخر.
-layout.types.utility=Utility Page (Automatic Copy)
+layout.types.utility=صفحة الأدوات المساعدة
lazy-loading-can-help-to-improve-page-performance=يمكن أن يساعد التحميل البطيء في تحسين أداء الصفحة.
@@ -10312,7 +10312,7 @@ major=جسيم
major-version=الإصدار الرئيسي
make-a-copy=إنشاء نسخة
make-a-refund=إنشاء عملية استرداد
-make-a-return=Make a Return (Automatic Copy)
+make-a-return=إنشاء عملية إرجاع
make-additional-changes-and-publish-them-when-you-are-ready=قم بإجراء تغييرات إضافية وانشرها عندما تكون جاهزًا.
make-default=تعليم كافتراضي
@@ -10433,7 +10433,7 @@ mark-as-translated-for-x-language=جميع الحقول للغة {0} سوف يت
mark-as-unread=وضع علامة غير مقروء
mark-the-sku-as-discontinued=تعليم SKU على أنه مقطوع
mark-x-as-favorite=تعليم {0} كمفضل
-mark-x-as-translated=Mark "{0}" as Translated (Automatic Copy)
+mark-x-as-translated=تعليم {0} كمترجمة
markdown-importer-article-extensions=امتدادات مقالات مستورد Markdown
markdown-importer-article-intro=مقدمة مقالة مستورد Markdown
markdown-importer-image-file-extensions=امتدادات ملفات صور مستورد Markdown
@@ -11367,8 +11367,8 @@ modified-x-ago-by-x=تم التعديل منذ {0} بواسطة {1}.
modifier-type=نوع المعدِّل
modify-the-friendly-url-of-the-pages-to-allow-their-propagation-from-the-site-template=قم بتعديل عنوان URL المألوف للصفحات للسماح بنشرها من قالب الموقع.
-modifying-the-field-name-may-result-in-data-loss=Modifying the field name may result in data loss. (Automatic Copy)
-modifying-the-option-name-may-result-in-data-loss=Modifying the option name may result in data loss. (Automatic Copy)
+modifying-the-field-name-may-result-in-data-loss=تعديل اسم الحقل قد يؤدي إلى فقدان البيانات.
+modifying-the-option-name-may-result-in-data-loss=تعديل اسم الخيار قد يؤدي إلى فقدان البيانات.
modifying-the-site-template-logo-only-affects-sites-that-are-not-yet-created=لا يؤثر تعديل شعار قالب الموقع إلا على المواقع التي لم يتم إنشاؤها بعد.
module-id=معرف الوحدة
@@ -12384,14 +12384,14 @@ object-action-trigger[onAfterRootUpdate]=بعد تحديث الجذر
object-action-trigger[onAfterUpdate]=بعد التحديث
-object-definition=Object Definition (Automatic Copy)
+object-definition=تعريف الكائن
object-definition-data=بيانات الكائن
object-definition-id=معرف الكائن
object-definition-storage-type-tooltip=حدد ما إذا كان سيتم تخزين البيانات في Liferay (افتراضي) أو في نظام خارجي فقط. يتم تطبيق القيود لتعريفات الكائن بأنواع تخزين خارجي.
object-definition-successfully-imported=تم استيراد تعريف الكائن بنجاح.
object-definition-table-name=اسم الجدول
object-definition-x-is-selected=تم تحديد تعريف الكائن {0}.
-object-definitions-failed-to-import=Object Definitions Failed to Import (Automatic Copy)
+object-definitions-failed-to-import=فشل استيراد تعريفات الكائن
object-entry-id=معرف إدخال الكائن
object-entry-value-exceeds-integer-field-allowed-size=قيمة إدخال الكائن تتجاوز الحجم المسموح به لحقل الرقم الصحيح.
object-entry-value-exceeds-long-field-allowed-size=قيمة إدخال الكائن تتجاوز الحجم المسموح به للحقل الطويل.
@@ -12630,9 +12630,9 @@ option=الخيار
option-created=تم إنشاء الخيار
option-detail=تفاصيل الخيارات
option-field-type=نوع حقل الخيار
-option-name=Option Name (Automatic Copy)
+option-name=اسم الخيار
option-not-found=خيار غير موجود
-option-reference=Option Reference (Automatic Copy)
+option-reference=مرجع الخيار
option-selected=الخيار المحدد
option-selector=محدد الخيارات
option-template-detail=تفاصيل قالب الخيارات
@@ -13261,7 +13261,7 @@ please-add-a-valid-email-address=الرجاء إضافة عنوان بريد ا
please-add-a-workflow-title-before-publishing=يُرجى إضافة عنوان سير عمل قبل النشر.
please-add-at-least-one-field=يُرجى إضافة حقل واحد على الأقل.
please-add-at-least-one-item-to-the-shipment=يرجى إضافة عنصر واحد على الأقل إلى الشحنة.
-please-add-at-least-one-item-you-wish-to-return-from-the-order-to-proceed-with-the-request=Please add at least one item you wish to return from the order to proceed with the request. (Automatic Copy)
+please-add-at-least-one-item-you-wish-to-return-from-the-order-to-proceed-with-the-request=الرجاء إضافة عنصر واحد على الأقل ترغب في إرجاعه من الأمر لمواصلة الطلب.
please-add-at-least-one-option=يُرجى إضافة خيار واحد على الأقل.
please-add-at-least-one-shipping-option=يُرجى إضافة خيار شحن واحد على الأقل.
please-add-at-least-one-tax-rate=يُرجى إضافة نسبة ضريبية واحدة على الأقل.
@@ -13619,7 +13619,7 @@ please-provide-all-mandatory-files-and-make-sure-the-file-types-are-valid=يرج
please-provide-the-reason-for-your-request=يرجى تقديم سبب لطلبك.
please-reenter-your-quantity-for-the-items-with-the-following-skus=الرجاء إعادة إدخال الكميات للأصناف بالرموز التعريفية التالية:
please-rename-this-with-another-words=يُرجى إعادة التسمية بكلمات أخرى.
-please-review-the-details-of-the-returning-items-before-submitting-the-request=Please review the details of the returning items before submitting the request. (Automatic Copy)
+please-review-the-details-of-the-returning-items-before-submitting-the-request=الرجاء مراجعة تفاصيل إرجاع العناصر قبل إرسال الطلب.
please-select-a-category=الرجاء إختيار تصنيف.
please-select-a-country=الرجاء إختيار بلد.
please-select-a-course=الرجاء إختيار بلد.
@@ -14618,8 +14618,8 @@ refund-amount=مبلغ الاسترداد
refund-details=تفاصيل الاسترداد
refund-reason=سبب الاسترداد
refund-status=حالة الاسترداد
-refund-subtotal=Refund Subtotal (Automatic Copy)
-refund-summary=Refund Summary (Automatic Copy)
+refund-subtotal=الإجمالي الفرعي للاسترداد
+refund-summary=ملخص الاسترداد
refunded=المبلغ المعاد
regenerate-preview-and-thumbnail-of-openoffice-files-in-documents-and-media=إعادة إنشاء المعاينة والصورة المصغرة لملفات OpenOffice في المستندات والوسائط.
regenerate-preview-and-thumbnail-of-openoffice-files-in-documents-and-media-help=هذا الإجراء لا يعدِّل معاينات OpenOffice الموجودة.
@@ -14866,7 +14866,7 @@ repeat-top-to-bottom=الإعادة من الأعلى إلى الأسفل
repeat-type=نوع التكرار
repeatable=قابل للتكرار
-repetitions=Repetitions (Automatic Copy)
replace-certificate=استبدال الشهادة
replace-file=استبدال ملف
@@ -14966,7 +14966,7 @@ requested-by-x=مطلوب من قِبل {0}
requested-date=تاريخ الطلب
requested-delivery-date=تاريخ التسليم المطلوب
requested-delivery-date-at-checkout=تاريخ التسليم المطلوب عند الخروج مع السداد
-requested-quantity=Requested Quantity (Automatic Copy)
+requested-quantity=الكمية المطلوبة
requested-report-id=معرِّف التقرير المطلوب
requested-report-status=حالة التقرير المطلوب
requesting-translation=طلب الترجمة.
@@ -15053,7 +15053,7 @@ resize-column=تغيير حجم العمود
resize-sidebar=شريط جانبي لتغيير الحجم
resolution=درجة الدقة
-resolve-all-active-scripting-uses-before-proceeding-you-can-deactivate-the-source-entity-or-remove-the-script=Resolve all active scripting uses before proceeding. You can deactivate the source entity or remove the script. (Automatic Copy)
+resolve-all-active-scripting-uses-before-proceeding-you-can-deactivate-the-source-entity-or-remove-the-script=حل جميع استخدامات البرمجة النصية النشطة قبل المتابعة. يمكنك إلغاء تنشيط الكيان المصدر أو إزالة النص البرمجي.
resolve-any-conflicts=إزالة أي تعارضات
resolved=ما تم حله
resolved-on-time=محلولة في الموعد
@@ -15151,9 +15151,9 @@ retry-timeout=مهلة إعادة المحاولة
retry-timeout-description=تعيين الوقت بالثواني لحظر الطلبات بعد الوصول إلى الحد الخاص بالمحاولات الفاشلة المسموح بها.
retry-your-request=أعد محاولة طلبك.
return-date=تاريخ الإرجاع
-return-date-range=Return Date Range (Automatic Copy)
+return-date-range=النطاق التاريخي للإرجاع
return-id=معرف الإرجاع
-return-reason=Return Reason (Automatic Copy)
+return-reason=سبب الإرجاع
return-receipt=إرجاع الوصل:
return-status=حالة الإرجاع
return-to-full-page=العودة للصحفة الكاملة
@@ -15514,7 +15514,7 @@ script-file=ملف برنامج نصي
script-language=لغة البرنامج النصي
script-management=إدارة البرنامج النصي
script-management-configuration-name=إدارة البرنامج النصي
-script-source=Script Source (Automatic Copy)
+script-source=مصدر النص البرمجي
scripted-assignment=تعيين ببرنامج نصي
scripted-assignment-cache-expiration-time-description=حدد الوقت، بالدقائق، الذي يتم بعده مسح ذاكرة التخزين المؤقت للبرامج النصية للمهام المعينة المبرمجة. استخدم صفر أو قيمة سلبية لتعطيل ذاكرة التخزين المؤقت.
scripted-assignment-cache-expiration-time-name=وقت انتهاء صلاحية ذاكرة التخزين المؤقت للمهمة المبرمجة
@@ -15832,7 +15832,7 @@ select-css-client-extensions=تحديد امتدادات عميل CSS
select-current-date=تحديد التاريخ الحالي
select-data-fields=تحديد حقول البيانات
select-date=إختر التاريخ
-select-date-from-list=Select Date from List (Automatic Copy)
+select-date-from-list=تحديد تاريخ من القائمة
select-date-range=حدد نطاق التاريخ
select-destination=اختيار الوجهة
select-destination-folder-for-x-item=تحديد مجلد الوجهة لـ {0} عنصر
@@ -15922,7 +15922,7 @@ select-reassignment=تحديد إعادة التعيين
select-recipients=إختر المستقبلين
select-region=تحديد منطقة
select-restore-folder=تحديد مجلد الاستعادة
-select-returnable-items=Select Returnable Items (Automatic Copy)
+select-returnable-items=تحديد عناصر قابلة للإرجاع
select-role=تحديد دور
select-scope=تحديد نطاق
select-search=تحديد بحث
@@ -16234,7 +16234,7 @@ set-x-to-x=تعيين {0} إلى {1}
set-your-jira-login=تعيين تسجيل دخول JIRA.
set-your-login-for-x-to-track-your-jira-activity=اضبط تسجيل دخول {0} لمتابعة نشاط JIRA.
setting-a-value-above-x-can-affect-page-performance-severely=تعيين قيمة أعلى من {0} يمكن أن يؤثر على أداء الصفحة بدرجة كبيرة.
-setting-cannot-be-deactivated=Setting Cannot Be Deactivated (Automatic Copy)
+setting-cannot-be-deactivated=لا يمكن إلغاء تنشيط الإعداد
several-shared-parameters-are-mapped-to-the-same-parameter=عدة خواص مشتركة مربوطة بخاصية واحدة.
@@ -17238,7 +17238,7 @@ submit-for-workflow-with-permissions=إرسال لسير العمل مع الأ
submit-new=إرسال جديد
submit-new-x=إرسال {0} جديد
-submit-return-request=Submit Return Request (Automatic Copy)
+submit-return-request=إرسال طلب إرجاع
submit-to-reddit=الإرسال لـ Reddit
submitted-entry-status=حالة الإدخال التي تم إرسالها
@@ -17321,9 +17321,9 @@ successfully-saved=تم الحفظ بنجاح.
successfully-unassigned-display-page-template=تم إلغاء التعيين بنجاح إلى قالب صفحة العرض.
such-as-x-or-x=مثل {0} من {1}
-sugarcrm=SugarCRM (Automatic Copy)
-sugarcrm-configuration-name=SugarCRM Integration (Automatic Copy)
-sugarcrm-objects-do-not-support-relationships=SugarCRM objects do not support relationships. (Automatic Copy)
+sugarcrm-configuration-name=تكامل SugarCRM
+sugarcrm-objects-do-not-support-relationships=كائنات SugarCRM لا تدعم العلاقات.
suggestion-contributor=مساهم الاقتراح
suggestion-contributor-help=أدخل اسم المساهم المستخدم لعرض الاقتراحات.
suggestion-in-progress-email=البريد الإلكتروني للاقتراح قيد التقدم
@@ -18438,7 +18438,7 @@ the-note-could-not-be-found=تعذر العثور على الملاحظة.
the-number-of-keys-generated-has-exceeded-the-number-of-allowed-keys=عدد المفاتيح التي تم تكوينها تعدى العدد المسموح به.
the-object-action-was-created-successfully=تم إنشاء إجراء الكائن بنجاح.
the-object-action-was-updated-successfully=تم تحديث إجراء الكائن بنجاح.
-the-object-could-not-be-found=The object could not be found. (Automatic Copy)
+the-object-could-not-be-found=لم يتم العثور على الكائن.
the-object-definition-failed-to-import=فشل استيراد تعريف الكائن.
the-object-definition-is-already-published=تم نشر تعريف الكائن بالفعل.
the-object-definition-was-imported-without-a-custom-view=تم استيراد تعريف الكائن بدون عرض مخصص.
@@ -19298,7 +19298,7 @@ this-article-is-set-to-publish-later=تم تعيين هذه المقالة لل
this-article-will-be-published-on-x=سيتم نشر هذه المقالة في {0}.
this-blog=هذه المدوّنة
this-category=هذا التصنيف
-this-category-might-be-being-used-in-some-contents=This category might be being used in some contents. If you delete it, this category and its subcategories will also be deleted and removed from those contents. Friendly URLs may also be affected. Do you want to continue deleting this category? (Automatic Copy)
+this-category-might-be-being-used-in-some-contents=ربما يجري استخدام هذه الفئة في بعض المحتويات. إذا حذفتها، فسوف يتم أيضًا حذف هذه الفئة وجميع الفئات الفرعية لها وإزالتها من تلك الفئات. هل تريد الاستمرار في حذف هذه الفئة؟
this-change-will-only-affect-the-newly-created-localized-content=لن يؤثر هذا التغيير إلا على المحتوى المترجم حديثًا.
this-change-will-only-be-shown-after-you-refresh-the-page=هذا التغيير سيظهر عند تحديث الصفحة الحالية فقط.
this-collection-has-no-items=هذا التحصيل ليس به عناصر. يلزمك على الأقل عنصر واحد لاستخدام هذا التكوين.
@@ -19407,7 +19407,7 @@ this-operation-cannot-be-undone=لا يمكن التراجع عن هذه الع
this-operation-will-not-be-applied-to-any-of-the-selected-folders=لن يتم تطبق هذه العملية على أي من المجلدات المحددة.
this-option-is-enabled-only-in-a-clustered-environment=يتم تمكين هذا الخيار فقط في بيئة نظام مجموعة.
this-order-cannot-be-transitioned=لا يمكن نقل هذا الطلب.
-this-order-has-already-been-checked-out=This order has already been checked out. (Automatic Copy)
+this-order-has-already-been-checked-out=تم بالفعل تنفيذ السداد مع الخروج لهذا الأمر.
this-organization=تحرير منظمة
this-organization-does-not-have-a-parent-organization=هذه المؤسسة ليس لديها أي مؤسسة رئيسية.
this-organization-does-not-have-any-additional-email-addresses=هذه المنظمة ليس لديها أي عناوين بريد إلكتروني إضافي.
@@ -19764,7 +19764,7 @@ total-discount-percentage-level-3-with-tax-amount=مبلغ نسبة الخصم
total-discount-percentage-level-4=نسبة الخصم الإجمالي من المستوى 4
total-discount-percentage-level-4-with-tax-amount=مبلغ نسبة الخصم الإجمالي من المستوى 4 مع الضريبة
total-discount-with-tax-amount=مبلغ الخصم الإجمالي مع الضريبة
-total-estimated-refund=Total Estimated Refund (Automatic Copy)
+total-estimated-refund=إجمالي الاسترداد المقدر
total-memory=مجمل الذاكرة
total-modifications=إجمالي التعديلات
total-open=إجمالي المفتوح
@@ -20062,7 +20062,7 @@ unit-price=سعر الوحدة
united-states-phone-format=تنسيق رقم هواتف الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
units-of-measure=وحدات القياس (UOM)
-units-returned=Units Returned (Automatic Copy)
+units-returned=الوحدات المرتجعة
unknown=غير معروف
unknown-element-message-edit=احذف هذا الشرط. لقد تم إنشاؤه من عنصر لم يعد موجودًا.
unknown-element-message-view=الشرط المظلل يرتبط بعنصر لم يعد موجودًا. اذهب لتحرير الشرط وحذفه.
diff --git a/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_ca.properties b/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_ca.properties
index 6bcc2c57649b9a..6a3cb8b0e8f7f3 100644
--- a/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_ca.properties
+++ b/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_ca.properties
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ accepted=Acceptat
accepted-answer=Resposta acceptada
accepted-date=Data d'acceptació
accepted-file-extensions=Extensions de fitxers acceptades
-accepted-x-declined-x-pending-x-maybe-x=Accepted ({0}), Declined ({1}), Pending ({2}), Maybe ({3}) (Automatic Copy)
+accepted-x-declined-x-pending-x-maybe-x=Acceptat ({0}), Rebutjat ({1}), Pendent ({2}), Potser ({3})
access-denied=Accés denegat
access-from-desktop=Accedeix des de l'escriptori
access-in-my-account=Accés al meu compte
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ access-token-key-byte-size=Mida del testimoni d'accés
access-token-key-byte-size-description=Establiu el nombre de bytes aleatoris utilitzats per generar el testimoni d'accés.
access-token-size=Mida del testimoni d'accés
access-token-size-description=Establiu el nombre de bytes aleatoris utilitzats per generar el testimoni d'accés.
-access-token-url=Access Token URL (Automatic Copy)
+access-token-url=URL del testimoni d'accés
accessTokenCreateDate=Data de creació del testimoni d'actualització
accessTokenExpirationDate=Data de caducitat del testimoni d'actualització
accessed-urls=Els URL als quals s'ha accedit
@@ -1068,7 +1068,7 @@ add-restriction=Afegeix restricció
add-restrictions=Afegeix restriccions
add-result=Afegeix un resultat
add-results-help=Afegeix resultats que normalment no són retornats per la consulta de cerca principal.
-add-return-item=Add Return Item (Automatic Copy)
+add-return-item=Afegeix l'article a retornar
add-role=Afegeix un rol
add-role-to-x=Afegeix rol a {0}
add-row=Afegeix una fila
@@ -1218,7 +1218,7 @@ administrator-id=ID de l'administrador
administrator-role-names=Noms del rol d'administrador
administrator-user=Usuari administrador
-administrators-can-create-and-execute-code-in-their-virtual-instance=Administrators can create and execute code in their virtual instance. Disabling this feature deactivates all actions and validations that use Groovy. (Automatic Copy)
+administrators-can-create-and-execute-code-in-their-virtual-instance=Els administradors poden crear i executar codi en la seva instància virtual. Si es desactiva aquesta característica es desactiven totes les accions i validacions que utilitzen Groovy.
administrators-can-manually-unlock-pages-that-are-being-used-by-other-users=Els administradors poden desbloquejar manualment les pàgines que estan utilitzant altres usuaris. Tingueu en compte que l'usuari actual pot perdre el control sobre l'edició de la pàgina si la desbloquegeu.
administrators-can-view,-edit,-publish,-and-invite-other-users=Els administradors poden veure, editar, publicar i convidar altres usuaris.
administrators-email=Adreça electrònica de l'administrador
@@ -1380,9 +1380,9 @@ all-your-pages-are-connected-or-redirected=Totes les vostres pàgines estan conn
all-your-unsaved-changes-will-be-lost-unless-you-save-or-publish-them-before-leaving=Tots els canvis que no hàgiu desat es perdran si no els deseu o els publiqueu abans de sortir.
allow-adding-pages=Permet que s'afegeixin pàgines
-allow-administrator-to-create-and-execute-code-in-liferay=Allow administrator to create and execute code in Liferay. (Automatic Copy)
+allow-administrator-to-create-and-execute-code-in-liferay=Permet que l'administrador creï i executi codi a Liferay.
allow-administrators-to-publish-and-edit-workflows=Permet que els administradors publiquin i editin fluxos de treball
-allow-administrators-to-publish-and-edit-workflows-description=When selected, users with the Regular Administrator role in a virtual instance can publish new workflow definitions, including scripting content that is executed inside the portal (and potentially in other virtual instances). (Automatic Copy)
+allow-administrators-to-publish-and-edit-workflows-description=Si se selecciona aquesta opció, els usuaris que tinguin el rol d'Administrador regular en una instància virtual poden publicar noves definicions de fluxos de treball, incloent-hi el contingut de l'scripting que s'executi a dins del portal (i potencialment en altres instàncies virtuals).
allow-anonymous-emails=Permet correus electrònics anònims
allow-anonymous-posting=Permet comentaris d'usuaris anònims
allow-anyone-with-the-link-to-view-this-publication=Permeteu que qualsevol persona que tingui l'enllaç pugui veure la publicació.
@@ -1441,7 +1441,7 @@ allowed-classes=Classes permeses
allowed-credentials-per-user=Credencials permeses per usuari
allowed-credentials-per-user-description=Establiu el nombre de credencials permeses per usuari.
allowed-domains=Dominis permesos
-allowed-domains-help=Set the domains which the portal is allowed to redirect to. Remove all entries to allow any domain. Specifying a domain with a leading "*." allows redirects to subdomains. PORTAL_DOMAIN will be replaced with the current domain of the portal. (Automatic Copy)
+allowed-domains-help=Establiu els dominis a què el portal pot redirigir. Suprimiu totes les entrades per permetre qualsevol domini. Especificar un domini precedit de "*." permet les redireccions als subdominis.
allowed-file-extensions=Extensions de fitxers permeses
allowed-fragments=Fragments permesos
allowed-grant-types=Tipus d'autoritzacions permesos
@@ -2512,7 +2512,7 @@ base-quantity=Quantitat de base
base-tracking-url=URL base de seguiment
base-unit-quantity=Quantitat de la unitat de base
base-unit-quantity-help=Els compradors només poden comprar en increments a partir de la quantitat de la unitat de base.
-base-url=Base URL (Automatic Copy)
+base-url=URL de base
base-url-x-is-invalid=L'URL de base "{0}" no és vàlid. Introduïu un URL de base vàlid.
baseline=Línia base
baseline-clauses=Frases de referència
@@ -2912,7 +2912,7 @@ calendar=Calendari
calendar-does-not-serve-unknown-resource-x=El calendari no serveix recursos desconegut {0}.
calendar-item-color-picker-press-space-to-enter-the-color-picker=Selector de color d'elements del calendari: premeu Espai per introduir el selector de color.
-calendar-name=Calendar Name (Automatic Copy)
+calendar-name=Nom del calendari
calendar-notification-templates=Monstres de notificaicó de calendari
calendar-resource-already-exists=El recurs de calendari ja existeix.
calendar-resources=Recursos de calendari
@@ -3354,7 +3354,7 @@ changing-the-order-of-the-categories-is-not-supported=No es permet canviar l'ord
changing-the-structure-key-will-reindex-all-the-web-content-articles-with-this-structure.-this-action-may-take-some-time,-and-the-affected-items-may-not-be-available-during-this-process=Canviar la clau estructural reindexarà tots els articles de contingut web amb aquesta estructura. Aquesta acció pot tardar una estona i els elements afectats poden no estar disponibles durant aquest procés.
changing-the-template-will-not-affect-the-original-web-content-default-template.-the-change-only-applies-to-this-web-content-display=Canviar la plantilla no afectarà la plantilla predeterminada del contingut web original. El canvi només afectarà aquesta visualització de contingut web.
changing-the-value-of-this-field-reloads-the-page=Si es canvia el valor d'aquest camp es tornarà a carregar la pàgina.
-changing-this-setting-will-reset-all-mappings-for-this-collection=Changing this setting will reset all mappings for this collection. (Automatic Copy)
+changing-this-setting-will-reset-all-mappings-for-this-collection=Si es canvia aquest paràmetre es restabliran tots els mapatges d'aquesta col·lecció.
channel-account-managers=Gestors de comptes de canal
channel-defaults=Valors per defecte del canal
@@ -4376,7 +4376,7 @@ cookie-consent-panel-configuration-name=Tauler de consentiment
cookie-enabled-help=Aquesta casella de selecció permet la gestió de les preferències de galetes en funció de les opcions seleccionades per l'usuari. També permet les opcions de configuració tant per al bàner com per al tauler de consentiment.
cookie-explicit-consent-mode=Mode de consentiment explícit a les galetes
cookie-explicit-consent-mode-help=Si se selecciona aquesta opció, no es configuren les galetes fins que l'usuari accepta els usos de les galetes. Si no se selecciona, totes les galetes estan configurades fins que l'usuari no es dona de baixa de les galetes.
-cookie-explicit-consent-mode-help-deprecated=If this option is checked, then no cookies are set until the user agrees to cookie usages. Otherwise, all cookies are set until the user opts out of them. (Automatic Copy)
+cookie-explicit-consent-mode-help-deprecated=Si se selecciona aquesta opció, no s'estableixen les galetes fins que l'usuari no accepta els usos de les galetes. Si no se selecciona, totes les galetes estan establertes fins que l'usuari les rebutja.
cookie-policy=Política de galetes
cookie-policy-link=Enllaç de la política de galetes
cookie-preference-handling-configuration-name=Gestió de preferències
@@ -5489,8 +5489,8 @@ default-view=Vista per defecte
default-view-must-have-at-least-one-column=La vista per defecte ha de tenir com a mínim una columna.
default-viewport=Finestra gràfica per defecte
default-visualization-mode=Mode de visualització per defecte
-default-visualization-mode-help=Customize which visualization mode will be shown by default for this Data Set. (Automatic Copy)
-default-visualization-mode-tooltip=To select a default visualization mode, first configure it in the Visualization Modes tab. (Automatic Copy)
+default-visualization-mode-help=Personalitzeu quin mode de visualització es mostrarà per defecte per a aquest conjunt de dades.
+default-visualization-mode-tooltip=Per seleccionar un mode de visualització per defecte, configureu-lo abans a la pestanya Modes de visualització.
default-was-changed=S'ha canviat el valor per defecte
default-workflow-for-all-document-types=Flux de treball per defecte per a tots els tipus de documents
default-workflow-for-all-structures=Flux de treball per defecte per a totes les estructures
@@ -5600,7 +5600,7 @@ delete-question=Voleu suprimir la pregunta?
delete-recurring-event=Esborra esdeveniment recurrent
delete-refresh-token=Suprimeix el testimoni d'actualització
delete-relationship=Suprimeix la relació
-delete-return-x=Delete Return #{0} (Automatic Copy)
+delete-return-x=Suprimeix la devolució #{0}
delete-row=Esborra la fila
delete-segment-property=Suprimeix la propietat del segment
delete-selected-value=Elimina el valor seleccionat
@@ -5923,7 +5923,7 @@ display-did-you-mean-if-the-number-of-search-results-does-not-meet-the-threshold
display-discount-levels=Mostra els nivells de descompte
display-entries-of-the-following-field-types-as-tables-select-from-list-single-selection-multiple-selection-and-boolean=Mostra les entrades dels tipus de camp següents com a taules: booleà, selecció múltiple, selecció de la llista i selecció única.
display-facet=Mostra els aspectes
-display-field-name-in-structures-ui-and-allow-users-to-edit-it=Display field name in structures UI and allow users to edit it. (Automatic Copy)
+display-field-name-in-structures-ui-and-allow-users-to-edit-it=Mostra el nom del camp a la IU d'estructures i permet que els usuaris l'editin.
display-fields-and-one-to-one-relationships=Mostra els camps i les relacions d'un a un.
display-folder-facet=Aspecte de la carpeta de visualització
display-frequencies=Freqüències de visualització
@@ -6236,7 +6236,7 @@ duplicated-from-x=Duplicat de {0}
duplicated-variable-name=Nom duplicat de la variable
duration-help=El nombre de dies que els clients poden accedir a l'arxiu. Deixeu 0 per baixades il·limitades.
-duration-type=Duration Type (Automatic Copy)
+duration-type=Tipus de durada
duration-x-x=Durada {0} {1}
dxp-has-successfully-connected-to-analytics-cloud,-complete-your-set-up-in-the-instance-scope-menu=El DXP s'ha connectat correctament a Analytics Cloud. Completeu la configuració al menú d'àmbit de la instància.
@@ -7303,22 +7303,22 @@ feature.flag.LPD-6368.description=Els usuaris poden definir l'àmbit de les cate
feature.flag.LPD-6368.title=Definició de l'àmbit de les categories dels resultats
feature.flag.LPD-6378.description=Els usuaris poden configurar les pàgines d'utilitat per als processos d'inici de sessió, de contrasenya oblidada i de creació de compte.
feature.flag.LPD-6378.title=Pàgines d'utilitat d'inici de sessió
-feature.flag.LPD-10703.description=Include workflow information and actions when reviewing publication changes. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10703.title=Improve Publications Review (Automatic Copy)
+feature.flag.LPD-10703.description=Inclou la informació del flux de treball i les accions a l'hora de revisar els canvis a les publicacions.
+feature.flag.LPD-10703.title=Millora de la revisió de les publicacions
feature.flag.LPD-10793.description=Els usuaris poden generar i desar imatges d'IA a l'aplicació Documents i Multimèdia utilitzant OpenAI.
feature.flag.LPD-10793.title=Generació d'imatges d'IA a Documents i Multimèdia
feature.flag.LPD-10855.description=Els usuaris poden gestionar contactes directament relacionats amb els comptes.
feature.flag.LPD-10855.title=Contactes del compte
-feature.flag.LPD-10856.description=Users can map each product specification individually on a content page. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10856.title=Mapping Individual Product Specifications (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10862.description=Users can activate the content creation prompt with a single click by leveraging AI capabilities directly within the CKEditor for seamless and efficient content generation. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10862.title=Generative AI for Commerce Product (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10887.description=Users can now configure purchase options for products based on date, times, time zones, and durations, allowing for the sale of time slots. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10887.title=Date Times as Option (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-11018.description=Notify users when publications fail to publish or when scheduled publications have conflicts. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-11018.title=Publication Conflict Notifications (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-11070.description=Add the preview draft permission for pages. This grants users read only access to page drafts. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-11070.title=Preview Page Drafts Permission (Automatic Copy)
+feature.flag.LPD-10856.description=Els usuaris poden mapar cada especificació de producte individualment en una pàgina de contingut.
+feature.flag.LPD-10856.title=Mapatge de les especificacions de productes individuals
+feature.flag.LPD-10862.description=Els usuaris poden activar l'indicador de creació de contingut amb un sol clic aprofitant les capacitats d'IA directament dins el CKEditor per obtenir una generació de contingut eficient i fluida.
+feature.flag.LPD-10862.title=IA generativa per a productes de comerç
+feature.flag.LPD-10887.description=Ara els usuaris poden configurar les opcions de compra dels productes en funció de la data, l'hora, les zones horàries i les durades, permetent la venda en franges horàries.
+feature.flag.LPD-10887.title=Dates i hores com a opció
+feature.flag.LPD-11018.description=Notifica-ho als usuaris quan les publicacions no es puguin publicar o quan les publicacions programades tinguin conflictes.
+feature.flag.LPD-11018.title=Notificacions de conflictes en publicacions
+feature.flag.LPD-11070.description=Afegeix el permís de previsualització d'esborranys per a les pàgines. Això ofereix als usuaris l'accés de Només lectura als esborranys de les pàgines.
+feature.flag.LPD-11070.title=Permís de previsualització d'esborranys de les pàgines
feature.flag.LPD-11147.description=Users can configure the URL path for different asset types. (Automatic Copy)
feature.flag.LPD-11147.title=Configurable URLs for Asset Types (Automatic Copy)
feature.flag.LPD-11218.description=Els usuaris poden habilitar els filtres "Meu" i "Recent" per localitzar ràpidament el seu propi contingut juntament amb la seva data de creació.
@@ -7327,8 +7327,8 @@ feature.flag.LPD-15596.description=Els usuaris poden definir i gestionar els per
feature.flag.LPD-15596.title=Gestiona els permisos i la planificació en publicar contingut
feature.flag.LPD-15804.description=Afegeix un nou pas al procés de finalització de la compra.
feature.flag.LPD-15804.title=Extensió de client del pas de finalització de compra de Comerç
-feature.flag.LPD-16469.description=Users have the ability to bulk manage permissions for multiple web content articles. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-16469.title=Bulk Manage Permissions for Web Content Articles (Automatic Copy)
+feature.flag.LPD-16469.description=Els usuaris poden gestionar en lots els permisos per a diversos articles de contingut de web.
+feature.flag.LPD-16469.title=Gestió en lots de permisos per a articles de contingut web
feature.flag.LPS-96845.description=Els clients SCIM configurats poden aprofitar les API REST per sincronitzar les informacions d'identitat per a usuaris i grups amb aplicacions externes.
feature.flag.LPS-96845.title=Sistema de gestió d'identitats entre dominis (SCIM)
feature.flag.LPS-114700.description=Afegiu un estat que indiqui el nombre total de camps de contingut web traduïts per a cada idioma.
@@ -7355,8 +7355,8 @@ feature.flag.LPS-171364.description=Els usuaris poden moure canvis entre publica
feature.flag.LPS-171364.title=Mou canvis entre publicacions
feature.flag.LPS-174417.description=Els administradors de la pàgina i la plantilla del lloc web podran veure avisos quan ja existeixin URL amigables de les pàgines a la plantilla del lloc web o el lloc web creat a partir de la plantilla del lloc web.
feature.flag.LPS-174417.title=Advertències de conflictes d'URL amigables de la plantilla del lloc web
-feature.flag.LPS-174455.description=Use object REST APIs to manage attachment fields. Add, get, or update data in Base64 format. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPS-174455.title=Improve REST APIs for Object Attachment Fields (Automatic Copy)
+feature.flag.LPS-174455.description=Utilitzeu les API REST d'objectes per gestionar els camps de fitxers adjunts. Afegiu, obteniu o actualitzeu dades en format Base64.
+feature.flag.LPS-174455.title=Millora de les API REST per als camps de fitxers adjunts d'objectes
feature.flag.LPS-178642.description=Els usuaris no poden crear API REST de codi amb endpoints, esquemes, filtres i ordenacions. La interfície d'usuari estarà disponible a Tauler de control > Objecte > Creador d'API.
feature.flag.LPS-178642.title=Creador d'API
feature.flag.LPS-179669.description=Cerqueu a l'índex de l'empresa el contingut corresponent. Afegiu facetes amb els termes de visualització traduïts i establiu un plànol de cerca a la sol·licitud per afegir cerques, filtratge, agregació i ordenació personalitzats.
@@ -7373,8 +7373,8 @@ feature.flag.LPS-187285.description=Mostra les indicacions a l'auditoria de pàg
feature.flag.LPS-187285.title=Indicacions per evitar problemes de rendiment
feature.flag.LPS-187436.description=Qualsevol persona pot revisar els canvis en una publicació a través d'un enllaç.
feature.flag.LPS-187436.title=Ús compartit de la publicació amb un enllaç
-feature.flag.LPS-187793.description=Users can customize the XML Sitemap to include or exclude content based on SEO requirements. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPS-187793.title=Customizing Sitemap Indexing (Automatic Copy)
+feature.flag.LPS-187793.description=Els usuaris poden personalitzar el mapa del lloc XML per incloure o excloure contingut en funció dels requisits de SEO.
+feature.flag.LPS-187793.title=Personalització de la indexació del mapa del lloc
feature.flag.LPS-187854.description=Els usuaris poden afegir validacions d'objectes que verifiquin que els valors del camp són únics.
feature.flag.LPS-187854.title=Millora de les validacions dels camps
feature.flag.LPS-188058.description=Els usuaris poden programar la publicació d'articles de base de coneixement, i la supressió de carpetes o articles els mou a la paperera de reciclatge.
@@ -7383,8 +7383,8 @@ feature.flag.LPS-188898.description=Els desenvolupadors podran utilitzar extensi
feature.flag.LPS-188898.title=Extensió de client de la regla de validació d'objectes
feature.flag.LPS-193884.description=Permet que s'estableixi una data de caducitat als enllaços per establir una contrasenya nova per als usuaris nous, de manera que els enllaços permetin restablir la contrasenya.
feature.flag.LPS-193884.title=Data de caducitat de l'enllaç d'establir una contrasenya per als usuaris nous
-feature.flag.LPS-196847.description=Users can manage permissions for page groups and visually distinguish between public and private pages. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPS-196847.title=Improve Permission Management for Pages (Automatic Copy)
+feature.flag.LPS-196847.description=Els usuaris poden gestionar permisos per a grups de pàgines i distingir visualment les pàgines públiques de les privades.
+feature.flag.LPS-196847.title=Millora de la gestió de permisos per a les pàgines
feature.flag.LPS-196935.description=Les llistes de dades dinàmiques són obsoletes i se substitueixen per Objecte. La DDL s'eliminarà el 2024. Migreu les vostres dades a Objecte abans d'aquesta data.
feature.flag.LPS-196935.title=Llistes de dades dinàmiques
feature.flag.LPS-199086.description=Allows staging users to export/import a child page without its parents. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -8129,7 +8129,7 @@ grace-limit=Límit del període de gràcia
grace-limit-help=Determina el número de vegades que l'usuari es pot connectar després de que la contrasenya hagi expirat, abans de demanar d'introduïr una nova contransenya.
-grant-type=Grant Type (Automatic Copy)
+grant-type=Tipus de concessió
grant-type-x-is-unsupported-for-this-client-type=Aquest tipus de client no admet el tipus de concessió "{0}".
graph-url=URL del gràfic
@@ -8475,7 +8475,7 @@ http-client-max-connections=Nombre màxim de connexions HTTP
http-client-max-connections-help=Estableix el nombre màxim de connexions HTTP obertes que es permet.
http-client-max-error-retry=Nombre màxim de reintents HTTP
http-client-max-error-retry-help=Estableix el nombre màxim de reintents per a sol·licituds reintentables errònies.
-http-configuration-name=HTTP Configuration (Automatic Copy)
+http-configuration-name=Configuració HTTP
http-cors-allow-origin=Permet origen Http CORS
http-cors-allow-origin-help=Orígens que es permetran quan HTTP CORS estigui habilitat.
http-cors-configurations=Configuracions HTTP CORS
@@ -8678,7 +8678,7 @@ import-siteminder-users-from-ldap-help=Si se selecciona aquesta opció, els usua
import-status=Estat de la importació
import-strategy=Importa l'estratègia
import-structure=Importa l'estructura
-import-succeeded=Import Succeeded (Automatic Copy)
+import-succeeded=S'ha importat correctament
import-task-isolation=Importa el nivell d'aïllament de la tasca
import-task-isolation-help=Establiu el nivell d'aïllament per a les tasques d'importació de propagació de plantilles del lloc web. L'opció per defecte està establerta en grup. Això vol dir que només es pot executar una tasca d'importació de propagació de plantilles de lloc al mateix temps per al mateix lloc de destinació. No obstant això, també es pot establir com a empresa. Això reduirà el paral·lelisme en permetre que només s'executi una tasca al nivell de l'empresa. En general, utilitzeu aquesta opció per reduir la càrrega al portal a canvi de retardar la propagació de plantilles del lloc.
import-translation=Importa la traducció
@@ -8906,7 +8906,7 @@ instance-id=ID de la instància
instance-id-x=ID de la instància: {0}
instance-scope=Àmbit de la instància
instance-settings=Configuració d'instància
-instance-web-id=Instance Web ID (Automatic Copy)
+instance-web-id=ID web de la instància
instanceable=Admet la creació d'instàncies
instant-messenger=Missatgeria instantània
@@ -9320,11 +9320,11 @@ javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_inventory_web_internal_portlet_Commerce
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_machine_learning_forecast_alert_web_internal_portlet_CommerceMLForecastAlertPortlet=Alerta de previsió de l'aprenentatge automàtic de Comerç
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_order_content_web_internal_portlet_CommerceOpenOrderContentPortlet=Cistells oberts
-javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_order_content_web_internal_portlet_CommerceReturnContentPortlet=Returns (Automatic Copy)
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_order_rule_web_internal_portlet_COREntryPortlet=Normes de comanda
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_order_web_internal_portlet_CommerceOrderTypePortlet=Tipus de comanda
-javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_order_web_internal_portlet_CommerceReturnPortlet=Returns (Automatic Copy)
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_organization_web_internal_portlet_CommerceOrganizationPortlet=Gestió d'organització
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_payment_web_internal_portlet_CommercePaymentMethodPortlet=Mètodes de pagament
@@ -9667,8 +9667,8 @@ kb-folders=Carpetes de base de coneixement
kb-templates=Plantilles de base de coneixement
keep-alive=Connexió persistent
-keep-alive-timeout=Keep Alive Timeout (Automatic Copy)
-keep-alive-timeout-help=Specify a default timeout in seconds for HTTP keep alive. By default, a connection is persistent and will remain open indefinitely. A Keep-Alive header is commonly used to communicate a specific timeout value. Setting this default timeout with a value greater than 0 would make it so that if the Keep-Alive header is not present with a specific timeout value, the specified default timeout would be used. (Automatic Copy)
+keep-alive-timeout=Temps d'espera de la connexió persistent
+keep-alive-timeout-help=Especifiqueu un temps d'espera per defecte en segons per a la connexió persistent HTTP. Per defecte, una connexió és persistent i es manté oberta indefinidament. Normalment, un encapçalament amb connexió persistent es fa servir per comunicar un valor de temps d'espera concret. Establir aquest temps d'espera per defecte en un valor superior a 0 fa que, si no hi ha un encapçalament amb connexió persistent amb un temps d'espera concret, es faci servir el temps d'espera especificat per defecte.
keep-alive-url=URL de connexió persistent
keep-both=Conserva'ls tots dos
keep-both-attachments-and-rename-the-removed-attachment-as=Mantingues els dos fitxers adjunts i canvia el nom del fitxer adjunt eliminat per:
@@ -10012,7 +10012,7 @@ layout.types.portlet=Pàgina de ginys
layout.types.portlet.description=Construeix una pàgina afegint ginys i contingut.
layout.types.url=Enllaç a URL
layout.types.url.description=Enllaça a un altre lloc web.
-layout.types.utility=Utility Page (Automatic Copy)
+layout.types.utility=Pàgina d'utilitat
lazy-loading-can-help-to-improve-page-performance=La càrrega lenta pot ajudar a millorar el rendiment de la pàgina.
@@ -10314,7 +10314,7 @@ major=Greu
major-version=Versió major
make-a-copy=Fes una còpia
make-a-refund=Fes un reembossament
-make-a-return=Make a Return (Automatic Copy)
+make-a-return=Fes una devolució
make-additional-changes-and-publish-them-when-you-are-ready=Feu canvis addicionals i publiqueu-los quan estigueu a punt.
make-default=Fer que sigui per defecte
@@ -10435,7 +10435,7 @@ mark-as-translated-for-x-language=Tots els camps de l'idioma {0} es marcaran com
mark-as-unread=Marca com no llegit
mark-the-sku-as-discontinued=Marca l'SKU com a suspès
mark-x-as-favorite=Marca {0} com a preferit
-mark-x-as-translated=Mark "{0}" as Translated (Automatic Copy)
+mark-x-as-translated=Marca {0} com a traduït
markdown-importer-article-extensions=Extensions de l'article de l'importador de Markdown
markdown-importer-article-intro=Introducció de l'article de l'importador de Markdown
markdown-importer-image-file-extensions=Extensions de fitxer d'imatge de l'importador de Markdown
@@ -11369,8 +11369,8 @@ modified-x-ago-by-x=Modificat fa {0} per {1}.
modifier-type=Tipus de modificador
modify-the-friendly-url-of-the-pages-to-allow-their-propagation-from-the-site-template=Modifica l'URL amigable de les pàgines per a permetre la propagació des de la plantilla de lloc.
-modifying-the-field-name-may-result-in-data-loss=Modifying the field name may result in data loss. (Automatic Copy)
-modifying-the-option-name-may-result-in-data-loss=Modifying the option name may result in data loss. (Automatic Copy)
+modifying-the-field-name-may-result-in-data-loss=La modificació del nom del camp pot produir una pèrdua de dades.
+modifying-the-option-name-may-result-in-data-loss=La modificació del nom de l'opció pot produir una pèrdua de dades.
modifying-the-site-template-logo-only-affects-sites-that-are-not-yet-created=Modificar el logotip de la plantilla de lloc només s'aplicarà als llocs nous.
module-id=ID del mòdul
@@ -12386,14 +12386,14 @@ object-action-trigger[onAfterRootUpdate]=Després d'actualitzar l'arrel
object-action-trigger[onAfterUpdate]=Després de l'actualització
-object-definition=Object Definition (Automatic Copy)
+object-definition=Definició d'objecte
object-definition-data=Dades de l'objecte
object-definition-id=ID de l'objecte
object-definition-storage-type-tooltip=Seleccioneu si les dades s'han d'emmagatzemar a Liferay (per defecte) o només en un sistema extern. S'apliquen limitacions per a les definicions d'objectes amb tipus d'emmagatzematge externs.
object-definition-successfully-imported=La definició de l'objecte s'ha importat correctament.
object-definition-table-name=Nom de la taula
object-definition-x-is-selected=S'ha seleccionat la definició d'objecte {0}.
-object-definitions-failed-to-import=Object Definitions Failed to Import (Automatic Copy)
+object-definitions-failed-to-import=No s'han pogut importar les definicions d'objecte
object-entry-id=ID de l'entrada d'objecte
object-entry-value-exceeds-integer-field-allowed-size=El valor d'entrada de l'objecte excedeix la mida autoritzada del camp de nombres enters.
object-entry-value-exceeds-long-field-allowed-size=El valor d'entrada de l'objecte excedeix la mida autoritzada del camp llarg.
@@ -12632,9 +12632,9 @@ option=Opció
option-created=S'ha creat l'opció
option-detail=Detall de l'opció
option-field-type=Tipus de camp d'opció
-option-name=Option Name (Automatic Copy)
+option-name=Nom de l'opció
option-not-found=No s'ha trobat l'opció
-option-reference=Option Reference (Automatic Copy)
+option-reference=Referència de l'opció
option-selected=Opció seleccionada
option-selector=Selector d'opcions
option-template-detail=Detall de plantilla d'opció
@@ -13263,7 +13263,7 @@ please-add-a-valid-email-address=Introduïu una adreça de correu electrònic v
please-add-a-workflow-title-before-publishing=Afegiu un títol al flux de treball abans de publicar.
please-add-at-least-one-field=Afegiu almenys un camp.
please-add-at-least-one-item-to-the-shipment=Afegiu com a mínim un article a l'enviament.
-please-add-at-least-one-item-you-wish-to-return-from-the-order-to-proceed-with-the-request=Please add at least one item you wish to return from the order to proceed with the request. (Automatic Copy)
+please-add-at-least-one-item-you-wish-to-return-from-the-order-to-proceed-with-the-request=Afegiu com a mínim un article de la comanda que vulgueu tornar per tramitar la sol·licitud.
please-add-at-least-one-option=Afegiu com a mínim una opció.
please-add-at-least-one-shipping-option=Afegiu almenys una opció d'enviament.
please-add-at-least-one-tax-rate=Afegiu almenys una taxa impositiva.
@@ -13621,7 +13621,7 @@ please-provide-all-mandatory-files-and-make-sure-the-file-types-are-valid=Propor
please-provide-the-reason-for-your-request=Indiqueu el motiu de la sol·licitud.
please-reenter-your-quantity-for-the-items-with-the-following-skus=Torneu a introduir la quantitat d'elements amb les següents SKU:
please-rename-this-with-another-words=Reanomeneu això amb unes altres paraules.
-please-review-the-details-of-the-returning-items-before-submitting-the-request=Please review the details of the returning items before submitting the request. (Automatic Copy)
+please-review-the-details-of-the-returning-items-before-submitting-the-request=Reviseu els detalls dels articles que es tornen abans d'enviar la sol·licitud.
please-select-a-category=Seleccioneu una categoria.
please-select-a-country=Seleccioneu un país.
please-select-a-course=Seleccioneu un curs.
@@ -14620,8 +14620,8 @@ refund-amount=Reembossa l'import
refund-details=Detalls del reembossament
refund-reason=Motiu del reembossament
refund-status=Estat del reembossament
-refund-subtotal=Refund Subtotal (Automatic Copy)
-refund-summary=Refund Summary (Automatic Copy)
+refund-subtotal=Subtotal del reembossament
+refund-summary=Resum del reembossament
regenerate-preview-and-thumbnail-of-openoffice-files-in-documents-and-media=Regenera la vista prèvia i la miniatura dels fitxers de l'OpenOffice a Documents i Multimèdia.
regenerate-preview-and-thumbnail-of-openoffice-files-in-documents-and-media-help=Aquesta acció no modifica les previsualitzacions de l'OpenOffice existents.
@@ -14868,7 +14868,7 @@ repeat-top-to-bottom=Repeteix de dalt a baix
repeat-type=Tipus de repetició
-repetitions=Repetitions (Automatic Copy)
replace-certificate=Substitueix el certificat
replace-file=Substitueix el fitxer
@@ -14968,7 +14968,7 @@ requested-by-x=Demanat per {0}
requested-date=Data de sol·licitud
requested-delivery-date=Data de lliurament sol·licitada
requested-delivery-date-at-checkout=Data d'entrega sol·licitada durant el pagament
-requested-quantity=Requested Quantity (Automatic Copy)
+requested-quantity=Quantitat sol·licitada
requested-report-id=ID de l'informe sol·licitat
requested-report-status=Estat de l'informe sol·licitat
requesting-translation=S'està sol·licitant la traducció.
@@ -15055,7 +15055,7 @@ resize-column=Canvia la mida de la columna
resize-sidebar=Redimensiona la barra lateral
-resolve-all-active-scripting-uses-before-proceeding-you-can-deactivate-the-source-entity-or-remove-the-script=Resolve all active scripting uses before proceeding. You can deactivate the source entity or remove the script. (Automatic Copy)
+resolve-all-active-scripting-uses-before-proceeding-you-can-deactivate-the-source-entity-or-remove-the-script=Resoleu tots els usos de scripts actius abans de continuar. Podeu desactivar l'entitat d'origen o suprimir l'script.
resolve-any-conflicts=Resol qualsevol conflicte
resolved-on-time=Resolt a temps
@@ -15152,12 +15152,12 @@ retry-payment=Torneu a intentar el pagament
retry-timeout=Temps d'espera del reintent
retry-timeout-description=Defineix el temps en segons que ha d'esperar un usuari abans de poder tornar a intentar un inici de sessió quan ha fallat.
retry-your-request=Torneu a provar la sol·licitud.
-return-date=Return Date (Automatic Copy)
-return-date-range=Return Date Range (Automatic Copy)
-return-id=Return ID (Automatic Copy)
-return-reason=Return Reason (Automatic Copy)
+return-date=Data de la devolució
+return-date-range=Interval de dates de la devolució
+return-id=ID de la devolució
+return-reason=Motiu de la devolució
return-receipt=Justificant de recepció:
-return-status=Return Status (Automatic Copy)
+return-status=Estat de la devolució
return-to-full-page=Torna a la pàgina principal
return-type=Tipus de retorn
@@ -15462,7 +15462,7 @@ scheduled=Programat
scheduled-by-x=Programat per {0}
scheduled-events=Esdeveniments programats
scheduled-jobs=Treballs programats
-scheduled-publications-conflict-checks=Scheduled Publications Conflict Checks (Automatic Copy)
+scheduled-publications-conflict-checks=Comprovacions de conflictes de publicacions programades
scheduled-publish-layout-local=Publicació local planificada
scheduled-publish-layout-remote=Publicació remota planificada
scheduled-start-date=Data d'inici programada
@@ -15516,7 +15516,7 @@ script-file=Fitxer script
script-language=Idioma de la seqüència
script-management=Gestió de scripts
script-management-configuration-name=Gestió de scripts
-script-source=Script Source (Automatic Copy)
+script-source=Origen de l'script
scripted-assignment=Assignació generada per seqüències
scripted-assignment-cache-expiration-time-description=Definiu l'hora, en minuts, a partir de la qual s'esborrarà la memòria cau dels scripts de tasques d'assignació amb scripts. Utilitzeu zero o un valor negatiu per desactivar la memòria cau.
scripted-assignment-cache-expiration-time-name=Hora de venciment de la memòria cau de l'assignació amb script
@@ -15834,7 +15834,7 @@ select-css-client-extensions=Seleccioneu extensions de client CSS
select-current-date=Seleccioneu la data actual
select-data-fields=Selecciona els camps de dades
select-date=Seleccioneu una data
-select-date-from-list=Select Date from List (Automatic Copy)
+select-date-from-list=Seleccioneu la data a la llista
select-date-range=Seleccioneu l'interval de dates
select-destination=Selecciona la destinació
select-destination-folder-for-x-item=Selecciona la carpeta de destí de {0} element/s
@@ -15924,7 +15924,7 @@ select-reassignment=Seleccioneu la reassignació
select-recipients=Seleccioneu els destinataris
select-region=Selecciona una regió
select-restore-folder=Seleccioneu la carpeta de restauració
-select-returnable-items=Select Returnable Items (Automatic Copy)
+select-returnable-items=Seleccioneu els articles que es poden tornar
select-role=Selecciona un rol
select-scope=Selecciona un àmbit
select-search=Selecciona cerca
@@ -16236,7 +16236,7 @@ set-x-to-x=Establiu {0} a {1}
set-your-jira-login=Establiu les credencials JIRA.
set-your-login-for-x-to-track-your-jira-activity=Definiu les vostres credencials de {0} per fer un seguiment de l'activitat JIRA.
setting-a-value-above-x-can-affect-page-performance-severely=Establir un valor per sobre de {0} pot afectar molt el rendiment de la pàgina.
-setting-cannot-be-deactivated=Setting Cannot Be Deactivated (Automatic Copy)
+setting-cannot-be-deactivated=El paràmetre no es pot desactivar
several-shared-parameters-are-mapped-to-the-same-parameter=S'han mapat diversos paràmetres compartits al mateix paràmetre.
@@ -17240,7 +17240,7 @@ submit-for-workflow-with-permissions=Envia per al flux de treball amb permisos
submit-new=Envia nou
submit-new-x=Envia nou {0}
-submit-return-request=Submit Return Request (Automatic Copy)
+submit-return-request=Envia la sol·licitud de devolució
submit-to-reddit=Envia a Reddit
submitted-by=Enviat per
submitted-entry-status=S'ha enviat l'estat de l'entrada
@@ -17323,9 +17323,9 @@ successfully-saved=Guardat correctament.
successfully-unassigned-display-page-template=S'ha anul·lat correctament l'assignació de la plantilla de la pàgina de visualització.
such-as-x-or-x=Com per exemple {0} o {1}
-sugarcrm=SugarCRM (Automatic Copy)
-sugarcrm-configuration-name=SugarCRM Integration (Automatic Copy)
-sugarcrm-objects-do-not-support-relationships=SugarCRM objects do not support relationships. (Automatic Copy)
+sugarcrm-configuration-name=Integració SugarCRM
+sugarcrm-objects-do-not-support-relationships=Els objectes de SugarCRM no admeten les relacions.
suggestion-contributor=Contribuïdor del suggeriment
suggestion-contributor-help=Introduïu el nom del col·laborador utilitzat per mostrar els suggeriments.
suggestion-in-progress-email=Suggeriment en procés de correu electrònic
@@ -17784,8 +17784,8 @@ tax-value-endpoint-url=URL de l'Endpoint del valor fiscal
taxed-address=Adreça dels impostos
-tcp-keep-alive-enabled=TCP Keep Alive Enabled (Automatic Copy)
-tcp-keep-alive-enabled-help=If checked, SO_KEEPALIVE will be enabled for newly created sockets by default. (Automatic Copy)
+tcp-keep-alive-enabled=S'ha activat el TCP amb connexió persistent
+tcp-keep-alive-enabled-help=Si se selecciona aquesta opció, SO_KEEPALIVE s'activarà per defecte per als sòcols acabats de crear.
team-id=ID de l'equip
@@ -18440,7 +18440,7 @@ the-note-could-not-be-found=No s'ha trobat la nota.
the-number-of-keys-generated-has-exceeded-the-number-of-allowed-keys=El nombre de claus generades ha superat el nombre de claus permeses.
the-object-action-was-created-successfully=L'acció de l'objecte s'ha creat correctament.
the-object-action-was-updated-successfully=L'acció de l'objecte s'ha actualitzat correctament.
-the-object-could-not-be-found=The object could not be found. (Automatic Copy)
+the-object-could-not-be-found=No s'ha trobat l'objecte.
the-object-definition-failed-to-import=No s'ha pogut importar la definició de l'objecte.
the-object-definition-is-already-published=La definició de l'objecte ja s'ha publicat.
the-object-definition-was-imported-without-a-custom-view=La definició de l'objecte s'ha importat sense una vista personalitzada.
@@ -19172,7 +19172,7 @@ there-are-no-workflow-definitions=No hi ha definicions de flux de treball.
there-are-no-x=No hi ha cap {0}.
there-are-no-x-orders=No hi ha {0} comandes.
there-are-no-x-related-issues=No hi ha problemes relacionats amb {0}.
-there-are-object-definitions-with-the-same-external-reference-code-as-the-imported-ones=There are object definitions with the same external reference code as the imported ones. By continuing, you will update the existing object definitions. This action is permanent and data can be lost if the imported object definitions have missing fields compared to the existing ones. The affected object definitions are: (Automatic Copy)
+there-are-object-definitions-with-the-same-external-reference-code-as-the-imported-ones=Hi ha definicions d'objecte amb el mateix codi de referència externa que les importades. En continuar, actualitzareu les definicions d'objecte existents. Aquesta acció és permanent i les dades es poden perdre si a les definicions d'objecte importades els hi falten camps en relació amb les existents. Les definicions d'objecte afectades són:
there-are-one-or-more-mandatory-vocabularies-assigned-to-the-knowledge-base-article=Hi ha un o més vocabularis obligatoris assignats a l'article de base de coneixement.
there-are-other-redirects-pointing-to-the-source-url-of-this-redirect=Hi ha altres redireccionaments que apunten a l'URL d'origen d'aquest redireccionament. Això crearà una cadena de redireccionament que farà que els usuaris siguin redirigits diverses vegades abans d'arribar al destí.
there-are-replacement-products-in-your-cart=Hi ha productes de substitució al vostre cistell.
@@ -19300,7 +19300,7 @@ this-article-is-set-to-publish-later=L'article està configurat per publicar-se
this-article-will-be-published-on-x=Aquest article es publicarà el dia {0}.
this-blog=Aquest blog
this-category=Aquesta categoria
-this-category-might-be-being-used-in-some-contents=This category might be being used in some contents. If you delete it, this category and its subcategories will also be deleted and removed from those contents. Friendly URLs may also be affected. Do you want to continue deleting this category? (Automatic Copy)
+this-category-might-be-being-used-in-some-contents=Aquesta categoria es pot estar utilitzant en alguns continguts. Si la suprimiu, aquesta categoria i totes les seves subcategories també se suprimiran i es retiraran d'aquests continguts. Voleu continuar suprimint aquesta categoria?
this-change-will-only-affect-the-newly-created-localized-content=Aquest canvi afectarà només el contingut acabat de crear o localitzar.
this-change-will-only-be-shown-after-you-refresh-the-page=Aquest canvi només es mostrarà després de refrescar la pàgina actual.
this-collection-has-no-items=Aquesta col·lecció no té elements. Necessiteu com a mínim un element per utilitzar aquesta configuració.
@@ -19409,7 +19409,7 @@ this-operation-cannot-be-undone=Aquesta operació no es pot desfer.
this-operation-will-not-be-applied-to-any-of-the-selected-folders=Aquesta operació no s'aplicarà a cap de les carpetes seleccionades.
this-option-is-enabled-only-in-a-clustered-environment=Aquesta opció només està habilitada en un entorn en clúster.
this-order-cannot-be-transitioned=No es pot fer la transició d'aquesta comanda.
-this-order-has-already-been-checked-out=This order has already been checked out. (Automatic Copy)
+this-order-has-already-been-checked-out=Aquesta comanda ja s'ha tramitat.
this-organization=Aquesta organització
this-organization-does-not-have-a-parent-organization=Aquesta organització no té una organització pare.
this-organization-does-not-have-any-additional-email-addresses=Aquesta organització no té cap adreça electrònica addicional.
@@ -19491,7 +19491,7 @@ this-result-comes-from-the-x-version-of-this-content=Aquest resultat prové de l
this-role-does-not-have-any-permissions=Aquest rol no té cap permís.
this-role-is-automatically-assigned=Aquest rol s'ha assignat automàticament.
this-rule-is-broken-due-to-missing-fields=Aquesta regla està trencada perquè falten camps.
-this-scheduled-publication-contains-conflicting-changes-that-must-be-manually-resolved-before-publishing=This scheduled publication contains conflicting changes that must be manually resolved before publishing. Please unschedule the publication in order to resolve conflicts. (Automatic Copy)
+this-scheduled-publication-contains-conflicting-changes-that-must-be-manually-resolved-before-publishing=Aquesta publicació programada conté canvis conflictius que s'han de resoldre manualment abans de la publicació. Desprogrameu la publicació per resoldre els conflictes.
this-scope-is-no-longer-available=Aquest àmbit ja no està disponible.
this-search-bar-is-not-visible-to-users-yet=Aquesta barra de cerca encara no és visible per als usuaris.
this-section-will-be-editable-after-creating-the-user=Aquesta secció serà editable després de crear l'usuari.
@@ -19766,7 +19766,7 @@ total-discount-percentage-level-3-with-tax-amount=Nivell 3 de percentatge de des
total-discount-percentage-level-4=Nivell 4 de percentatge de descompte total
total-discount-percentage-level-4-with-tax-amount=Nivell 4 de percentatge de descompte total amb l'import dels impostos
total-discount-with-tax-amount=Descompte total amb l'import dels impostos
-total-estimated-refund=Total Estimated Refund (Automatic Copy)
+total-estimated-refund=Reembossament total estimat
total-memory=Memòria total
total-modifications=Modificacions totals
total-open=Total obert
@@ -20064,7 +20064,7 @@ unit-price=Preu unitari
united-states-phone-format=Format de número de telèfon dels EEUU
units-of-measure=Unitats de mesura (UOM)
-units-returned=Units Returned (Automatic Copy)
+units-returned=Unitats tornades
unknown-element-message-edit=Suprimiu aquesta condició. S'ha creat a partir d'un element que ja no existeix.
unknown-element-message-view=La condició destacada està relacionada amb un element que ja no existeix. Aneu a edita i suprimiu la condició.
@@ -20187,7 +20187,7 @@ update-entry=Actualitza l'entrada
update-event=Actualitza l'esdeveniment
update-exchange-rates=Actualitzar taxes de canvi
update-existing-object-definition=Actualitza la definició d'objecte existent
-update-existing-object-definitions=Update Existing Objects Definitions (Automatic Copy)
+update-existing-object-definitions=Actualitza les definicions d'objecte existents
update-existing-object-folder=Actualitza la carpeta d'objecte existent
update-existing-picklist=Actualitza la llista de selecció existent
update-feedback=Actualitza les opinions
@@ -21595,7 +21595,7 @@ x-rows-were-imported-successfully={0} files s'han importat correctament.
x-rows-were-not-imported={0} files no s'han importat.
x-scheduled-publication-failed={0} publicació programada ha fallat.
x-scheduled-publication-failed-with-an-unexpected-system-error={0} publicació planificada ha fallat a causa d'un error inesperat del sistema.
-x-scheduled-publication-has-conflicts-with-production={0} scheduled publication has conflicts with production. (Automatic Copy)
+x-scheduled-publication-has-conflicts-with-production={0} publicació programada té conflictes amb la producció.
x-screen-size-is-selected=S'ha seleccionat la mida de pantalla {0}.
x-search={0} cerca
x-search-provider={0} proveïdor de cerca
diff --git a/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_de.properties b/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_de.properties
index e6f43099cdbef8..a1e78c38334e8d 100644
--- a/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_de.properties
+++ b/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_de.properties
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ accepted=Angenommen
accepted-answer=Akzeptierte Antwort
accepted-file-extensions=Erlaubte Dateierweiterungen
-accepted-x-declined-x-pending-x-maybe-x=Accepted ({0}), Declined ({1}), Pending ({2}), Maybe ({3}) (Automatic Copy)
+accepted-x-declined-x-pending-x-maybe-x=Akzeptiert ({0}), Abgelehnt ({1}), Ausstehend ({2}), Vielleicht ({3})
access-denied=Zugriff verweigert
access-in-my-account=Zugang über Mein Konto
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ access-token-key-byte-size=Größe Zugriffstoken
access-token-key-byte-size-description=Legen Sie die Anzahl an zufälligen Bytes fest, die zum Generieren des Zugriffstoken genutzt werden.
access-token-size=Größe Zugriffstoken
access-token-size-description=Legen Sie die Anzahl an zufälligen Bytes fest, die zum Generieren des Zugriffstoken genutzt werden.
-access-token-url=Access Token URL (Automatic Copy)
accessTokenCreateDate=Erstellungsdatum Zugriffstoken
accessTokenExpirationDate=Ablaufdatum Zugriffstoken
accessed-urls=Besuchte URLs
@@ -1068,7 +1068,7 @@ add-restriction=Einschränkung hinzufügen
add-restrictions=Einschränkungen hinzufügen
add-result=Ergebnis hinzufügen
add-results-help=Ergebnisse hinzufügen, die für gewöhnlich nicht von der Hauptsuchabfrage ausgegeben werden.
-add-return-item=Add Return Item (Automatic Copy)
+add-return-item=Artikel für Rückgabe hinzufügen
add-role=Rolle hinzufügen
add-role-to-x=Rolle zu {0} hinzufügen
add-row=Zeile hinzufügen
@@ -1218,7 +1218,7 @@ administrator-id=Administrator-ID
administrator-role-names=Namen von Administratorrollen
-administrators-can-create-and-execute-code-in-their-virtual-instance=Administrators can create and execute code in their virtual instance. Disabling this feature deactivates all actions and validations that use Groovy. (Automatic Copy)
+administrators-can-create-and-execute-code-in-their-virtual-instance=Administratoren können Code in ihrer virtuellen Instanz erstellen und ausführen. Wenn Sie diese Funktion deaktivieren, werden alle Aktionen und Validierungen, die Groovy verwenden, deaktiviert.
administrators-can-manually-unlock-pages-that-are-being-used-by-other-users=Administratoren können Seiten, die von anderen Benutzern verwendet werden, manuell freischalten. Bitte beachten Sie, dass der aktuelle Benutzer möglicherweise die Kontrolle über die Bearbeitung der Seite verliert, wenn Sie sie freischalten.
administrators-can-view,-edit,-publish,-and-invite-other-users=Administratoren können andere Benutzer anzeigen, bearbeiten, veröffentlichen und einladen.
administrators-email=E-Mail des Administrators
@@ -1380,9 +1380,9 @@ all-your-pages-are-connected-or-redirected=Alle Ihre Seiten sind verbunden oder
all-your-unsaved-changes-will-be-lost-unless-you-save-or-publish-them-before-leaving=Alle nicht gespeicherten Änderungen gehen verloren, wenn Sie sie nicht vor dem Beenden speichern oder veröffentlichen.
allow-adding-pages=Das Hinzufügen von Seiten erlauben
-allow-administrator-to-create-and-execute-code-in-liferay=Allow administrator to create and execute code in Liferay. (Automatic Copy)
+allow-administrator-to-create-and-execute-code-in-liferay=Dem Administrator erlauben, Code in Liferay zu erstellen und auszuführen.
allow-administrators-to-publish-and-edit-workflows=Administratoren erlauben, Workflows zu veröffentlichen und zu bearbeiten
-allow-administrators-to-publish-and-edit-workflows-description=When selected, users with the Regular Administrator role in a virtual instance can publish new workflow definitions, including scripting content that is executed inside the portal (and potentially in other virtual instances). (Automatic Copy)
+allow-administrators-to-publish-and-edit-workflows-description=Wenn diese Option aktiviert ist, können Benutzer mit der Rolle "Regulärer Administrator" in einer virtuellen Instanz neue Workflow-Definitionen veröffentlichen, einschließlich Skriptinhalt, der innerhalb des Portals (und möglicherweise in anderen virtuellen Instanzen) ausgeführt wird.
allow-anonymous-emails=Anonyme E-Mails erlauben
allow-anonymous-posting=Anonyme Beiträge erlauben
allow-anyone-with-the-link-to-view-this-publication=Erlauben Sie jedem, der den Link hat, diese Publikation anzuzeigen.
@@ -1441,7 +1441,7 @@ allowed-classes=Zulässige Klassen
allowed-credentials-per-user=Erlaubte Anmeldeinformationen pro Benutzer
allowed-credentials-per-user-description=Legen Sie die Anzahl erlaubter Anmeldeinformationen pro Benutzer fest.
allowed-domains=Zulässige Domänen
-allowed-domains-help=Set the domains which the portal is allowed to redirect to. Remove all entries to allow any domain. Specifying a domain with a leading "*." allows redirects to subdomains. PORTAL_DOMAIN will be replaced with the current domain of the portal. (Automatic Copy)
+allowed-domains-help=Legen Sie die Domänen fest, zu denen das Portal weiterleiten darf. Entfernen Sie alle Einträge, um alle Domänen zuzulassen. Die Angabe einer Domäne mit führendem "*." erlaubt Weiterleitungen zu Unterdomänen.
allowed-file-extensions=Erlaubte Dateierweiterungen
allowed-fragments=Erlaubte Fragmente
allowed-grant-types=Erlaubte Autorisierungstypen
@@ -1812,7 +1812,7 @@ are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-all-timers-and-their-settings=Sind Sie sicher, d
are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-blueprints=Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die ausgewählten Blueprints löschen möchten?
are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-elements=Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die ausgewählten Elemente löschen möchten?
are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-order-x=Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie den Auftrag #{0} löschen möchten?
-are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-return-x=Are you sure you want to delete return #{0}? (Automatic Copy)
+are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-return-x=Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die Rückgabe #{0} löschen möchten?
are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-the-application-there-are-no-authorizations-or-associated-tokens=Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die Anwendung löschen möchten? Es gibt keine Autorisierungen oder verbundene Tokens.
are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-the-application-this-action-revokes-one-authorization-and-associated-tokens=Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die Anwendung löschen möchten? Diese Aktion macht 1 Autorisierung und verbundene Tokens ungültig.
are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-the-application-this-action-revokes-x-authorizations-and-associated-tokens=Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die Anwendung löschen möchten? Diese Aktion macht {0} Autorisierungen und verbundene Tokens ungültig.
@@ -2512,7 +2512,7 @@ base-quantity=Basismenge
base-unit-quantity-help=Käufer können nur in Schritten der Basiseinheitmenge kaufen.
-base-url=Base URL (Automatic Copy)
base-url-x-is-invalid=Basis-URL "{0}" ist ungültig.
@@ -2912,7 +2912,7 @@ calendar=Kalender
calendar-does-not-serve-unknown-resource-x=Unbekannte Ressource {0} kann von Kalender nicht zur Verfügung gestellt werden.
calendar-item-color-picker-press-space-to-enter-the-color-picker=Kalenderelement Farbwähler: Drücken Sie die Leertaste, um den Farbwähler zu öffnen.
-calendar-name=Calendar Name (Automatic Copy)
calendar-resource-already-exists=Kalenderressource existiert bereits.
@@ -3354,7 +3354,7 @@ changing-the-order-of-the-categories-is-not-supported=Die Reihenfolge der Katego
changing-the-structure-key-will-reindex-all-the-web-content-articles-with-this-structure.-this-action-may-take-some-time,-and-the-affected-items-may-not-be-available-during-this-process=Wenn Sie den Strukturschlüssel ändern, werden alle Webinhalte mit dieser Struktur neu indiziert. Dieser Vorgang kann einige Zeit in Anspruch nehmen, und die betroffenen Elemente sind während dieses Vorgangs möglicherweise nicht verfügbar.
changing-the-template-will-not-affect-the-original-web-content-default-template.-the-change-only-applies-to-this-web-content-display=Das Verändern der Vorlage hat keine Auswirkungen auf die Standardvorlage des originalen Web-Inhalts. Die Veränderung gilt nur für die Anzeige dieses Web-Inhalts.
changing-the-value-of-this-field-reloads-the-page=Das Ändern des Wertes dieses Feldes lädt die Seite neu.
-changing-this-setting-will-reset-all-mappings-for-this-collection=Changing this setting will reset all mappings for this collection. (Automatic Copy)
+changing-this-setting-will-reset-all-mappings-for-this-collection=Wenn Sie diese Einstellung ändern, werden alle Zuordnungen für diese Sammlung zurückgesetzt.
@@ -4376,7 +4376,7 @@ cookie-consent-panel-configuration-name=Zustimmungspanel
cookie-enabled-help=Mit diesem Kontrollkästchen können Sie die Cookie-Einstellungen auf der Grundlage der vom Benutzer getroffenen Auswahlen ändern. Es aktiviert auch die Konfigurationsoptionen für das Banner und das Zustimmungspanel.
cookie-explicit-consent-mode=Modus Ausdrückliche Cookie-Zustimmung
cookie-explicit-consent-mode-help=Wenn diese Option aktiviert ist, werden keine Cookies gesetzt, bis der Benutzer der Verwendung von Cookies zustimmt. Andernfalls werden alle Cookies gesetzt, bis der Benutzer sie deaktiviert.
-cookie-explicit-consent-mode-help-deprecated=If this option is checked, then no cookies are set until the user agrees to cookie usages. Otherwise, all cookies are set until the user opts out of them. (Automatic Copy)
+cookie-explicit-consent-mode-help-deprecated=Wenn diese Option aktiviert ist, werden keine Cookies gesetzt, bis der Benutzer der Verwendung von Cookies zustimmt. Andernfalls werden alle Cookies gesetzt, bis der Benutzer sie deaktiviert.
cookie-policy-link=Cookie-Richtlinie Link
cookie-preference-handling-configuration-name=Handhabung von Präferenzen
@@ -5489,8 +5489,8 @@ default-view=Standardansicht
default-view-must-have-at-least-one-column=Die Standardansicht muss mindestens eine Spalte haben.
-default-visualization-mode-help=Customize which visualization mode will be shown by default for this Data Set. (Automatic Copy)
-default-visualization-mode-tooltip=To select a default visualization mode, first configure it in the Visualization Modes tab. (Automatic Copy)
+default-visualization-mode-help=Legen Sie fest, welcher Visualisierungsmodus standardmäßig für diesen Datensatz angezeigt werden soll.
+default-visualization-mode-tooltip=Um einen Standard-Visualisierungsmodus auszuwählen, konfigurieren Sie ihn zunächst auf der Registerkarte "Visualisierungsmodi".
default-was-changed=Standard wurde geändert
default-workflow-for-all-document-types=Standardworkflow für alle Dokumententypen
default-workflow-for-all-structures=Standardworkflow für alle Strukturen
@@ -5600,7 +5600,7 @@ delete-question=Frage löschen?
delete-recurring-event=Lösche sich wiederholenden Termin
delete-refresh-token=Aktualisierungstoken löschen
delete-relationship=Beziehung löschen
-delete-return-x=Delete Return #{0} (Automatic Copy)
+delete-return-x=Rückgabe #{0} löschen
delete-row=Zeile löschen
delete-segment-property=Segmenteigenschaft löschen
delete-selected-value=Ausgewählten Wert löschen
@@ -5923,7 +5923,7 @@ display-did-you-mean-if-the-number-of-search-results-does-not-meet-the-threshold
display-discount-levels=Rabattstufen anzeigen
display-entries-of-the-following-field-types-as-tables-select-from-list-single-selection-multiple-selection-and-boolean=Zeigen Sie Einträge der folgenden Feldtypen als Tabellen an: Boolescher Wert, Mehrfachauswahl, Auswahl aus Liste und Einzelauswahl.
display-facet=Facette anzeigen
-display-field-name-in-structures-ui-and-allow-users-to-edit-it=Display field name in structures UI and allow users to edit it. (Automatic Copy)
+display-field-name-in-structures-ui-and-allow-users-to-edit-it=Den Feldnamen in der Struktur-UI anzeigen und den Benutzern erlauben, ihn zu bearbeiten.
display-fields-and-one-to-one-relationships=Felder und 1:1-Beziehungen anzeigen.
display-folder-facet=Ordnerfacette anzeigen
display-frequencies=Frequenzen anzeigen
@@ -6236,7 +6236,7 @@ duplicated-from-x=Dupliziert von {0}
duplicated-variable-name=Doppelter Variablenname
duration-help=Die Anzahl der Tage, für die Kunden Zugriff auf die Datei haben. Für unbegrenzte Downloads bei 0 lassen.
-duration-type=Duration Type (Automatic Copy)
duration-x-x=Dauer: {0} {1}
dxp-has-successfully-connected-to-analytics-cloud,-complete-your-set-up-in-the-instance-scope-menu=DXP hat erfolgreich eine Verbindung mit Analytics Cloud hergestellt. Schließen Sie die Einrichtung im Menü Instanzbereich ab.
@@ -7015,7 +7015,7 @@ error-password-syntax-keywords=Schlüsselwörter Fehler Kennwort-Syntax
error-password-trivial-text-keywords=Schlüsselwörter Fehler Kennwort Schwacher Text
error-template-ftl=Fehlervorlage FTL
-error-updating-definition=Error Updating Definition (Automatic Copy)
+error-updating-definition=Fehler bei Aktualisierung der Definition
error-user-lockout-keywords=Schlüsselwörter Fehler Benutzer-Sperre
error.default-locale-title-blank=Der Titel für das Standard-Gebietsschema darf nicht leer sein.
error.default-locale-x-title-blank=Der Titel für das Standard-Gebietsschema {0} darf nicht leer sein.
@@ -7303,22 +7303,22 @@ feature.flag.LPD-6368.description=Sie können die Ranglisten der Suchergebnisse
feature.flag.LPD-6368.title=Geltungsbereich Ergebnis-Rankings
feature.flag.LPD-6378.description=Benutzer können Utility-Seiten für die Prozesse Anmelden, Passwort vergessen und Konto erstellen konfigurieren.
feature.flag.LPD-6378.title=Utility-Seite Anmeldung
-feature.flag.LPD-10703.description=Include workflow information and actions when reviewing publication changes. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10703.title=Improve Publications Review (Automatic Copy)
+feature.flag.LPD-10703.description=Workflow-Informationen und Aktionen bei der Überprüfung von Publikationsänderungen mit einbeziehen.
+feature.flag.LPD-10703.title=Überprüfung der Publikationen verbessern
feature.flag.LPD-10793.description=Benutzer können mit OpenAI in der Anwendung Dokumente und Medien KI-Bilder erstellen und speichern.
feature.flag.LPD-10793.title=KI-Bilderzeugung in Dokumenten und Medien
feature.flag.LPD-10855.description=Benutzer können Kontakte verwalten, die direkt mit Konten verbunden sind.
-feature.flag.LPD-10856.description=Users can map each product specification individually on a content page. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10856.title=Mapping Individual Product Specifications (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10862.description=Users can activate the content creation prompt with a single click by leveraging AI capabilities directly within the CKEditor for seamless and efficient content generation. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10862.title=Generative AI for Commerce Product (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10887.description=Users can now configure purchase options for products based on date, times, time zones, and durations, allowing for the sale of time slots. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10887.title=Date Times as Option (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-11018.description=Notify users when publications fail to publish or when scheduled publications have conflicts. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-11018.title=Publication Conflict Notifications (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-11070.description=Add the preview draft permission for pages. This grants users read only access to page drafts. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-11070.title=Preview Page Drafts Permission (Automatic Copy)
+feature.flag.LPD-10856.description=Benutzer können jede Produktspezifikation einzeln auf einer Inhaltsseite zuordnen.
+feature.flag.LPD-10856.title=Zuordnung einzelner Produktspezifikationen
+feature.flag.LPD-10862.description=Die Benutzer können die Eingabeaufforderung zur Inhaltserstellung mit einem einzigen Klick aktivieren, indem sie die KI-Funktionen direkt im CKEditor für eine nahtlose und effiziente Inhaltserstellung nutzen.
+feature.flag.LPD-10862.title=Generative AI für Handelsprodukt
+feature.flag.LPD-10887.description=Benutzer können jetzt Kaufoptionen für Produkte auf der Grundlage von Datum, Uhrzeit, Zeitzonen und Dauer konfigurieren und so den Verkauf von Zeitfenstern ermöglichen.
+feature.flag.LPD-10887.title=Datum Uhrzeit als Option
+feature.flag.LPD-11018.description=Benutzer benachrichtigen, wenn Publikationen nicht veröffentlicht werden können oder wenn geplante Publikationen Konflikte aufweisen.
+feature.flag.LPD-11018.title=Benachrichtigungen über Publikationskonflikte
+feature.flag.LPD-11070.description=Fügen Sie die Berechtigung Entwurfsvorschau für Seiten hinzu. Damit erhalten Benutzer nur Lesezugriff auf Seitenentwürfe.
+feature.flag.LPD-11070.title=Entwurfsvorschau Vorschauseite
feature.flag.LPD-11147.description=Users can configure the URL path for different asset types. (Automatic Copy)
feature.flag.LPD-11147.title=Configurable URLs for Asset Types (Automatic Copy)
feature.flag.LPD-11218.description=Benutzer können die Filter "Meine" und "Zuletzt" aktivieren, um ihre eigenen Inhalte zusammen mit dem Erstellungsdatum schnell zu finden.
@@ -7327,8 +7327,8 @@ feature.flag.LPD-15596.description=Benutzer können während des Veröffentlichu
feature.flag.LPD-15596.title=Verwalten von Berechtigungen und Zeitplänen bei der Veröffentlichung von Inhalten
feature.flag.LPD-15804.description=Fügt einen neuen Schritt zum Bezahlvorgang hinzu.
feature.flag.LPD-15804.title=Vom Handel auschecken Schritt Client-Erweiterung
-feature.flag.LPD-16469.description=Users have the ability to bulk manage permissions for multiple web content articles. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-16469.title=Bulk Manage Permissions for Web Content Articles (Automatic Copy)
+feature.flag.LPD-16469.description=Benutzer haben die Möglichkeit, Berechtigungen für mehrere Web-Inhaltsartikel zu verwalten.
+feature.flag.LPD-16469.title=Bulk-Berechtigungen für mehrere Webcontent-Artikel verwalten
feature.flag.LPS-96845.description=Konfigurierte SCIM-Clients können REST-APIs nutzen, um Identitätsinformationen für Benutzer und Gruppen mit externen Anwendungen zu synchronisieren.
feature.flag.LPS-96845.title=System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM)
feature.flag.LPS-114700.description=Fügen Sie einen Status hinzu, der die Gesamtzahl der übersetzten Webinhaltsfelder für jede Sprache angibt.
@@ -7355,8 +7355,8 @@ feature.flag.LPS-171364.description=Benutzer können Änderungen zwischen Publik
feature.flag.LPS-171364.title=Änderungen zwischen Publikationen verschieben
feature.flag.LPS-174417.description=Administratoren von Websites und Website-Vorlagen können Warnungen sehen, wenn benutzerfreundliche URLs von Seiten bereits in der Website-Vorlage oder in der aus der Website-Vorlage erstellten Website vorhanden sind.
feature.flag.LPS-174417.title=Sitevorlagen Benutzerfreundliche URL Konfliktwarnungen
-feature.flag.LPS-174455.description=Use object REST APIs to manage attachment fields. Add, get, or update data in Base64 format. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPS-174455.title=Improve REST APIs for Object Attachment Fields (Automatic Copy)
+feature.flag.LPS-174455.description=Verwenden Sie Objekt-REST-APIs zur Verwaltung von Anhangsfeldern. Daten können im Base64-Format hinzugefügt,, abgerufen oder aktualisiert werden.
+feature.flag.LPS-174455.title=REST-APIs für Objektanhangsfelder
feature.flag.LPS-178642.description=Benutzer können ohne Code REST-APIs mit Endpunkten, Schemata, Filtern und Sortierungen erstellen. Die Benutzeroberfläche wird unter Kontrollzentrum > Objekt > API Builder verfügbar sein.
feature.flag.LPS-178642.title=API Builder
feature.flag.LPS-179669.description=Durchsuchen Sie den Unternehmensindex nach passenden Inhalten. Fügen Sie Facetten mit übersetzten Anzeigebegriffen hinzu und legen Sie einen Suchplan in der Anfrage fest, um eine benutzerdefinierte Suche, Filterung, Aggregation und Sortierung hinzuzufügen.
@@ -7373,8 +7373,8 @@ feature.flag.LPS-187285.description=Zeige Hinweise in der Seitenprüfung und im
feature.flag.LPS-187285.title=Hinweise zur Vermeidung von Leistungsproblemen
feature.flag.LPS-187436.description=Jeder kann Änderungen in einer Publikation über einen Link einsehen.
feature.flag.LPS-187436.title=Publikation mit Link teilen
-feature.flag.LPS-187793.description=Users can customize the XML Sitemap to include or exclude content based on SEO requirements. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPS-187793.title=Customizing Sitemap Indexing (Automatic Copy)
+feature.flag.LPS-187793.description=Benutzer können die XML-Sitemap anpassen, um Inhalte je nach SEO-Anforderungen zu berücksichtigen oder auszuschließen.
+feature.flag.LPS-187793.title=Anpassen der Sitemap-Indizierung
feature.flag.LPS-187854.description=Benutzer können Objektvalidierungen hinzufügen, die die Eindeutigkeit der Feldwerte überprüfen.
feature.flag.LPS-187854.title=Feldvalidierungen verbessern
feature.flag.LPS-188058.description=Benutzer können die Veröffentlichung von Wissensdatenbank-Artikeln planen, und beim Löschen von Ordnern oder Artikeln werden diese in den Papierkorb verschoben.
@@ -7383,8 +7383,8 @@ feature.flag.LPS-188898.description=Entwickler können Client-Erweiterungen zur
feature.flag.LPS-188898.title=Objektvalidierungsregel Client-Erweiterung
feature.flag.LPS-193884.description=Erlaube die Festlegung eines Ablaufdatums für die Links zum Festlegen eines neuen Passworts für neue Benutzer, so wie es für die Links zum Zurücksetzen des Passworts möglich ist.
feature.flag.LPS-193884.title=Neuer Benutzer hat Ablaufdatum für Passwortlink festgelegt
-feature.flag.LPS-196847.description=Users can manage permissions for page groups and visually distinguish between public and private pages. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPS-196847.title=Improve Permission Management for Pages (Automatic Copy)
+feature.flag.LPS-196847.description=Benutzer können Berechtigungen für Seitengruppen verwalten und visuell zwischen öffentlichen und privaten Seiten unterscheiden.
+feature.flag.LPS-196847.title=Berechtigungsverwaltung für Seiten verbessern
feature.flag.LPS-196935.description=Dynamische Datenlisten ist veraltet und wird durch Object ersetzt. DDL wird im Jahr 2024 entfernt werden. Bitte migriere deine Daten bis dahin zu Object.
feature.flag.LPS-196935.title=Dynamische Datenlisten
feature.flag.LPS-199086.description=Allows staging users to export/import a child page without its parents. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -8129,7 +8129,7 @@ grace-limit=Aufschub
grace-limit-help=Dies legt die Anzahl der Anmeldungen fest, die einem Benutzer nach dem Ablauf seines Kennworts zur Verfügung stehen. Im Anschluss wird der Benutzer aufgefordert ein neues Kennwort festzulegen.
-grant-type=Grant Type (Automatic Copy)
grant-type-x-is-unsupported-for-this-client-type=Genehmigungstyp "{0}" wird für diesen Client-Typ nicht unterstützt.
@@ -8475,7 +8475,7 @@ http-client-max-connections=Maximale HTTP-Verbindungen
http-client-max-connections-help=Legen Sie die maximale Anzahl zulässiger offener HTTP-Verbindungen fest.
http-client-max-error-retry=Maximale HTTP-Wiederholungsversuche
http-client-max-error-retry-help=Legen Sie die maximale Anzahl an Wiederholungsversuchen für fehlgeschlagene Anforderungsanfragen fest.
-http-configuration-name=HTTP Configuration (Automatic Copy)
http-cors-allow-origin=Http CORS Herkunft erlauben
http-cors-allow-origin-help=Zu erlaubende Herkünfte, wenn HTTP CORS aktiviert ist.
@@ -8678,7 +8678,7 @@ import-siteminder-users-from-ldap-help=Ist diese Option ausgewählt, werden Benu
import-structure=Struktur importieren
-import-succeeded=Import Succeeded (Automatic Copy)
+import-succeeded=Import abgeschlossen
import-task-isolation=Isolationsebene der Importaufgabe
import-task-isolation-help=Legen Sie die Isolationsebene für den Import von Site-Vorlagen fest. Der Standardwert ist auf Gruppe eingestellt. Das bedeutet, dass nur eine Aufgabe zum Importieren von Site-Vorlagen gleichzeitig für dieselbe Ziel-Site ausgeführt werden kann. Sie können den Wert jedoch auch auf Unternehmen setzen. Dadurch wird die Parallelität verringert, da nur eine Aufgabe auf Unternehmensebene ausgeführt werden kann. Im Allgemeinen sollten Sie diese Option verwenden, um die Belastung des Portals zu verringern und im Gegenzug die Ausbreitung von Site-Vorlagen zu verzögern.
import-translation=Übersetzung importieren
@@ -8906,7 +8906,7 @@ instance-id=Instanz-ID
instance-id-x=Instanz-ID: {0}
-instance-web-id=Instance Web ID (Automatic Copy)
instant-messenger=Instant Messenger
@@ -9320,11 +9320,11 @@ javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_inventory_web_internal_portlet_Commerce
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_machine_learning_forecast_alert_web_internal_portlet_CommerceMLForecastAlertPortlet=Maschinelles Lernen für Commerce Prognosewarnungen
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_order_content_web_internal_portlet_CommerceOpenOrderContentPortlet=Warenkörbe öffnen
-javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_order_content_web_internal_portlet_CommerceReturnContentPortlet=Returns (Automatic Copy)
-javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_order_web_internal_portlet_CommerceReturnPortlet=Returns (Automatic Copy)
@@ -9667,8 +9667,8 @@ kb-folders=Wissensdatenbank-Ordner
kb-templates=Vorlagen Wissensdatenbank
-keep-alive-timeout=Keep Alive Timeout (Automatic Copy)
-keep-alive-timeout-help=Specify a default timeout in seconds for HTTP keep alive. By default, a connection is persistent and will remain open indefinitely. A Keep-Alive header is commonly used to communicate a specific timeout value. Setting this default timeout with a value greater than 0 would make it so that if the Keep-Alive header is not present with a specific timeout value, the specified default timeout would be used. (Automatic Copy)
+keep-alive-timeout=Keep Alive-Timeout
+keep-alive-timeout-help=Geben Sie eine Standardzeitüberschreitung in Sekunden für HTTP Keep Alive an. Standardmäßig ist eine Verbindung persistent und bleibt auf unbestimmte Zeit geöffnet. Ein Keep-Alive-Header wird üblicherweise verwendet, um einen bestimmten Timeout-Wert zu übermitteln. Wenn Sie diese Standardzeitüberschreitung mit einem Wert größer als 0 festlegen, wird die angegebene Standardzeitüberschreitung verwendet, wenn der Keep-Alive-Header nicht mit einem bestimmten Zeitüberschreitungswert vorhanden ist.
keep-alive-url=Keep Alive-URL
keep-both=Beide behalten
keep-both-attachments-and-rename-the-removed-attachment-as=Beide Anhänge behalten und den Namen des gelöschten Anhangs ändern in:
@@ -10012,7 +10012,7 @@ layout.types.portlet=Widgetseite
layout.types.portlet.description=Erstellen Sie eine Seite, indem Sie Widgets und Inhalte hinzufügen.
layout.types.url.description=Auf eine andere (externe) Webseite verlinken.
-layout.types.utility=Utility Page (Automatic Copy)
lazy-loading-can-help-to-improve-page-performance=Lazy Loading kann dazu beitragen, die Leistung einer Seite zu verbessern.
@@ -10314,7 +10314,7 @@ major=Kritisch
make-a-copy=Kopie erstellen
make-a-refund=Rückerstattung vornehmen
-make-a-return=Make a Return (Automatic Copy)
+make-a-return=Rückgabe vornehmen
make-additional-changes-and-publish-them-when-you-are-ready=Nehmen Sie zusätzliche Änderungen vor und veröffentlichen Sie diese, wenn Sie soweit sind.
make-default=Als Standard festlegen
@@ -10435,7 +10435,7 @@ mark-as-translated-for-x-language=Alle Felder für {0} Sprache werden als übers
mark-as-unread=Als ungelesen markieren
mark-the-sku-as-discontinued=Die SKU als "Eingestellt" markieren
mark-x-as-favorite={0} als Favorit markieren
-mark-x-as-translated=Mark "{0}" as Translated (Automatic Copy)
+mark-x-as-translated={0} als übersetzt markieren
markdown-importer-article-extensions=Artikel-Endungen Markdown-Importer
markdown-importer-article-intro=Artikel-Einführung Markdown-Importer
markdown-importer-image-file-extensions=Bilddatei-Endungen Markdown-Importer
@@ -11369,8 +11369,8 @@ modified-x-ago-by-x=Geändert vor {0} von {1}.
modify-the-friendly-url-of-the-pages-to-allow-their-propagation-from-the-site-template=Verändern Sie die benutzerfreundliche URL der Seiten, um deren Vererbung von der Sitevorlage zu aktivieren.
-modifying-the-field-name-may-result-in-data-loss=Modifying the field name may result in data loss. (Automatic Copy)
-modifying-the-option-name-may-result-in-data-loss=Modifying the option name may result in data loss. (Automatic Copy)
+modifying-the-field-name-may-result-in-data-loss=Die Änderung des Feldnamens kann zu Datenverlust führen.
+modifying-the-option-name-may-result-in-data-loss=Die Änderung des Optionsnamens kann zu Datenverlust führen.
modifying-the-site-template-logo-only-affects-sites-that-are-not-yet-created=Das Ändern des Logos der Sitevorlage wirkt sich nur auf Sites aus, die noch nicht erstellt wurden.
@@ -12386,14 +12386,14 @@ object-action-trigger[onAfterRootUpdate]=Bei "Nach dem Stamm-Update"
object-action-trigger[onAfterUpdate]=Bei "Nach dem Update"
-object-definition=Object Definition (Automatic Copy)
object-definition-storage-type-tooltip=Wählen Sie aus, ob die Daten in Liferay (Standard) oder in einem externen System gespeichert werden sollen. Für Objektdefinitionen mit externen Speichertypen gelten Einschränkungen.
object-definition-successfully-imported=Objektdefinition erfolgreich importiert.
object-definition-x-is-selected=Objektdefinition {0} ist ausgewählt.
-object-definitions-failed-to-import=Object Definitions Failed to Import (Automatic Copy)
+object-definitions-failed-to-import=Objektdefinitionen konnten nicht importiert werden
object-entry-value-exceeds-integer-field-allowed-size=Objekteintragswert überschreitet zulässige Größe für Ganzzahlfeld.
object-entry-value-exceeds-long-field-allowed-size=Objekteintragswert überschreitet zulässige Größe für Long-Feld.
@@ -12632,9 +12632,9 @@ option=Option
option-created=Option erstellt
-option-name=Option Name (Automatic Copy)
option-not-found=Option nicht gefunden
-option-reference=Option Reference (Automatic Copy)
option-selected=Ausgewählte Option
option-template-detail=Einzelheiten Optionsvorlage
@@ -13263,7 +13263,7 @@ please-add-a-valid-email-address=Bitte geben Sie eine gültige E-Mail-Adresse ei
please-add-a-workflow-title-before-publishing=Bitte fügen Sie vor der Veröffentlichung einen Workflow-Titel hinzu.
please-add-at-least-one-field=Bitte geben Sie mindestens ein Feld an.
please-add-at-least-one-item-to-the-shipment=Bitte fügen Sie der Lieferung mindestens einen Artikel hinzu.
-please-add-at-least-one-item-you-wish-to-return-from-the-order-to-proceed-with-the-request=Please add at least one item you wish to return from the order to proceed with the request. (Automatic Copy)
+please-add-at-least-one-item-you-wish-to-return-from-the-order-to-proceed-with-the-request=Bitte fügen Sie mindestens einen Artikel aus der Bestellung hinzu, den Sie zurückgeben möchten, um mit der Anfrage fortzufahren.
please-add-at-least-one-option=Bitte fügen Sie mindestens eine Option hinzu
please-add-at-least-one-shipping-option=Bitte fügen Sie mindestens eine Versandoption hinzu.
please-add-at-least-one-tax-rate=Bitte fügen Sie mindestens einen Steuersatz hinzu.
@@ -13621,7 +13621,7 @@ please-provide-all-mandatory-files-and-make-sure-the-file-types-are-valid=Stelle
please-provide-the-reason-for-your-request=Bitte geben Sie den Grund für Ihre Anfrage an.
please-reenter-your-quantity-for-the-items-with-the-following-skus=Bitte geben Sie erneut die Artikelanzahl für die Artikel mit den folgenden SKUs ein:
please-rename-this-with-another-words=Bitte benennen Sie dies mit anderen Worten um.
-please-review-the-details-of-the-returning-items-before-submitting-the-request=Please review the details of the returning items before submitting the request. (Automatic Copy)
+please-review-the-details-of-the-returning-items-before-submitting-the-request=Bitte überprüfen Sie die Details der zurückgesendeten Artikel, bevor Sie die Anfrage abschicken.
please-select-a-category=Bitte wählen Sie eine Kategorie.
please-select-a-country=Bitte wählen Sie ein Land.
please-select-a-course=Bitte wählen Sie einen Kurs.
@@ -14620,8 +14620,8 @@ refund-amount=Betrag der Rückerstattung
refund-details=Details der Rückerstattung
refund-reason=Grund für Rückerstattung
refund-status=Status der Rückerstattung
-refund-subtotal=Refund Subtotal (Automatic Copy)
-refund-summary=Refund Summary (Automatic Copy)
+refund-subtotal=Zwischensumme der Rückerstattung
+refund-summary=Zusammenfassung der Rückerstattung
regenerate-preview-and-thumbnail-of-openoffice-files-in-documents-and-media=Vorschau und Miniaturansicht von OpenOffice-Dateien in Dokumenten und Medien neu generieren.
regenerate-preview-and-thumbnail-of-openoffice-files-in-documents-and-media-help=Diese Aktion ändert keine bestehenden OpenOffice-Vorschauen.
@@ -14868,7 +14868,7 @@ repeat-top-to-bottom=Von oben nach unten wiederholen
repeatable=Wiederholung möglich
-repetitions=Repetitions (Automatic Copy)
replace-certificate=Zertifikat ersetzen
replace-file=Datei ersetzen
@@ -14968,7 +14968,7 @@ requested-by-x=Anfrage von {0}
requested-delivery-date=Angefragtes Lieferdatum
requested-delivery-date-at-checkout=Angefragtes Lieferdatum beim Auschecken
-requested-quantity=Requested Quantity (Automatic Copy)
+requested-quantity=Angeforderte Menge
requested-report-id=ID des angefragten Reports
requested-report-status=Status des angefragten Reports
requesting-translation=Übersetzung wird angefordert.
@@ -15055,7 +15055,7 @@ resize-column=Spaltengröße ändern
resize-sidebar=Größe der Seitenleiste anpassen
-resolve-all-active-scripting-uses-before-proceeding-you-can-deactivate-the-source-entity-or-remove-the-script=Resolve all active scripting uses before proceeding. You can deactivate the source entity or remove the script. (Automatic Copy)
+resolve-all-active-scripting-uses-before-proceeding-you-can-deactivate-the-source-entity-or-remove-the-script=Lösen Sie alle aktiven Skriptverwendungen auf, bevor Sie fortfahren. Sie können die Ursprungsentität deaktivieren oder das Skript entfernen.
resolve-any-conflicts=Alle Konflikte lösen
resolved-on-time=Zeitgerecht gelöst
@@ -15152,12 +15152,12 @@ retry-payment=Zahlung erneut probieren
retry-timeout=Zeitüberschreitung für Wiederholung
retry-timeout-description=Legen Sie die Zeit in Sekunden fest, die ein Benutzer warten muss, bevor er eine fehlgeschlagene Anmeldung wiederholen kann.
retry-your-request=Wiederholen Sie Ihre Anfrage.
-return-date=Return Date (Automatic Copy)
-return-date-range=Return Date Range (Automatic Copy)
-return-id=Return ID (Automatic Copy)
-return-reason=Return Reason (Automatic Copy)
+return-date-range=Datumsbereich für Rückgabe
-return-status=Return Status (Automatic Copy)
return-to-full-page=Zurück zur Seite
@@ -15462,7 +15462,7 @@ scheduled=Geplant
scheduled-by-x=Geplant von {0}
scheduled-events=Geplante Termine
scheduled-jobs=Geplante Aufgaben
-scheduled-publications-conflict-checks=Scheduled Publications Conflict Checks (Automatic Copy)
+scheduled-publications-conflict-checks=Konfliktprüfungen für geplante Veröffentlichungen
scheduled-publish-layout-local=Geplante lokale Publikation
scheduled-publish-layout-remote=Geplante Publikation auf Remotesystem
scheduled-start-date=Geplantes Anfangsdatum
@@ -15516,7 +15516,7 @@ script-file=Scriptdatei
-script-source=Script Source (Automatic Copy)
scripted-assignment=Zuweisung durch Script
scripted-assignment-cache-expiration-time-description=Legen Sie die Zeit in Minuten fest, nach der der Cache für die Skripte der Zuweisungsaufgaben geleert wird. Verwenden Sie Null oder einen negativen Wert, um den Cache zu deaktivieren.
scripted-assignment-cache-expiration-time-name=Zuweisung durch Script Ablaufzeit des Zwischenspeichers
@@ -15834,7 +15834,7 @@ select-css-client-extensions=CSS-Client-Erweiterungen auswählen
select-current-date=Aktuelles Datum auswählen
select-data-fields=Datenfelder auswählen
select-date=Datum auswählen
-select-date-from-list=Select Date from List (Automatic Copy)
+select-date-from-list=Datum aus Liste wählen
select-date-range=Datumsbereich auswählen
select-destination=Ziel auswählen
select-destination-folder-for-x-item=Zielordner für {0} Element auswählen
@@ -15924,7 +15924,7 @@ select-reassignment=Neuzuweisung auswählen
select-recipients=Empfänger auswählen
select-region=Wählen Sie die Region aus
select-restore-folder=Wiederherstellungsordner auswählen
-select-returnable-items=Select Returnable Items (Automatic Copy)
+select-returnable-items=Rückgabefähige Artikel auswählen
select-role=Rolle auswählen
select-scope=Bereich auswählen
select-search=Suche auswählen
@@ -16236,7 +16236,7 @@ set-x-to-x=Legen Sie {0} auf {1} fest
set-your-jira-login=Geben Sie Ihre Anmeldekennung für JIRA an.
set-your-login-for-x-to-track-your-jira-activity=Geben Sie Ihre Anmeldekennung für {0} an, um Ihre Aktivitäten in JIRA verfolgen zu können.
setting-a-value-above-x-can-affect-page-performance-severely=Die Einstellung eines Wertes über {0} kann die Leistung der Seite stark beeinträchtigen.
-setting-cannot-be-deactivated=Setting Cannot Be Deactivated (Automatic Copy)
+setting-cannot-be-deactivated=Einstellung kann nicht deaktiviert werden
several-shared-parameters-are-mapped-to-the-same-parameter=Einige geteilte Parameter sind zum gleichen Parameter abgebildet.
@@ -17240,7 +17240,7 @@ submit-for-workflow-with-permissions=Für Workflow mit Berechtigungen einreichen
submit-new=Neue Einsendung
submit-new-x={0} einsenden
-submit-return-request=Submit Return Request (Automatic Copy)
+submit-return-request=Rückgabeanfrage senden
submit-to-reddit=An Reddit senden
submitted-by=Gesendet von
submitted-entry-status=Status des eingereichten Eintrags
@@ -17323,9 +17323,9 @@ successfully-saved=Erfolgreich gespeichert.
successfully-unassigned-display-page-template=Standardvorlage für die Anzeigeseite erfolgreich aufgehoben.
such-as-x-or-x=Zum Beispiel {0} oder {1}
-sugarcrm=SugarCRM (Automatic Copy)
-sugarcrm-configuration-name=SugarCRM Integration (Automatic Copy)
-sugarcrm-objects-do-not-support-relationships=SugarCRM objects do not support relationships. (Automatic Copy)
+sugarcrm-objects-do-not-support-relationships=Beziehungen werden von SugarCRM-Objekten nicht unterstützt.
suggestion-contributor-help=Geben Sie den Namen des Mitwirkenden ein, der für die Anzeige von Vorschlägen verwendet wird.
suggestion-in-progress-email=E-Mail: Vorschlag in Bearbeitung
@@ -17784,8 +17784,8 @@ tax-value-endpoint-url=Endpunkt-URL für Steuerwert
taxed-address=Versteuerte Adresse
-tcp-keep-alive-enabled=TCP Keep Alive Enabled (Automatic Copy)
-tcp-keep-alive-enabled-help=If checked, SO_KEEPALIVE will be enabled for newly created sockets by default. (Automatic Copy)
+tcp-keep-alive-enabled=TCP Keep Alive aktiviert
+tcp-keep-alive-enabled-help=Wenn diese Option markiert ist, wird SO_KEEPALIVE für neu erstellte Sockets standardmäßig aktiviert.
@@ -18440,7 +18440,7 @@ the-note-could-not-be-found=Die Anmerkung konnte nicht gefunden werden.
the-number-of-keys-generated-has-exceeded-the-number-of-allowed-keys=Die Anzahl der erzeugten Schlüssel ist größer als die Anzahl der erlaubten Schlüssel.
the-object-action-was-created-successfully=Die Objektaktion wurde erfolgreich erstellt.
the-object-action-was-updated-successfully=Die Objektaktion wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert.
-the-object-could-not-be-found=The object could not be found. (Automatic Copy)
+the-object-could-not-be-found=Das Objekt konnte nicht gefunden werden.
the-object-definition-failed-to-import=Die Objektdefinition konnte nicht importiert werden.
the-object-definition-is-already-published=Die Objektdefinition wurde bereits veröffentlicht.
the-object-definition-was-imported-without-a-custom-view=Die Objektdefinition wurde ohne eine benutzerdefinierte Ansicht importiert.
@@ -19172,7 +19172,7 @@ there-are-no-workflow-definitions=Keine Workflowdefinitionen verfügbar.
there-are-no-x=Es gibt keine {0}.
there-are-no-x-orders=Es gibt keine {0}-Bestellungen.
there-are-no-x-related-issues=Es gibt keine mit {0} verwandten Probleme.
-there-are-object-definitions-with-the-same-external-reference-code-as-the-imported-ones=There are object definitions with the same external reference code as the imported ones. By continuing, you will update the existing object definitions. This action is permanent and data can be lost if the imported object definitions have missing fields compared to the existing ones. The affected object definitions are: (Automatic Copy)
+there-are-object-definitions-with-the-same-external-reference-code-as-the-imported-ones=Es gibt Objektdefinitionen mit demselben externen Referenzcode wie die importierten Definitionen. Wenn Sie fortfahren, werden die vorhandenen Objektdefinitionen aktualisiert. Diese Aktion ist dauerhaft und es können Daten verloren gehen, wenn in den importierten Objektdefinitionen im Vergleich zu den vorhandenen Felder fehlen. Die betroffenen Objektdefinitionen sind:
there-are-one-or-more-mandatory-vocabularies-assigned-to-the-knowledge-base-article=Es gibt eine oder mehr verbindliche Vokabeln, die diesem Artikel der Wissensdatenbank zugeteilt sind.
there-are-other-redirects-pointing-to-the-source-url-of-this-redirect=Es gibt andere Weiterleitungen, die auf die Quell-URL dieser Weiterleitung verweisen. Dadurch wird eine Weiterleitungskette erstellt, sodass Benutzer mehrmals weitergeleitet werden, bevor sie das Ziel erreichen.
there-are-replacement-products-in-your-cart=In Ihrem Warenkorb befinden sich Ersatzprodukte.
@@ -19300,7 +19300,7 @@ this-article-is-set-to-publish-later=Dieser Artikel wird später veröffentlicht
this-article-will-be-published-on-x=Dieser Artikel wird am {0} veröffentlicht.
this-blog=Dieser Blog
this-category=Diese Kategorie
-this-category-might-be-being-used-in-some-contents=This category might be being used in some contents. If you delete it, this category and its subcategories will also be deleted and removed from those contents. Friendly URLs may also be affected. Do you want to continue deleting this category? (Automatic Copy)
+this-category-might-be-being-used-in-some-contents=Diese Kategorie könnte in manchen Inhalten verwendet werden. Wenn Sie sie löschen, werden diese Kategorie und alle ihre Unterkategorien ebenfalls gelöscht und aus diesen Inhalten entfernt. Möchten Sie mit dem Löschen dieser Kategorie fortfahren?
this-change-will-only-affect-the-newly-created-localized-content=Diese Änderung wirkt sich nur auf neu erstellten lokalisierten Inhalt aus.
this-change-will-only-be-shown-after-you-refresh-the-page=Diese Änderung wird erst gezeigt, nachdem Sie die aktuelle Seite erneuern.
this-collection-has-no-items=Diese Sammlung enthält keine Artikel. Sie benötigen mindestens einen Artikel, um diese Konfiguration zu verwenden.
@@ -19409,7 +19409,7 @@ this-operation-cannot-be-undone=Dieser Vorgang kann nicht rückgängig gemacht w
this-operation-will-not-be-applied-to-any-of-the-selected-folders=Dieser Vorgang wird auf keinen der ausgewählten Ordner angewendet.
this-option-is-enabled-only-in-a-clustered-environment=Diese Option ist nur in einer geclusterten Umgebung aktiviert.
this-order-cannot-be-transitioned=Für diesen Auftrag ist kein Übergang möglich.
-this-order-has-already-been-checked-out=This order has already been checked out. (Automatic Copy)
+this-order-has-already-been-checked-out=Diese Bestellung wurde bereits ausgecheckt.
this-organization=Diese Organisation
this-organization-does-not-have-a-parent-organization=Diese Organisation hat keine übergeordnete Organisation.
this-organization-does-not-have-any-additional-email-addresses=Diese Organisation hat keine zusätzlichen E-Mail-Adressen.
@@ -19491,7 +19491,7 @@ this-result-comes-from-the-x-version-of-this-content=Dieses Ergebnis kommt von V
this-role-does-not-have-any-permissions=Diese Rolle hat keine Berechtigungen.
this-role-is-automatically-assigned=Diese Rolle wird automatisch zugewiesen.
this-rule-is-broken-due-to-missing-fields=Diese Regel ist aufgrund fehlender Felder gebrochen.
-this-scheduled-publication-contains-conflicting-changes-that-must-be-manually-resolved-before-publishing=This scheduled publication contains conflicting changes that must be manually resolved before publishing. Please unschedule the publication in order to resolve conflicts. (Automatic Copy)
+this-scheduled-publication-contains-conflicting-changes-that-must-be-manually-resolved-before-publishing=Diese geplante Publikation enthält widersprüchliche Änderungen, die vor der Veröffentlichung manuell aufgelöst werden müssen. Bitte heben Sie den Zeitplan für die Publikation auf, um Konflikte zu lösen.
this-scope-is-no-longer-available=Dieser Geltungsbereich ist nicht mehr verfügbar.
this-search-bar-is-not-visible-to-users-yet=Diese Suchleiste ist noch nicht für Benutzer sichtbar.
this-section-will-be-editable-after-creating-the-user=Dieser Abschnitt wird nach Anlegen des Benutzers editierbar sein.
@@ -19766,7 +19766,7 @@ total-discount-percentage-level-3-with-tax-amount=Gesamtrabatt Prozentsatz Stufe
total-discount-percentage-level-4=Gesamtrabatt Prozentsatz Stufe 4
total-discount-percentage-level-4-with-tax-amount=Gesamtrabatt Prozentsatz Stufe 4 mit Steuerbetrag
total-discount-with-tax-amount=Gesamtbetrag mit Steuerbetrag
-total-estimated-refund=Total Estimated Refund (Automatic Copy)
+total-estimated-refund=Geschätzte Rückerstattung gesamt
total-open=Gesamt geöffnet
@@ -20064,7 +20064,7 @@ unit-price=Stückpreis
units-of-measure=Maßeinheit (UOM)
-units-returned=Units Returned (Automatic Copy)
+units-returned=Zurückgegebene Einheiten
unknown-element-message-edit=Diese Bedingung löschen. Sie wurde aus einer Entität erstellt, die nicht mehr existiert.
unknown-element-message-view=Die hervorgehobene Bedingung ist mit einem Element verknüpft, das nicht mehr existiert. Gehen Sie zu "Bearbeiten" und löschen Sie die Bedingung.
@@ -20187,7 +20187,7 @@ update-entry=Eintrag aktualisieren
update-event=Termin aktualisieren
update-exchange-rates=Wechselkurse aktualisieren
update-existing-object-definition=Vorhandene Objektdefinition aktualisieren
-update-existing-object-definitions=Update Existing Objects Definitions (Automatic Copy)
+update-existing-object-definitions=Vorhandene Objektdefinitionen aktualisieren
update-existing-object-folder=Vorhandenen Objektordner aktualisieren
update-existing-picklist=Vorhandene Auswahlliste aktualisieren
update-feedback=Feedback bearbeiten
@@ -21595,7 +21595,7 @@ x-rows-were-imported-successfully={0} Zeilen wurden erfolgreich aktualisiert.
x-rows-were-not-imported={0} Zeilen wurden nicht importiert.
x-scheduled-publication-failed={0} geplante Publikation fehlgeschlagen.
x-scheduled-publication-failed-with-an-unexpected-system-error={0} geplante Publikation ist mit einem unerwarteten Systemfehler fehlgeschlagen.
-x-scheduled-publication-has-conflicts-with-production={0} scheduled publication has conflicts with production. (Automatic Copy)
+x-scheduled-publication-has-conflicts-with-production={0} geplante Veröffentlichung hat Konflikte mit der Produktion.
x-screen-size-is-selected={0} Bildschirmgröße ausgewählt.
x-search={0} Suche
x-search-provider={0} Suchanbieter
diff --git a/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_es.properties b/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_es.properties
index ac53d94189b46b..80375edc7c960b 100644
--- a/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_es.properties
+++ b/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_es.properties
@@ -1218,7 +1218,7 @@ administrator-id=Identificador del administrador
administrator-role-names=Nombres de roles de administrador
administrator-user=Usuario Administrador
-administrators-can-create-and-execute-code-in-their-virtual-instance=Administrators can create and execute code in their virtual instance. Disabling this feature deactivates all actions and validations that use Groovy. (Automatic Copy)
+administrators-can-create-and-execute-code-in-their-virtual-instance=Los administradores pueden crear y ejecutar códigos en su instancia virtual. Al deshabilitar esta función se desactivan todas las acciones y validaciones que utilizan Groovy.
administrators-can-manually-unlock-pages-that-are-being-used-by-other-users=Los administradores pueden desbloquear de forma manual las páginas que otros usuarios están utilizando. Tenga en cuenta que el usuario actual puede perder el control de la edición de la página si la desbloquea.
administrators-can-view,-edit,-publish,-and-invite-other-users=Los administradores pueden ver, editar, publicar e invitar a otros usuarios.
administrators-email=Correo electrónico del administrador
@@ -1382,7 +1382,7 @@ allow=Permitir
allow-adding-pages=Permitir añadir páginas
allow-administrator-to-create-and-execute-code-in-liferay=Allow administrator to create and execute code in Liferay. (Automatic Copy)
allow-administrators-to-publish-and-edit-workflows=Permitir que los administradores puedan publicar y editar flujos de trabajo
-allow-administrators-to-publish-and-edit-workflows-description=When selected, users with the Regular Administrator role in a virtual instance can publish new workflow definitions, including scripting content that is executed inside the portal (and potentially in other virtual instances). (Automatic Copy)
+allow-administrators-to-publish-and-edit-workflows-description=Al seleccionar esta opción, los usuarios con el rol de administrador normal en una instancia virtual pueden publicar nuevas definiciones de flujos de trabajo, incluido el contenido de scripting que se ejecuta dentro del portal (y, posiblemente, en otras instancias virtuales).
allow-anonymous-emails=Permitir emails anónimos
allow-anonymous-posting=Permitir a usuarios anónimos escribir mensajes
allow-anyone-with-the-link-to-view-this-publication=Permitir que cualquier persona con el enlace pueda ver esta publicación.
@@ -1441,7 +1441,7 @@ allowed-classes=Clases permitidas
allowed-credentials-per-user=Credenciales permitidas por usuario
allowed-credentials-per-user-description=Establece el número de credenciales permitidas por usuario.
allowed-domains=Dominios permitidos
-allowed-domains-help=Set the domains which the portal is allowed to redirect to. Remove all entries to allow any domain. Specifying a domain with a leading "*." allows redirects to subdomains. PORTAL_DOMAIN will be replaced with the current domain of the portal. (Automatic Copy)
+allowed-domains-help=Establezca los dominios a los que puede redirigir el portal. Quite todas las entradas para permitir cualquier dominio. Al especificar un dominio con «*.» al principio, también permite redirigir a subdominios.
allowed-file-extensions=Extensiones de archivos permitidas
allowed-fragments=Fragmentos permitidos
allowed-grant-types=Tipos de autorización permitidos
@@ -2512,7 +2512,7 @@ base-quantity=Cantidad base
base-tracking-url=URL base de seguimiento
base-unit-quantity=Cantidad base de la unidad
base-unit-quantity-help=Los compradores solo pueden adquirir en incrementos de la cantidad base de la unidad.
-base-url=Base URL (Automatic Copy)
+base-url=URL base
base-url-x-is-invalid=La URL base "{0}" no es válida. Introduzca una URL base válida.
baseline=Valor de referencia
baseline-clauses=Cláusulas de valor de referencia
@@ -2912,7 +2912,7 @@ calendar=Calendario
calendar-does-not-serve-unknown-resource-x=El calendario no sirve un recurso desconocido {0}
calendar-item-color-picker-press-space-to-enter-the-color-picker=Selector de color de elementos del calendario: pulse espacio para introducir el selector de color.
-calendar-name=Calendar Name (Automatic Copy)
+calendar-name=Nombre del calendario
calendar-notification-templates=Plantilla de notificaciones del calendario
calendar-resource-already-exists=Ya existe el recurso en el calendario.
calendar-resources=Recursos del calendario
@@ -3354,7 +3354,7 @@ changing-the-order-of-the-categories-is-not-supported=Cambiar el orden de las ca
changing-the-structure-key-will-reindex-all-the-web-content-articles-with-this-structure.-this-action-may-take-some-time,-and-the-affected-items-may-not-be-available-during-this-process=Al cambiar la clave de estructura se volverá a indexar todos los artículos del contenido web con esta estructura. Esta acción puede tardar un poco y los elementos afectados no estarán disponibles durante este proceso.
changing-the-template-will-not-affect-the-original-web-content-default-template.-the-change-only-applies-to-this-web-content-display=Aunque se cambie la plantilla, esto no afectará a la plantilla por defecto de contenido web original. El cambio solo se aplica en esta visualización de contenido web.
changing-the-value-of-this-field-reloads-the-page=Cambiar el valor de este campo provocará que se recargue la página.
-changing-this-setting-will-reset-all-mappings-for-this-collection=Changing this setting will reset all mappings for this collection. (Automatic Copy)
+changing-this-setting-will-reset-all-mappings-for-this-collection=El cambio de esta configuración restaurará todas las asignaciones de esta colección.
channel-account-managers=Gestores de cuentas de canal
channel-defaults=Valores por defecto del canal
@@ -4376,7 +4376,7 @@ cookie-consent-panel-configuration-name=Panel de consentimiento
cookie-enabled-help=Esta casilla permite gestionar las preferencias de cookies según las opciones seleccionadas por el usuario. También habilita las opciones de configuración para el banner y el panel de consentimiento.
cookie-explicit-consent-mode=Modo de consentimiento explícito de cookies
cookie-explicit-consent-mode-help=Si esta opción está activada, no se crearán cookies hasta que el usuario acepte el uso de cookies. De lo contrario, se crearán todas las cookies hasta que el usuario las rechace.
-cookie-explicit-consent-mode-help-deprecated=If this option is checked, then no cookies are set until the user agrees to cookie usages. Otherwise, all cookies are set until the user opts out of them. (Automatic Copy)
+cookie-explicit-consent-mode-help-deprecated=Si esta opción está activada, no se crearán cookies hasta que el usuario acepte el uso de cookies. De lo contrario, se crearán todas las cookies hasta que el usuario las rechace.
cookie-policy=Política de cookies
cookie-policy-link=Enlace de la Política de cookies
cookie-preference-handling-configuration-name=Gestión de preferencias
@@ -5489,8 +5489,8 @@ default-view=Vista por defecto
default-view-must-have-at-least-one-column=La vista por defecto debe tener como mínimo una columna.
default-viewport=Área de visualización por defecto
default-visualization-mode=Modo de visualización por defecto
-default-visualization-mode-help=Customize which visualization mode will be shown by default for this Data Set. (Automatic Copy)
-default-visualization-mode-tooltip=To select a default visualization mode, first configure it in the Visualization Modes tab. (Automatic Copy)
+default-visualization-mode-help=Personalice qué modo de visualización se mostrará por defecto en este conjunto de datos.
+default-visualization-mode-tooltip=Para seleccionar un modo de visualización por defecto, primero configúrelo en la pestaña Modos de visualización.
default-was-changed=Se cambió el valor por defecto
default-workflow-for-all-document-types=Workflow por defecto para todos los tipos de documentos
default-workflow-for-all-structures=Flujo de trabajo por defecto para todas las estructuras
@@ -5620,7 +5620,7 @@ delete-vocabulary=Eliminar vocabulario
delete-workflow-question=¿Eliminar flujo de trabajo?
delete-x=Eliminar {0}
delete-x-property=Eliminar propiedad {0}
-delete-x-translation=Delete {0} Translation (Automatic Copy)
+delete-x-translation=Eliminar traducción al {0}
deleted-in-x=Eliminado en {0}
@@ -6236,7 +6236,7 @@ duplicated-from-x=Duplicado de {0}
duplicated-variable-name=Nombre variable duplicado
duration-help=El número de días durante el que se mantendrá el acceso de los clientes al archivo. Deje este valor en 0 para permitir un número ilimitado de descargas.
-duration-type=Duration Type (Automatic Copy)
+duration-type=Tipo de duración
duration-x-x=Duración {0} {1}
dxp-has-successfully-connected-to-analytics-cloud,-complete-your-set-up-in-the-instance-scope-menu=DXP se ha conectado correctamente a Analytics Cloud. Complete la configuración en el menú del ámbito de la instancia.
@@ -7303,22 +7303,22 @@ feature.flag.LPD-6368.description=Los usuarios pueden definir el ámbito de los
feature.flag.LPD-6368.title=Definir el ámbito de los rankings de resultado
feature.flag.LPD-6378.description=Los usuarios pueden configurar las páginas de utilidad para los procesos de inicio de sesión, olvido de contraseña y creación de la cuenta.
feature.flag.LPD-6378.title=Páginas de utilidad de inicio de sesión
-feature.flag.LPD-10703.description=Include workflow information and actions when reviewing publication changes. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10703.title=Improve Publications Review (Automatic Copy)
+feature.flag.LPD-10703.description=Incluya información sobre el flujo de trabajo y acciones al revisar los cambios en las publicaciones.
+feature.flag.LPD-10703.title=Mejorar la revisión de publicaciones
feature.flag.LPD-10793.description=Los usuarios pueden generar y guardar imágenes de IA en la aplicación Documentos y Multimedia con OpenAI.
feature.flag.LPD-10793.title=Generación de imágenes de IA en Documentos y Multimedia
feature.flag.LPD-10855.description=Los usuarios pueden administrar contactos directamente relacionados con las cuentas.
feature.flag.LPD-10855.title=Contactos de cuentas
-feature.flag.LPD-10856.description=Users can map each product specification individually on a content page. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10856.title=Mapping Individual Product Specifications (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10862.description=Users can activate the content creation prompt with a single click by leveraging AI capabilities directly within the CKEditor for seamless and efficient content generation. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10862.title=Generative AI for Commerce Product (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10887.description=Users can now configure purchase options for products based on date, times, time zones, and durations, allowing for the sale of time slots. (Automatic Copy)
+feature.flag.LPD-10856.description=Los usuarios pueden asignar las especificaciones de cada producto de forma individual en una página de contenido.
+feature.flag.LPD-10856.title=Asignar especificaciones de productos individuales
+feature.flag.LPD-10862.description=Los usuarios pueden activar la petición de creación de contenido con un solo clic y utilizar las capacidades de IA directamente en CKEditor para obtener una generación de contenido eficiente y sin interrupciones.
+feature.flag.LPD-10862.title=IA generativa para producto de comercio
+feature.flag.LPD-10887.description=Ahora los usuarios pueden configurar las opciones de compra para productos según la fecha, la hora, la zona horaria y la duración, por lo que se permite la venta en intervalos de tiempo.
feature.flag.LPD-10887.title=Date Times as Option (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-11018.description=Notify users when publications fail to publish or when scheduled publications have conflicts. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-11018.title=Publication Conflict Notifications (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-11070.description=Add the preview draft permission for pages. This grants users read only access to page drafts. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-11070.title=Preview Page Drafts Permission (Automatic Copy)
+feature.flag.LPD-11018.description=Notifique a los usuarios cuando las publicaciones no se puedan publicar o cuando haya problemas con las publicaciones programadas.
+feature.flag.LPD-11018.title=Notificaciones de conflictos en publicaciones
+feature.flag.LPD-11070.description=Añada permisos de previsualización de borradores en las páginas. De esta forma, los usuarios obtienen acceso en modo Solo lectura a los borradores de las páginas.
+feature.flag.LPD-11070.title=Permisos de previsualización de borradores de las páginas
feature.flag.LPD-11147.description=Users can configure the URL path for different asset types. (Automatic Copy)
feature.flag.LPD-11147.title=Configurable URLs for Asset Types (Automatic Copy)
feature.flag.LPD-11218.description=Los usuarios pueden habilitar los filtros «Mío» y «Reciente» para ubicar rápidamente su propio contenido junto con su fecha de creación.
@@ -7327,8 +7327,8 @@ feature.flag.LPD-15596.description=Los usuarios pueden definir y administrar per
feature.flag.LPD-15596.title=Administrar permisos y programar la publicación de contenido
feature.flag.LPD-15804.description=Añade un nuevo paso al proceso de finalización de compra.
feature.flag.LPD-15804.title=Extensión de cliente del paso de finalización de compra de Commerce
-feature.flag.LPD-16469.description=Users have the ability to bulk manage permissions for multiple web content articles. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-16469.title=Bulk Manage Permissions for Web Content Articles (Automatic Copy)
+feature.flag.LPD-16469.description=Los usuarios pueden administrar en lotes los permisos de varios artículos de contenido web.
+feature.flag.LPD-16469.title=Administración de permisos en lotes para artículos de contenido web
feature.flag.LPS-96845.description=Los clientes SCIM configurados pueden utilizar las API de REST para sincronizar la información de identidad de usuarios y grupos con aplicaciones externas.
feature.flag.LPS-96845.title=Sistema para la gestión de la identidad entre dominios (SCIM)
feature.flag.LPS-114700.description=Añada un estado que indique el número total de campos de contenido web traducidos para cada idioma.
@@ -7355,8 +7355,8 @@ feature.flag.LPS-171364.description=Los usuarios pueden mover cambios entre publ
feature.flag.LPS-171364.title=Mover cambios entre publicaciones
feature.flag.LPS-174417.description=Los administradores de la plantilla del sitio y la página del sitio podrán ver advertencias cuando las URL descriptivas de las páginas ya existen en la plantilla del sitio o el sitio creado a partir de la plantilla del sitio.
feature.flag.LPS-174417.title=Advertencias de conflicto de la URL descriptiva de plantilla del sitio
-feature.flag.LPS-174455.description=Use object REST APIs to manage attachment fields. Add, get, or update data in Base64 format. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPS-174455.title=Improve REST APIs for Object Attachment Fields (Automatic Copy)
+feature.flag.LPS-174455.description=Utilice API de REST de objetos para administrar campos de archivos adjuntos. Añada, consiga o actualice datos en formato Base64.
+feature.flag.LPS-174455.title=Mejora de API de REST para campos de archivos adjuntos de objetos
feature.flag.LPS-178642.description=Los usuarios pueden crear API de REST sin código con endpoints, esquemas, filtros y ordenaciones. La IU estará disponible en Panel de control > Objeto > Generador de API.
feature.flag.LPS-178642.title=Generador de API
feature.flag.LPS-179669.description=Busque el índice de la compañía para contenido que coincida. Añada facetas con términos de visualización traducidos y establezca un plano de búsqueda en la petición para añadir búsquedas, filtros, agregaciones y ordenaciones personalizadas.
@@ -7373,8 +7373,8 @@ feature.flag.LPS-187285.description=Muestre indicaciones en la auditoría de la
feature.flag.LPS-187285.title=Indicaciones para evitar problemas de rendimiento
feature.flag.LPS-187436.description=Cualquier persona puede revisar los cambios de una publicación mediante un enlace.
feature.flag.LPS-187436.title=Compartir publicación con un enlace
-feature.flag.LPS-187793.description=Users can customize the XML Sitemap to include or exclude content based on SEO requirements. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPS-187793.title=Customizing Sitemap Indexing (Automatic Copy)
+feature.flag.LPS-187793.description=Los usuarios pueden personalizar el mapa del sitio XML para incluir o excluir contenido con base en requisitos SEO.
+feature.flag.LPS-187793.title=Personalización de la indexación del mapa del sitio
feature.flag.LPS-187854.description=Los usuarios pueden añadir validaciones de objetos que verifiquen que los valores de campo son únicos.
feature.flag.LPS-187854.title=Mejorar las validaciones de campo
feature.flag.LPS-188058.description=Los usuarios pueden programar la publicación de artículos de la base de conocimiento y eliminar carpetas o artículos para enviarlos a la papelera de reciclaje.
@@ -7383,8 +7383,8 @@ feature.flag.LPS-188898.description=Los desarrolladores podrán utilizar extensi
feature.flag.LPS-188898.title=Extensión de cliente para la regla de validación de objetos
feature.flag.LPS-193884.description=Permita que la fecha de caducidad se establezca en enlaces de nuevos usuarios de «establecer nueva contraseña» como hace con los enlaces de «restaurar contraseña».
feature.flag.LPS-193884.title=Fecha de caducidad del enlace de nuevos usuarios de «establecer contraseña»
-feature.flag.LPS-196847.description=Users can manage permissions for page groups and visually distinguish between public and private pages. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPS-196847.title=Improve Permission Management for Pages (Automatic Copy)
+feature.flag.LPS-196847.description=Los usuarios pueden administrar permisos para los grupos de la página y distinguir de forma visual entre páginas privadas y publicadas.
+feature.flag.LPS-196847.title=Mejora de la administración de permisos para páginas
feature.flag.LPS-196935.description=Las listas de datos dinámicos están en desuso y se han reemplazado por Objeto. DDL se quitará en 2024. Migre sus datos a Objeto antes de esa fecha.
feature.flag.LPS-196935.title=Listas de datos dinámicos
feature.flag.LPS-199086.description=Allows staging users to export/import a child page without its parents. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -8129,7 +8129,7 @@ grace-limit=Límite de gracia
grace-limit-help=Esto determina el número de veces que un usuario puede iniciar sesuón después de que su contraseña caduque, antes de ser forzado a usar una nueva contraseña.
grand-total=Total general
-grant-type=Grant Type (Automatic Copy)
+grant-type=Tipo de concesión
grant-type-x-is-unsupported-for-this-client-type=El tipo de concesión "{0}" no se admite para este tipo de cliente.
graph-url=URL de Graph
@@ -8475,7 +8475,7 @@ http-client-max-connections=Número máximo de conexiones HTTP
http-client-max-connections-help=Establezca el número máximo de conexiones HTTP abiertas permitido.
http-client-max-error-retry=Número máximo de reintentos de HTTP
http-client-max-error-retry-help=Establece el número máximo de reintentos de solicitudes recuperables con errores.
-http-configuration-name=HTTP Configuration (Automatic Copy)
+http-configuration-name=Configuración HTTP
http-cors-allow-origin=Permitir origen de HTTP CORS
http-cors-allow-origin-help=Los orígenes que se permitirán cuando esté habilitado HTTP CORS.
http-cors-configurations=Configuraciones de HTTP CORS
@@ -8678,7 +8678,7 @@ import-siteminder-users-from-ldap-help=Si se activa esta opción, los usuarios a
import-status=Estado de la importación
import-strategy=Estrategia de importación
import-structure=Importar estructura
-import-succeeded=Import Succeeded (Automatic Copy)
+import-succeeded=Importación realizada correctamente
import-task-isolation=Nivel de aislamiento de la tarea de importación
import-task-isolation-help=Establecer el nivel de aislamiento para las tareas de importación de propagación de plantillas de sitio. La opción por defecto está configurada como grupal. Esto significa que solo se podrá ejecutar una tarea de importación de propagación de plantillas de sitio al mismo tiempo en el mismo sitio de destino. Aun así, también puede establecerlo como compañía. De esta forma se reducirá el paralelismo al permitir que solo se ejecute una tarea en el nivel de compañía. En general use esta opción para reducir la carga en el portal a cambio de retrasar las propagaciones de plantillas del sitio.
import-translation=Importar traducción
@@ -8906,7 +8906,7 @@ instance-id=Identificador de la instancia
instance-id-x=Identificador de instancia: {0}
instance-scope=Ámbito de la instancia
instance-settings=Configuración de instancia
-instance-web-id=Instance Web ID (Automatic Copy)
+instance-web-id=Identificador web de la instancia
instanceable=Admite la creación de instancias
instant-messenger=Mensajería instantánea
@@ -9667,8 +9667,8 @@ kb-folders=Carpetas de la base de conocimiento
kb-templates=Plantillas de la base de conocimiento
keep-alive=Mantener activa la conexión
-keep-alive-timeout=Keep Alive Timeout (Automatic Copy)
-keep-alive-timeout-help=Specify a default timeout in seconds for HTTP keep alive. By default, a connection is persistent and will remain open indefinitely. A Keep-Alive header is commonly used to communicate a specific timeout value. Setting this default timeout with a value greater than 0 would make it so that if the Keep-Alive header is not present with a specific timeout value, the specified default timeout would be used. (Automatic Copy)
+keep-alive-timeout=Tiempo de espera con conexión ininterrumpida
+keep-alive-timeout-help=Especifique un tiempo de espera por defecto en segundos para que el HTTP siga funcionando. Por defecto, las conexiones son persistentes y se mantienen abiertas de forma indefinida. Se suele utilizar un encabezado que mantiene la conexión para comunicar un valor específico de tiempo de espera. Al establecer este tiempo de espera por defecto con un valor mayor a 0 se consigue que, si el encabezado que mantiene la conexión no está presente con un valor específico de tiempo de espera, se utilizará el tiempo de espera especificado por defecto.
keep-alive-url=URL de conexión activa
keep-both=Mantener ambos
keep-both-attachments-and-rename-the-removed-attachment-as=Mantener ambos adjuntos y renombrar el adjunto borrado como:
@@ -10012,7 +10012,7 @@ layout.types.portlet=Página de widget
layout.types.portlet.description=Añada widgets y contenido para crear una página.
layout.types.url=Enlace a URL
layout.types.url.description=Enlace a otro sitio web.
-layout.types.utility=Utility Page (Automatic Copy)
+layout.types.utility=Página de utilidad
lazy-loading-can-help-to-improve-page-performance=La carga diferida puede ayudar a mejorar el rendimiento de la página.
@@ -10431,11 +10431,11 @@ mark-as-required=Marcar como obligatorio
mark-as-spam=Marcar como correo no deseado
mark-as-state=Marcar como estado
mark-as-translated=Marcar como traducido
-mark-as-translated-for-x-language=All the fields for {0} language will be marked as translated. This action cannot be undone. (Automatic Copy)
+mark-as-translated-for-x-language=Todos los campos del idioma {0} se marcarán como traducidos. Este acción no se puede deshacer.
mark-as-unread=Marcar como no leído
mark-the-sku-as-discontinued=Marcar la SKU como descatalogada
mark-x-as-favorite=Marcar {0} como favorito
-mark-x-as-translated=Mark "{0}" as Translated (Automatic Copy)
+mark-x-as-translated=Marcar {0} como traducido
markdown-importer-article-extensions=Extensiones del artículo de la herramienta de importación de Markdown
markdown-importer-article-intro=Introducción del artículo de la herramienta de importación de Markdown
markdown-importer-image-file-extensions=Extensiones de archivo de imagen de la herramienta de importación de Markdown
@@ -11085,7 +11085,7 @@ model.resource.com.liferay.commerce.health=Estado de comercio
model.resource.com.liferay.commerce.inventory=Inventarios de comercio
model.resource.com.liferay.commerce.inventory.model.CommerceInventoryBookedQuantity=Cantidad reservada del inventario de Commerce
model.resource.com.liferay.commerce.model.CommerceOrderItem=Artículo de pedido de comercio
model.resource.com.liferay.commerce.model.CommerceOrderType=Tipo de pedido de comercio
model.resource.com.liferay.commerce.model.CommercePriceList=Lista de precios de comercio
@@ -11369,8 +11369,8 @@ modified-x-ago-by-x=Modificado hace {0} por {1}.
modifier-type=Tipo de modificador
modify-the-friendly-url-of-the-pages-to-allow-their-propagation-from-the-site-template=Modifique la URL amigable de las páginas para permitir su propagación desde la plantilla de sitio.
-modifying-the-field-name-may-result-in-data-loss=Modifying the field name may result in data loss. (Automatic Copy)
-modifying-the-option-name-may-result-in-data-loss=Modifying the option name may result in data loss. (Automatic Copy)
+modifying-the-field-name-may-result-in-data-loss=La modificación del nombre de campo podría ocasionar la pérdida de datos.
+modifying-the-option-name-may-result-in-data-loss=La modificación del nombre de la opción podría ocasionar la pérdida de datos.
modifying-the-site-template-logo-only-affects-sites-that-are-not-yet-created=Modificar el logo de la plantilla del sitio solo afecta a sitios que todavía no han sido creados.
module-id=Identificador del componente
@@ -12386,14 +12386,14 @@ object-action-trigger[onAfterRootUpdate]=Después de actualizar la raíz
object-action-trigger[onAfterUpdate]=Después de actualizar
-object-definition=Object Definition (Automatic Copy)
+object-definition=Definición de objeto
object-definition-data=Datos del objeto
object-definition-id=Identificador de objeto
object-definition-storage-type-tooltip=Seleccione si los datos se almacenan en Liferay (opción por defecto) o solo en un sistema externo. Se aplican limitaciones para definiciones de objeto con tipos de almacenamiento externo.
object-definition-successfully-imported=La definición del objeto se ha importado correctamente.
object-definition-table-name=Nombre de la tabla
object-definition-x-is-selected=Se ha seleccionado la definición de objeto {0}.
-object-definitions-failed-to-import=Object Definitions Failed to Import (Automatic Copy)
+object-definitions-failed-to-import=No se han podido importar las definiciones del objeto
object-entry-id=Identificador de entrada del objeto
object-entry-value-exceeds-integer-field-allowed-size=El valor de entrada del objeto supera el tamaño permitido del campo numérico entero.
object-entry-value-exceeds-long-field-allowed-size=El valor de entrada del objeto supera el tamaño permitido del campo de datos Long.
@@ -12632,9 +12632,9 @@ option=Opción
option-created=Opción creada
option-detail=Detalle de opción
option-field-type=Tipo de campo de opción
-option-name=Option Name (Automatic Copy)
+option-name=Nombre de la opción
option-not-found=Opción no encontrada
-option-reference=Option Reference (Automatic Copy)
+option-reference=Referencia de la opción
option-selected=Opción seleccionada
option-selector=Selector de opciones
option-template-detail=Detalle de plantilla de opciones
@@ -12716,9 +12716,9 @@ order-types=Tipos de pedido
order-value=Valor del pedido
order-workflows=Flujos de trabajo del pedido
order-x=Pedido {0}
ordered=Pedido realizado
ordered-list=Lista ordenada
ordered-quantity=Cantidad solicitada
@@ -13263,7 +13263,7 @@ please-add-a-valid-email-address=Añada una dirección de correo electrónico v
please-add-a-workflow-title-before-publishing=Añada un título al flujo de trabajo antes de publicarlo.
please-add-at-least-one-field=Añada como mínimo un campo.
please-add-at-least-one-item-to-the-shipment=Añada como mínimo un artículo al envío.
-please-add-at-least-one-item-you-wish-to-return-from-the-order-to-proceed-with-the-request=Please add at least one item you wish to return from the order to proceed with the request. (Automatic Copy)
+please-add-at-least-one-item-you-wish-to-return-from-the-order-to-proceed-with-the-request=Añada al menos un elemento que desee devolver del pedido para proceder con la petición.
please-add-at-least-one-option=Por favor añade por lo menos una opción.
please-add-at-least-one-shipping-option=Añada como mínimo una opción de envío.
please-add-at-least-one-tax-rate=Añada como mínimo un tipo impositivo.
@@ -13621,7 +13621,7 @@ please-provide-all-mandatory-files-and-make-sure-the-file-types-are-valid=Por fa
please-provide-the-reason-for-your-request=Especifique el motivo de la petición.
please-reenter-your-quantity-for-the-items-with-the-following-skus=Por favor, reintroduzca el número de productos deseados para los artículos con los siguientes SKUs:
please-rename-this-with-another-words=Cambie el nombre.
-please-review-the-details-of-the-returning-items-before-submitting-the-request=Please review the details of the returning items before submitting the request. (Automatic Copy)
+please-review-the-details-of-the-returning-items-before-submitting-the-request=Compruebe la información de los elementos en devolución antes de enviar la petición.
please-select-a-category=Por favor, seleccione una categoría.
please-select-a-country=Por favor, seleccione un país.
please-select-a-course=Por favor, seleccione un curso.
@@ -14620,8 +14620,8 @@ refund-amount=Cantidad del reembolso
refund-details=Detalles del reembolso
refund-reason=Motivo del reembolso
refund-status=Estado del reembolso
-refund-subtotal=Refund Subtotal (Automatic Copy)
-refund-summary=Refund Summary (Automatic Copy)
+refund-subtotal=Subtotal del reembolso
+refund-summary=Resumen del reembolso
regenerate-preview-and-thumbnail-of-openoffice-files-in-documents-and-media=Vuelva a generar los archivos de miniaturas y vista previa de documentos de OpenOffice en documentos y multimedia.
regenerate-preview-and-thumbnail-of-openoffice-files-in-documents-and-media-help=La acción no modifica las previsualizaciones de OpenOffice existentes.
@@ -14868,7 +14868,7 @@ repeat-top-to-bottom=Repetir de arriba a abajo
repeat-type=Tipo de repetición
repeats=Se repite
-repetitions=Repetitions (Automatic Copy)
replace-certificate=Reemplazar certificado
replace-file=Reemplazar archivo
@@ -14968,7 +14968,7 @@ requested-by-x=Solicitado por {0}
requested-date=Fecha de solicitud
requested-delivery-date=Fecha de entrega solicitada
requested-delivery-date-at-checkout=Fecha de entrega solicitada al finalizar la compra
-requested-quantity=Requested Quantity (Automatic Copy)
+requested-quantity=Cantidad solicitada
requested-report-id=ID del informe solicitado
requested-report-status=Estado del informe solicitado
requesting-translation=Solicitando la traducción.
@@ -15055,7 +15055,7 @@ resize-column=Cambiar tamaño de columna
resize-sidebar=Cambiar tamaño de barra lateral
-resolve-all-active-scripting-uses-before-proceeding-you-can-deactivate-the-source-entity-or-remove-the-script=Resolve all active scripting uses before proceeding. You can deactivate the source entity or remove the script. (Automatic Copy)
+resolve-all-active-scripting-uses-before-proceeding-you-can-deactivate-the-source-entity-or-remove-the-script=Resuelva todos los usos de scripting activos antes de continuar. Puede desactivar la entidad de origen o quitar el script.
resolve-any-conflicts=Solucionar conflictos
resolved-on-time=Solucionado a tiempo
@@ -15462,7 +15462,7 @@ scheduled=Planificado
scheduled-by-x=Programado por {0}
scheduled-events=Eventos programados
scheduled-jobs=Trabajos programados
-scheduled-publications-conflict-checks=Scheduled Publications Conflict Checks (Automatic Copy)
+scheduled-publications-conflict-checks=Comprobaciones de conflictos en las publicaciones programadas
scheduled-publish-layout-local=Publicación local publicada
scheduled-publish-layout-remote=Publicación lejana publicada
scheduled-start-date=Fecha de inicio programada
@@ -15516,7 +15516,7 @@ script-file=Archivo de script
script-language=Lenguaje de script
script-management=Administración de script
script-management-configuration-name=Administración de script
-script-source=Script Source (Automatic Copy)
+script-source=Fuente del script
scripted-assignment=Asignación generada por scripts
scripted-assignment-cache-expiration-time-description=Defina el tiempo en minutos tras el cual se eliminará el caché para los scripts de tarea asignada por scripts. Utilice un valor de cero o negativo para deshabilitar el caché.
scripted-assignment-cache-expiration-time-name=Tiempo de caducidad del caché asignado por scripts
@@ -15834,7 +15834,7 @@ select-css-client-extensions=Seleccionar extensiones de cliente de CSS
select-current-date=Seleccione la fecha actual
select-data-fields=Seleccionar campos de datos
select-date=Seleccionar fecha
-select-date-from-list=Select Date from List (Automatic Copy)
+select-date-from-list=Seleccione una fecha de la lista
select-date-range=Seleccionar intervalo de fechas
select-destination=Seleccionar destino
select-destination-folder-for-x-item=Seleccionar carpeta de destino para {0} elemento
@@ -15924,7 +15924,7 @@ select-reassignment=Seleccionar reasignación
select-recipients=Seleccionar destinatarios
select-region=Seleccionar región
select-restore-folder=Seleccione la carpeta de restauración
-select-returnable-items=Select Returnable Items (Automatic Copy)
+select-returnable-items=Seleccione los elementos a devolver
select-role=Seleccionar rol
select-scope=Seleccionar ámbito
select-search=Elegir selección
@@ -16236,7 +16236,7 @@ set-x-to-x=Establecer {0} en {1}
set-your-jira-login=Establecer credenciales de JIRA.
set-your-login-for-x-to-track-your-jira-activity=Introduzca sus credenciales de {0} para poder hacer un seguimiento de su actividad en JIRA.
setting-a-value-above-x-can-affect-page-performance-severely=Usar un valor superior a {0} puede afectar considerablemente al rendimiento de la página.
-setting-cannot-be-deactivated=Setting Cannot Be Deactivated (Automatic Copy)
+setting-cannot-be-deactivated=La configuración no se puede desactivar
several-shared-parameters-are-mapped-to-the-same-parameter=Varios parámetros compartidos se mapean al mismo parámetro.
@@ -17323,9 +17323,9 @@ successfully-saved=Guardado correctamente.
successfully-unassigned-display-page-template=Se canceló correctamente la asignación de la plantilla de página de visualización.
such-as-x-or-x=Como por ejemplo, {0} o {1}
-sugarcrm=SugarCRM (Automatic Copy)
-sugarcrm-configuration-name=SugarCRM Integration (Automatic Copy)
-sugarcrm-objects-do-not-support-relationships=SugarCRM objects do not support relationships. (Automatic Copy)
+sugarcrm-configuration-name=Integración de SugarCRM
+sugarcrm-objects-do-not-support-relationships=Los objetos de SugarCRM no son compatibles con las relaciones.
suggestion-contributor=Contribuidor de la sugerencia
suggestion-contributor-help=Introduce el nombre del contribuidor que se ha usado para visualizar las sugerencias.
suggestion-in-progress-email=Correo electrónico de sugerencia en progreso.
@@ -17784,7 +17784,7 @@ tax-value-endpoint-url=URL de endpoint de valor de impuestos
taxed-address=Dirección fiscal
-tcp-keep-alive-enabled=TCP Keep Alive Enabled (Automatic Copy)
+tcp-keep-alive-enabled=Se ha habilitado TCP con conexión ininterrumpida
tcp-keep-alive-enabled-help=If checked, SO_KEEPALIVE will be enabled for newly created sockets by default. (Automatic Copy)
team-id=Identificador del equipo
@@ -18440,7 +18440,7 @@ the-note-could-not-be-found=No se encuentra la nota.
the-number-of-keys-generated-has-exceeded-the-number-of-allowed-keys=El número de claves generadas ha excedido el número de claves permitidas.
the-object-action-was-created-successfully=La acción del objeto se creó correctamente.
the-object-action-was-updated-successfully=La acción del objeto se actualizó correctamente.
-the-object-could-not-be-found=The object could not be found. (Automatic Copy)
+the-object-could-not-be-found=No se ha encontrado el objeto.
the-object-definition-failed-to-import=No se ha podido importar la definición del objeto.
the-object-definition-is-already-published=La definición del objeto ya está publicada.
the-object-definition-was-imported-without-a-custom-view=La definición del objeto se importó sin una vista personalizada.
@@ -19172,7 +19172,7 @@ there-are-no-workflow-definitions=No hay definiciones de workflow.
there-are-no-x=No hay {0}.
there-are-no-x-orders=No hay pedidos de {0}.
there-are-no-x-related-issues=No hay problemas relacionados con {0}.
-there-are-object-definitions-with-the-same-external-reference-code-as-the-imported-ones=There are object definitions with the same external reference code as the imported ones. By continuing, you will update the existing object definitions. This action is permanent and data can be lost if the imported object definitions have missing fields compared to the existing ones. The affected object definitions are: (Automatic Copy)
+there-are-object-definitions-with-the-same-external-reference-code-as-the-imported-ones=Hay definiciones de objetos con el mismo código de referencia externo que los importados. Al continuar, actualizará las definiciones de objetos existentes. Esta acción es permanente y los datos se podrían perder si las definiciones de objeto importadas no tienen todos los campos en comparación con las existentes. Las definiciones de objeto afectadas son:
there-are-one-or-more-mandatory-vocabularies-assigned-to-the-knowledge-base-article=Hay uno o más vocabularios obligatorios asignados al artículo de la base de conocimiento.
there-are-other-redirects-pointing-to-the-source-url-of-this-redirect=Hay otros redireccionamientos que apuntan a la URL de origen de este redireccionamiento. Esto creará una cadena de redireccionamiento para redirigir varias veces a los usuarios antes de llegar al destino.
there-are-replacement-products-in-your-cart=No hay productos de sustitución en su cesta.
@@ -19300,7 +19300,7 @@ this-article-is-set-to-publish-later=Este artículo está configurado para publi
this-article-will-be-published-on-x=Este artículo se publicará en {0}.
this-blog=Este blog
this-category=Esta categoría
-this-category-might-be-being-used-in-some-contents=This category might be being used in some contents. If you delete it, this category and its subcategories will also be deleted and removed from those contents. Friendly URLs may also be affected. Do you want to continue deleting this category? (Automatic Copy)
+this-category-might-be-being-used-in-some-contents=Puede que esta categoría se use en algunos contenidos. Si la elimina, también se eliminarán todas sus subcategorías y se quitarán de dichos contenidos. ¿Seguro que quiere eliminar la categoría?
this-change-will-only-affect-the-newly-created-localized-content=Este cambio solo afectará al nuevo contenido localizado.
this-change-will-only-be-shown-after-you-refresh-the-page=Este cambio será aplicado cuando la página sea recargada.
this-collection-has-no-items=Esta colección no tiene elementos. Necesita como mínimo un elemento para usar esta configuración.
@@ -19491,7 +19491,7 @@ this-result-comes-from-the-x-version-of-this-content=El resultado viene de la ve
this-role-does-not-have-any-permissions=Este rol no tiene ningún permiso.
this-role-is-automatically-assigned=Este rol se asignará automáticamente.
this-rule-is-broken-due-to-missing-fields=Esta regla no funciona porque faltan campos.
-this-scheduled-publication-contains-conflicting-changes-that-must-be-manually-resolved-before-publishing=This scheduled publication contains conflicting changes that must be manually resolved before publishing. Please unschedule the publication in order to resolve conflicts. (Automatic Copy)
+this-scheduled-publication-contains-conflicting-changes-that-must-be-manually-resolved-before-publishing=Esta publicación programada contiene cambios en conflicto que se deben resolver de forma manual antes de publicarla. Cancele la programación de la publicación para poder resolver los conflictos.
this-scope-is-no-longer-available=Este ámbito ya no está disponible.
this-search-bar-is-not-visible-to-users-yet=Esta barra de búsqueda aún no es visible para los usuarios.
this-section-will-be-editable-after-creating-the-user=Esta sección será editable después de crear al usuario.
@@ -19766,7 +19766,7 @@ total-discount-percentage-level-3-with-tax-amount=Nivel 3 de porcentaje de descu
total-discount-percentage-level-4=Nivel 4 de porcentaje de descuento total
total-discount-percentage-level-4-with-tax-amount=Nivel 4 de porcentaje de descuento total con importe de impuestos
total-discount-with-tax-amount=Descuento total con importe de impuestos
-total-estimated-refund=Total Estimated Refund (Automatic Copy)
+total-estimated-refund=Reembolso total estimado
total-memory=Memoria total
total-modifications=Número total de modificaciones
total-open=Total abiertos
@@ -20187,7 +20187,7 @@ update-entry=Modificar entrada
update-event=Modificar evento
update-exchange-rates=Actualizar tipos de cambio
update-existing-object-definition=Actualizar definición de objeto existente
-update-existing-object-definitions=Update Existing Objects Definitions (Automatic Copy)
+update-existing-object-definitions=Actualizar definiciones de objetos existentes
update-existing-object-folder=Actualizar la carpeta del objeto existente
update-existing-picklist=Actualizar la lista desplegable existente
update-feedback=Modificar sugerencias
@@ -21595,7 +21595,7 @@ x-rows-were-imported-successfully={0} filas se importaron correctamente.
x-rows-were-not-imported={0} filas no se importaron.
x-scheduled-publication-failed=Error en {0} publicación programada.
x-scheduled-publication-failed-with-an-unexpected-system-error=Se ha producido un error inesperado del sistema con la publicación {0} programada.
-x-scheduled-publication-has-conflicts-with-production={0} scheduled publication has conflicts with production. (Automatic Copy)
+x-scheduled-publication-has-conflicts-with-production={0} publicación programada tiene conflictos con la producción.
x-screen-size-is-selected=Se ha seleccionado el tamaño de pantalla {0}.
x-search=Buscar en {0}
x-search-provider=Proveedor de búsqueda de {0}
diff --git a/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_es_AR.properties b/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_es_AR.properties
index af558261b6e8ac..59f8692e041cf3 100644
--- a/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_es_AR.properties
+++ b/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_es_AR.properties
@@ -1382,7 +1382,7 @@ allow=Permitir
allow-adding-pages=Permitir añadir páginas
allow-administrator-to-create-and-execute-code-in-liferay=Allow administrator to create and execute code in Liferay. (Automatic Copy)
allow-administrators-to-publish-and-edit-workflows=Permitir que los administradores puedan publicar y editar flujos de trabajo
-allow-administrators-to-publish-and-edit-workflows-description=When selected, users with the Regular Administrator role in a virtual instance can publish new workflow definitions, including scripting content that is executed inside the portal (and potentially in other virtual instances). (Automatic Copy)
+allow-administrators-to-publish-and-edit-workflows-description=Al seleccionar esta opción, los usuarios con el rol de administrador normal en una instancia virtual pueden publicar nuevas definiciones de flujos de trabajo, incluido el contenido de scripting que se ejecuta dentro del portal (y, posiblemente, en otras instancias virtuales).
allow-anonymous-emails=Permitir emails anónimos
allow-anonymous-posting=Permitir a usuarios anónimos escribir mensajes
allow-anyone-with-the-link-to-view-this-publication=Allow anyone with the link to view this publication. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -1441,7 +1441,7 @@ allowed-classes=Clases permitidas
allowed-credentials-per-user=Credenciales permitidas por usuario
allowed-credentials-per-user-description=Establece el número de credenciales permitidas por usuario.
allowed-domains=Dominios permitidos
-allowed-domains-help=Set the domains which the portal is allowed to redirect to. Remove all entries to allow any domain. Specifying a domain with a leading "*." allows redirects to subdomains. PORTAL_DOMAIN will be replaced with the current domain of the portal. (Automatic Copy)
+allowed-domains-help=Establezca los dominios a los que puede redirigir el portal. Quite todas las entradas para permitir cualquier dominio. Al especificar un dominio con «*.» al principio, también permite redirigir a subdominios.
allowed-file-extensions=Extensiones de archivos permitidas
allowed-fragments=Fragmentos permitidos
allowed-grant-types=Tipos de autorización permitidos
@@ -12718,7 +12718,7 @@ order-workflows=Flujos de trabajo del pedido
order-x=Pedido {0}
ordered=Pedido realizado
ordered-list=Lista ordenada
ordered-quantity=Cantidad solicitada
@@ -19300,7 +19300,7 @@ this-article-is-set-to-publish-later=This article is set to publish later. You c
this-article-will-be-published-on-x=This article will be published on {0}. (Automatic Copy)
this-blog=Este blog
this-category=Esta categoría
-this-category-might-be-being-used-in-some-contents=This category might be being used in some contents. If you delete it, this category and its subcategories will also be deleted and removed from those contents. Friendly URLs may also be affected. Do you want to continue deleting this category? (Automatic Copy)
+this-category-might-be-being-used-in-some-contents=Puede que esta categoría se use en algunos contenidos. Si la elimina, también se eliminarán todas sus subcategorías y se quitarán de dichos contenidos. ¿Seguro que quiere eliminar la categoría?
this-change-will-only-affect-the-newly-created-localized-content=Este cambio solo afectará al nuevo contenido localizado.
this-change-will-only-be-shown-after-you-refresh-the-page=Este cambio será aplicado cuando la página sea recargada.
this-collection-has-no-items=Esta colección no tiene elementos. Necesita como mínimo un elemento para usar esta configuración.
diff --git a/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_es_CO.properties b/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_es_CO.properties
index af558261b6e8ac..59f8692e041cf3 100644
--- a/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_es_CO.properties
+++ b/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_es_CO.properties
@@ -1382,7 +1382,7 @@ allow=Permitir
allow-adding-pages=Permitir añadir páginas
allow-administrator-to-create-and-execute-code-in-liferay=Allow administrator to create and execute code in Liferay. (Automatic Copy)
allow-administrators-to-publish-and-edit-workflows=Permitir que los administradores puedan publicar y editar flujos de trabajo
-allow-administrators-to-publish-and-edit-workflows-description=When selected, users with the Regular Administrator role in a virtual instance can publish new workflow definitions, including scripting content that is executed inside the portal (and potentially in other virtual instances). (Automatic Copy)
+allow-administrators-to-publish-and-edit-workflows-description=Al seleccionar esta opción, los usuarios con el rol de administrador normal en una instancia virtual pueden publicar nuevas definiciones de flujos de trabajo, incluido el contenido de scripting que se ejecuta dentro del portal (y, posiblemente, en otras instancias virtuales).
allow-anonymous-emails=Permitir emails anónimos
allow-anonymous-posting=Permitir a usuarios anónimos escribir mensajes
allow-anyone-with-the-link-to-view-this-publication=Allow anyone with the link to view this publication. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -1441,7 +1441,7 @@ allowed-classes=Clases permitidas
allowed-credentials-per-user=Credenciales permitidas por usuario
allowed-credentials-per-user-description=Establece el número de credenciales permitidas por usuario.
allowed-domains=Dominios permitidos
-allowed-domains-help=Set the domains which the portal is allowed to redirect to. Remove all entries to allow any domain. Specifying a domain with a leading "*." allows redirects to subdomains. PORTAL_DOMAIN will be replaced with the current domain of the portal. (Automatic Copy)
+allowed-domains-help=Establezca los dominios a los que puede redirigir el portal. Quite todas las entradas para permitir cualquier dominio. Al especificar un dominio con «*.» al principio, también permite redirigir a subdominios.
allowed-file-extensions=Extensiones de archivos permitidas
allowed-fragments=Fragmentos permitidos
allowed-grant-types=Tipos de autorización permitidos
@@ -12718,7 +12718,7 @@ order-workflows=Flujos de trabajo del pedido
order-x=Pedido {0}
ordered=Pedido realizado
ordered-list=Lista ordenada
ordered-quantity=Cantidad solicitada
@@ -19300,7 +19300,7 @@ this-article-is-set-to-publish-later=This article is set to publish later. You c
this-article-will-be-published-on-x=This article will be published on {0}. (Automatic Copy)
this-blog=Este blog
this-category=Esta categoría
-this-category-might-be-being-used-in-some-contents=This category might be being used in some contents. If you delete it, this category and its subcategories will also be deleted and removed from those contents. Friendly URLs may also be affected. Do you want to continue deleting this category? (Automatic Copy)
+this-category-might-be-being-used-in-some-contents=Puede que esta categoría se use en algunos contenidos. Si la elimina, también se eliminarán todas sus subcategorías y se quitarán de dichos contenidos. ¿Seguro que quiere eliminar la categoría?
this-change-will-only-affect-the-newly-created-localized-content=Este cambio solo afectará al nuevo contenido localizado.
this-change-will-only-be-shown-after-you-refresh-the-page=Este cambio será aplicado cuando la página sea recargada.
this-collection-has-no-items=Esta colección no tiene elementos. Necesita como mínimo un elemento para usar esta configuración.
diff --git a/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_es_MX.properties b/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_es_MX.properties
index af558261b6e8ac..fbec4a860828f7 100644
--- a/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_es_MX.properties
+++ b/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_es_MX.properties
@@ -1382,7 +1382,7 @@ allow=Permitir
allow-adding-pages=Permitir añadir páginas
allow-administrator-to-create-and-execute-code-in-liferay=Allow administrator to create and execute code in Liferay. (Automatic Copy)
allow-administrators-to-publish-and-edit-workflows=Permitir que los administradores puedan publicar y editar flujos de trabajo
-allow-administrators-to-publish-and-edit-workflows-description=When selected, users with the Regular Administrator role in a virtual instance can publish new workflow definitions, including scripting content that is executed inside the portal (and potentially in other virtual instances). (Automatic Copy)
+allow-administrators-to-publish-and-edit-workflows-description=Al seleccionar esta opción, los usuarios con el rol de administrador normal en una instancia virtual pueden publicar nuevas definiciones de flujos de trabajo, incluido el contenido de scripting que se ejecuta dentro del portal (y, posiblemente, en otras instancias virtuales).
allow-anonymous-emails=Permitir emails anónimos
allow-anonymous-posting=Permitir a usuarios anónimos escribir mensajes
allow-anyone-with-the-link-to-view-this-publication=Allow anyone with the link to view this publication. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -1441,7 +1441,7 @@ allowed-classes=Clases permitidas
allowed-credentials-per-user=Credenciales permitidas por usuario
allowed-credentials-per-user-description=Establece el número de credenciales permitidas por usuario.
allowed-domains=Dominios permitidos
-allowed-domains-help=Set the domains which the portal is allowed to redirect to. Remove all entries to allow any domain. Specifying a domain with a leading "*." allows redirects to subdomains. PORTAL_DOMAIN will be replaced with the current domain of the portal. (Automatic Copy)
+allowed-domains-help=Establezca los dominios a los que puede redirigir el portal. Quite todas las entradas para permitir cualquier dominio. Al especificar un dominio con «*.» al principio, también permite redirigir a subdominios.
allowed-file-extensions=Extensiones de archivos permitidas
allowed-fragments=Fragmentos permitidos
allowed-grant-types=Tipos de autorización permitidos
@@ -19300,7 +19300,7 @@ this-article-is-set-to-publish-later=This article is set to publish later. You c
this-article-will-be-published-on-x=This article will be published on {0}. (Automatic Copy)
this-blog=Este blog
this-category=Esta categoría
-this-category-might-be-being-used-in-some-contents=This category might be being used in some contents. If you delete it, this category and its subcategories will also be deleted and removed from those contents. Friendly URLs may also be affected. Do you want to continue deleting this category? (Automatic Copy)
+this-category-might-be-being-used-in-some-contents=Puede que esta categoría se use en algunos contenidos. Si la elimina, también se eliminarán todas sus subcategorías y se quitarán de dichos contenidos. ¿Seguro que quiere eliminar la categoría?
this-change-will-only-affect-the-newly-created-localized-content=Este cambio solo afectará al nuevo contenido localizado.
this-change-will-only-be-shown-after-you-refresh-the-page=Este cambio será aplicado cuando la página sea recargada.
this-collection-has-no-items=Esta colección no tiene elementos. Necesita como mínimo un elemento para usar esta configuración.
diff --git a/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_eu.properties b/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_eu.properties
index a656f250116f37..c95d99f15af57f 100644
--- a/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_eu.properties
+++ b/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_eu.properties
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ accessed-urls=Atzitutako URLak
accessibility=Accessibility (Automatic Copy)
accessibility-menu=Accessibility Menu (Automatic Copy)
accessibility-menu-configuration-name=Accessibility Menu (Automatic Copy)
-accessibility-menu-cookies-alert=You must allow functional cookies in order to use the accessibility menu when not signed in. (Automatic Copy)
+accessibility-menu-cookies-alert=Cookie funtzionalak onartu behar dituzu, saioa hasi gabe irisgarritasun-menua erabiltzeko.
accessibility-violations=Accessibility Violations (Automatic Copy)
accessories=Accessories (Automatic Copy)
@@ -1470,7 +1470,7 @@ alternative-shipping=Bestelako bidalketa
alternative-shipping-calculation=Bestelako bidalketa kalkulua
although-we-cannot-disclose-our-final-decision,-we-do-review-every-report-and-appreciate-your-effort-to-make-sure-x-is-a-safe-environment-for-everyone=Nahiz eta gure azkeneko erabakia ezin jakinarazi, txosten bakoitza berrikusten dugu eta {0} guztientzat ingurune segurua dela ziurtatzeko zure esfortzua apreziatzen dugu.
-always-active=Always Active (Automatic Copy)
+always-active=Beti aktibatuta
always-editable-by-owner=Always Editable by Owner (Automatic Copy)
always-editable-by-owner-description=Set this property to true if users can edit their own discussion comments even if they do not have the permissions defined through the Site Members role. (Automatic Copy)
always-ship-separately=Ship Separately (Automatic Copy)
@@ -3638,7 +3638,7 @@ clear-selection=Clear Selection (Automatic Copy)
clear-selection.-there-are-currently-x-of-x-x-selected=Clear selection. There are currently {0} of {1} {2} selected. (Automatic Copy)
clear-the-database-cache=Garbitu datu baseko cachea.
clear-the-direct-servlet-cache=Garbitu zuzeneko servlet cachea.
-clear-x=Clear {0} (Automatic Copy)
+clear-x=Garbitu {0}
clear-x-result-for-x=Clear {0} Result for {1} (Automatic Copy)
clear-x-results-for-x=Clear {0} Results for {1} (Automatic Copy)
click=Click (Automatic Copy)
@@ -3666,7 +3666,7 @@ click-to-chat=Click to Chat (Automatic Copy)
click-to-chat-configuration-name=Click to Chat Configuration (Automatic Copy)
click-to-cut-row=Click to cut row.
click-to-edit-me=Egin klik ni editatzeko...
-click-to-jump-to-a-page=Click to jump to a page. (Automatic Copy)
+click-to-jump-to-a-page=Klik egin orri batera saltatzeko.
click-to-remove-filter=Klikatu iragazkia kentzeko.
clickable-emoticons=Klik egin daitezkeen aurpegierak
clicks-x=Clicks {0} (Automatic Copy)
@@ -4371,28 +4371,28 @@ converting-the-product-status-to-draft-will-remove-the-product-from-the-product-
cookie-banner=Cookie Banner (Automatic Copy)
cookie-banner-simple=Cookie Banner Simple (Automatic Copy)
-cookie-configuration=Cookie Configuration (Automatic Copy)
-cookie-consent-panel-configuration-name=Consent Panel (Automatic Copy)
+cookie-configuration=Cookieen konfigurazioa
+cookie-consent-panel-configuration-name=Onespen panela
cookie-enabled-help=This checkbox enables cookie preference handling based on user selected choices. It also enables the configuration options for both the banner and the consent panel. (Automatic Copy)
cookie-explicit-consent-mode=Explicit Cookie Consent Mode (Automatic Copy)
-cookie-explicit-consent-mode-help=If this option is checked, then no cookies are set until the user agrees to cookie usages. Otherwise, all cookies are set until the user opts out of them. Keep in mind that functionalities relying on cookies, like web analytics (including Liferay Analytics Cloud) and personalization, will not receive data if users do not enable cookies. Additionally, disabling this option may pose a risk to user privacy laws compliance. (Automatic Copy)
+cookie-explicit-consent-mode-help=Aukera hau gaitzen bada, ez da cookierik ezartzen erabiltzaileak cookieak erabiltzea onartu arte. Bestela, cookie guztiak ezartzen dira erabiltzaileak ukatzen dituen arte. Kontuan izan cookieetan oinarritutako funtzionaltasunek, hala nola web-analitikak (Liferay Analytics Cloud barne) eta pertsonalizazioak, ez dutela daturik jasoko erabiltzaileek cookieak onartzen ez badituzte. Bestalde, aukera hau desgaitzea arriskutsua izan daiteke erabiltzailearen pribatutasun-legeak betetzeko.
cookie-explicit-consent-mode-help-deprecated=If this option is checked, then no cookies are set until the user agrees to cookie usages. Otherwise, all cookies are set until the user opts out of them. (Automatic Copy)
cookie-policy=Cookie Policy (Automatic Copy)
cookie-policy-link=Cookie Policy Link (Automatic Copy)
-cookie-preference-handling-configuration-name=Preference Handling (Automatic Copy)
+cookie-preference-handling-configuration-name=Hobespenen kudeaketa
cookies-allowed=Cookies Allowed (Automatic Copy)
-cookies-banner-content=We use cookies to deliver personalized content, analyze trends, administer the site, track user movements on the site, and collect demographic information about our user base as a whole. Accept all cookies for the best possible experience on our website or manage your preferences. (Automatic Copy)
-cookies-configuration=Cookies Configuration (Automatic Copy)
-cookies-consent-description=When you visit any web site, it may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. This information might be about you, your preferences, or your device and is mostly used to make the site work as you expect it to. The information does not usually directly identify you, but it can give you a more personalized web experience. You can choose not to allow some types of cookies. Click on the different category headings to find out more and change our default settings. However, blocking some types of cookies may impact your experience of the site and the services we are able to offer. (Automatic Copy)
-cookies-description[CONSENT_TYPE_FUNCTIONAL]=These cookies enable the website to provide enhanced functionality and personalisation. They may be set by us or by third party providers whose services we have added to our pages. If you do not allow these cookies, then some or all of these services may not function properly. (Automatic Copy)
-cookies-description[CONSENT_TYPE_NECESSARY]=These cookies are necessary for the website to function and cannot be switched off in our systems. They are usually only set in response to actions made by you which amount to a request for services, such as setting your privacy preferences, logging in or filling in forms. You can set your browser to block or alert you about these cookies, but some parts of the site will then not work. These cookies do not store any personally identifiable information. (Automatic Copy)
-cookies-description[CONSENT_TYPE_PERFORMANCE]=These cookies allow us to count visits and traffic sources so we can measure and improve the performance of our site. They help us know which pages are the most and least popular and see how visitors move around the site. All information these cookies collect is aggregated and therefore anonymous. If you do not allow these cookies, we will not know when you have visited our site. (Automatic Copy)
+cookies-banner-content=Cookieak erabiltzen ditugu eduki pertsonalizatuak emateko, joerak aztertzeko, gunea administratzeko, erabiltzaileen mugimenduak jarraitzeko eta gure erabiltzaile-baseari buruzko informazio demografikoa biltzeko. Onartu cookie guztiak gure webgunean ahalik eta esperientziarik onena izateko edo aukeratu zure lehentasunak.
+cookies-configuration=Cookieen konfigurazioa
+cookies-consent-description=Edozein webgune bisitatzean, honek informazioa gorde edo berreskura dezake zure nabigatzailean, cookie bezala gehienetan. Informazio hau zuri, zure lehentasunei edo zure gailuari buruzkoa izan daiteke, eta batez ere guneak espero duzun bezala funtziona dezan erabiltzen da. Informazioak normalean ez zaitu zuzenean identifikatzen, baina web-esperientzia pertsonalizatuagoa eman diezazuke. Cookie mota batzuk ez onartzeko aukera duzu. Egin klik kategorien izenburuetan gehiago jakiteko eta aurrez zehaztutako konfigurazioa aldatzeko. Hala ere, cookie mota batzuk blokeatzeak eragina izan dezake zure esperientzian eta eskaini ditzakegun zerbitzuetan.
+cookies-description[CONSENT_TYPE_FUNCTIONAL]=Cookie hauei esker, webguneak funtzionaltasun eta pertsonalizazio handiagoa izango du. Guk ezar ditzakegu edo hirugarrenek, gure orrialdeetan beraien zerbitzuak gehitu baditugu. Cookie hauek onartzen ez badituzu, baliteke zerbitzu horietako batzuek edo guztiek behar bezala ez funtzionatzea.
+cookies-description[CONSENT_TYPE_NECESSARY]=Cookie hauek beharrezkoak dira webguneak funtziona dezan eta ezin dira gure sistemetan itzali. Normalean, zuk egindako ekintzei erantzuteko baino ez dira ezartzen, hala nola, zerbitzuen eskaerak, zure pribatutasun-lehentasunak ezartzea, saioa hastea edo inprimakiak betetzea. Zure nabigatzailea konfigura dezakezu cookie hauek blokeatzeko edo horien berri emateko, baina guneko zati batzuek ez dute funtzionatuko. Cookie hauek ez dute informazio pertsonalik gordetzen.
+cookies-description[CONSENT_TYPE_PERFORMANCE]=Cookie hauek bisitak eta trafiko iturriak zenbatzeko balio dute, gure gunearen errendimendua neurtu eta hobetu ahal izateko. Gehien eta gutxien erabiltzen diren orriak zein diren jakiten laguntzen digute, baita bisitariak webgunetik nola mugitzen diren ere. Cookie hauek biltzen duten informazio guztia agregatua da eta, beraz, anonimoa. Cookie hauek onartzen ez badituzu, ez dugu jakingo gure webgunea noiz bisitatu duzun.
cookies-description[CONSENT_TYPE_PERSONALIZATION]=Gure bazkide iragarleek cookie hauek ezar ditzakete gunean. Enpresa horiek zure interesen profil bat eraikitzeko eta beste leku batzuetan iragarki esanguratsuak erakusteko erabil ditzakete. Ez dute informazio pertsonalik zuzenean gordetzen; aitzitik, nabigatzailearen eta Interneteko gailuaren identifikazio bakarrean oinarritzen dira. Cookie hauek erabiltzea onartzen ez baduzu, zure lehentasunetan oinarritzen ez den publizitatea ikusiko duzu.
cookies-not-allowed=Cookies Not Allowed (Automatic Copy)
-cookies-title[CONSENT_TYPE_FUNCTIONAL]=Functional Cookies (Automatic Copy)
-cookies-title[CONSENT_TYPE_NECESSARY]=Strictly Necessary Cookies (Automatic Copy)
-cookies-title[CONSENT_TYPE_PERFORMANCE]=Performance Cookies (Automatic Copy)
-cookies-title[CONSENT_TYPE_PERSONALIZATION]=Personalization Cookies (Automatic Copy)
+cookies-title[CONSENT_TYPE_FUNCTIONAL]=Cookie funtzionalak
+cookies-title[CONSENT_TYPE_NECESSARY]=Beharrezko cookieak
copied=Copied (Automatic Copy)
copied-link-to-the-clipboard=Esteka arbelean kopiatu da.
copied-to-clipboard=Arbelean kopiatu da.
@@ -6644,7 +6644,7 @@ empty-collection-alert=Empty Collection Alert (Automatic Copy)
empty-conditions-message=Berria osatzeko, alboko barratik elementuak arrastatu eta askatu hemen.
empty-folder=Hustu karpeta
empty-keys-are-not-allowed=Empty keys are not allowed. (Automatic Copy)
-empty-list=No results were found. (Automatic Copy)
+empty-list=Ez da emaitzarik aurkitu.
empty-page=Empty Page (Automatic Copy)
empty-page-description=Hutsik dagoen orria sortu eskuz konfiguratzeko.
empty-state-image=Empty State Image (Automatic Copy)
@@ -6848,7 +6848,7 @@ end-parameter-name=End Parameter Name (Automatic Copy)
endpoint=Endpoint (Automatic Copy)
endpoints=Endpoints (Automatic Copy)
-ends-on=Ends On (Automatic Copy)
ends-on-tooltip=Eremu errepikagarriak ezin dira amaierako data gisa erabili.
enemy=Enemy (Automatic Copy)
engagement=Engagement (Automatic Copy)
@@ -7175,7 +7175,7 @@ export-default-experience-help-message=Only translations for the default experie
export-enabled=Export Enabled (Automatic Copy)
export-enabled-help=Settings for exporting users from the portal to LDAP. This allows a user to modify his first name, last name, etc. in the portal and have that change pushed to the LDAP server. This setting is not used unless the property "LDAPAuthConfiguration.enabled" is set to true. (Automatic Copy)
export-entity=Export Asset (Automatic Copy)
-export-entries=Export Entries (Automatic Copy)
+export-entries=Sarrerak esportatu
export-experiences=Export Experiences (Automatic Copy)
export-file=Export File (Automatic Copy)
export-file-format=Esportatuko den fitxategiaren formatua
@@ -7996,7 +7996,7 @@ full-view=Full View (Automatic Copy)
full-width=Full Width (Automatic Copy)
fullscreen=Fullscreen (Automatic Copy)
function=Function (Automatic Copy)
-functional-cookies-description-field=Functional Cookies Description (Automatic Copy)
+functional-cookies-description-field=Cookie funtzionalen deskribapena
functions=Functions (Automatic Copy)
future-dates=Aurrerantzeko datak
@@ -8961,7 +8961,7 @@ inventory-item-with-this-sku-and-uom-already-exists-in-the-selected-warehouse=In
inventory-management=Inventory Management (Automatic Copy)
inventory-method-key=Inventory Method Key (Automatic Copy)
inventory-on-order=On Order (Automatic Copy)
-inventory-overview=Overview (Automatic Copy)
+inventory-overview=Informazio orokorra
inverse=Inverse (Automatic Copy)
inverse-order=Inverse order (Automatic Copy)
@@ -9133,7 +9133,7 @@ javax.portlet.description.com_liferay_commerce_subscription_web_internal_portlet
javax.portlet.description.com_liferay_commerce_tax_web_internal_portlet_CommerceTaxMethodPortlet=Tax Methods (Automatic Copy)
javax.portlet.description.com_liferay_commerce_term_web_internal_portlet_CommerceTermEntryPortlet=Terms and Conditions (Automatic Copy)
javax.portlet.description.com_liferay_commerce_wish_list_web_internal_portlet_CommerceWishListContentPortlet=Wish List Content (Automatic Copy)
-javax.portlet.description.com_liferay_cookies_banner_web_portlet_CookiesBannerConfigurationPortlet=Cookies Banner Configuration (Automatic Copy)
+javax.portlet.description.com_liferay_cookies_banner_web_portlet_CookiesBannerConfigurationPortlet=Cookieen bannerraren konfigurazioa
javax.portlet.description.com_liferay_cookies_banner_web_portlet_CookiesBannerPortlet=Cookies Banner (Automatic Copy)
javax.portlet.description.com_liferay_depot_web_portlet_DepotAdminPortlet=Asset Libraries are buckets of content and provide access to specific applications. (Automatic Copy)
javax.portlet.description.com_liferay_dispatch_web_internal_portlet_DispatchPortlet=Job Scheduler (Automatic Copy)
@@ -9369,7 +9369,7 @@ javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_contacts_web_portlet_MembersPortlet=Kideak
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_contacts_web_portlet_MyContactsPortlet=Nire Kontaktuak
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_contacts_web_portlet_ProfilePortlet=Profile (Automatic Copy)
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_content_dashboard_web_portlet_ContentDashboardAdminPortlet=Content Dashboard (Automatic Copy)
-javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_cookies_banner_web_portlet_CookiesBannerConfigurationPortlet=Cookies Banner Configuration (Automatic Copy)
+javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_cookies_banner_web_portlet_CookiesBannerConfigurationPortlet=Cookieen bannerraren konfigurazioa
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_cookies_banner_web_portlet_CookiesBannerPortlet=Cookies Banner (Automatic Copy)
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_depot_web_portlet_DepotAdminPortlet=Asset Libraries (Automatic Copy)
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_depot_web_portlet_DepotSettingsPortlet=Asset Library Settings (Automatic Copy)
@@ -9646,8 +9646,8 @@ json-may-be-incorrect-and-we-were-unable-to-load-a-preview-of-the-configuration=
json-web-key-set-help=Set client's public key in JSON web key set format, which will be used to authenticate client in private key JWT sent from client. (Automatic Copy)
json[stands-for]=JSON (Automatic Copy)
-jump-to-page=Jump to Page (Automatic Copy)
-jump-to-page-x=Jump to Page {0} (Automatic Copy)
+jump-to-page=Orrira saltatu
+jump-to-page-x={0} orrira saltatu
junk-mail=Zabor posta
@@ -11996,7 +11996,7 @@ no-reports-were-found=No reports were found. (Automatic Copy)
no-repositories-were-found=No repositories were found. (Automatic Copy)
no-requested-reports-were-found=No requested reports were found. (Automatic Copy)
no-requests-were-found=Ez da eskaerarik aurkitu.
-no-results-found=No Results Found (Automatic Copy)
+no-results-found=Ez da emaitzarik aurkitu
no-results-were-found=Ez da emaitzarik aurkitu.
no-results-were-found-that-matched-the-keywords-x=Ez da {0} hitz gakoekin bat datorren emaitzarik aurkitu.
no-reviewers-were-found=Ez da berrikuslerik aurkitu.
@@ -13174,8 +13174,8 @@ performance-by-assignee=Performance by Assignee (Automatic Copy)
performance-by-assignee-description=View the average completion time and number of completed tasks over the selected time period for each process assignee. (Automatic Copy)
performance-by-step=Performance by Step (Automatic Copy)
performance-by-step-description=View the average completion time and percentage of SLA breaches over the selected time period for each step of the workflow process. (Automatic Copy)
-performance-cookies=Performance Cookies (Automatic Copy)
-performance-cookies-description-field=Performance Cookies Description (Automatic Copy)
+performance-cookies-description-field=Errendimendu-cookieen deskribapena
permanent=Permanent (Automatic Copy)
permanent-link-to-this-item=Elemetu Honetara Lotura Iraunkorra
permanent-x=Permanent ({0}) (Automatic Copy)
@@ -13210,7 +13210,7 @@ personal-site=Personal Site (Automatic Copy)
personal-site-template=Gune Pertsonalaren Txantiloia
personal-site-template-help=The selected site templates are used to create the personal site of users that belong to this user group. Changes only have an effect on new members of the user group. (Automatic Copy)
-personalization-cookies-description-field=Personalization Cookies Description (Automatic Copy)
+personalization-cookies-description-field=Pertsonalizazio-cookieen deskribapena
personalized-variation=Personalized Variation (Automatic Copy)
personalized-variations=Personalized Variations (Automatic Copy)
personalized-variations-cannot-be-displayed-because-segmentation-is-disabled=Personalized variations cannot be displayed because segmentation is disabled. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -14128,10 +14128,10 @@ product-attachment=Product Attachment (Automatic Copy)
product-attachments=Product Attachments (Automatic Copy)
product-card=Product Card (Automatic Copy)
product-category=Product Category (Automatic Copy)
-product-comparison-cookies-alert=You must allow functional cookies in order to enable the product comparison feature. (Automatic Copy)
+product-comparison-cookies-alert=Cookie funtzionalak onartu behar dituzu produktuak konparatzeko funtzioa erabiltzeko.
product-comparison-cookies-success=You can compare products. (Automatic Copy)
-product-comparison-cookies-title=Product Comparison Uses Functional Cookies (Automatic Copy)
-product-comparison-cookies-warning=You cannot compare products when functional cookies are not allowed. (Automatic Copy)
+product-comparison-cookies-title=Produktuen konparazioak cookie funtzionalak erabiltzen ditu
+product-comparison-cookies-warning=Ezin dira produktuak konparatu cookie funtzionalak onartzen ez badira.
product-content-based-recommendations=Product Content Based Recommendations (Automatic Copy)
product-display-page=Product Display Page (Automatic Copy)
product-display-page-help=The display page is used to display the product. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -14978,7 +14978,7 @@ require=Derrigortu
require-captcha=Eskatu CAPTCHA
require-captcha-to-submit-the-form=Require CAPTCHA (Automatic Copy)
require-card-code-verification=Require Card Code Verification (Automatic Copy)
-require-confirmation=Require Confirmation (Automatic Copy)
+require-confirmation=Berrestea eskatu
require-last-name=Require Last Name (Automatic Copy)
require-password-for-email-or-screen-name-updates=Require password for email or screen name updates? (Automatic Copy)
require-password-for-email-or-screen-name-updates-help=If this is checked, users will be required to input their password when updating their email or screen name. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -15762,7 +15762,7 @@ select-a-type=Aukeratu Mota
select-a-unit=Select a unit, currently {0}. (Automatic Copy)
select-a-viewport=Select a Viewport (Automatic Copy)
select-a-viewport.-current-viewport-x=Select a viewport, current viewport: {0}. (Automatic Copy)
-select-a-workflow=Select a Workflow (Automatic Copy)
+select-a-workflow=Lan-fluxua aukeratu
select-a-zip-file-containing-one-or-multiple-entries=Select a ZIP file containing one or multiple entries. (Automatic Copy)
select-account=Select Account (Automatic Copy)
select-account-and-order=Select Account & Order (Automatic Copy)
@@ -15937,7 +15937,7 @@ select-sku=Select SKU (Automatic Copy)
select-sku-x-x=Select SKU {0}, {1} (Automatic Copy)
select-steps=Select Steps (Automatic Copy)
select-steps-to-transition=Select Steps to Transition (Automatic Copy)
-select-structure=Select Structure (Automatic Copy)
+select-structure=Egitura aukeratu
select-style-book=Select Style Book (Automatic Copy)
select-supported-field-types=Select Supported Field Types (Automatic Copy)
select-tags=Aukeratu etiketak
@@ -16034,7 +16034,7 @@ selected-types=Selected Types (Automatic Copy)
selected-user=Aukeratutako erabiltzailea
selected-users-have-been-associated-with-the-template=Selected users have been associated with the template. (Automatic Copy)
selected-web-content=Aukeratutako web edukia
-selected-workflow=Selected Workflow (Automatic Copy)
+selected-workflow=Aukeratutako lan-fluxua
selecting-a-new-structure-changes-the-available-input-fields-and-available-templates=Selecting a new structure changes the available input fields and available templates. Do you want to proceed? (Automatic Copy)
selecting-a-new-structure-changes-the-available-templates-and-available-feed-item-content=Selecting a new structure changes the available templates and available feed item content. Do you want to proceed? (Automatic Copy)
selecting-a-new-structure-deletes-all-unsaved-content=Selecting a new structure deletes all unsaved content. Do you want to proceed? (Automatic Copy)
@@ -16902,7 +16902,7 @@ someone=Someone (Automatic Copy)
something=something (Automatic Copy)
something-went-wrong-and-the-changes-in-the-contributed-fragments-could-not-be-propagated.-please-try-again-later=Something went wrong and the changes in the contributed fragments could not be propagated. Please try again later. (Automatic Copy)
something-went-wrong-and-the-x-could-not-be-imported=Something went wrong and the "{0}" could not be imported. (Automatic Copy)
-sorry,-no-results-were-found=Sorry, no results were found. (Automatic Copy)
+sorry,-no-results-were-found=Barkatu, ez da emaitzarik aurkitu.
sorry,-this-platform-is-not-supported=Sorry, this platform is not supported. (Automatic Copy)
sorry,-we-were-not-able-to-access-the-server=Sorry, we were not able to access the server. Please check your internet connection or try again later. (Automatic Copy)
sorry,-we-were-not-able-to-save-the-configuration-file-in-x=Sentitzen dut, ezin izan dugu konfigurazio fitxategia gorde {0}-n. Instalazioa amaitzeko, mesedez sortu portal-ext.properties izena duen fitxategi bat {0}-n ondorengoko edukiarekin eta gero berrabiaratu zure aplikazio zerbitzaria.
@@ -17172,7 +17172,7 @@ street2=2 kalea
street3=3 kalea
stretch=Stretch (Automatic Copy)
strict-mode=Modu Zorrotza
-strictly-necessary-cookies-description-field=Strictly Necessary Cookies Description (Automatic Copy)
+strictly-necessary-cookies-description-field=Beharrezko cookieen deskribapena
string=String (Automatic Copy)
@@ -19101,7 +19101,7 @@ there-are-no-results-with-these-attributes=There are no results with these attri
there-are-no-roles=Ez dago rolik.
there-are-no-rules=Ez dago araurik.
there-are-no-rules-description=Formularioaren eremuak eta elementuak dinamikoki aldatzeko baldintzak eta ekintzak definitu.
-there-are-no-rules-yet-click-on-plus-icon-below-to-add-the-first=Oraindik ez dago araurik. Beheko gehi ikurra sakatu lehena gehitzeko.
+there-are-no-rules-yet-click-on-plus-icon-below-to-add-the-first=Oraindik ez dago araurik. Gehi ikurra sakatu lehena gehitzeko.
there-are-no-saved-export-templates=There are no saved export templates. (Automatic Copy)
there-are-no-saved-publish-templates=There are no saved publish templates. (Automatic Copy)
there-are-no-segments=Ez dago segmenturik.
@@ -20873,8 +20873,8 @@ visible-results=Visible Results (Automatic Copy)
visible-wikis=Wiki ikusgaiak
visible-with-update-permission=Eguneratzearekin ikusgai
-visit-our-cookie-policy=Visit our Cookie Policy (Automatic Copy)
-visit-our-privacy-policy=Visit our Privacy Policy (Automatic Copy)
+visit-our-cookie-policy=Cookie politika kontsultatu
+visit-our-privacy-policy=Pribatutasun politika kontsultatu
visited-link=Bisitatutako esteka
visitors=Visitors (Automatic Copy)
@@ -21987,7 +21987,7 @@ you-need-to-approve-x-as-your-friend={0} zure lagun gisa onartu behar duzu.
you-need-to-be-assigned-to-the-same-site-where-the-form-was-created-to-use-this-field=You need to be assigned to the same site where the form was created to use this field. (Automatic Copy)
you-need-to-be-signed-in-to-edit-this-field=Saioa hasi behar duzu eremu hau editatzeko.
you-need-to-be-signed-in-to-submit-this-form=You need to be signed in to submit this form. Click OK to log back in and return to this form. The last saved draft is available for submission. (Automatic Copy)
-you-need-to-be-signed-in-to-view-this-form=You need to be signed in to view this form. (Automatic Copy)
+you-need-to-be-signed-in-to-view-this-form=Saioa hasi behar duzu formulario hau ikusteko.
you-need-to-reload-the-page-to-submit-this-form=You need to reload the page to submit this form. Click OK to reload the page. (Automatic Copy)
you-need-to-verify-your-email-address-on-facebook-first=You need to verify your email address on Facebook first. (Automatic Copy)
you-now-have-a-lock-on-this-document=Dokumentu hau blokeatuta geratu da. Desblokeatu arte inork ezingo du editatu. Blokeoa automatikoki amaituko da {0} ean.
diff --git a/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_fi.properties b/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_fi.properties
index 5ab246df6d9829..b43131b1aaeb84 100644
--- a/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_fi.properties
+++ b/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_fi.properties
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ accepted=Hyväksytty
accepted-answer=Hyväksytty vastaus
accepted-file-extensions=Hyväksytyt tiedostopäätteet
-accepted-x-declined-x-pending-x-maybe-x=Accepted ({0}), Declined ({1}), Pending ({2}), Maybe ({3}) (Automatic Copy)
+accepted-x-declined-x-pending-x-maybe-x=Hyväksytty ({0}), Hylätty ({1}), Odottaa ({2}), Ehkä ({3})
access-denied=Pääsy evätty
access-from-desktop=Työpöydältä pääsy
access-in-my-account=Pääsy omille sivuille
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ access-token-key-byte-size=Käyttötunnuksen Koko
access-token-key-byte-size-description=Aseta käyttötunnuksen luonnissa käytettävien satunnaistavujen määrä.
access-token-size=Käyttötunnuksen Koko
access-token-size-description=Aseta käyttötunnuksen luonnissa käytettävien satunnaistavujen määrä.
-access-token-url=Access Token URL (Automatic Copy)
+access-token-url=Käyttöoikeustunnuksen URL
accessTokenCreateDate=Käyttötokenin Luontipäivä
accessTokenExpirationDate=Käyttötokenin Vanhentumispäivä
accessed-urls=Vieraillut URL-osoitteet
@@ -1068,7 +1068,7 @@ add-restriction=Lisää Rajoitus
add-restrictions=Lisää Rajoituksia
add-result=Lisää Tulos
add-results-help=Lisää tuloksia, joita ei normaalisti palauteta päähakukyselyssä.
-add-return-item=Add Return Item (Automatic Copy)
+add-return-item=Lisää palautuskohde
add-role=Lisää rooli
add-role-to-x=Lisää Rooli Kohteeseen {0}
add-row=Lisää rivi
@@ -1218,7 +1218,7 @@ administrator-id=Ylläpitäjän Tunnus
administrator-role-names=Ylläpitäjän Roolinimet
administrator-user=Ylläpitäjä käyttäjä
-administrators-can-create-and-execute-code-in-their-virtual-instance=Administrators can create and execute code in their virtual instance. Disabling this feature deactivates all actions and validations that use Groovy. (Automatic Copy)
+administrators-can-create-and-execute-code-in-their-virtual-instance=Ylläpitäjät voivat luoda ja suorittaa koodia virtuaalisessa esiintymässään. Tämän ominaisuuden poistaminen käytöstä poistaa käytöstä kaikki toiminnot ja validoinnit, jotka käyttävät Groovya.
administrators-can-manually-unlock-pages-that-are-being-used-by-other-users=Pääkäyttäjät voivat poistaa automaattisesti lukituksen sivuilta, jotka ovat muiden käyttäjien käytössä. Huomioithan, että nykyinen käyttäjä voi menettää sivun muokkaamisen hallinnan, jos poistat sen lukituksen.
administrators-can-view,-edit,-publish,-and-invite-other-users=Pääkäyttäjät voivat tarkastella, muokata, julkaista ja kutsua muita käyttäjiä.
administrators-email=Ylläpitäjän sähköposti
@@ -1380,9 +1380,9 @@ all-your-pages-are-connected-or-redirected=Kaikki sivusi on yhdistetty tai uudel
all-your-unsaved-changes-will-be-lost-unless-you-save-or-publish-them-before-leaving=Kaikki tallentamattomat muutoksesi menetetään, ellet tallenna tai julkaise niitä ennen poistumista.
allow-adding-pages=Mahdollistaa sivujen lisäämisen
-allow-administrator-to-create-and-execute-code-in-liferay=Allow administrator to create and execute code in Liferay. (Automatic Copy)
+allow-administrator-to-create-and-execute-code-in-liferay=Salli ylläpitäjien luoda ja suorittaa koodia Liferayssa.
allow-administrators-to-publish-and-edit-workflows=Salli Pääkäyttäjien Julkaista ja Muokata Työnkulkuja
-allow-administrators-to-publish-and-edit-workflows-description=When selected, users with the Regular Administrator role in a virtual instance can publish new workflow definitions, including scripting content that is executed inside the portal (and potentially in other virtual instances). (Automatic Copy)
+allow-administrators-to-publish-and-edit-workflows-description=Kun valittu, käyttäjät, joilla on tavallinen ylläpitäjän rooli virtuaalisessa esiintymässä voivat julkaista uusia työnkulkujen määritelmiä, sisältäen komentojonosisältöä, joka suoritetaan portaalin sisällä (ja mahdollisesti muissa virtuaalisissa esiintymissä).
allow-anonymous-emails=Mahdollista anonyymit sähköpostiosoitteet
allow-anonymous-posting=Salli anonyymi kirjoittaminen
allow-anyone-with-the-link-to-view-this-publication=Salli kenen tahansa, jolla on linkki, tarkastella tätä julkaisua.
@@ -1441,7 +1441,7 @@ allowed-classes=Sallitut Luokat
allowed-credentials-per-user=Sallitut Kirjautumistunnukset Käyttäjää Kohden
allowed-credentials-per-user-description=Aseta käyttäjää kohden sallittujen kirjautumistunnusten määrä.
allowed-domains=Sallitut toimialueet
-allowed-domains-help=Set the domains which the portal is allowed to redirect to. Remove all entries to allow any domain. Specifying a domain with a leading "*." allows redirects to subdomains. PORTAL_DOMAIN will be replaced with the current domain of the portal. (Automatic Copy)
+allowed-domains-help=Aseta toimialueet, joille portaali voi uudelleenohjata. Voit sallia kaikki toimialueet poistamalla kaikki merkinnät. Merkeillä "*." alkavan toimialueen määrittäminen sallii uudelleenohjauksen alatoimialueille.
allowed-file-extensions=Salli tiedostopäätteet
allowed-fragments=Sallitut Sivunosat
allowed-grant-types=Sallitut Valtuutustyypit
@@ -1812,7 +1812,7 @@ are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-all-timers-and-their-settings=Oletko varma, ett
are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-blueprints=Oletko varma, että haluat poistaa valitut blueprint-suunnitelmat?
are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-elements=Oletko varma, että haluat poistaa valitut elementit?
are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-order-x=Haluatko varmasti poistaa tilauksen #{0}?
-are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-return-x=Are you sure you want to delete return #{0}? (Automatic Copy)
+are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-return-x=Haluatko varmasti poistaa palautuksen #{0}?
are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-the-application-there-are-no-authorizations-or-associated-tokens=Oletko varma, että haluat poistaa sovelluksen? Ei ole valtuutuksia tai niihin liittyviä tokeneita.
are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-the-application-this-action-revokes-one-authorization-and-associated-tokens=Oletko varma, että haluat poistaa sovelluksen? Tämä toimia peruuttaa 1 valtuutuksen ja niihin liittyvät tokenit.
are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-the-application-this-action-revokes-x-authorizations-and-associated-tokens=Oletko varma, että haluat poistaa sovelluksen? Tämä toiminta peruuttaa {0} valtuutusta ja niihin liittyvät tokenit.
@@ -2512,7 +2512,7 @@ base-quantity=Perusmäärä
base-unit-quantity-help=Ostajat voivat ostaa vain perusmäärän kerrannaisina.
-base-url=Base URL (Automatic Copy)
base-url-x-is-invalid=Perus-URL "{0}" on virheellinen. Anna kelvollinen perus-URL.
@@ -2912,7 +2912,7 @@ calendar=Kalenteri
calendar-does-not-serve-unknown-resource-x=Kalenteri ei palvele tuntematonta resurssia {0}.
calendar-item-color-picker-press-space-to-enter-the-color-picker=Kalenterikohteen värinvalitsin: siirry värinvalitsimeen painamalla välilyöntiä.
-calendar-name=Calendar Name (Automatic Copy)
+calendar-name=Kalenterin nimi
calendar-notification-templates=Kalenteri-ilmoitusten mallit
calendar-resource-already-exists=Kalenterin resurssi on jo olemassa.
@@ -3354,7 +3354,7 @@ changing-the-order-of-the-categories-is-not-supported=Luokittelujärjestyksen mu
changing-the-structure-key-will-reindex-all-the-web-content-articles-with-this-structure.-this-action-may-take-some-time,-and-the-affected-items-may-not-be-available-during-this-process=Rakenneavaimen muuttaminen indeksoi uudelleen kaikki web-sisältöartikkelit tällä rakenteella. Tämä toiminto voi kestää jonkin aikaa, ja kohteet, joihin tämä vaikuttaa, eivät välttämättä ole käytettävissä tämän prosessin aikana.
changing-the-template-will-not-affect-the-original-web-content-default-template.-the-change-only-applies-to-this-web-content-display=Mallin muuttaminen ei vaikuta alkuperäiseen Web-sisällön oletusmalliin. Muutos koskee vain tämän web sisällön näyttämistä.
changing-the-value-of-this-field-reloads-the-page=Tämän arvon muokkaaminen aiheuttaa sivun uudelleen latauksen.
-changing-this-setting-will-reset-all-mappings-for-this-collection=Changing this setting will reset all mappings for this collection. (Automatic Copy)
+changing-this-setting-will-reset-all-mappings-for-this-collection=Tämän asetuksen muuttaminen nollaa tämän kokoelman kaikki kartoitukset.
channel-account-managers=Kanavatilien hallinnoijat
@@ -4376,7 +4376,7 @@ cookie-consent-panel-configuration-name=Suostumuspaneeli
cookie-enabled-help=Tämä valintaruutu ottaa käyttöön evästeasetusten hallinnan käyttäjän valitsemien valintojen perusteella. Se ottaa myös käyttöön määritysvalinnat sekä bannerille että suostumuspaneelille.
cookie-explicit-consent-mode=Nimenomainen evästesuostumus -tila
cookie-explicit-consent-mode-help=Jos tämä valinta on valittuna, evästeitä ei aseteta ennen kuin käyttäjä hyväksyy evästeiden käytön. Muutoin kaikki evästeet asetetaan, kunnes käyttäjä kieltäytyy niistä.
-cookie-explicit-consent-mode-help-deprecated=If this option is checked, then no cookies are set until the user agrees to cookie usages. Otherwise, all cookies are set until the user opts out of them. (Automatic Copy)
+cookie-explicit-consent-mode-help-deprecated=Jos tämä valinta on valittuna, evästeitä ei aseteta ennen kuin käyttäjä hyväksyy evästeiden käytön. Muutoin kaikki evästeet asetetaan, kunnes käyttäjä kieltäytyy niistä.
cookie-policy-link=Evästekäytännön linkki
cookie-preference-handling-configuration-name=Asetusten käsittely
@@ -5489,8 +5489,8 @@ default-view=Oletus näkymä
default-view-must-have-at-least-one-column=Oletusnäkymässä täytyy olla vähintään yksi sarake.
-default-visualization-mode-help=Customize which visualization mode will be shown by default for this Data Set. (Automatic Copy)
-default-visualization-mode-tooltip=To select a default visualization mode, first configure it in the Visualization Modes tab. (Automatic Copy)
+default-visualization-mode-help=Mukauta oletusvisuaalistustilaa, joka näytetään oletuksena tälle tietojoukolle.
+default-visualization-mode-tooltip=Jotta voit valita oletusvisuaalistustilan, määritä se ensin Visuaalistustilat-välilehdellä.
default-was-changed=Oletus muutettiin
default-workflow-for-all-document-types=Oletus työnkulku kaikille asiakirjatyypeille
default-workflow-for-all-structures=Vakio työnkulku kaikille rakenteille
@@ -5600,7 +5600,7 @@ delete-question=Poista kysymys?
delete-recurring-event=Poista toistuva tapahtuma
delete-refresh-token=Poista Tokenin Virkistys
delete-relationship=Poista suhde
-delete-return-x=Delete Return #{0} (Automatic Copy)
+delete-return-x=Poista palautus #{0}
delete-row=Poista rivi
delete-segment-property=Poista segmentin ominaisuus
delete-selected-value=Poista valittu arvo
@@ -5923,7 +5923,7 @@ display-did-you-mean-if-the-number-of-search-results-does-not-meet-the-threshold
display-discount-levels=Näytä Alennustasot
display-entries-of-the-following-field-types-as-tables-select-from-list-single-selection-multiple-selection-and-boolean=Näytä seuraavien kenttätyyppien merkinnät taulukkoina: totuusarvo, monivalinta, valitse luettelosta ja yksittäinen valinta.
display-facet=Näytä Facetti
-display-field-name-in-structures-ui-and-allow-users-to-edit-it=Display field name in structures UI and allow users to edit it. (Automatic Copy)
+display-field-name-in-structures-ui-and-allow-users-to-edit-it=Näytä kentän nimi rakenteiden käyttöliittymässä ja salli käyttäjien muokata sitä.
display-fields-and-one-to-one-relationships=Näytä kentät ja kahdenväliset suhteet.
display-folder-facet=Näytä kansion näkymä
@@ -6236,7 +6236,7 @@ duplicated-from-x=Monistettu lähteestä {0}
duplicated-variable-name=Kaksi kertaa sama muuttujan nimi
duration-help=Päivien määrä, joiden aikana asiakkaalla on käyttöoikeus tiedostoon. Jätä arvoon 0 rajoittamattomille latauksille.
-duration-type=Duration Type (Automatic Copy)
+duration-type=Keston tyyppi
duration-x-x=Kesto {0} {1}
dxp-has-successfully-connected-to-analytics-cloud,-complete-your-set-up-in-the-instance-scope-menu=DXP on yhdistetty Analytics-pilveen, viimeistele määritys instanssin laajuusvalikossa.
@@ -7303,22 +7303,22 @@ feature.flag.LPD-6368.description=Käyttäjät voivat käyttää laajuuksia haku
feature.flag.LPD-6368.title=Hakusijoitusten laajuus
feature.flag.LPD-6378.description=Käyttäjät voivat määrittää apusivuja kirjautumisen, unohtuneen salasanan ja tilin luomisen prosesseille.
-feature.flag.LPD-10703.description=Include workflow information and actions when reviewing publication changes. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10703.title=Improve Publications Review (Automatic Copy)
+feature.flag.LPD-10703.description=Sisällytä työnkulun tiedot ja toiminnot tarkistettaessa julkaisun muutoksia.
+feature.flag.LPD-10703.title=Paranna julkaisujen tarkistusta
feature.flag.LPD-10793.description=Käyttäjät voivat luoda ja tallentaa tekoälykuvia Asiakirjat ja Media -sovelluksessa OpenAI:lla.
feature.flag.LPD-10793.title=Tekoälykuvien luominen Asiakirjoissa ja Mediassa
feature.flag.LPD-10855.description=Käyttäjät voivat hallita yhteystietoja, jotka on liitetty suoraan tileihin.
feature.flag.LPD-10855.title=Tilin yhteystiedot
-feature.flag.LPD-10856.description=Users can map each product specification individually on a content page. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10856.title=Mapping Individual Product Specifications (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10862.description=Users can activate the content creation prompt with a single click by leveraging AI capabilities directly within the CKEditor for seamless and efficient content generation. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10862.title=Generative AI for Commerce Product (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10887.description=Users can now configure purchase options for products based on date, times, time zones, and durations, allowing for the sale of time slots. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10887.title=Date Times as Option (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-11018.description=Notify users when publications fail to publish or when scheduled publications have conflicts. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-11018.title=Publication Conflict Notifications (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-11070.description=Add the preview draft permission for pages. This grants users read only access to page drafts. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-11070.title=Preview Page Drafts Permission (Automatic Copy)
+feature.flag.LPD-10856.description=Käyttäjät voivat kartoittaa jokaisen tuotteen määrityksen yksittäin sisältösivulla.
+feature.flag.LPD-10856.title=Yksittäisten tuotteiden määritysten kartoitus
+feature.flag.LPD-10862.description=Käyttäjät voivat aktivoida sisällön luonnin kehotteen yhdellä napsautuksella hyödyntämällä tekoälyominaisuuksia suoraan CKEditorissa saumatonta ja tehokasta sisällön luontia varten.
+feature.flag.LPD-10862.title=Generatiivinen tekoäly kauppatuotteissa
+feature.flag.LPD-10887.description=Käyttäjät voivat nyt määrittää ostovaihtoehtoja tuotteille päivämäärän, aikojen, aikavyöhykkeiden ja kestojen mukaan, mikä mahdollistaa aikojen myynnin.
+feature.flag.LPD-10887.title=Päivämäärät ja ajat vaihtoehtoina
+feature.flag.LPD-11018.description=Ilmoita käyttäjille, kun julkaisujen julkaisu epäonnistuu tai kun ajastetuissa julkaisuissa on ristiriitoja.
+feature.flag.LPD-11018.title=Julkaisujen ristiriitojen ilmoitukset
+feature.flag.LPD-11070.description=Lisää luonnoksen esikatseluoikeudet sivuille. Tämä antaa käyttäjille vain luku -käyttöoikeuden sivujen luonnoksiin.
+feature.flag.LPD-11070.title=Sivujen luonnosten esikatseluoikeus
feature.flag.LPD-11147.description=Users can configure the URL path for different asset types. (Automatic Copy)
feature.flag.LPD-11147.title=Configurable URLs for Asset Types (Automatic Copy)
feature.flag.LPD-11218.description=Käyttäjät voivat ottaa käyttöön Omat- ja Viimeisimmä-suodattimet löytääkseen nopeasti oman sisältönsä sen luontipäivän ohella.
@@ -7327,8 +7327,8 @@ feature.flag.LPD-15596.description=Käyttäjät voivat määrittää ja hallita
feature.flag.LPD-15596.title=Hallitse oikeuksia ja ajoitusta julkaistaessa sisältöä
feature.flag.LPD-15804.description=Lisää uuden vaiheen maksuprosessiin.
feature.flag.LPD-15804.title=Kauppamaksun vaiheen asiakaspääte
-feature.flag.LPD-16469.description=Users have the ability to bulk manage permissions for multiple web content articles. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-16469.title=Bulk Manage Permissions for Web Content Articles (Automatic Copy)
+feature.flag.LPD-16469.description=Käyttäjillä on mahdollisuus hallita useiden web-sisältöartikkelien oikeuksia joukkona.
+feature.flag.LPD-16469.title=Web-sisältöartikkelien oikeuksien hallinta joukkona
feature.flag.LPS-96845.description=Määritetyt SCIM-asiakasohjelmat voivat hyödyntää REST API-rajapintoja henkilöllisyystietojen synkronointiin käyttäjille ja ryhmille ulkoisilla sovelluksilla.
feature.flag.LPS-96845.title=Järjestä verkkotunnusten väliseen henkilöllisyyden hallintaan (SCIM)
feature.flag.LPS-114700.description=Lisää tila, joka ilmaisee kullekin kielelle käännettyjen web-sisältökenttien kokonaismäärän.
@@ -7355,8 +7355,8 @@ feature.flag.LPS-171364.description=Käyttäjät voivat siirtää muutoksia julk
feature.flag.LPS-171364.title=Siirrä muutoksia julkaisujen välillä
feature.flag.LPS-174417.description=Sivustosivujen ja sivustomallin ylläpitäjät voivat nähdä varoituksia, kun sivujen ystävällisten url-osoitteet ovat jo olemassa sivustomallissa tai sivustomallissa luodussa sivustossa.
feature.flag.LPS-174417.title=Sivustomallin ystävällisen url:n ristiriitavaroitukset
-feature.flag.LPS-174455.description=Use object REST APIs to manage attachment fields. Add, get, or update data in Base64 format. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPS-174455.title=Improve REST APIs for Object Attachment Fields (Automatic Copy)
+feature.flag.LPS-174455.description=Käytä objektien REST API -rajapintoja liitekenttien hallintaan. Lisää, hae tai päivitä tietoja Base64-muodossa.
+feature.flag.LPS-174455.title=Paranna REST API -rajapintoja objektien liitekentissä
feature.flag.LPS-178642.description=Käyttäjät voivat luoda koodittomia REST API-rajapintoja päätepisteillä, skeemoilla, suodattimilla ja lajitteluilla. Käyttöliittymä on saatavilla kohdassa Hallintapaneeli > Objekti > API-luontityökalu.
feature.flag.LPS-179669.description=Hae vastaavaa sisältöä yrityksen hakemistosta. Lisää facetteja, joissa on käännettyjä näyttöehtoja, ja aseta haku-blueprint pyynnössä lisätäksesi mukautettu haku, suodatus, koonti ja lajittelu.
@@ -7373,8 +7373,8 @@ feature.flag.LPS-187285.description=Näytä ilmaisut sivun valvonnassa ja sivued
feature.flag.LPS-187285.title=Ilmaisut suorituskykyongelmien estämiseksi
feature.flag.LPS-187436.description=Kuka tahansa voi tarkistaa muutokset julkaisussa linkin kautta.
feature.flag.LPS-187436.title=Jaa julkaisu linkillä
-feature.flag.LPS-187793.description=Users can customize the XML Sitemap to include or exclude content based on SEO requirements. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPS-187793.title=Customizing Sitemap Indexing (Automatic Copy)
+feature.flag.LPS-187793.description=Käyttäjät voivat mukauttaa XML-sivukarttaa sisällyttääkseen tai sulkeakseen pois sisältöä SEO-vaatimusten mukaan.
+feature.flag.LPS-187793.title=Sivukartan indeksoinnin mukauttaminen
feature.flag.LPS-187854.description=Käyttäjät voivat lisätä objektien vahvistuksia, jotka varmistavat, että kenttien arvot ovat yksilöllisiä.
feature.flag.LPS-187854.title=Paranna kenttien validointeja
feature.flag.LPS-188058.description=Käyttäjät voivat ajoittaa tietämyskannan artikkeleita julkaistavaksi, ja kansioiden tai artikkelin poistaminen siirtää ne roskakoriin.
@@ -7383,8 +7383,8 @@ feature.flag.LPS-188898.description=Kehittäjät voivat käyttää objektien vah
feature.flag.LPS-188898.title=Objektin vahvistussäännön asiakaspääte
feature.flag.LPS-193884.description=Salli voimassaolon päättymispäivän asettaminen uuden käyttäjän uuden salasanan asetuslinkeille samoin kuin niitä voi asettaa salasanan nollauslinkeille.
feature.flag.LPS-193884.title=Uuden käyttäjän salasanan asettamislinkin voimassaolon päättymispäivä
-feature.flag.LPS-196847.description=Users can manage permissions for page groups and visually distinguish between public and private pages. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPS-196847.title=Improve Permission Management for Pages (Automatic Copy)
+feature.flag.LPS-196847.description=Käyttäjät voivat hallita sivuryhmien oikeuksia ja erottaa julkiset ja yksityiset sivut visuaalisesti.
+feature.flag.LPS-196847.title=Paranna oikeuksien hallintaa sivuissa
feature.flag.LPS-196935.description=Dynaamiset Dataluettelot ovat vanhentuneet ja korvataan Objektilla. Dynaamiset Dataluettelot poistetaan vuonna 2024. Siirrä tietosi Objektiin ennen sitä.
feature.flag.LPS-196935.title=Dynaamiset Dataluettelot
feature.flag.LPS-199086.description=Allows staging users to export/import a child page without its parents. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -8129,7 +8129,7 @@ grace-limit=Rajoitus
grace-limit-help=Määrittelee kuinka monta kertaa käyttäjä voi kirjautua sisään ennen kuin salasana on vanhentunut ja käyttäjän vaaditaan syöttää uusi salasana.
grand-total=Summa Yhteensä
-grant-type=Grant Type (Automatic Copy)
+grant-type=Myöntämisen tyyppi
grant-type-x-is-unsupported-for-this-client-type=Myöntämistyyppiä "{0}" ei tueta tälle asiakastyypille.
graph-url=Grafiikan URL
@@ -8475,7 +8475,7 @@ http-client-max-connections=Suurin Määrä HTTP-yhteyksiä
http-client-max-connections-help=Aseta suurin sallittu avoimien HTTP-yhteyksien määrä.
http-client-max-error-retry=HTTP-uudelleenyritysten Maksimimäärä
http-client-max-error-retry-help=Aseta suurin sallittu uudelleenyritysten määrä epäonnistuneille, uudelleenyritettäville pyynnöille.
-http-configuration-name=HTTP Configuration (Automatic Copy)
http-cors-allow-origin=Http CORS Salli Alkuperä
http-cors-allow-origin-help=Sallitut alkuperät, kun HTTP CORS on käytössä.
http-cors-configurations=Http CORS -Asetukset
@@ -8678,7 +8678,7 @@ import-siteminder-users-from-ldap-help=Jos tämä on valittuna, SiteMinderissä
import-status=Tuonnin tila
import-structure=Tuo rakenne
-import-succeeded=Import Succeeded (Automatic Copy)
+import-succeeded=Tuonti onnistui
import-task-isolation=Tuontitehtävän eritystaso
import-task-isolation-help=Aseta eristystaso sivumallin levittämistuontitehtäville. Oletus on asetettu ryhmäksi. Tämä tarkoittaa, että vain yksi sivustomallin levittämistuontitehtävä voidaan suorittaa samanaikaisesti samalla kohdesivustolla. Voit kuitenkin asettaa sen myös yritykseksi. Tämä vähentää rinnakkaisuutta sallimalla vain yhden tehtävän suorittamisen yritystasolla. Yleisesti, käytä tätä asetusta vähentääksesi portaalin kuormitusta, mistä kuitenkin aiheutuu sivumallin levittämisten viivästymistä.
import-translation=Tuo Käännös
@@ -8906,7 +8906,7 @@ instance-id=Ilmentymä ID
instance-id-x=Instanssin tunnus: {0}
instance-scope=Esiintymän laajuus
instance-settings=Portaalin asetukset
-instance-web-id=Instance Web ID (Automatic Copy)
+instance-web-id=Esiintymän verkkotunnus
@@ -9320,11 +9320,11 @@ javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_inventory_web_internal_portlet_Commerce
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_machine_learning_forecast_alert_web_internal_portlet_CommerceMLForecastAlertPortlet=Kaupankäynnin Koneoppimisen Ennustevaroitus
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_order_content_web_internal_portlet_CommerceOpenOrderContentPortlet=Avaa Ostoskorit
-javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_order_content_web_internal_portlet_CommerceReturnContentPortlet=Returns (Automatic Copy)
-javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_order_web_internal_portlet_CommerceReturnPortlet=Returns (Automatic Copy)
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_organization_web_internal_portlet_CommerceOrganizationPortlet=Organisaatioiden Hallinta
@@ -9667,8 +9667,8 @@ kb-folders=Tietämyskannan Kansiot
kb-templates=Tietämyskannan Mallit
-keep-alive-timeout=Keep Alive Timeout (Automatic Copy)
-keep-alive-timeout-help=Specify a default timeout in seconds for HTTP keep alive. By default, a connection is persistent and will remain open indefinitely. A Keep-Alive header is commonly used to communicate a specific timeout value. Setting this default timeout with a value greater than 0 would make it so that if the Keep-Alive header is not present with a specific timeout value, the specified default timeout would be used. (Automatic Copy)
+keep-alive-timeout=Keep Alive -aikakatkaisu
+keep-alive-timeout-help=Määritä oletusaikakatkaisu sekunteina HTTP-yhteyden ylläpitämiselle. Oletuksena yhteys on pysyvä ja pysyy avoinna jatkuvasti. Keep-alive-ylätunnistetta käytetään tavallisesti tietyn aikakatkaisuarvon viestimiseen. Tämän oletusaikakatkaisun asettaminen nollaa suurempaan arvoon tarkoittaa, että jos Keep-Alive-ylätunnistetta tietyllä aikakatkaisuarvolla ei ole, määritettyä oletusaikakatkaisua käytetään.
keep-both=Pidä molemmat
keep-both-attachments-and-rename-the-removed-attachment-as=Pidä molemmat liitetiedostot ja uudelleen nimeä poistettu liitettiedosto:
@@ -10010,7 +10010,7 @@ layout.types.portlet=Widget-sivu
layout.types.portlet.description=Rakenna sivu asettelusta lisäämällä widgettejä ja sisältöä.
layout.types.url=Linkki URL-osoitteseen
layout.types.url.description=Linkki toiselle web-sivustolle.
-layout.types.utility=Utility Page (Automatic Copy)
lazy-loading-can-help-to-improve-page-performance=Tarveohjattu lataus voi auttaa sivun suorituskyvyn parantamisessa.
@@ -10312,7 +10312,7 @@ major=Vakava
make-a-copy=Tee Kopio
make-a-refund=Anna hyvitys
-make-a-return=Make a Return (Automatic Copy)
+make-a-return=Tee palautus
make-active=Tee aktiiviseksi
make-additional-changes-and-publish-them-when-you-are-ready=Tee lisämuutoksia ja julkaise ne, kun olet valmis.
make-default=Tee Oletukseksi
@@ -10433,7 +10433,7 @@ mark-as-translated-for-x-language=Kaikki kielen {0} kentät merkitään käänne
mark-as-unread=Merkkaa lukemattomaksi
mark-the-sku-as-discontinued=Merkitse SKU lopetetuksi
mark-x-as-favorite=Merkitse {0} suosikiksi
-mark-x-as-translated=Mark "{0}" as Translated (Automatic Copy)
+mark-x-as-translated=Merkitse {0} käännetyksi
markdown-importer-article-extensions=Alennus Tuojan Artikkelien Tarkenteet
markdown-importer-article-intro=Alennus Tuojan Artikkelien Johdanto
markdown-importer-image-file-extensions=Alennus Tuojan Kuvien Tiedostotarkenteet
@@ -11367,8 +11367,8 @@ modified-x-ago-by-x=Muokattu {0} sitten, tekijä: {1}.
modifier-type=Muokkaimen Tyyppi
modify-the-friendly-url-of-the-pages-to-allow-their-propagation-from-the-site-template=Muokkaa sivujen käyttäjäystävällistä osoitetta, mahdollistaaksesi niiden ominaisuuksien kopioinnin sivustomallista.
-modifying-the-field-name-may-result-in-data-loss=Modifying the field name may result in data loss. (Automatic Copy)
-modifying-the-option-name-may-result-in-data-loss=Modifying the option name may result in data loss. (Automatic Copy)
+modifying-the-field-name-may-result-in-data-loss=Kentän nimen muuttaminen saattaa johtaa tietojen menettämiseen.
+modifying-the-option-name-may-result-in-data-loss=Vaihtoehdon nimen muuttaminen saattaa johtaa tietojen menettämiseen.
modifying-the-site-template-logo-only-affects-sites-that-are-not-yet-created=Sivustomallin logon muokkaus vaikuttaa vain sivustoihin, mitä ei ole vielä luotu.
module-id=Moduulin ID
@@ -12384,14 +12384,14 @@ object-action-trigger[onAfterRootUpdate]=Päätason päivittämisen jälkeen
object-action-trigger[onAfterUpdate]=Päivittämisen jälkeen
-object-definition=Object Definition (Automatic Copy)
+object-definition=Objektin määritelmä
object-definition-data=Objektin tiedot
object-definition-id=Objektin tunnus
object-definition-storage-type-tooltip=Valitse tallennetaanko tiedot Liferayhin (oletus) vai vain ulkoiseen järjestelmään. Rajoituksia käytetään objektimäärityksiin, joilla on ulkoinen tallennustilatyyppi.
object-definition-successfully-imported=Objektin määritelmä tuotiin.
object-definition-table-name=Taulukon nimi
object-definition-x-is-selected=Objektimääritelmä {0} on valittu.
-object-definitions-failed-to-import=Object Definitions Failed to Import (Automatic Copy)
+object-definitions-failed-to-import=Objektin määritelmien tuominen epäonnistui
object-entry-id=Objektimerkinnän tunnus
object-entry-value-exceeds-integer-field-allowed-size=Objektimerkinnän arvo ylittää kokonaislukukentän sallitun koon.
object-entry-value-exceeds-long-field-allowed-size=Objektimerkinnän arvo ylittää pitkän kentän sallitun koon.
@@ -12629,9 +12629,9 @@ option=Valinta
option-created=Vaihtoehto luotu
option-detail=Vaihtoehdon Tiedot
option-field-type=Valintakentän Tyyppi
-option-name=Option Name (Automatic Copy)
+option-name=Vaihtoehdon nimi
option-not-found=Valintaa ei löydy
-option-reference=Option Reference (Automatic Copy)
+option-reference=Vaihtoehdon viite
option-selected=Valittu Vaihtoehto
option-selector=Vaihtoehdon valitsin
option-template-detail=Vaihtoehtomallin Tiedot
@@ -13260,7 +13260,7 @@ please-add-a-valid-email-address=Lisää kelvollinen sähköpostiosoite.
please-add-a-workflow-title-before-publishing=Lisää työnkulun otsikko ennen julkaisua.
please-add-at-least-one-field=Lisää vähintään yksi kenttä.
please-add-at-least-one-item-to-the-shipment=Lisää lähetykseen vähintään yksi tuote.
-please-add-at-least-one-item-you-wish-to-return-from-the-order-to-proceed-with-the-request=Please add at least one item you wish to return from the order to proceed with the request. (Automatic Copy)
+please-add-at-least-one-item-you-wish-to-return-from-the-order-to-proceed-with-the-request=Lisää vähintään yksi kohde, jonka haluat palauttaa tilauksesta, jotta voit jatkaa pyyntöä.
please-add-at-least-one-option=Sinun täytyy syöttää vähintäänkin yksi valinta.
please-add-at-least-one-shipping-option=Lisää vähintään yksi toimitusvaihtoehto.
please-add-at-least-one-tax-rate=Lisää vähintään yksi verokanta.
@@ -13618,7 +13618,7 @@ please-provide-all-mandatory-files-and-make-sure-the-file-types-are-valid=Toimit
please-provide-the-reason-for-your-request=Anna syy pyynnöllesi.
please-reenter-your-quantity-for-the-items-with-the-following-skus=Syötä uudelleen määrä tuotteille seuraavilla SKU:lla:
please-rename-this-with-another-words=Nimeä tämä uudelleen käyttämällä muita sanoja.
-please-review-the-details-of-the-returning-items-before-submitting-the-request=Please review the details of the returning items before submitting the request. (Automatic Copy)
+please-review-the-details-of-the-returning-items-before-submitting-the-request=Tarkista palautettavien tuotteiden tiedot ennen pyynnön lähettämistä.
please-select-a-category=Valitse luokitus.
please-select-a-country=Valitse maa.
please-select-a-course=Valitse kurssi.
@@ -14617,8 +14617,8 @@ refund-amount=Hyvityksen summa
refund-details=Hyvityksen tiedot
refund-reason=Hyvityksen syy
refund-status=Hyvityksen tila
-refund-subtotal=Refund Subtotal (Automatic Copy)
-refund-summary=Refund Summary (Automatic Copy)
+refund-subtotal=Hyvityksen välisumma
+refund-summary=Hyvityksen yhteenveto
regenerate-preview-and-thumbnail-of-openoffice-files-in-documents-and-media=Luo OpenOffice-tiedostojen esikatselu ja pikkukuva uudelleen Asiakirjoissa ja mediassa.
regenerate-preview-and-thumbnail-of-openoffice-files-in-documents-and-media-help=Tämä toiminto ei muokkaa olemassa olevia OpenOffice-esikatseluita.
@@ -14865,7 +14865,7 @@ repeat-top-to-bottom=Toista ylhäältä alas
-repetitions=Repetitions (Automatic Copy)
replace-certificate=Korvaa Varmenne
replace-file=Korvaa tiedosto
@@ -14965,7 +14965,7 @@ requested-by-x=Pyytäjänä {0}
requested-delivery-date=Pyydetty Toimituspäivä
requested-delivery-date-at-checkout=Pyydetty toimituspäivä maksun yhteydessä
-requested-quantity=Requested Quantity (Automatic Copy)
+requested-quantity=Pyydetty määrä
requested-report-id=Pyydetty Raporttitunnus
requested-report-status=Pyydetty Raporttitila
requesting-translation=Pyytää käännöstä.
@@ -15052,7 +15052,7 @@ resize-column=Muuta Sarakkeen Kokoa
resize-sidebar=Muuta sivupalkin kokoa
-resolve-all-active-scripting-uses-before-proceeding-you-can-deactivate-the-source-entity-or-remove-the-script=Resolve all active scripting uses before proceeding. You can deactivate the source entity or remove the script. (Automatic Copy)
+resolve-all-active-scripting-uses-before-proceeding-you-can-deactivate-the-source-entity-or-remove-the-script=Ratkaise kaikki aktiiviset komentosarjojen käytöt ennen jatkamista. Voit poistaa lähde-entiteetin käytöstä tai poistaa skriptin.
resolve-any-conflicts=Ratkaise Mahdolliset Ristiriidat
resolved-on-time=Ratkaistu Ajoissa
@@ -15149,12 +15149,12 @@ retry-payment=Yritä maksua uudelleen
retry-timeout=Uudelleenyrityksen Aikakatkaisu
retry-timeout-description=Aseta sekunteina aika pyyntöjen estämiselle kun on saavutettu sallittujen epäonnistuneiden kirjautumisyritysten raja.
retry-your-request=Yritä pyyntöäsi uudelleen.
-return-date=Return Date (Automatic Copy)
-return-date-range=Return Date Range (Automatic Copy)
-return-id=Return ID (Automatic Copy)
-return-reason=Return Reason (Automatic Copy)
+return-date-range=Palautuksen päivämääräalue
+return-id=Palautuksen tunnus
+return-reason=Palautuksen syy
-return-status=Return Status (Automatic Copy)
+return-status=Palautuksen tila
return-to-full-page=Palaa sivulle
return-type=Palautus tyyppi
@@ -15459,7 +15459,7 @@ scheduled=Ajastettu
scheduled-by-x=Aikatauluttanut {0}
scheduled-events=Ajastetut tapahtumat
scheduled-jobs=Ajoitetut Työt
-scheduled-publications-conflict-checks=Scheduled Publications Conflict Checks (Automatic Copy)
+scheduled-publications-conflict-checks=Ajoitettujen julkaisujen ristiriitatarkistukset
scheduled-publish-layout-local=Ajoitettu paikallinen julkaisu
scheduled-publish-layout-remote=Ajoitettu etäjulkaisu.
scheduled-start-date=Ajoitettu aloituspäivä
@@ -15513,7 +15513,7 @@ script-file=Skripti-tiedosto
script-management=Skriptien hallinta
script-management-configuration-name=Skriptien hallinta
-script-source=Script Source (Automatic Copy)
+script-source=Skriptin lähde
scripted-assignment-cache-expiration-time-description=Määritä aika minuutteina, jonka jälkeen komentosarjatehtävän tehtäväskriptien välimuisti tyhjennetään. Poista välimuisti käytöstä käyttämällä nollaa tai negatiivista arvoa.
scripted-assignment-cache-expiration-time-name=Komentosarjatehtävän välimuistin voimassaoloaika
@@ -15831,7 +15831,7 @@ select-css-client-extensions=Valitse CSS-asiakaspäätteet
select-current-date=Valitse nykyinen päivämäärä
select-data-fields=Valitse Datakentät
select-date=Valitse päivä
-select-date-from-list=Select Date from List (Automatic Copy)
+select-date-from-list=Valitse päivämäärä luettelosta
select-date-range=Valitse Päivämääräalue
select-destination=Valitse kohde
select-destination-folder-for-x-item=Valitse Kohdekansio {0} Kohteelle
@@ -15921,7 +15921,7 @@ select-reassignment=Valitse uudelleennimeäminen
select-recipients=Valitse vastaanottajat
select-region=Valitse Alue
select-restore-folder=Valitse palautuskansio
-select-returnable-items=Select Returnable Items (Automatic Copy)
+select-returnable-items=Valitse palautettavat tuotteet
select-role=Valitse Rooli
select-scope=Valitse laajuus
select-search=Valitse haku
@@ -16233,7 +16233,7 @@ set-x-to-x=Aseta {0} > {1}
set-your-jira-login=Aseta JIRA tunnuksesi.
set-your-login-for-x-to-track-your-jira-activity=Aseta JIRA tunnuksesi {0}:aan seurataaksesi JIRA aktiviteetteja.
setting-a-value-above-x-can-affect-page-performance-severely={0} ylittävän arvon asettaminen voi vaikuttaa sivun suorituskykyyn huomattavasti.
-setting-cannot-be-deactivated=Setting Cannot Be Deactivated (Automatic Copy)
+setting-cannot-be-deactivated=Asetusta ei voi poistaa käytöstä
several-shared-parameters-are-mapped-to-the-same-parameter=Useat jaetut parametrit on liitetty samaan parametriin.
@@ -17237,7 +17237,7 @@ submit-for-workflow-with-permissions=Lähetä työnkulkuun luvilla
submit-new=Lähetä Uusi
submit-new-x=Lähetä Uusi {0}
-submit-return-request=Submit Return Request (Automatic Copy)
+submit-return-request=Lähetä palautuspyyntö
submit-to-reddit=Lähetä Reddit
submitted-entry-status=Lähetetty merkinnän tila
@@ -17320,9 +17320,9 @@ successfully-saved=Tallennettu onnistuneesti
successfully-unassigned-display-page-template=Liitäntä poistettu onnistuneesti oletus-näyttösivumallista.
such-as-x-or-x=Kuten {0} tai {1}
-sugarcrm=SugarCRM (Automatic Copy)
-sugarcrm-configuration-name=SugarCRM Integration (Automatic Copy)
-sugarcrm-objects-do-not-support-relationships=SugarCRM objects do not support relationships. (Automatic Copy)
+sugarcrm-objects-do-not-support-relationships=SugarCRM-objektit eivät tue suhteita.
suggestion-contributor-help=Anna ehdotusten näyttämiseen käytetyn avustajan nimi.
suggestion-in-progress-email=Ehdotukset meneillään sähköposti.
@@ -17781,8 +17781,8 @@ tax-value-endpoint-url=Veroarvon Päätepiste-URL
taxed-address=Verotettu Osoite
-tcp-keep-alive-enabled=TCP Keep Alive Enabled (Automatic Copy)
-tcp-keep-alive-enabled-help=If checked, SO_KEEPALIVE will be enabled for newly created sockets by default. (Automatic Copy)
+tcp-keep-alive-enabled=TCP Keep Alive käytössä
+tcp-keep-alive-enabled-help=Jos tämä valitaan, SO_KEEPALIVE otetaan käyttöön uusille luoduille soketeille oletuksena.
team-id=Tiimi ID
@@ -18436,7 +18436,7 @@ the-note-could-not-be-found=Huomautusta ei löydy.
the-number-of-keys-generated-has-exceeded-the-number-of-allowed-keys=Generoitujen avainten määrä ylittää sallitujen avainten määrän.
the-object-action-was-created-successfully=Objektitoiminnon luominen onnistui.
the-object-action-was-updated-successfully=Objektitoiminnon päivittäminen onnistui.
-the-object-could-not-be-found=The object could not be found. (Automatic Copy)
+the-object-could-not-be-found=Objektia ei löydy.
the-object-definition-failed-to-import=Objektin määritelmän tuominen epäonnistui.
the-object-definition-is-already-published=Objektin määritelmä on jo julkaistu.
the-object-definition-was-imported-without-a-custom-view=Objektin määritelmä tuotiin ilman mukautettua näkymää.
@@ -19168,7 +19168,7 @@ there-are-no-workflow-definitions=Ei ole työnkulun määrittelyjä.
there-are-no-x=Ei ole {0}.
there-are-no-x-orders={0} tilausta ei ole.
there-are-no-x-related-issues=Ei ole aiheeseen {0} liittyviä ongelmia.
-there-are-object-definitions-with-the-same-external-reference-code-as-the-imported-ones=There are object definitions with the same external reference code as the imported ones. By continuing, you will update the existing object definitions. This action is permanent and data can be lost if the imported object definitions have missing fields compared to the existing ones. The affected object definitions are: (Automatic Copy)
+there-are-object-definitions-with-the-same-external-reference-code-as-the-imported-ones=Objektin määritelmillä on sama ulkoinen viittauskoodilla kuin tuoduilla. Jatkamalla päivität olemassa olevat objektin määritelmät. Tämä toiminto on pysyvä, ja tietoja saatetaan menettää, jos tuoduilla objektin määritelmillä on puuttuvia kenttiä olemassa oleviin verrattuna. Objektin määritelmät, joita tämä koskee, ovat:
there-are-one-or-more-mandatory-vocabularies-assigned-to-the-knowledge-base-article=On olemassa yksi tai useampi pakollinen sanasto, joka liitetty tietämyskanta-artikkeliin.
there-are-other-redirects-pointing-to-the-source-url-of-this-redirect=Muita uudelleenohjauksia osoittaa tämän uudelleenohjauksen lähde-URL:ään. Tämä luo uudelleenohjausketjun, jotta käyttäjät ohjataan uudelleen useita kertoja ennen päämäärän saavuttamista.
there-are-replacement-products-in-your-cart=Ostoskorissasi on korvaavia tuotteita.
@@ -19296,7 +19296,7 @@ this-article-is-set-to-publish-later=Tämä artikkeli on asetettu julkaistavaksi
this-article-will-be-published-on-x=Tämä artikkeli julkaistaan {0}.
this-blog=Tämä blogi
this-category=Tämä luokitus
-this-category-might-be-being-used-in-some-contents=This category might be being used in some contents. If you delete it, this category and its subcategories will also be deleted and removed from those contents. Friendly URLs may also be affected. Do you want to continue deleting this category? (Automatic Copy)
+this-category-might-be-being-used-in-some-contents=Tämä luokka on ehkä käytössä jossakin sisällössä. Jos poistat sen, tämä luokka ja myös kaikki sen aliluokat poistetaan näistä sisällöistä. Haluatko varmasti jatkaa tämän luokan poistamista?
this-change-will-only-affect-the-newly-created-localized-content=Tämä muutos vaikuttaa uuteen luotavaan, lokalisoituun sisältöön.
this-change-will-only-be-shown-after-you-refresh-the-page=Tämä muutos näkyy vasta kun lataa uudelleen tämän sivun.
this-collection-has-no-items=Tässä kokoelmassa ei ole kohteita. Tarvitset ainakin yhden kohteen käyttääksesi tätä kokoonpanoa.
@@ -19405,7 +19405,7 @@ this-operation-cannot-be-undone=Tätä toimintoa ei voi kumota.
this-operation-will-not-be-applied-to-any-of-the-selected-folders=Tätä operaatiota ei käytetä mihinkään valituista kansioista.
this-option-is-enabled-only-in-a-clustered-environment=Tämä valinta on käytössä vain klusteroidussa ympäristössä.
this-order-cannot-be-transitioned=Tällä tilauksella ei voi olla siirtymää.
-this-order-has-already-been-checked-out=This order has already been checked out. (Automatic Copy)
+this-order-has-already-been-checked-out=Tämä tilaus on jo tehty.
this-organization=Tämä organisaatio
this-organization-does-not-have-a-parent-organization=Tällä organisaatiolla ei ole ylätason organisaatiota.
this-organization-does-not-have-any-additional-email-addresses=Tällä organisaatiolla ei ole lisäsähköpostiosoitteita.
@@ -19487,7 +19487,7 @@ this-result-comes-from-the-x-version-of-this-content=Nämä tulokset tulevat sis
this-role-does-not-have-any-permissions=Tällä roolilla ei ole käyttöoikeuksia.
this-role-is-automatically-assigned=Tämä rooli nimetään automaattisesti.
this-rule-is-broken-due-to-missing-fields=Tätä sääntöä rikotaan puuttuvien kenttien takia.
-this-scheduled-publication-contains-conflicting-changes-that-must-be-manually-resolved-before-publishing=This scheduled publication contains conflicting changes that must be manually resolved before publishing. Please unschedule the publication in order to resolve conflicts. (Automatic Copy)
+this-scheduled-publication-contains-conflicting-changes-that-must-be-manually-resolved-before-publishing=Tämä ajoitettu julkaisu sisältää ristiriidassa olevia julkaisuja, jotka täytyy ratkaista manuaalisesti ennen julkaisua. Peru julkaisun ajoittaminen ristiriitojen ratkaisemiseksi.
this-scope-is-no-longer-available=Laajuus ei ole enää saatavana.
this-search-bar-is-not-visible-to-users-yet=Tämä hakupalkki ei ole vielä käyttäjien nähtävissä.
this-section-will-be-editable-after-creating-the-user=Tämä alue on muokattavissa käyttäjän luonnin jälkeen.
@@ -19762,7 +19762,7 @@ total-discount-percentage-level-3-with-tax-amount=Kokonaisalennusprosentin taso
total-discount-percentage-level-4=Kokonaisalennusprosentin taso 4
total-discount-percentage-level-4-with-tax-amount=Kokonaisalennusprosentin taso 4 sisältäen verot
total-discount-with-tax-amount=Kokonaissumman verollinen alennussumma
-total-estimated-refund=Total Estimated Refund (Automatic Copy)
+total-estimated-refund=Arvioitu hyvitys yhteensä
total-modifications=Muutokset Yhteensä
total-open=Auki Yhteensä
@@ -20060,7 +20060,7 @@ unit-price=Yksikköhinta
united-states-phone-format=USA puhelinnumero muoto
units-of-measure=Mittayksikkö (MY)
-units-returned=Units Returned (Automatic Copy)
+units-returned=Palautetut tuotteet
unknown-element-message-edit=Poista tämä ehto. Se luotiin elementistä, jota ei enää ole olemassa.
unknown-element-message-view=Korostettu ehto liittyy elementtiin, jota ei enää ole olemassa. Siirry muokkaamaan ja poista ehto.
@@ -20183,7 +20183,7 @@ update-entry=Päivitä merkintä
update-event=Päivitä tapahtuma
update-exchange-rates=Päivitä Vaihtokurssit
update-existing-object-definition=Päivitä olemassa oleva objektin määritelmä
-update-existing-object-definitions=Update Existing Objects Definitions (Automatic Copy)
+update-existing-object-definitions=Päivitä olemassa olevat objektin määritelmät
update-existing-object-folder=Päivitä olemassa oleva objektikansio
update-existing-picklist=Päivitä olemassa oleva valintaluettelo
update-feedback=Päivitä palaute
@@ -21591,7 +21591,7 @@ x-rows-were-imported-successfully={0} rivin tuominen onnistui.
x-rows-were-not-imported={0} riviä ei tuotu.
x-scheduled-publication-failed={0} ajastettu julkaisu epäonnistui.
x-scheduled-publication-failed-with-an-unexpected-system-error={0} ajoitettu julkaisu epäonnistui odottamattomalla järjestelmävirheellä.
-x-scheduled-publication-has-conflicts-with-production={0} scheduled publication has conflicts with production. (Automatic Copy)
+x-scheduled-publication-has-conflicts-with-production={0} ajastetulla julkaisulla on ristiriitoja tuotannon kanssa.
x-screen-size-is-selected=Näytön koko {0} on valittu.
x-search=Hae {0}
x-search-provider={0} Haun tarjoaja
diff --git a/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_fr.properties b/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_fr.properties
index 01bc07b5b113e3..61e52f861cef52 100644
--- a/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_fr.properties
+++ b/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_fr.properties
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ accepted=Accepté(e)
accepted-answer=Réponse acceptée
accepted-date=Date d'acceptation
accepted-file-extensions=Extensions de fichiers acceptées
-accepted-x-declined-x-pending-x-maybe-x=Accepted ({0}), Declined ({1}), Pending ({2}), Maybe ({3}) (Automatic Copy)
+accepted-x-declined-x-pending-x-maybe-x=Accepté ({0}), Refusé ({1}), En attente ({2}), Peut-être ({3})
access-denied=Accès refusé
access-from-desktop=Accès depuis l'ordinateur
access-in-my-account=Accéder à mon compte
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ access-token-key-byte-size=Taille du jeton d'accès
access-token-key-byte-size-description=Définissez le nombre d'octets aléatoires utilisés pour générer le jeton d'accès.
access-token-size=Taille du jeton d'accès
access-token-size-description=Définissez le nombre d'octets aléatoires utilisés pour générer le jeton d'accès.
-access-token-url=Access Token URL (Automatic Copy)
+access-token-url=URL du jeton d'accès
accessTokenCreateDate=Date de création du jeton d'accès
accessTokenExpirationDate=Date d'expiration du jeton d'accès
accessed-urls=URL consultées
@@ -1068,7 +1068,7 @@ add-restriction=Ajouter une restriction
add-restrictions=Ajouter des restrictions
add-result=Ajouter un résultat
add-results-help=Ajouter les résultats qui ne sont pas normalement renvoyés par la requête de recherche principale.
-add-return-item=Add Return Item (Automatic Copy)
+add-return-item=Ajouter un article à retourner
add-role=Ajouter un rôle
add-role-to-x=Ajouter un rôle à {0}
add-row=Ajouter une ligne
@@ -1218,7 +1218,7 @@ administrator-id=ID d'administrateur
administrator-role-names=Noms des rôles d'administrateur
administrator-user=Utilisateur administrateur
-administrators-can-create-and-execute-code-in-their-virtual-instance=Administrators can create and execute code in their virtual instance. Disabling this feature deactivates all actions and validations that use Groovy. (Automatic Copy)
+administrators-can-create-and-execute-code-in-their-virtual-instance=Les administrateurs peuvent créer et exécuter du code dans leur instance virtuelle. La désactivation de cette fonctionnalité désactive toutes les actions et validations qui utilisent Groovy.
administrators-can-manually-unlock-pages-that-are-being-used-by-other-users=Les administrateurs peuvent déverrouiller manuellement les pages utilisées par d'autres utilisateurs. Veuillez noter que l'utilisateur actuel peut perdre le contrôle de la modification de la page si vous la déverrouillez.
administrators-can-view,-edit,-publish,-and-invite-other-users=Les administrateurs peuvent afficher, modifier, publier et inviter d'autres utilisateurs.
administrators-email=Email de l'administrateur
@@ -1380,9 +1380,9 @@ all-your-pages-are-connected-or-redirected=Toutes les pages sont connectées ou
all-your-unsaved-changes-will-be-lost-unless-you-save-or-publish-them-before-leaving=Toutes vos modifications non enregistrées seront perdues, sauf si vous les enregistrez ou les publiez avant de quitter.
allow-adding-pages=Autoriser l'ajout de pages
-allow-administrator-to-create-and-execute-code-in-liferay=Allow administrator to create and execute code in Liferay. (Automatic Copy)
+allow-administrator-to-create-and-execute-code-in-liferay=Autoriser l'administrateur à créer et exécuter du code dans Liferay.
allow-administrators-to-publish-and-edit-workflows=Autoriser les administrateurs à publier et éditer les flux de travail
-allow-administrators-to-publish-and-edit-workflows-description=When selected, users with the Regular Administrator role in a virtual instance can publish new workflow definitions, including scripting content that is executed inside the portal (and potentially in other virtual instances). (Automatic Copy)
+allow-administrators-to-publish-and-edit-workflows-description=Quand cette option est sélectionnée, les utilisateurs dotés du rôle Administrateur ordinaire dans une instance virtuelle peuvent publier de nouvelles définitions de flux de travail, y compris du contenu de script qui est exécuté dans le portail (et potentiellement dans d'autres instances virtuelles).
allow-anonymous-emails=Autoriser les emails anonymes
allow-anonymous-posting=Autoriser la publication anonyme
allow-anyone-with-the-link-to-view-this-publication=Autorisez toute personne disposant du lien à consulter cette publication.
@@ -1441,7 +1441,7 @@ allowed-classes=Classes autorisées
allowed-credentials-per-user=Identifiants autorisés par utilisateur
allowed-credentials-per-user-description=Définissez le nombre d'informations d'identification autorisées par utilisateur.
allowed-domains=Domaines autorisés
-allowed-domains-help=Set the domains which the portal is allowed to redirect to. Remove all entries to allow any domain. Specifying a domain with a leading "*." allows redirects to subdomains. PORTAL_DOMAIN will be replaced with the current domain of the portal. (Automatic Copy)
+allowed-domains-help=Définissez les domaines vers lesquels le portail est autorisé à rediriger. Supprimez toutes les entrées pour autoriser n'importe quel domaine. Spécification d'un domaine précédé d'un "*". autorise les redirections vers les sous-domaines.
allowed-file-extensions=Extensions de fichier autorisées
allowed-fragments=Fragments autorisés
allowed-grant-types=Types d'autorisations accordées
@@ -1812,7 +1812,7 @@ are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-all-timers-and-their-settings=Voulez-vous vraime
are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-blueprints=Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer les plans sélectionnés ?
are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-elements=Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer les éléments sélectionnés ?
are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-order-x=Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer la commande n°{0} ?
-are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-return-x=Are you sure you want to delete return #{0}? (Automatic Copy)
+are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-return-x=Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer le retour #{0} ?
are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-the-application-there-are-no-authorizations-or-associated-tokens=Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer l'application? Il n'y a aucune autorisation ou jeton associé.
are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-the-application-this-action-revokes-one-authorization-and-associated-tokens=Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer l'application? Cette action révoque 1 autorisation et les jetons associés.
are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-the-application-this-action-revokes-x-authorizations-and-associated-tokens=Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer l'application? Cette action révoque {0} autorisations et les jetons associés.
@@ -2512,7 +2512,7 @@ base-quantity=Quantité de base
base-tracking-url=URL de suivi de base
base-unit-quantity=Quantité d'unité de base
base-unit-quantity-help=Les acheteurs ne peuvent acheter que par incréments de la quantité unitaire de base.
-base-url=Base URL (Automatic Copy)
+base-url=URL de base
base-url-x-is-invalid=L'URL de base "{0}" n'est pas valide. Veuillez saisir une URL de base valide.
baseline=Niveau de référence
baseline-clauses=Clauses de référence
@@ -2912,7 +2912,7 @@ calendar=Calendrier
calendar-does-not-serve-unknown-resource-x=Le calendrier ne gère pas la ressource inconnue {0}.
calendar-item-color-picker-press-space-to-enter-the-color-picker=Sélecteur de couleur d'élément de calendrier : appuyez sur espace pour entrer dans le sélecteur de couleur.
-calendar-name=Calendar Name (Automatic Copy)
+calendar-name=Nom du calendrier
calendar-notification-templates=Modèles de notification du calendrier
calendar-resource-already-exists=Cette ressource calendrier existe déjà.
calendar-resources=Resources du calendrier
@@ -3354,7 +3354,7 @@ changing-the-order-of-the-categories-is-not-supported=Le changement d'ordre des
changing-the-structure-key-will-reindex-all-the-web-content-articles-with-this-structure.-this-action-may-take-some-time,-and-the-affected-items-may-not-be-available-during-this-process=La modification de la clé de structure réindexera tous les articles de contenu Web avec cette structure. Cette action peut prendre un certain temps et les éléments concernés peuvent ne pas être disponibles pendant ce processus.
changing-the-template-will-not-affect-the-original-web-content-default-template.-the-change-only-applies-to-this-web-content-display=Changer le modèle n'affectera pas le modèle par défaut des contenus Web d'origine. La modification ne s'appliquera qu'à cet affichage de contenu web.
changing-the-value-of-this-field-reloads-the-page=Le changement de la valeur de ce champ rechargera la page.
-changing-this-setting-will-reset-all-mappings-for-this-collection=Changing this setting will reset all mappings for this collection. (Automatic Copy)
+changing-this-setting-will-reset-all-mappings-for-this-collection=La modification de ce paramétrage réinitialisera tous les mappages de cette collection.
channel-account-managers=Responsables de compte de canal
channel-defaults=Valeurs par défaut du canal
@@ -4376,7 +4376,7 @@ cookie-consent-panel-configuration-name=Panneau de consentement
cookie-enabled-help=Cette case à cocher active la gestion des préférences des cookies en fonction des choix sélectionnés par l'utilisateur. Il active également les options de configuration pour la bannière et le panneau de consentement.
cookie-explicit-consent-mode=Mode de consentement explicite aux cookies
cookie-explicit-consent-mode-help=Si cette option est cochée, aucun cookie n'est défini tant que l'utilisateur n'accepte pas l'utilisation des cookies. Sinon, tous les cookies sont définis jusqu'à ce que l'utilisateur les désactive.
-cookie-explicit-consent-mode-help-deprecated=If this option is checked, then no cookies are set until the user agrees to cookie usages. Otherwise, all cookies are set until the user opts out of them. (Automatic Copy)
+cookie-explicit-consent-mode-help-deprecated=Si cette option est cochée, aucun cookie n'est défini jusqu'à ce que l'utilisateur accepte l'utilisation des cookies. Sinon, tous les cookies sont définis jusqu'à ce que l'utilisateur les désactive.
cookie-policy=Politique des cookies
cookie-policy-link=Lien vers la politique relative aux cookies
cookie-preference-handling-configuration-name=Gestion des préférences
@@ -5489,8 +5489,8 @@ default-view=Vue par défaut
default-view-must-have-at-least-one-column=La vue par défaut doit avoir au moins une colonne.
default-viewport=Fenêtre d'affichage par défaut
default-visualization-mode=Mode de visualisation par défaut
-default-visualization-mode-help=Customize which visualization mode will be shown by default for this Data Set. (Automatic Copy)
-default-visualization-mode-tooltip=To select a default visualization mode, first configure it in the Visualization Modes tab. (Automatic Copy)
+default-visualization-mode-help=Personnalisez le mode de visualisation qui sera affiché par défaut pour cet ensemble de données.
+default-visualization-mode-tooltip=Pour sélectionner un mode de visualisation par défaut, configurez-le d'abord sous l'onglet Modes de visualisation.
default-was-changed=La valeur par défaut a été modifiée
default-workflow-for-all-document-types=Processus (workflow) par défaut pour tous les types de document
default-workflow-for-all-structures=Workflow par défaut pour toutes les structures
@@ -5600,7 +5600,7 @@ delete-question=Supprimer la question ?
delete-recurring-event=Supprimer les évènements récurrents
delete-refresh-token=Supprimer le jeton d'actualisation
delete-relationship=Supprimer la relation
-delete-return-x=Delete Return #{0} (Automatic Copy)
+delete-return-x=Supprimer le retour #{0}
delete-row=Rangée de suppression
delete-segment-property=Supprimer la propriété du segment
delete-selected-value=Valeur choisie par suppression
@@ -5923,7 +5923,7 @@ display-did-you-mean-if-the-number-of-search-results-does-not-meet-the-threshold
display-discount-levels=Afficher les niveaux de remise
display-entries-of-the-following-field-types-as-tables-select-from-list-single-selection-multiple-selection-and-boolean=Affichez les entrées des types de champs suivants sous forme de tableaux : booléen, sélection multiple, sélection dans la liste et sélection unique.
display-facet=Afficher facette
-display-field-name-in-structures-ui-and-allow-users-to-edit-it=Display field name in structures UI and allow users to edit it. (Automatic Copy)
+display-field-name-in-structures-ui-and-allow-users-to-edit-it=Afficher le nom du champ dans l'interface utilisateur des structures et permettre aux utilisateurs de le modifier.
display-fields-and-one-to-one-relationships=Afficher les champs et les relations un à un.
display-folder-facet=Afficher les facettes de dossier
display-frequencies=Afficher les fréquences
@@ -6236,7 +6236,7 @@ duplicated-from-x=Dupliquer à partir de {0}
duplicated-variable-name=Nom variable reproduit
duration-help=Le nombre de jours pendant lesquels les clients conservent l'accès au fichier. Laissez 0 pour rendre le téléchargement illimité.
-duration-type=Duration Type (Automatic Copy)
+duration-type=Type de durée
duration-x-x=Durée {0} {1}
dxp-has-successfully-connected-to-analytics-cloud,-complete-your-set-up-in-the-instance-scope-menu=DXP s'est bien connecté à Analytics Cloud, terminez votre configuration dans le menu de portée de l'instance.
@@ -7303,22 +7303,22 @@ feature.flag.LPD-6368.description=Les utilisateurs peuvent définir le classemen
feature.flag.LPD-6368.title=Classement des résultats par portée
feature.flag.LPD-6378.description=Les utilisateurs peuvent configurer les pages utilitaires pour les processus de connexion, de mot de passe oublié et de création de compte.
feature.flag.LPD-6378.title=Pages d'utilitaire de connexion
-feature.flag.LPD-10703.description=Include workflow information and actions when reviewing publication changes. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10703.title=Improve Publications Review (Automatic Copy)
+feature.flag.LPD-10703.description=Inclure des informations sur le flux de travail et des actions lors de l'examen des modifications de publication.
+feature.flag.LPD-10703.title=Améliorer l'examen des publications
feature.flag.LPD-10793.description=Les utilisateurs peuvent générer et enregistrer des images IA dans l'application Documents et médias à l'aide d'OpenAI.
feature.flag.LPD-10793.title=Génération d'images IA dans Documents et médias
feature.flag.LPD-10855.description=Les utilisateurs peuvent gérer les contacts directement liés aux comptes.
feature.flag.LPD-10855.title=Contacts du compte
-feature.flag.LPD-10856.description=Users can map each product specification individually on a content page. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10856.title=Mapping Individual Product Specifications (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10862.description=Users can activate the content creation prompt with a single click by leveraging AI capabilities directly within the CKEditor for seamless and efficient content generation. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10862.title=Generative AI for Commerce Product (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10887.description=Users can now configure purchase options for products based on date, times, time zones, and durations, allowing for the sale of time slots. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10887.title=Date Times as Option (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-11018.description=Notify users when publications fail to publish or when scheduled publications have conflicts. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-11018.title=Publication Conflict Notifications (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-11070.description=Add the preview draft permission for pages. This grants users read only access to page drafts. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-11070.title=Preview Page Drafts Permission (Automatic Copy)
+feature.flag.LPD-10856.description=Les utilisateurs peuvent cartographier chaque spécification de produit individuellement sur une page de contenu.
+feature.flag.LPD-10856.title=Mappage des spécifications de produits individuels
+feature.flag.LPD-10862.description=Les utilisateurs peuvent activer l'invite de création de contenu en un seul clic en tirant parti des capacités d'IA directement dans CKEditor pour une génération de contenu transparente et efficace.
+feature.flag.LPD-10862.title=IA générative pour les produits du commerce
+feature.flag.LPD-10887.description=Les utilisateurs peuvent désormais configurer les options d'achat de produits en fonction de la date, des heures, des fuseaux horaires et des durées, permettant ainsi la vente sur des plages horaires.
+feature.flag.LPD-10887.title=Date et heure en option
+feature.flag.LPD-11018.description=Avertissez les utilisateurs lorsque les publications ne parviennent pas à être publiées ou lorsque les publications planifiées présentent des conflits.
+feature.flag.LPD-11018.title=Notifications de conflits de publications
+feature.flag.LPD-11070.description=Ajoutez l'autorisation d'aperçu du brouillon pour les pages. Cela accorde aux utilisateurs un accès en lecture seule aux brouillons de pages.
+feature.flag.LPD-11070.title=Autorisation des brouillons de page d'aperçu
feature.flag.LPD-11147.description=Users can configure the URL path for different asset types. (Automatic Copy)
feature.flag.LPD-11147.title=Configurable URLs for Asset Types (Automatic Copy)
feature.flag.LPD-11218.description=Les utilisateurs peuvent activer les filtres « Mien » et « Récent » pour localiser rapidement leur propre contenu ainsi que sa date de création.
@@ -7327,8 +7327,8 @@ feature.flag.LPD-15596.description=Les utilisateurs peuvent définir et gérer l
feature.flag.LPD-15596.title=Gérer les permissions et la planification lors de la publication de contenu
feature.flag.LPD-15804.description=Ajoute une nouvelle étape au processus de paiement.
feature.flag.LPD-15804.title=Extension client de l'étape de paiement commercial
-feature.flag.LPD-16469.description=Users have the ability to bulk manage permissions for multiple web content articles. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-16469.title=Bulk Manage Permissions for Web Content Articles (Automatic Copy)
+feature.flag.LPD-16469.description=Les utilisateurs ont la possibilité de gérer en masse les autorisations pour plusieurs articles de contenu Web.
+feature.flag.LPD-16469.title=Gérer en masse les autorisations pour les articles de contenu Web
feature.flag.LPS-96845.description=Les clients SCIM configurés peuvent exploiter les API REST pour synchroniser les informations d'identité des utilisateurs et des groupes avec des applications externes.
feature.flag.LPS-96845.title=Système de gestion des identités inter-domaines (SCIM)
feature.flag.LPS-114700.description=Ajoutez un statut qui indique le nombre total de champs de contenu Web traduits pour chaque langue.
@@ -7355,8 +7355,8 @@ feature.flag.LPS-171364.description=Les utilisateurs peuvent déplacer les modif
feature.flag.LPS-171364.title=Déplacer les modifications entre les publications
feature.flag.LPS-174417.description=Les administrateurs de pages de site et de modèles de site pourront voir des avertissements lorsque des URL simplifiées de pages existent déjà dans le modèle de site ou dans le site créé à partir du modèle de site.
feature.flag.LPS-174417.title=Avertissements de conflit d'URL simplifiées pour les modèles de sites
-feature.flag.LPS-174455.description=Use object REST APIs to manage attachment fields. Add, get, or update data in Base64 format. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPS-174455.title=Improve REST APIs for Object Attachment Fields (Automatic Copy)
+feature.flag.LPS-174455.description=Utilisez les API REST d'objet pour gérer les champs de pièces jointes. Ajoutez, obtenez ou mettez à jour des données au format Base64.
+feature.flag.LPS-174455.title=Améliorer les API REST pour les champs de pièce jointe d'objet
feature.flag.LPS-178642.description=Les utilisateurs peuvent créer des API REST sans code avec des points de terminaison, des schémas, des filtres et des tris. L'interface utilisateur sera disponible sous Panneau de configuration > Objet > API Builder.
feature.flag.LPS-178642.title=Générateur d'API
feature.flag.LPS-179669.description=Recherchez dans l'index des entreprises le contenu correspondant. Ajoutez des facettes avec des termes d'affichage traduits et définissez un plan de recherche dans la demande pour ajouter une recherche, un filtrage, une agrégation et un tri personnalisés.
@@ -7373,8 +7373,8 @@ feature.flag.LPS-187285.description=Afficher des indications dans l'audit de pag
feature.flag.LPS-187285.title=Indications pour prévenir les problèmes de performances
feature.flag.LPS-187436.description=N'importe qui peut consulter les modifications apportées à une publication via un lien.
feature.flag.LPS-187436.title=Partager la publication avec un lien
-feature.flag.LPS-187793.description=Users can customize the XML Sitemap to include or exclude content based on SEO requirements. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPS-187793.title=Customizing Sitemap Indexing (Automatic Copy)
+feature.flag.LPS-187793.description=Les utilisateurs peuvent personnaliser le plan du site XML pour inclure ou exclure du contenu en fonction des exigences de référencement.
+feature.flag.LPS-187793.title=Personnalisation de l'indexation du plan du site
feature.flag.LPS-187854.description=Les utilisateurs peuvent ajouter des validations d'objet qui vérifient que les valeurs des champs sont uniques.
feature.flag.LPS-187854.title=Améliorer les validations sur les champs
feature.flag.LPS-188058.description=Les utilisateurs peuvent planifier la publication d'articles de la base de connaissances et la suppression de dossiers ou d'articles les déplace vers la corbeille.
@@ -7383,8 +7383,8 @@ feature.flag.LPS-188898.description=Les développeurs pourront utiliser des exte
feature.flag.LPS-188898.title=Extension client de règle de validation d'objet
feature.flag.LPS-193884.description=Autorisez la définition d'une date d'expiration sur les liens « définir un nouveau mot de passe » pour les nouveaux utilisateurs, comme c'est le cas pour les liens « réinitialiser le mot de passe ».
feature.flag.LPS-193884.title=Date d'expiration du lien de création de mot de passe pour nouvel utilisateur
-feature.flag.LPS-196847.description=Users can manage permissions for page groups and visually distinguish between public and private pages. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPS-196847.title=Improve Permission Management for Pages (Automatic Copy)
+feature.flag.LPS-196847.description=Les utilisateurs peuvent gérer les permissions pour les groupes de pages et distinguer visuellement les pages publiques et privées.
+feature.flag.LPS-196847.title=Améliorer la gestion des permissions pour les pages
feature.flag.LPS-196935.description=Les listes de données dynamiques sont dépréciées et seront supprimées en 2024. Pour éviter la perte de données, vous devez migrer vos données vers Liferay Objects.
feature.flag.LPS-196935.title=Listes des données dynamiques
feature.flag.LPS-199086.description=Allows staging users to export/import a child page without its parents. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -8129,7 +8129,7 @@ grace-limit=Durée de vie
grace-limit-help=Ceci déterminée le nombre de fois qu'un utilisateur peut se logger après l'expiration de leur mot de passe, avant qu'ils sont obligé d'entrer un nouveau mot de passe.
grand-total=Total général
-grant-type=Grant Type (Automatic Copy)
+grant-type=Type d'autorisation
grant-type-x-is-unsupported-for-this-client-type=Le type d'autorisation «{0}» n'est pas pris en charge pour ce type de client.
graph-url=URL de graphique
@@ -8475,7 +8475,7 @@ http-client-max-connections=Maximum de connexions HTTP
http-client-max-connections-help=Définissez le nombre maximum de connexions HTTP ouvertes autorisées.
http-client-max-error-retry=Maximum de nouvelles tentatives HTTP
http-client-max-error-retry-help=Définissez le nombre maximum de nouvelles tentatives après échec de requête acceptant de nouvelles tentatives.
-http-configuration-name=HTTP Configuration (Automatic Copy)
+http-configuration-name=Configuration HTTP
http-cors-allow-origin=Autorisation d'origine en http CORS
http-cors-allow-origin-help=Origines à autoriser quand HTTP CORS est activé.
http-cors-configurations=Configurations http CORS
@@ -8678,7 +8678,7 @@ import-siteminder-users-from-ldap-help=Si cette option est cochée, les utilisat
import-status=Statut d'importation
import-strategy=Stratégie d'importation
import-structure=Importer la structure
-import-succeeded=Import Succeeded (Automatic Copy)
+import-succeeded=Importation réussie
import-task-isolation=Importer le niveau d'isolement des tâches
import-task-isolation-help=Définissez le niveau d'isolement pour les tâches d'importation de propagation de modèle de site. La valeur par défaut est définie sur groupe. Cela signifie qu'une seule tâche d'importation de propagation de modèle de site peut s'exécuter en même temps pour le même site cible. Cependant, vous pouvez également le définir sur la société. Cela réduira le parallélisme en autorisant l'exécution d'une seule tâche au niveau de l'entreprise. En général, utilisez cette option pour réduire la charge sur le portail en échange de retarder les propagations des modèles de site.
import-translation=Importer la traduction
@@ -8906,7 +8906,7 @@ instance-id=Identifiant d'instance
instance-id-x=ID d'instance : {0}
instance-scope=Portée de l'instance
instance-settings=Paramètres d'instance
-instance-web-id=Instance Web ID (Automatic Copy)
+instance-web-id=ID Web de l'instance
instant-messenger=Messagerie instantanée
@@ -9320,11 +9320,11 @@ javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_inventory_web_internal_portlet_Commerce
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_machine_learning_forecast_alert_web_internal_portlet_CommerceMLForecastAlertPortlet=Alerte de prévision de l'apprentissage automatique commercial
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_order_content_web_internal_portlet_CommerceOpenOrderContentPortlet=Ouvrir les paniers
-javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_order_content_web_internal_portlet_CommerceReturnContentPortlet=Returns (Automatic Copy)
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_order_rule_web_internal_portlet_COREntryPortlet=Règles de commande
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_order_web_internal_portlet_CommerceOrderTypePortlet=Types de commande
-javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_order_web_internal_portlet_CommerceReturnPortlet=Returns (Automatic Copy)
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_organization_web_internal_portlet_CommerceOrganizationPortlet=Gestion des organisations
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_payment_web_internal_portlet_CommercePaymentMethodPortlet=Moyens de paiement
@@ -9667,8 +9667,8 @@ kb-folders=Dossiers de la base de connaissances
kb-templates=Modèles de la base de connaissance
keep-alive=Garder actif
-keep-alive-timeout=Keep Alive Timeout (Automatic Copy)
-keep-alive-timeout-help=Specify a default timeout in seconds for HTTP keep alive. By default, a connection is persistent and will remain open indefinitely. A Keep-Alive header is commonly used to communicate a specific timeout value. Setting this default timeout with a value greater than 0 would make it so that if the Keep-Alive header is not present with a specific timeout value, the specified default timeout would be used. (Automatic Copy)
+keep-alive-timeout=Délai d'expiration du Keep-Alive
+keep-alive-timeout-help=Spécifiez un délai d'expiration par défaut en secondes pour le maintien HTTP en vie. Par défaut, une connexion est persistante et restera ouverte indéfiniment. Un en-tête Keep-Alive est couramment utilisé pour communiquer une valeur de délai d'attente spécifique. Définir ce délai d'expiration par défaut avec une valeur supérieure à 0 ferait en sorte que si l'en-tête Keep-Alive n'est pas présent avec une valeur de délai d'attente spécifique, le délai d'expiration par défaut spécifié serait utilisé.
keep-alive-url=URL Garder actif
keep-both=Conserver les deux
keep-both-attachments-and-rename-the-removed-attachment-as=Conserver les deux pièces jointes et renommer la pièce jointe retirée en:
@@ -10012,7 +10012,7 @@ layout.types.portlet=Page de widget
layout.types.portlet.description=Construisez une page en ajoutant des widgets et du contenu.
layout.types.url.description=Lien vers un autre site web.
-layout.types.utility=Utility Page (Automatic Copy)
+layout.types.utility=Page Utilitaire
lazy-loading-can-help-to-improve-page-performance=Le chargement différé peut aider à améliorer les performances de la page.
@@ -10314,7 +10314,7 @@ major=Majeur
major-version=Version majeure
make-a-copy=Faire une copie
make-a-refund=Effectuer un remboursement
-make-a-return=Make a Return (Automatic Copy)
+make-a-return=Effectuer un retour
make-active=Rendre actif
make-additional-changes-and-publish-them-when-you-are-ready=Apportez des modifications supplémentaires et publiez-les lorsque vous êtes prêt(e).
make-default=Définir comme élément par défaut
@@ -10435,7 +10435,7 @@ mark-as-translated-for-x-language=Tous les champs de la langue {0} seront marqu
mark-as-unread=Marquer comme non lu
mark-the-sku-as-discontinued=Marquer l'UGS comme abandonnée
mark-x-as-favorite=Marquer {0} comme favori
-mark-x-as-translated=Mark "{0}" as Translated (Automatic Copy)
+mark-x-as-translated=Marquer {0} comme traduit
markdown-importer-article-extensions=Extensions d'article pour Markdown Importer
markdown-importer-article-intro=Introductions d'articles pour Markdown Importer
markdown-importer-image-file-extensions=Extensions de fichiers image pour Markdown Importer
@@ -11369,8 +11369,8 @@ modified-x-ago-by-x=Modification il y a {0} par {1}.
modifier-type=Type de modificateur
modify-the-friendly-url-of-the-pages-to-allow-their-propagation-from-the-site-template=Modifier l'URL conviviable des pages pour authoriser leur propagation à partir du modèle de site.
-modifying-the-field-name-may-result-in-data-loss=Modifying the field name may result in data loss. (Automatic Copy)
-modifying-the-option-name-may-result-in-data-loss=Modifying the option name may result in data loss. (Automatic Copy)
+modifying-the-field-name-may-result-in-data-loss=La modification du nom du champ peut entraîner une perte de données.
+modifying-the-option-name-may-result-in-data-loss=La modification du nom de l'option peut entraîner une perte de données.
modifying-the-site-template-logo-only-affects-sites-that-are-not-yet-created=Modifier le logo de modèle de site impacte seulement les sites qui ne sont pas encore créés.
module-id=Identifiant de module
@@ -12386,14 +12386,14 @@ object-action-trigger[onAfterRootUpdate]=Activé après la mise à jour racine
object-action-trigger[onAfterUpdate]=Après modification
-object-definition=Object Definition (Automatic Copy)
+object-definition=Définition d'objet
object-definition-data=Données de l'objet
object-definition-id=ID de l'objet
object-definition-storage-type-tooltip=Sélectionnez si les données seront stockées dans Liferay (par défaut) ou dans un système externe uniquement. Des limitations s'appliquent aux définitions d'objet avec des types de stockage externes.
object-definition-successfully-imported=La définition de l'objet a bien été importée.
object-definition-table-name=Nom de la table
object-definition-x-is-selected=La définition d'objet {0} est sélectionnée.
-object-definitions-failed-to-import=Object Definitions Failed to Import (Automatic Copy)
+object-definitions-failed-to-import=Échec de l'importation des définitions d'objet
object-entry-id=ID d'entrée d'objet
object-entry-value-exceeds-integer-field-allowed-size=La valeur d'entrée de l'objet dépasse la taille autorisée du champ entier.
object-entry-value-exceeds-long-field-allowed-size=La valeur d'entrée de l'objet dépasse la taille autorisée du champ long.
@@ -12632,9 +12632,9 @@ option=Option
option-created=Option créée
option-detail=Détail d'option
option-field-type=Type de champ d'option
-option-name=Option Name (Automatic Copy)
+option-name=Nom de l'option
option-not-found=Option introuvable
-option-reference=Option Reference (Automatic Copy)
+option-reference=Référence de l'option
option-selected=Option sélectionnée
option-selector=Sélecteur d'options
option-template-detail=Détail du modèle d'option
@@ -13263,7 +13263,7 @@ please-add-a-valid-email-address=Veuillez ajouter une adresse e-mail valide
please-add-a-workflow-title-before-publishing=Veuillez donner un titre au flux de travail avant de publier.
please-add-at-least-one-field=Veuillez ajouter au moins un champ.
please-add-at-least-one-item-to-the-shipment=Veuillez ajouter au moins un article à la livraison.
-please-add-at-least-one-item-you-wish-to-return-from-the-order-to-proceed-with-the-request=Please add at least one item you wish to return from the order to proceed with the request. (Automatic Copy)
+please-add-at-least-one-item-you-wish-to-return-from-the-order-to-proceed-with-the-request=Veuillez ajouter au moins un article de la commande que vous souhaitez retourner pour poursuivre la demande.
please-add-at-least-one-option=Veillez ajouter au moins une option.
please-add-at-least-one-shipping-option=Veuillez ajouter au moins une option de livraison.
please-add-at-least-one-tax-rate=Veuillez ajouter au moins un taux de TVA.
@@ -13621,7 +13621,7 @@ please-provide-all-mandatory-files-and-make-sure-the-file-types-are-valid=Veuill
please-provide-the-reason-for-your-request=Veuillez indiquer la raison de votre demande.
please-reenter-your-quantity-for-the-items-with-the-following-skus=Veuillez ressaisir votre quantité pour les articles dotés des UGS suivantes :
please-rename-this-with-another-words=Veuillez renommer ceci avec d'autres mots.
-please-review-the-details-of-the-returning-items-before-submitting-the-request=Please review the details of the returning items before submitting the request. (Automatic Copy)
+please-review-the-details-of-the-returning-items-before-submitting-the-request=Veuillez examiner les détails des articles retournés avant de soumettre la demande.
please-select-a-category=Veuillez choisir une catégorie.
please-select-a-country=Veuillez choisir un pays.
please-select-a-course=Veuillez choisir un cours.
@@ -14620,8 +14620,8 @@ refund-amount=Montant du remboursement
refund-details=Détails du remboursement
refund-reason=Raison du remboursement
refund-status=Statut de remboursement
-refund-subtotal=Refund Subtotal (Automatic Copy)
-refund-summary=Refund Summary (Automatic Copy)
+refund-subtotal=Sous-total du remboursement
+refund-summary=Résumé du remboursement
regenerate-preview-and-thumbnail-of-openoffice-files-in-documents-and-media=Régénérez l'aperçu et la miniature des fichiers OpenOffice dans les documents et les médias.
regenerate-preview-and-thumbnail-of-openoffice-files-in-documents-and-media-help=Cette action ne modifie pas les aperçus OpenOffice existants.
@@ -14868,7 +14868,7 @@ repeat-top-to-bottom=Répéter de haut en bas
repeat-type=Répéter le type
repeatable=Qu'on peut répéter
-repetitions=Repetitions (Automatic Copy)
replace-certificate=Remplacer le certificat
replace-file=Remplacer le fichier
@@ -14968,7 +14968,7 @@ requested-by-x=Demandé par {0}
requested-date=Date demandée
requested-delivery-date=Date de livraison demandée
requested-delivery-date-at-checkout=Date de livraison demandée au paiement
-requested-quantity=Requested Quantity (Automatic Copy)
+requested-quantity=Quantité demandée
requested-report-id=ID du rapport demandé
requested-report-status=Statut du rapport demandé
requesting-translation=Demande de traduction.
@@ -15055,7 +15055,7 @@ resize-column=Redimensionner la colonne
resize-sidebar=Redimensionner la barre latérale
-resolve-all-active-scripting-uses-before-proceeding-you-can-deactivate-the-source-entity-or-remove-the-script=Resolve all active scripting uses before proceeding. You can deactivate the source entity or remove the script. (Automatic Copy)
+resolve-all-active-scripting-uses-before-proceeding-you-can-deactivate-the-source-entity-or-remove-the-script=Résolvez toutes les utilisations de scripts actives avant de continuer. Vous pouvez désactiver l'entité source ou supprimer le script.
resolve-any-conflicts=Résoudre les conflits
resolved-on-time=Résolu à temps
@@ -15152,12 +15152,12 @@ retry-payment=Réessayer le paiement
retry-timeout=Délai avant nouvelle tentative
retry-timeout-description=Définissez le délai en secondes avant qu'un utilisateur puisse réessayer de se connecter suite à un échec.
retry-your-request=Réessayez votre demande.
-return-date=Return Date (Automatic Copy)
-return-date-range=Return Date Range (Automatic Copy)
-return-id=Return ID (Automatic Copy)
-return-reason=Return Reason (Automatic Copy)
+return-date=Date de retour
+return-date-range=Plage de dates de retour
+return-id=ID de retour
+return-reason=Raison du retour
return-receipt=Retourner le reçu :
-return-status=Return Status (Automatic Copy)
+return-status=Statut de retour
return-to-full-page=Revenir à la page complète
return-type=Type de retour
@@ -15462,7 +15462,7 @@ scheduled=Plannifié
scheduled-by-x=Programmé(e) par {0}
scheduled-events=Événements programmés
scheduled-jobs=Jobs planifiés
-scheduled-publications-conflict-checks=Scheduled Publications Conflict Checks (Automatic Copy)
+scheduled-publications-conflict-checks=Vérifications des conflits de publications programmées
scheduled-publish-layout-local=Publication locale planifiée
scheduled-publish-layout-remote=Publication à distance planifiée
scheduled-start-date=Date de début programmée
@@ -15516,7 +15516,7 @@ script-file=Fichier de script
script-language=Langue du Script
script-management=Gestion des scripts
script-management-configuration-name=Gestion des scripts
-script-source=Script Source (Automatic Copy)
+script-source=Source du script
scripted-assignment=Affectation scriptée
scripted-assignment-cache-expiration-time-description=Définissez la durée, en minutes, après laquelle le cache des scripts de tâche d'affectation par script est vidé. Utilisez zéro ou une valeur négative pour désactiver le cache.
scripted-assignment-cache-expiration-time-name=Délai d'expiration du cache d'affectation par script
@@ -15834,7 +15834,7 @@ select-css-client-extensions=Sélectionnez les extensions client CSS
select-current-date=Sélectionnez la date actuelle
select-data-fields=Sélectionnez les champs de données
select-date=Sélectionner une date
-select-date-from-list=Select Date from List (Automatic Copy)
+select-date-from-list=Sélectionnez la date dans la liste
select-date-range=Sélectionnez la plage de dates
select-destination=Sélectionner la destination
select-destination-folder-for-x-item=Sélectionnez le dossier de destination pour {0} élément
@@ -15924,7 +15924,7 @@ select-reassignment=Sélectionnez la réaffectation
select-recipients=Choisir les destinataires
select-region=Sélectionner une région
select-restore-folder=Sélectionnez le dossier de restauration
-select-returnable-items=Select Returnable Items (Automatic Copy)
+select-returnable-items=Sélectionnez les articles à retourner
select-role=Sélectionner un rôle
select-scope=Sélectionnez la portée
select-search=Sélectionner recherche
@@ -16236,7 +16236,7 @@ set-x-to-x=Régler {0} sur {1}
set-your-jira-login=Placez votre ouverture de JIRA.
set-your-login-for-x-to-track-your-jira-activity=Définissez votre identifiant pour {0} pour suivre vos activités sur JIRA.
setting-a-value-above-x-can-affect-page-performance-severely=Définir une valeur supérieure à {0} peut affecter considérablement les performances de la page.
-setting-cannot-be-deactivated=Setting Cannot Be Deactivated (Automatic Copy)
+setting-cannot-be-deactivated=Le paramètre ne peut pas être désactivé
several-shared-parameters-are-mapped-to-the-same-parameter=Plusieurs paramètres partagés sont tracés au même paramètre.
@@ -17240,7 +17240,7 @@ submit-for-workflow-with-permissions=Envoyer pour le flux de travail avec permis
submit-new=Envoyer un nouveau
submit-new-x=Envoyer un nouveau {0}
-submit-return-request=Submit Return Request (Automatic Copy)
+submit-return-request=Envoyer une demande de retour
submit-to-reddit=Soumettre à Reddit
submitted-by=Envoyé(e) par
submitted-entry-status=Statut de l'entrée envoyée
@@ -17323,9 +17323,9 @@ successfully-saved=Sauvegarde réussie.
successfully-unassigned-display-page-template=Modèle de page d'affichage désattribué avec succès.
such-as-x-or-x=Tel que {0} ou {1}
-sugarcrm=SugarCRM (Automatic Copy)
-sugarcrm-configuration-name=SugarCRM Integration (Automatic Copy)
-sugarcrm-objects-do-not-support-relationships=SugarCRM objects do not support relationships. (Automatic Copy)
+sugarcrm-configuration-name=Intégration SugarCRM
+sugarcrm-objects-do-not-support-relationships=Les objets SugarCRM ne prennent pas en charge les relations.
suggestion-contributor=Contributeur de suggestions
suggestion-contributor-help=Saisissez le nom du contributeur utilisé pour afficher les suggestions.
suggestion-in-progress-email=Email suggestion en cours
@@ -17784,8 +17784,8 @@ tax-value-endpoint-url=URL du point de terminaison de la valeur fiscale
taxed-address=Adresse taxée
-tcp-keep-alive-enabled=TCP Keep Alive Enabled (Automatic Copy)
-tcp-keep-alive-enabled-help=If checked, SO_KEEPALIVE will be enabled for newly created sockets by default. (Automatic Copy)
+tcp-keep-alive-enabled=TCP Keep Alive activé
+tcp-keep-alive-enabled-help=Si cette case est cochée, SO_KEEPALIVE sera activé par défaut pour les sockets nouvellement créés.
team-id=Identification d'équipe
@@ -18440,7 +18440,7 @@ the-note-could-not-be-found=La note est introuvable.
the-number-of-keys-generated-has-exceeded-the-number-of-allowed-keys=Le nombre de clefs produites a dépassé le nombre de clefs permises.
the-object-action-was-created-successfully=L'action d'objet a bien été créée.
the-object-action-was-updated-successfully=L'action d'objet a bien été mise à jour.
-the-object-could-not-be-found=The object could not be found. (Automatic Copy)
+the-object-could-not-be-found=L'objet n'a pas pu être trouvé.
the-object-definition-failed-to-import=Échec de l'importation de la définition de l'objet.
the-object-definition-is-already-published=La définition de l'objet est déjà publiée.
the-object-definition-was-imported-without-a-custom-view=La définition de l'objet a été importée sans vue personnalisée.
@@ -19172,7 +19172,7 @@ there-are-no-workflow-definitions=Il n'y a aucune définition de déroulement de
there-are-no-x=Il n'y a pas de {0}.
there-are-no-x-orders=Il n'y a pas de commande {0}.
there-are-no-x-related-issues=Il n'y a pas de {0} problèmes associés.
-there-are-object-definitions-with-the-same-external-reference-code-as-the-imported-ones=There are object definitions with the same external reference code as the imported ones. By continuing, you will update the existing object definitions. This action is permanent and data can be lost if the imported object definitions have missing fields compared to the existing ones. The affected object definitions are: (Automatic Copy)
+there-are-object-definitions-with-the-same-external-reference-code-as-the-imported-ones=Il existe des définitions d'objets avec le même code de référence externe que celles importées. En continuant, vous mettrez à jour les définitions d'objets existantes. Cette action est permanente et les données peuvent être perdues si les définitions d'objet importées comportent des champs manquants par rapport à celles existantes. Les définitions d'objet concernées sont :
there-are-one-or-more-mandatory-vocabularies-assigned-to-the-knowledge-base-article=Un ou plusieurs vocabulaires obligatoires ont été assignés à l'article de la base de connaissance.
there-are-other-redirects-pointing-to-the-source-url-of-this-redirect=D'autres redirections pointent vers l'URL source de cette redirection. Cela va créer une chaîne de redirections pour que les utilisateurs soient redirigés plusieurs fois avant d'atteindre leur destination.
there-are-replacement-products-in-your-cart=Votre panier contient des produits de remplacement.
@@ -19300,7 +19300,7 @@ this-article-is-set-to-publish-later=Cet article devrait être publié ultérieu
this-article-will-be-published-on-x=Cet article sera publié le {0}.
this-blog=Ce blogue
this-category=Cette Catégorie
-this-category-might-be-being-used-in-some-contents=This category might be being used in some contents. If you delete it, this category and its subcategories will also be deleted and removed from those contents. Friendly URLs may also be affected. Do you want to continue deleting this category? (Automatic Copy)
+this-category-might-be-being-used-in-some-contents=Cette catégorie peut être utilisée dans certains contenus. Si vous la supprimez, elle et toutes ses sous-catégories seront également supprimées et retirées de ces contenus. Souhaitez-vous confirmer la suppression de cette catégorie ?
this-change-will-only-affect-the-newly-created-localized-content=Cette modification n'affectera que les contenus localisés nouvellement créés.
this-change-will-only-be-shown-after-you-refresh-the-page=Ce changement sera affiché uniquement après que vous régénériez la page courante.
this-collection-has-no-items=Cette collection n'a pas d'articles. Vous avez besoin d'au moins un élément pour utiliser cette configuration.
@@ -19409,7 +19409,7 @@ this-operation-cannot-be-undone=Cette opération ne pourra pas être annulée.
this-operation-will-not-be-applied-to-any-of-the-selected-folders=Cette opération ne sera appliquée à aucun des dossiers sélectionnés.
this-option-is-enabled-only-in-a-clustered-environment=Cette option est activée uniquement dans un environnement en groupage.
this-order-cannot-be-transitioned=Cette commande ne peut avoir de transition.
-this-order-has-already-been-checked-out=This order has already been checked out. (Automatic Copy)
+this-order-has-already-been-checked-out=Cette commande a déjà été vérifiée.
this-organization=Cette organisation
this-organization-does-not-have-a-parent-organization=Cette organisation n'a pas d'organisation parente.
this-organization-does-not-have-any-additional-email-addresses=Cette organisation n'a pas d'adresse e-mail supplémentaire.
@@ -19479,7 +19479,7 @@ this-publication-contains-conflicting-changes-that-must-be-manually-resolved-bef
this-publication-contains-unapproved-changes=Cette publication contient des modifications non approuvées.
this-publication-contains-unapproved-changes-that-must-be-approved-before-publishing=Cette publication contient des modifications non approuvées qui doivent être approuvées avant la publication.
this-publication-no-longer-exists=Cette publication n'existe plus.
-this-publication-was-created-on-a-previous-liferay-version.-you-cannot-publish,-revert,-or-make-additional-changes=Cette publication a été créée sur une version précédente de Liferay. Vous ne pouvez pas publier, rétablir ou apporter des modifications supplémentaires. Vous pouvez uniquement l'afficher ou la supprimer.
+this-publication-was-created-on-a-previous-liferay-version.-you-cannot-publish,-revert,-or-make-additional-changes=Cette publication a été créée sur une version précédente de Liferay. Vous ne pouvez pas publier, rétablir ou apporter des modifications supplémentaires. Vous pouvez uniquement afficher, supprimer ou déplacer les modifications vers une autre publication.
this-publication-was-created-on-a-previous-liferay-version.-you-cannot-revert-it=Cette publication a été créée sur une version précédente de Liferay. Vous ne pouvez pas la rétablir.
this-question-is-closed-new-answers-and-comments-are-disabled=Cette question est close. Les nouvelles réponses et commentaires sont désactivés.
this-ranking-is-no-longer-applicable-to-searches-because-the-blueprint-it-was-associated-with-was-deleted=Ce classement n'est plus applicable aux recherches, car le plan auquel il était associé a été supprimé.
@@ -19491,7 +19491,7 @@ this-result-comes-from-the-x-version-of-this-content=Ce résultat vient de la ve
this-role-does-not-have-any-permissions=Ce rôle n'a aucune permission.
this-role-is-automatically-assigned=Ce rôle est automatiquement affecté.
this-rule-is-broken-due-to-missing-fields=Cette règle n'est pas respectée en raison de champs manquants.
-this-scheduled-publication-contains-conflicting-changes-that-must-be-manually-resolved-before-publishing=This scheduled publication contains conflicting changes that must be manually resolved before publishing. Please unschedule the publication in order to resolve conflicts. (Automatic Copy)
+this-scheduled-publication-contains-conflicting-changes-that-must-be-manually-resolved-before-publishing=Cette publication planifiée contient des modifications conflictuelles qui doivent être résolues manuellement avant la publication. Veuillez déprogrammer la publication afin de résoudre les conflits.
this-scope-is-no-longer-available=Cette portée n'est plus disponible.
this-search-bar-is-not-visible-to-users-yet=Cette barre de recherche est encore invisible pour les utilisateurs.
this-section-will-be-editable-after-creating-the-user=Cette section sera editable après création de l'utilisateur.
@@ -19766,7 +19766,7 @@ total-discount-percentage-level-3-with-tax-amount=Pourcentage de remise total ni
total-discount-percentage-level-4=Pourcentage de remise total niveau 4
total-discount-percentage-level-4-with-tax-amount=Pourcentage de remise total niveau 4 avec montant de la taxe
total-discount-with-tax-amount=Remise totale avec montant de la taxe
-total-estimated-refund=Total Estimated Refund (Automatic Copy)
+total-estimated-refund=Remboursement total estimé
total-memory=Mémoire Totale
total-modifications=Modifications totales
total-open=Total ouvert
@@ -20064,7 +20064,7 @@ unit-price=Prix unitaire
united-states-phone-format=Format De Numéro De Téléphone des USA
units-of-measure=Unités de mesure (UdM)
-units-returned=Units Returned (Automatic Copy)
+units-returned=Unités retournées
unknown-element-message-edit=Supprimez cette condition. Elle a été créée à partir d'un élément qui n'existe plus.
unknown-element-message-view=La condition en surbrillance est liée à un élément qui n'existe plus. Allez dans modifier et supprimez la condition.
@@ -20187,7 +20187,7 @@ update-entry=Mise à jour de l'entrée
update-event=Mise à jour de l'événement
update-exchange-rates=Actualiser les taux de change
update-existing-object-definition=Mettre à jour la définition d'objet existante
-update-existing-object-definitions=Update Existing Objects Definitions (Automatic Copy)
+update-existing-object-definitions=Mettre à jour les définitions d'objets existants
update-existing-object-folder=Mettre à jour le dossier d'objets existant
update-existing-picklist=Mettre à jour la liste de sélection existante
update-feedback=Mise à jour du retour
@@ -21595,7 +21595,7 @@ x-rows-were-imported-successfully={0} lignes ont bien été importées.
x-rows-were-not-imported={0} lignes n'ont pas été importées.
x-scheduled-publication-failed={0} publications planifiées ont échoué.
x-scheduled-publication-failed-with-an-unexpected-system-error=Échec de {0} publication programmée avec une erreur système inattendue.
-x-scheduled-publication-has-conflicts-with-production={0} scheduled publication has conflicts with production. (Automatic Copy)
+x-scheduled-publication-has-conflicts-with-production={0} publication planifiée présente des conflits avec la production.
x-screen-size-is-selected=La taille d'écran {0} est sélectionnée.
x-search=Recherche {0}
x-search-provider=Moteur de recherche {0}
diff --git a/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_fr_CA.properties b/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_fr_CA.properties
index df4dbb95153f20..f08ccf677aa834 100644
--- a/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_fr_CA.properties
+++ b/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_fr_CA.properties
@@ -1382,7 +1382,7 @@ allow=Autoriser
allow-adding-pages=Autoriser l'ajout de pages
allow-administrator-to-create-and-execute-code-in-liferay=Allow administrator to create and execute code in Liferay. (Automatic Copy)
allow-administrators-to-publish-and-edit-workflows=Autoriser les administrateurs à publier et éditer les flux de travail
-allow-administrators-to-publish-and-edit-workflows-description=When selected, users with the Regular Administrator role in a virtual instance can publish new workflow definitions, including scripting content that is executed inside the portal (and potentially in other virtual instances). (Automatic Copy)
+allow-administrators-to-publish-and-edit-workflows-description=Quand cette option est sélectionnée, les utilisateurs dotés du rôle Administrateur ordinaire dans une instance virtuelle peuvent publier de nouvelles définitions de flux de travail, y compris du contenu de script qui est exécuté dans le portail (et potentiellement dans d'autres instances virtuelles).
allow-anonymous-emails=Autoriser les emails anonymes
allow-anonymous-posting=Autoriser la publication anonyme
allow-anyone-with-the-link-to-view-this-publication=Allow anyone with the link to view this publication. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -1441,7 +1441,7 @@ allowed-classes=Classes autorisées
allowed-credentials-per-user=Identifiants autorisés par utilisateur
allowed-credentials-per-user-description=Définissez le nombre d'informations d'identification autorisées par utilisateur.
allowed-domains=Domaines autorisés
-allowed-domains-help=Set the domains which the portal is allowed to redirect to. Remove all entries to allow any domain. Specifying a domain with a leading "*." allows redirects to subdomains. PORTAL_DOMAIN will be replaced with the current domain of the portal. (Automatic Copy)
+allowed-domains-help=Définissez les domaines vers lesquels le portail est autorisé à rediriger. Supprimez toutes les entrées pour autoriser n'importe quel domaine. Spécification d'un domaine précédé d'un "*". autorise les redirections vers les sous-domaines.
allowed-file-extensions=Extensions de fichier autorisées
allowed-fragments=Fragments autorisés
allowed-grant-types=Types d'autorisations accordées
@@ -19298,7 +19298,7 @@ this-article-is-set-to-publish-later=This article is set to publish later. You c
this-article-will-be-published-on-x=This article will be published on {0}. (Automatic Copy)
this-blog=Ce blogue
this-category=Cette Catégorie
-this-category-might-be-being-used-in-some-contents=This category might be being used in some contents. If you delete it, this category and its subcategories will also be deleted and removed from those contents. Friendly URLs may also be affected. Do you want to continue deleting this category? (Automatic Copy)
+this-category-might-be-being-used-in-some-contents=Cette catégorie peut être utilisée dans certains contenus. Si vous la supprimez, elle et toutes ses sous-catégories seront également supprimées et retirées de ces contenus. Souhaitez-vous confirmer la suppression de cette catégorie ?
this-change-will-only-affect-the-newly-created-localized-content=Cette modification n'affectera que les contenus localisés nouvellement créés.
this-change-will-only-be-shown-after-you-refresh-the-page=Ce changement sera affiché uniquement après que vous régénériez la page courante.
this-collection-has-no-items=Cette collection n'a pas d'articles. Vous avez besoin d'au moins un élément pour utiliser cette configuration.
diff --git a/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_gl.properties b/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_gl.properties
index 59ac8921a82a42..572d1c3c59affa 100644
--- a/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_gl.properties
+++ b/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_gl.properties
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ account-is-being-created=Creouse a conta.
account-name=Nome de conta
account-number=Número de conta
-account-password=Contraseña da conta
+account-password=Contrasinal da conta
account-restriction=Restricción da conta
account-role=Rol de conta
account-role-administrator=Administrador da conta
@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ action.ADD_OBJECT_ENTRY=Engade a entrada do obxecto
action.ADD_OBJECT_FOLDER=Engadir cartafol de obxectos
action.ADD_ORGANIZATION=Engadir unha organización
action.ADD_PAGE=Engadir unha páxina
-action.ADD_PASSWORD_POLICY=Engadir política de contraseñas
+action.ADD_PASSWORD_POLICY=Engadir política de contrasinais
action.ADD_PAYMENT=Engadir pagamento
action.ADD_PORTLET_DISPLAY_TEMPLATE=Engadir modelo da lista
action.ADD_PROCESS=Engadir proceso
@@ -1023,7 +1023,7 @@ add-page-template=Engadir modelo de páxina
add-page-template-set=Engadir conxunto de plantillas de páxina
add-page-variation=Engadir variación da páxina
add-parameter=Engadir parámetro
-add-password-policy=Engadir política de contraseñas
+add-password-policy=Engadir política de contrasinais
add-payment-terms=Engade termos de pago
add-people-sites-rooms=Engade xente, sitios, habitacións ...
add-permissions=Engadir permisos
@@ -1382,7 +1382,7 @@ allow=Permitir
allow-adding-pages=Permitir engadir páxinas
allow-administrator-to-create-and-execute-code-in-liferay=Allow administrator to create and execute code in Liferay. (Automatic Copy)
allow-administrators-to-publish-and-edit-workflows=Permitir aos administradores publicar e editar fluxos de traballo
-allow-administrators-to-publish-and-edit-workflows-description=When selected, users with the Regular Administrator role in a virtual instance can publish new workflow definitions, including scripting content that is executed inside the portal (and potentially in other virtual instances). (Automatic Copy)
+allow-administrators-to-publish-and-edit-workflows-description=Cando se selecciona, os usuarios co papel de administrador regular nunha instancia virtual poden publicar novas definicións de fluxo de traballo, incluído o contido de script que se executa dentro do portal (e potencialmente noutras instancias virtuais).
allow-anonymous-emails=Permitir emails anónimos
allow-anonymous-posting=Permitir a usuarios anónimos escribir mensaxes
allow-anyone-with-the-link-to-view-this-publication=Allow anyone with the link to view this publication. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -1432,7 +1432,7 @@ allow-users-to-add-x-to-facebook=Permitir aos usuarios engadir {0}{0} ás páxinas netvibes.
allow-users-to-automatically-log-in=Permitir aos usuarios iniciar sesión automaticamente?
allow-users-to-mention-other-users=Permitir aos usuarios mencionar a outros usuarios
-allow-users-to-request-password-reset-links=¿Permitir que os usuarios soliciten enlaces para reestablecer a contraseña?
+allow-users-to-request-password-reset-links=Permitir que os usuarios soliciten ligazóns para restabelecer o contrasinal?
allow-users-to-request-password-reset-links-help=Se se comproba, os usuarios poden solicitar unha ligazón de restablecemento de contrasinal enviada ao seu enderezo de correo electrónico.
allow-users-to-save-entries-as-draft=Allow Users to Save Entries as Draft (Automatic Copy)
allowed-account-types=Tipos de conta permitidos
@@ -1441,7 +1441,7 @@ allowed-classes=Clases permitidas
allowed-credentials-per-user=As credenciais permitidas por usuario
allowed-credentials-per-user-description=Estableza o número de credenciais permitidas por usuario.
allowed-domains=Dominios permitidos
-allowed-domains-help=Set the domains which the portal is allowed to redirect to. Remove all entries to allow any domain. Specifying a domain with a leading "*." allows redirects to subdomains. PORTAL_DOMAIN will be replaced with the current domain of the portal. (Automatic Copy)
+allowed-domains-help=Estableza os dominios aos que se pode redirixir o portal. Elimina todas as entradas para permitir calquera dominio. Especificación dun dominio cun líder "*". Permite redirixir aos subdominios.
allowed-file-extensions=Permite extensións de arquivo
allowed-fragments=Fragmentos permitidos
allowed-grant-types=Tipos de autorización permitidos
@@ -1728,7 +1728,7 @@ application.name.com.liferay.layout.uad=Modelos de páxina
application.name.com.liferay.message.boards.uad=Foros de discusión
-application.name.com.liferay.password.policies.admin.uad=Políticas da contraseña
+application.name.com.liferay.password.policies.admin.uad=Políticas de contrasinais
application.name.com.liferay.portal.workflow.kaleo.uad=Fluxo de traballo
application.name.com.liferay.portal.workflow.uad=Builder de procesos
@@ -2153,7 +2153,7 @@ asset-link-behavior=Comportamento do enlace do elemento
asset-publisher-custom-abstracts=Abstracts personalizados de editores de activos
asset-publisher-custom-abstracts-description=Este é un modelo personalizado que fai a visión abstracta dos activos que aparecen no editor de activos.
-asset-publisher-custom-title-list=Asset Publisher Custom Title List (Automatic Copy)
+asset-publisher-custom-title-list=Lista de títulos personalizados do editor de activos
asset-publisher-custom-title-list-description=This is a custom template that renders the title of the assets that appear in the Asset Publisher. (Automatic Copy)
asset-publisher-helper=Asset Publisher Helper (Automatic Copy)
asset-publisher-helper-help=Provides helper methods to replicate the default Asset Publisher user interface. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -2176,7 +2176,7 @@ asset-title=Título do obxecto
asset-type=Tipo de obxecto
asset-type-asset-count-help=O contador de obxectos con esta etiqueta solo vai considerar obxectos do tipo seleccionado.
asset-types=Tipos de obxecto
-asset-vocabulary-id=Asset Vocabulary ID (Automatic Copy)
+asset-vocabulary-id=ID de vocabulario de activos
asset-vocabulary-ids=IDs de vocabularios de recursos
asset-vocabulary-local-service=Asset Vocabulary Local Service (Automatic Copy)
asset-vocabulary-local-service-help=Fornece o servizo local para acceder, engadir, eliminar e actualizar vocabularios.
@@ -2247,12 +2247,12 @@ associated-asset-types=Tipos de elementos asociados
async=Async (Automatic Copy)
async-antivirus-configuration-name=Asynchronous Antivirus Configuration (Automatic Copy)
async-render-thread-pool-max-queue-size=Async Render Thread Pool Max Queue Size (Automatic Copy)
-async-render-thread-pool-max-size=Async Render Thread Pool Max Size (Automatic Copy)
-async-render-timeout=Async Render Timeout (Automatic Copy)
+async-render-thread-pool-max-size=Async Render Thread Pool Tamaño máximo
+async-render-timeout=Tempo de tempo de representación de Async
async-render-timeout-threshold=Async Render Timeout Threshold (Automatic Copy)
asynchronous=Asynchronous (Automatic Copy)
at-least-one-administrator-is-required=At least one administrator is required. (Automatic Copy)
-at-least-one-field-must-be-added=At least one field must be added. (Automatic Copy)
+at-least-one-field-must-be-added=Debe engadirse polo menos un campo.
at-least-one-object-field-must-be-added=At least one object field must be added. (Automatic Copy)
at-least-one-option-should-be-set-for-field-x=At least one option should be set for field {0}. (Automatic Copy)
at-least-one-parameter-is-required=At least one parameter is required. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -2266,7 +2266,7 @@ attach-to-message=Adxuntar á mensaxe
attachment-added-by-x=Attachment added by {0}. (Automatic Copy)
attachment-found-in-message-x=Attachment Found in Message {0} (Automatic Copy)
-attachment-found-in-wiki-page-x=Attachment Found in Wiki Page {0} (Automatic Copy)
+attachment-found-in-wiki-page-x=Anexo atopado en Wiki Page {0}
attachments=Arquivos adxuntos
attachments-recycle-bin=Attachments Recycle Bin (Automatic Copy)
attachments-that-have-been-removed-for-more-than-x-will-be-automatically-deleted=Eliminaranse automaticamente os accesorios que se eliminaron por máis de {0}.
@@ -2311,7 +2311,7 @@ authentication-failed-due-to-incorrect-credentials-or-account-lockout=Authentica
authentication-failed-please-enable-browser-cookies=A identificación fallou. Por favor, permite as Cookies no navegador, e intentao outra vez.
authentication-is-needed-to-use-this-feature.-contact-your-administrator-to-add-an-api-key-in-instance-or-site-settings=Authentication is needed to use this feature. Contact your administrator to add an API key in instance or site settings. (Automatic Copy)
authentication-search-filter=Filtro de procura para identificación
-authentication-search-filter-help=Enter the search filter that is used to test the validity of a user. The tokens @company_id@, @email_address@, @screen_name@, and @user_id@ are replaced at runtime with the correct values. (Automatic Copy)
+authentication-search-filter-help=Insira o filtro de busca que se usa para probar a validez dun usuario. O tokens @compañía_id @, @correo electrónico_address @, @screen_name @, e @user_id @substitúense en tempo de execución polos valores correctos.
authentication-token-expiration-time=Authentication Token Expiration Time (Automatic Copy)
authentication-token-expiration-time-description=Define the time (in minutes) before the authentication token expires. (Automatic Copy)
authentication-type=Tipo de identificación
@@ -2339,12 +2339,12 @@ authorization-grant-endpoint=Authorization Grant Endpoint (Automatic Copy)
authorization-token-endpoint=Authorization Token Endpoint (Automatic Copy)
-authorize-and-capture=Authorize and Capture (Automatic Copy)
+authorize-and-capture=Autorizar e capturar
authorize-net-description=Pay via Authorize.Net. (Automatic Copy)
authorize-oauth2-application=Authorize OAuth 2 Application (Automatic Copy)
authorize-screen-configuration-name=Autorizar a pantalla
-authorize-screen-url=Authorize Screen URL (Automatic Copy)
+authorize-screen-url=Autorizar a URL da pantalla
authorize-screen-url-description=Set the URL to screen where users approve authorization. (Automatic Copy)
authorize-x=Autorizar {0}
@@ -2352,7 +2352,7 @@ authorized-domain-names=Authorized Domain Names (Automatic Copy)
authorized-domain-names-help=Enter authorized domain names (e.g. example.com). (Automatic Copy)
authorship-of-the-content=Authorship of the Content (Automatic Copy)
-auto-anonymize-data=Auto Anonymize Data (Automatic Copy)
+auto-anonymize-data=Anonimizar os datos automáticos
auto-anonymize-data-that-does-not-require-review=Auto anonymize data that does not require review. (Automatic Copy)
auto-create=Creación automática
auto-deploy=Despregue automático
@@ -2376,7 +2376,7 @@ autofill=Encher automaticamente
autofill-x-from-data-provider-x=Autofill {0} from Data Provider {1} (Automatic Copy)
autogenerate-code=Autoxenerar código
autogenerate-id=Autoxenerar ID
-autogenerate-password=Xerar contraseña automáticamente
+autogenerate-password=Xerar contrasinal automaticamente
autogenerate-structure-key=Autogenerate Structure Key (Automatic Copy)
autogenerate-template-key=Autogenerate Template Key (Automatic Copy)
autogenerate-user-id=Autoxenerar ID de usuario
@@ -2400,17 +2400,17 @@ autosave-interval-name=Intervalo de automóbil
autosave-minutes=Time Without Autosave (Automatic Copy)
-availability-estimate=Availability Estimate (Automatic Copy)
+availability-estimate=Estimación de dispoñibilidade
availability-estimates=Availability Estimates (Automatic Copy)
-availability-status=Availability Status (Automatic Copy)
+availability-status=Estado de dispoñibilidade
available-categories=Categorías dispoñibles
available-disk-space-x=Available Disk Space ({0} GB) (Automatic Copy)
-available-icon-packs=Available Icon Packs (Automatic Copy)
+available-icon-packs=Paquetes de iconas dispoñibles
available-individually=Available Individually (Automatic Copy)
available-languages=Linguaxes dispoñibles
available-portlets=Portlets dispoñible
-available-properties=Available Properties (Automatic Copy)
+available-properties=Propiedades dispoñibles
available-quantity=Cantidade dispoñible
available-roles=Papeis dispoñibles
available-sites=Sitios web dispoñibles
@@ -2429,10 +2429,10 @@ average-completion-time=Average Completion Time (Automatic Copy)
average-ratings=Valoracións medias
average-score=Puntuación media
awaiting-approval=Esperando aprobación
-awaiting-fulfillment=Awaiting Fulfillment (Automatic Copy)
+awaiting-fulfillment=Agardando o cumprimento
awaiting-pickup=Agardando a captación
awaiting-shipment=Esperando envío
-aws-translator-configuration-name=Translator Using Amazon Translate (Automatic Copy)
+aws-translator-configuration-name=Tradutor usando Amazon Translate
axe-core-frame-wait-time-description=Specify the time (in milliseconds) that Axe waits for a response from embedded frames before timing out. (Automatic Copy)
axe-core-frame-wait-time-name=Axe Core Frame Wait Time (Automatic Copy)
axe-core-iframes-name=Enable Iframes Analysis (Automatic Copy)
@@ -2465,10 +2465,10 @@ background-image=Imaxe de fondo
background-neutral=De fondo neutro
background-primary=Fondo primario
background-repeating=Repetición do fondo
-background-secondary=Background Secondary (Automatic Copy)
+background-secondary=Fondo secundario
background-state=Estado de fondo
background-state-danger=Background State Danger (Automatic Copy)
-background-state-info=Background State Info (Automatic Copy)
+background-state-info=Información estatal de fondo
background-state-success=Background State Success (Automatic Copy)
background-state-warning=Background State Warning (Automatic Copy)
background-styles=Estilos do fondo
@@ -2480,20 +2480,20 @@ background-task-has-failed=Background task {0} ({1}) failed during execution. Pl
background-task-manager-configuration-name=Background Task Manager Configuration (Automatic Copy)
background-task-workers-core-size=Tamaño do núcleo dos traballadores
background-task-workers-core-size-help=Set the number of worker threads always available for executing background tasks. This setting cannot exceed the workers maximum size setting. (Automatic Copy)
-background-task-workers-max-size=Workers Maximum Size (Automatic Copy)
+background-task-workers-max-size=Tamaño máximo dos traballadores
background-task-workers-max-size-help=Set the maximum number of worker threads for executing background tasks. (Automatic Copy)
bad-request=Petición errónea
ban-date=Data da exclusión
ban-this-user=Bloquear a este usuario
banned-by=Excluído por
-banned-by-x-x-ago=Banned by {0} {1} ago (Automatic Copy)
+banned-by-x-x-ago=Prohibido por {0} {1}
banned-user=Usuario excluído
banned-users=Usuarios excluídos
banner-center=Banner centrado
banner-cover=Portada do banner
-banner-cover-center=Banner Cover Center (Automatic Copy)
+banner-cover-center=Banner Cover Center
banner-slider=Banner desprazábel
barcode=Código de barras
bare-specifier=Bare Specifier (Automatic Copy)
@@ -2527,7 +2527,7 @@ basic-components=Compoñentes básicos
basic-configuration=Configuración principal
basic-details=Basic Details (Automatic Copy)
basic-document=Documento básico
-basic-facet-selection=Basic Facet Selection (Automatic Copy)
+basic-facet-selection=Selección básica de facetas
basic-facet-selection-help=When enabled, facet counts are not recalculated on facet selection. (Automatic Copy)
basic-fragment=Fragmento básico
basic-info=Información básica
@@ -2615,7 +2615,7 @@ blocked=Bloqueado
blocked-email-domains=Dominios de correo electrónico bloqueados
blocked-email-domains-help=Introduza a lista de dominios de correo electrónico de usuario da conta que non son permitidos para o rexistro automático (ex.: gmail.com, yahoo.com, acme.com). Os administradores poden engadir manualmente os usuarios da conta con dominios de correo electrónico bloqueados. Introduza un dominio de correo electrónico por liña.
-blockquote-font-size=Blockquote Font Size (Automatic Copy)
+blockquote-font-size=Tamaño da letra Blockquote
blockquote-small-color=Blockquote Small Color (Automatic Copy)
blockquote-small-font-size=Blockquote Small Font Size (Automatic Copy)
@@ -2633,7 +2633,7 @@ blogs-entry-asset-entry-util=Blogs Entry Asset Entry Util (Automatic Copy)
blogs-entry-asset-entry-util-help=Provides utility methods to access the asset entry of a blog entry. (Automatic Copy)
blogs-entry-local-service=Blogs Entry Local Service (Automatic Copy)
blogs-entry-local-service-help=Provides the local service for accessing, adding, checking, deleting, subscription handling of, trash handling of, and updating blog entries. (Automatic Copy)
-blogs-entry-service=Blogs Entry Service (Automatic Copy)
+blogs-entry-service=Servizo de entrada de blogs
blogs-entry-service-help=Fornece o servizo remoto para acceder, engadir, eliminar, xestionar subscricións, xestionar a papeleira de reciclaxe e actualización de entradas de blog. Os seus métodos inclúen verificacións de permisos.
blogs-file-uploads-configuration-name=Subidas de ficheiros
blogs-group-service-configuration-name=Servizo de Blogs
@@ -2653,9 +2653,9 @@ body-and-image=Corpo e imaxe
body-bg=Fondo corporal
body-color=Cor do corpo
body-text=Texto do corpo
-body-with-password=Corpo con contraseña
+body-with-password=Corpo con contrasinal
body-with-password-link=Body With Password Link (Automatic Copy)
-body-without-password=Corpo sen contraseña
+body-without-password=Corpo sen contrasinal
bolder=Máis negra
@@ -2714,27 +2714,27 @@ boost-tags-match-description=Boost contents with an exact keyword match to a tag
boost-web-contents-by-keyword-match=Boost Web Contents by Keyword Match (Automatic Copy)
boost-web-contents-by-keyword-match-description=Boost certain Web Content if the user's search keywords contain the given keywords. (Automatic Copy)
bootstrap-mlockall=Bootstrap Mlockall
-bootstrap-mlockall-help=This configuration only applies to EMBEDDED (Development) mode. If this is checked, the process address space is locked into RAM, preventing any Elasticsearch memory from being swapped out. (Automatic Copy)
+bootstrap-mlockall-help=Esta configuración só se aplica ao modo incrustado (desenvolvemento). Se se comproba, o espazo de enderezos do proceso está bloqueado na memoria RAM, evitando que se cambie calquera memoria de Elasticsearch.
border-accent=Acento fronteirizo
border-color=Cor do bordo
border-neutral=Neutro fronteirizo
border-primary=Primaria fronteiriza
border-radius=Radio do bordo
-border-radius-circle=Border Radius Circle (Automatic Copy)
-border-radius-large=Border Radius Large (Automatic Copy)
-border-radius-lg=Border Radius Large (Automatic Copy)
+border-radius-circle=Círculo de radio fronteirizo
+border-radius-large=Radio fronteirizo grande
+border-radius-lg=Radio fronteirizo grande
border-radius-pill=Pílula de radio fronteira
-border-radius-sm=Border Radius Small (Automatic Copy)
-border-radius-small=Border Radius Small (Automatic Copy)
-border-radius-xl=Border Radius X-Large (Automatic Copy)
-border-radius-xs=Border Radius X-Small (Automatic Copy)
+border-radius-sm=Radio fronteirizo pequeno
+border-radius-small=Radio fronteirizo pequeno
+border-radius-xl=Radio de fronteira X-Large
+border-radius-xs=Radio fronteirizo X-Small
border-radius-xxl=Border Radius XX-Large (Automatic Copy)
border-secondary=Secundaria fronteiriza
-border-state-danger=Border State Danger (Automatic Copy)
+border-state-danger=Perigo do estado fronteirizo
border-state-info=Información do estado fronteirizo
-border-state-success=Border State Success (Automatic Copy)
-border-state-warning=Border State Warning (Automatic Copy)
+border-state-success=Éxito do estado fronteirizo
+border-state-warning=Aviso do Estado fronteirizo
border-style=Estilo do bordo
border-styles=Estilos do bordo
border-styling=Estilos do bordo
@@ -2747,7 +2747,7 @@ bot=Bot (Automatic Copy)
bottom-border-unit=Unidade de fronteira inferior
bottom-margin-unit=Unidade de marxe inferior
-bottom-padding-unit=Bottom Padding Unit (Automatic Copy)
+bottom-padding-unit=Unidade de relleno inferior
bottom-spacing=Espazo inferior
bounce-rate=Taxa de devolución
box-shadow=Sombra de caixa
@@ -2779,7 +2779,7 @@ broaden-the-scope-of-search-by-treating-terms-equally-using-synonyms=Broaden the
broken-rule=Regra con erros
browse-blogs=Examinar blogs
-browse-by-structure=Browse by Structure (Automatic Copy)
+browse-by-structure=Navega por estrutura
browse-by-type=Navegar por tipo
browse-categories=Examinar categorias
browse-repository=Examinar o repositorio
@@ -2787,8 +2787,8 @@ browse-the-marketplace-on-liferay.com=Browse the Marketplace on Liferay.com (Aut
browse-you-can-select-multiple-files=Examinar (pode seleccionar múltiples arquivos).
browser-os-type=Tipo de navegador/S.O.
-btn-border-radius=Button Border Radius (Automatic Copy)
-btn-border-width=Button Border Width (Automatic Copy)
+btn-border-radius=Radio do bordo do botón
+btn-border-width=Ancho do bordo do botón
btn-font-size=Tamaño do tipo de letra do botón
btn-font-weight=Peso do tipo de letra
btn-inline-item-font-size=Button Inline Item Font Size (Automatic Copy)
@@ -2833,7 +2833,7 @@ button=Botón
button-borderless=Botón sen fronteiras
button-borderless-inverted=Button Borderless Inverted (Automatic Copy)
button-ghost=Button Ghost
-button-ghost-inverted=Button Ghost Inverted (Automatic Copy)
+button-ghost-inverted=Button Ghost invertido
button-large=Botón grande
button-link=Ligazón de botón
button-monospaced=Botón monospacado
@@ -2848,16 +2848,16 @@ button-secondary=Botón secundario
button-sizes=Tamaños de botóns
button-small=Botón pequeno
button-solid=Botón sólido
-button-solid-inverted=Button Solid Inverted (Automatic Copy)
+button-solid-inverted=Botón Invertido sólido
button-text=Texto do botón
button-type=Tipo de botón
button-with-icons=Botón con iconas
buyer-order-approval-workflow=Buyer Order Approval Workflow (Automatic Copy)
-buyer-workflow-status=Buyer Workflow Status (Automatic Copy)
+buyer-workflow-status=Estado do fluxo de traballo do comprador
by-address=Por enderezo
-by-address-tax-rate-description=Tax rate by address. (Automatic Copy)
+by-address-tax-rate-description=Taxa de impostos por enderezo.
by-checking-this-option,-expressions-will-not-be-used-for-filling-the-predefined-value-field=By checking this option, expressions will not be used for filling the predefined value field. (Automatic Copy)
by-choosing-to-reassign-the-resource,-all-actions-will-be-removed-from-the-role-and-the-default-actions-will-be-enabled-for-the-system-role-x=Ao seleccionar que se reasigne o recurso, todas as accións serán eliminadas do rol e as accións predeterminadas serán habilitadas para o rol do sistema: {0}.
by-clicking-this-toggle-you-could-create-a-public-and-or-private-site-for-your-organization=By clicking this toggle you could create a public and/or private site for your organization. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -2887,7 +2887,7 @@ cache-dir-clean-up-expunge-help=Set the number of days a file is kept in the cac
cache-dir-clean-up-frequency=Cache Directory Clean Up Frequency (Automatic Copy)
cache-dir-clean-up-frequency-help=Set the ratio between the number of calls to the file cache clean method and the actual file cache clean. Set this property to 1 to always clean. Higher numbers lower the frequency. (Automatic Copy)
cache-enabled=Caché activada
-cache-expiration-time-description=Define the time, in minutes, in which the SPA cache is cleared. Use a zero value if the cache should never expire during SPA navigation. Use a negative value if the cache should be disabled. (Automatic Copy)
+cache-expiration-time-description=Defina o tempo, en minutos, no que se limpa a caché de spa. Use un valor cero se a caché nunca debe caducar durante a navegación por spa. Use un valor negativo se se debe desactivar a caché.
cache-expiration-time-name=Tempo de expiración da caché
cache-status=Cache Status (Automatic Copy)
cache-text-extraction=Cache Text Extraction (Automatic Copy)
@@ -2900,7 +2900,7 @@ calculate=Calcular
calculate-a-flat-insurance-amount-based-on-the-total-amount-of-the-purchase=Calcular unha cantidade fixa do seguro baseada na cantidade total da compra.
calculate-a-flat-shipping-amount-based-on-the-total-amount-of-the-purchase=Calcular un valor de envío baseado no valor total da compra.
calculate-date-values=Calculate date values. (Automatic Copy)
-calculate-decimal-numeric-values=Calculate decimal numeric values. (Automatic Copy)
+calculate-decimal-numeric-values=Calcula valores numéricos decimais.
calculate-field-x-as-x=Calculate {0} into {1}
calculate-integer-numeric-values-up-to-nine-digits=Calculate integer numeric values up to nine digits. (Automatic Copy)
calculate-the-insurance-based-on-a-percentage-of-the-total-amount-of-the-purchase=Calcular o seguro baseado nunha porcentaxe do valor total da compra.
@@ -2926,10 +2926,10 @@ can-be-added-once=Pódese engadir unha vez
can-be-added-several-times=Can Be Added Several Times (Automatic Copy)
can-be-assigned-via-a-global-scope=This resource scope CAN be assigned via a global scope. (Automatic Copy)
can-user-with-view-permission-browse-the-asset-library-document-library-files-and-folders=Se esta opción é activada, un usuario con permiso de vista pode navegar polos ficheiros e cartafoles da biblioteca de documentos da biblioteca de recursos. Por exemplo, se o usuario ten permiso de vista para documentos en {0}, entón pode navegalos en {1}.
-can-user-with-view-permission-browse-the-site-document-library-files-and-folders=If this is checked, a user with view permission can browse the site's document library files and folders. For example, if the user has view permission for documents in {0}, then they can browse them at {1}. (Automatic Copy)
+can-user-with-view-permission-browse-the-site-document-library-files-and-folders=Se se comproba, un usuario con permiso de vista pode navegar polos ficheiros e cartafoles da biblioteca de documentos do sitio. Por exemplo, se o usuario ten permiso de vista para documentos en {0}, entón poden navegalos en {1}.
can-x=Pode {0}
-cancel-agreement=Cancel the agreement (Automatic Copy)
+cancel-agreement=Cancelar o acordo
cancel-all-uploads=Cancelar todos os arquivos
cancel-and-leave=Cancelar e marchar
cancel-changes=Cancel Changes (Automatic Copy)
@@ -2937,12 +2937,12 @@ cancel-checkout[document]=Cancelar a caixa
cancel-edit=Cancela a edición
cancel-expiration=Cancelar a caducidade
cancel-export=Cancelar a exportación
-cancel-field-changes=Cancel Field Changes
-cancel-field-changes-question=Cancel field changes?
+cancel-field-changes=Cancelar os cambios de campo
+cancel-field-changes-question=Cancelar os cambios de campo?
cancel-propagation-import-task=Cancel old site template propagation import tasks. (Automatic Copy)
cancel-propagation-import-task-help=Se se comproba, as tarefas de importación de propagación de modelos de sitio antigos cancelaranse cando as novas xa estean programadas para o mesmo sitio. Isto pode axudar a optimizar o proceso de propagación do modelo de sitio, cando a plantilla en si se cambia con frecuencia e a propagación tamén se desencadea con frecuencia. Deste xeito, os sitios só se actualizarán coa última versión do modelo.
cancel-shutdown=Cancelar a parada
-cancel-subscription=Cancel Subscription (Automatic Copy)
+cancel-subscription=Cancelar subscrición
cancel-upload=Cancelar a carga
cancel-without-saving=Cancel without saving?
@@ -2981,20 +2981,20 @@ card-elevated-background-color=Card Elevated Background Color (Automatic Copy)
card-elevated-background-color-active=Card Elevated Background Color Active (Automatic Copy)
card-elevated-background-color-hover=Card Elevated Background Color Hover (Automatic Copy)
card-elevated-border-color=Card Elevated Border Color (Automatic Copy)
-card-elevated-border-color-active=Card Elevated Border Color Active (Automatic Copy)
+card-elevated-border-color-active=Tarxeta a cor do bordo elevada activa
card-elevated-border-color-hover=Card Elevated Border Color Hover (Automatic Copy)
card-elevated-border-width=Card Elevated Border Width (Automatic Copy)
card-elevated-box-shadow=Card Elevated Box Shadow (Automatic Copy)
card-elevated-box-shadow-active=Card Elevated Box Shadow Active (Automatic Copy)
card-elevated-box-shadow-hover=Card Elevated Box Shadow Hover (Automatic Copy)
card-flat-background-color=Card Flat Background Color (Automatic Copy)
-card-flat-background-color-active=Card Flat Background Color Active (Automatic Copy)
+card-flat-background-color-active=Tarxeta de fondo plano de cor activo
card-flat-background-color-hover=Card Flat Background Color Hover (Automatic Copy)
card-flat-border-color=Card Flat Border Color (Automatic Copy)
card-flat-border-color-active=Card Flat Border Color Active (Automatic Copy)
card-flat-border-color-hover=Card Flat Border Color Hover (Automatic Copy)
card-flat-border-width=Card Flat Border Width (Automatic Copy)
-card-flat-box-shadow=Card Flat Box Shadow (Automatic Copy)
+card-flat-box-shadow=Sombra da caixa plana da tarxeta
card-flat-box-shadow-active=Card Flat Box Shadow Active (Automatic Copy)
card-flat-box-shadow-hover=Card Flat Box Shadow Hover (Automatic Copy)
card-horizontal-aspect-ratio-default=Card Horizontal Aspect Ratio Default (Automatic Copy)
@@ -3003,7 +3003,7 @@ card-outlined-background-color=Card Outlined Background Color (Automatic Copy)
card-outlined-background-color-active=Card Outlined Background Color Active (Automatic Copy)
card-outlined-background-color-hover=Card Outlined Background Color Hover (Automatic Copy)
card-outlined-border-color=Card Outlined Border Color (Automatic Copy)
-card-outlined-border-color-active=Card Outlined Border Color Active (Automatic Copy)
+card-outlined-border-color-active=Colla de fronteira da tarxeta activa
card-outlined-border-color-hover=Card Outlined Border Color Hover (Automatic Copy)
card-outlined-border-width=Card Outlined Border Width (Automatic Copy)
card-outlined-box-shadow=Card Outlined Box Shadow (Automatic Copy)
@@ -3096,10 +3096,10 @@ category.audit=Auditoría
category.auto-login=Inicio de sesión automático
category.batch-engine=Motor de procesamento por lotes
category.batch-planner=Planificador por lotes
-category.bi=Business Intelligence & Reporting (Automatic Copy)
+category.bi=Intelixencia empresarial e informes
category.breadcrumbs=Camiños de navegación
@@ -3129,9 +3129,9 @@ category.devices=Dispositivos
category.digital-signature=Firma dixital
category.display-content=Mostrar contido
-category.documents-and-media=Documents and Media (Automatic Copy)
+category.documents-and-media=Documentos e medios de comunicación
category.dynamic-data-lists=Listas de datos dinámicos
-category.dynamic-data-mapping=Dynamic Data Mapping (Automatic Copy)
+category.dynamic-data-mapping=Mapeo de datos dinámicos
category.email=Correo electrónico
category.feature-flags=Bandeiras de características
@@ -3192,7 +3192,7 @@ category.religion=Relixión
category.remote-apps=Aplicacións remotas
-category.salesforce-connector=Salesforce Connector (Automatic Copy)
+category.salesforce-connector=Conector Salesforce
category.sandbox=Zona de prácticas
@@ -3236,7 +3236,7 @@ category.translation=Tradución
category.user-activity=Actividade de usuarios
-category.user-authentication=User Authentication (Automatic Copy)
+category.user-authentication=Autenticación do usuario
category.user-notifications=User Notifications (Automatic Copy)
category.web-api=API da Web
@@ -3250,7 +3250,7 @@ category.workflow=Procesos de traballo
category.xsl-content=Contido de XSL
-cc-exp-month=CC Expiration Month (Automatic Copy)
+cc-exp-month=CC Mes de caducidade
cc-exp-year=CC Ano de caducidade
cc_amex=American Express
@@ -3263,7 +3263,7 @@ ceiling=Ceiling (Automatic Copy)
cell=Teléfono móbil
cell-phones-with-sms-text-messaging-capabilities-map-phone-numbers-to-email-addresses=Nos teléfonos móbiles con capacidade SMS pódese asociar o teu número a un enderezo de correo electrónico. Por exemplo, un teléfono móbil con número (312) 123-4567 con vodafone como operador, ten un enderezo de correo como TwoWay.3121234567@messaging.vodafone.com.
cell-renderer=Cell Renderer (Automatic Copy)
-cell-utility-classes=Cell Utility Classes (Automatic Copy)
+cell-utility-classes=Clases de utilidade celular
@@ -3276,7 +3276,7 @@ certificate-file=Ficheiro de certificado
certificate-fingerprints=Certificate Fingerprints (Automatic Copy)
certificate-needs-auth=A credential with matching alias already exists in the SAML keystore, but it must be authenticated before it can be used. (Automatic Copy)
certificate-password-description=Set the password for the .p12 certificate. (Automatic Copy)
-certificate-password-name=Certificate Password (Automatic Copy)
+certificate-password-name=Contrasinal de certificado
certificate-path-description=Set the file path pointing to the .p12 certificate generated for Apple Push Notification service. Please refer to Apple's documentation to learn how to generate it. (Automatic Copy)
certificate-path-name=Ruta do certificado
certificate-url=URL de certificado
@@ -3286,7 +3286,7 @@ change-assignment=Change Assignment (Automatic Copy)
change-clickable-element=Change Clickable Element (Automatic Copy)
change-colors=Cambiar cores
change-content-type=Change Content Type (Automatic Copy)
-change-current-theme=Change Current Theme (Automatic Copy)
+change-current-theme=Cambiar o tema actual
change-document-types-and-workflow-message=Estás facendo cambios no tipo de documentos. Si un documento nesta carpeta ou nas súas subcarpetas está actualmente como borrador ou esperando por estado de fluxo de traballo, poderías perder algunha ou toda a súa metainformación. Unha nova versión vai ser creada para todos os outros documentos. ¿Estás seguro de que queres continuar?
change-document-types-message=Estás facendo cambios nos tipos de documentos. Si un documento nesta carpeta ou nas súas subcarpetas está actualmente como borrador, poderías perder algunha ou toda a súa metadata. Unha nova versión vai ser creada para todos os outros documentos. ¿Estás seguro que queres continuar?
change-due-date=Cambiar data de caducidade
@@ -3305,7 +3305,7 @@ change-logo=Descrición de cambios
change-master=Modificar mestre
change-parent=Cambiar páxina pai
-change-password=Cambiar contraseña
+change-password=Cambiar contrasinal
change-picture=Cambiar imaxe
change-publication-status=Change Publication Status (Automatic Copy)
change-recurring-event=Cambiar evento recurrido
@@ -3358,7 +3358,7 @@ changing-this-setting-will-reset-all-mappings-for-this-collection=Changing this
channel-account-managers=Channel Account Managers (Automatic Copy)
channel-defaults=Predeterminado da canle
-channel-eligibility=Channel Eligibility (Automatic Copy)
+channel-eligibility=Elixibilidade da canle
channel-filter=Filtro de canle
channel-filter-enabled=Channel Filter Enabled (Automatic Copy)
channel-group-id=ID de grupo de canles
@@ -3370,12 +3370,12 @@ channels-tab-description=Channels can only be assigned to a single property at a
character-options=Opcións de personaxes
-character-threshold=Character Threshold (Automatic Copy)
+character-threshold=Limiar do personaxe
character-threshold-for-displaying-suggestions=Character Threshold for Displaying Suggestions (Automatic Copy)
character-threshold-for-displaying-suggestions-contributor-help=Set a character threshold for this contributor. This will override the value in the widget's threshold configuration. (Automatic Copy)
character-threshold-for-displaying-suggestions-help=Set the number of characters the user must type before seeing suggestions. (Automatic Copy)
-characters-blacklist=Characters Blacklist (Automatic Copy)
+characters-blacklist=Lista negra de personaxes
characters-maximum=Número máximo de carácteres
@@ -3422,7 +3422,7 @@ check-if-a-numeric-field-is-greater-than-or-equal-to-a-specific-numeric-value-an
check-if-a-numeric-field-is-less-than-a-specific-numeric-value-and-return-a-boolean=Check if a numeric field is less than a specific numeric value and return a boolean. If it is not, the function returns false. (Automatic Copy)
check-if-a-numeric-field-is-less-than-or-equal-to-a-specific-numeric-value-and-return-a-boolean=Check if a numeric field is less than or equal to a specific numeric value and return a boolean. If it is not, the function returns false. (Automatic Copy)
check-if-a-text-field-is-a-URL-and-return-a-boolean=Check if a text field is a URL and return a boolean. If the field does not match a URL pattern, it returns false. Valid entries must use standard URL elements (e.g., http, ://, .com) (Automatic Copy)
-check-if-a-text-field-is-an-email-and-return-a-boolean=Check if a text field is an email and return a boolean. If the field does not match a specific email or email pattern, it returns false. Valid entries must use standard email elements (e.g., @gmail, .com) (Automatic Copy)
+check-if-a-text-field-is-an-email-and-return-a-boolean=Comprobe se un campo de texto é un correo electrónico e devolve un booleano. Se o campo non coincide cun correo electrónico ou patrón de correo electrónico específico, devolve falso. As entradas válidas deben usar elementos de correo electrónico estándar (por exemplo, @gmail, .com)
check-if-a-text-field-is-empty-and-return-a-boolean=Check if a text field is empty and return a boolean. If it is not empty, it returns false. (Automatic Copy)
check-if-a-text-field-matches-a-specific-string-value-or-regex-expression-and-return-a-boolean=Check if a text field matches a specific string value or regular expression and return a boolean. If the field does not match the value, it returns false. (Automatic Copy)
check-instance-settings-for-more-url-separator-configurations=Check instance settings for more URL separator configurations. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -3476,7 +3476,7 @@ child=Fillo
child-articles=Artigos infantís
child-articles-display-style=Estilo de vista do artigos fillo
child-articles-for-x=Artigos fillo de {0}.
-child-articles-x=Child Articles ({0}) (Automatic Copy)
+child-articles-x=Artigos infantís ({0})
child-page-export-process-warning=Child pages cannot be exported independently of their parent pages. This process will automatically export the parent pages even if they are not selected. (Automatic Copy)
child-page-publish-process-warning=As páxinas infantís non se poden publicar de xeito independente das súas páxinas pai por defecto. Vostede pode configurar isto na configuración do sistema. Este proceso publicará automaticamente as páxinas pai aínda que non sexan seleccionadas.
child-pages-x=Páxinas infantís ({0})
@@ -3494,8 +3494,8 @@ choose-a-color-for-each-layer-type=Selecciona unha cor para cada tipo de capa. A
choose-a-color-theme-or-create-your-own-custom-theme=Selecciona un tema ou crea o teu {0}tema personalizado{1}.
choose-a-data-provider=Choose a Data Provider
choose-a-display-page-template=Choose a Display Page Template (Automatic Copy)
-choose-a-field-to-show-the-result=Choose a Field to Show the Result
-choose-a-field-type=Choose a Field Type
+choose-a-field-to-show-the-result=Elixe un campo para mostrar o resultado
+choose-a-field-type=Elixe un tipo de campo
choose-a-language=Selecciona un idioma
choose-a-picklist-to-associate-with-this-filter=Choose a picklist to associate with this filter. (Automatic Copy)
choose-a-portlet=Selecciona un portlet.
@@ -3532,13 +3532,13 @@ choose-one-of-the-following-global-scopes-that-include-this-resource-scope=Choos
choose-options=Escoller opcións
choose-portlets=Selecciona portlets
choose-shipping-address=Choose Shipping Address (Automatic Copy)
-choose-sites-to-sync=Choose Sites to Sync (Automatic Copy)
+choose-sites-to-sync=Elixe sitios para sincronizar
choose-structure=Selecciona a estrutura
choose-the-asset-type-you-want-to-use-for-this-manual-collection=Choose the asset type you want to use for this manual collection. (Automatic Copy)
choose-the-asset-types-this-vocabulary-is-associated-with-and-whether-it-is-required=Choose the asset types this vocabulary is associated with and whether it is required. (Automatic Copy)
choose-the-file-that-contains-your-events.this-calendar-can-import-event-information-in-ical-format=Selecciona o arquivo que ten os teus eventos. Este calendario pode importar información de eventos en formato iCal (ICS).
choose-the-program-you-want-to-export-to-and-click-the-corresponding-button=Selecciona o programa ao que queres exportar e presiona o botón correspondente:
-choose-this-article=Choose This Article (Automatic Copy)
+choose-this-article=Escolla este artigo
choose-this-category=Seleccionar esta categoría
choose-this-folder=Seleccionar este cartafol
choose-this-x=Escolla isto {0}
@@ -3550,7 +3550,7 @@ choose-x=Choose {0} (Automatic Copy)
choose-your-method=Elixe o teu método
chosen-answer=Resposta escollida
-church-password=Contraseña da igrexa
+church-password=Contrasinal da igrexa
cited-work=Obra citada
@@ -3566,10 +3566,10 @@ classic_wiki=Wiki clásico
classification-endpoint-enabled=Classification Endpoint Enabled (Automatic Copy)
classification-endpoint-enabled-description=Enable auto tagging of text using the Cloud Natural Language API Classification endpoint. (Automatic Copy)
classification-rule-help=A classification rule specifies the characteristics of the devices that belong to a device family. Each family can have several classification rules. (Automatic Copy)
-classification-rules=Classification Rules (Automatic Copy)
+classification-rules=Regras de clasificación
classification-rules-for-x=Classification Rules for {0} (Automatic Copy)
-clause-contributors=Clause Contributors (Automatic Copy)
-clause-contributors-description=The search framework query contributors should almost always be enabled. Disable one or more to remove certain contributors from participating in the search. Override the behavior by adding your own query elements. (Automatic Copy)
+clause-contributors=Colaboradores de cláusulas
+clause-contributors-description=Os contribuíntes de consulta de marco de busca case sempre deberían estar habilitados. Desactivar un ou varios para eliminar a algúns colaboradores de participar na busca. Anular o comportamento engadindo os teus propios elementos de consulta.
clay-card-display-types=Clay Card Display Types (Automatic Copy)
clay-css-url=URL CSS de arxila
clay-css-url-x-is-invalid=Clay CSS URL "{0}" is invalid. Please enter a valid Clay CSS URL. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -3581,14 +3581,14 @@ clean-up-dictionary-module-data=Clean up dictionary module data. (Automatic Copy
clean-up-directory-module-data=Clean up directory module data. (Automatic Copy)
clean-up-document-library-file-rank-module-data=Clean up document library file rank module data. (Automatic Copy)
clean-up-google-maps-module-data=Clean up google maps module data. (Automatic Copy)
-clean-up-hello-world-module-data=Clean up hello world module data. (Automatic Copy)
+clean-up-hello-world-module-data=Limpar os datos do módulo mundial.
clean-up-html-preview-module-data=Clean up HTML preview module data. (Automatic Copy)
clean-up-image-editor-module-data=Clean up image editor module data. (Automatic Copy)
clean-up-interval=Intervalo de limpeza
clean-up-interval-description=Set the interval in hours for how often leftover on-demand admin users are removed. The default is 24 hours. (Automatic Copy)
clean-up-invitation-module-data=Clean up invitation module data. (Automatic Copy)
clean-up-loan-calculator-module-data=Clean up loan calculator module data. (Automatic Copy)
-clean-up-mail-reader-module-data=Clean up mail reader module data. (Automatic Copy)
+clean-up-mail-reader-module-data=Limpar os datos do módulo de lector de correo.
clean-up-network-utilities-module-data=Clean up network utilities module data. (Automatic Copy)
clean-up-oauth-module-data=Clean up OAuth module data. (Automatic Copy)
clean-up-open-social-module-data=Clean up OpenSocial module data. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -3621,11 +3621,11 @@ clean-up-xsl-content-module-data=Clean up xsl content module data. (Automatic Co
clean-up-youtube-module-data=Clean up youtube module data. (Automatic Copy)
clear-all=Limpar todo
-clear-all-overrides=Clear All Overrides (Automatic Copy)
+clear-all-overrides=Limpar todas as anulacións
clear-all-selected=Limpar todo seleccionado
clear-assignment=Clear Assignment (Automatic Copy)
clear-cache=Baleirar contidos temporais
-clear-content-button=Clear Content Button (Automatic Copy)
+clear-content-button=Limpar o botón de contido
clear-content-cached-across-the-cluster=Limpar os contidos temporais do cluster.
clear-content-cached-by-this-vm=Limpar os contidos temporais de esta VM.
clear-documents-already-saved=Limpar documentos grabados.
@@ -3642,7 +3642,7 @@ clear-x=Clear {0} (Automatic Copy)
clear-x-result-for-x=Clear {0} Result for {1} (Automatic Copy)
clear-x-results-for-x=Clear {0} Results for {1} (Automatic Copy)
-click-add-to-insert=Click add to insert. (Automatic Copy)
+click-add-to-insert=Fai clic en Engadir para inserir.
click-and-see=Fai clic e vexa
click-edit-to-insert=Click edit to insert. (Automatic Copy)
click-element-to-set-as-click-target-for-your-goal=Click element to set as click target for your goal. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -3720,8 +3720,8 @@ cluster-name-help=This configuration only applies to EMBEDDED (Development) mode
cluster-node-address-timeout=Cluster Node Address Timeout (Automatic Copy)
cmis-repository-configuration-name=Repositorio CMIS
-code-file-mime-types=Code File MIME types (Automatic Copy)
-code-of-the-element=Code of the Element (Automatic Copy)
+code-file-mime-types=Tipos de MIME de ficheiro de código
+code-of-the-element=Código do elemento
code-view=Vista de código
@@ -3746,8 +3746,8 @@ collection-items=Elementos de recollida
collection-mapping-help=You can use mapping to display specific fields of the items in the collection. The fields available depend on the type and subtype common to all items in the collection. (Automatic Copy)
collection-page=Collection Page (Automatic Copy)
collection-prefiltered=Collection Prefiltered (Automatic Copy)
-collection-provider=Collection Provider (Automatic Copy)
-collection-providers=Collection Providers (Automatic Copy)
+collection-provider=Provedor de recollida
+collection-providers=Provedores de recollida
collection-title=Título da colección
collection-variations=Collection Variations (Automatic Copy)
@@ -3793,7 +3793,7 @@ color-action-secondary-inverted-disabled=Color Action Secondary Inverted Disable
color-action-secondary-inverted-hover=Color Action Secondary Inverted Hover (Automatic Copy)
color-background=Cor de fondo
color-border=Cor do bordo
-color-brand-primary=Color Brand Primary (Automatic Copy)
+color-brand-primary=Marca de cor primaria
color-brand-primary-darken-1=Color Brand Primary Darken 1 (Automatic Copy)
color-brand-primary-darken-2=Color Brand Primary Darken 2 (Automatic Copy)
color-brand-primary-darken-3=Color Brand Primary Darken 3 (Automatic Copy)
@@ -3830,7 +3830,7 @@ color-chart-9=Gráfico de cores 9
color-chart-10=Gráfico de cores 10
color-chart-11=Gráfico de cores 11
color-chart-12=Gráfico de cores 12
-color-field-type-description=Select color from a color picker. (Automatic Copy)
+color-field-type-description=Seleccione a cor dun colector de cores.
color-focus=Focus de cor
color-link=Cor de enlaces
@@ -3861,12 +3861,12 @@ color-state-info-darken-1=Color State Info Darken 1 (Automatic Copy)
color-state-info-darken-2=Color State Info Darken 2 (Automatic Copy)
color-state-info-lighten-1=Color State Info Lighten 1 (Automatic Copy)
color-state-info-lighten-2=Color State Info Lighten 2 (Automatic Copy)
-color-state-success=Color State Success (Automatic Copy)
+color-state-success=Éxito en estado do estado
color-state-success-darken-1=Color State Success Darken 1 (Automatic Copy)
color-state-success-darken-2=Color State Success Darken 2 (Automatic Copy)
color-state-success-lighten-1=Color State Success Lighten 1 (Automatic Copy)
color-state-success-lighten-2=Color State Success Lighten 2 (Automatic Copy)
-color-state-warning=Color State Warning (Automatic Copy)
+color-state-warning=ADVERTENCIA DE COLOR ESTADO
color-state-warning-darken-1=Color State Warning Darken 1 (Automatic Copy)
color-state-warning-darken-2=Color State Warning Darken 2 (Automatic Copy)
color-state-warning-lighten-1=Color State Warning Lighten 1 (Automatic Copy)
@@ -3874,7 +3874,7 @@ color-state-warning-lighten-2=Color State Warning Lighten 2 (Automatic Copy)
color-system=Sistema de cores
color-text=Cor do texto
color-url=URL da cor
-color-x-selected=Color {0} selected. (Automatic Copy)
+color-x-selected=Cor {0} seleccionada.
column=Columna 1
column-label=Etiqueta de columna
@@ -3887,7 +3887,7 @@ columns=Columnas
com.liferay.asset.kernel.model.AssetCategory-url-separator=Asset Category URL Separator (Automatic Copy)
com.liferay.blogs.model.BlogsEntry-url-separator=Blog Entry URL Separator (Automatic Copy)
com.liferay.configuration.admin.web.test.attribute.description=Test_Attribute_Description (Automatic Copy)
-com.liferay.configuration.admin.web.test.attribute.name=Test_Attribute_Name (Automatic Copy)
com.liferay.document.library.kernel.model.DLFileEntry-url-separator=File Entry URL Separator (Automatic Copy)
com.liferay.journal.model.JournalArticle-url-separator=Web Content URL Separator (Automatic Copy)
com.liferay.knowledge.base.model.KBArticle-url-separator=Knowledge Base Article URL Separator (Automatic Copy)
@@ -3896,13 +3896,13 @@ com.liferay.multi.factor.authentication.fido2.web.internal.checker.FIDO2BrowserS
com.liferay.multi.factor.authentication.sample.internal.checker.SampleBrowserMFAChecker=Multi-Factor Authentication Sample (Automatic Copy)
com.liferay.multi.factor.authentication.timebased.otp.web.internal.checker.TimeBasedOTPBrowserSetupMFAChecker=Time-Based One-Time Password (Automatic Copy)
com.liferay.object.model.ObjectEntry-url-separator=Object Entry URL Separator (Automatic Copy)
-com.liferay.saml.opensaml.integration.internal.credential.DLKeyStoreManagerImpl=Document Library Keystore Manager (Automatic Copy)
+com.liferay.saml.opensaml.integration.internal.credential.DLKeyStoreManagerImpl=Document Library Keystore Manager
com.liferay.saml.opensaml.integration.internal.credential.FileSystemKeyStoreManagerImpl=Filesystem Keystore Manager (Automatic Copy)
combination-view=Vista combinada
combine-assets-from-all-segments-in-asset-publisher-dynamic=Combine Assets from All Segments in Asset Publisher for Dynamic Collections (Automatic Copy)
combine-assets-from-all-segments-in-asset-publisher-dynamic-description=O editor de activos configurados nun modo de recollida dinámica combinará as entradas de recollida de todos os segmentos correspondentes ao usuario actual, non só do máis relevante como é por defecto. Establecer isto a True pode facer que o editor de activos presentase unha resposta atrasada ao mostrar activos para un usuario pertencente a moitos segmentos.
combine-assets-from-all-segments-in-asset-publisher-manual=Combine Assets from All Segments in Asset Publisher for Manual Collections (Automatic Copy)
-combine-assets-from-all-segments-in-asset-publisher-manual-description=Asset Publisher configured in a manual collection mode will combine collection entries from all the segments corresponding to the current user, not only from the one most relevant as it is by default. (Automatic Copy)
+combine-assets-from-all-segments-in-asset-publisher-manual-description=O editor de activos configurados nun modo de recollida manual combinará as entradas de recollida de todos os segmentos correspondentes ao usuario actual, non só do máis relevante como é por defecto.
combine-multiple-strings-or-text-fields-and-return-a-single-string-that-can-be-used-with-other-validation-functions=Combine multiple strings or text fields and return a single string that can be used with other validation functions. (Automatic Copy)
combined-property=Propiedade combinada
comma-delimited-list=Lista separada por comas
@@ -3924,7 +3924,7 @@ commented-on-blog=Commented on Blog (Automatic Copy)
commenting-is-disabled-because-this-entry-is-in-the-recycle-bin=Commenting is disabled because this entry is in the Recycle Bin. (Automatic Copy)
-comments-and-ratings=Comments and Ratings (Automatic Copy)
+comments-and-ratings=Comentarios e clasificacións
comments-are-unavailable-in-staged-sites=Comments are unavailable in staged sites. (Automatic Copy)
comments-enabled=Comentarios habilitados
comments-enabled-description=Set this to true to enable comments when a page is being edited. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -3936,7 +3936,7 @@ commerce-account-group-service-configuration-name=Conta de comercio
commerce-account-service-configuration-name=Commerce Account Default Role (Automatic Copy)
commerce-address-display-context=Commerce Address Display Context (Automatic Copy)
commerce-address-display-context-help=Provides helper methods to retrieve the commerce address content portlet configuration. (Automatic Copy)
-commerce-address-web-portlet-instance-configuration-name=Commerce Address Web (Automatic Copy)
+commerce-address-web-portlet-instance-configuration-name=Web de dirección de comercio
commerce-addresses=Enderezos de comercio
commerce-addresses-help=Represents the list of commerce addresses that is displayed in the commerce address content. (Automatic Copy)
commerce-attachments-configuration-name=Multimedia e anexos
@@ -3973,9 +3973,9 @@ commerce-ml-recommendations-collection-provider-configuration-name=Commerce ML R
commerce-notification-queue-entry-configuration-name=Commerce Notification Queue (Automatic Copy)
commerce-order=Commerce Order (Automatic Copy)
-commerce-order-importer-type-configuration-name=Order Importer Types (Automatic Copy)
+commerce-order-importer-type-configuration-name=Ordenar tipos de importadores
commerce-order-item=Commerce Order Item (Automatic Copy)
-commerce-order-items=Commerce Order Items (Automatic Copy)
+commerce-order-items=Elementos de orde de comercio
commerce-order-items-help=Represents the list of commerce order items that is displayed. (Automatic Copy)
commerce-order-rule-commerce-qualifier-configuration-name=Commerce Order Rule Qualifiers (Automatic Copy)
commerce-order-rule-entry-configuration-name=Normas de orde
@@ -4026,7 +4026,7 @@ commerce-shipping-fixed-option-rel-info=Cálculo da taxa variable: [prezo fixo]
commerce-shipping-group-service-configuration-name=Shipping Group Service (Automatic Copy)
commerce-shipping-origin-locator-key=Shipping Origin Locator Key (Automatic Copy)
commerce-shipping-tax-configuration-name=Commerce Shipping Tax (Automatic Copy)
-commerce-shop-by-diagram-product-type-configuration-name=Diagram Product Type (Automatic Copy)
+commerce-shop-by-diagram-product-type-configuration-name=Tipo de produto do diagrama
commerce-shop-by-diagram-setting-image-configuration-name=Imaxe do diagrama
commerce-site-type=Tipo de sitio de comercio
@@ -4035,7 +4035,7 @@ commerce-term-entry-commerce-qualifier-configuration-name=Commerce Term Qualifie
commerce-term-entry-configuration-name=Termos de comercio
commerce-tier-price-entries-configuration-name=Entradas de prezos de nivel
commerce-virtual-order-item-content-web-portlet-instance-configuration-name=Commerce Virtual Order Item Content (Automatic Copy)
-commerce-virtual-order-items-configuration-name=Virtual Order Items (Automatic Copy)
+commerce-virtual-order-items-configuration-name=Elementos de orde virtual
commerce-wish-list-configuration-name=Lista de desexos de comercio
commerce-wish-list-guest-wish-list-item-max-allowed=Guest Wish List Item Max Allowed (Automatic Copy)
commerce-wish-list-guest-wish-list-max-allowed=Guest Wish List Max Allowed (Automatic Copy)
@@ -4081,10 +4081,10 @@ completed-tasks-cleaner-scan-interval=Completed Tasks Cleaner Scan Interval (Aut
completed-tasks-cleaner-scan-interval-description=Set the time interval (in days) to run a scheduled job that deletes all the tasks in a completed state. (Automatic Copy)
completion-date=Data de finalización
completion-period=Período de finalización
-completion-velocity=Completion Velocity (Automatic Copy)
+completion-velocity=Velocidade de finalización
completion-velocity-description=Completion velocity tracks the number of completed workflow instances over the selected time period. (Automatic Copy)
-component-blacklist-configuration-name=Component Blacklist (Automatic Copy)
+component-blacklist-configuration-name=Lista negra de compoñentes
component-type=Component Type (Automatic Copy)
@@ -4127,15 +4127,15 @@ confidence=Confianza
confidence-description=Set the classifier's confidence of the category. This number represents how certain the classifier is that this category represents the given text. (Automatic Copy)
confidence-level=Nivel de confianza
confidence-level-required=Confidence Level Required (Automatic Copy)
-confidence-threshold=Confidence Threshold (Automatic Copy)
+confidence-threshold=Limiar de confianza
confidence-threshold-description=Set the minimum confidence threshold (from 0 to 1) above which tags will be applied. (Automatic Copy)
configurable-scope-checker-feature-configuration-name=Configurable Scope Checker (Automatic Copy)
configuration-entries=Configuration Entries (Automatic Copy)
configuration-file-url=Configuration File URL (Automatic Copy)
configuration-inherited-from-parent-fragment=Configuration Inherited from Parent Fragment (Automatic Copy)
-configuration-method=Configuration Method (Automatic Copy)
-configuration-panel=Configuration Panel (Automatic Copy)
+configuration-method=Método de configuración
+configuration-panel=Panel de configuración
configuration-templates=Configuration Templates (Automatic Copy)
configure-a-different-index=Configure a Different Index (Automatic Copy)
@@ -4155,7 +4155,7 @@ configure-the-mail-server-settings=Configurar as preferencias do servir do corre
configure-this-application=Configure this application. (Automatic Copy)
configure-this-application-and-place-it-where-desired-on-the-page=Configura esta aplicación e situaa donde desexes na páxina.
configure-x=Configurar {0}
-configured-database=Configured Database (Automatic Copy)
+configured-database=Base de datos configurada
configured-from=Configurado de
configures-whether-a-guest-may-checkout-by-providing-an-email-address-or-if-they-must-sign-in=Configures whether a guest may checkout by providing an email address or if they must sign in. (Automatic Copy)
configures-whether-an-order-requested-delivery-date-can-be-set-during-checkout=Configures whether an order requested delivery date can be set during checkout. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -4168,7 +4168,7 @@ confirm=Confirmar
confirm-folder-name=Confirm Folder Name (Automatic Copy)
confirm-object-definition-name=Confirm Object Definition Name (Automatic Copy)
confirm-object-unbinding=Confirm Object Unbinding (Automatic Copy)
-confirm-password=Confirmar a contraseña
+confirm-password=Confirmar o contrasinal
confirm-publishing=Confirm Publishing (Automatic Copy)
confirm-relationship-name=Confirm Relationship Name (Automatic Copy)
confirm-the-web-content-visibility-before-publishing=Confirm the web content visibility before publishing. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -4177,7 +4177,7 @@ confirmation-email=Mensaxe de confirmación
confirmation-message=Confirmation Message (Automatic Copy)
conflict-detected-help=New changes to this content has been published to production. (Automatic Copy)
conflicting-change=Cambio conflitivo
-conflicting-changes=Conflicting Changes (Automatic Copy)
+conflicting-changes=Cambios conflitivos
connect-analytics-cloud=Connect Analytics Cloud (Automatic Copy)
connect-to-a-metadata-url=Connect to a Metadata URL (Automatic Copy)
@@ -4226,11 +4226,11 @@ contact=Contacto
contact-custom-mappings=Contact Custom Mappings (Automatic Copy)
contact-custom-mappings-help=When importing and exporting users, the portal will use this mapping to connect LDAP user attributes and portal contact's custom attributes. (Automatic Copy)
contact-data=Datos de contacto
-contact-data-help=Syncing contacts gives Analytics Cloud the ability to identify anonymous visitors as known individuals. Known individuals will appear in your properties when a visitor's identity is resolved. (Automatic Copy)
+contact-data-help=A sincronización de contactos ofrece a Analytics Cloud a capacidade de identificar aos visitantes anónimos como individuos coñecidos. Os individuos coñecidos aparecerán nas túas propiedades cando se resolva a identidade dun visitante.
contact-information=Información de contacto
contact-mappings=Mapificios de contacto
contact-mappings-help=Ao importar e exportar usuarios, o portal utilizará ese mapeamento para vincular os atributos do usuario LDAP cos atributos do contacto no portal.
-contact-sync-options=Contact Sync Options (Automatic Copy)
+contact-sync-options=Contactar con opcións de sincronización
contact-x=Contacto ({0})
contact-your-administrator-to-change-the-configuration=Contact your administrator to change the configuration. (Automatic Copy)
contact-your-system-administrator-to-enable-it=Contact your system administrator to enable it. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -4242,7 +4242,7 @@ container-aspect-ratios=Container Aspect Ratios (Automatic Copy)
container-max-lg=Contedor Max (LG)
container-max-md=Container Max (MD)
container-max-sm=Contedor Max (SM)
-container-max-widths=Container Max Widths (Automatic Copy)
+container-max-widths=Anchos máximos do contedor
container-max-xl=Recipiente Max (XL)
container-name=Container Name (Automatic Copy)
container-name-help=Set the name of the container to use for storing files. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -4279,7 +4279,7 @@ content-metadata-asset-addon-entry-keys=Content Metadata Asset Addon Entry Keys
content-metadata-help=Includes metadata like tags and categories as well as information related to the content, such as comments or ratings. (Automatic Copy)
content-name=Nome do contido
content-page=Páxina de contido
-content-page-editor-configuration-name=Content Page Editor (Automatic Copy)
+content-page-editor-configuration-name=Editor de páxinas de contido
content-page-personalization=Content Page Personalization (Automatic Copy)
content-page-template=Content Page Template (Automatic Copy)
content-per-x=Contido por {0}
@@ -4289,7 +4289,7 @@ content-performance-panel=Rendemento de contido
content-permissions=Permisos do contido
content-ratings=Clasificacións de contido
content-related-to-x=Contido relacionado a {0}
-content-root-prefix=Content Root Prefix (Automatic Copy)
+content-root-prefix=Prefixo raíz de contido
content-security-policy=Content Security Policy (Automatic Copy)
content-security-policy-configuration-name=Content Security Policy Configuration (Automatic Copy)
content-security-policy-excluded-paths-help=Content Security Policy will not apply to paths that start with the specified excluded paths. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -4309,7 +4309,7 @@ content-types-help=The user can configure which types to be included in the sugg
content-value=Valor do contido
content-with-tag-x=Contido coa etiqueta {0}.
content-with-x-x=Contido con {0} {1}.
-content-with-x-x-and-tag-x=Content with {0} {1} and tag {2}. (Automatic Copy)
+content-with-x-x-and-tag-x=Contido con {0} {1} e etiqueta {2}.
content-x=Contido ({0})
@@ -4370,8 +4370,8 @@ convert-wiki-pages-from-classic-wiki-to-creole-format=Converter as páxinas do W
converting-the-product-status-to-draft-will-remove-the-product-from-the-product-catalog.-do-you-wish-to-proceed=Converting the product status to draft will remove the product from the product catalog. Do you wish to proceed? (Automatic Copy)
cookie-banner=Banner de cookies
-cookie-banner-simple=Cookie Banner Simple (Automatic Copy)
-cookie-configuration=Cookie Configuration (Automatic Copy)
+cookie-banner-simple=Cookie Banner Simple
+cookie-configuration=Configuración de cookies
cookie-consent-panel-configuration-name=Panel de consentimento
cookie-enabled-help=This checkbox enables cookie preference handling based on user selected choices. It also enables the configuration options for both the banner and the consent panel. (Automatic Copy)
cookie-explicit-consent-mode=Explicit Cookie Consent Mode (Automatic Copy)
@@ -4379,7 +4379,7 @@ cookie-explicit-consent-mode-help=If this option is checked, then no cookies are
cookie-explicit-consent-mode-help-deprecated=If this option is checked, then no cookies are set until the user agrees to cookie usages. Otherwise, all cookies are set until the user opts out of them. (Automatic Copy)
cookie-policy=Cookie Policy (Automatic Copy)
cookie-policy-link=Ligazón de política de cookies
-cookie-preference-handling-configuration-name=Preference Handling (Automatic Copy)
+cookie-preference-handling-configuration-name=Manexo de preferencias
cookies-allowed=Cookies Allowed (Automatic Copy)
cookies-banner-content=Empregamos cookies para entregar contido personalizado, analizar as tendencias, administrar o sitio, rastrexar os movementos de usuario no sitio e recoller información demográfica sobre a nosa base de usuarios no seu conxunto. Acepta todas as cookies para obter a mellor experiencia posible no noso sitio web ou xestione as túas preferencias.
cookies-configuration=Cookies Configuration (Automatic Copy)
@@ -4391,7 +4391,7 @@ cookies-description[CONSENT_TYPE_PERSONALIZATION]=Estas cookies poden ser establ
cookies-not-allowed=Cookies Not Allowed (Automatic Copy)
cookies-title[CONSENT_TYPE_FUNCTIONAL]=Cookies funcionais
cookies-title[CONSENT_TYPE_NECESSARY]=Strictly Necessary Cookies (Automatic Copy)
-cookies-title[CONSENT_TYPE_PERFORMANCE]=Performance Cookies (Automatic Copy)
+cookies-title[CONSENT_TYPE_PERFORMANCE]=Cookies de rendemento
cookies-title[CONSENT_TYPE_PERSONALIZATION]=Personalization Cookies (Automatic Copy)
copied-link-to-the-clipboard=Copied link to the clipboard. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -4445,10 +4445,10 @@ countries=Países
countries.commerce.health.status.description=Check if there are commerce countries. (Automatic Copy)
countries.commerce.health.status.key=Países de comercio
-country-calling-code=Country Calling Code (Automatic Copy)
+country-calling-code=Código de chamada do país
country-code=Código de país
country-enabled=País habilitado
-country-key-field-help=Provide a unique identifier for this country that can be used to refer to it programmatically. If this is a new country, the value will either automatically be filled with a given name or must be given manually. (Automatic Copy)
+country-key-field-help=Proporcione un identificador único para este país que se pode usar para referirse a el de xeito programático. Se este é un país novo, o valor será cuberto automaticamente cun nome dado ou debe darse manualmente.
country-name=Nome do país
country-name-field-help=This is a localizable display name for a country. If not provided, the key will be displayed by default. (Automatic Copy)
country-required=País necesario
@@ -4606,7 +4606,7 @@ country.namibia=Namibia
country.netherlands=Países Baixos
-country.netherlands-antilles=Netherlands Antilles (Automatic Copy)
+country.netherlands-antilles=Antillas Países Baixos
country.new-caledonia=Nova Caledonia
country.new-zealand=Nova Zelandia
@@ -4638,7 +4638,7 @@ country.romania=Rumano
country.san-marino=San Marino
-country.sao-tome-principe=Sao Tome & Principe (Automatic Copy)
+country.sao-tome-principe=Sao Tome e Principe
country.saudi-arabia=Arabia Saudita
@@ -4686,7 +4686,7 @@ country.turks-caicos=Turks & Caicos
-country.united-arab-emirates=United Arab Emirates (Automatic Copy)
+country.united-arab-emirates=Emiratos Árabes Unidos
country.united-kingdom=Reino Unido
country.united-states=Estados Unidos
country.united-states-minor-outlying-islands=United States Minor Outlying Islands (Automatic Copy)
@@ -4715,7 +4715,7 @@ courier-name=Nome de mensaxería
cover-image=Imaxe de portada
-cover-image-caption=Cover Image Caption (Automatic Copy)
+cover-image-caption=Título da imaxe
coworker=Colega de traballo
cp-asset-categories-navigation-display-context=Commerce Product Asset Categories Navigation Display Context (Automatic Copy)
@@ -4738,13 +4738,13 @@ cp-definitions-help=Represents the list of commerce product definitions that is
cp-display-layout-configuration-name=Disposición de pantalla CP
cp-friendly-url-configuration-name=URL amigable
cp-option-configuration-name=Opcións do produto
-cp-option-facet-portlet-instance-configuration-limit-max-terms=Limit Maximum Terms (Automatic Copy)
+cp-option-facet-portlet-instance-configuration-limit-max-terms=Limitar os termos máximos
cp-option-facet-portlet-instance-configuration-name=Commerce Product Option Facet (Automatic Copy)
cp-publisher-display-context=Commerce Product Publisher Display Context (Automatic Copy)
cp-publisher-display-context-help=Provides helper methods to retrieve the product publisher portlet configuration. (Automatic Copy)
cp-search-results-display-context=Commerce Product Search Result Display Context (Automatic Copy)
cp-search-results-display-context-help=Provides helper methods to retrieve the search results portlet configuration. (Automatic Copy)
-cp-specification-option-facet-portlet-instance-configuration-limit-max-terms=Limit Maximum Terms (Automatic Copy)
+cp-specification-option-facet-portlet-instance-configuration-limit-max-terms=Limitar os termos máximos
cp-specification-option-facet-portlet-instance-configuration-name=Commerce Product Specification Facet (Automatic Copy)
cp-type=Commerce Product Type (Automatic Copy)
cp-type-list-entry-renderer-key=Commerce Product Type List Entry Renderer Key (Automatic Copy)
@@ -4760,7 +4760,7 @@ create=Crear
create-a-collection-from-this-configuration=Create a collection from this configuration. (Automatic Copy)
create-a-condition-to-set-the-default-value=Create a condition to set the default value. (Automatic Copy)
create-a-data-provider-to-automatically-populate-your-select-fields=Create a data provider to automatically populate your select fields. (Automatic Copy)
-create-a-new-account=Create a New Account (Automatic Copy)
+create-a-new-account=Crea unha nova conta
create-a-new-page-on-this-topic=Crear unha nova páxina neste tema.
create-a-new-property=Create a New Property (Automatic Copy)
create-a-new-property-to-get-started=Create a new property to get started. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -4789,7 +4789,7 @@ create-new=Crear novo
create-new-account=Crear unha nova conta
create-new-cluster-production-servers-x-x-left=Create New Cluster Production Servers ({0} {1} Left) (Automatic Copy)
create-new-content=Crea novo contido
-create-new-fieldset=Create New Fieldset (Automatic Copy)
+create-new-fieldset=Crea un novo conxunto de campo
create-new-item=Crear novo elemento
create-new-object=Create New Object (Automatic Copy)
create-new-option=Crear nova opción
@@ -4797,16 +4797,16 @@ create-new-option-value=Create New Option Value (Automatic Copy)
create-new-order=Crea un novo pedido
create-new-price-list=Crear nova lista de prezos
create-new-product=Crear novo produto
-create-new-promotion=Create New Promotion (Automatic Copy)
+create-new-promotion=Crear nova promoción
create-new-publication=Create New Publication (Automatic Copy)
create-new-publication-on-x=Create New Publication on {0} (Automatic Copy)
create-new-rule=Crear nova regra
-create-new-shipment=Create New Shipment (Automatic Copy)
+create-new-shipment=Crear novo envío
create-new-specification=Create New Specification (Automatic Copy)
create-new-test=Crea unha nova proba
create-new-variant=Crear nova variante
create-page-from-this-template=Create Page from This Template (Automatic Copy)
-create-page-template=Create Page Template (Automatic Copy)
+create-page-template=Crear modelo de páxina
create-page-x=Crear páxina "{0}"
create-personalized-variations-of-the-collections-for-different-segments=Create personalized variations of the collections for different segments. The order on the list affects the priority of the variations. The top has the highest priority. (Automatic Copy)
create-powerpoint-document=Create PowerPoint Document (Automatic Copy)
@@ -4830,7 +4830,7 @@ create-validations-using-expressions=Create validations using expressions. (Auto
create-variant=Crear variante
create-variant-error-message=An unexpected error occurred while creating the variant. (Automatic Copy)
create-variation=Crear variación
-create-word-document=Create Word Document (Automatic Copy)
+create-word-document=Crear documento de palabras
create-your-first-object-or-add-an-existing-one-for-this-folder=Create your first object or add an existing one for this folder. (Automatic Copy)
create-your-first-object-or-import-an-existing-one-to-start-working-with-object-folders=Create your first object or import an existing one to start working with object folders. (Automatic Copy)
createDate=Data de creación
@@ -4871,7 +4871,7 @@ cross-cluster-replication-configuration-name=Cross-Cluster Replication (Automati
cross-cluster-replication-enabled-help=Activar ou desactivar as operacións de lectura desde os clústers locais de Elasticsearch. Esta configuración só se usa cando o modo de operación está configurado en modo remoto ou de produción está habilitado. Configura estes modos na configuración do sistema Elasticsearch.
cross-cluster-replication-local-cluster-connection-configurations=Local Cluster Configurations (Automatic Copy)
-cross-cluster-replication-local-cluster-connection-configurations-help=Map each portal address to a local (read only) Elasticsearch cluster's connection ID. Follow the pattern hostname:port,connectionId. Connections are defined in the Elasticsearch Connections System Settings. (Automatic Copy)
+cross-cluster-replication-local-cluster-connection-configurations-help=Mapeo cada enderezo do portal a un ID de conexión do clúster de Elasticsearch Local (só lido). Siga o nome do host de patrón: Porto, connectionId. As conexións defínense na configuración do sistema de conexións Elasticsearch.
cross-references=Referenzas cruzadas
cross-sell=Venda casada
crypto-hash-provider-configuration-name=Hash Provider Configuration Name (Automatic Copy)
@@ -5058,14 +5058,14 @@ currency.ZAR=Rand Sudafricano
currency.ZMK=Kwacha Zambiano
currency.ZWD=Dólar de Zimbabwe
-current-and-previous=Current and Previous (Automatic Copy)
+current-and-previous=Actual e anterior
current-article=Artigo actual:
current-asset-library=Current Asset Library (Automatic Copy)
current-assignee=Asignado actual
current-date=Data actual
-current-day-of-month=Current Day of Month (Automatic Copy)
-current-day-of-week=Current Day of Week (Automatic Copy)
-current-day-of-year=Current Day of Year (Automatic Copy)
+current-day-of-month=Día actual do mes
+current-day-of-week=Día actual da semana
+current-day-of-year=Día actual do ano
current-disk-space-used-x=Current Disk Space Used ({0} GB), Sum of All Liferay Indexes (Automatic Copy)
current-draft=Borrador actual
current-entry=Entrada actual
@@ -5079,7 +5079,7 @@ current-organization=Organización actual
current-page=Páxina actual
current-page-variation-x=Variación de páxina actual ({0})
current-parent=Páxina pai actual
-current-password=Contraseña actual
+current-password=Contrasinal actual
current-results=Resultados actuais
current-scope=Ámbito actual
current-selected-menu-x=Current Selected Menu: {0} (Automatic Copy)
@@ -5114,7 +5114,7 @@ custom-attribute=Atributo personalizado
custom-attributes=Atributos personalizados
custom-authorization-request-parameters=Custom Authorization Request Parameters (Automatic Copy)
custom-authorization-request-parameters-help=Add custom authorization request parameters, e.g.: resource=https://contacts.google.com https://maps.google.com (Automatic Copy)
-custom-canonical-url=Custom Canonical URL (Automatic Copy)
+custom-canonical-url=URL canónico personalizado
custom-color=Cor personalizada
custom-contact-mapping=Custom Contact Mapping (Automatic Copy)
custom-control=Control personalizado
@@ -5142,7 +5142,7 @@ custom-facet-portlet-instance-configuration-name=Faceta personalizada
custom-field=Campor personalizado
custom-field-display-type-help=Especifica que tipo de control é usado para este conxunto de campos.
custom-field-height-help=Define a altura do campo de entrada, en pixels.
-custom-field-hidden-help=A hidden field's value is never shown in any user interface besides this one. This lets the field be used for more obscure and advanced purposes such as acting as a placeholder for custom permissions. (Automatic Copy)
+custom-field-hidden-help=O valor dun campo oculto nunca se mostra en ningunha interface de usuario ademais desta. Isto permite que o campo se use con fins máis escuros e avanzados como actuar como marcador de posición para permisos personalizados.
custom-field-index-type-help=Definir um campo personalizado como buscable significa que o valor do campo é indexado cando a entidade (como por exemplo Usuario), é modificada. Soamente os campos java.lang.String poden ser definidos como buscables. Teña en conta que cando un campo é redefinido como buscable, os índices deben ser actualizados antes de que os datos estean dispoñibles para a busca.
custom-field-key-help=The custom field key is used to access the field programmatically through the {0} tag. (Automatic Copy)
custom-field-localize-field-name-help=A localizable field name is localized according to the language keys defined in the language properties file. Refer to documentation to override the default language keys. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -5163,7 +5163,7 @@ custom-fragments-are-those-that-are-created-by-the-user.-define-their-behavior=C
custom-heading=Cabeceira personalizada
custom-heading-help=Enter the heading to display for this facet. If not set, the aggregated field name is displayed. (Automatic Copy)
custom-javascript=Custom Javascript (Automatic Copy)
-custom-json-element=Custom JSON Element (Automatic Copy)
+custom-json-element=Elemento JSON personalizado
custom-message=Mensaxe personalizada
custom-meta-tags=Etiquetas meta personalizadas
custom-meta-tags-description=These tags will be included in the head of this page. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -5185,10 +5185,10 @@ custom-tlds-name=Custom Top-Level Domains (Automatic Copy)
custom-token-names=Nomes de token personalizados
custom-token-request-parameters=Custom Token Request Parameters (Automatic Copy)
custom-token-request-parameters-help=Add custom token request parameters, e.g.: resource=https://contacts.google.com https://maps.google.com (Automatic Copy)
-custom-token-values=Custom Token Values (Automatic Copy)
+custom-token-values=Valores de token personalizados
custom-user-attributes=Atributos personalizados
custom-user-attributes-help=Especificar os campos personalizados do usuario que recuperan contidos que teñan categorización coincidente. As categorias deben ser do contexto global.
-custom-user-mapping=Custom User Mapping (Automatic Copy)
+custom-user-mapping=Mapeo de usuarios personalizado
custom-view=Vista personalizada
custom-x=Custom {0} (Automatic Copy)
@@ -5270,7 +5270,7 @@ data-list-records=Rexistros de lista de datos
data-list-records-help=Representa un axudante para a lista de rexistros de lista de datos que son mostrados. Por favor, en primeiro lugar, obteña os rexistros que desexa mostrar do DDL Record Local Service.
data-list-services=Servizos de lista de datos
data-list-util=Lista de datos Util
-data-list-variables=Data List Variables (Automatic Copy)
+data-list-variables=Variables da lista de datos
data-migration=Migración de datos
data-provider-error=It is not possible to use the selected Data Provider because it does not contain an output. Go to Data Provider settings to configure its output or select another one. (Automatic Copy)
data-provider-input-parameter-names-must-be-unique=Data provider input parameter names must be unique. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -5355,7 +5355,7 @@ ddm=Builder de expresión
ddm-data-provider=Dynamic Data Mapping Data Provider (Automatic Copy)
ddm-data-provider-configuration-name=Provedores de datos
ddm-form-instance=Instancia de formulario
-ddm-form-instance-record=Form Instance Record (Automatic Copy)
+ddm-form-instance-record=Forma de rexistro de instancia
ddm-indexer-configuration-name=Dynamic Data Mapping Indexer (Automatic Copy)
ddm-service-configuration-name=Dynamic Data Mapping Service (Automatic Copy)
@@ -5370,7 +5370,7 @@ ddm-template-key-default=DDM Template Key Default (Automatic Copy)
ddm-template-key-default-description=The dynamic data mapping template key belongs to a breadcrumb widget template that is used as a default template to render the breadcrumb. You can find this key in the properties panel when editing the widget template. (Automatic Copy)
ddm-template-local-service=DDM Template Local Service (Automatic Copy)
ddm-template-local-service-help=Provides the local service for accessing, adding, copying, deleting, and updating dynamic data mapping (DDM) templates. (Automatic Copy)
-ddm-template-service=DDM Template Service (Automatic Copy)
+ddm-template-service=Servizo de modelos DDM
ddm-template-service-help=Provides the remote service for accessing, adding, copying, deleting, and updating dynamic data mapping (DDM) templates. Its methods include security checks. (Automatic Copy)
ddmweb-configuration-name=Dynamic Data Mapping Web (Automatic Copy)
@@ -5424,7 +5424,7 @@ default-diameter=Diámetro predeterminado
default-display-page-template=Default Display Page Template (Automatic Copy)
default-display-style=Estilo de visualización predeterminado
default-display-style-key-description=Estabelece o estilo de visualización predeterminado.
-default-display-view=Default Display View (Automatic Copy)
+default-display-view=Vista de visualización predeterminada
default-document-type=Selecciona tipo de documento
default-document-type-help=Calquera documento movido para o cartafol ou engadido via WebDAV é automaticamente asignado ao tipo de documento especificado.
default-duration=Duración predeterminada
@@ -5437,20 +5437,20 @@ default-fragments=Default Fragments (Automatic Copy)
default-fragments-are-provided-by-liferay-and-they-are-part-of-the-product-code.-define-their-behavior=Default fragments are provided by Liferay and they are part of the product code. Define their behavior: (Automatic Copy)
default-group=Grupo predeterminado
default-images=Imaxes predeterminadas
-default-interactions=Default Interactions (Automatic Copy)
+default-interactions=Interaccións predeterminadas
default-items-per-page=Default Items per Page (Automatic Copy)
default-items-per-page-help=Specify the default pagination to use in the data set view. (Automatic Copy)
default-keyword-query-configuration-name=Default Keyword Query (Automatic Copy)
default-landing-page=Páxina de entrada por defecto
-default-landing-page-help=This is the page that users are automatically redirected to after logging in. For example, if you want the default landing page to be http://localhost:8080/web/guest/login, set this to /web/guest/login. (Automatic Copy)
+default-landing-page-help=Esta é a páxina á que os usuarios son redireccionados automaticamente despois de iniciar sesión. Por exemplo, se desexa que a páxina de destino predeterminada sexa http: // localhost: 8080/web/hóspede/inicio de sesión, configure isto en/web/hóspede/inicio de sesión.
default-language=Linguaxe por defecto
default-language-help=The default language is the language that appears when there are no translations available in the user's language. (Automatic Copy)
default-language-x=Default Language: {0}. (Automatic Copy)
default-languageId=Idioma predeterminado
default-ldap-server-settings-are-in-use-please-add-an-ldap-server-to-override-the-default-settings=As configuracións por defecto do servidor LDAP están sendo usadas. Por favor, engade un servidor LDAP que sobreescriba a configuración por defecto.
default-logout-page=Páxina de saída por defecto
-default-logout-page-help=This is the page that users are automatically redirected to after logging out. For example, if you want the default logout page to be http://localhost:8080/web/guest/logout, set this to /web/guest/logout. (Automatic Copy)
-default-max-connections-per-route=Default Max Connections per Route (Automatic Copy)
+default-logout-page-help=Esta é a páxina á que os usuarios son redireccionados automaticamente despois de iniciar sesión. Por exemplo, se desexa que a páxina de inicio de sesión predeterminada sexa http: // localhost: 8080/web/hóspede/logout, configure isto en/web/hóspede/sesión.
+default-max-connections-per-route=Conexións máximas por defecto por ruta
default-page-audit-image-alt-description=Default Page Audit image. (Automatic Copy)
default-portlet-decorator=Default Portlet Decorator (Automatic Copy)
default-preferences=Preferencias por defecto
@@ -5483,7 +5483,7 @@ default-user-password=Default User Password (Automatic Copy)
default-value=Valor por defecto
default-value-disabled=Default Value (Disabled) (Automatic Copy)
default-value-enabled=Default Value (Enabled) (Automatic Copy)
-default-value-x=Default Value ({0}) (Automatic Copy)
+default-value-x=Valor predeterminado ({0})
default-values=Valores por defecto
default-view=Vista predeterminada
default-view-must-have-at-least-one-column=Default view must have at least one column. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -5491,7 +5491,7 @@ default-viewport=Vista predeterminada
default-visualization-mode=Default Visualization Mode (Automatic Copy)
default-visualization-mode-help=Customize which visualization mode will be shown by default for this Data Set. (Automatic Copy)
default-visualization-mode-tooltip=To select a default visualization mode, first configure it in the Visualization Modes tab. (Automatic Copy)
-default-was-changed=Default Was Changed (Automatic Copy)
+default-was-changed=Cambiouse por defecto
default-workflow-for-all-document-types=Fluxo de traballo predeterminado para todos os tipos de documentos
default-workflow-for-all-structures=Default Workflow for All Structures (Automatic Copy)
default-x=Predeterminado: {0}
@@ -5520,7 +5520,7 @@ defining-permissions-for-this-resource-is-not-available-for-this-type-of-role=No
definition-force-autogenerate-id=Definition Force Autogenerate ID (Automatic Copy)
definition-id=ID da definición
-definition-imported-successfully=Definition imported successfully. (Automatic Copy)
+definition-imported-successfully=Definición importada con éxito.
definition-name=Nome da definición
definition-name-help=Nome de definición
definition-of-terms=Definición de términos
@@ -5529,7 +5529,7 @@ definition-version=Versión da definición
definitions-search-with-index=Definitions Search with Index (Automatic Copy)
-delete-access-token=Delete Access Token (Automatic Copy)
+delete-access-token=Eliminar o token de acceso
delete-action=Eliminar acción?
delete-action-x=Delete Action: {0} (Automatic Copy)
delete-actions=Eliminar accións
@@ -5554,7 +5554,7 @@ delete-content=Eliminar contido
delete-content-before-importing-suggestion=This process cannot be undone. If you are unsure, please do an export first. (Automatic Copy)
delete-content-before-importing-warning=If this is checked, all data created by the application will be deleted before the import process. Be careful, some applications in other pages may be referencing this data.
delete-conversion-preview=Delete Conversion Preview (Automatic Copy)
-delete-current-page=Delete Current Page (Automatic Copy)
+delete-current-page=Elimina a páxina actual
delete-data=Borrar datos
delete-data-set=Delete Data Set (Automatic Copy)
delete-data-set-view=Delete Data Set View (Automatic Copy)
@@ -5577,29 +5577,29 @@ delete-folder=Borrar carpeta
delete-fork-node=Eliminar o nodo da bifurcación
delete-form=Eliminar formulario
delete-fragment=Eliminar fragmento
-delete-fragment-set=Delete Fragment Set (Automatic Copy)
+delete-fragment-set=Eliminar conxunto de fragmentos
delete-image=Borrar imaxe
delete-in-all-pages-variations=Eliminar en todas as variacións de páxinas
delete-inventory-audit-month-interval=Delete inventory audit month interval (Automatic Copy)
delete-item=Eliminar elemento
delete-item-and-children=Delete item and children. (Automatic Copy)
delete-join-node=Eliminar nodo de unión
-delete-join-xor-node=Delete Join Xor Node (Automatic Copy)
+delete-join-xor-node=Eliminar Únete ao nodo XOR
delete-live-page=Borrar páxina live.
delete-missing-layouts=Borrar as páxinas non presentes no arquivo importado
delete-missing-layouts-help=Se esta opción é seleccionada, todas as páxinas neste sitio que non estean presentes no ficheiro LAR a importar serán eliminadas.
delete-missing-layouts-staging-help=Se esta opción é seleccionada, todas as páxinas na contorna de produción (live) que non estean presentes na contorna de staging serán eliminadas.
-delete-notifications=Delete Notifications (Automatic Copy)
+delete-notifications=Eliminar notificacións
delete-object-definition=Delete Object Definition (Automatic Copy)
delete-object-field=Delete Object Field (Automatic Copy)
delete-object-folder=Delete Object Folder (Automatic Copy)
delete-order-x=Delete Order #{0} (Automatic Copy)
delete-page=Borrar páxina
-delete-personal-data=Delete Personal Data (Automatic Copy)
+delete-personal-data=Eliminar datos persoais
delete-question=Eliminar a pregunta?
delete-recurring-event=Borrar evento recurrido
-delete-refresh-token=Delete Refresh Token (Automatic Copy)
-delete-relationship=Delete Relationship (Automatic Copy)
+delete-refresh-token=Eliminar o token de actualización
+delete-relationship=Eliminar relación
delete-return-x=Delete Return #{0} (Automatic Copy)
delete-row=Borrar fila
delete-segment-property=Delete Segment Property (Automatic Copy)
@@ -5612,7 +5612,7 @@ delete-test=Delete Test (Automatic Copy)
delete-this-version=Eliminar esta versión
delete-timers=Eliminar temporizadores
delete-transition=Eliminar transición
-delete-translations=Delete Translations (Automatic Copy)
+delete-translations=Eliminar traducións
delete-variant=Delete variant? (Automatic Copy)
delete-version=Borrar versión
delete-view=Eliminar a vista
@@ -5633,7 +5633,7 @@ deleting-a-data-set-view-is-an-action-that-cannot-be-reversed=Deleting a data se
deleting-a-fragment-is-an-action-impossible-to-revert=Deleting a fragment is an action impossible to revert. It will be removed from the fragments set and it will not be possible to recover it. (Automatic Copy)
deleting-a-fragment-set-is-an-action-impossible-to-revert=Deleting a fragment set is an action impossible to revert. All the fragments in the set will be removed and it will not be possible to recover them. (Automatic Copy)
deleting-a-site-is-an-action-impossible-to-revert=Deleting a site is an action impossible to revert. All content will be removed and it will not be possible to recover it. (Automatic Copy)
-deleting-a-style-book-is-an-action-impossible-to-revert=Deleting a style book is an action impossible to revert. All Style Book tokens and values will be removed and it will not be possible to recover it. Watch out for a critical impact on the site's look and feel. (Automatic Copy)
+deleting-a-style-book-is-an-action-impossible-to-revert=Eliminar un libro de estilo é unha acción imposible de reverter. Eliminaranse todos os tokens e valores do libro de estilo e non será posible recuperalo. Coidado cun impacto crítico no aspecto do sitio.
deleting-an-instance-is-an-action-impossible-to-revert=Deleting an instance is an action impossible to revert. (Automatic Copy)
deleting-an-object-definition-also-removes-its-data-records=Deleting an object definition also removes its object entries. This action is permanent and cannot be undone. (Automatic Copy)
deleting-an-object-folder-will-move-its-object-definitions=Deleting an object folder will move its object definitions to the "Default" object folder. This action is permanent and cannot be undone. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -5644,7 +5644,7 @@ deleting-this-event-will-cancel-the-meeting-with-your-guests-would-you-like-to-d
deletion-conflicts-with-a-modification=You are attempting to delete an entity that was recently updated in production. Please discard the deletion. Then, publish your remaining changes or delete the entity again before proceeding. (Automatic Copy)
deletion-conflicts-with-modifications-in-another-publication=Está a tentar eliminar unha entidade que foi recentemente modificada noutra publicación. Por favor, descarte esta eliminación ou a modificación na outra publicación antes de publicar.
deletion-modification-conflict=Missing Entity (Automatic Copy)
-deletion-not-allowed=Deletion Not Allowed (Automatic Copy)
+deletion-not-allowed=A eliminación non permitida
deletion-not-possible=Deletion Not Possible (Automatic Copy)
deletion-type=Tipo de eliminación
deletions=Elementos eliminados
@@ -5653,7 +5653,7 @@ deletions-help-export=If this option is chosen, the delete operations performed
deliver-policy=Entregar política
-deliver-policy-docs=Deliver Policy Docs (Automatic Copy)
+deliver-policy-docs=Entregar documentos de política
deliver-report=Entregar informe
deliver-temporary-policy-terms=Deliver Temporary Policy Terms (Automatic Copy)
@@ -5664,7 +5664,7 @@ delivery-discount=Desconto de entrega
delivery-email=Correo electrónico de entrega
delivery-group=Grupo de entrega
delivery-max-subscription-cycles=Delivery Max Subscription Cycles (Automatic Copy)
-delivery-max-subscription-enabled=Delivery Max Subscription Enabled (Automatic Copy)
+delivery-max-subscription-enabled=Entrega a subscrición máxima habilitada
delivery-max-subscription-type-settings=Delivery Max Subscription Type Settings (Automatic Copy)
delivery-never-ends=Nunca finaliza
delivery-subject=Asunto de entrega
@@ -5730,7 +5730,7 @@ destination-workfer-configuration-name=Traballador de destino
detach-style=Estilo de desprender
-detail-illegible-font-sizes=Illegible Font Sizes (Automatic Copy)
+detail-illegible-font-sizes=Tamaños de letra ilexibles
detail-illegible-font-sizes-description=Moitos motores de busca clasifican páxinas en función do móbil que son. Os tamaños de letra menores de 12px adoitan ser difíciles de ler nos dispositivos móbiles e poden requirir aos usuarios que amplíen para mostrar texto a un tamaño de lectura cómodo. {0}
detail-illegible-font-sizes-tip=Este problema prodúcese cando o 60% ou máis do texto ten un tamaño de letra inferior a 12px. Consulte os tamaños de tipo de letra no editor de contidos web, o fragmento, o modelo ou o libro de estilo para atopar a regra que está a causar o texto ilexible.
detail-incorrect-image-aspect-ratios=Incorrect Image Aspect Ratios (Automatic Copy)
@@ -5759,22 +5759,22 @@ detail-missing-meta-description=Missing Meta Description (Automatic Copy)
detail-missing-meta-description-description=A meta descrición ofrece un resumo do contido dunha páxina que os motores de busca inclúen nos resultados da busca. Unha meta descrición única de alta calidade fai que a túa páxina pareza máis relevante e poida aumentar o tráfico de busca. {0}
detail-missing-meta-description-failing-element={0}Add a description{1} from the configuration section of this page. (Automatic Copy)
detail-missing-meta-description-tip=Meta description can be added in the configuration section of this page. (Automatic Copy)
-detail-missing-title-element=Missing {0} Element (Automatic Copy)
-detail-missing-title-element-description=Search engine users rely on the title to determine whether a page is relevant to their search. It also gives users of screen readers and other assistive technologies an overview of the page. {0} (Automatic Copy)
+detail-missing-title-element=Falta {0} elemento
+detail-missing-title-element-description=Os usuarios do motor de busca confían no título para determinar se unha páxina é relevante para a súa busca. Tamén ofrece aos usuarios de lectores de pantalla e outras tecnoloxías de asistencia unha visión xeral da páxina. {0}
detail-missing-title-element-failing-element={0}Add a title{1} from the configuration section of this page. (Automatic Copy)
detail-missing-title-element-tip={0} element is automatically generated from the asset title, but you can change it in the configuration section of this page. (Automatic Copy)
detail-not-all-links-are-crawlable=Not All Links Are Crawlable (Automatic Copy)
detail-not-all-links-are-crawlable-description=Search engines may use {0} attributes on links to crawl websites. {1} (Automatic Copy)
-detail-not-all-links-are-crawlable-tip=Google can follow links only if they are an {0} tag with an {1} attribute. Ensure that the links have this format: {2} and link to an appropriate destination, so more pages of the site can be discovered. (Automatic Copy)
+detail-not-all-links-are-crawlable-tip=Google pode seguir as ligazóns só se son unha etiqueta {0} cun atributo {1}. Asegúrese de que as ligazóns teñan este formato: {2} e enlace a un destino adecuado, para que se poidan descubrir máis páxinas do sitio.
detail-page-blocked-from-indexing=Page Blocked from Indexing (Automatic Copy)
-detail-page-blocked-from-indexing-description=Search engines are unable to include your page in search results if they do not have permission to crawl it. Only block indexing for content that you do not want to appear in search results. {0} (Automatic Copy)
+detail-page-blocked-from-indexing-description=Os motores de busca non poden incluír a súa páxina nos resultados da busca se non teñen permiso para rastrexala. Só bloquea a indexación do contido que non quere aparecer nos resultados da busca. {0}
detail-page-blocked-from-indexing-failing-element={0}Change the robots.txt setting{1} from the configuration section of this page. (Automatic Copy)
detail-page-blocked-from-indexing-tip={0} specification for robots can be changed in the configuration section of this page. (Automatic Copy)
detail-small-tap-targets=Obxectivos pequenos
detail-small-tap-targets-description=TAP Obxectivos son as áreas dunha páxina web coa que os usuarios en tacto poden interactuar. Os botóns, os enlaces e os elementos de forma teñen obxectivos de toque. Asegúrese de que os obxectivos do toque sexan o suficientemente grandes e o suficientemente afastados uns dos outros fan que a súa páxina sexa máis amigable e accesible para móbiles. {0}
detail-small-tap-targets-tip=Targets that are smaller than 48px by 48px or closer than 8px apart fail the audit, so make sure your layout respects these rules. (Automatic Copy)
detail-view=Vista de detalle
-detailed-information=Detailed Information (Automatic Copy)
+detailed-information=Información detallada
details-configuration-name=Cargador JavaScript
details.configuration.name=JavaScript Bundle Config (Automatic Copy)
@@ -5822,7 +5822,7 @@ direct-download=Descarga directa
direct-download-url=URL de descarga directa
direct-install=Instalación directa
-directive-if-to-string-null-check=Directive If to String Null Check (Automatic Copy)
+directive-if-to-string-null-check=Directiva Se a String Null Check
disable-caching=Desactivar contidos temporais
@@ -5830,13 +5830,13 @@ disable-document-recording=Disable Document Recording (Automatic Copy)
disable-forwarding=Desactivar o reenvío
disable-globally=Disable Multi-Factor Authentication (Automatic Copy)
disable-globally-description=Disable multi-factor authentication system-wide. (Automatic Copy)
-disable-propagation=Disable Propagation (Automatic Copy)
+disable-propagation=Desactivar a propagación
disable-stock-checking=Disable Stock Checking (Automatic Copy)
disable-stock-checking-help=Disabling stock checking clears the item's stock quantity and skips the items in stock checking when orders are placed. This can be useful with items which are made to order. (Automatic Copy)
disable-this-note-for-all-portlets=Disable this note for all portlets. (Automatic Copy)
-disabled-by-default=Disabled by Default (Automatic Copy)
-disabled-class-names=Disabled Class Name (Automatic Copy)
+disabled-by-default=Desactivado por defecto
+disabled-class-names=Nome da clase con discapacidade
disabled-class-names-help=Disable view count for the specified class name. (Automatic Copy)
disabled-document-recording=Disabled Document Recording (Automatic Copy)
disabled-entry-class-names=Disabled Entry Class Names (Automatic Copy)
@@ -5914,7 +5914,7 @@ display-as-tooltip=Mostrar suxerencias
display-asset-categories-facet=Display Asset Categories Facet (Automatic Copy)
display-asset-tags-facet=Display Asset Tags Facet (Automatic Copy)
display-asset-type-facet=Display Asset Type Facet (Automatic Copy)
-display-availability=Display Availability (Automatic Copy)
+display-availability=Dispoñibilidade de visualización
display-chart-as-table=Display Chart as Table (Automatic Copy)
display-current-locale=Display Current Locale (Automatic Copy)
display-date=Data de publicación
@@ -5925,14 +5925,14 @@ display-entries-of-the-following-field-types-as-tables-select-from-list-single-s
display-facet=Mostrar faceta
display-field-name-in-structures-ui-and-allow-users-to-edit-it=Display field name in structures UI and allow users to edit it. (Automatic Copy)
display-fields-and-one-to-one-relationships=Display fields and one to one relationships. (Automatic Copy)
-display-folder-facet=Display Folder Facet (Automatic Copy)
+display-folder-facet=Mostrar faceta do cartafol
display-frequencies=Display Frequencies (Automatic Copy)
display-group-name=Nome do grupo de visualización
display-group-name-help=Enter the heading label for the suggestions from each contributor. (Automatic Copy)
-display-horizontally=Display Horizontally (Automatic Copy)
-display-immediately=Display Immediately (Automatic Copy)
+display-horizontally=Mostrar horizontalmente
+display-immediately=Mostrar inmediatamente
display-label=Etiqueta de visualización
-display-line-height=Display Line Height (Automatic Copy)
+display-line-height=Altura da liña de visualización
display-main-query=Mostrar a consulta principal
display-main-query-help=Display the query that was sent to the search engine. Use this for testing search behavior. (Automatic Copy)
display-modified-range-facet=Display Modified Range Facet (Automatic Copy)
@@ -5947,11 +5947,11 @@ display-open-search-results-help=Show results from third party Open Search plugi
display-options=Mostrar accións
display-page=Páxina de visualización
-display-page-content=Display Page Content (Automatic Copy)
+display-page-content=Contido da páxina de visualización
display-page-in-edition=Display Page In Edition (Automatic Copy)
display-page-in-use=Display Page In Use (Automatic Copy)
display-page-name=Nome da páxina de visualización
-display-page-preview=Display Page Preview (Automatic Copy)
+display-page-preview=Vista previa da páxina de visualización
display-page-template=Display Page Template (Automatic Copy)
display-page-template-type=Display Page Template Type (Automatic Copy)
display-page-templates=Display Page Templates (Automatic Copy)
@@ -5973,7 +5973,7 @@ display-settings=Preferencias de presentación
display-stock-quantity=Display Stock Quantity (Automatic Copy)
display-style=Estilo de presentación
display-style-group-id=Display Style Group ID (Automatic Copy)
-display-style-views=Display Style Views (Automatic Copy)
+display-style-views=Visualización de vistas ao estilo
display-style-views-cannot-be-empty=Display style views cannot be empty. (Automatic Copy)
display-styles=Estilos de visualización
display-styles-key-description=Input a list of comma delimited display styles that will be available in the configuration screen of the Asset Publisher widget. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -5983,7 +5983,7 @@ display-the-page-in-x=Display the page in {0}. (Automatic Copy)
display-time=Tempo da presentación
display-url=Abrir URL
-display-user-events=Display User Events (Automatic Copy)
+display-user-events=Mostrar eventos do usuario
display-user-facet=Mostrar a faceta do usuario
display-vertically=Mostrar verticalmente
display-views=Vistas de visualización
@@ -5999,7 +5999,7 @@ disputed=Cuestionado
distribution-scope=Alcance da distribución
divide-one-numeric-field-by-another-to-create-an-expression=Divide one numeric field by another to create an expression. (Automatic Copy)
divided-by=Dividida pola
-dl-app-local-service=DL App Local Service (Automatic Copy)
+dl-app-local-service=Servizo local da aplicación DL
dl-app-local-service-help=Fornece o servizo local para acceder, engadir, eliminar, mover, xestionar subscricións, xestionar a papeleira de reciclaxe, actualizar as entradas da biblioteca de documentos e clasificar ficheiros e cartafoles. Todos os portlets deben interactuar coa biblioteca de documentos por medio desta clase ou a través do DLAppService, evitando a utilización das clases de servizo da biblioteca de documentos individuais.
dl-app-service=Servizo de aplicacións DL
dl-app-service-help=Fornece o servizo remoto para acceder, engadir, eliminar, mover, xestionar subscricións, xestionar a papeleira de reciclaxe, actualizar as entradas da biblioteca de documentos e clasificar ficheiros e cartafoles. Todos os portlets deben interactuar coa biblioteca de documentos por medio desta clase ou a través do DLAppService local, evitando a utilización das clases de servizo da biblioteca de documentos individuais.
@@ -6065,12 +6065,12 @@ do-you-want-to-reset-the-translation-override-for-x=Do you want to reset the tra
do-you-want-to-x-or-x-web-content=Do you want to {0} or {1} web content? (Automatic Copy)
do-you-want-to-x-web-content=Do you want to {0} web content? (Automatic Copy)
-document-added-email=Document Added Email (Automatic Copy)
+document-added-email=Documento engadiu o correo electrónico
document-conversion=Conversión do documento
document-entry=Entrada do documento
document-entry-help=Set the document entry that is displayed through this template. (Automatic Copy)
document-expired-email=Document Expired Email (Automatic Copy)
-document-extensions-do-not-match=Document extensions do not match. (Automatic Copy)
+document-extensions-do-not-match=As extensións de documentos non coinciden.
document-fields=Campos de documentos
document-library-copy-folder-help=The copying process may take some time. Only categories, tags, ratings, and document types in the global scope or asset libraries connected to both sites will be copied. Document type fields will be displayed empty. (Automatic Copy)
document-library-field-type-description=Send documents and media files. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -6091,7 +6091,7 @@ document-type-restrictions-help=Os cartafoles poden ser restrinxidos para permit
document-types=Tipos de documentos
document-updated-email=Document Updated Email (Automatic Copy)
document-util=Utilidade de documentos
-document-x-of-x=Document {0} of {1} (Automatic Copy)
+document-x-of-x=Documento {0} de {1}
documents-added=Documentos engadidos
documents-and-media=Documentos e multimedia
@@ -6119,7 +6119,7 @@ down=Abaixo
download-a-sample-file-for-this-entity=Download a Sample File for This Entity (Automatic Copy)
download-as-x=Descargar como {0}
-download-certificate=Download Certificate (Automatic Copy)
+download-certificate=Certificado de descarga
download-content=Descargar contido
download-csv-error-report=Download CSV Error Report (Automatic Copy)
download-error-report=Download Error Report (Automatic Copy)
@@ -6134,7 +6134,7 @@ download-more=Descargar máis
download-original-file=Download Original File (Automatic Copy)
download-page=Páxina de descarga
download-page-url=URL da páxina de descarga
-download-sample-file=Download Sample File (Automatic Copy)
+download-sample-file=Descarga o ficheiro de mostra
download-script=Descargar script
download-template=Modelo de descarga
download-url=URL de descarga
@@ -6205,9 +6205,9 @@ duplicate-article-version=Duplicate Article Version (Automatic Copy)
duplicate-document-version=Duplicate Document Version (Automatic Copy)
duplicate-expando-row=Duplicate Custom Field Row (Automatic Copy)
duplicate-expando-value=Duplicate Custom Field Value (Automatic Copy)
-duplicate-experience=Duplicate Experience (Automatic Copy)
+duplicate-experience=Experiencia duplicada
duplicate-field=Campo duplicado
-duplicate-file-name=Duplicate File Name (Automatic Copy)
+duplicate-file-name=Nome do ficheiro duplicado
duplicate-folder-name=Duplicate Folder Name (Automatic Copy)
duplicate-folder-was-removed=Duplicate folder was removed. (Automatic Copy)
duplicate-fragment=Fragmento duplicado
@@ -6232,10 +6232,10 @@ duplicate-widgets-within-the-same-fragment-must-have-an-id=Duplicate widgets wit
duplicate-wiki-page-version=Duplicate Wiki Page Version (Automatic Copy)
duplicate-workflow=Fluxo de traballo duplicado
duplicate-x=Duplicar {0}
-duplicated-from-x=Duplicated from {0} (Automatic Copy)
+duplicated-from-x=Duplicado de {0}
duplicated-variable-name=Nome de variable duplicado
-duration-help=The number of days during which customers keep access to the file. Leave 0 for unlimited downloads. Please note: if the product is subscription enabled, the subscription cycle's duration will override it. (Automatic Copy)
+duration-help=O número de días durante os cales os clientes gardan o acceso ao ficheiro. Deixa 0 para descargas ilimitadas. Teña en conta: se o produto está habilitado, a duración do ciclo de subscrición o anulará.
duration-type=Duration Type (Automatic Copy)
duration-x-x=Duración {0} {1}
@@ -6272,7 +6272,7 @@ edit-address=Editar enderezo
edit-answer=Editar resposta
edit-api-application=Edit API Application (Automatic Copy)
edit-audio=Editar audio
-edit-billing-address=Edit Billing Address (Automatic Copy)
+edit-billing-address=Editar enderezo de facturación
edit-blog=Editar blog
edit-blog-entry=Editar entrada do blog
edit-blueprint=Editar modelo
@@ -6293,10 +6293,10 @@ edit-coupon=Editar cupón
edit-current-assignee=Edit Current Assignee (Automatic Copy)
edit-default-sort=Editar Ordenación predeterminada
edit-default-values=Editar valores predeterminados
-edit-delivery-terms=Edit Delivery Terms (Automatic Copy)
+edit-delivery-terms=Editar os termos de entrega
edit-description=Editar descrición
edit-discount-rule=Editar a regra de desconto
-edit-display-layout=Edit Display Layout (Automatic Copy)
+edit-display-layout=Editar a disposición de visualización
edit-display-page-template=Edit Display Page Template (Automatic Copy)
edit-display-template=Editar modelo da lista
edit-document=Editar documento
@@ -6322,8 +6322,8 @@ edit-groups=Editar grupos
edit-groups-for-role=Editar grupos para o rol:
edit-groups-for-user=Editar grupos para o usuario:
edit-image=Editar imaxe
-edit-in-google-docs=Edit in Google Docs (Automatic Copy)
-edit-in-google-drive=Edit in Google Drive (Automatic Copy)
+edit-in-google-docs=Editar en Google Docs
+edit-in-google-drive=Editar en Google Drive
edit-in-google-sheets=Edit in Google Sheets (Automatic Copy)
edit-in-google-slides=Edit in Google Slides (Automatic Copy)
edit-in-office365=Editar en Office 365
@@ -6359,7 +6359,7 @@ edit-organization=Editar organización
edit-page=Editar páxina
edit-pages=Editar páxinas
edit-pages-priority=Editar prioridade das páxinas
-edit-payment-method=Edit Payment Method (Automatic Copy)
+edit-payment-method=Editar método de pago
edit-payment-terms=Editar termos de pago
edit-permissions=Editar permisos
edit-phone-number=Editar o número de teléfono
@@ -6400,7 +6400,7 @@ edit-segment=Edit Segment (Automatic Copy)
edit-settings=Editar opcións
edit-settings-for-x-in-group=Editar preferencias de {0} no grupo:
edit-shipping-address=Edit Shipping Address (Automatic Copy)
-edit-shipping-option=Edit Shipping Option (Automatic Copy)
+edit-shipping-option=Editar a opción de envío
edit-shipping-option-setting=Edit Shipping Option Setting (Automatic Copy)
edit-site-settings=Editar opcións do sitio web
edit-stock-quantity=Editar cantidade de stock
@@ -6441,7 +6441,7 @@ edit-workflow-definition=Edit Workflow Definition (Automatic Copy)
edit-x=Editar {0}
edit-x-field=Editar {0}
edit-x-filter=Edit {0} Filter (Automatic Copy)
-edit-x-permissions=Edit {0} Permissions (Automatic Copy)
+edit-x-permissions=Editar {0} permisos
edit-x-property=Edit {0} Property (Automatic Copy)
edit-x-site-template=Editar o modelo de sitio web "{0}"
edit-x-sorting=Edit {0} Sorting (Automatic Copy)
@@ -6486,7 +6486,7 @@ element-source-description=Define the query clauses and configurations that this
element-source-json=Element Source (JSON) (Automatic Copy)
element-template=Modelo de elemento
element-was-added=Engadiuse elemento.
-element-was-removed=Element was removed. (Automatic Copy)
+element-was-removed=Eliminouse o elemento.
elevated-cards=Tarxetas elevadas
elevation-fluffy-1=Elevación esponjosa 1
@@ -6542,7 +6542,7 @@ email-article-moved-from-trash-subject=Email Article Moved from Trash Subject (A
email-article-moved-to-folder-body=Email Article Moved to Folder Body (Automatic Copy)
email-article-moved-to-folder-enabled=Email Article Moved to Folder Enabled (Automatic Copy)
email-article-moved-to-folder-subject=Email Article Moved to Folder Subject (Automatic Copy)
-email-article-moved-to-trash-body=Email Article Moved to Trash Body (Automatic Copy)
+email-article-moved-to-trash-body=O artigo de correo electrónico mudouse ao corpo de lixo
email-article-moved-to-trash-enabled=Email Article Moved to Trash Enabled (Automatic Copy)
email-article-moved-to-trash-subject=Email Article Moved to Trash Subject (Automatic Copy)
email-article-review-body=Email Article Review Body (Automatic Copy)
@@ -6559,7 +6559,7 @@ email-asset-entry-added-subject=Email Asset Entry Added Subject (Automatic Copy)
email-asset-entry-added-subject-description=Provide a localized template for the subject of asset entry added notification emails. (Automatic Copy)
email-content=Contido de correo electrónico
-email-delivery-body=Email Delivery Body (Automatic Copy)
+email-delivery-body=Corpo de entrega de correo electrónico
email-delivery-subject=Email Delivery Subject (Automatic Copy)
email-discussion-comment-added-body=Email Discussion Comment Added Body (Automatic Copy)
email-discussion-comment-added-enabled=Email Discussion Comment Added Enabled (Automatic Copy)
@@ -6656,14 +6656,14 @@ enable-accessibility-menu=Enable Accessibility Menu (Automatic Copy)
enable-accessibility-menu-description=Enable the accessibility menu which can be accessed by tabbing focus to the quick access menu. When enabled, users are able to save their accessibility settings in the browser local storage when not signed in and in the database when signed in. (Automatic Copy)
enable-all=Habilitar a todos
enable-anonymous-read=Enable Anonymous Read (Automatic Copy)
-enable-api-explorer=Enable API Explorer (Automatic Copy)
+enable-api-explorer=Activa o explorador API
enable-applications-menu=Enable Applications Menu (Automatic Copy)
-enable-applications-menu-description=When enabled, the control panel applications and cross-site applications will be accessible through the new applications menu which can be accessed by clicking the grid menu icon in the upper-right corner. (Automatic Copy)
+enable-applications-menu-description=Cando estea habilitado, as aplicacións do panel de control e as aplicacións cruzadas serán accesibles a través do menú de novas aplicacións que se pode acceder facendo clic na icona do menú da rede na esquina superior dereita.
enable-asset-auto-scroll=Enable Asset Auto Scroll (Automatic Copy)
enable-asset-auto-scroll-description=Check this box to enable scrolling to the asset publisher showing the asset's content. (Automatic Copy)
enable-aui-preload=Preload Widely Used AUI Modules (Automatic Copy)
enable-aui-preload-description=Preloading widely used AUI modules will make them available as soon as the page is loaded, making it unnecessary to fetch them from the server in subsequent requests. (Automatic Copy)
-enable-auto-tagging=Enable Auto Tagging (Automatic Copy)
+enable-auto-tagging=Activar a etiquetaxe automática
enable-auto-tagging-of-assets-on-this-instance=Activar etiquetado automático de recursos nesta instancia
enable-auto-tagging-of-assets-on-this-site=Activar etiquetado automático de recursos neste sitio
enable-auto-update=Activar a actualización automática
@@ -6671,11 +6671,11 @@ enable-automatic-site-membership=Enable Automatic Site Membership (Automatic Cop
enable-birthday=Permitir data de nacemento
enable-cdn-dynamic-resources=Enable CDN Dynamic Resources (Automatic Copy)
enable-chatgpt-to-create-content=Enable ChatGPT to Create Content (Automatic Copy)
-enable-click-to-chat=Enable Click to Chat (Automatic Copy)
+enable-click-to-chat=Habilitar clic para falar
enable-comment-ratings=Permitir valorar os comentarios
enable-comments=Activar comentarios
enable-condition=Condición de habilitar
-enable-configuration=Enable Configuration (Automatic Copy)
+enable-configuration=Activar a configuración
enable-configuration-help=This setting is deprecated and it is no longer used. (Automatic Copy)
enable-content-transformer-listener=Enable Content Transformer Listener (Automatic Copy)
enable-conversion-to=Permitir conversión a
@@ -6690,7 +6690,7 @@ enable-delivery-subscription=Enable delivery subscription (Automatic Copy)
enable-description=Habilitar descrición
enable-destination-input=Enable Destination Input (Automatic Copy)
enable-directory-indexing=Enable Directory Indexing (Automatic Copy)
-enable-drag-and-drop=Enable Drag and Drop (Automatic Copy)
+enable-drag-and-drop=Activar arrastrar e soltar
enable-dynamic-test-type=Enable dynamic test type. (Automatic Copy)
enable-email-domain-validation=Habilitar validación de dominio de correo electrónico
enable-email-domain-validation-help=Habilitar para permitir a introdución dunha lista de dominios de correo electrónico válidos ao editar unha conta. Os usuarios de conta deben ter un dominio de correo electrónico coincidente para se rexistrar automaticamente. Os administradores poden engadir manualmente usuarios de conta con dominios de correo electrónico non coincidentes.
@@ -6707,7 +6707,7 @@ enable-export=Habilitar exportación
enable-filter-account-groups=Enable filter account groups (Automatic Copy)
enable-filter-channels=Enable filter channels (Automatic Copy)
enable-flags=Permitir avisos
-enable-font-awesome=Enable Font Awesome (Automatic Copy)
+enable-font-awesome=Activar o tipo de letra impresionante
enable-for-message-boards=Habilitar para foros de discusión
enable-for-x=Permitir para {0}
enable-freemarker=Habilitar freemarker
@@ -6716,9 +6716,9 @@ enable-gender=Permitir xénero
enable-google-pagespeed=Enable Google PageSpeed Insights (Automatic Copy)
enable-group-cache=Activar a caché de grupo
enable-group-cache-on-import=Enable Group Cache on Import (Automatic Copy)
-enable-group-export=Enable Group Export (Automatic Copy)
+enable-group-export=Activar a exportación de grupos
enable-highlight-creole-format=Enable the highlighting of links in Creole format for nonexisting wiki pages. (Automatic Copy)
-enable-highlighting=Enable Highlighting (Automatic Copy)
+enable-highlighting=Activar resaltar
enable-history=Activar a historia
enable-history-help=If this is checked, the portal keeps a history of the user's previous passwords and prevents them from reusing an old password. (Automatic Copy)
enable-import=Habilitar importación
@@ -6735,7 +6735,7 @@ enable-kb-article-print=Enable Knowledge Base Article Print (Automatic Copy)
enable-kb-article-ratings=Enable Knowledge Base Article Ratings (Automatic Copy)
enable-kb-article-subscriptions=Enable Knowledge Base Article Subscriptions (Automatic Copy)
enable-kb-article-view-count-increment=Enable Knowledge Base Article View Count Increment (Automatic Copy)
-enable-lazy-loading=Enable Lazy Loading (Automatic Copy)
+enable-lazy-loading=Activar a carga preguiceira
enable-legacy-ddm-index-fields=Enable Legacy Dynamic Data Mapping Index Fields (Automatic Copy)
enable-legacy-ddm-index-fields-description=If checked, the legacy names using Structure Id of Dynamic Data Mapping fields will be created in the index. It is necessary to execute a full reindex after changing this configuration. (Automatic Copy)
enable-lockout=Habilitar bloqueo
@@ -6760,11 +6760,11 @@ enable-propagation-of-changes-from-the-site-template=Enable propagation of chang
enable-propagation-of-changes-from-the-site-template-help=Se a propagación está habilitada, tamén se engaden novas páxinas engadidas ao modelo do sitio. Tamén se propagan as modificacións das aplicacións e propiedades das páxinas existentes se non se fixeron cambios neste sitio. Habilitar esta opción despois de que o sitio se crease copias de volta as páxinas do modelo do sitio, sobrescribindo os cambios realizados.
enable-propagation-of-changes-from-the-site-template-x=Enable propagation of changes from the site template {0}. (Automatic Copy)
enable-public-layouts=Enable Public Layouts (Automatic Copy)
-enable-public-layouts-auto-create=Enable Public Layouts Auto Create (Automatic Copy)
+enable-public-layouts-auto-create=Activar os esquemas públicos Crear automaticamente
enable-publications=Activar publicacións
enable-ratings=Activar as valoracións
enable-ratings-for-comments=Enable Ratings for Comments (Automatic Copy)
-enable-reading-time=Enable Reading Time (Automatic Copy)
+enable-reading-time=Habilitar o tempo de lectura
enable-recycle-bin=Activar a papeleira
enable-recycle-bin-default=Se está seleccionado, a papeleira de reciclaxe é habilitada por defecto, mentres se continua a permitir aos administradores de sitio a deshabilitarem por sitio.
enable-redirect-to-login=Enable Redirect To Login (Automatic Copy)
@@ -6776,10 +6776,10 @@ enable-sample=Activar a mostra
enable-score-explanation=Enable Score Explanation (Automatic Copy)
enable-score-explanation-help=If this is checked, the response string will include an explanation of how the score was computed for each result returned by the search engine. (Automatic Copy)
enable-social-bookmarks=Enable Social Bookmarks (Automatic Copy)
-enable-source-input=Enable Source Input (Automatic Copy)
+enable-source-input=Activar a entrada de fonte
enable-standard-test-type=Enable standard test type. (Automatic Copy)
enable-starttls=Activar StartTLS
-enable-subscription=Enable Subscription (Automatic Copy)
+enable-subscription=Activar a subscrición
enable-subscriptions=Habilitar descrición
enable-suggestions=Habilitar suxestións
enable-suggestions-endpoint=Enable Suggestions Endpoint (Automatic Copy)
@@ -6791,10 +6791,10 @@ enable-tag-based-navigation-help=Se isto está marcado e a etiqueta esta selecci
enable-template-creation=Enable Template Creation (Automatic Copy)
enable-template-creation-description=If checked, enable the creation of a dynamic data mapping template. (Automatic Copy)
enable-tensorflow-image-auto-tagging-on-this-instance=Enable TensorFlow Image Auto Tagging on This Instance (Automatic Copy)
-enable-terms-of-use=Enable Terms of Use (Automatic Copy)
+enable-terms-of-use=Activar os termos de uso
enable-this-for-resources-that-are-hosted-on-a-different-domain=Enable this for resources that are hosted on a different domain. (Automatic Copy)
enable-to-retain-facet-selections-across-searches=Enable to retain facet selections across searches. When disabled, facets will be reset when a new keyword is searched. (Automatic Copy)
-enable-user-password=Enable User Password (Automatic Copy)
+enable-user-password=Activar o contrasinal do usuario
enable-user-password-on-import=Enable User Password on Import (Automatic Copy)
enable-user-social-activity-tracking=Enable User Social Activity Tracking (Automatic Copy)
enable-view-count=Activar o reconto de vistas
@@ -6857,11 +6857,11 @@ enrollment-url=URL de rexistro
ensure-that-both-googles-places-api-and-maps-javascript-api-are-enabled-for-that-key=Ensure that both Google's Places API and Maps JavaScript API are enabled for that key. (Automatic Copy)
enter-a-blank-entry-to-disable-email-forwarding=Introduce unha entrada en branco para deshabilitar a redirección de correo.
-enter-a-blank-paypal-email-address-to-disable-paypal=Enter a blank PayPal email address to disable PayPal. Select the accepted credit cards to record payments using credit cards. Payments are not required if PayPal is disabled and there are no accepted credit cards. (Automatic Copy)
+enter-a-blank-paypal-email-address-to-disable-paypal=Insira un enderezo de correo electrónico en branco PayPal para desactivar PayPal. Seleccione as tarxetas de crédito aceptadas para rexistrar pagos mediante tarxetas de crédito. Non se necesitan pagamentos se PayPal está desactivado e non hai tarxetas de crédito aceptadas.
enter-a-default-value=Enter a default value. (Automatic Copy)
enter-a-default-value-that-is-submitted-if-no-other-value-is-entered=Enter a default value that is submitted if no other value is entered. (Automatic Copy)
enter-a-descriptive-field-label-that-guides-users-to-enter-the-information-you-want=Enter a descriptive field label that guides users to enter the information you want. (Automatic Copy)
-enter-a-field-label=Enter a field label. (Automatic Copy)
+enter-a-field-label=Introduza unha etiqueta de campo.
enter-a-label=Introduza unha etiqueta.
enter-a-list-item-click-cancel-or-leave-blank-to-end-the-list=Introduce un elemento da lista. Pulse cancelar ou déixao en branco para terminar a lista.
enter-a-list-of-email-addresses=Enter a list of email addresses. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -6923,7 +6923,7 @@ enter-the-default-organization-site-names-per-line-that-are-associated-with-newl
enter-the-default-regular-role-names-per-line-that-are-associated-with-newly-created-users=Enter the default regular role names per line that are associated with newly created users. (Automatic Copy)
enter-the-default-site-names-per-line-that-are-associated-with-newly-created-users=Introduce os nomes predeterminados de sitio web por liña que están asociados cos novos usuarios creados.
enter-the-default-user-group-names-per-line-that-are-associated-with-newly-created-users=Introduce os nomes dos grupos de usuarios (un por liña) que serán asignados por defecto aos novos usuarios.
-enter-the-encryption-algorithm-used-for-passwords-stored-in-the-ldap-server=Incorpora o algoritmo do cifrado usado para as contraseñas almacenadas no servidor de LDAP.
+enter-the-encryption-algorithm-used-for-passwords-stored-in-the-ldap-server=Incorpora o algoritmo do cifrado usado para os contrasinais almacenados no servidor de LDAP.
enter-the-friendly-url-that-is-used-by-both-public-and-private-pages=Enter the friendly URL that is used by both public and private pages. (Automatic Copy)
enter-the-friendly-url-that-is-used-by-pages=Enter the friendly URL that is used by pages. (Automatic Copy)
enter-the-key-of-an-alternate-search-this-widget-is-participating-on=Enter the key of an alternate search this widget is participating on. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -6931,11 +6931,11 @@ enter-the-key-of-an-alternate-search-this-widget-is-participating-on-if-not-set-
enter-the-list-of-file-extensions-users-can-upload-use-commas-to-separate-extensions=Enter the list of file extensions users can upload. Use commas to separate extensions. (Automatic Copy)
enter-the-name,-image,-and-priority-level-in-descending-order=Introduce o nome, a imaxe e o nivel da prioridad en orde descendente. Os fíos de discusión cunha prioridad máis alta mostraranse antes que os fíos de discusión cunha prioridad máis baixa. O nome e a imaxe serán a representación da prioridad. A imaxe pode especificarse cunha URL completa ou cunha ruta relativa ao tema de aparencia usado.
enter-the-otp-from-the-email=Enter the one-time password from the email. (Automatic Copy)
-enter-the-parameter=Enter the parameter. (Automatic Copy)
+enter-the-parameter=Introduza o parámetro.
enter-the-path=Introduza o camiño.
enter-the-public-and-private-virtual-host-that-map-to-the-public-and-private-friendly-url=Enter the public and private virtual host that maps to the public and private friendly URL. (Automatic Copy)
enter-the-rest-service-url=Enter the REST service URL. (Automatic Copy)
-enter-the-search-filter-that-is-used-to-test-the-validity-of-a-user=Enter the search filter that is used to test the validity of a user. The tokens @company_id@, @email_address@, @screen_name@, and @user_id@ are replaced at runtime with the correct values. (Automatic Copy)
+enter-the-search-filter-that-is-used-to-test-the-validity-of-a-user=Insira o filtro de busca que se usa para probar a validez dun usuario. O tokens @compañía_id @, @correo electrónico_address @, @screen_name @, e @user_id @substitúense en tempo de execución polos valores correctos.
enter-the-url-of-the-javascript-file-to-customize-a-frontend-data-set-cell-renderer=Enter the URL of the JavaScript file to customize a frontend data set cell renderer. (Automatic Copy)
enter-the-url-of-the-javascript-file-to-customize-a-frontend-data-set-filter=Enter the URL of the JavaScript file to customize a frontend data set filter. (Automatic Copy)
enter-the-url-of-the-javascript-file-to-customize-an-editor-configuration=Enter the URL of the JavaScript file to customize an editor configuration. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -6970,7 +6970,7 @@ entries-help=Represents the list of items that is displayed through this templat
entries-listing-for-table-display-style=Entries Listing for Table Display Style (Automatic Copy)
entries-per-feed=Entradas por alimentación
entries-per-page=Entradas por páxina
-entries-permissions=Entries Permissions (Automatic Copy)
+entries-permissions=Permisos de entradas
entries-submitted-with-this-field-filled-will-show-up-here=Entries submitted with this field filled will show up here. (Automatic Copy)
entries-that-have-been-in-the-recycle-bin-for-more-than-x-are-automatically-deleted=Entries that have been in the Recycle Bin for more than {0} are automatically deleted. (Automatic Copy)
entries-with-tag-x=Páxinas etiquetadas con {0}.
@@ -6978,7 +6978,7 @@ entries-with-x-x=Páxinas con {0} {1}.
entries-with-x-x-and-tag-x=Entries with {0} {1} and tag {2}. (Automatic Copy)
entry-added-email=Entrada engadida con email
-entry-check-interval=Entry Check Interval (Automatic Copy)
+entry-check-interval=Intervalo de comprobación de entrada
entry-check-interval-description=Set the interval (in minutes) on how often to check for and display blog entries scheduled to display. (Automatic Copy)
entry-columns=Columnas de entrada
entry-could-not-be-found=A entrada non foi encontrada.
@@ -7004,7 +7004,7 @@ error=Erro
error-code=Código de erro
error-code-x=Error Code: {0} (Automatic Copy)
-error-contacting-x=Error contacting {0} (Automatic Copy)
+error-contacting-x=Erro ao contacto con {0}
error-initializing-import-controls=Error initializing import controls. (Automatic Copy)
error-message=Mensaxe de erro
error-password-age-keywords=Error Password Age Keywords (Automatic Copy)
@@ -7094,7 +7094,7 @@ excluded-message-bus-destination-names-description=Input a list of message bus d
excluded-operation-ids=Excluded Operation IDs (Automatic Copy)
excluded-paths=Excluded Paths (Automatic Copy)
excluded-property-keys=Excluded Property Keys (Automatic Copy)
-excluded-property-keys-help=Remove property keys for logging. (Automatic Copy)
+excluded-property-keys-help=Elimina as teclas de propiedade para o rexistro.
excluded-scheduler-job-names=Excluded Scheduler Job Names (Automatic Copy)
excluded-scheduler-job-names-description=Input a list of scheduler job names to be excluded from their execution in every database partition when the company ID is not specified in the message. (Automatic Copy)
excluded-scopes=Ámbitos excluídos
@@ -7115,7 +7115,7 @@ existing-structure=Estrutura existente
existing-tokens=Tokens existentes
exit-with-primary-unit-of-measure-changed-saving-help=If the actual unit of measure is changed, all conversion rates to primary units of measure already set may become incorrect. Are you sure you want to change the primary unit of measure? (Automatic Copy)
-exit-without-saving=Exit without saving? (Automatic Copy)
+exit-without-saving=Saír sen gardar?
exit-without-saving-help=The field selections have not been saved to sync to Analytics Cloud. Do you want to exit without saving? (Automatic Copy)
expand-all=Expandir todos
@@ -7145,14 +7145,14 @@ expiration-date=Data de caducidade
expiration-date-notification-date-weeks=Expiration Date Notification Date (Week) (Automatic Copy)
expiration-date-notification-date-weeks-description=Define the timeline (in weeks) in which the user will receive a notification informing of an article expiration date. Articles within the specified expiration date will display the label "Expiring Soon" in the knowledge base management screen. (Automatic Copy)
expiration-date-notification-date-weeks-help=Set the number of weeks the user will be notified prior to the expiration date of an article. (Automatic Copy)
-expiration-warning-time-durations=Expiration Warning Time Durations (Automatic Copy)
+expiration-warning-time-durations=Duración do tempo de aviso de caducidade
expiration-warning-time-durations-description=Set the duration values that will be available when setting how long before a password expires that a user will be notified. (Automatic Copy)
expire-all-article-versions-enabled=Expire All Article Versions Enabled (Automatic Copy)
expire-all-file-entry-versions-enabled=Expire All Document Versions Enabled (Automatic Copy)
expire-ban-job-interval=Expire Ban Job Interval (Automatic Copy)
expire-ban-job-interval-description=Enter time (in minutes) on how often this job is run. If a user's ban is set to expire at 12:05 PM and the job runs at 2 PM, the expiration will occur during the 2 PM run. (Automatic Copy)
-expire-this-version=Expire This Version (Automatic Copy)
+expire-this-version=Caduca esta versión
expire-version=Caducar versión
expired-sharing-entries-check-interval=Expired Sharing Entries Check Interval (Automatic Copy)
@@ -7162,7 +7162,7 @@ explain-resolutions=Explain Module Resolutions (Automatic Copy)
explore-products=Explorar produtos
export-all-experiences-help-message=Translations for all defined experiences in each page will be exported. (Automatic Copy)
-export-all-settings=Export All Settings (Automatic Copy)
+export-all-settings=Exportar todas as configuracións
export-as-json=Exportación como json
export-audit-events=Export Audit Events (Automatic Copy)
export-batch-size=Tamaño do lote de exportación
@@ -7182,19 +7182,19 @@ export-file-format=Exportar o formato de ficheiro
export-file-is-being-created=Export file is being created. (Automatic Copy)
export-for-translation=Export for Translation (Automatic Copy)
export-for-translations=Export for Translations (Automatic Copy)
-export-fragment-set=Export Fragment Set (Automatic Copy)
-export-group-enabled=Export Group Enabled (Automatic Copy)
+export-fragment-set=Conxunto de fragmentos de exportación
+export-group-enabled=Activado grupo de exportación
export-group-enabled-help=Set this to true if groups and their associations should be exported from the portal to LDAP. This setting is not used unless the property "LDAPAuthConfiguration.enabled" is set to true. (Automatic Copy)
export-import=Exportación / Importación
export-import-configuration=Export/Import Template (Automatic Copy)
export-import-permissions-assigned-to-users-help=Debido á granularidad do sistema do permisos, a exportación ou a importación de permisos específicos de usuarios pode aumentar o tempo do proceso ostensiblemente. Non selecciones esta opción a menos que sexa absolutamente necesario.
export-import-permissions-help=If this is checked, the permissions assigned for the exported pages and individual portlet windows are included.
export-import-publish-system-roles-help=Os roles estándar do sistema son: administrador , invitado , Power User e usuario . Os roles do sistema adicionais pódense definir a través da propiedade system.roles no ficheiro portal-ext.properties .
-export-import-referenced-categories-help=When selected, all categories referenced by portlet data are exported or imported, keeping their hierarchy. During import, duplicate categories are not created if a category with the same name already exists. (Automatic Copy)
+export-import-referenced-categories-help=Cando se selecciona, todas as categorías ás que se fai referencia os datos do portlet son exportadas ou importadas, mantendo a súa xerarquía. Durante a importación, non se crean categorías duplicadas se xa existe unha categoría co mesmo nome.
export-import-service-configuration-description=The settings in this configuration let you control the export/import, staging, and site template propagation processes. (Automatic Copy)
export-import-service-configuration-name=Export/Import, Staging (Automatic Copy)
export-import-template=Export Import Template (Automatic Copy)
-export-import-theme-help=When selected on export, the top level theme and all of its files are included in the resulting LAR files. When selected on import, the theme is installed and all the pages are configured to use it. (Automatic Copy)
+export-import-theme-help=Cando se selecciona na exportación, o tema do nivel superior e todos os seus ficheiros están incluídos nos ficheiros LAR resultantes. Cando se selecciona en importación, o tema está instalado e todas as páxinas están configuradas para usalo.
export-import-theme-settings-help=Cando sexan seleccionados na exportación, o tema e o esquema de cores escollidos para o sitio serán incluidos nos ficheiros LAR resultantes. Cando sexan seleccionados na importación, as configuracións do tema e o esquema de colores serán importados e todas as páxinas serán configuradas para utilizalos.
export-individual-deletions=Export Individual Deletions (Automatic Copy)
export-last-range-help=Select a time range for data export. Choose an option to define the time frame for your data export. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -7202,16 +7202,16 @@ export-layout=Exportar páxina
export-my-x-as-vcards=Exportar o meu {0} como vCards
export-object-definition=Export Object Definition (Automatic Copy)
export-object-folder=Export Object Folder (Automatic Copy)
-export-only-approved-submissions=Export only approved submissions. (Automatic Copy)
+export-only-approved-submissions=Exportar só envíos aprobados.
export-organization-users=Export Organization Users (Automatic Copy)
export-overridden-translations=Export Overridden Translations (Automatic Copy)
export-permissions=Exportar permisos
-export-personal-data=Export Personal Data (Automatic Copy)
+export-personal-data=Exportar datos persoais
export-picklist=Export Picklist (Automatic Copy)
export-private-pages=Editar páxina privada
export-process-deletion-warning-message=Export process and export LAR file will be deleted after 30 days. (Automatic Copy)
export-processes=Procesos de exportación
-export-public-pages=Export Public Pages (Automatic Copy)
+export-public-pages=Exportar páxinas públicas
export-script=Script de exportación
export-settings=Configuración da exportación
export-templates=Disposicións de páxina
@@ -7231,7 +7231,7 @@ extend-this-page-css-with-client-extensions.-they-will-be-loaded-after-the-theme
extension-must-be-numeric=Extension must be numeric. (Automatic Copy)
-external-data-source=External Data Source (Automatic Copy)
+external-data-source=Fonte de datos externa
external-field-name_id_template=Campo externo
external-order-status=External Order Status (Automatic Copy)
external-reference-code=External Reference Code (Automatic Copy)
@@ -7278,7 +7278,7 @@ failing-elements=Elementos fallidos
-favicon-from-master=Favicon from Master (Automatic Copy)
+favicon-from-master=Favicon de Master
favicon-from-theme=Favicon do tema
favicon-from-x=Favicon de {0}
favicon-name=Nome Favicon
@@ -7413,8 +7413,8 @@ fedex-3-day-freight=Freight FedEx de 3 días
fedex-description=Ship via FedEx courier delivery service. (Automatic Copy)
fedex-distance-deferred=FedEx Distance Deferred (Automatic Copy)
fedex-europe-first-international-priority=FedEx Europe First International Priority (Automatic Copy)
-fedex-express-saver=FedEx Express Saver (Automatic Copy)
-fedex-first-freight=FedEx First Freight (Automatic Copy)
+fedex-express-saver=Fedex Express Saver
+fedex-first-freight=Fedex First Freight
fedex-first-overnight=FedEx First Overnight (Automatic Copy)
fedex-freight-economy=FedEx Freight Economy (Automatic Copy)
fedex-freight-priority=FedEx Freight Priority (Automatic Copy)
@@ -7433,7 +7433,7 @@ fedex-next-day-freight=FedEx Next Day Freight (Automatic Copy)
fedex-next-day-mid-morning=FedEx Next Day Mid-Morning (Automatic Copy)
fedex-priority-overnight=FedEx Priority Overnight (Automatic Copy)
fedex-same-day=Fedex o mesmo día
-fedex-same-day-city=FedEx Same Day City (Automatic Copy)
+fedex-same-day-city=Fedex o mesmo día cidade
fedex-smart-post=FedEx SmartPost
fedex-standard-overnight=FedEx Standard Overnight (Automatic Copy)
@@ -7456,7 +7456,7 @@ felix-fileinstall-filter=Filtro de nome do ficheiro
felix-fileinstall-log-level=Nivel de rexistro
felix-fileinstall-noInitialDelay=Sen atraso inicial
felix-fileinstall-poll=Intervalo de sondaxe
-felix-fileinstall-start-level=Bundles Start Level (Automatic Copy)
+felix-fileinstall-start-level=Os paquetes comezan o nivel
felix-fileinstall-tmpdir=Directorio temporal
female-voice=Voz feminina
@@ -7469,7 +7469,7 @@ field-mapping=Mapeo de campo
field-mappings=Mapeamentos de campo
field-name=Nome do campo
field-name-is-already-in-use=Field name is already in use. (Automatic Copy)
-field-name-patterns=Field Name Patterns (Automatic Copy)
+field-name-patterns=Patróns de nome de campo
field-names-must-be-unique.-the-following-field-names-are-duplicates=Field names must be unique. The following field names are duplicates: (Automatic Copy)
field-placed-on-x-of-x=Field Placed on {0} of {1} (Automatic Copy)
field-reference=Referencia de campo
@@ -7481,9 +7481,9 @@ field-translated=Campo traducido
field-type=Tipo do campo
field-types=Tipos de campo
field-types-basic-elements=Elementos básicos
-field-types-customized-elements=Customized Elements (Automatic Copy)
+field-types-customized-elements=Elementos personalizados
field-types-sidebar-title=Engadir elementos
-field-validation-failed=A custom field validation failed. (Automatic Copy)
+field-validation-failed=Fallou unha validación de campo personalizada.
field-visibility-expression=Field Visibility Expression (Automatic Copy)
field-weights=Pesos do campos
@@ -7509,7 +7509,7 @@ field.local-date=Data local
field.name-tree-path=Camiño de xerarquía
-field.parent-organization-id=Parent Organization (Automatic Copy)
+field.parent-organization-id=Organización de pais
field.referrer-url=URL de referencia
field.request-parameters=Solicitar parámetros
@@ -7563,7 +7563,7 @@ file-size-is-larger-than-the-allowed-overall-maximum-upload-request-size-x=File
file-size-is-larger-than-the-allowed-overall-maximum-upload-request-size-x-mb=File size is larger than the allowed overall maximum upload request size {0} MB. (Automatic Copy)
file-size-is-larger-than-x-megabytes=O tamaño do arquivo é maior de {0} $MB.
file-size-limit-exceeded.-please-ensure-that-the-file-does-not-exceed-the-file-size-limit-in-both-the-live-environment-and-the-staging-environment=File size limit exceeded. Please ensure that the file does not exceed the file size limit in both the live environment and the staging environment. (Automatic Copy)
-file-size-mime-type-description=Set the maximum file size for specific mime types. A value of 0 for the maximum file size can be used to indicate unlimited file size. Files larger than the value specified in this property will not be uploaded. (Automatic Copy)
+file-size-mime-type-description=Estableza o tamaño máximo do ficheiro para tipos MIME específicos. Pódese usar un valor de 0 para o tamaño máximo do ficheiro para indicar un tamaño de ficheiro ilimitado. Non se cargarán os ficheiros maiores do valor especificado nesta propiedade.
file-size-was-not-specified-in-the-request=O tamaño do arquivo non foi especificado na petición.
file-size-x=Tamaño de ficheiro {0}
file-summary=Resumo do ficheiro
@@ -7595,11 +7595,11 @@ filter-by-deployment-type=Filter by Deployment Type (Automatic Copy)
filter-by-domain=Filtrar por dominio
filter-by-exact-terms-match=Filter by Exact Terms Match (Automatic Copy)
filter-by-exact-terms-match-description=Filter results by one or multiple terms. At least one must match. (Automatic Copy)
-filter-by-extension=Filter by Extension (Automatic Copy)
+filter-by-extension=Filtro por extensión
filter-by-field=Filtrar por campo
filter-by-field-x=Filtrar polo campo {0}.
filter-by-impact=Filtro por impacto
-filter-by-item-type=Filter by Item Type (Automatic Copy)
+filter-by-item-type=Filtro por tipo de elemento
filter-by-location=Filtro por localización
filter-by-organization=Filtrar por organización
filter-by-override=Filtro por anulación
@@ -7612,7 +7612,7 @@ filter-by-tags=Filtrar por etiquetas
filter-by-type=Filtrar por tipo
filter-by-user=Filtrar por usuario
filter-by-user-group=Filtrar por grupo de usuario
-filter-by-visibility=Filter by Visibility (Automatic Copy)
+filter-by-visibility=Filtro por visibilidade
filter-collection=Recollida de filtros
filter-contacts=Filtrar contactos
filter-field=Campo de filtro
@@ -7637,11 +7637,11 @@ final-price=Prezo final
find-a-category=Atopar unha categoría
find-a-channel=Atopar unha canle
-find-a-delivery-term=Find a Delivery Term (Automatic Copy)
+find-a-delivery-term=Atopar un prazo de entrega
find-a-page=Encontrar unha páxina
-find-a-payment-term=Find a Payment Term (Automatic Copy)
+find-a-payment-term=Atopar un prazo de pago
find-a-product=Atopar un produto
-find-a-product-group=Find a Product Group (Automatic Copy)
+find-a-product-group=Atopar un grupo de produtos
find-a-sku=Encontrar unha SKU
find-an-account=Atopar unha conta
find-an-account-group=Find an Account Group (Automatic Copy)
@@ -7668,9 +7668,9 @@ firms=Compañías
first-day-of-week=Primeiro día da semana
first-message=Primeira mensaxe
-first-month-of-year=First Month of Year (Automatic Copy)
+first-month-of-year=Primeiro mes do ano
-first-name-attr=First Name Attribute (Automatic Copy)
+first-name-attr=Nome Attributo
first-name-attribute=Atributo do primero nome
first-reminder=Primeiro recordatorio
first-thread=Primeiro fío
@@ -7680,7 +7680,7 @@ fix-all-of-the-following-checks=Fix all of the following checks: (Automatic Copy
fix-at-least-one-of-the-following=Fix at least one of the following: (Automatic Copy)
fix-blocked-slas-to-resume-accurate-reporting=Fix blocked SLAs to resume accurate reporting. (Automatic Copy)
fix-issue=Corrixir problema
-fix-packs-management=Fix Packs Management (Automatic Copy)
+fix-packs-management=Corrixir a xestión de paquetes
fix-the-errors-between-the-fork-node-x-and-join-node-x=Fix the errors between the fork node {0} and join node {1}. (Automatic Copy)
fix-the-sla-configuration-to-resume-accurate-reporting=Fix the SLA configuration to resume accurate reporting. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -7721,7 +7721,7 @@ folder-name=Nome da carpeta
folder-parameter-name=Folder Parameter Name (Automatic Copy)
folder-path=Ruta da carpeta
-folders-and-articles=Folders and Articles (Automatic Copy)
+folders-and-articles=Carpetas e artigos
folders-and-documents=Carpetas e documentos
folders-and-entries=Carpetas e entradas
folders-and-files=Carpetas e ficheiros
@@ -7750,9 +7750,9 @@ font-size-small=Tamaño de letra pequena
font-style=Estilo de fonte
font-weight=Grosor de tipo de letra
font-weight-bold=Peso de letra en negriña
-font-weight-bolder=Font Weight Bolder (Automatic Copy)
+font-weight-bolder=Font Bolder
font-weight-light=Luz de peso de letra
-font-weight-lighter=Font Weight Lighter (Automatic Copy)
+font-weight-lighter=Peso de letra máis lixeiro
font-weight-normal=Peso de letra normal
font-weight-semi-bold=Font Weight Semi Bold (Automatic Copy)
font-weights=Grosores de tipo de letra
@@ -7781,7 +7781,7 @@ force-authn-help=Force identity provider to reauthenticate user regardless of ex
force-basic-auth=Force Basic Authentication (Automatic Copy)
force-digest-auth=Force Digest Authentication (Automatic Copy)
forget-url=Esquecer URL
-forgot-password=Esqueciches o contrasinal
+forgot-password=Esquecín o contrasinal
fork-x-and-join-x-nodes-must-be-paired=Fork {0} and join {1} nodes must be paired. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -7812,7 +7812,7 @@ form-input-border-radius=Form Input Border Radius (Automatic Copy)
form-input-border-width=Form Input Border Width (Automatic Copy)
form-input-color=Forma a cor de entrada
form-input-color-disabled=Form Input Color Disabled (Automatic Copy)
-form-input-font-size=Form Input Font Size (Automatic Copy)
+form-input-font-size=Tamaño da letra de entrada de formulario
form-input-font-weight=Form Input Font Weight (Automatic Copy)
form-input-label=Etiqueta de entrada de formulario
form-input-label-color=Form Input Label Color (Automatic Copy)
@@ -7826,8 +7826,8 @@ form-input-label-margin-right=Form Input Label Margin Right (Automatic Copy)
form-input-label-margin-top=Form Input Label Margin Top (Automatic Copy)
form-input-label-reference-mark-color=Form Input Label Reference Mark Color (Automatic Copy)
form-input-line-height=Form Input Line Height (Automatic Copy)
-form-input-padding-x=Form Input Padding X (Automatic Copy)
-form-input-padding-y=Form Input Padding Y (Automatic Copy)
+form-input-padding-x=Forma de acolchado x
+form-input-padding-y=Forma de entrada de acolchado y
form-input-placeholder=Form Input Placeholder (Automatic Copy)
form-input-placeholder-color=Form Input Placeholder Color (Automatic Copy)
form-input-placeholder-color-disabled=Form Input Placeholder Color Disabled (Automatic Copy)
@@ -7846,7 +7846,7 @@ form-template=Formato do modelo
form-template-id=ID de modelo de formulario
form-text=Texto de formulario
form-text-color=Forma a cor do texto
-form-text-font-size=Form Text Font Size (Automatic Copy)
+form-text-font-size=Forma de texto Tamaño de letra
form-text-font-weight=Form Text Font Weight (Automatic Copy)
form-text-line-height=Form Text Line Height (Automatic Copy)
form-text-margin=Forma a marxe de texto
@@ -7896,7 +7896,7 @@ fragment-sets=Conxuntos de fragmentos
fragment-sets-are-needed-to-create-fragments=Fragment sets are needed to create fragments. (Automatic Copy)
fragment-styles=Estilos de fragmentos
fragment-thumbnail=Miniatura de fragmento
-fragment-thumbnail-configuration-name=Fragment Thumbnails (Automatic Copy)
+fragment-thumbnail-configuration-name=Miniaturas de fragmento
fragment-with-key-x-was-ignored-because-it-does-not-exist=Fragment with key {0} was ignored because it does not exist. (Automatic Copy)
fragment.collection.label.content-display=Visualización de contido
@@ -7922,7 +7922,7 @@ freemarker=Freemarker
freemarker-engine-configuration-name=Motor de freemarker
freemarker-fragment-entry-processor-configuration-name=FreeMarker Fragment Entry Processor (Automatic Copy)
freemarker-syntax-is-invalid=FreeMarker syntax is invalid. (Automatic Copy)
-freemarker-template=FreeMarker Template (Automatic Copy)
+freemarker-template=Modelo de freemarker
frequency-threshold=Frequency Threshold (Automatic Copy)
frequent-pattern-recommendations=Frequent Pattern Recommendations (Automatic Copy)
@@ -7962,11 +7962,11 @@ from-x=De {0}
from-x-to-x=De {0} a {1}
from-your-computer=Do seu ordenador
front-page-name=Nome da páxina principal
-frontend-icons=Icons Configuration (Automatic Copy)
-frontend-icons-configuration-name=Icons Configuration (Automatic Copy)
+frontend-icons=Configuración de iconas
+frontend-icons-configuration-name=Configuración de iconas
frontend-icons-instance-configuration-name=Icon Pack Configuration (Automatic Copy)
-frontend-icons-site-configuration-name=Icon Pack Selection (Automatic Copy)
-frontend-js-aui-configuration-description=The settings in this configuration let you control when and how to load AUI for backward compatibility. For changes made here to take effect, you must reload the browser page after saving. (Automatic Copy)
+frontend-icons-site-configuration-name=Selección de paquetes de iconas
+frontend-js-aui-configuration-description=A configuración desta configuración permítelle controlar cando e como cargar AUI para a compatibilidade atrasada. Para os cambios realizados aquí para entrar en vigor, debes volver cargar a páxina do navegador despois de aforrar.
frontend-js-import-maps-configuration-name=JavaScript Import Maps (Automatic Copy)
frontend-js-import-maps-description=Enabling import maps will create an import map node in the HTML so that ES modules can use bare identifiers in their import declarations. Changes take effect after reloading the browser page. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -7980,7 +7980,7 @@ frontend-token-definition-json-file-upload=Frontend Token Definition JSON File U
frontpage=Páxina principal
-fulfillment-workflow=Fulfillment Workflow (Automatic Copy)
+fulfillment-workflow=Fluxo de traballo de cumprimento
full-content=Contido completo
full-description=Descrición completa
@@ -8008,7 +8008,7 @@ gender=Xénero
general-annnouncements-will-always-be-shown-select-any-other-distribution-scopes-you-would-like-to-display=Os anuncios xerais serán mostrados sempre. Seleccione outros ámbitos de distribución que desexe mostrar.
general-facet-configuration=Configuración xeral da faceta
-general-permissions=General Permissions (Automatic Copy)
+general-permissions=Permisos xerais
general-permissions-help=Estes permisos definen que accións se poden realizar para todas as aplicacións desta sección, como as súas configuracións, tanto se poden ver, acceder no panel de control, administración da biblioteca de sitios e activos e moito máis.
general-settings=Configuración xeral
general-terms=General Terms (Automatic Copy)
@@ -8017,7 +8017,7 @@ generate=Xerar
generate-access-token=Generate Access Token (Automatic Copy)
generate-all-sku-combinations=Generate All SKU Combinations (Automatic Copy)
generate-custom-roles=Xerar roles personalizados
-generate-new-secret=Generate New Secret (Automatic Copy)
+generate-new-secret=Xerar novo segredo
generate-thread-dump=Xerar un envorcado de fíos de execución.
generate-webdav-password=Generate WebDAV Password (Automatic Copy)
generating-preview-will-take-a-few-minutes=Xenerar a previsualización pode tardar varios minutos.
@@ -8036,7 +8036,7 @@ get-html-editor=Editor HTML
get-map=Obter o mapa
get-media-wiki-editor=Editor MediaWiki
get-or-post=Recibir ou enviar
-get-password=Obter a contraseña
+get-password=Obter o contrasinal
get-quote=Obter a cotización
get-the-api-key-and-canvas-page-url-from-facebook=Consegue a API key e a URL da páxina de canvas do facebook.
get-url=Obter {0}URL{1}.
@@ -8071,7 +8071,7 @@ go-to-marketplace=Vai ao mercado
go-to-my-portal=Vaia ao meu portal
go-to-next-template=Go to Next Template (Automatic Copy)
go-to-object-details-relationships=Go to Object Definition Details > Relationships. (Automatic Copy)
-go-to-order-details=Go to Order Details (Automatic Copy)
+go-to-order-details=Vaia aos detalles da orde
go-to-other-site=Go to Other Site (Automatic Copy)
go-to-other-site-or-library=Go to Other Site or Library (Automatic Copy)
go-to-page=Ir para a páxina
@@ -8098,10 +8098,10 @@ google-analytics-create-custom-configuration=Google Analytics Create Method Only
google-analytics-custom-configuration=Google Analytics Custom Configuration (Automatic Copy)
google-analytics-id=ID de Google Analytics
google-apps=Aplicacións de Google
-google-apps-api-key=Google Apps API Key (Automatic Copy)
-google-authorization-configuration-name=Google Authorization (Automatic Copy)
+google-apps-api-key=Clave API de Google Apps
+google-authorization-configuration-name=Autorización de Google
google-client-id=ID do cliente de Google
-google-client-secret=Google Client Secret (Automatic Copy)
+google-client-secret=Google Client Secret
google-cloud-natural-language-asset-auto-tag-configuration-description=Auto tag of text using the Cloud Natural Language API. (Automatic Copy)
google-cloud-natural-language-asset-auto-tag-configuration-name=Google Cloud Natural Language Text Auto Tagging (Automatic Copy)
google-cloud-translator-configuration-name=Translator Using Google Cloud (Automatic Copy)
@@ -8109,14 +8109,14 @@ google-cloud-vision-asset-auto-tag-provider-configuration-name=Google Cloud Visi
google-cloud-vision-asset-auto-tag-provider-description=Auto tags images using the Google Cloud Vision API. (Automatic Copy)
google-doc=Google Doc
google-docs-does-not-provide-a-preview-for-this-document=Google Docs does not provide a preview for this document. (Automatic Copy)
-google-docs-metadata=Google Docs Metadata (Automatic Copy)
+google-docs-metadata=Google Docs Metadatos
google-drive=Google Drive
google-drive-configuration-name=Google Drive
google-drive-shortcut=Google Drive Shortcut (Automatic Copy)
google-hangouts=Hangouts de Google
google-license=Licenza de Google
google-maps=Google Maps
-google-maps-api-key=Google Maps API Key (Automatic Copy)
+google-maps-api-key=Clave API de Google Maps
google-pagespeed=Google PageSpeed Insights (Automatic Copy)
google-places=Google Places
google-places-api-key=Google Places API Key (Automatic Copy)
@@ -8125,7 +8125,7 @@ google-slide=Google Slide
google-user-id=ID de usuario de Google
googles-spelling-suggestion-for=A suxestión de ortografía de Google para {0} é {1}.
-grace-limit=Accesos con contraseña caducada
+grace-limit=Límite de graza
grace-limit-help=This determines the number of times a user can log in after their password has expired, before they are required to enter a new password. (Automatic Copy)
grand-total=Total xeral
@@ -8167,14 +8167,14 @@ group-id=ID do grupo
group-ids=ID de grupo
group-ids-help=Select sites or enter the group IDs (site ID) manually. (Automatic Copy)
group-import-search-filter=Filtro de procura para importación de grupos
-group-local-service=Group Local Service (Automatic Copy)
+group-local-service=Servizo local do grupo
group-local-service-help=Provides the local service for accessing, adding, deleting, and updating groups. Groups are mostly used in Liferay as a resource container for permissioning and content scoping purposes. (Automatic Copy)
group-mapping=Equivalencias de campos de grupos
group-mappings=Mapeamento de grupos
group-mappings-help=When importing groups, the portal will use this mapping to connect LDAP group attributes and portal user group attributes. (Automatic Copy)
group-name=Nome do grupo
group-not-staged=The site is not staged. (Automatic Copy)
-group-search-filter=Group Search Filter (Automatic Copy)
+group-search-filter=Filtro de busca en grupo
group-search-filter-enabled=Group Search Filter Enabled (Automatic Copy)
group-search-filter-help=Settings for importing groups from LDAP to the portal. These settings are not used unless the property "LDAPImportConfiguration.enabled" is set to true. (Automatic Copy)
group-separators=Separadores de grupos
@@ -8203,7 +8203,7 @@ group.statistics.config.user.subscriptions=subscriptions of This site's users (A
group.statistics.config.user.votes=votes by This site's users (Automatic Copy)
group.statistics.config.user.wiki-updates=wiki page updates by This site's users (Automatic Copy)
group.statistics.config.user.wikis=wiki pages of This site's users (Automatic Copy)
-group.statistics.title.asset.activities=Activities on Assets (Automatic Copy)
+group.statistics.title.asset.activities=Actividades sobre activos
group.statistics.title.asset.attachments=Attachments Added to Assets (Automatic Copy)
group.statistics.title.asset.cancelled-subscriptions=Canceled Subscriptions to Assets (Automatic Copy)
group.statistics.title.asset.comments=Comentarios sobre activos
@@ -8211,17 +8211,17 @@ group.statistics.title.asset.replies=Replies to Message Board Posts (Automatic C
group.statistics.title.asset.subscriptions=Subscriptions to Assets (Automatic Copy)
group.statistics.title.asset.votes=Votos en activos
group.statistics.title.contribution=Contribution of Users (Automatic Copy)
-group.statistics.title.participation=Users' Participation (Automatic Copy)
-group.statistics.title.popularity=Popularity of Assets (Automatic Copy)
-group.statistics.title.user.achievements=Users' Achievements (Automatic Copy)
+group.statistics.title.participation=Participación dos usuarios
+group.statistics.title.popularity=Popularidade dos activos
+group.statistics.title.user.achievements=Logros dos usuarios
group.statistics.title.user.activities=Actividades dos usuarios
group.statistics.title.user.attachments=Anexos dos usuarios
group.statistics.title.user.blog-updates=Users' Blog Entry Updates (Automatic Copy)
-group.statistics.title.user.blogs=Users' Blog Entries (Automatic Copy)
+group.statistics.title.user.blogs=Entradas do blog dos usuarios
group.statistics.title.user.cancelled-subscriptions=Users' Canceled Subscriptions (Automatic Copy)
group.statistics.title.user.comments=Comentarios do usuario
group.statistics.title.user.message-posts=Users' Message Board Posts (Automatic Copy)
-group.statistics.title.user.subscriptions=Users' Subscriptions (Automatic Copy)
+group.statistics.title.user.subscriptions=Subscricións dos usuarios
group.statistics.title.user.votes=Votos por usuarios
group.statistics.title.user.wiki-updates=Wiki Page Updates by Users (Automatic Copy)
group.statistics.title.user.wikis=Páxinas wiki dos usuarios
@@ -8243,31 +8243,31 @@ guest-checkout=Checkout de hóspedes
guest-checkout-enabled=Guest Checkout Enabled (Automatic Copy)
guest-preferences=Preferencias para usuarios anónimos
guest-upload-file-extensions=Guest Upload File Extensions (Automatic Copy)
-guest-upload-file-extensions-help=Enter the list of file extensions guest users can upload. Use commas to separate extensions. The available file extensions for registered users are configured within the Documents and Media application. (Automatic Copy)
+guest-upload-file-extensions-help=Insira a lista de extensións de ficheiros que os usuarios convidados poden cargar. Use comas para separar as extensións. As extensións de ficheiros dispoñibles para usuarios rexistrados están configuradas dentro dos documentos e da aplicación multimedia.
guest-upload-maximum-file-size=Guest Upload Maximum File Size (Automatic Copy)
-guest-upload-maximum-file-size-help=Set the maximum allowed file size (in megabytes) for guest user uploads. The default value is 25. The maximum file sizes for registered users are configured within the Documents and Media application. (Automatic Copy)
+guest-upload-maximum-file-size-help=Estableza o tamaño máximo do ficheiro permitido (en megabytes) para cargas de usuarios de convidados. O valor predeterminado é 25. Os tamaños máximos de ficheiros para usuarios rexistrados están configurados dentro dos documentos e da aplicación multimedia.
guest-upload-maximum-submissions=Guest Upload Maximum Submissions (Automatic Copy)
guest-upload-maximum-submissions-help=Each form is limited to a fixed number of submissions per user for guest upload fields. The default value is 5. (Automatic Copy)
-guest-users-allowed=Guest Users Allowed (Automatic Copy)
-guest-users-enabled=Guest Users Enabled (Automatic Copy)
+guest-users-allowed=Os usuarios convidados permiten
+guest-users-enabled=Os usuarios convidados habilitados
guestbook=Libro de invitados
-h1-font-size=Heading 1 Font Size (Automatic Copy)
+h1-font-size=Título 1 tamaño de letra
h1-font-weight=Heading 1 Font Weight (Automatic Copy)
-h2-font-size=Heading 2 Font Size (Automatic Copy)
+h2-font-size=Tamaño da letra 2
h2-font-weight=Heading 2 Font Weight (Automatic Copy)
-h3-font-size=Heading 3 Font Size (Automatic Copy)
+h3-font-size=Tamaño da letra 3
h3-font-weight=Heading 3 Font Weight (Automatic Copy)
-h4-font-size=Heading 4 Font Size (Automatic Copy)
+h4-font-size=Tamaño de 4 fontes
h4-font-weight=Heading 4 Font Weight (Automatic Copy)
-h5-font-size=Heading 5 Font Size (Automatic Copy)
+h5-font-size=Tamaño de 5 fontes
h5-font-weight=Heading 5 Font Weight (Automatic Copy)
-h6-font-size=Heading 6 Font Size (Automatic Copy)
+h6-font-size=Tamaño da letra 6
h6-font-weight=Heading 6 Font Weight (Automatic Copy)
half-banner=Media bandeira
half-down=Half Down (Automatic Copy)
@@ -8301,7 +8301,7 @@ heading-level=Nivel de título
heading-options=Opcións de título
heading-x=Cabeceira {0}
-headings-line-height=Headings Line Height (Automatic Copy)
+headings-line-height=Altura da liña de títulos
headless=Headless (Automatic Copy)
headless-action-key=Headless Action Key (Automatic Copy)
headless-action-key-help=This key is used to display the action if the user has the permission for it by checking if the key is present in the data item's actions array. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -8337,7 +8337,7 @@ help-text=Texto de axuda
help-theme-css=Theme CSS defines CSS resources to override those provided by the theme. (Automatic Copy)
help-theme-favicon=Favicon defines an icon resource to override the favicon provided by the theme. (Automatic Copy)
help-theme-svg=Theme SVG defines a spritemap resource containing icons to override those provided by the theme. (Automatic Copy)
-help-us-improve-it=Help us improve it. (Automatic Copy)
+help-us-improve-it=Axúdanos a melloralo.
hh-mm-a=hh:mm A
@@ -8397,7 +8397,7 @@ hide-x=Ocultar {0}
highest=O máis arriba posible
-highest-rated-assets=Highest Rated Assets (Automatic Copy)
+highest-rated-assets=Activos máis valorados
highest-score=Puntuación máis alta
highlight-configuration=Highlight Configuration (Automatic Copy)
highlight-configuration-description=Override the default search highlight configuration. If empty, the default highlight configuration is applied. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -8411,7 +8411,7 @@ hint-for-wide-portlet=ancho
historical-charts=Gráficas de historial
history-count=Tamaño do historial
-history-count-help=Determina o número de contraseñas anteriores que se manterán no historial.
+history-count-help=Determina o número de contrasinais anteriores que se manterán no historial.
hmm-looks-like-this-item-does-not-have-a-preview-we-can-show-you=Hmm... looks like this item does not have a preview we can show you. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -8473,7 +8473,7 @@ html-title-help=This text will be applied to the title meta tag inside the head
http-client-factory-configuration-name=HTTP Client Factory Configuration (Automatic Copy)
http-client-max-connections=Maximum HTTP Connections (Automatic Copy)
http-client-max-connections-help=Set the maximum number of allowed open HTTP connections. (Automatic Copy)
-http-client-max-error-retry=Maximum HTTP Retries (Automatic Copy)
+http-client-max-error-retry=Máximos intentos HTTP
http-client-max-error-retry-help=Set the maximum number of retry attempts for failed retryable requests. (Automatic Copy)
http-configuration-name=HTTP Configuration (Automatic Copy)
http-cors-allow-origin=HTTP CORS Allow Origin (Automatic Copy)
@@ -8491,7 +8491,7 @@ http-ssl-enabled=Habilitado HTTP SSL
http-ssl-enabled-help=Activar ou desactivar TLS/SSL.
http-status-code[404]=Non atopado
http-status-code[500]=Erro interno do servidor
-http-tunnel-extender-configuration-name=HTTP Tunnel Extender (Automatic Copy)
+http-tunnel-extender-configuration-name=Extender do túnel HTTP
hugging-face-inference-api=Hugging Face Inference API (Automatic Copy)
hugging-face-inference-endpoint=Hugging Face Inference Endpoint (Automatic Copy)
human=Human (Automatic Copy)
@@ -8577,11 +8577,11 @@ ii=II
image-content-is-invalid-for-field-x=Image content is invalid for field {0}. (Automatic Copy)
-image-css-selectors=Image CSS Selectors (Automatic Copy)
+image-css-selectors=Selectores CSS de imaxe
image-description=Descrición do artigo
image-dimensions-exceed-max-dimensions-x-high-x-wide=Image dimensions exceed max dimensions of {0} px high and {0} px wide. (Automatic Copy)
image-extensions=Allowed Image Extensions (Automatic Copy)
-image-field-type-description=Send an image file. (Automatic Copy)
+image-field-type-description=Enviar un ficheiro de imaxe.
image-field-type-help-text=You can upload images from your computer or from Documents and Media. (Automatic Copy)
image-gallery=Galería imaxes
@@ -8622,7 +8622,7 @@ import=Importar
import-a-file=Importar un ficheiro
import-a-lar-file-to-overwrite-the-selected-data=Importe un arquivo de LAR para sobreescribir os datos seleccionados.
import-and-export=Importación e exportación
-import-and-override=Import and Override (Automatic Copy)
+import-and-override=Importar e anular
import-batch-size=Tamaño do lote de importación
import-batch-size-description=Set the default size of a batch containing records from an import file that will be written to a database. (Automatic Copy)
import-cas-users-from-ldap=Importación de LDAP
@@ -8639,7 +8639,7 @@ import-enabled-user-password-autogenerated-help=If this is checked, autogenerate
import-entity=Importar recurso
import-file=Importar ficheiro
import-file-format-is-invalid-or-has-an-unsupported-version-number=Import file format is invalid or has an unsupported version number. (Automatic Copy)
-import-file-max-size=Import file max size (Automatic Copy)
+import-file-max-size=Importar o tamaño máximo do ficheiro
import-file-max-size-must-be-within-upload-request-max-size-boundaries=Import file max size must be within upload request max size boundaries (Automatic Copy)
import-files=Importar ficheiros
import-fragments=Fragmentos de importación
@@ -8651,7 +8651,7 @@ import-group-cache-enabled-help=Specify whether time-group DN lookups will be ca
import-help=Select a ZIP file containing one or multiple page templates. (Automatic Copy)
import-interval=Intervalo da importación
import-lar-file-deletion-warning-message=The import LAR file is deleted immediately after the import process completes. (Automatic Copy)
-import-lock-expiration-time=Lock Expiration Time (Automatic Copy)
+import-lock-expiration-time=Tempo de caducidade de bloqueo
import-lock-expiration-time-help=Set the lock expiration time for LDAP import. By default, the expiration time is 1 day. (Automatic Copy)
import-mappings=Importacións de importación
import-method=Método de importación
@@ -8667,7 +8667,7 @@ import-permissions=Importar permisos
import-picklist=Import Picklist (Automatic Copy)
import-private-pages=Ir ás páxina privadas
import-process-deletion-warning-message=Import process will be deleted after 30 days. (Automatic Copy)
-import-public-pages=Import Public Pages (Automatic Copy)
+import-public-pages=Importar páxinas públicas
import-regions=Rexións de importación
import-script=Script de importación
import-search-filter=Filtro de procura para a importación
@@ -8682,7 +8682,7 @@ import-succeeded=Import Succeeded (Automatic Copy)
import-task-isolation=Import Task Isolation Level (Automatic Copy)
import-task-isolation-help=Estableza o nivel de illamento para tarefas de importación de propagación do modelo de sitio. O predeterminado está configurado en grupo. Isto significa que só unha tarefa de importación de propagación do modelo de sitio pode executar ao mesmo tempo para o mesmo sitio de destino. Non obstante, tamén podes configuralo en compañía. Isto reducirá o paralelismo só permitindo que se execute unha tarefa a nivel da empresa. En xeral, use esta opción para reducir a carga no portal a cambio de atrasar as propagacións do modelo de sitio.
import-translation=Tradución de importación
-import-translations=Import Translations (Automatic Copy)
+import-translations=Traducións de importación
import-user-preferences-help=User preferences can only be successfully imported when the user UUIDs match. (Automatic Copy)
import-user-sync-strategy=Import User Sync Strategy (Automatic Copy)
import-user-synchronization-strategy=Import User Synchronization Strategy (Automatic Copy)
@@ -8740,17 +8740,17 @@ include-children-categories-when-searching-parent-categories-description=When ch
include-clear-filters-option=Include Clear Filters Option (Automatic Copy)
include-decline-all-button=Include "Decline All" Button (Automatic Copy)
include-headers=Incluír cabeceiras
-include-if-modified=Include If Modified (Automatic Copy)
+include-if-modified=Incluír se modifica
include-inherited-permissions=Include Inherited Permission (Automatic Copy)
-include-inherited-permissions-help=Set this to true to include a user's inherited roles as part of search permission filtering. A user's inherited roles include all users assigned to a user from their user group and organization memberships. (Automatic Copy)
+include-inherited-permissions-help=Estableza isto para incluír os roles herdados dun usuario como parte do filtrado de permisos de busca. Os roles herdados dun usuario inclúen a todos os usuarios asignados a un usuario do seu grupo de usuarios e adhesións de organización.
include-navigation-items-in-the-context=Include Navigation Items in the Context (Automatic Copy)
include-original-text=Incluír o texto orixinal
include-page-urls-in-the-xml-sitemap=Include Page URLs in the XML Sitemap (Automatic Copy)
include-returns-only-the-selected-values.-exclude-returns-all-except-the-selected-ones=Include returns only the selected values. Exclude returns all except the selected values. (Automatic Copy)
-include-root-in-tree=Include Root in Tree (Automatic Copy)
+include-root-in-tree=Incluír a raíz na árbore
include-scopes-implied-before-scope-mapping=Include Scopes Implied Before Scope Mapping (Automatic Copy)
include-scopes-implied-before-scope-mapping-description=When selected, the original implications between scopes are included. This is useful when scope mapping is being used to create coarser grain scopes. (Automatic Copy)
-include-search-field=Include Search Field (Automatic Copy)
+include-search-field=Incluír o campo de busca
include-search-in-dropdown=Include Search in Dropdown (Automatic Copy)
include-tags-specified-in-the-url=Include tags specified in the URL. (Automatic Copy)
include-thumbnails-and-previews-during-staging=Include Thumbnails And Previews During Staging (Automatic Copy)
@@ -8788,9 +8788,9 @@ index-actions-in-all-virtual-instances-enabled-help=Allow all regular administra
index-all-article-versions-enabled=Index All Article Versions Enabled (Automatic Copy)
index-commit-immediately=Index Commit Immediately (Automatic Copy)
index-commit-immediately-help=Estableza isto en verdade para cometer inmediatamente as solicitudes de escritura do índice de busca. Establecer isto a True pode afectar negativamente o rendemento do motor de busca xa que cada solicitude de escritura obrigará ao motor de busca a actualizar o lector de índices e potencialmente as transaccións ao disco. O comportamento predeterminado do portal é comprometerse inmediatamente para as operacións de índice individual (por exemplo, engadir blog, actualizar o blog), pero os compromisos de atraso para operacións a granel (por exemplo, índice de todos os usuarios, índice todos os wikis) ata que se enviou todas as entradas ao motor de busca. Establecer isto en falso pode provocar que os widgets como o editor de activos mostren unha resposta atrasada ao mostrar contido recentemente engadido. Por exemplo, os usuarios poden experimentar un atraso co motor de busca predeterminado de Elasticsearch. Vexa https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/guide/current/near-real-time.html para obter máis información.
-index-configuration=Index Configuration (Automatic Copy)
+index-configuration=Configuración do índice
index-configuration-description=Select a search index to query with this blueprint. (Automatic Copy)
-index-id-goes-here=Index ID goes here. (Automatic Copy)
+index-id-goes-here=O ID do índice vai aquí.
index-identity=Identidade do índice
index-max-result-window=Max Result Window (Automatic Copy)
index-max-result-window-help=Set the maximum number of results that can be returned from a search query. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -8799,11 +8799,11 @@ index-name-prefix=Prefixo de nome do índice
index-name-prefix-help=Set the prefix for the search index name. This value should not be changed under normal conditions. If you change this value, you must reindex and manually delete the old index using the search engine's tools. (Automatic Copy)
index-read-only=Índice só lido
index-settings=Configuración do índice
-index-status-manager-configuration-name=Index Status Manager (Automatic Copy)
+index-status-manager-configuration-name=Xestor de estado do índice
index-type=Tipo de indexado
index-writer-helper-configuration-name=Indexer Writer Helper (Automatic Copy)
-indexable-keyword=Indexable - Keyword (Automatic Copy)
+indexable-keyword=Indexable - Palabra clave
indexable-text=Indexable - texto
indexed-field=Indexed Field (Automatic Copy)
@@ -8812,7 +8812,7 @@ indexer-registry-configuration-name=Rexistro do índice
indexes-help=Enter the comma separated names of the indexes to search. Do not enter the standard Liferay index name. This is an advanced configuration that should normally be left blank. (Automatic Copy)
indexing-batch-sizes=Tamaños de lotes de indexación
-indexing-batch-sizes-help=The number of documents to index per batch for model types that support batch indexing. Defaults to 10000. For models with large documents, decreasing this value may improve stability when executing a full reindex. (Automatic Copy)
+indexing-batch-sizes-help=O número de documentos a índice por lote para tipos de modelos que admiten a indexación por lotes. Os valores predeterminados a 10000. Para modelos con grandes documentos, diminuír este valor pode mellorar a estabilidade á hora de executar un reno completo.
indicates-required-fields=Indicates Required Fields (Automatic Copy)
@@ -8838,9 +8838,9 @@ inherited-value=Valor herdado
initial-node-name=Nome do nodo inicial
initial-publish-process=Initial Publish Process (Automatic Copy)
-initial-retry-delay=Initial Retry Delay (Automatic Copy)
+initial-retry-delay=Atraso inicial de reintento
initial-retry-delay-help=Set the initial delay when dealing with a retry (milliseconds). (Automatic Copy)
-initial-rpc-timeout=Initial RPC Timeout (Automatic Copy)
+initial-rpc-timeout=Tempo de espera inicial de RPC
initial-rpc-timeout-help=Set the initial timeout for RPC calls (milliseconds). (Automatic Copy)
initial-value=Initial Value (Automatic Copy)
initial-window-state=Estado inicial da ventá
@@ -8892,7 +8892,7 @@ install-more-layout-templates=Instalar máis plugins de disposición
install-more-plugins=Instalar máis plugins
install-more-portlets=Instalar máis portlets
install-more-themes=Instalar máis temas
-install-more-widgets=Install More Widgets (Automatic Copy)
+install-more-widgets=Instale máis widgets
install-portlet=Instale portlet
install-status=Estado de instalación
@@ -8930,8 +8930,8 @@ interest-terms-cache-expiration-time-name=Interest Terms Cache Expiration Time (
intermediate-pages=Páxinas intermedias
-internal-categories=Internal Categories (Automatic Copy)
-internal-class-name=Internal Class Name (Automatic Copy)
+internal-categories=Categorías internas
+internal-class-name=Nome da clase interna
internal-field-name_id_template=Campo interno
internal-key-to-reference-the-notification-template=Internal Key to Reference the Notification Template (Automatic Copy)
internal-server-error=Erro interno do servidor
@@ -8946,10 +8946,10 @@ invalid=Inválido
invalid-characters-were-defined-for-field-name-x=Invalid characters were defined for field {0}. (Automatic Copy)
invalid-client-id=The application did not provide a valid client ID. (Automatic Copy)
invalid-command=Comando non válido
-invalid-content-type=Invalid Content Type (Automatic Copy)
+invalid-content-type=Tipo de contido non válido
invalid-criteria=Criterios non válidos
invalid-manifest.xml-x=Invalid manifest.xml: {0} (Automatic Copy)
-invalid-origin-value=Invalid Origin Value (Automatic Copy)
+invalid-origin-value=Valor de orixe non válido
invalid-subtype=Subtipo non válido
inventory-by-warehouse=Inventory by Warehouse (Automatic Copy)
@@ -8958,8 +8958,8 @@ inventory-engine=Motor de inventario
inventory-engine-method=Inventory Engine Method (Automatic Copy)
inventory-item-with-this-sku-already-exists-in-the-selected-warehouse=Inventory item with this SKU already exists in the selected warehouse. (Automatic Copy)
inventory-item-with-this-sku-and-uom-already-exists-in-the-selected-warehouse=Inventory item with this SKU and unit of measure already exists in the selected warehouse. (Automatic Copy)
-inventory-management=Inventory Management (Automatic Copy)
-inventory-method-key=Inventory Method Key (Automatic Copy)
+inventory-management=Xestión de inventario
+inventory-method-key=Clave de método de inventario
inventory-on-order=En pedido
inventory-overview=Visión xeral
@@ -8992,7 +8992,7 @@ invite-to-team=Invitar a un equipo
invite-user=Convidar usuario
invite-user-to-this-account=Invite User to This Account (Automatic Copy)
invite-users=Invita aos usuarios
-invite-users-to-x=Invite Users to {0} (Automatic Copy)
+invite-users-to-x=Invita aos usuarios a {0}
invited-users-will-be-notified=Invited users will be notified. (Automatic Copy)
invites-you-to-work-on-a-publication=Invites you to work on a publication. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -9001,7 +9001,7 @@ invoke=Invocar
ip-addresses=O meu enderezo
ip-geocoder-configuration-name=IP Geocoder Configuration (Automatic Copy)
-ip-geocoder-country=IP Geocoder Country (Automatic Copy)
+ip-geocoder-country=IP Geocoder Country
is-a-url=É un URL
@@ -9113,8 +9113,8 @@ javax.portlet.description.com_liferay_commerce_avalara_connector_web_internal_po
javax.portlet.description.com_liferay_commerce_catalog_web_internal_portlet_CommerceCatalogsPortlet=Catalogs house the products that may be listed through this Commerce instance. (Automatic Copy)
javax.portlet.description.com_liferay_commerce_channel_web_internal_portlet_CommerceChannelsPortlet=Channels provide a way to publish some or all products in a catalog to specified consumers. (Automatic Copy)
javax.portlet.description.com_liferay_commerce_dashboard_web_internal_portlet_CommerceDashboardForecastsChartPortlet=Order Forecasts Chart (Automatic Copy)
-javax.portlet.description.com_liferay_commerce_dashboard_web_internal_portlet_CommerceDashboardHistoryChartPortlet=Order History Chart (Automatic Copy)
-javax.portlet.description.com_liferay_commerce_dashboard_web_internal_portlet_CommerceDashboardOverviewChartPortlet=Order Overview Chart (Automatic Copy)
+javax.portlet.description.com_liferay_commerce_dashboard_web_internal_portlet_CommerceDashboardHistoryChartPortlet=Gráfico de historial de pedidos
+javax.portlet.description.com_liferay_commerce_dashboard_web_internal_portlet_CommerceDashboardOverviewChartPortlet=Gráfico de visión xeral de pedidos
javax.portlet.description.com_liferay_commerce_dashboard_web_internal_portlet_CommerceDashboardStatusChartPortlet=Gráfico de estado de pedido
javax.portlet.description.com_liferay_commerce_discount_content_web_internal_portlet_CommerceDiscountContentPortlet=Entrada de código de cupón
@@ -9131,7 +9131,7 @@ javax.portlet.description.com_liferay_commerce_shipment_web_internal_portlet_Com
javax.portlet.description.com_liferay_commerce_shipping_web_internal_portlet_CommerceShippingMethodPortlet=Métodos de envío
javax.portlet.description.com_liferay_commerce_tax_web_internal_portlet_CommerceTaxMethodPortlet=Métodos de impostos
-javax.portlet.description.com_liferay_commerce_term_web_internal_portlet_CommerceTermEntryPortlet=Terms and Conditions (Automatic Copy)
+javax.portlet.description.com_liferay_commerce_term_web_internal_portlet_CommerceTermEntryPortlet=Termos e condicións
javax.portlet.description.com_liferay_commerce_wish_list_web_internal_portlet_CommerceWishListContentPortlet=Contido da lista de desexos
javax.portlet.description.com_liferay_cookies_banner_web_portlet_CookiesBannerConfigurationPortlet=Cookies Banner Configuration (Automatic Copy)
javax.portlet.description.com_liferay_cookies_banner_web_portlet_CookiesBannerPortlet=Banner de cookies
@@ -9153,7 +9153,7 @@ javax.portlet.description.com_liferay_mysubscriptions_web_portlet_MySubscription
javax.portlet.description.com_liferay_oauth2_provider_web_internal_portlet_OAuth2AdminPortlet=Authorizes third-party applications secure access to user resources without giving them the passwords. (Automatic Copy)
javax.portlet.description.com_liferay_password_policies_admin_web_portlet_PasswordPoliciesAdminPortlet=Password policies define enterprise level security measures which include user lockout and password expiration. You can define policies or delegate to an LDAP server. (Automatic Copy)
javax.portlet.description.com_liferay_plugins_admin_web_portlet_PluginsAdminPortlet=Components allows you to enable or disable component types such as portlets, themes, and layout templates. (Automatic Copy)
-javax.portlet.description.com_liferay_portal_instances_web_portlet_PortalInstancesPortlet=Virtual instances allows you to run multiple instances of Liferay on a single server. While instances share the same database, their users, sites, organizations, roles, settings, etc. are independent per instance. (Automatic Copy)
+javax.portlet.description.com_liferay_portal_instances_web_portlet_PortalInstancesPortlet=As instancias virtuais permítelle executar varias instancias de Liferay nun único servidor. Mentres as instancias comparten a mesma base de datos, os seus usuarios, sitios, organizacións, roles, configuracións, etc. son independentes por instancia.
javax.portlet.description.com_liferay_portal_search_admin_web_portlet_SearchAdminPortlet=Search settings control indexing and other search engine features. (Automatic Copy)
javax.portlet.description.com_liferay_portal_settings_web_portlet_PortalSettingsPortlet=As configuracións de instancia inclúen as configuracións globais axustables da instancia, como nome, autenticación, asociacións por defecto de usuario e servidores de correo electrónico.
javax.portlet.description.com_liferay_portal_workflow_instance_tracker_web_internal_portlet_WorkflowInstanceTrackerPortlet=Workflow Instance Tracker (Automatic Copy)
@@ -9161,7 +9161,7 @@ javax.portlet.description.com_liferay_portal_workflow_web_internal_portlet_SiteA
javax.portlet.description.com_liferay_portal_workflow_web_internal_portlet_UserWorkflowPortlet=Lists workflow processes started by you. (Automatic Copy)
javax.portlet.description.com_liferay_roles_admin_web_portlet_RolesAdminPortlet=Roles are groupings of users that share a particular function within the portal, according to a particular scope. You can add roles which can be granted permissions to various functions within portlet applications.
javax.portlet.description.com_liferay_saved_content_web_portlet_MySavedContentPortlet=My Saved Content organizes all of your saved content in one easy to use location. (Automatic Copy)
-javax.portlet.description.com_liferay_segments_web_internal_portlet_SegmentsPortlet=A segment represents a set of users that meet certain criteria. Segments may be used to create customized experiences for their members. Administrators can add, view, preview members, update, and delete segments. (Automatic Copy)
+javax.portlet.description.com_liferay_segments_web_internal_portlet_SegmentsPortlet=Un segmento representa un conxunto de usuarios que cumpren certos criterios. Os segmentos pódense usar para crear experiencias personalizadas para os seus membros. Os administradores poden engadir, ver, previsualizar membros, actualizar e eliminar segmentos.
javax.portlet.description.com_liferay_server_admin_web_portlet_ServerAdminPortlet=As configuracións do servidor de administración controlan os logs, almacenamento en caché, indexación de busca e outras funcionalidades avanzadas. Pode monitorar o desempeño do sistema, modificar as configuracións detalladas do servidor, reindexar buscas e modificar a caché.
javax.portlet.description.com_liferay_site_admin_web_portlet_SiteAdminPortlet=Os sitios web son un conxunto de páxinas que mostran contidos e acceso a aplicacións específicas. Os sitios web poden ter membros, con acceso exclusivo a determinadas páxinas ou contidos.
javax.portlet.description.com_liferay_site_teams_web_portlet_SiteTeamsPortlet=Teams are collections of site members. Site administrators can give specific permissions to teams using the same procedure as with roles. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -9169,7 +9169,7 @@ javax.portlet.description.com_liferay_staging_configuration_web_portlet_StagingC
javax.portlet.description.com_liferay_trash_web_portlet_TrashPortlet=The Recycle Bin shows all assets removed by users. Assets can be restored or permanently deleted. (Automatic Copy)
javax.portlet.description.com_liferay_user_groups_admin_web_portlet_UserGroupsAdminPortlet=Os grupos de usuários fornecem unha maneira de agrupar os usuarios de forma independente das organizacións a que pertencen. Pode definir un grupo de usuarios e asignar o grupo de usuarios como un membro dun sitio para facer que todos os seus usuarios membros sexan automaticamente.
javax.portlet.description.com_liferay_users_admin_web_portlet_UsersAdminPortlet=Os usuarios son individuos que realizan tarefas usando o portal. Pode crear novos usuarios ou desactivar usuarios existentes. Os usuarios podense unir a sitios web, ser colocados em xerarquías organizacionais, serlles delegados permisos a través de roles, ou ser reunidos en grupos de usuarios. Os grupos de usuarios poden atravesar as fronteiras organizacionais, e poden ser usados para asignar todos os membros a outras entidades, como sitios web ou roles. Os grupos de usuarios tamén poden ser usados para personalizar modelos de sitios web persoais para os membros.
-javax.portlet.description.com_liferay_wiki_web_portlet_WikiAdminPortlet=Wiki is a social collaborative encyclopedia that lets users come together and share knowledge in an area. Administrators can add and edit wiki pages, change permissions, and set advanced options. (Automatic Copy)
+javax.portlet.description.com_liferay_wiki_web_portlet_WikiAdminPortlet=Wiki é unha enciclopedia colaborativa social que permite aos usuarios xuntarse e compartir coñecemento nunha área. Os administradores poden engadir e editar páxinas Wiki, cambiar permisos e establecer opcións avanzadas.
javax.portlet.display-name.com_liferay_portal_search_similar_results_web_portlet_SimilarResultsPortlet=Resultados similares
javax.portlet.display-name.com_liferay_search_experiences_web_internal_blueprint_options_portlet_SXPBlueprintOptionsPortlet=Opcións de modelos
javax.portlet.keywords.com_liferay_portal_search_similar_results_web_portlet_SimilarResultsPortlet=Resultados similares
@@ -9192,8 +9192,8 @@ javax.portlet.long-title.com_liferay_commerce_catalog_web_internal_portlet_Comme
javax.portlet.long-title.com_liferay_commerce_dashboard_web_internal_portlet_CommerceDashboardForecastsChartPortlet=Order Forecasts Chart (Automatic Copy)
-javax.portlet.long-title.com_liferay_commerce_dashboard_web_internal_portlet_CommerceDashboardHistoryChartPortlet=Order History Chart (Automatic Copy)
-javax.portlet.long-title.com_liferay_commerce_dashboard_web_internal_portlet_CommerceDashboardOverviewChartPortlet=Order Overview Chart (Automatic Copy)
+javax.portlet.long-title.com_liferay_commerce_dashboard_web_internal_portlet_CommerceDashboardHistoryChartPortlet=Gráfico de historial de pedidos
+javax.portlet.long-title.com_liferay_commerce_dashboard_web_internal_portlet_CommerceDashboardOverviewChartPortlet=Gráfico de visión xeral de pedidos
javax.portlet.long-title.com_liferay_commerce_dashboard_web_internal_portlet_CommerceDashboardStatusChartPortlet=Gráfico de estado de pedido
javax.portlet.long-title.com_liferay_commerce_discount_content_web_internal_portlet_CommerceDiscountContentPortlet=Entrada de código de cupón
javax.portlet.long-title.com_liferay_commerce_health_status_web_internal_portlet_CommerceHealthCheckPortlet=Comprobación sanitaria
@@ -9210,7 +9210,7 @@ javax.portlet.long-title.com_liferay_commerce_pricing_web_internal_portlet_Comme
javax.portlet.long-title.com_liferay_commerce_product_measurement_unit_web_internal_portlet_CPMeasurementUnitPortlet=Unidades de medición
-javax.portlet.long-title.com_liferay_commerce_product_options_web_internal_portlet_CPOptionCategoriesPortlet=Specification Groups (Automatic Copy)
+javax.portlet.long-title.com_liferay_commerce_product_options_web_internal_portlet_CPOptionCategoriesPortlet=Grupos de especificación
javax.portlet.long-title.com_liferay_commerce_product_tax_category_web_internal_portlet_CPTaxCategoryPortlet=Categorías fiscais
@@ -9219,7 +9219,7 @@ javax.portlet.long-title.com_liferay_commerce_shipping_web_internal_portlet_Comm
javax.portlet.long-title.com_liferay_commerce_support_web_internal_portlet_CommerceContextPortlet=Contexto de comercio
javax.portlet.long-title.com_liferay_commerce_tax_web_internal_portlet_CommerceTaxMethodPortlet=Métodos de impostos
-javax.portlet.long-title.com_liferay_commerce_term_web_internal_portlet_CommerceTermEntryPortlet=Terms and Conditions (Automatic Copy)
+javax.portlet.long-title.com_liferay_commerce_term_web_internal_portlet_CommerceTermEntryPortlet=Termos e condicións
javax.portlet.long-title.com_liferay_commerce_wish_list_web_internal_portlet_CommerceWishListContentPortlet=Contido da lista de desexos
@@ -9257,7 +9257,7 @@ javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_account_admin_web_internal_portlet_AccountGroups
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_account_admin_web_internal_portlet_AccountUsersAdminPortlet=Usuarios da conta
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_account_admin_web_internal_portlet_AccountUsersRegistrationPortlet=Account User Registration (Automatic Copy)
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_adaptive_media_web_portlet_AMPortlet=Medios adaptativos
-javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_address_web_internal_portlet_CountriesManagementAdminPortlet=Countries Management (Automatic Copy)
+javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_address_web_internal_portlet_CountriesManagementAdminPortlet=Xestión de países
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_ai_creator_openai_web_internal_portlet_AICreatorOpenAIPortlet=AI Creator OpenAI (Automatic Copy)
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_analytics_reports_web_internal_portlet_AnalyticsReportsPortlet=Informes de Analytics
@@ -9270,7 +9270,7 @@ javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_asset_categories_selector_web_portlet_AssetCateg
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_asset_display_web_portlet_AssetDisplayPortlet=Visualización de recursos
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_asset_publisher_web_portlet_AssetPublisherPortlet=Publicador de contidos
-javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_asset_publisher_web_portlet_HighestRatedAssetsPortlet=Highest Rated Assets (Automatic Copy)
+javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_asset_publisher_web_portlet_HighestRatedAssetsPortlet=Activos máis valorados
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_asset_publisher_web_portlet_MostViewedAssetsPortlet=A maioría dos activos vistos
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_asset_publisher_web_portlet_RecentContentPortlet=Contido recente
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_asset_publisher_web_portlet_RelatedAssetsPortlet=Elementos relacionados
@@ -9311,8 +9311,8 @@ javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_checkout_web_internal_portlet_CommerceC
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_dashboard_web_internal_portlet_CommerceDashboardForecastsChartPortlet=Order Forecasts Chart (Automatic Copy)
-javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_dashboard_web_internal_portlet_CommerceDashboardHistoryChartPortlet=Order History Chart (Automatic Copy)
-javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_dashboard_web_internal_portlet_CommerceDashboardOverviewChartPortlet=Order Overview Chart (Automatic Copy)
+javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_dashboard_web_internal_portlet_CommerceDashboardHistoryChartPortlet=Gráfico de historial de pedidos
+javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_dashboard_web_internal_portlet_CommerceDashboardOverviewChartPortlet=Gráfico de visión xeral de pedidos
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_dashboard_web_internal_portlet_CommerceDashboardStatusChartPortlet=Gráfico de estado de pedido
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_discount_content_web_internal_portlet_CommerceDiscountContentPortlet=Entrada de código de cupón
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_health_status_web_internal_portlet_CommerceHealthCheckPortlet=Comprobación sanitaria
@@ -9338,7 +9338,7 @@ javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_product_content_search_web_internal_por
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_product_content_search_web_internal_portlet_CPPriceRangeFacetsPortlet=Faceta do rango de prezos
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_product_content_search_web_internal_portlet_CPSearchResultsPortlet=Resultados de busca
-javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_product_content_search_web_internal_portlet_CPSpecificationOptionFacetsPortlet=Specification Facet (Automatic Copy)
+javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_product_content_search_web_internal_portlet_CPSpecificationOptionFacetsPortlet=Faceta de especificación
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_product_content_web_internal_portlet_CPCategoryContentPortlet=Contido de categoría
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_product_content_web_internal_portlet_CPCompareContentMiniPortlet=Product Comparison Bar (Automatic Copy)
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_product_content_web_internal_portlet_CPCompareContentPortlet=Product Comparison Table (Automatic Copy)
@@ -9346,7 +9346,7 @@ javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_product_content_web_internal_portlet_CP
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_product_content_web_internal_portlet_CPPublisherPortlet=Editor de produtos
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_product_measurement_unit_web_internal_portlet_CPMeasurementUnitPortlet=Unidades de medición
-javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_product_options_web_internal_portlet_CPOptionCategoriesPortlet=Specification Groups (Automatic Copy)
+javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_product_options_web_internal_portlet_CPOptionCategoriesPortlet=Grupos de especificación
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_product_options_web_internal_portlet_CPSpecificationOptionsPortlet=Product Specification Labels (Automatic Copy)
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_product_tax_category_web_internal_portlet_CPTaxCategoryPortlet=Categorías fiscais
@@ -9358,7 +9358,7 @@ javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_subscription_web_internal_portlet_Comme
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_support_web_internal_portlet_CommerceContextPortlet=Contexto de comercio
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_tax_web_internal_portlet_CommerceTaxMethodPortlet=Métodos de impostos
-javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_term_web_internal_portlet_CommerceTermEntryPortlet=Terms and Conditions (Automatic Copy)
+javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_term_web_internal_portlet_CommerceTermEntryPortlet=Termos e condicións
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_wish_list_web_internal_portlet_CommerceWishListContentPortlet=Contido da lista de desexos
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_wish_list_web_internal_portlet_MyCommerceWishListsPortlet=Listas de desexos
@@ -9386,7 +9386,7 @@ javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_dynamic_data_mapping_data_provider_web_portlet_D
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_dynamic_data_mapping_form_web_portlet_DDMFormBrowserPortlet=Navegador de formulario
-javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_dynamic_data_mapping_web_portlet_DDMPortlet=Dynamic Data Mapping (Automatic Copy)
+javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_dynamic_data_mapping_web_portlet_DDMPortlet=Mapeo de datos dinámicos
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_dynamic_data_mapping_web_portlet_PortletDisplayTemplatePortlet=Modelos de widget
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_editor_ckeditor_sample_web_internal_portlet_CKEditorSamplePortlet=Mostra de ckeditor
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_expando_web_portlet_ExpandoPortlet=Campos personalizados
@@ -9421,8 +9421,8 @@ javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_layout_admin_web_portlet_GroupPagesPortlet=Páxi
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_layout_admin_web_portlet_LayoutAdminPortlet=Configuración de páxinas
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_layout_admin_web_portlet_LayoutPrototypePagePortlet=Páxina de modelo de páxina
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_layout_admin_web_portlet_ViewLayoutsPortlet=Vista de páxinas
-javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_layout_content_page_editor_web_internal_portlet_ContentPageEditorPortlet=Content Page Editor (Automatic Copy)
-javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_layout_content_page_editor_web_internal_portlet_ContentPageToolbarPortlet=Content Page Editor (Automatic Copy)
+javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_layout_content_page_editor_web_internal_portlet_ContentPageEditorPortlet=Editor de páxinas de contido
+javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_layout_content_page_editor_web_internal_portlet_ContentPageToolbarPortlet=Editor de páxinas de contido
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_layout_locked_layouts_web_internal_portlet_LockedLayoutsPortlet=Locked Pages (Automatic Copy)
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_layout_page_template_admin_web_portlet_LayoutPageTemplatesPortlet=Modelos de páxina
@@ -9449,7 +9449,7 @@ javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_multi_factor_authentication_portlet_web_internal
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_multi_factor_authentication_web_portlet_MFAVerifyPortlet=Multi-Factor Authentication Verify (Automatic Copy)
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_my_account_web_portlet_MyAccountPortlet=A miña conta
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_mysubscriptions_web_portlet_MySubscriptionsPortlet=As miñas subscricións
-javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_nested_portlets_web_portlet_NestedPortletsPortlet=Nested Applications (Automatic Copy)
+javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_nested_portlets_web_portlet_NestedPortletsPortlet=Aplicacións anidadas
@@ -9461,7 +9461,7 @@ javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_object_web_internal_list_type_portlet_portlet_Li
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_on_demand_admin_web_internal_portlet_OnDemandAdminPortlet=Administrador baixo demanda
-javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_password_policies_admin_web_portlet_PasswordPoliciesAdminPortlet=Políticas da contraseña
+javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_password_policies_admin_web_portlet_PasswordPoliciesAdminPortlet=Políticas de contrasinais
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_portal_background_task_web_internal_portlet_BackgroundTaskPortlet=Background Task (Automatic Copy)
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_portal_company_log_web_internal_portlet_PortalCompanyLogPortlet=Rexistros do servidor
@@ -9499,7 +9499,7 @@ javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_portal_workflow_instance_tracker_web_internal_po
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_portal_workflow_kaleo_designer_web_portlet_KaleoDesignerLoaderPortlet=Kaleo Designer Loader (Automatic Copy)
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_portal_workflow_kaleo_designer_web_portlet_KaleoDesignerPortlet=Deseñador de Kaleo
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_portal_workflow_kaleo_forms_web_portlet_KaleoFormsAdminPortlet=Kaleo forma administrador
-javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_portal_workflow_kaleo_forms_web_portlet_KaleoFormsDisplayPortlet=Kaleo Forms Display (Automatic Copy)
+javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_portal_workflow_kaleo_forms_web_portlet_KaleoFormsDisplayPortlet=Visualización de formularios Kaleo
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_portal_workflow_task_web_portlet_MyWorkflowTaskPortlet=As miñas tarefas de fluxo de traballo
@@ -9528,11 +9528,11 @@ javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_saved_content_web_portlet_MySavedContentPortlet=
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_search_experiences_web_internal_blueprint_options_portlet_SXPBlueprintOptionsPortlet=Opcións de modelos
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_search_experiences_web_internal_power_tools_portlet_SXPPowerToolsPortlet=Search Experiences Power Tools (Automatic Copy)
-javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_segments_experiment_web_internal_portlet_SegmentsExperimentPortlet=Segments Experiment (Automatic Copy)
-javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_segments_simulation_web_internal_portlet_SegmentsSimulationPortlet=Segments Simulation (Automatic Copy)
+javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_segments_experiment_web_internal_portlet_SegmentsExperimentPortlet=Experimento de segmentos
+javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_segments_simulation_web_internal_portlet_SegmentsSimulationPortlet=Simulación de segmentos
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_server_admin_web_portlet_ServerAdminPortlet=Administración do servidor
-javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_sharing_web_portlet_ManageCollaboratorsPortlet=Manage Collaborators (Automatic Copy)
+javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_sharing_web_portlet_ManageCollaboratorsPortlet=Xestionar colaboradores
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_sharing_web_portlet_SharedAssetsPortlet=Contido compartido
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_site_admin_web_portlet_SiteAdminPortlet=Sitios Web
@@ -9558,7 +9558,7 @@ javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_template_web_internal_portlet_TemplatePortlet=Mo
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_trash_web_portlet_TrashPortlet=Papeleira de reciclaxe
-javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_user_associated_data_web_portlet_UserAssociatedData=User Associated Data (Automatic Copy)
+javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_user_associated_data_web_portlet_UserAssociatedData=Datos asociados ao usuario
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_user_groups_admin_web_portlet_UserGroupsAdminPortlet=Grupos de usuarios
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_users_admin_web_portlet_MyOrganizationsPortlet=Engadir organizacións
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_users_admin_web_portlet_ServiceAccountsPortlet=Service Accounts (Automatic Copy)
@@ -9682,7 +9682,7 @@ key-algorithm=Algoritmo clave
key-field-help=Forneza un identificador exclusivo para este rol que poda ser usado para se referir a el programaticamente. Se iso for un novo rol, o valor será enchido automaticamente polo título dado, mais tamén pode ser escollido manualmente.
key-generator=Xenerador de chaves
key-help=Provide a unique identifier that can be used to refer to it programmatically. If it is new, the value will automatically be filled from the given title, but can also be given manually. (Automatic Copy)
-key-is-already-used=Key is already used. (Automatic Copy)
+key-is-already-used=A clave xa se usa.
key-length-bits=Lonxitude da clave (bits)
key-must-only-contain-letters-and-digits=Key must only contain letters and digits. (Automatic Copy)
key-password=Contrasinal de chave
@@ -9727,7 +9727,7 @@ l4=L4
label-element-type=Label Element Type (Automatic Copy)
label-help=Mostrar a etiqueta.
-label-item-spacer-x=Label Item Spacer X (Automatic Copy)
+label-item-spacer-x=Etiqueta de etiqueta Spacer x
label-large=Etiqueta grande
label-large-with-close=Label Large With Close (Automatic Copy)
label-large-with-icon=Label Large With Icon (Automatic Copy)
@@ -9775,11 +9775,11 @@ language.da=Danés
-language.en_AU=English (Australia) (Automatic Copy)
+language.en_AU=Inglés (Australia)
language.en_CA=English (Canada) (Automatic Copy)
language.en_GB=Inglés (Inglaterra)
-language.es_AR=Spanish (Argentina) (Automatic Copy)
+language.es_AR=Español (Arxentina)
language.es_CO=Español (Colombia)
language.es_MX=Español (México)
@@ -9809,7 +9809,7 @@ language.nb=Noruego
language.nl_BE=Dutch (Belgium) (Automatic Copy)
-language.pt_BR=Portuguese (Brazil) (Automatic Copy)
+language.pt_BR=Portugués (Brasil)
@@ -9859,7 +9859,7 @@ last-login-ip=Última IP de inicio de sesión
last-message=Útima mensaxe
last-modified=Útima modificacion
last-name=Segundo apelido
-last-name-attr=Last Name Attribute (Automatic Copy)
+last-name-attr=Atributo apelido
last-name-attribute=Último nome de atributo
last-post=Última mensaxe
last-post-date=Data da Última mensaxe
@@ -9902,11 +9902,11 @@ launch-editor=Abrir editor
launch-page-audit=Auditoría de páxina de lanzamento
layer-type=Tipo de capa
-layout-admin-web-configuration-name=Pages Administration (Automatic Copy)
+layout-admin-web-configuration-name=Administración de páxinas
layout-background-image=Layout Background Image (Automatic Copy)
layout-controls=Controis de disposición
layout-converter-configuration-name=Widget Page to Content Page Converter (Automatic Copy)
-layout-converter-configuration-verified-layout-template-ids-description=The conversion of widget pages using any of these layout templates has been verified to work correctly. For all others, a warning will be displayed when entering the preview after the conversion is done. (Automatic Copy)
+layout-converter-configuration-verified-layout-template-ids-description=A conversión de páxinas de widget usando calquera destes modelos de deseño verificouse para funcionar correctamente. Para todos os demais, mostrarase un aviso ao ingresar a vista previa despois de que se realice a conversión.
layout-crawler-client-configuration-description=Configure os detalles de conexión empregados polo cliente de rastrexador de disposición para recuperar páxinas de contido para a indexación. Usando esta configuración, o rastrexador de esquemas podería pasar por caché, CDN e sistemas SSO para recuperar o contido indexable directamente do servidor de aplicacións.
layout-crawler-client-configuration-enabled-description=When the layout crawler client configuration is enabled, the instance will use these connection details to retrieve a content page for indexing. (Automatic Copy)
layout-crawler-client-configuration-hostname-description=Specify the hostname or IP address to connect to. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -9915,7 +9915,7 @@ layout-crawler-client-configuration-port-description=Specify the port to connect
layout-crawler-client-configuration-secure-description=Check to use an HTTPS connection. Otherwise, an HTTP connection will be used. (Automatic Copy)
layout-elements=Layout Elements (Automatic Copy)
layout-inherits-from-a-prototype-widgets-cannot-be-manipulated=Layout inherits from a prototype. Widgets cannot be manipulated. (Automatic Copy)
-layout-local-service=Layout Local Service (Automatic Copy)
+layout-local-service=Servizo local de disposición
layout-local-service-help=Provides the local service for accessing, adding, deleting, exporting, importing, and updating layouts. (Automatic Copy)
layout-name-localized=Layout Name Localized (Automatic Copy)
layout-page-template-admin-web-configuration-name=Page Templates Administration (Automatic Copy)
@@ -9924,7 +9924,7 @@ layout-prototype-blog-title=Blog
layout-prototype-search-description=Display search results with a default set of facets. (Automatic Copy)
layout-prototype-web-content-description=Cree, edite e explore contido web a partir desta páxina. Procure contido dispoñíbel, explore o contido relacionado con etiquetas e navegue as categorías de contido.
-layout-prototype-web-content-title=Content Display Page (Automatic Copy)
+layout-prototype-web-content-title=Páxina de visualización de contido
layout-prototype-wiki-description=Collaborate with members through the wiki on this page. Discover related content through tags, and navigate quickly and easily with categories. (Automatic Copy)
layout-prototype-wiki-title=Nodo do Wiki
layout-reports-google-pagespeed-company-configuration-name=Google PageSpeed Insights (Automatic Copy)
@@ -9941,7 +9941,7 @@ layout-seo-configuration-enable-open-graph-description=Enabling will embed Open
layout-seo-configuration-page-default-language-url=Use Default Language URL (Automatic Copy)
layout-seo-configuration-page-localized-url=Use URL localizado
-layout-seo-dynamic-rendering-configuration-crawler-user-agents=Crawler User Agents (Automatic Copy)
+layout-seo-dynamic-rendering-configuration-crawler-user-agents=Axentes de usuario de rastrexador
layout-seo-dynamic-rendering-configuration-description=Dynamic rendering is used to prerender a JavaScript application and return static HTML to search engine crawlers to optimize SEO. (Automatic Copy)
layout-seo-dynamic-rendering-configuration-enable-service=Enable Dynamic Rendering (Automatic Copy)
layout-seo-dynamic-rendering-configuration-ignored-extensions=Extensión ignorada
@@ -9963,8 +9963,8 @@ layout-set-prototype-system-configuration-name=Modelos de sitio web
layout-template=Disposición de páxina
layout-template-1-2-1-columns-i=1-2-1 Columns (50/50) (Automatic Copy)
layout-template-1-2-1-columns-ii=1-2-1 Columns (70/30) (Automatic Copy)
-layout-template-1-2-columns-i=1-2 Columns (30/70) (Automatic Copy)
-layout-template-1-2-columns-ii=1-2 Columns (70/30) (Automatic Copy)
+layout-template-1-2-columns-i=1-2 columnas (30/70)
+layout-template-1-2-columns-ii=1-2 columnas (70/30)
layout-template-1-3-1-columns=1-3-1 Columnas
layout-template-1-3-2-columns=1-3-2 Columnas
layout-template-1-column=Columna 1
@@ -10062,8 +10062,8 @@ length=Lonxitude
less-options=Menos opcións
less-than=Menor que
less-than-a-minute-read=Less Than a Minute Read (Automatic Copy)
-less-than-or-equals=Less Than or Equals (Automatic Copy)
-let-the-user-choose=Let the User Choose (Automatic Copy)
+less-than-or-equals=Menos ou iguais
+let-the-user-choose=Deixa que o usuario elixa
letter-spacing=Separación entre letras
@@ -10080,7 +10080,7 @@ license=Licenza
license-information-is-not-available=License information is not available. (Automatic Copy)
license-key=Código de licenza
-licenses-registered=Licenses Registered (Automatic Copy)
+licenses-registered=Licenzas rexistradas
liferay-analytics-key=Liferay Analytics Key (Automatic Copy)
liferay-dxp-instance-has-to-be-connected-with-analytics-cloud-to-view-content-performance-metrics-and-build-a-successful-content-strategy=In order to view content performance metrics and build a successful content strategy, your Liferay DXP instance has to be connected with Liferay Analytics Cloud. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -10137,7 +10137,7 @@ link-behavior=Comportamento de ligazón
link-catalog-to-a-supplier=Link Catalog to a Supplier (Automatic Copy)
link-channel-to-a-supplier=Link Channel to a Supplier (Automatic Copy)
link-color=Ligazón cor
-link-destination-url=Link Destination URL (Automatic Copy)
+link-destination-url=URL de destino de ligazón
link-display-text=Ligazón Texto de visualización
link-hover-color=A cor de ritmo de ligazón
link-hover-text-decoration=Link Hover Text Decoration (Automatic Copy)
@@ -10146,7 +10146,7 @@ link-medium=Ligazón medio
link-portlet-urls-to-page=Enlazar URLs do portlet coa páxina
link-small=Ligazón pequeno
link-text=Ligazón texto
-link-text-decoration=Link Text Decoration (Automatic Copy)
+link-text-decoration=Ligazón decoración de texto
link-to-documentation-url=Link to Documentation URL (Automatic Copy)
link-to-documentation-url-description=Edit the link to the documentation URL to update the destination page in categorization's help text. If no URL is indicated, then the help message will not be shown. (Automatic Copy)
link-to-layout=Enlazar coa páxina
@@ -10159,7 +10159,7 @@ linkback-job-interval=Linkback Job Interval (Automatic Copy)
linkback-job-interval-description=Set the interval (in minutes) on how often to check for new link backs. (Automatic Copy)
linked-endpoints-may-change-their-behaviour=Linked endpoints may change their behaviour. (Automatic Copy)
linked-product=Produto ligado
-linked-to-a-diagram=Linked to a Diagram (Automatic Copy)
+linked-to-a-diagram=Ligado a un diagrama
linked-to-a-sku=Ligado a un SKU
@@ -10202,7 +10202,7 @@ local-live=Entorno Live local
local-staging-configuration-is-successfully-modified=Local staging configuration is successfully modified. (Automatic Copy)
local-staging-is-successfully-enabled=Local staging is successfully enabled. (Automatic Copy)
local-staging-pwc-warning=Os cambios dos documentos comprobados actualmente neste sitio cancelaranse automaticamente antes de acender a posta en escena local. Asegúrese de facelos check -in para evitar perder os cambios pendentes antes de continuar.
-local-staging-trash-warning=The recycle bin of this site will be automatically emptied before turning on local staging. Make sure to manually restore anything you do not want to delete permanently before you continue. (Automatic Copy)
+local-staging-trash-warning=A papeleira deste sitio baleirarase automaticamente antes de acender a posta en escena local. Asegúrese de restaurar manualmente todo o que non queiras eliminar permanentemente antes de continuar.
locale-help=Represents the language and localization being used for the current request. (Automatic Copy)
locale-is-automatically-prepended-to-a-url-when-the-requested-locale-is-not-the-default-locale=Locale is automatically prepended to a URL when the requested locale is not the default locale. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -10212,7 +10212,7 @@ locale-is-not-automatically-prepended-to-a-url=Locale is not automatically prepe
locale-prepend-friendly-url-style=Locale Prepend Friendly URL Style (Automatic Copy)
-localize-field-name=Localize Field Name (Automatic Copy)
+localize-field-name=Localiza o nome de campo
localized-language=Outros idiomas
localized-lookup=Busca localizada
@@ -10222,7 +10222,7 @@ location=Localización
location-profile=Propiedades da localización
-lock-expiration-time=Lock Expiration Time (Automatic Copy)
+lock-expiration-time=Tempo de caducidade de bloqueo
locked-document=Locked Document (Automatic Copy)
locked-layouts-company-configuration-name=Locked Pages (Automatic Copy)
@@ -10234,7 +10234,7 @@ lockout-duration-help=Determina a cantidade de tempo que a conta dun usuario é
lockout-durations=Duración do bloqueo
lockout-durations-description=The duration values that will be available when setting the amount of time that a user's account is locked. (Automatic Copy)
-log-exceptions-only=Log Exceptions Only (Automatic Copy)
+log-exceptions-only=Só excepcións de rexistro
log-exceptions-only-help=If this is checked, exceptions from the search engine are caught and logged without being re-thrown. (Automatic Copy)
log-exceptions-only-help[solr]=If this is checked, exceptions from the search engine are caught and logged without being re-thrown. (Automatic Copy)
log-in-through-facebook=Identificarse a través de Facebook
@@ -10259,7 +10259,7 @@ logo=Logotipo
logout-on-session-expiration=Logout on Session Expiration (Automatic Copy)
logout-on-session-expiration-description=Set this to true to log a user out of OpenSSO when the portal session expires. (Automatic Copy)
logout-on-session-expiration-help=Set this to true to log the user out of CAS when the portal session expires. (Automatic Copy)
-logout-redirect-url=Logout Redirect URL (Automatic Copy)
+logout-redirect-url=URL de redirección de sesión
logout-redirect-url-help=Redirect users to the specified URL after a successful logout. (Automatic Copy)
logout-url=URL de saída
logout-url-for-opensso-help=This URL is used to specify the logout page of the OpenSSO server. Use goto= as the parameter to specify where to redirect after logging out. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -10273,11 +10273,11 @@ look-and-feel=Aparencia
look-and-feel-configuration=Look and Feel Configuration (Automatic Copy)
-loop-count-threshold=Loop Count Threshold (Automatic Copy)
+loop-count-threshold=Limiar do reconto de bucle
low-level-search-options-help=Configure additional low level search options in this page. (Automatic Copy)
low-stock-action=Acción baixa en stock
-low-stock-threshold=Low Stock Threshold (Automatic Copy)
+low-stock-threshold=Limiar baixo de accións
lower-case-letters=Letras minúsculas
lower-numbers-represent-higher-priority=Lower numbers represent higher priority. Actions with higher priorities will be executed first. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -10330,12 +10330,12 @@ manage=Administrar
manage-account=Xestionar a conta
manage-actions=Xestionar accións
manage-apps=Xestionar aplicacións
-manage-calendar-x=Manage Calendar {0} (Automatic Copy)
+manage-calendar-x=Xestionar o calendario {0}
manage-calendars=Administrar calendarios
manage-children=Administrar subseccións
manage-classification-rules=Manage Classification Rules (Automatic Copy)
-manage-collaborators=Manage Collaborators (Automatic Copy)
-manage-custom-fields=Manage Custom Fields (Automatic Copy)
+manage-collaborators=Xestionar colaboradores
+manage-custom-fields=Xestionar campos personalizados
manage-data-definitions=Administrar definicións de datos
manage-entries=Administrar entradas
manage-form-fields=Manage Form Fields (Automatic Copy)
@@ -10367,7 +10367,7 @@ manage-task=Administrar tarefa
manage-tax-categories=Manage Tax Categories (Automatic Copy)
manage-teams=Administrar equipos
manage-templates=Administrar modelos
-manage-translations=Manage Translations (Automatic Copy)
+manage-translations=Xestionar traducións
manage-users=Administrar usuarios
manage-widget-templates=Manage Widget Templates (Automatic Copy)
manage-wikis=Administrar Wikis
@@ -10379,7 +10379,7 @@ mandatory=Obrigatorio
manual-billing-process=Manual Billing Process (Automatic Copy)
manual-collection=Colección manual
-manual-export-enabled=Enable Manual Export (Automatic Copy)
+manual-export-enabled=Activar a exportación manual
manual-export-enabled-key-description=Check this box to enable users to manually select related assets to export. (Automatic Copy)
manual-selection=Selección manual
@@ -10432,7 +10432,7 @@ mark-as-translated=Mark as Translated (Automatic Copy)
mark-as-translated-for-x-language=All the fields for {0} language will be marked as translated. This action cannot be undone. (Automatic Copy)
mark-as-unread=Marcar como non lido
mark-the-sku-as-discontinued=Mark the SKU as Discontinued (Automatic Copy)
-mark-x-as-favorite=Mark {0} as Favorite (Automatic Copy)
+mark-x-as-favorite=Mark {0} como favorito
mark-x-as-translated=Mark "{0}" as Translated (Automatic Copy)
markdown-importer-article-extensions=Markdown Importer Article Extensions (Automatic Copy)
markdown-importer-article-intro=Markdown Importer Article Intro (Automatic Copy)
@@ -10471,11 +10471,11 @@ max-add-menu-items=Maximum Add Menu Items (Automatic Copy)
max-age=Idade máxima
max-age-description=Set the number of seconds after a response is generated in which a response will be considered fresh. (Automatic Copy)
max-attendees=Número máximo de asistentes
-max-buffer-size=Maximum Buffer Size (Automatic Copy)
+max-buffer-size=Tamaño máximo do tampón
max-challenges=Retos máximos
max-challenges-help=Estableza o número máximo de comprobacións CAPTCHA por sesión de portlet. Estableza este valor a 0 para comprobar sempre. Estableza este valor nun número inferior a 0 para non comprobar nunca. Os usuarios non autenticados sempre se comprobarán en todas as solicitudes se están activados os cheques de captcha.
-max-character-count=Max Character Count (Automatic Copy)
-max-concurrent-users=Max Concurrent Users (Automatic Copy)
+max-character-count=Conta de personaxes máximo
+max-concurrent-users=Usuarios simultáneos máximos
max-connections=Maximum Connections (Automatic Copy)
max-connections-help=Set the maximum number of HTTP connections. (Automatic Copy)
max-connections-per-route=Maximum Connections Per Route (Automatic Copy)
@@ -10490,7 +10490,7 @@ max-height=Altura máxima
max-height-px=Altura máxima (px)
max-image-size=Tamaño máximo da imaxe
max-image-size-key-description=Estableza o tamaño máximo das imaxes orixinais que Imaxes Adaptábeis usará para xerar as imaxes adaptadas.
-max-item-display=Maximum Item Display (Automatic Copy)
+max-item-display=Visualización máxima do elemento
max-item-display-help=Set the maximum number of matching results to display. (Automatic Copy)
max-nesting-level=Maximum Nesting Level (Automatic Copy)
max-num-of-tags=Max. # de etiquetas
@@ -10501,14 +10501,14 @@ max-options=Max Options (Automatic Copy)
max-order-quantity=Maximum Order Quantity (Automatic Copy)
max-pool-size=Tamaño máximo da piscina
max-pool-size-help=Set the maximum number of threads to use when uploading parts. (Automatic Copy)
-max-processor-cores=Max Processor Cores (Automatic Copy)
+max-processor-cores=Núcleos de procesador máximo
max-qty=Cantidade máxima
max-quantity-per-order-is-x=Maximum quantity per order is {0}. (Automatic Copy)
-max-query-terms=Maximum Query Terms (Automatic Copy)
+max-query-terms=Termos máximos de consulta
max-query-terms-help=Estableza o número máximo de termos de consulta para seleccionar despois da análise dos campos do documento de entrada. Aumentar este valor dá unha maior precisión a costa da velocidade de execución da consulta. Se queda en branco, isto predeterminado a 25.
max-queue-size=Maximum Queue Size (Automatic Copy)
max-queue-size-help=Set the maximum number of requests allowed in the worker queue before it rejects additional requests. If set to -1, then by default, the value is Integer.MAX_VALUE. (Automatic Copy)
-max-registered-users=Max Registered Users (Automatic Copy)
+max-registered-users=Usuarios rexistrados máximos
max-retry-attempts=Intentos de intento de intención máxima
max-retry-attempts-help=Set the maximum number of retries for calls to GCS. (Automatic Copy)
max-retry-delay=Max Retint Retraso
@@ -10533,7 +10533,7 @@ max-weight-kilograms=Maximum Weight in Kilograms (Automatic Copy)
max-weight-pounds=Maximum Weight in Pounds (Automatic Copy)
max-width=Largura máxima
max-width-px=Largura máxima (px)
-max-word-length=Maximum Word Length (Automatic Copy)
+max-word-length=Lonxitude máxima da palabra
max-word-length-help=Set the maximum word length above which the terms are ignored. If left blank, this defaults to unbounded (0). (Automatic Copy)
maximize-links=Maximizar enlaces
@@ -10544,7 +10544,7 @@ maximum-activities-to-load-at-once=Maximum Activities to Load at Once (Automatic
maximum-age=Idade máxima
maximum-age-durations=Maximum Age Durations (Automatic Copy)
maximum-age-durations-description=The duration values that will be available when setting how long a password is good for before it needs to be changed. (Automatic Copy)
-maximum-age-help=Determina durante canto tempo unha contraseña se considera válida antes de solicitar que sexa cambiada.
+maximum-age-help=Determina durante canto tempo un contrasinal se considera válido antes de solicitar que sexa cambiado.
maximum-allowed-attempts-error=You have reached the maximum allowed failed attempts. Please retry again in {0} seconds. (Automatic Copy)
maximum-bloggers-to-display=Número máximo de blogueiros mostrados
maximum-days-to-display=Maximum Days to Display (Automatic Copy)
@@ -10577,7 +10577,7 @@ maximum-number-of-characters=Maximum Number of Characters (Automatic Copy)
maximum-number-of-characters-exceeded=Maximum Number of Characters Exceeded (Automatic Copy)
maximum-number-of-comments-has-been-reached=Maximum number of comments has been reached. (Automatic Copy)
maximum-number-of-guest-user-object-entries-per-object-definition=Maximum Number of Guest Object Entries per Object Definition (Automatic Copy)
-maximum-number-of-guest-user-object-entries-per-object-definition-help=Set the maximum number of object entries per object definition that can be created by a guest user. After reaching this limit, object entries created by a guest user will no longer be accepted. (Automatic Copy)
+maximum-number-of-guest-user-object-entries-per-object-definition-help=Estableza o número máximo de entradas de obxectos por definición de obxectos que pode ser creada por un usuario invitado. Despois de alcanzar este límite, xa non se aceptarán as entradas de obxectos creados por un usuario convidado.
maximum-number-of-items=Maximum Number of Items (Automatic Copy)
maximum-number-of-items-per-page=Maximum Number of Items per Page (Automatic Copy)
maximum-number-of-items-to-display=Maximum Number of Items to Display (Automatic Copy)
@@ -10658,7 +10658,7 @@ mentions-group-service-configuration-name=Mencións
menu-access=Menu Access (Automatic Copy)
menu-display=Menu Display (Automatic Copy)
-menu-display-options=Menu Display Options (Automatic Copy)
+menu-display-options=Opcións de visualización do menú
menu-item=Elemento de menú
menu-item-name=Nome de elemento de menú
menu-items-to-show=Elementos do menú para mostrar
@@ -10851,7 +10851,7 @@ metadata.XMPDM.ALT_TAPE_NAME=Alternative Tape Name (Automatic Copy)
metadata.XMPDM.AUDIO_CHANNEL_TYPE=Tipo de canle de audio
metadata.XMPDM.AUDIO_COMPRESSOR=Compresor de audio
-metadata.XMPDM.AUDIO_MOD_DATE=Audio Last Modified (Automatic Copy)
+metadata.XMPDM.AUDIO_MOD_DATE=Audio modificado por última vez
metadata.XMPDM.AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE=Tarifa de mostra de audio
metadata.XMPDM.AUDIO_SAMPLE_TYPE=Tipo de mostra de audio
@@ -10885,7 +10885,7 @@ metadata.XMPDM.VIDEO_COLOR_SPACE=Espazo de cor de vídeo
metadata.XMPDM.VIDEO_COMPRESSOR=Compresor de vídeo
metadata.XMPDM.VIDEO_FIELD_ORDER=Orde de campo de vídeo
metadata.XMPDM.VIDEO_FRAME_RATE=Velocidade de marco de vídeo
-metadata.XMPDM.VIDEO_MOD_DATE=Video Last Modified (Automatic Copy)
+metadata.XMPDM.VIDEO_MOD_DATE=Vídeo modificado por última vez
metadata.XMPDM.VIDEO_PIXEL_ASPECT_RATIO=Video Pixel Aspect Ratio (Automatic Copy)
metadata.XMPDM.VIDEO_PIXEL_DEPTH=Profundidade de píxel de vídeo
@@ -10908,13 +10908,13 @@ mfa-sample-configuration-name=MFA Sample Configuration (Automatic Copy)
mfa-system-configuration-name=Multi-Factor Authentication System Configuration (Automatic Copy)
mfa-timebased-otp=Time-Based One-Time Password (Automatic Copy)
mfa-timebased-otp-configuration-name=Time-Based One-Time Password Configuration (Automatic Copy)
-mfa-timebased-otp-enabled-description=Enable time-based one-time password. Take into account that time-based one-time password also needs to be configured by each user. They will find a new section to configure it at "Account Settings". (Automatic Copy)
+mfa-timebased-otp-enabled-description=Activa o contrasinal dunha soa vez baseado no tempo. Teña en conta que cada usuario tamén debe configurar o contrasinal baseado no tempo. Atoparán unha nova sección para configuralo en "Configuración da conta".
microsoft-cognitive-services-asset-auto-tag-provider-configuration-name=Microsoft Cognitive Services Image Auto Tagging (Automatic Copy)
microsoft-cognitive-services-asset-auto-tag-provider-description=Auto tags images using the Microsoft Cognitive Services Computer Vision API V2. (Automatic Copy)
microsoft-outlook=Microsoft Outlook:
microsoft-outlook-csv-file=Arquivo de CSV de Microsoft Outlook
-microsoft-translator-configuration-name=Microsoft Translator (Automatic Copy)
+microsoft-translator-configuration-name=Tradutor de Microsoft
middle-name=Primeiro apelido
migrate-data-from-one-database-to-another=Migrar a información dunha base de datos á outra.
@@ -10928,7 +10928,7 @@ mime-type-field-label=Tipo de mimo
mime-type-help-message=To enter a supported mime type you must specify a type and a subtype. For example, use application/pdf, video/mp4 or image/png. (Automatic Copy)
mime-type-limit=Mime Type Limit (Automatic Copy)
mime-type-size-limit-error=Mime type or size limit is not valid. (Automatic Copy)
-mime-type-size-limit-name=Mime Type Size Limit (Automatic Copy)
+mime-type-size-limit-name=Límite de tamaño do tipo MIME
min-doc-freq=Minimum Document Frequency (Automatic Copy)
min-doc-freq-help=Set the minimum document frequency below which the input document's terms are to be ignored. If left blank, this defaults to 5. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -10939,19 +10939,19 @@ min-quantity=Cantidade mínima
min-quantity-per-order-is-x=Min quantity per order is {0} (Automatic Copy)
min-score=Min Score (Automatic Copy)
min-score-field-help=Set the minimum score for a result to be rescored. (Automatic Copy)
-min-should-match=Minimum Should Match (Automatic Copy)
-min-should-match-help=After the disjunctive query has been formed, this parameter controls the number of terms that must match. The syntax is the same as the minimum should match. If left blank, this defaults to "30%". (Automatic Copy)
+min-should-match=O mínimo debería coincidir
+min-should-match-help=Despois de formarse a consulta disxuntiva, este parámetro controla o número de termos que debe coincidir. A sintaxe é a mesma que o mínimo debería coincidir. Se queda en branco, isto predeterminado é "30%".
min-term-freq=Minimum Term Frequency (Automatic Copy)
min-term-freq-help=Set the minimum term frequency below which the terms from the input document are to be ignored. If left blank, this defaults to 2. (Automatic Copy)
min-width=Largura mínima
-min-word-length=Minimum Word Length (Automatic Copy)
+min-word-length=Lonxitude mínima de palabras
min-word-length-help=Set the minimum word length below which the terms are ignored. If left blank, this defaults to 0. (Automatic Copy)
mini-cart-display-total-items-count=Mini Cart: Display Total Items Count (Automatic Copy)
-mini-cart-keep-open=Mini Cart: Keep Open (Automatic Copy)
+mini-cart-keep-open=Mini carro: Mantéñase aberto
minimize-panels=Minimizar os paneis
@@ -10959,33 +10959,33 @@ minimum=Mínimo
minimum-age=Idade mínima
minimum-age-durations=Minimum Age Durations (Automatic Copy)
minimum-age-durations-description=The duration values that will be available when setting how long a user must wait before changing their password again. (Automatic Copy)
-minimum-age-help=Determina canto tempo debe esperar un usuario antes de poder cambiar a súa contraseña de novo.
+minimum-age-help=Determina canto tempo debe esperar un usuario antes de poder cambiar o seu contrasinal de novo.
minimum-alpha-numeric=Mínimo de caracteres alfanuméricos
-minimum-alpha-numeric-help=Isto determina o número mínimo de caracteres alfanuméricos na contraseña de usuario.
+minimum-alpha-numeric-help=Isto determina o número mínimo de caracteres alfanuméricos no contrasinal de usuario.
minimum-buffer-availability-percentage=Minimum Buffer Availability Percentage (Automatic Copy)
minimum-contributed-messages=Minimum Contributed Messages (Automatic Copy)
minimum-contributed-messages-help=If a user has a number of contributed messages equal or greater than this value, then new posts will be automatically approved. (Automatic Copy)
minimum-decimal-places=Minimum Decimal Places (Automatic Copy)
minimum-fraction-digits=Minimum Fraction Digits (Automatic Copy)
minimum-length=Lonxitude mínima
-minimum-length-help=Determina a lonxitude mínima das contraseñas dos usuarios.
+minimum-length-help=Determina a lonxitude mínima dos contrasinais dos usuarios.
minimum-lower-case=Mínimo de caracteres minúsculos
-minimum-lower-case-help=Isto determina o número mínimo de caracteres minúsculos na contraseña de usuario.
+minimum-lower-case-help=Isto determina o número mínimo de caracteres minúsculos no contrasinal de usuario.
minimum-numbers=Mínimo de caracteres numéricos
-minimum-numbers-help=Isto determina o número mínimo de caracteres numéricos na contraseña de usuario.
+minimum-numbers-help=Isto determina o número mínimo de caracteres numéricos no contrasinal de usuario.
minimum-order=Pedido mínimo
-minimum-order-amount=Minimum Order Amount (Automatic Copy)
+minimum-order-amount=Importe mínimo da orde
minimum-quantity-per-order-x=Minimum Quantity Per Order: {0} (Automatic Copy)
minimum-required-node-version=Minimum Required Node Version (Automatic Copy)
minimum-required-node-version-help=Set the minimum version that all search engine nodes must be in order to be compatible with the client. (Automatic Copy)
minimum-searches=Minimum Searches (Automatic Copy)
minimum-searches-help=Set the minimum number of searches required to contribute as a suggestion. (Automatic Copy)
minimum-symbols=Mínimo de símbolos
-minimum-symbols-help=Isto determina o número mínimo de símbolos na contraseña de usuario.
+minimum-symbols-help=Isto determina o número mínimo de símbolos no contrasinal de usuario.
minimum-uploads-part-size=Tamaño mínimo da parte
minimum-uploads-part-size-help=Estableza o tamaño mínimo da parte para as pezas de carga. Diminuír o tamaño mínimo da parte fai que as cargas multipartadas se dividan nun número maior de pezas máis pequenas. Establecer este valor demasiado baixo ten un efecto negativo nas velocidades de transferencia, provocando unha latencia adicional e unha comunicación de rede para cada parte.
minimum-upper-case=Mínimo de caracteres maiúsculos
-minimum-upper-case-help=Isto determina o número mínimo de caracteres maiúsculos na contraseña de usuario.
+minimum-upper-case-help=Isto determina o número mínimo de caracteres maiúsculos no contrasinal de usuario.
ministries-and-gifts=Ofrendas e agasallos
@@ -11140,7 +11140,7 @@ model.resource.com.liferay.data.engine=Motor de datos
model.resource.com.liferay.data.engine.model.DEDataDefinitionFieldLink=Data Engine Data Definition Field Link (Automatic Copy)
model.resource.com.liferay.data.engine.model.DEDataListView=Data List View (Automatic Copy)
model.resource.com.liferay.depot=Biblioteca de recursos
-model.resource.com.liferay.depot.model.DepotEntry=Asset Library Entry (Automatic Copy)
+model.resource.com.liferay.depot.model.DepotEntry=Entrada da biblioteca de activos
model.resource.com.liferay.dispatch=Planificador de emprego
model.resource.com.liferay.dispatch.model.DispatchTrigger=Job Scheduler Trigger (Automatic Copy)
model.resource.com.liferay.document.library=Librería de documentos
@@ -11163,7 +11163,7 @@ model.resource.com.liferay.dynamic.data.lists.model.DDLRecordSet=Dynamic Data Li
model.resource.com.liferay.dynamic.data.lists.model.DDLRecordSet-com.liferay.dynamic.data.mapping.model.DDMStructure=Dynamic Data Lists Definition (Automatic Copy)
model.resource.com.liferay.dynamic.data.lists.model.DDLRecordSet-com.liferay.dynamic.data.mapping.model.DDMTemplate=Dynamic Data Lists Template (Automatic Copy)
model.resource.com.liferay.dynamic.data.lists.model.DDLRecordSetVersion=Dynamic Data List Record Set Version (Automatic Copy)
-model.resource.com.liferay.dynamic.data.mapping=Dynamic Data Mapping (Automatic Copy)
+model.resource.com.liferay.dynamic.data.mapping=Mapeo de datos dinámicos
model.resource.com.liferay.dynamic.data.mapping.model.DDMDataProviderInstance=Dynamic Data Mapping Data Provider Instance (Automatic Copy)
model.resource.com.liferay.dynamic.data.mapping.model.DDMField=Dynamic Data Mapping Field (Automatic Copy)
model.resource.com.liferay.dynamic.data.mapping.model.DDMFieldAttribute=Dynamic Data Mapping Field Attribute (Automatic Copy)
@@ -11181,7 +11181,7 @@ model.resource.com.liferay.dynamic.data.mapping.model.DDMStructureLayout=Dynamic
model.resource.com.liferay.dynamic.data.mapping.model.DDMStructureLink=Dynamic Data Mapping Structure Link (Automatic Copy)
model.resource.com.liferay.dynamic.data.mapping.model.DDMStructureVersion=Dynamic Data Mapping Structure Version (Automatic Copy)
model.resource.com.liferay.dynamic.data.mapping.model.DDMTemplate=Dynamic Data Mapping Template (Automatic Copy)
-model.resource.com.liferay.dynamic.data.mapping.model.DDMTemplate-com.liferay.journal.model.JournalArticle=Web Content Template (Automatic Copy)
+model.resource.com.liferay.dynamic.data.mapping.model.DDMTemplate-com.liferay.journal.model.JournalArticle=Modelo de contido web
model.resource.com.liferay.dynamic.data.mapping.model.DDMTemplateLink=Dynamic Data Mapping Template Link (Automatic Copy)
model.resource.com.liferay.dynamic.data.mapping.model.DDMTemplateVersion=Dynamic Data Mapping Template Version (Automatic Copy)
@@ -11191,7 +11191,7 @@ model.resource.com.liferay.expando.kernel.model.ExpandoValue=Custom Field Value
model.resource.com.liferay.exportimport.kernel=Export Import (Automatic Copy)
model.resource.com.liferay.exportimport.kernel.model.ExportImportConfiguration=Export Import Template (Automatic Copy)
model.resource.com.liferay.fragment=Fragmentos de páxina
-model.resource.com.liferay.fragment.model.FragmentCollection=Fragment Collection (Automatic Copy)
+model.resource.com.liferay.fragment.model.FragmentCollection=Colección de fragmentos
model.resource.com.liferay.fragment.model.FragmentEntry=Entrada de fragmentos
model.resource.com.liferay.fragment.model.FragmentEntryLink=Fragment Entry Link (Automatic Copy)
model.resource.com.liferay.friendly.url.model.FriendlyURLEntry=URL amigábel
@@ -11218,7 +11218,7 @@ model.resource.com.liferay.layout.page.template.model.LayoutPageTemplateStructur
model.resource.com.liferay.layout.seo=SEO da páxina
model.resource.com.liferay.layout.utility.page.model.LayoutUtilityPageEntry=Layout Utility Page Entry (Automatic Copy)
model.resource.com.liferay.list.type=List Type Definitions (Automatic Copy)
-model.resource.com.liferay.list.type.model.ListTypeDefinition=List Type Definition (Automatic Copy)
+model.resource.com.liferay.list.type.model.ListTypeDefinition=Definición do tipo de lista
model.resource.com.liferay.list.type.model.ListTypeEntry=List Type Entry (Automatic Copy)
model.resource.com.liferay.message.boards=Foro de opinión
@@ -11234,7 +11234,7 @@ model.resource.com.liferay.notification.model.NotificationQueueEntry=Notificatio
model.resource.com.liferay.notification.model.NotificationTemplate=Notification Template (Automatic Copy)
model.resource.com.liferay.notification.queue=Notification Queue Entries (Automatic Copy)
model.resource.com.liferay.notification.template=Tipo de modelo de notificación
-model.resource.com.liferay.oauth2.provider=OAuth 2 Application (Automatic Copy)
+model.resource.com.liferay.oauth2.provider=Aplicación OAuth 2
model.resource.com.liferay.oauth2.provider.model.OAuth2Application=OAuth 2 Application Entry (Automatic Copy)
model.resource.com.liferay.object=Definicións de obxectos
model.resource.com.liferay.object.model.ObjectAction=Object Action (Automatic Copy)
@@ -11261,7 +11261,7 @@ model.resource.com.liferay.portal.kernel.model.LayoutSetBranch=Variante de páxi
model.resource.com.liferay.portal.kernel.model.LayoutSetPrototype=Modelo de sitio
-model.resource.com.liferay.portal.kernel.model.PasswordPolicy=Política de contraseñas
+model.resource.com.liferay.portal.kernel.model.PasswordPolicy=Política de contrasinais
model.resource.com.liferay.portal.kernel.model.PortletPreferenceValue=Portlet Preference Value (Automatic Copy)
@@ -11290,7 +11290,7 @@ model.resource.com.liferay.portal.workflow.kaleo.forms.model.KaleoProcess=Proces
model.resource.com.liferay.portal.workflow.kaleo.model.KaleoDefinition=Kaleo Workflow Definition (Automatic Copy)
model.resource.com.liferay.portal.workflow.kaleo.model.KaleoDefinitionVersion=Kaleo Workflow Definition Version (Automatic Copy)
model.resource.com.liferay.portal.workflow.kaleo.model.KaleoInstance=Instancia Kaleo
-model.resource.com.liferay.portal.workflow.kaleo.model.KaleoInstanceToken=Kaleo Instance Token (Automatic Copy)
+model.resource.com.liferay.portal.workflow.kaleo.model.KaleoInstanceToken=Token de instancia de Kaleo
model.resource.com.liferay.portal.workflow.kaleo.model.KaleoLog=Rexistro de Kaleo
model.resource.com.liferay.portal.workflow.kaleo.model.KaleoTaskAssignmentInstance=Kaleo Task Assignment Instance (Automatic Copy)
model.resource.com.liferay.portal.workflow.kaleo.model.KaleoTaskInstanceToken=Kaleo Task Instance Token (Automatic Copy)
@@ -11320,11 +11320,11 @@ model.resource.com.liferay.search.experiences.model.SXPBlueprint=Modelo
model.resource.com.liferay.segments.model.SegmentsEntry=Entrada dos segmentos
-model.resource.com.liferay.segments.model.SegmentsExperience=Segments Experience (Automatic Copy)
+model.resource.com.liferay.segments.model.SegmentsExperience=Experiencia dos segmentos
model.resource.com.liferay.segments.model.SegmentsExperiment=Test A/B
model.resource.com.liferay.site.navigation=Navegación no sitio
-model.resource.com.liferay.site.navigation.model.SiteNavigationMenu=Site Navigation Menu (Automatic Copy)
+model.resource.com.liferay.site.navigation.model.SiteNavigationMenu=Menú de navegación no sitio
model.resource.com.liferay.site.navigation.model.SiteNavigationMenuItem=Site Navigation Menu Item (Automatic Copy)
model.resource.com.liferay.social.kernel.model.SocialActivity=Actividade social
model.resource.com.liferay.social.kernel.model.SocialActivitySet=Social Activity Set (Automatic Copy)
@@ -11340,7 +11340,7 @@ model.resource.com.liferay.wiki.model.WikiPage=Páxina do Wiki
model.resource.com.liferay.wiki.model.WikiPageResource=Wiki Page Resource (Automatic Copy)
model.resource.com.liferay.wiki.template=Engadir modelo da lista
model.resource.com_liferay_portal_workflow_kaleo_forms_web_portlet_KaleoFormsAdminPortlet=Kaleo forma administrador
-model.resource.com_liferay_portal_workflow_kaleo_forms_web_portlet_KaleoFormsDisplayPortlet=Kaleo Forms Display (Automatic Copy)
+model.resource.com_liferay_portal_workflow_kaleo_forms_web_portlet_KaleoFormsDisplayPortlet=Visualización de formularios Kaleo
@@ -11395,7 +11395,7 @@ month-position=Posición do mes
month-view=Vista mensual
-monthly-on-x-x=Monthly, on {0} {1} (Automatic Copy)
+monthly-on-x-x=Mensual, en {0} {1}
monthly-on-x-x-until-x-x-x=Monthly, on {0} {1}, Until {2} {3}, {4} (Automatic Copy)
monthly-on-x-x-x-times=Monthly, on {0} {1}, {2} Times (Automatic Copy)
monthly-payment=Cota mensual
@@ -11408,7 +11408,7 @@ more-blog-entries=Máis entradas no blog
more-comments=Comentarios da páxina
more-details=Máis detalles
more-experiences=More Experiences (Automatic Copy)
-more-global-results=More Global Results (Automatic Copy)
+more-global-results=Máis resultados globais
more-info=Máis información
more-information=Máis información
more-information-about-liferay-is-available-at=Máis información sobre Liferay dispoñible en {0}http://www.liferay.com{1}.
@@ -11445,9 +11445,9 @@ move-selected-items-from-x-to-x=Mover os elementos seleccionados desde {0} a {1}
move-thread=Mover fío de discusión
move-to=Mover a
move-to-current-folder=Move to Current Folder (Automatic Copy)
-move-to-in-progress=Move to In Progress (Automatic Copy)
+move-to-in-progress=Móvete en curso
move-to-new=Mover para novo
-move-to-recycle-bin=Move to Recycle Bin (Automatic Copy)
+move-to-recycle-bin=Móvete para reciclar a papeleira
move-up=Mover para enriba
move-web-content=Contido web do pé
move-x=Mover {0}
@@ -11476,18 +11476,18 @@ multiple-file-uploading-is-not-available=Multiple file uploading is not availabl
multiple-files-upload=Multiple Files Upload (Automatic Copy)
multiple-images=Múltiples imaxes
multiple-item-subtypes=Multiple Item Subtypes (Automatic Copy)
-multiple-item-types=Multiple Item Types (Automatic Copy)
+multiple-item-types=Varios tipos de elementos
multiple-lines=Liñas múltiples
multiple-media=Múltiples ficheiros multimedia
multiple-object's-entries-can-interact-with-many-others-object's-entries=Multiple object's entries can interact with many others object's entries. (Automatic Copy)
multiple-order-quantity=Multiple Order Quantity (Automatic Copy)
-multiple-properties=Multiple Properties (Automatic Copy)
+multiple-properties=Múltiples propiedades
multiple-publications-were-scheduled=Multiple publications were scheduled. View history for more details. (Automatic Copy)
multiple-selection-must-have-at-least-one-filter-in-common=Multiple selection must have at least one filter in common. (Automatic Copy)
multiple-skus=(Múltiples skus)
multiply-numeric-fields-to-create-an-expression=Multiply numeric fields to create an expression. (Automatic Copy)
multiselect=Multiselect (Automatic Copy)
-multiselect-picklist=Multiselect Picklist (Automatic Copy)
+multiselect-picklist=Picklist multiselect
must-be-assigned-via-a-global-scope=This resource scope MUST be assigned via a global scope. (Automatic Copy)
must-cart-quantities-be-a-multiple-of-the-item's-minimum-quantity=Obrigar a que as cantidades da cesta sexan un múltiplo da cantidade mínima de artigos
@@ -11509,9 +11509,9 @@ my-friends=Os meus amigos
my-lists=As miñas listas
my-meetups=Os meus eventos públicos
-my-numeric-type-is=My numeric type is: (Automatic Copy)
+my-numeric-type-is=O meu tipo numérico é:
my-organizations=Engadir organizacións
-my-pending-requests=My Pending Requests (Automatic Copy)
+my-pending-requests=As miñas pendentes pendentes
my-pending-tasks=As miñas tarefas pendentes
my-posts=As miñas mensaxes
my-products=Os meus produtos
@@ -11577,7 +11577,7 @@ needs-manual-resolution=Needs Manual Resolution (Automatic Copy)
negotiate-flags=Negociar bandeiras
nested-children=Nenos aniñados
nested-children-help=Nenos aniñados
-nested-portlets-portlet-instance-configuration-name=Nested Applications (Automatic Copy)
+nested-portlets-portlet-instance-configuration-name=Aplicacións anidadas
nested.portlets.configuration.name=Nested Applications Options (Automatic Copy)
net-event=Evento de rede
net-price=Prezo neto
@@ -11590,7 +11590,7 @@ network-host=Host de rede
network-host-addresses=Network Host Addresses (Automatic Copy)
network-host-addresses-help=Set the remote HTTP hosts to connect to. (Automatic Copy)
network-host-help=Esta configuración só se aplica ao modo incrustado (desenvolvemento). Estableza o nome de host ou o enderezo IP unido ao nodo, que se usa para publicar (anunciar) o host a outros nodos do clúster. Este é un atallo que establece o host bind e o host de publicación ao mesmo tempo.
-network-publish-host=Network Publish Host (Automatic Copy)
+network-publish-host=Host de publicación de rede
network-publish-host-help=This configuration only applies to EMBEDDED (Development) mode. Set the single interface the node advertises to other nodes in the cluster, so that those nodes can connect to it. (Automatic Copy)
neutral-actions=Accións neutras
@@ -11652,7 +11652,7 @@ new-experience=Nova experiencia
new-export=Nova exportación
new-export-based-on-x=Nova exportación baseada en {0}
new-export-process=Novo proceso de exportación
-new-export-template=New Export Template (Automatic Copy)
+new-export-template=Novo modelo de exportación
new-feed=Nova canle
new-field=Novo campo
new-file-shortcut=Novo enlace a arquivo
@@ -11691,7 +11691,7 @@ new-oauth-client=Novo cliente OAuth
new-oauth-client-as-local-metadata=New OAuth Authorization Server Local Metadata (Automatic Copy)
new-object-folder=New Object Folder (Automatic Copy)
new-option=Nova opción
-new-option-template=New Option Template (Automatic Copy)
+new-option-template=Novo modelo de opción
new-option-value=Valor de nova opción
new-organization=Nova organización
new-over-total=Novo fronte a total
@@ -11700,16 +11700,16 @@ new-page-name=Nome da nova páxina
new-page-template=Novo modelo de páxina
new-page-variation=Nova variación da páxina
new-parent=Nova páxina pai
-new-password=Nova contraseña
-new-password-policy=Nova política de contraseñas
+new-password=Novo contrasinal
+new-password-policy=Nova política de contrasinais
new-picklist=Novo Picklist
new-poll=Novo rol
new-process=Novo proceso
new-product=Novo produto
new-property=Nova propiedade
-new-publish-process=New Publish Process (Automatic Copy)
+new-publish-process=Novo proceso de publicación
new-publish-process-based-on-x=New Publish Process Based on {0} (Automatic Copy)
-new-publish-template=New Publish Template (Automatic Copy)
+new-publish-template=Novo modelo de publicación
new-question=Nova pregunta
new-question-page-title=New Question Page Title (Automatic Copy)
new-ranking=Nova clasificación
@@ -11724,13 +11724,13 @@ new-role-type=Novo tipo de papel
new-rule=New Rule (Automatic Copy)
new-schema=New Schema (Automatic Copy)
new-search=Nova busca
-new-search-blueprint=New Search Blueprint (Automatic Copy)
+new-search-blueprint=Novo modelo de busca
new-search-element=Novo elemento de busca
new-section=Nova sección
new-segment=Novo segmento
new-selection-filter=New Selection Filter (Automatic Copy)
new-service-access-policy=New Service Access Policy (Automatic Copy)
-new-service-provider=New Service Provider (Automatic Copy)
+new-service-provider=Novo prestador de servizos
new-site=Novo título
new-site-template=Novo modelo do sitio
new-sla=Novo SLA
@@ -11753,7 +11753,7 @@ new-validation=Nova validación
new-value=Novo valor
new-view=Nova vista
new-web-content=Novo contido web
-new-widget-template=New Widget Template (Automatic Copy)
+new-widget-template=Novo modelo de widget
new-wiki-node=Novo nodo do wiki
new-wiki-page=Nova páxina do wiki
new-window=Nova ventá
@@ -11774,7 +11774,7 @@ next-change=Seguinte cambio
next-event-ends=O seguinte evento remata
next-event-starts=Comeza o seguinte evento
next-fire-date=Próxima data de execución
-next-iteration-date=Next Iteration Date (Automatic Copy)
+next-iteration-date=Próxima data de iteración
next-message=Seguinte mensaxe
next-month=Seguinte mes
next-page=Páxina seguinte
@@ -11788,7 +11788,7 @@ no-accepted-answer=Sen resposta aceptada
no-accepted-invites=Invitacións non aceptadas.
no-account-groups-were-found=Ningún grupo de conta foi encontrado.
no-account-is-selected-for-this-site=No account is selected for this site. (Automatic Copy)
-no-account-selected=No account selected (Automatic Copy)
+no-account-selected=Non se seleccionou ningunha conta
no-accounts-were-found=Non foi encontrada ningunha conta.
no-actions-are-configured-for-this-device-family=No actions are configured for this device family. (Automatic Copy)
no-actions-were-created=No actions were created. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -11805,7 +11805,7 @@ no-api-schema-found=No API Schema Found (Automatic Copy)
no-application-data-simple-publish=This was a simple publish, no application data is available at the moment. (Automatic Copy)
no-applications-have-been-approved-yet=No applications have been approved yet. (Automatic Copy)
no-applications-were-found=No applications were found. (Automatic Copy)
-no-apps-were-found=No apps were found. (Automatic Copy)
+no-apps-were-found=Non se atoparon aplicacións.
no-articles-were-found=Non se atoparon artigos.
no-articles-were-found-that-matched-the-keywords-x=Non foron encontrados artigos que coincidan coas palabras chave: {0}.
no-asset-libraries-were-found=No asset libraries were found. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -11815,8 +11815,8 @@ no-attachments-were-found=No attachments were found. (Automatic Copy)
no-attribute-mapping-selected-for-user-matching=No attribute mapping selected for user matching. (Automatic Copy)
no-attributes-were-found=No attributes were found. (Automatic Copy)
no-authorizations-were-found=No authorizations were found. (Automatic Copy)
-no-available-pages=No available pages. (Automatic Copy)
-no-available-sites=No available sites. (Automatic Copy)
+no-available-pages=Non hai páxinas dispoñibles.
+no-available-sites=Non hai sitios dispoñibles.
no-banner=Ningunha bandeira
no-blueprints-were-found=No blueprints were found. (Automatic Copy)
no-cache=No Cache (Automatic Copy)
@@ -11894,7 +11894,7 @@ no-feature-flags-were-found=No feature flags were found. (Automatic Copy)
no-feeds-were-found=Non se atopou ningunha canle.
no-field-selected=No hai campos seleccionados.
no-field-type-is-defined-for-this-fragment=No field type is defined for this fragment. (Automatic Copy)
-no-fields-added-yet=No fields added yet. (Automatic Copy)
+no-fields-added-yet=Aínda non se engadiron campos.
no-fields-are-available-for-this-type=No fields are available for this type. (Automatic Copy)
no-fields-are-available-for-x-editable=No fields are available for {0} editable. (Automatic Copy)
no-fields-available=No Fields Available (Automatic Copy)
@@ -11907,7 +11907,7 @@ no-filter-was-created-yet=No filter was created yet. (Automatic Copy)
no-filters=Sen filtros
no-filters-were-found=No filters were found. (Automatic Copy)
no-folders-were-found-in-x=No folders were found in {0}. (Automatic Copy)
-no-forms-were-found=No forms were found. (Automatic Copy)
+no-forms-were-found=Non se atoparon formularios.
no-fragment-collection-was-found=No fragment collection was found. (Automatic Copy)
no-fragment-was-found=No fragment was found. (Automatic Copy)
no-frontend-data-set-filter-client-extensions-are-available.-add-a-client-extension-first-in-order-to-create-a-filter=No frontend data set filter client extensions are available. Add a client extension first in order to create a filter. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -11924,7 +11924,7 @@ no-information-was-found-associated-with-the-symbol-x=Non se atopou ningún elem
no-instances-were-found=Non se atopou ningunha instancia.
no-issues-found-in-this-component=No issues found in this component. (Automatic Copy)
no-items=Sen elementos
-no-items-were-found=No items were found. (Automatic Copy)
+no-items-were-found=Non se atoparon elementos.
no-items-were-found-that-matched-the-keywords=Non se atopou ningún artigo coas palabras clave:
no-javascript-client-extensions-were-loaded=No JavaScript client extensions were loaded. (Automatic Copy)
no-knowledge-base-articles-were-found=No knowledge base articles were found. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -11932,7 +11932,7 @@ no-language-entries-were-found=No language entries were found. (Automatic Copy)
no-last-name=Sen último apelido
no-layout-template-plugins-were-found=Non se atopou ningún plugin de modelos de páxina.
no-list-items-were-found=Non se atoparon elementos da lista.
-no-lists-were-found=No lists were found (Automatic Copy)
+no-lists-were-found=Non se atoparon listas
no-localization=Sen localización
no-locations-were-found=Non se atopou ningunha localización.
no-locked-pages-were-found=No locked pages were found. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -11963,7 +11963,7 @@ no-page-template-could-be-imported=No page template could be imported. (Automati
no-pages=As miñas páxinas
no-pages-were-found-that-matched-the-keywords-x=Non se atopou ningunha páxina coas palabras clave: {0}.
no-parameters-were-found=No parameters were found. (Automatic Copy)
-no-password-policies-were-found=Non se atopou ningunha política de contraseña.
+no-password-policies-were-found=Non se encontrou ningunha política de contrasinais.
no-payment-terms=Sen condicións de pago
no-pending-invites=Non hai invitacións pendentes.
no-personal-data-export-processes-were-found=Non se atoparon procesos de exportación de datos persoais. Crea un proceso de exportación de datos.
@@ -11973,13 +11973,13 @@ no-portal-properties-were-found-that-matched-the-keywords=No portal properties w
no-portlet-plugins-were-found=Non se atopou ningún plugin de tipo portlet.
no-portlets-were-found=No portlets were found. (Automatic Copy)
no-predefined-variables-were-found=No predefined variables were found. (Automatic Copy)
-no-preview-available=No Preview Available (Automatic Copy)
+no-preview-available=Non hai vista previa dispoñible
no-processes-were-found=No processes were found. (Automatic Copy)
no-product-layouts-were-found=No product layouts were found. (Automatic Copy)
no-products-were-found=Non se atopou ningún produto.
no-products-were-found-that-matched-the-keywords-x=Non se atopou ningún produto coas palabras clave: {0}.
no-projects-match-that-name=No projects match that name. (Automatic Copy)
-no-properties-found=No Properties Found (Automatic Copy)
+no-properties-found=Non se atoparon propiedades
no-properties-were-found=No properties were found. (Automatic Copy)
no-proposals-were-found=Non se atopou ningunha proposta.
no-publication-has-been-published-yet=No publication has been published yet. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -12017,7 +12017,7 @@ no-site-exists-on-the-remote-server-with-site-id-x=Non hai sitio no servidor rem
no-site-exists-with-site-id-x=No site exists with the site ID {0}. (Automatic Copy)
no-sites-are-connected-yet=No sites are connected yet. (Automatic Copy)
no-sites-were-found=Non se atopou ningún sitio web.
-no-skus-were-found=No SKUs were found. (Automatic Copy)
+no-skus-were-found=Non se atoparon SKU.
no-sla-records-for-this-item=No SLA records for this item. (Automatic Copy)
no-slas-are-defined-for-this-process=No SLAs are defined for this process. (Automatic Copy)
no-slas-yet=Aínda sen SLA
@@ -12039,7 +12039,7 @@ no-teams-were-found=Non se atoparon equipos.
no-template=Sen modelo
no-template-selected=No Template Selected (Automatic Copy)
no-templates-were-found=No templates were found. (Automatic Copy)
-no-terms-were-found=No terms were found. (Automatic Copy)
+no-terms-were-found=Non se atoparon termos.
no-theme-css-client-extension-was-loaded=No theme CSS client extension was loaded. (Automatic Copy)
no-theme-plugins-were-found=Non se atopou ningún plugin de temas de aparencia.
@@ -12077,7 +12077,7 @@ no-x-records-were-found=Non hai rexistros.
no-x-selected=No {0} Selected (Automatic Copy)
no-x-shipments-were-found=No {0} shipments were found. (Automatic Copy)
no-x-specified=NON {0} especificado
-no-x-were-found=No {0} were found. (Automatic Copy)
+no-x-were-found=Non se atoparon non {0}.
no-x-yet=Aínda non hai {0}.
no-zip-code-was-found-associated-with-the-given-street-city-and-state=Non se atopou ningún código postal asociado á rúa, cidade, e estado dados.
no-zip-codes-were-found-associated-with-the-given-city-and-state=Non se atopou ningún código postal asociado a esa cidade e estado.
@@ -12122,7 +12122,7 @@ not-installed-or-older-version-installed=Non instalado ou anticuado
not-is-empty=Non está baleiro
not-linked-to-a-catalog=Not Linked to a Catalog (Automatic Copy)
not-published=Non publicado
-not-published-x=Not Published ({0}) (Automatic Copy)
+not-published-x=Non publicado ({0})
not-required=Non obrigatorio
not-resolved=Non resolto
not-restricted=Non restrinxido
@@ -12164,13 +12164,13 @@ notification-template-type=Tipo de modelo de notificación
notification-template-was-saved-successfully=Notification template was saved successfully. (Automatic Copy)
notification-templates=Tipo de modelo de notificación
notification-type=Tipo de notificación
-notification-types=Notification Types (Automatic Copy)
+notification-types=Tipos de notificación
notification-was-deleted-successfully=Notification was deleted successfully. (Automatic Copy)
notification-was-marked-as-read-successfully=Notification was marked as read successfully. (Automatic Copy)
notification-was-marked-as-unread-successfully=Notification was marked as unread successfully. (Automatic Copy)
-notifications-body=Notifications Body (Automatic Copy)
-notifications-email=Notifications Email (Automatic Copy)
+notifications-body=Notificacións corpo
+notifications-email=Correo electrónico de notificacións
notifications-list-x=Notifications List ({0}) (Automatic Copy)
notifications-must-honor-site-membership-rule=Notifications must honor site membership rules. (Automatic Copy)
notifications-must-honor-site-membership-rule-description=If enabled, members of sites where the workflow item is available receive notifications, but parent site members do not. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -12203,7 +12203,7 @@ num-of-items=# de artigos
num-of-items-per-channel=# de elementos por canle
num-of-kb-articles=Número de artigos
num-of-kb-folders=Número de cartafoles
-num-of-organizations=# of Organizations (Automatic Copy)
+num-of-organizations=# de organizacións
num-of-pages=# de páxinas
num-of-sites=Número de sitios
num-of-sub-folders=# de subcarpetas
@@ -12214,11 +12214,11 @@ num-of-votes=# de votos
num-of-web-content-instances=# of Web Content Instances (Automatic Copy)
num-of-x=Número de {0}
-number-of-assignees=Number of Assignees (Automatic Copy)
+number-of-assignees=Número de cedentes
number-of-attachments=Number of Attachments (Automatic Copy)
number-of-categories=Número de categorías
number-of-columns=Número de columnas
-number-of-downloads=Number of Downloads (Automatic Copy)
+number-of-downloads=Número de descargas
number-of-editorial-stages=Número de fases de editorial
number-of-images-to-generate=Number of Images to Generate (Automatic Copy)
number-of-index-replicas=Number of Company and System Index Replicas (Automatic Copy)
@@ -12232,7 +12232,7 @@ number-of-lines=Number of Lines (Automatic Copy)
number-of-minutes=Número de minutos
number-of-modules=Número de módulos
number-of-options=Number of Options (Automatic Copy)
-number-of-products=Number of Products (Automatic Copy)
+number-of-products=Número de produtos
number-of-ratings=Número de valoracións
number-of-replies=Número de respostas
number-of-slides=Número de diapositivas
@@ -12295,7 +12295,7 @@ oauth2-allow-resource-owner-password-credentials-grant=Allow Resource Owner Pass
oauth2-allow-resource-owner-password-credentials-grant-description=When unselected, remote clients cannot request new tokens. This applies immediately to existing and new clients. (Automatic Copy)
oauth2-application-external-reference-code=OAuth 2 Application External Reference Code (Automatic Copy)
oauth2-application-name=OAuth 2 Application Name (Automatic Copy)
-oauth2-applications=OAuth 2 Applications (Automatic Copy)
+oauth2-applications=Aplicacións OAuth 2
oauth2-authorization-server-configuration-name=Authorization Server Configuration (Automatic Copy)
oauth2-authorization-server-issue-jwt-access-token=Issue JWT Access Token (Automatic Copy)
oauth2-authorization-server-issue-jwt-access-token-description=When selected, access token will be issued in JWT format and a signing key will be required. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -12333,7 +12333,7 @@ oauth2.application.description.JSONWS=Servizos do Portal
oauth2.application.description.Liferay.Bulk.REST=Procesamento a granel
oauth2.application.description.Liferay.Data.Engine.REST=Listas de datos dinámicos
oauth2.application.description.Liferay.Headless.Admin.Taxonomy=Taxonomy Administration (Automatic Copy)
-oauth2.application.description.Liferay.Headless.Admin.User=User Administration (Automatic Copy)
+oauth2.application.description.Liferay.Headless.Admin.User=Administración de usuarios
oauth2.application.description.Liferay.Headless.Admin.Workflow=Workflow Administration (Automatic Copy)
oauth2.application.description.Liferay.Headless.Delivery=Entrega de contido
@@ -12355,7 +12355,7 @@ object-action-executor-help[notification]=Send a notification template. (Automat
object-action-executor-help[split-commerce-order-by-catalog]=Split a customer order into supplier orders by catalog. (Automatic Copy)
object-action-executor-help[update-object-entry]=Update the current object entry. (Automatic Copy)
object-action-executor-help[webhook]=Trigger a webhook with a payload. (Automatic Copy)
-object-action-executor[add-object-entry]=Add an Object Entry (Automatic Copy)
+object-action-executor[add-object-entry]=Engade unha entrada de obxecto
object-action-executor[groovy]=Guión groovy
object-action-executor[notification]=Notification (Automatic Copy)
object-action-executor[split-commerce-order-by-catalog]=Split Order by Catalog (Automatic Copy)
@@ -12406,7 +12406,7 @@ object-folders=Object Folders (Automatic Copy)
object-model-builder=Object Model Builder (Automatic Copy)
object-name=Nome do obxecto
object-relationship-field-type-description=Select from an object entries list. (Automatic Copy)
-object-relationship-field-type-label=Object Relationship (Automatic Copy)
+object-relationship-field-type-label=Relación obxecto
object-relationship-that-belongs-to-a-hierarchical-structure-must-have-cascade-deletion-type=Object relationship that belongs to a hierarchical structure must have cascade deletion type. (Automatic Copy)
object-state-x-cannot-be-transitioned-to-object-state-x=Object state {0} cannot be transitioned to object state {1}. (Automatic Copy)
object-successfully-bound-to-root=Object successfully bound to root. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -12418,7 +12418,7 @@ objects-api-page=Páxina API do obxecto
objects-to-export=Obxectos a exportar
occur-help=Set the occurrence type for the query being contributed to the search. The behavior of each type is defined by the search engine. (Automatic Copy)
-occurrence-not-found=Occurrence Not Found (Automatic Copy)
+occurrence-not-found=Ocorrencia non atopada
occurrence-x=Ocorrencia {0}
@@ -12476,7 +12476,7 @@ one-or-more-items-from-the-zip-already-exist-in-this-location=One or more items
one-or-more-languages-cannot-be-removed-because-they-are-in-use-by-the-following-sites-x,-x-and-x-more=One or more languages cannot be removed because they are in use by the following sites: {0}, {1} and {2} More. (Automatic Copy)
one-or-more-languages-cannot-be-removed-because-they-are-in-use-by-the-following-sites-x-and-x=One or more languages cannot be removed because they are in use by the following sites: {0} and {1}. (Automatic Copy)
one-or-more-of-the-selected-users-have-invalid-email-address-domains=One or more of the selected users have invalid email address domains. (Automatic Copy)
-one-or-more-of-the-style-books-are-based-on-a-theme-that-is-different-from-the-site-default-theme=One or more of the style books are based on a theme that is different from the site's default theme. To ensure the style books work as expected, the site should use the same theme as the style books. (Automatic Copy)
+one-or-more-of-the-style-books-are-based-on-a-theme-that-is-different-from-the-site-default-theme=Un ou máis dos libros de estilo baséanse nun tema diferente do tema predeterminado do sitio. Para asegurar que os libros de estilo funcionen como se esperaba, o sitio debería usar o mesmo tema que os libros de estilo.
one-or-more-organizations-are-associated-with-deactivated-users.-do-you-want-to-proceed-with-deleting-the-selected-organizations-by-automatically-unassociating-the-deactivated-users=Unha ou máis organizacións especificadas teñen asociados usuarios desactivados. ¿queres proceder á eliminación destas organizacións e desasociar automáticamente devanditos usuarios das mesmas?
one-or-more-products-are-no-longer-available=One or more products are no longer available. (Automatic Copy)
one-or-more-required-fields-are-not-mapped-from-the-form=One or more required fields are not mapped from the form. A form with missing required fields will not generate a valid entry. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -12541,9 +12541,9 @@ only-required-in-this-asset-library=Only Required in This Asset Library (Automat
only-show-results-for-web-content-listed-in-a-web-content-display-widget=Only show results for web content listed in a web content display widget. (Automatic Copy)
only-the-first-tab-will-be-used-when-creating-a-new-entry=Only the first tab will be used when creating a new entry. The remaining Tabs can be accessed while updating the entry. (Automatic Copy)
only-this-event-will-be-modified-the-rest-of-the-series-will-not-change=Only this event will be modified. The rest of the series will not change. (Automatic Copy)
-only-this-instance=Only This Instance (Automatic Copy)
+only-this-instance=Só esta instancia
only-true-will-be-accepted=Only true will be accepted. (Automatic Copy)
-only-update-records=Only Update Records (Automatic Copy)
+only-update-records=Só actualizar rexistros
only-x-characters-are-allowed-in-the-x-field=Only {0} characters are allowed in the {1} field. (Automatic Copy)
only-zip-files-are-allowed=Only zip files are allowed. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -12578,10 +12578,10 @@ open-id-connect-client-secret=OpenID Connect Client Secret (Automatic Copy)
open-id-connect-client-secret-help=Set the client secret for the OpenID Connect provider. (Automatic Copy)
open-id-connect-configuration-name=OpenID Connect
open-id-connect-provider-configuration-name=OpenID Connect Provider Connection (Automatic Copy)
-open-in-a-new-frame=Open in a new frame (Automatic Copy)
-open-in-a-new-tab=Open in a new tab. (Automatic Copy)
+open-in-a-new-frame=Aberto nun novo cadro
+open-in-a-new-tab=Aberto nunha nova pestana.
open-in-ms-office=Abrir en MS office
-open-localizations=Open Localizations (Automatic Copy)
+open-localizations=Localizacións abertas
open-page-in-a-new-tab=Open Page in a New Tab (Automatic Copy)
open-page-options-menu=Open Page Options Menu (Automatic Copy)
open-page-template=Abrir modelo de páxina
@@ -12600,13 +12600,13 @@ open-x-in-a-new-tab=Open {0} in a new tab. (Automatic Copy)
open-x-in-fragment-library=Open {0} in Fragment Library (Automatic Copy)
openai=OpenAI (Automatic Copy)
openai-is-disabled.-enable-openai-from-the-settings-page-or-contact-your-administrator=OpenAI is disabled. Enable OpenAI from the settings page or contact your administrator. (Automatic Copy)
-openam-12=OpenAM 12 and Below (Automatic Copy)
+openam-12=Openam 12 e abaixo
openam-13=OpenAM 13 e versións posteriores
openid-connect=OpenID Connect
openid-connect-client-name=OpenId Connect Client Name (Automatic Copy)
opening-hours=Horario de funcionamento
-opennlp-auto-tag-configuration-description=OpenNLP Text Auto Tagging is based on three open source models (Location name finder model, Organization finder model, and Person name finder model). Use with caution because its accuracy may be limited. (Automatic Copy)
+opennlp-auto-tag-configuration-description=A etiqueta automática de texto de OpenNLP baséase en tres modelos de código aberto (modelo de buscador de nome de localización, modelo de buscador de organizacións e modelo de buscador de nomes). Use con precaución porque a súa precisión pode ser limitada.
opennlp-auto-tag-configuration-name=OpenNLP Text Auto Tagging (Automatic Copy)
openoffice-configuration-name=OpenOffice Integration (Automatic Copy)
openoffice-file-preview-and-thumbnail-regeneration-has-started-successfully-and-will-continue-in-the-background=OpenOffice file preview and thumbnail regeneration has started successfully and will continue in the background. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -12637,7 +12637,7 @@ option-selected=Opción seleccionada
option-selector=Option Selector (Automatic Copy)
option-template-detail=Option Template Detail (Automatic Copy)
option-templates=Modelos de opción
-option-value-detail=Option Value Detail (Automatic Copy)
+option-value-detail=Detalle do valor da opción
option-values=Valores de opción
optional-configuration=Optional Configuration (Automatic Copy)
@@ -12647,25 +12647,25 @@ options-field-type-label=Opcións
or-obtain-the-google-gadget-code-directly-and-paste-it-below=ou obtén o código do Google Gadget e pegao abaixo.
-order-admin-fields-configuration-name=Order Admin Fields (Automatic Copy)
+order-admin-fields-configuration-name=Pedir campos de administración
order-approved=Pedido aprobado
order-awaiting-shipment=Order Awaiting Shipment (Automatic Copy)
order-billing-address-definition-term=O enderezo de facturación do pedido
order-by=Ordenar por
order-by-column=Ordenar por columna
order-by-status=Pedido por estado
-order-by-target-keys=Order by Target Keys (Automatic Copy)
+order-by-target-keys=Pedido por teclas de destino
order-by-type=Ordenar por tipo
-order-check-interval=Order Check Interval (Automatic Copy)
+order-check-interval=Intervalo de comprobación de pedidos
order-check-interval-description=Set the time interval (in minutes) between order checks. (Automatic Copy)
order-checkout-configuration-name=Order Checkout Configuration (Automatic Copy)
order-completed=Orde completada
order-conditions=Condicións de orde
order-conditions-eligibility=Order Conditions Eligibility (Automatic Copy)
-order-confirmation=Order Confirmation (Automatic Copy)
+order-confirmation=Confirmación do pedido
order-creator-definition-term=The user that created the order (Automatic Copy)
order-date=Data do pedido
-order-date-display=Order Date Display (Automatic Copy)
+order-date-display=Data de pedido
order-date-range=Rango de data de pedido
order-delete-interval=Order Delete Interval (Automatic Copy)
order-description=Set the multi-factor authentication checker order. Checkers with higher order will be shown first. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -12709,14 +12709,14 @@ order-transmitted=Orde transmitida
order-type=Tipo de pedido
order-type-eligibility=Order Type Eligibility (Automatic Copy)
order-type-id=ID de tipo de pedido
-order-type-selected=Order Type Selected (Automatic Copy)
+order-type-selected=Tipo de pedido seleccionado
order-types=Tipos de pedidos
order-value=Valor do pedido
order-workflows=Pedir fluxos de traballo
order-x=Pedido {0}
ordered=Pedido realizado
ordered-list=Lista ordenada
ordered-quantity=Cantidade ordenada
@@ -12746,7 +12746,7 @@ organization-administration=Administración da organización
organization-chart=Organization Chart (Automatic Copy)
organization-ids=ID de organización
organization-information=Información da organización
-organization-link-configuration-name=Organization Links (Automatic Copy)
+organization-link-configuration-name=Ligazóns de organización
organization-link-enabled-description=Check to enable defining arbitrary links between organizations. (Automatic Copy)
organization-link-types=Organization Link Types (Automatic Copy)
organization-link-types-description=This is the name of an organization link type. It will show up as an option when creating an organization link. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -12779,11 +12779,11 @@ original-text-indicator=Indicador de texto orixinal
origins-description=Set the allowed origins that returned authenticator responses will be compared against. The default is the set containing only the string of "https://" + Relying Party ID. (Automatic Copy)
orphan-pages=Páxinas orfas
-orphan-scan-interval=Orphan scan Interval (Automatic Copy)
+orphan-scan-interval=Intervalo de exploración orfa
orphan-scan-interval-description=Set the time interval (in minutes) to run a scheduled job that scans for tasks that are stuck for a period of time as specified in the orphanage threshold and reruns them. (Automatic Copy)
orphan-widgets=Widgets orfos
orphan-widgets-description=Orphan Widgets are widgets that no longer exist on the page, but still have preferences set. Depending on your role, you may remove these preferences from the page. (Automatic Copy)
-orphanage-threshold=Orphanage Threshold (Automatic Copy)
+orphanage-threshold=Limiar do orfanato
orphanage-threshold-description=Set the time threshold (in minutes) to determine if an export or import task is stuck. (Automatic Copy)
os=Sistema operativo
os-help=The Device Recognition Provider plugin is not present. Please install it to populate the operating system list. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -12793,7 +12793,7 @@ osgi-jaxrs-application-select-description=Set the OSGi filter selecting the targ
other-available-formats=Outros formatos dispoñibles
other-calendars=Outros calendarios
-other-content-type=Other Content Type (Automatic Copy)
+other-content-type=Outro tipo de contido
other-devices=Outros dispositivos
other-directory-server=Outro servidor de directorio
other-field=Outro campo
@@ -12835,13 +12835,13 @@ output-to-console=Saída á consola
output-validation-type=Output Validation Type (Automatic Copy)
outside-us=Fora de U.S.A.
-outstanding-quantity=Outstanding Quantity (Automatic Copy)
+outstanding-quantity=Cantidade pendente
overall-maximum-unique-file-name-tries=Overall Maximum Unique File Name Creation Tries (Automatic Copy)
overall-maximum-upload-request-size=Overall Maximum Upload Request Size (Automatic Copy)
overlap-allowed=Superposición permitido
-overlapping-target=Overlapping Target (Automatic Copy)
+overlapping-target=Obxectivo solapado
@@ -12849,7 +12849,7 @@ override-default-category-display-page=Override Default Category Display Page (A
override-default-product-display-page=Override Default Product Display Page (Automatic Copy)
override-discount=Override Discount (Automatic Copy)
override-discount-help=If enabled, it is possible to overwrite any active discounts on the product. (Automatic Copy)
-override-eligibility=Override Eligibility (Automatic Copy)
+override-eligibility=Anular a elegibilidade
override-eligibility-help=Se optas por anular a elegibilidade do sistema, este predeterminado utilizarase en pedidos independentemente de que o predeterminado sexa elixible para a orde ou non. A elección de non anular a elegibilidade significa que este predeterminado só se empregará en pedidos onde sexa elixible para esa orde.
override-existing-records=Override Existing Records (Automatic Copy)
override-inherited-restrictions=Sobreescribe restricións herdadas
@@ -12901,7 +12901,7 @@ page-customizations=Personalización de páxina
page-deletions=Eliminacións de páxinas
page-delta=Resultados por páxina
page-design=Deseño de páxina
-page-design-options=Page Design Options (Automatic Copy)
+page-design-options=Opcións de deseño de páxinas
page-display-order=Orde de disposición das páxinas
page-editor-auto-extend-session-enabled-description=Enabling will automatically extend the session while the page editor is opened. (Automatic Copy)
page-editor-configuration-name=Editor de páxina
@@ -13034,7 +13034,7 @@ parent-x={0} pai
parsers-creole-supported-protocols=Parsers Creole Supported Protocols (Automatic Copy)
partial-validation-inline-field=Partial Validation (Inline Field) (Automatic Copy)
-partially-completed=Partially Completed (Automatic Copy)
+partially-completed=Completado parcialmente
partially-refunded=Devolto parcialmente
partially-shipped=Enviado parcialmente
@@ -13067,7 +13067,7 @@ password-policy-enabled=Password Policy Enabled (Automatic Copy)
password-policy-enabled-help=Estableza isto para utilizar a política de contrasinal de LDAP en lugar da política de contrasinal do portal. Se se establece en verdade, é posible que os contrasinais xerados por portal non coincidan coa política LDAP. Consulte as propiedades "Contrasinais.RegExPtoolKit.*" Para obter máis detalles sobre a configuración de RegexPtoolKit na xeración destes contrasinais. Teña en conta que se está activado, o portal non comprobará se hai contrasinais válidos, contrasinais caducados ou usuarios que están bloqueados. Isto é agora manexado pola política de contrasinal do servidor LDAP.
password-recovery-is-disabled=Password recovery is disabled. (Automatic Copy)
password-recovery-question-and-answer=Password Recovery Question and Answer (Automatic Copy)
-password-reminder=Recordatorio da contraseña
+password-reminder=Recordatorio do contrasinal
password-reset-notification=Notificación de reestablecemento de contraseña
password-reset-required=Cambio de contraseña requirido
password-sent-email=Notificación de contraseña
@@ -13124,10 +13124,10 @@ payment-methods=Payment Methods (Automatic Copy)
payment-plan=Plan de pago
payment-plan-description=Plan with regular payment definitions. (Automatic Copy)
payment-process=Proceso de pago
-payment-restrictions=Payment Restrictions (Automatic Copy)
+payment-restrictions=Restricións de pago
payment-settings=Configuración do pago
payment-status=Estado de pago
-payment-subscription=Payment Subscription (Automatic Copy)
+payment-subscription=Subscrición de pagamentos
payment-term-entry-description=Payment Term Entry Description (Automatic Copy)
payment-term-entry-id=Payment Term Entry ID (Automatic Copy)
payment-term-entry-name=Payment Term Entry Name (Automatic Copy)
@@ -13172,9 +13172,9 @@ perform-a-search-to-preview-your-blueprints-search-results=Perform a search to p
performance-by-assignee=Performance by Assignee (Automatic Copy)
performance-by-assignee-description=View the average completion time and number of completed tasks over the selected time period for each process assignee. (Automatic Copy)
-performance-by-step=Performance by Step (Automatic Copy)
+performance-by-step=Rendemento por paso
performance-by-step-description=View the average completion time and percentage of SLA breaches over the selected time period for each step of the workflow process. (Automatic Copy)
-performance-cookies=Performance Cookies (Automatic Copy)
+performance-cookies=Cookies de rendemento
performance-cookies-description-field=Performance Cookies Description (Automatic Copy)
permanent-link-to-this-item=Ligazón permanente a este elemento
@@ -13192,8 +13192,8 @@ permission-terms-limit-help=Estableza isto para limitar o número de termos de b
permissions-assigned-to-organizations-user-groups-roles-and-sites=Permisos asignados a organizacións, grupos de usuarios, roles e sitios web
permissions-assigned-to-users=Permisos asignados directamente a usuarios
-permissions-changed=Permissions Changed (Automatic Copy)
-persist-selected-tab=Persist Selected Tab (Automatic Copy)
+permissions-changed=Cambiaron os permisos
+persist-selected-tab=Pestana persistente seleccionada
persistent-audit-message-processor-configuration-name=Persistent Message Audit Message Processor (Automatic Copy)
@@ -13202,7 +13202,7 @@ personal-applications-look-and-feel=Personal Applications Look and Feel (Automat
personal-applications-look-and-feel-help=Define the look and feel for personal applications. Use the same look and feel of the current site or My Dashboard pages. (Automatic Copy)
personal-data-erasure=Personal Data Erasure (Automatic Copy)
personal-fax=Fax persoal
-personal-information=Personal Information (Automatic Copy)
+personal-information=Información persoal
personal-menu=Menú persoal
personal-menu-configuration-name=Menú persoal
personal-phones=Teléfonos persoais
@@ -13223,7 +13223,7 @@ phone-numbers=Números de teléfono
phone-office=Teléfono (Oficina)
phone-type=Tipo de teléfono
-physical-screen-size=Physical Screen Size (Automatic Copy)
+physical-screen-size=Tamaño da pantalla física
pick-date=Seleccionar data
picker-api-key=Clave API de Picker
picker-api-key-description=Set the API Key for the Google Picker API. Go to {0} to create it. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -13266,7 +13266,7 @@ please-add-at-least-one-option=Please add at least one option. (Automatic Copy)
please-add-at-least-one-shipping-option=Please add at least one shipping option. (Automatic Copy)
please-add-at-least-one-tax-rate=Please add at least one tax rate. (Automatic Copy)
please-add-at-least-one-translation-below=Please add at least one translation below. (Automatic Copy)
-please-add-elements=Please add elements. (Automatic Copy)
+please-add-elements=Engade elementos.
please-add-geolocation-information-to-the-warehouse-to-activate=Please add geolocation information to the warehouse to activate. (Automatic Copy)
please-add-one-or-more-skus=Please add one or more SKUs. (Automatic Copy)
please-add-products-to-proceed-with-the-checkout=Please add products to proceed with the checkout. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -13328,7 +13328,7 @@ please-enter-a-friendly-url-with-valid-characters=Por favor, introduza unha URL
please-enter-a-max-height-value-larger-than-0=Por favor, introduza un valor de altura máxima superior a 0.
please-enter-a-max-width-or-max-height-value-larger-than-0=Por favor, introduza unha largura máxima ou unha altura máxima superior a 0.
please-enter-a-max-width-value-larger-than-0=Por favor, introduza un valor de largura máxima superior a 0.
-please-enter-a-name=Please enter a name. (Automatic Copy)
+please-enter-a-name=Insira un nome.
please-enter-a-name-with-fewer-than-x-characters=Please enter a name with fewer than {0} characters. (Automatic Copy)
please-enter-a-nonnumeric-name=Please enter a non-numeric name. (Automatic Copy)
please-enter-a-parameter=Please enter a parameter. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -13762,7 +13762,7 @@ plugin-is-undeploying.-the-undeploy-process-will-complete-in-a-separate-process=
plugin-name=Nome do plugin
plugin-packages-with-updates-ignored=Plugins cuxas actualizacións serán ignoradas
plugin-repositories=Repositorios de plugins
-plugin-repositories-configuration-name=Plugin Repositories (Automatic Copy)
+plugin-repositories-configuration-name=Repositorios de complementos
plugin-repository=Repositorio de plugins
plural-label=Etiqueta plural
@@ -13782,9 +13782,9 @@ pop-up=Ventá emerxente
portal-analytics=Analítica portal
-portal-async-advice-configuration-name=Portal Async Advice (Automatic Copy)
+portal-async-advice-configuration-name=Consello de Async portal
portal-bundle-blacklist-service-configuration-name=Lista negra de feixe
-portal-cache-cluster-configuration-name=Portal Cluster Cache (Automatic Copy)
+portal-cache-cluster-configuration-name=Caché de clúster portal
portal-cors-configuration-description=Enables CORS for matching URLs in the portal. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -13861,7 +13861,7 @@ portlet-display-template-name-card-layout=Disposición de cartón
portlet-display-template-name-checkbox-layout-multiselect=Checkbox Layout (Multiselect) (Automatic Copy)
portlet-display-template-name-cloud-layout=Disposición de nube
-portlet-display-template-name-color-by-popularity=Color by Popularity (Automatic Copy)
+portlet-display-template-name-color-by-popularity=Cor por popularidade
portlet-display-template-name-compact-layout=Compact Layout (Automatic Copy)
portlet-display-template-name-hyperlink-layout-single-select=Hyperlink Layout (Single Select) (Automatic Copy)
@@ -13873,13 +13873,13 @@ portlet-display-template-name-list-layout=Disposición de lista
portlet-display-template-name-list-menu=Menú de lista
portlet-display-template-name-long-text=Texto longo
-portlet-display-template-name-multi-column-layout=Multi Column Layout (Automatic Copy)
+portlet-display-template-name-multi-column-layout=Disposición de varias columnas
portlet-display-template-name-nav-pills=Pílulas horizontais
portlet-display-template-name-nav-pills-justified=Pílulas xustificadas
portlet-display-template-name-nav-pills-stacked=Pílulas amoreadas
portlet-display-template-name-nav-tabs-justified=Pestanas xustificadas
-portlet-display-template-name-navbar-blank=Bar minimally styled (Automatic Copy)
+portlet-display-template-name-navbar-blank=Bar estilo mínimamente
portlet-display-template-name-navbar-blank-justified=Bar minimally justified styled (Automatic Copy)
portlet-display-template-name-navbar-default=Barra de estilo predeterminado
portlet-display-template-name-navbar-links=Barra con ligazóns
@@ -13903,7 +13903,7 @@ portlet-plugin=Plugin de portlet
portlet-plugins=Plugins de portlets
portlet-preferences=Preferencias do portlet
portlet-preferences-are-not-configured-properly=Portlet preferences are not configured properly. (Automatic Copy)
-portlet-preferences-help=Represents the preferences of the application that are used to display content through this template. Use the map API of the selected template language to get the values of the preferences. (Automatic Copy)
+portlet-preferences-help=Representa as preferencias da aplicación que se usan para mostrar contido a través deste modelo. Use a API do mapa da linguaxe de plantilla seleccionada para obter os valores das preferencias.
portlet-preview=Previsualización do portlet
portlet-setup-show-borders-default=Mostrar os bordos do portlet por defecto
portlet-title=Título do portlet
@@ -13951,10 +13951,10 @@ precompile-jsps-for-faster-speed=Precompilar JSPs para maior velocidade.
predefined-value=Valor predefinido
predefined-values=Valores predefinidos
-predefined-variables=Predefined Variables (Automatic Copy)
+predefined-variables=Variables predefinidas
preferences-for-x-on-x-page=Preferences for {0} on {1} Page (Automatic Copy)
-prefilter-collection=Prefilter Collection (Automatic Copy)
+prefilter-collection=Colección de prefiltros
prefix-and-suffix-symbols=Prefix and Suffix Symbols (Automatic Copy)
prefix-or-suffix=Prefixo ou sufixo
@@ -13987,7 +13987,7 @@ preview-form=Previsualizar formulario
preview-help=The image ratio might change depending on where the URL is posted. (Automatic Copy)
preview-image=Previsualizar imaxe
preview-image-is-taking-longer-than-expected=Preview image is taking longer than expected. (Automatic Copy)
-preview-in-a-new-tab=Preview in a New Tab (Automatic Copy)
+preview-in-a-new-tab=Vista previa nunha nova pestana
preview-may-not-be-accurate=Preview may not be accurate. (Automatic Copy)
preview-members=Membros de vista previa
preview-menu=Menú de vista previa
@@ -14057,7 +14057,7 @@ primary-vertical=Vertical primario
-print-order-template=Print Order Template (Automatic Copy)
+print-order-template=Modelo de orde de impresión
print-x=Imprimir {0}
print-x-x=Imprimir {1}
printed-note=Nota impresa
@@ -14071,8 +14071,8 @@ priority-name=Nome de prioridade
priority-value=Valor prioritario
priority-x=Prioridade {0}
privacy-policy=Política de privacidade
-privacy-policy-link=Privacy Policy Link (Automatic Copy)
-privacy-policy-url=Privacy Policy URL (Automatic Copy)
+privacy-policy-link=Ligazón da Política de privacidade
+privacy-policy-url=URL da política de privacidade
privacy-policy-url-help=Provide a link to your application's privacy policy. This information is shown to the users during the authorization process. (Automatic Copy)
privacy-policy-url-is-invalid=The privacy policy URL is invalid. (Automatic Copy)
privacy-policy-url-scheme-is-invalid=The Privacy Policy URL scheme is invalid; only http and https schemes are available. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -14081,7 +14081,7 @@ private-collection-page=Private Collection Page (Automatic Copy)
private-key-jwt=Private Key JWT (Automatic Copy)
private-local-or-intranet-pages-cannot-be-audited-as-they-are-not-accessible-from-the-internet=Private, local, or intranet pages cannot be audited as they are not accessible from the Internet. (Automatic Copy)
private-message=Mensaxe privada
-private-navigation=Private Navigation (Automatic Copy)
+private-navigation=Navegación privada
private-node=Nodo privado
private-nodes=Nodos privados
private-page=Páxina privada
@@ -14123,9 +14123,9 @@ producer-name-already-exists=O nome do productor xa existe.
producer-name-is-invalid=O nome do productor non é válido.
-product-admin-menu=Product Admin Menu (Automatic Copy)
-product-attachment=Product Attachment (Automatic Copy)
-product-attachments=Product Attachments (Automatic Copy)
+product-admin-menu=Menú de administración do produto
+product-attachment=Anexo do produto
+product-attachments=Adxuntos de produtos
product-card=Product Card (Automatic Copy)
product-category=Categoría de produto
product-comparison-cookies-alert=You must allow functional cookies in order to enable the product comparison feature. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -14133,7 +14133,7 @@ product-comparison-cookies-success=You can compare products. (Automatic Copy)
product-comparison-cookies-title=Product Comparison Uses Functional Cookies (Automatic Copy)
product-comparison-cookies-warning=You cannot compare products when functional cookies are not allowed. (Automatic Copy)
product-content-based-recommendations=Product Content Based Recommendations (Automatic Copy)
-product-display-page=Product Display Page (Automatic Copy)
+product-display-page=Páxina de visualización do produto
product-display-page-help=The display page is used to display the product. (Automatic Copy)
product-display-pages=Product Display Pages (Automatic Copy)
product-entries=Entradas do produto
@@ -14142,11 +14142,11 @@ product-group-selected=Product group selected (Automatic Copy)
product-groups=Grupos de produtos
product-id=ID de produto
product-interaction-based-recommendations=Product Interaction-Based Recommendations (Automatic Copy)
-product-layout-uuid=Product Layout UUID (Automatic Copy)
+product-layout-uuid=Disposición do produto UUID
product-link=Product Link (Automatic Copy)
product-list-renderer=Product List Renderer (Automatic Copy)
-product-management=Product Management (Automatic Copy)
+product-management=Xestión de produtos
product-menu=Menú de produto
product-menu-name=Enable Product Menu Analysis (Automatic Copy)
product-name=Nome do produto
@@ -14163,7 +14163,7 @@ product-url-separator=Product URL Separator (Automatic Copy)
product-url-separator-help=You must restart portal after this change. Do not change it in production as you will introduce SEO issues. (Automatic Copy)
product-version=Versión do produto
product-will-be-available-in-x=Product will be available in: {0}. (Automatic Copy)
-product-x-of-x=Product {0} of {1} (Automatic Copy)
+product-x-of-x=Produto {0} de {1}
production-mode-enabled=Production Mode Enabled (Automatic Copy)
production-mode-enabled-help=Enable Production mode. If this is checked, Production mode will be enabled and the Operation Mode configuration will be ignored. Production mode connects to a remote search engine cluster. If unchecked, the Operation Mode configuration is used. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -14173,7 +14173,7 @@ production-only-application-help=These applications do not participate in a publ
production-only-message=This application saves changes directly to production. (Automatic Copy)
production-only-title=Editing in Production (Automatic Copy)
-productivity-center=Productivity Center (Automatic Copy)
+productivity-center=Centro de produtividade
products-limit=Límite de produtos
products-of-the-same-categories=Products of the Same Categories (Automatic Copy)
@@ -14213,7 +14213,7 @@ properties-are-a-way-to-add-more-detailed-information-to-a-specific-tag=As propi
properties-help=Specify properties to pass to the custom elements HTML tag using an "attribute=value" pair per line. (Automatic Copy)
properties-settings-have-been-saved=Properties settings have been saved. (Automatic Copy)
-property-assignment=Property Assignment (Automatic Copy)
+property-assignment=Asignación de propiedades
property-description=As propiedades permiten agregar datos nos seus sitios e canles en función das súas experiencias desexadas. Os sitios e canles só se poden asignar a unha propiedade á vez. As canles só están dispoñibles nas propiedades habilitadas polo comercio.
property-name=Nome de propiedade
property-name-does-not-meet-minimum-length-required=Property name does not meet minimum length required. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -14304,7 +14304,7 @@ publish-objects=Publish Objects (Automatic Copy)
publish-page-deletions=Publish Page Deletions (Automatic Copy)
publish-parent-layouts-by-default=Publish Parent Pages by Default (Automatic Copy)
publish-parent-layouts-by-default-help=If checked, parent pages are always published to live. (Automatic Copy)
-publish-permissions=Publish Permissions (Automatic Copy)
+publish-permissions=Publicar permisos
publish-permissions-by-default=Publish Permissions by Default (Automatic Copy)
publish-permissions-by-default-help=If checked, the permissions assigned for the exported pages and individual portlet windows are always included by default. (Automatic Copy)
publish-portlets=Publicar portlets
@@ -14313,7 +14313,7 @@ publish-small-incremental-changes-to-avoid-large-publishing-processes-that-can-t
publish-templates=Publicar modelos
publish-templates-can-be-administered-in-the-control-menu=Publish templates can be administered in the control menu. (Automatic Copy)
publish-the-form-to-get-its-shareable-link=Publish the form to get its shareable link. (Automatic Copy)
-publish-this-form=Publish this form. (Automatic Copy)
+publish-this-form=Publicar este formulario.
publish-to-live-by-default=Publish to Live by Default (Automatic Copy)
publish-to-live-by-default-help=Set this to true if web content articles should be published to live by default. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -14350,7 +14350,7 @@ punch-out-access-token-auto-login-configuration-name=Auto Login Punch Out Access
punch-out-access-token-provider-configuration-name=Punch Out Access Token Provider Configuration (Automatic Copy)
punch-out-cart-transfer-failed-please-try-again=Punch out cart transfer failed. Please try again. (Automatic Copy)
punch-out-configuration-name=Catálogo en liña
-punch-out-start-url=Punch Out Start URL (Automatic Copy)
+punch-out-start-url=Punch Out URL
purchase-date=Data de compra
purchase-order=Pagar pedido
@@ -14363,14 +14363,14 @@ qty=Qty (Automatic Copy)
quantity-allows-for-x-decimal-places=Quantity allows for {0} decimal places. (Automatic Copy)
-quantity-in-shipment=Quantity in Shipment (Automatic Copy)
+quantity-in-shipment=Cantidade no envío
quantity-must-be-a-multiple-of-x=Quantity must be a multiple of {0} (Automatic Copy)
quantity-on-hand=Cantidade a man
quantity-selector=Quantity Selector (Automatic Copy)
quantity-x=Cantidade: {0}
query-builder=Builder de consultas
-query-configuration=Query Configuration (Automatic Copy)
+query-configuration=Configuración da consulta
query-contains=A consulta contén
query-depth-limit=Query Depth Limit (Automatic Copy)
query-depth-limit-description=Set the query depth limit for GraphQL. Enter a negative number or zero for an unlimited query depth. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -14414,7 +14414,7 @@ range-size=Tamaño do intervalo
range-size-help=Estableza o número de valores para devolver en cada consulta a un atributo multivalido para servidores de directorio que soportan a recuperación de rango. O tamaño do rango debe ser de 1000 ou menos para Windows 2000 e 1500 ou menos para Windows Server 2003.
ranges-configuration=Ranges Configuration (Automatic Copy)
ranges-json-array=Rangos JSON Array
-ranges-json-array-help=This string should hold an array of objects. Each object signifies a price range bucket and should be formatted as follows: {'range": '[lowNumber TO highNumber]'}. Use * as highNumber to signify no upper bound. (Automatic Copy)
+ranges-json-array-help=Esta cadea debe manter unha serie de obxectos. Cada obxecto significa un cubo de rango de prezos e debe formatear do seguinte xeito: {'rango ":' [lownumber to highnumber] '}. Use * como número alto para significar non límite superior.
@@ -14471,7 +14471,7 @@ recaptcha-no-script-url=reCAPTCHA No Script URL (Automatic Copy)
recaptcha-private-key=Clave Privada reCAPTCHA
recaptcha-public-key=Clave Pública reCAPTCHA
recaptcha-script-url=reCAPTCHA Script URL (Automatic Copy)
-recaptcha-verify-url=reCAPTCHA Verify URL (Automatic Copy)
+recaptcha-verify-url=recaptcha verificar a URL
receive-a-notification-when-a-knowledge-base-article-you-are-subscribed-to-has-expired=A knowledge base article you are subscribed to has expired. (Automatic Copy)
receive-a-notification-when-a-scheduled-publication-fails=Scheduled publication fails. (Automatic Copy)
receive-a-notification-when-background-task-fails=Background task fails. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -14540,7 +14540,7 @@ recently-viewed-help=Shows items recently visited by the current user when Analy
recipient-email=Correo electrónico do destinatario
recipient-email-address=Enderezo de correo do receptor
-recipient-full-name=Recipient Full Name (Automatic Copy)
+recipient-full-name=Nome completo do destinatario
recipient-type=Tipo de destinatario
recommendation=Recommendation (Automatic Copy)
@@ -14560,12 +14560,12 @@ redirect-chain=Cadea de redirección
redirect-configuration-description=Redirection Configuration (Automatic Copy)
redirect-not-found-entry-enabled-help=Enable 404 hit URL tracking. (Automatic Copy)
-redirect-not-found-entry-max-age=404 URL Maximum Age (Automatic Copy)
+redirect-not-found-entry-max-age=404 URL idade máxima
redirect-not-found-entry-max-age-help=Set the number of days to keep 404 URLs that have not been accessed. (Automatic Copy)
redirect-pattern-configuration-description=Define a set of URL patterns that when matched, will redirect to the destination URL. (Automatic Copy)
redirect-pattern-configuration-name=Patróns de redirección
redirect-patterns=Patróns de redirección
-redirect-patterns-description=Define a set of URL patterns that when matched, will redirect to the destination URL. Each pattern specifies the regular expression to match as a regular expression and the destination URL to redirect to. (Automatic Copy)
+redirect-patterns-description=Defina un conxunto de patróns de URL que cando se coincidan, redirixirá a URL de destino. Cada patrón especifica a expresión regular que coincide como expresión regular e o URL de destino para redirixir.
redirect-to-private-layouts=Redirect to Private Layouts (Automatic Copy)
redirect-uri-is-missing-for-grant-type-x=The callback URI is missing for grant type "{0}". (Automatic Copy)
redirect-uri-x-fragment-is-invalid=Callback URI "{0}" cannot contain a fragment. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -14595,7 +14595,7 @@ reference-certificate=Reference Certificate (Automatic Copy)
reference-order=Orde de referencia
referenced-by-a-x-x=Referenced by a {0}: {1} (Automatic Copy)
referenced-by-x-elements=Referenced by {0} Elements (Automatic Copy)
-referenced-content=Referenced Content (Automatic Copy)
+referenced-content=Contido referenciado
referenced-content-behavior=Referenced Content Behavior (Automatic Copy)
references-only=Só referencias
@@ -14607,7 +14607,7 @@ refresh-list=Refresh List (Automatic Copy)
refresh-rate=Frecuencia de actualización
refresh-token-expires-in=Refresh Token Duration (Automatic Copy)
refresh-token-expires-in-description=Set the number of seconds before refresh token expires. (Automatic Copy)
-refresh-token-key-byte-size=Refresh Token Size (Automatic Copy)
+refresh-token-key-byte-size=Actualizar o tamaño do token
refresh-token-key-byte-size-description=Set the number of random bytes used to generate refresh token. (Automatic Copy)
refreshTokenCreateDate=Refresh Token Create Date (Automatic Copy)
refreshTokenExpirationDate=Refresh Token Expiration (Automatic Copy)
@@ -14633,7 +14633,7 @@ regeneration-actions=Regeneration Actions (Automatic Copy)
regex=Expresión regular
region-code=Código da rexión
-region-key-field-help=Provide a unique identifier for this region that can be used to refer to it programmatically. If this is a new region, the value will either automatically be filled with a given name or must be given manually. (Automatic Copy)
+region-key-field-help=Proporcione un identificador único para esta rexión que se pode usar para referirse a ela de xeito programático. Se se trata dunha nova rexión, o valor será cuberto automaticamente cun nome dado ou debe darse manualmente.
region-name=Nome da rexión
region-name-field-help=This is a localizable display name for a region. If not provided, the key will be displayed by default. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -14655,7 +14655,7 @@ registration-type=Tipo do rexistro
registration-validator-class=Clase do validator do rexistro
regular-browsers=Navegadores habituais
-regular-expression=Regular Expression (Automatic Copy)
+regular-expression=Expresión regular
regular-expression-help=This defines the regular expression used to validate the user's password. (Automatic Copy)
regular-pickup=Recollida regular
regular-role=Rol común
@@ -14721,7 +14721,7 @@ reload-page=Recargar páxina
reload-page-after-x=Reload Page After {0} (Automatic Copy)
relying-party-id=Confiando na identificación da festa
relying-party-id-description=Estableza a identificación de festas confiables. Debe ser igual ao dominio efectivo da orixe ou a un sufixo de dominio rexistrable do dominio efectivo da orixe. Por exemplo, unha orixe de https://login.example.com:1337 só pode ter confiando na ID de festa como un dos seguintes: login.example.com ou exemplo.com. Isto faise para coincidir co comportamento das credenciais ambientais implementadas de xeito perverso (por exemplo, cookies, [RFC6265]).
-relying-party-name=Relying Party Name (Automatic Copy)
+relying-party-name=Confiando no nome da festa
relying-party-name-description=Set the relying party name. (Automatic Copy)
remaining-cycles=Ciclos restantes
remaining-items=Elementos restantes
@@ -14745,7 +14745,7 @@ remote-client-id=Remote Client ID (Automatic Copy)
remote-client-id-placeholder=The client ID will automatically be generated if left blank. (Automatic Copy)
remote-client-secret=Remote Client Secret (Automatic Copy)
remote-client-secret-placeholder=The client secret will automatically be generated if left blank. (Automatic Copy)
-remote-cluster-alias=Remote Cluster Alias (Automatic Copy)
+remote-cluster-alias=Alias do clúster remoto
remote-cluster-alias-help=Enter the alias to be used for identifying the remote cluster when establishing a connection between the remote and local cluster. (Automatic Copy)
remote-cluster-connection-id=Remote Cluster Connection ID (Automatic Copy)
remote-cluster-connection-id-help=Choose the connection ID of the search engine connection to use when connecting to the remote cluster. Connections are defined in the Elasticsearch Connections System Settings. If this value is not set then the connection configurations on this page will be used for the remote cluster connection instead. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -14780,7 +14780,7 @@ remove-all-translation-overrides=Remove all translation overrides (Automatic Cop
remove-attachment=Elimina o anexo
remove-attribute=Remove Attribute (Automatic Copy)
remove-content=Remove Content (Automatic Copy)
-remove-custom-tags=Remove Custom Tags (Automatic Copy)
+remove-custom-tags=Elimina as etiquetas personalizadas
remove-dl-preview-cts-content-data=Remove DL Preview Change Tracking Store Content Data (Automatic Copy)
remove-duplicate-field=Remove Duplicate Field {0} (Automatic Copy)
remove-entry=Remove Entry (Automatic Copy)
@@ -14802,7 +14802,7 @@ remove-published-cts-content-data=Remove Published Change Tracking Store Content
remove-redirect=Borrar redirección
remove-role-x=Eliminar papel: {0}
remove-screenshot=Eliminar captura de pantalla
-remove-success-page=Remove Success Page (Automatic Copy)
+remove-success-page=Eliminar a páxina de éxito
remove-the-attachments-for-this-message=Remove the attachments for this message. (Automatic Copy)
remove-the-attachments-for-this-page=Remove the attachments for this page. (Automatic Copy)
remove-the-attachments-for-this-wiki-node=Remove the attachments for this wiki node. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -14815,7 +14815,7 @@ remove-x=Eliminar {0}
remove-x-filter=Remove {0} Filter (Automatic Copy)
remove-x-option=Remove {0} Option (Automatic Copy)
-removed-attachments=Removed Attachments (Automatic Copy)
+removed-attachments=Eliminados anexos
removed-by=Eliminado en
removed-date=Data de eliminación
removed-in=Eliminado en
@@ -14824,21 +14824,21 @@ removing-an-asset-library-can-affect-sites-that-use-the-contents-stored-in-it.-a
removing-this-site-connection-will-not-allow-the-site-to-consume-data-from-this-asset-library-directly=Removing this site connection will not allow the site to consume data from this asset library directly. (Automatic Copy)
rename-collection=Cambiar a colección
-rename-column-label=Rename Column Label (Automatic Copy)
+rename-column-label=Cambiar o nome da etiqueta da columna
rename-data-set=Rename Data Set (Automatic Copy)
rename-display-page-template=Rename Display Page Template (Automatic Copy)
rename-folder=Renomear a carpeta
rename-fragment=Renomear o fragmento
rename-group=Renomear grupo
rename-layout-page-template=Rename Layout Page Template (Automatic Copy)
-rename-master-page=Rename Master Page (Automatic Copy)
+rename-master-page=Cambiar o nome de páxina mestra
rename-page-template-set=Rename Page Template Set (Automatic Copy)
rename-role=Renomear rol
rename-site-navigation-menu=Rename Navigation Menu (Automatic Copy)
rename-style-book=Cambiar o nome de estilo
rename-the-document-in-the-publication=Rename the document in the publication. (Automatic Copy)
rename-the-folder-in-the-publication=Rename the folder in the publication. (Automatic Copy)
-rename-utility-page=Rename Utility Page (Automatic Copy)
+rename-utility-page=Cambiar o nome de páxina de utilidade
rename-view=Renomear a vista
renamed-as-x=Renomeado como {0}
render-request=Solicitude de representación
@@ -14868,12 +14868,12 @@ repeatable=Repetible
repetitions=Repetitions (Automatic Copy)
-replace-certificate=Replace Certificate (Automatic Copy)
+replace-certificate=Substitúe o certificado
replace-file=Replace File (Automatic Copy)
replace-files=Substitúe os ficheiros
replace-with=Substituír por:
-replacement-product=Replacement Product (Automatic Copy)
+replacement-product=Produto de reposición
replacement-product-for-x=Replacement Product for {0}. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -14904,7 +14904,7 @@ reply-with-quote=Responder citando
replying-to=Respondendo a
report-definition-description=Report Definition Description (Automatic Copy)
-report-definition-id=Report Definition ID (Automatic Copy)
+report-definition-id=ID de definición de informe
report-definition-name=Report Definition Name (Automatic Copy)
report-format=Formato de informe
report-format-help=Output formats of the report (Automatic Copy)
@@ -14941,7 +14941,7 @@ request-courier=Solicitude de mensaxería
request-delivery-date=Request Delivery Date (Automatic Copy)
request-delivery-date-invalid=The requested delivery date is invalid. (Automatic Copy)
request-details=Solicitar detalles
-request-details-full=Request Details Full (Automatic Copy)
+request-details-full=Solicitar detalles completos
request-details-minimal=Request Details Minimal (Automatic Copy)
request-files=Solicitar ficheiros
request-header-auto-login-configuration-name=Auto Login Request Header (Automatic Copy)
@@ -14960,40 +14960,40 @@ request-social-networking-summary-join-organization={0} quere unirse a {1}.
request-string=Cadea da petición
request-timeout=Tempo de espera superado
request-timeout-description=Define the time, in milliseconds, in which a SPA request times out. Use a zero value if the request should never timeout. (Automatic Copy)
-request-timeout-name=Request Timeout Time (Automatic Copy)
+request-timeout-name=Solicitar hora de espera
requested-by=Solicitado por
requested-by-x=Solicitado por {0}
requested-date=Data solicitada
requested-delivery-date=Requested Delivery Date (Automatic Copy)
requested-delivery-date-at-checkout=Requested Delivery Date at Checkout (Automatic Copy)
requested-quantity=Requested Quantity (Automatic Copy)
-requested-report-id=Requested Report ID (Automatic Copy)
+requested-report-id=ID do informe solicitado
requested-report-status=Requested Report Status (Automatic Copy)
requesting-translation=Requesting translation. (Automatic Copy)
-requesting-user-name=Requesting User Name (Automatic Copy)
+requesting-user-name=Solicitando o nome de usuario
-requests-list-x=Requests List ({0}) (Automatic Copy)
+requests-list-x=Lista de solicitudes ({0})
requests-pending=Solicitudes pendentes
require=Marcar como obrigatorio
require-captcha=Requirir CAPTCHA
require-captcha-to-submit-the-form=Requiren captcha
require-card-code-verification=Require Card Code Verification (Automatic Copy)
-require-confirmation=Require Confirmation (Automatic Copy)
+require-confirmation=Requiren confirmación
require-last-name=Requiren apelidos
require-password-for-email-or-screen-name-updates=Require password for email or screen name updates? (Automatic Copy)
require-password-for-email-or-screen-name-updates-help=If this is checked, users will be required to input their password when updating their email or screen name. (Automatic Copy)
require-password-reset=Require Password Reset (Automatic Copy)
require-strangers-to-verify-their-email-address=¿Requirir aos usuarios anónimos que verifiquen o seu enderezo de correo electrónico?
-require-strangers-to-verify-their-email-address-help=If this is checked, newly created accounts by strangers or administrators will need verification. Manual updating of current users' emails by administrators will also need verification from the new email account. (Automatic Copy)
-require-terms-of-use=Require Terms of Use (Automatic Copy)
+require-strangers-to-verify-their-email-address-help=Se se comproba, as contas de recente creación por estraños ou administradores necesitarán a verificación. A actualización manual dos correos electrónicos dos usuarios actuais dos administradores tamén necesitará verificación da nova conta de correo electrónico.
+require-terms-of-use=Requiren termos de uso
require-unlock=Desbloqueo obrigatorio
require-unlock-help=Selecciona esta opción para forzar a que o administrador teña que desbloquear manualmente a conta de usuario.
require-user-authentication=Require User Authentication (Automatic Copy)
require-verified-account=Require Verified Account (Automatic Copy)
require-x=Facer {0} obrigatorio
-required-description=Required Description (Automatic Copy)
-required-extensions=Required Extensions (Automatic Copy)
+required-description=Descrición requirida
+required-extensions=Extensións necesarias
required-field=Campo obrigatorio
required-fields=Campos requeridos
required-fields-cannot-be-deleted=Required fields cannot be deleted. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -15017,7 +15017,7 @@ rescore-window-size=Rescore Window Size (Automatic Copy)
rescore-window-size-field-help=Set the number of top results from the original query to rescore. (Automatic Copy)
resend=Volver enviar
resend-confirmation-email=Volva enviar a mensaxe de confirmación
-resend-email-timeout=Resend Email Timeout (Automatic Copy)
+resend-email-timeout=Revante o tempo de espera de correo electrónico
resend-email-timeout-description=Set the allowed time in seconds between one-time password requests. (Automatic Copy)
resend-shipping-email=Volver enviar o correo cos datos de envío
reserved-credentials=Credenciais reservadas
@@ -15025,9 +15025,9 @@ reserved-quantity=Cantidade reservada
reserved-screen-names=Nomes de usuario reservados
reserved-users=IDs. de usuario reservados
-reset-and-propagate=Reset and Propagate (Automatic Copy)
+reset-and-propagate=Restablecer e propagar
reset-changes=Cambios recentes
-reset-default-values=Reset Default Values (Automatic Copy)
+reset-default-values=Restablecer os valores predeterminados
reset-failure-count=Duración do contador de conexións erradas
reset-failure-count-help=Determina a duración do contador de conexións erradas para un usuario.
reset-failure-durations=Reset Failure Durations (Automatic Copy)
@@ -15043,7 +15043,7 @@ reset-ticket-max-age-durations=Reset Ticket Max Age Durations (Automatic Copy)
reset-ticket-max-age-durations-description=The duration values that will be available when setting how long a password reset link is valid. (Automatic Copy)
reset-ticket-max-age-help=Isto determina canto tempo é válido un enlace para reestablecer a contraseña.
reset-to-default-value=Restaurar ao valor predeterminado
-reset-to-x-value=Reset to {0} Value (Automatic Copy)
+reset-to-x-value=Restablecer o valor {0}
reset-translation=Reset Translation (Automatic Copy)
reset-values=Restaurar valores
reset-zoom=Restablecer zoom
@@ -15068,9 +15068,9 @@ resource-location-name=Localización do recurso
resource-modification-check=Resource Modification Check (Automatic Copy)
resource-modification-check-interval=Resource Modification Check Interval (Automatic Copy)
resource-name=Nome do recurso
-resource-permissions=Resource Permissions (Automatic Copy)
+resource-permissions=Permisos de recursos
resource-permissions-help=Estes permisos definen que accións se poden realizar nos recursos mostrados ou xestionados desde a aplicación anterior. Os recursos son calquera obxecto orientado ao usuario no portal, como un usuario, unha organización, un sitio, unha biblioteca de activos ou incluso unha entrada de calendario ou blog.
-resource-prim-key=Resource Primary Key (Automatic Copy)
+resource-prim-key=Clave primaria do recurso
resource-scopes=Ámbitos de recursos
resource-set=Conxunto recurso
@@ -15082,7 +15082,7 @@ response-body-schema=Response Body Schema (Automatic Copy)
response-date=Data de resposta
response-string=Cadea de resposta
-rest=REST Data Provider (Automatic Copy)
+rest=Provedor de datos de descanso
rest-api=API de REST
rest-application=REST Application (Automatic Copy)
rest-client-logger-level=REST Client Logger Level (Automatic Copy)
@@ -15096,7 +15096,7 @@ restart=Reiniciar
restart-test=Proba de reinicio
restock-the-items-that-are-being-deleted=Restock the items that are being deleted? (Automatic Copy)
-restore-attachment=Restore Attachment (Automatic Copy)
+restore-attachment=Restaurar o anexo
restore-default=Restaurar predeterminado
restore-quantity=Restaurar a cantidade
restore-the-original-content=Restore the original content. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -15110,13 +15110,13 @@ restrict-permission-selector-role-visibility-description=Set this to true to hid
restrict-permission-selector-role-visibility-name=Restrict Permission Selector Role Visibility (Automatic Copy)
restrict-to=Restrinxir a
-restricted-classes=Restricted Classes (Automatic Copy)
+restricted-classes=Clases restrinxidas
restricted-content=Restricted Content (Automatic Copy)
restricted-document-fields=Restricted Document Fields (Automatic Copy)
restricted-document-fields-help=Enter the names of the index document fields that should never be exposed through the headless search API. (Automatic Copy)
restricted-help=When selected, the note will be visible only to administrators. (Automatic Copy)
-restricted-methods=Restricted Methods (Automatic Copy)
-restricted-packages=Restricted Packages (Automatic Copy)
+restricted-methods=Métodos restrinxidos
+restricted-packages=Paquetes restrinxidos
restricted-page=Restricted Page (Automatic Copy)
restricted-variables=Restricted Variables (Automatic Copy)
@@ -15163,7 +15163,7 @@ rev=Revisión
reverse-object-relationships-cannot-be-updated=Reverse object relationships cannot be updated. (Automatic Copy)
reverse-order-direction=Reverse Order Direction (Automatic Copy)
reverse-order-direction-currently-x=Reverse Order Direction: Currently {0} (Automatic Copy)
-reverse-sort-by-x=Reverse Sort by {0} (Automatic Copy)
+reverse-sort-by-x=Ordenar inversos por {0}
reverse-sort-direction=Reverse Sort Direction (Automatic Copy)
reverse-sort-direction-currently-x=Reverse Sort Direction: Currently {0} (Automatic Copy)
@@ -15172,7 +15172,7 @@ revert-your-changes-to-production-immediately=Revert your changes to production
reverted-to-x=Revertido a {0}
reverting-creates-a-new-publication-with-the-reverted-changes=Reverting creates a new publication with the reverted changes, but does not publish the changes. You can make additional changes before publishing the revert. (Automatic Copy)
-review-and-run-test=Review and Run Test (Automatic Copy)
+review-and-run-test=Revisión e proba de execución
review-change=Review Change (Automatic Copy)
review-changes=Cambios de revisión
review-content=Revisar contido
@@ -15204,7 +15204,7 @@ right-border-unit=Unidade de fronteira dereita
right-margin-unit=Unidade de marxe dereita
right-now-by-x=Agora mesmo por {0}
right-now-your-quick-menu-is-full-of-favorites-if-you-want-to-add-another-one-please-remove-at-least-one-of-them=Right now your quick menu is full of favorites. If you want to add another one, please, remove at least one of them. (Automatic Copy)
-right-padding-unit=Right Padding Unit (Automatic Copy)
+right-padding-unit=Unidade de relleno dereito
right-parenthesis=Paréntese dereito
robots-txt-help=Set the robots.txt for pages. You can use [$HOST$], [$PORT$], and [$PROTOCOL$] placeholders as the host, port, and protocol parts of the sitemap URL, respectively. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -15239,12 +15239,12 @@ root-layout-type=Tipo de páxina raíz
root-layout-type-help=Tipo de páxina raíz
root-layout-uuid=Disposición raíz uUid
root-menu-item-id=ID do elemento do menú raíz
-root-menu-item-level=Root Menu Item Level (Automatic Copy)
-root-menu-item-type=Root Menu Item Type (Automatic Copy)
+root-menu-item-level=Nivel do elemento do menú da raíz
+root-menu-item-type=Tipo de elemento do menú raíz
root-messages-with-multiple-replies-cannot-be-deleted.-delete-the-thread-instead=Non se poden eliminar mensaxes raíz con varias respostas. Elimina o fío no seu lugar.
root-object=Root Object (Automatic Copy)
root-organization=Organización raíz
-root-organization-id=Root Organization ID (Automatic Copy)
+root-organization-id=ID de organización raíz
root-theme=Tema raíz
root-topic-id=ID do tema raíz
rootable=Pode ser estabelecida como raíz
@@ -15263,9 +15263,9 @@ rpc-timeout-multiplier-help=Specify the multiplier that is compounded to the ini
rsa-private-key=Clave privada RSA
-rss-abstract-length=RSS Abstract Length (Automatic Copy)
+rss-abstract-length=Lonxitude abstracta RSS
rss-delta=Delta RSS
-rss-display-context=RSS Display Context (Automatic Copy)
+rss-display-context=RSS Mostrar contexto
rss-display-context-help=Provides helper methods to retrieve the RSS widget configuration. (Automatic Copy)
rss-display-style=Estilo de visualización RSS
rss-feed-content-length=Lonxitude do contido da canle RSS
@@ -15282,7 +15282,7 @@ rss-web-cache-configuration-name=Caché
rule-builder=Construtor de regras
-rule-does-not-exist=Rule does not exist. (Automatic Copy)
+rule-does-not-exist=A regra non existe.
rule-name=Rule Name (Automatic Copy)
rule-not-found=Regra non atopada
rule-priorities=Prioridades das regras
@@ -15311,7 +15311,7 @@ safety-stock-quantity=Safety Stock Quantity (Automatic Copy)
sale-items=Artigos en venda
sales-orders=Ordes de vendas
-sales-presentation=Sales Presentation (Automatic Copy)
+sales-presentation=Presentación de vendas
salesforce-configuration-name=Salesforce Integration (Automatic Copy)
salesforce-objects-do-not-support-relationships=Salesforce objects do not support relationships. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -15321,7 +15321,7 @@ same-as-billing=Igual que a de facturación
same-for-all=Igual para todos
same-page=A mesma páxina
saml-attribute=Atributo SAML
-saml-configuration-name=SAML Configuration (Automatic Copy)
+saml-configuration-name=Configuración SAML
saml-entity-id=ID da entidade
saml-entity-id-description=The local SAML entity's ID (Automatic Copy)
@@ -15333,13 +15333,13 @@ saml-idp-authn-request-signing-allows-dynamic-acs-url=Authn Request Signing Allo
saml-idp-authn-request-signing-allows-dynamic-acs-url-description=When the Authn request is signed, the service provider can request to use other ACS (Assertion Consumer Service) URLs not specified in the metadata for receiving the Authn response. (Automatic Copy)
saml-idp-role-configuration-enabled=Enable Identity Provider Role To Be Configured (Automatic Copy)
saml-idp-role-configuration-enabled-description=Let this installation be a SAML identity provider. (Automatic Copy)
-saml-idp-session-maximum-age=Session Maximum Age (Automatic Copy)
+saml-idp-session-maximum-age=SESIÓN Idade máxima
saml-idp-session-maximum-age-description=SSO session time limit managed by the IdP (in seconds) (Automatic Copy)
-saml-idp-session-timeout=Session Idle Timeout (Automatic Copy)
+saml-idp-session-timeout=Tempo de tempo inactivo da sesión
saml-idp-session-timeout-description=Time (in seconds) till idle session expires (Automatic Copy)
saml-idp-sso-session-check-interval=SSO Session Check Interval (Automatic Copy)
saml-idp-sso-session-check-interval-description=The time interval the IdP checks for expired SSO sessions due to maximum age or timeout (in minutes). (Automatic Copy)
-saml-key-store-password=Key Store Password (Automatic Copy)
+saml-key-store-password=Contrasinal da tenda de clave
saml-key-store-path=Camiño da tenda clave
saml-key-store-path-description=Path on the file system to the key store. Only applies when using the Filesystem Keystore Manager (Automatic Copy)
saml-key-store-type=Tipo de tenda clave
@@ -15371,11 +15371,11 @@ saml-sp-auth-request-max-age=Authn Request Maximum Age (Automatic Copy)
saml-sp-auth-request-max-age-description=Time duration Authn request is valid (in milliseconds) (Automatic Copy)
saml-sp-clock-skew=Desfasamento horario
saml-sp-clock-skew-description=The system time difference (in milliseconds) between this SP and the IdP. Required for correct message validation. (Automatic Copy)
-saml-sp-ldap-import-enabled=LDAP Import Enabled (Automatic Copy)
+saml-sp-ldap-import-enabled=Activado a importación LDAP
saml-sp-ldap-import-enabled-description=After IdP authentication, import user attributes from the LDAP servers configured via This SP's instance settings (Automatic Copy)
saml-sp-message-check-interval=Message Check Interval (Automatic Copy)
saml-sp-message-check-interval-description=Time interval (in minutes) the SP removes expired entries from the IdP messages cache. (Automatic Copy)
-saml-sp-sign-authn-request=Sign Authn Requests? (Automatic Copy)
+saml-sp-sign-authn-request=Asinar solicitudes de authn?
saml-sp-sign-authn-request-description=Sign Authn Requests from This SP (Automatic Copy)
saml-ssl-required=SSL obrigatorio
saml-ssl-required-description=Require SAML messages to be exchanged over SSL. URLs in the metadata provided to peer SAML entities become https. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -15425,7 +15425,7 @@ save-draft=Gardar borrador
save-export=Gardar a exportación
save-form=Gardar formulario
save-in-new-set=Gardar no novo conxunto
-save-inline-content=Save Inline Content (Automatic Copy)
+save-inline-content=Gardar contido en liña
save-mapping-configuration-and-link=Save Mapping Configuration and Link (Automatic Copy)
save-new-version=Gardar nova versión
save-new-view-as=Gardar nova vista como
@@ -15448,7 +15448,7 @@ savings=Aforros
schedule-event=Programar evento
-schedule-publication=Schedule Publication (Automatic Copy)
+schedule-publication=Publicación de programación
schedule-publication-and-submit-for-workflow=Schedule Publication and Submit for Workflow (Automatic Copy)
schedule-publication-of-x-to-live=Programar a publicación de {0} a Live.
schedule-publication-of-x-to-remote-live=Programar publicación de {0} a Live Remoto.
@@ -15468,7 +15468,7 @@ scheduler=Planificador
scheduler-crontext=Texto de cron
scheduler-engine-helper-configuration-name=Scheduler Engine Helper (Automatic Copy)
scheduler-from=Report Schedule Start (Automatic Copy)
-scheduler-to=Report Schedule End (Automatic Copy)
+scheduler-to=Final do horario de informe
scheduling-aware=Scheduling Aware (Automatic Copy)
scheduling-aware-description=Show only contents with a display date that is not in the future. This Element duplicates the functionality of a Liferay Search Framework query clause. (Automatic Copy)
schema=Schema (Automatic Copy)
@@ -15486,7 +15486,7 @@ scim-revoke-all-help=Invalidate all active access tokens to disconnect all SCIM
scope-group-id=ID de grupo de alcance
scope-layout=Ambito do modelo
-scope-parameter-name=Scope Parameter Name (Automatic Copy)
+scope-parameter-name=Nome do parámetro de alcance
scope-x-is-selected=Scope {0} is selected. (Automatic Copy)
scope.company=Virtual Instance Scope (Automatic Copy)
scope.group=Ámbito de sitio
@@ -15515,11 +15515,11 @@ script-language=Linguaxe de script
script-management=Script Management (Automatic Copy)
script-management-configuration-name=Script Management (Automatic Copy)
script-source=Script Source (Automatic Copy)
-scripted-assignment=Scripted Assignment (Automatic Copy)
+scripted-assignment=Asignación de guión
scripted-assignment-cache-expiration-time-description=Define the time, in minutes, after which the cache for the scripted assignment task scripts is cleared. Use zero or a negative value to disable the cache. (Automatic Copy)
scripted-assignment-cache-expiration-time-name=Scripted Assignment Cache Expiration Time (Automatic Copy)
scripted-reassignment=Scripted Reassignment (Automatic Copy)
-scripted-recipient=Scripted Recipient (Automatic Copy)
+scripted-recipient=Destinatario guionizado
scripts-are-deactivated-in-your-instance=Scripts are deactivated in your instance. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -15530,13 +15530,13 @@ search-account=Conta de busca
search-accounts=Contas de busca
search-all-organizations=Buscar organizacións
search-all-users=Buscar usuarios
-search-application=Search Application (Automatic Copy)
+search-application=Solicitude de busca
search-applications-searches-as-you-type=Buscar aplicacións (conforme escribas).
search-articles=Buscar artigos
search-available-icons=Search Available Icons (Automatic Copy)
search-bar-display-context=Search Bar Display Context (Automatic Copy)
search-bar-display-context-help=Access the data contained in the SearchResultsPortletDisplayContext object (for example, getKeywords returns the current search query). (Automatic Copy)
-search-bar-keywords=Search Bar Keywords (Automatic Copy)
+search-bar-keywords=Palabras clave da barra de busca
search-bar-keywords-help=Access the search keywords from the SearchResultsPortletDisplayContext object. (Automatic Copy)
search-bar-portlet-instance-configuration-name=Barra de busca
search-bookmarks=Buscar en favoritos
@@ -15556,10 +15556,10 @@ search-definitions=Buscar definicións
search-documents=Buscar documentos
search-engine-helper-configuration-name=Asistente do motor
search-engine-optimization=Optimización do motor de busquedas
-search-engine-vendor=Search Engine Vendor (Automatic Copy)
+search-engine-vendor=Vendedor de motores de busca
search-entries=Buscar entradas
search-everywhere=Busca en todas partes
-search-experiences=Search Experiences (Automatic Copy)
+search-experiences=Experiencias de busca
search-feeds=Buscar canles
search-field-is-empty=Search field is empty. All fields are listed. (Automatic Copy)
search-file-entries=Buscar ficheros
@@ -15568,15 +15568,15 @@ search-folders=Buscar carpetas
search-for=Procurar por
search-for-a-role=Search for a role. (Automatic Copy)
search-for-a-similar-article=Search for a similar article. (Automatic Copy)
-search-for-account=Search for Account (Automatic Copy)
+search-for-account=Buscar conta
search-for-an-assignee=Search for an Assignee (Automatic Copy)
search-for-an-object-definition-or-use-the-arrow-keys-to-navigate-and-select-an-object-definition-from-the-list=Search for an object definition or use the arrow keys to navigate and select an object definition from the list. (Automatic Copy)
search-for-assignee-name=Search for Assignee Name (Automatic Copy)
-search-for-catalog=Search for Catalog (Automatic Copy)
-search-for-category=Search for Category (Automatic Copy)
-search-for-channel=Search for Channel (Automatic Copy)
-search-for-products=Search for Products (Automatic Copy)
-search-for-step-name=Search for Step Name (Automatic Copy)
+search-for-catalog=Buscar catálogo
+search-for-category=Buscar categoría
+search-for-channel=Busca a canle
+search-for-products=Busca produtos
+search-for-step-name=Busca o nome do paso
search-for-x=Buscar por "{0}"
search-form=Formulario de busca
search-fragments=Search Fragments (Automatic Copy)
@@ -15609,7 +15609,7 @@ search-organizations=Buscar organizacións
search-pages=Buscar páxinas
search-panel=Buscar páxinas
search-password-policies=Buscar políticas de contraseñas
-search-permission-checker-configuration-name=Permission Checker (Automatic Copy)
+search-permission-checker-configuration-name=Dismisión de permiso
search-plugins=Buscar plugins
search-products=Buscar produtos
search-properties=Propiedades de busca
@@ -15627,9 +15627,9 @@ search-results-web-template-configuration-name=Search Results Web Template (Auto
search-roles=Buscar roles
search-settings=Configuración de busca
search-sites=Buscar sitios web
-search-suggestions-company-configuration-name=Search Suggestions (Automatic Copy)
+search-suggestions-company-configuration-name=Suxestións de busca
search-tag=Buscar etiqueta
-search-the-engine=Search the engine. (Automatic Copy)
+search-the-engine=Busca no motor.
search-the-engine-to-display-results=Search the engine to display results. (Automatic Copy)
search-this-category=Buscar nesta categoría
search-this-folder=Buscar neste cartafol
@@ -15651,17 +15651,17 @@ search-with-query-string-syntax-description=Use Query String query syntax to mat
search-x=Buscar {0}
search-x-in-accounts=Search {0} in Accounts (Automatic Copy)
search-x-in-catalog=Search {0} in Catalog (Automatic Copy)
-search-x-in-orders=Search {0} in Orders (Automatic Copy)
+search-x-in-orders=Busca {0} en pedidos
search-x-in-x=Search {0} in {1} (Automatic Copy)
searchable=Móstrase nas procuras
searchable-as-keyword=Searchable as Keyword (Automatic Copy)
-searchable-content=Searchable Content (Automatic Copy)
+searchable-content=Contido buscable
searchable-keyword=Atopable - palabra
searchable-text=Atopable - texto
searchable-types=Tipos de busca
-searched-everywhere=Searched Everywhere (Automatic Copy)
+searched-everywhere=Buscado por todas partes
searched-for-pages-similar-to=Buscado por páxinas similares a
searched-for-x-everywhere=Searched for {0} everywhere. (Automatic Copy)
searched-for-x-in-x=Buscado para {0} en {1}
@@ -15674,10 +15674,10 @@ second-reminder=Segundo recordatorio
secondary-actions=Accións secundarias
-secondary-horizontal=Secondary Horizontal (Automatic Copy)
-secondary-navigation=Secondary Navigation (Automatic Copy)
+secondary-horizontal=Horizontal secundario
+secondary-navigation=Navegación secundaria
secondary-recipients=Secondary Recipients (Automatic Copy)
-secondary-vertical=Secondary Vertical (Automatic Copy)
+secondary-vertical=Vertical secundario
secret-key=Chave secreta
@@ -15690,7 +15690,7 @@ secure=Seguro
secure-incoming-connection=Conexión segura entrante
secure-outgoing-connection=Conexión segura saínte
-security-credential=Security Credential (Automatic Copy)
+security-credential=Credencial de seguridade
security-mode=Modo de seguridade
security-mode-help=Se está redireccionando por dominio, o portal só redirixirá aos usuarios a dominios definidos nos campos "Redirect URL permitidos". Se está redireccionando por IP, o portal só redirixirá a dominios cuxo enderezo IP resolve a un enderezo IP definido nun dos campos "Redirect URL IP permitidos".
security-principal=Principal de seguridade
@@ -15712,7 +15712,7 @@ segment=Segmento
segment-name-is-required=Segment name is required. (Automatic Copy)
segment-x=Segmento: {0}
segmentation-enabled-description=Disable this option to prevent user segmentation on every request. If disabled, collections and experiences personalization will not be available. (Automatic Copy)
-segmentation-enabled-name=Enable Segmentation (Automatic Copy)
+segmentation-enabled-name=Activar a segmentación
segmentation-is-disabled=Segmentation is disabled. (Automatic Copy)
segmentation-is-disabled-in-system-settings=Segmentation is disabled in System Settings. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -15736,7 +15736,7 @@ select-a-blueprint-or-element-json-file-to-import=Select a blueprint or element
select-a-collection-to-make-it-visible=Select a collection to make it visible. (Automatic Copy)
select-a-content-type-to-start-creating-the-form=Select a content type to start creating the form. (Automatic Copy)
select-a-data-set-view=Select a data set view. (Automatic Copy)
-select-a-data-source=Select a Data Source (Automatic Copy)
+select-a-data-source=Seleccione unha fonte de datos
select-a-data-type=Select a Data Type (Automatic Copy)
select-a-default-value-for-your-filter=Select a default value for your filter. (Automatic Copy)
select-a-field=Selecciona un campo
@@ -15751,13 +15751,13 @@ select-a-page=Páxina seleccionada
select-a-page-element=Select a Page Element (Automatic Copy)
select-a-page-element-to-activate-this-panel=Select a page element to activate this panel. (Automatic Copy)
select-a-project-to-see-your-subscriptions-activate-your-products-and-view-team-members=Select a project to see your subscriptions, activate your products, and view team members. (Automatic Copy)
-select-a-publication=Select a Publication (Automatic Copy)
+select-a-publication=Selecciona unha publicación
select-a-schema=Select a Schema (Automatic Copy)
-select-a-script-type=Select a Script Type (Automatic Copy)
+select-a-script-type=Selecciona un tipo de script
select-a-site=Páxina seleccionada
select-a-storage-type=Select a Storage Type (Automatic Copy)
select-a-structure-to-filter-the-web-content-list-by-a-structure=Selecciona unha estrutura para filtrar o contido web por unha estrutura.
-select-a-transition=Select a Transition (Automatic Copy)
+select-a-transition=Selecciona unha transición
select-a-type=Páxina seleccionada
select-a-unit=Select a unit, currently {0}. (Automatic Copy)
select-a-viewport=Select a Viewport (Automatic Copy)
@@ -15817,7 +15817,7 @@ select-clickable-element=Select Clickable Element (Automatic Copy)
select-collection=Seleccione Colección
select-collection-provider=Select Collection Provider (Automatic Copy)
select-color=Selecciona cor
-select-contact-data=Select Contact Data (Automatic Copy)
+select-contact-data=Selecciona Datos de contacto
select-contact-data-help=Send contacts to Analytics Cloud by selecting the contacts and their related fields. (Automatic Copy)
select-contacts=Selecciona Contactos
select-contacts-by-organizations=Seleccionar contactos por organizacións
@@ -15837,7 +15837,7 @@ select-date-range=Seleccionar período
select-destination=Selecciona destino
select-destination-folder-for-x-item=Select Destination Folder for {0} Item (Automatic Copy)
select-destination-folder-for-x-items=Select Destination Folder for {0} Items (Automatic Copy)
-select-device-family=Select Device Family (Automatic Copy)
+select-device-family=Selecciona a familia do dispositivo
select-display-page-type=Select Display Page Type (Automatic Copy)
select-document=Borrar documento
select-document-type=Selecciona tipo de documento
@@ -15852,7 +15852,7 @@ select-entry=Seleccionar entrada
select-existing=Seleccionar contidos existentes
select-existing-content-or-add-terms-of-use-in-the-space-below=Select existing content or add terms of use in the space below. (Automatic Copy)
select-existing-content-or-add-the-url-below=Select existing content or add the URL below. (Automatic Copy)
-select-existing-one=Select Existing One (Automatic Copy)
+select-existing-one=Selecciona un existente
select-experience=Selecciona experiencia
select-experiences=Selecciona experiencias
select-favicon=Seleccione Favicon
@@ -15865,7 +15865,7 @@ select-filter=Seleccione Filtro
select-folder=Seleccionar carpeta
select-form=Seleccionar formulario
select-form-for-task-x=Select form for task {0}. (Automatic Copy)
-select-fragment-set=Select Fragment Set (Automatic Copy)
+select-fragment-set=Seleccione conxunto de fragmentos
select-fragment-type=Select Fragment Type: (Automatic Copy)
select-from-list=Select from List (Automatic Copy)
select-goal=Seleccionar obxectivo
@@ -15886,10 +15886,10 @@ select-master-page=Seleccione a páxina principal
select-media-type=Páxina seleccionada
select-metadata-set=Seleccionar conxunto de metadatos
select-method=Select Method (Automatic Copy)
-select-more-than-one=Select More Than One (Automatic Copy)
+select-more-than-one=Selecciona máis dun
select-navigation=Selecciona Navegación
-select-new-assignee=Select New Assignee (Automatic Copy)
-select-new-assignees=Select New Assignees (Automatic Copy)
+select-new-assignee=Seleccione o novo cesionario
+select-new-assignees=Seleccione novos cesións
select-new-fragments-automatically=Select New Fragments Automatically (Automatic Copy)
select-new-property-organization-type-and-sites-to-sync.sites-can-only-be-assigned-to-a-single-property-at-a-time=Select new property organization type and sites to sync. Sites can only be assigned to a single property at a time. (Automatic Copy)
select-next-month=Select the Next Month (Automatic Copy)
@@ -15912,13 +15912,13 @@ select-poll=Seleccionar enquisa
select-portlet=Seleccionar portlet
select-previous-month=Select the Previous Month (Automatic Copy)
select-product-display-page=Select Product Display Page (Automatic Copy)
-select-product-group=Select Product Group (Automatic Copy)
+select-product-group=Seleccione Grupo de produtos
select-production-to-review-the-change=Select production to review the change. (Automatic Copy)
select-property-operator-option=Select Property Operator Option (Automatic Copy)
select-question=Selecciona Pregunta
select-radius=Selecciona radio
select-reassign-to-retry=Select 'Reassign' to retry. (Automatic Copy)
-select-reassignment=Select Reassignment (Automatic Copy)
+select-reassignment=Selecciona reasignación
select-recipients=Seleccionar destinatarios
select-region=Seleccionar rexión
select-restore-folder=Select Restore Folder (Automatic Copy)
@@ -15931,7 +15931,7 @@ select-site=Páxina seleccionada
select-site-navigation-menu=Select Site Navigation Menu (Automatic Copy)
select-site-navigation-menu-item=Select Site Navigation Menu Item (Automatic Copy)
select-site-or-asset-library=Select Site or Asset Library (Automatic Copy)
-select-site-template=Select Site Template (Automatic Copy)
+select-site-template=Seleccione modelo de sitio
select-sites=Seleccionar sitios
select-sku=Seleccione SKU
select-sku-x-x=Select SKU {0}, {1} (Automatic Copy)
@@ -15981,8 +15981,8 @@ select-the-type-of-editor-to-use-while-editing-xml-and-xsl=Seleccionar o tipo de
select-the-vocabulary-or-category-to-be-displayed=Select the vocabulary or category to be displayed. (Automatic Copy)
select-theme-css-client-extension=Select Theme CSS Client Extension (Automatic Copy)
select-theme-spritemap-client-extension=Select Theme Spritemap Client Extension (Automatic Copy)
-select-this-article=Select This Article (Automatic Copy)
-select-this-category=Select This Category (Automatic Copy)
+select-this-article=Seleccione este artigo
+select-this-category=Selecciona esta categoría
select-this-folder=Seleccione este cartafol
select-this-level=Selecciona este nivel
select-this-to-copy-the-pages-of-the-site-template-x-as-private-pages-for-this-site=Seleccione esta opción para copiar as páxinas do model de sitio {0} como páxinas privadas para este sitio.
@@ -15997,7 +15997,7 @@ select-users-to-associate-with-the-action-x=Seleccionar usuario asociados á acc
select-users-to-associate-with-the-following-actions-x=Seleccionar usuario asociados ás seguintes accións: {0}
select-version=Borrar versión
select-view-currently-selected-x=Select View, Currently Selected: {0} (Automatic Copy)
-select-vocabularies=Select Vocabularies (Automatic Copy)
+select-vocabularies=Selecciona vocabularios
select-vocabularies-configuration-description=Select the vocabularies whose categories you wish to display. (Automatic Copy)
select-vocabularies-configuration-view-permission-alert=One or more selected vocabularies cannot be displayed because you do not have the necessary view permission. (Automatic Copy)
select-vocabularies-description=Seleccione un máximo de dous vocabularios que se amosarán no gráfico. O vocabulario na posición superior na caixa "en uso" aparecerá no eixe "X". Só se poden combinar vocabularios do mesmo sitio. Os vocabularios globais pódense combinar con vocabularios de calquera sitio.
@@ -16008,9 +16008,9 @@ select-whether-rules-should-be-evaluated-in-and-or-or=Select whether rules shoul
select-whether-this-is-a-major-or-minor-version=Select whether this is a major or minor version. (Automatic Copy)
select-x=Buscar en {0}
select-x-experience=Select {0} Experience (Automatic Copy)
-select-x-language=Select {0} Language (Automatic Copy)
+select-x-language=Selecciona {0} idioma
select-x-master-layout=Select {0} Master Layout (Automatic Copy)
-select-x-viewport=Select {0} Viewport (Automatic Copy)
+select-x-viewport=Seleccione {0} Viewport
select-x-x=Select {0}: {1} (Automatic Copy)
selected-accounts=Contas seleccionadas
@@ -16018,10 +16018,10 @@ selected-contact=Contacto seleccionado
selected-dates-cannot-be-in-the-future=Selected dates cannot be in the future. (Automatic Copy)
selected-field-set=Conxunto de campo seleccionado
selected-field-type-price-type-and-sku-contributor-combination-is-not-allowed=Selected field type, price type and sku contributor combination is not allowed (Automatic Copy)
-selected-icon-packs=Selected Icon Packs (Automatic Copy)
+selected-icon-packs=Paquetes de iconas seleccionadas
selected-instances=Instancias seleccionadas
selected-item=Usuario seleccionado
-selected-item-color=Selected Item Color (Automatic Copy)
+selected-item-color=Cor do elemento seleccionado
selected-language=Idioma seleccionado
selected-node=Páxina seleccionada
selected-option-is-no-longer-available=Selected option is no longer available. Please choose another option. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -16123,7 +16123,7 @@ service-access-policy-name=Service Access Policy Name (Automatic Copy)
service-access-policy-name-is-required=Service access policy name is required. (Automatic Copy)
service-access-policy-title-is-required=Service access policy title is required. (Automatic Copy)
service-account=Conta de servizo
-service-account-key=Service Account Key (Automatic Copy)
+service-account-key=Clave da conta de servizo
service-account-key-help=Set the service account key for the bucket in JSON format. See {0} for more information. (Automatic Copy)
service-account-private-key=Service Account Private Key (Automatic Copy)
service-account-private-key-description=Specify the service account private key in JSON format. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -16172,16 +16172,16 @@ set-date-and-time-for-publication=Set the date and time you want the article to
set-default-address=Estabelecer enderezo predeterminado
set-default-billing-address=Estabelecer enderezo de facturación predeterminado
set-default-commerce-payment-method=Set Default Commerce Payment Method (Automatic Copy)
-set-default-currency=Set Default Currency (Automatic Copy)
+set-default-currency=Estableza moeda predeterminada
set-default-delivery-commerce-terms-entry=Set Default Delivery Commerce Terms Entry (Automatic Copy)
set-default-delivery-term=Set Default Delivery Term (Automatic Copy)
-set-default-discount=Set Default Discount (Automatic Copy)
+set-default-discount=Estableza o desconto predeterminado
set-default-payment-commerce-terms-entry=Set Default Payment Commerce Terms Entry (Automatic Copy)
set-default-payment-term=Set Default Payment Term (Automatic Copy)
set-default-price-list=Set Default Price List (Automatic Copy)
set-default-shipping-address=Estabelecer enderezo de envío predeterminado
set-element-as-click-target=Set Element as Click Target (Automatic Copy)
-set-expiration-date=Set Expiration Date (Automatic Copy)
+set-expiration-date=Establecer a data de caducidade
set-filters=Definir filtros
set-how-long-a-page-can-remain-locked-without-being-autosaved=Set how long a page can remain locked without being autosaved. The process which checks for locked pages runs every 15 minutes. (Automatic Copy)
set-parent-price-list=Set Parent Price List (Automatic Copy)
@@ -16275,7 +16275,7 @@ sharing-configuration-name=Compartir
sharing-enabled=Habilitar compartir
sharing-group-configuration-name=Uso compartido de sitios
sharing-help=If this is checked, a user will be able to share items with other users. (Automatic Copy)
-sharing-permissions=Sharing Permissions (Automatic Copy)
+sharing-permissions=Compartir permisos
ship-order=Enviar pedido
@@ -16285,7 +16285,7 @@ shipment-detail=Shipment Detail (Automatic Copy)
shipment-id=ID de envío
shipment-item=Elemento de envío
shipment-number=Número de envío
-shipment-number-x=Shipment Number {0} (Automatic Copy)
+shipment-number-x=Número de envío {0}
shipment-quantity=Cantidade de envío
shipment-status=Estado de envío
@@ -16297,11 +16297,11 @@ shipping-address=Enderezo de envío
shipping-address-2=Enderezo de envío 2
shipping-address-3=Enderezo de envío 3
shipping-address-and-date=Shipping Address & Date (Automatic Copy)
-shipping-address-id=Shipping Address ID (Automatic Copy)
+shipping-address-id=ID de enderezo de envío
shipping-addresses=Enderezos de envío
shipping-allowed=O envío permitido
shipping-amount=Cantidade de envío
-shipping-and-handling=Shipping & Handling (Automatic Copy)
+shipping-and-handling=envío e manipulación
shipping-and-handling-discount=Shipping & Handling Discount (Automatic Copy)
shipping-calculation=Cálculo do custo de envío
shipping-date=Data de envío
@@ -16316,7 +16316,7 @@ shipping-discount-percentage-level-4=Shipping Discount Percentage Level 4 (Autom
shipping-discount-percentage-level-4-with-tax-amount=Shipping Discount Percentage Level 4 with Tax Amount (Automatic Copy)
shipping-email=Correo cos datos de envío
shipping-engine=Motor de envío
-shipping-extra-price=Shipping Extra Price (Automatic Copy)
+shipping-extra-price=Envío de prezo adicional
shipping-id=ID de envío
shipping-is-not-allowed-to-the-country-you-selected=Shipping is not allowed to the country you selected. (Automatic Copy)
shipping-method=Método de envío
@@ -16324,12 +16324,12 @@ shipping-method-and-option=Shipping Method and Option (Automatic Copy)
shipping-method-id=ID do método de envío
shipping-methods=Métodos de envío
shipping-option=Opción de envío
-shipping-option-name=Shipping Option Name (Automatic Copy)
+shipping-option-name=Nome da opción de envío
shipping-option-settings=Shipping Option Settings (Automatic Copy)
shipping-options=Shipping Options (Automatic Copy)
shipping-override=Envío de anulación
shipping-price=Prezo de envío
-shipping-price-zero=Shipping Price Zero (Automatic Copy)
+shipping-price-zero=Prezo de envío cero
shipping-restrictions=Shipping Restrictions (Automatic Copy)
shipping-summary=Resumo do envío
shipping-tax-category=Shipping Tax Category (Automatic Copy)
@@ -16425,9 +16425,9 @@ show-feed-published-date=Mostrar data de publicación da canle
show-feed-title=Mostrar título da canle
show-feeds=Mostrar feeds
show-files-in-documents-and-media=Show Files in Documents and Media (Automatic Copy)
-show-filter-options=Show Filter Options (Automatic Copy)
+show-filter-options=Mostrar opcións de filtro
show-folder-menu=Mostrar carpeta de menú
-show-folders-search=Show Folders Search (Automatic Copy)
+show-folders-search=Mostrar os cartafoles busca
show-footer=Mostrar rodapé
show-forms-report-data-to-respondents=Show Forms Report Data to Respondents (Automatic Copy)
show-fragment=Mostrar fragmento
@@ -16443,9 +16443,9 @@ show-hidden-pages=Mostrar páxinas ocultas
show-hide-columns=Mostrar/ocultar columnas
show-icon=Mostrar icono
show-image=Mostrar a imaxe
-show-in-control-menu=Show in Control Menu (Automatic Copy)
+show-in-control-menu=Mostrar no menú de control
show-in-control-menu-help=Enable to always show the Personal Menu in the Control Menu. This guarantees users can always access the Personal Menu even if a theme does not provide it. (Automatic Copy)
-show-in-navigation=Show in Navigation (Automatic Copy)
+show-in-navigation=Mostrar en navegación
show-inactive-request-message=Show Inactive Request Message (Automatic Copy)
show-input-range=Mostrar rango de entrada
show-instant-messenger=Mostrar mensaxería instantánea
@@ -16479,14 +16479,14 @@ show-more-options=Amosar máis opcións
show-more-options-for-x=Show More Options for {0} (Automatic Copy)
show-name=Show Name (Automatic Copy)
show-navigation-links=Mostrar enlaces de navegación
-show-new-page-link=Show New Page Link (Automatic Copy)
+show-new-page-link=Amosar a nova ligazón de páxina
show-notification=Show Notification (Automatic Copy)
show-notification-after-submit=Show Notification After Submit (Automatic Copy)
show-notification-badge-in-personal-menu=Mostrar a insignia de notificación no menú persoal
show-notification-badge-in-personal-menu-help=Habilitar para mostrar a insignia de notificación no menú persoal.
show-only-assets-with-x-as-its-display-page-template=Show only assets with {0} as its display page template. (Automatic Copy)
show-options=Mostrar accións
-show-order-options=Show Order Options (Automatic Copy)
+show-order-options=Mostrar opcións de pedido
show-page=Mostrar páxina
show-pages=Mostrar páxinas
show-pagination=Mostrar paxinación
@@ -16502,13 +16502,13 @@ show-query-logic=Mostrar os criterios de selección
show-ratings=Mostrar valoracións
show-recent-activity=Mostrar actividade recente
show-recent-posts-from-last=Show Recent Posts from Last (Automatic Copy)
-show-related-assets=Show Related Assets (Automatic Copy)
+show-related-assets=Mostrar activos relacionados
show-remote-export-options=Mostrar opcións de publicación remota
show-resolved-comments=Show Resolved Comments (Automatic Copy)
show-result=Mostrar resultado
show-results=Mostrar resultados
show-results-from-staged-sites=Show Results from Staged Sites (Automatic Copy)
-show-results-from-staged-sites-help=If this is checked, results from local staging sites will be shown in the staged environment when scope is set to "Everything". This setting has no impact when performing a search on the Live environment. (Automatic Copy)
+show-results-from-staged-sites-help=Se se comproba, os resultados dos sitios de escenificación locais mostraranse no ambiente escenario cando o alcance estea configurado en "todo". Esta configuración non ten impacto á hora de realizar unha busca no ambiente en directo.
show-search=Mostrar a procura
show-search-bar=Mostrar barra de busca
show-sections-title=Mostrar título das seccións
@@ -16585,7 +16585,7 @@ sidecar-home=Inicio do Sidecar
sidecar-home-help=Set the path of the sidecar base folder used to start the sidecar process. (Automatic Copy)
sidecar-http-port=Porto Sidecar HTTP
sidecar-http-port-help=This configuration only applies to sidecar. Set the HTTP port range of the sidecar Elasticsearch node.
-sidecar-jvm-options=Sidecar JVM Options (Automatic Copy)
+sidecar-jvm-options=Opcións Sidecar JVM
sidecar-jvm-options-help=Set the JVM options used by the sidecar process. (Automatic Copy)
sidecar-shutdown-timeout=Sidecar Shutdown Timeout (Automatic Copy)
sidecar-shutdown-timeout-help=Set the time in milliseconds to wait before the sidecar process is forcibly shut down. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -16602,7 +16602,7 @@ sign-out=Saír
sign-out-from-x=Peche de sesión de {0}.
-signature-algorithm=Signature Algorithm (Automatic Copy)
+signature-algorithm=Algoritmo de firma
signer-override=Signer Override (Automatic Copy)
signer-override-help=Set the name of the signature algorithm to use for signing requests. (Automatic Copy)
signing-out-from-services=Pechando a sesión dos servizos
@@ -16624,7 +16624,7 @@ simple-captcha-noise-producers=Simple CAPTCHA Noise Producers (Automatic Copy)
simple-captcha-noise-producers-help=Input class names that implement nl.captcha.noise.NoiseProducer. These classes will be randomly used by Simple CAPTCHA to add noise to a captcha image. (Automatic Copy)
simple-captcha-text-producers=Simple CAPTCHA Text Producers (Automatic Copy)
simple-captcha-text-producers-help=Input class names that implement nl.captcha.text.producer.TextProducer. These classes will be randomly used by Simple CAPTCHA to generate text for a captcha image. (Automatic Copy)
-simple-captcha-width=Simple CAPTCHA Width (Automatic Copy)
+simple-captcha-width=Ancho sinxelo de captcha
simple-captcha-width-help=Set the width for captcha images generated by Simple CAPTCHA. (Automatic Copy)
simple-captcha-word-renderers=Simple CAPTCHA Word Renderers (Automatic Copy)
simple-captcha-word-renderers-help=Input class names that implement nl.captcha.text.renderer.WordRenderer. These classes will be randomly used by Simple CAPTCHA to render text for a captcha image. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -16635,7 +16635,7 @@ simple-reading-time=Reading Time (Simple) (Automatic Copy)
simulation-panel=Panel de simulación
-simulation-preview=Simulation Preview (Automatic Copy)
+simulation-preview=Vista previa da simulación
single=Single (Automatic Copy)
single-approver=Único aprobador
single-asset-publish-process-includes-version-history=Single Asset Publish Process Includes Version History (Automatic Copy)
@@ -16644,7 +16644,7 @@ single-element=Single Element (Automatic Copy)
single-element-id-endpoint-cannot-be-scoped-by-group=Single element ID endpoint cannot be scoped by group. (Automatic Copy)
single-element-id-endpoint-cannot-be-scoped-by-site=Single element ID endpoint cannot be scoped by site. (Automatic Copy)
single-event=Evento único
-single-item-subtype=Single Item Subtype (Automatic Copy)
+single-item-subtype=Subtipo de elemento único
single-item-type=Tipo de elemento único
single-line=Liña única
single-node-memory-clustered=Single Node (Memory Clustered) (Automatic Copy)
@@ -16688,7 +16688,7 @@ site-name=Nome do sitio
site-name-is-required-for-the-default-language=Site name is required for the default language. (Automatic Copy)
site-name-will-display-a-generic-text-until-a-translation-is-added=Site name will display a generic text until a translation is added. (Automatic Copy)
site-navigation-breadcrumb-portlet-instance-configuration-name=Camiño de navegación
-site-navigation-breadcrumb-web-template-configuration-name=Breadcrumb Template (Automatic Copy)
+site-navigation-breadcrumb-web-template-configuration-name=Plantilla de pan
site-navigation-language-portlet-instance-configuration-name=Selector de idiomas
site-navigation-language-web-template-configuration-name=Modelo de idioma
site-navigation-menu-id=Site Navigation Menu ID (Automatic Copy)
@@ -16699,7 +16699,7 @@ site-navigation-menu-web-template-configuration-name=Navigation Menu Template (A
site-navigation-site-map-portlet-instance-configuration-name=Mapa do sitio
site-or-asset-library=Site or Asset Library (Automatic Copy)
site-or-instance=Site or Instance (Automatic Copy)
-site-or-repository=Site or Repository (Automatic Copy)
+site-or-repository=Sitio ou repositorio
site-page=Páxina do sitio:
site-page-variation-was-added=Site page variation was added. (Automatic Copy)
site-page-variation-was-deleted=Site page variation was deleted. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -16709,10 +16709,10 @@ site-pages=Páxinas do sitio web
site-pages-settings=Actualizar a configuración da páxina
site-pages-variation=Variación de páxinas privadas
site-pages-variation-x=Site Pages Variation {0} (Automatic Copy)
-site-parameter-name=Site Parameter Name (Automatic Copy)
+site-parameter-name=Nome do parámetro do sitio
site-path=Camiño do sitio
site-permissions=Editar permisos
-site-report-grouping=Site Report Grouping (Automatic Copy)
+site-report-grouping=Agrupación de informes sobre o sitio
site-reporting-grouping=Site Reporting Grouping (Automatic Copy)
site-role=Rol de sitio
site-roles=Gardar roles
@@ -16721,7 +16721,7 @@ site-settings-strategy=Site Settings Strategy (Automatic Copy)
site-settings-strategy-always-inherit=Sempre herdada
site-settings-strategy-always-override=Sempre anular
site-settings-strategy-description=A site can always inherit its {0} settings from the instance, or always override them with its own site settings, or do either. (Automatic Copy)
-site-settings-strategy-inherit-or-override=Inherit or Override (Automatic Copy)
+site-settings-strategy-inherit-or-override=Herdar ou anular
site-template=Modelo de sitio
site-template-allows-modifications=Site Template Allows Modifications (Automatic Copy)
site-template-relationship=Modelo de relacións de sitio
@@ -16741,8 +16741,8 @@ sitemap-protocol=Protocolo sitemap
sites=Sitios web
sites-and-asset-libraries=Sites and Asset Libraries (Automatic Copy)
-sites-and-libraries=Sites and Libraries (Automatic Copy)
-sites-can-only-be-assigned-to-a-single-property-at-a-time=Sites can only be assigned to a single property at a time. Deselecting a site will prevent any further data collection, but the property will need to be deleted in Analytics Cloud to remove historical data. (Automatic Copy)
+sites-and-libraries=Sitios e bibliotecas
+sites-can-only-be-assigned-to-a-single-property-at-a-time=Os sitios só se poden asignar a unha única propiedade á vez. Deseleccionar un sitio evitará calquera outra recollida de datos, pero a propiedade terá que ser eliminada en Analytics Cloud para eliminar datos históricos.
sites-directory-portlet-instance-configuration-name=Directorio de sitios
sites-have-required-vocabularies.-you-need-to-create-at-least-one-category-in-all-required-vocabularies-in-order-to-create-a-site=Sites have required vocabularies. You need to create at least one category in all required vocabularies in order to create a site. (Automatic Copy)
sites-home=Páxina inicial dos sitios
@@ -16751,7 +16751,7 @@ sites-joined=Sitios web nos que son membro
sites-owned=Sitios web que administro
sites-tab-description=Sites can only be assigned to a single property at a time. All desired sites must be selected individually, including those that have a child relationships to parent sites. (Automatic Copy)
sites-that-i-administer=Sites That I Administer (Automatic Copy)
-sites-to-sync-x=Sites to Sync - {0} (Automatic Copy)
+sites-to-sync-x=Sitios a sincronización - {0}
size-limit-copy-files=Size Limit for Copying Files (Automatic Copy)
size-suggestion-help=Set the maximum number of results to display in suggestions. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -16842,7 +16842,7 @@ social.activity.com.liferay.blogs.model.BlogsEntry.ADD_VOTE=Vota nun blog
social.activity.com.liferay.blogs.model.BlogsEntry.MOVE_TO_TRASH=Moves a Blog to the Recycle Bin (Automatic Copy)
social.activity.com.liferay.blogs.model.BlogsEntry.RESTORE_FROM_TRASH=Restores a Blog from the Recycle Bin (Automatic Copy)
social.activity.com.liferay.blogs.model.BlogsEntry.REVOKE_VOTE=Revokes a Vote of a Blog (Automatic Copy)
-social.activity.com.liferay.blogs.model.BlogsEntry.SUBSCRIBE=Subscribes to a Blog (Automatic Copy)
+social.activity.com.liferay.blogs.model.BlogsEntry.SUBSCRIBE=Subscríbese a un blog
social.activity.com.liferay.blogs.model.BlogsEntry.UNSUBSCRIBE=Unsubscribes from a Blog (Automatic Copy)
social.activity.com.liferay.blogs.model.BlogsEntry.UPDATE_ENTRY=Actualiza un blog
social.activity.com.liferay.blogs.model.BlogsEntry.VIEW=Le un blog
@@ -16852,7 +16852,7 @@ social.activity.com.liferay.document.library.kernel.model.DLFileEntry.RESTORE_FR
social.activity.com.liferay.journal.model.JournalArticle.MOVE_TO_TRASH=Moves Web Content to the Recycle Bin (Automatic Copy)
social.activity.com.liferay.journal.model.JournalArticle.RESTORE_FROM_TRASH=Restores Web Content from the Recycle Bin (Automatic Copy)
social.activity.com.liferay.message.boards.model.MBMessage.ADD_MESSAGE=Engadir unha mensaxe
-social.activity.com.liferay.message.boards.model.MBMessage.ADD_VOTE=Votes on a Message (Automatic Copy)
+social.activity.com.liferay.message.boards.model.MBMessage.ADD_VOTE=Vota nunha mensaxe
social.activity.com.liferay.message.boards.model.MBMessage.MOVE_TO_TRASH=Moves a Message to the Recycle Bin (Automatic Copy)
social.activity.com.liferay.message.boards.model.MBMessage.REPLY_MESSAGE=Contestar á mensaxe
social.activity.com.liferay.message.boards.model.MBMessage.RESTORE_FROM_TRASH=Restores a Message from the Recycle Bin (Automatic Copy)
@@ -16869,7 +16869,7 @@ social.activity.com.liferay.wiki.model.WikiPage.MOVE_ATTACHMENT_TO_TRASH=Moves a
social.activity.com.liferay.wiki.model.WikiPage.MOVE_TO_TRASH=Moves a Page to the Recycle Bin (Automatic Copy)
social.activity.com.liferay.wiki.model.WikiPage.RESTORE_ATTACHMENT_FROM_TRASH=Restores an Attachment from the Recycle Bin (Automatic Copy)
social.activity.com.liferay.wiki.model.WikiPage.RESTORE_FROM_TRASH=Restores a Page from the Recycle Bin (Automatic Copy)
-social.activity.com.liferay.wiki.model.WikiPage.SUBSCRIBE=Subscribes to a Wiki (Automatic Copy)
+social.activity.com.liferay.wiki.model.WikiPage.SUBSCRIBE=Subscríbese a unha wiki
social.activity.com.liferay.wiki.model.WikiPage.UNSUBSCRIBE=Unsubscribes from a Wiki (Automatic Copy)
social.activity.com.liferay.wiki.model.WikiPage.UPDATE_PAGE=Actualizar páxina
social.activity.com.liferay.wiki.model.WikiPage.VIEW=Le unha páxina
@@ -16911,11 +16911,11 @@ sort-advanced-configuration-description=Search results displayed in the Search R
sort-by=Ordenar por
sort-by-colon-x=Ordenar por: {0}
sort-by-x=Ordenar por {0}
-sort-configuration=Sort Configuration (Automatic Copy)
+sort-configuration=Clasificar a configuración
sort-configuration-description=Add sorts to those already present in the search request (e.g. from the Sort widget). (Automatic Copy)
sort-direction=Sort Direction (Automatic Copy)
-sort-display-context=Sort Display Context (Automatic Copy)
+sort-display-context=Clasificar o contexto de visualización
sort-display-context-help=Access the data contained in the SortDisplayContext object (for example isRenderNothing returns true if no fields were set). (Automatic Copy)
sort-structures-by-name=Sort Structures by Name (Automatic Copy)
@@ -16935,7 +16935,7 @@ source-options=Source Options (Automatic Copy)
source-selection=Selección de fontes
source-url=URL orixe
source-url-edit-message-key=Source URL Edit Message Key (Automatic Copy)
-source-url-enabled=Source URL Enabled (Automatic Copy)
+source-url-enabled=URL de orixe habilitado
source-view=Vista de orixe
source.analytics-cloud=Cloud Analytics
@@ -16974,14 +16974,14 @@ specific-display-page-template=Specific Display Page Template (Automatic Copy)
specific-facet-configuration=Configuración específica de faceta
specific-frame=Marco específico
specific-number=Specific Number (Automatic Copy)
-specific-order-types=Specific Order Types (Automatic Copy)
+specific-order-types=Tipos de pedidos específicos
specific-payment-terms=Specific Payment Terms (Automatic Copy)
specification-group-priority-ascending=Specification Group Priority Ascending (Automatic Copy)
specification-group-priority-descending=Specification Group Priority Descending (Automatic Copy)
-specification-groups=Specification Groups (Automatic Copy)
+specification-groups=Grupos de especificación
specification-label-priority-ascending=Specification Label Priority Ascending (Automatic Copy)
specification-label-priority-descending=Specification Label Priority Descending (Automatic Copy)
-specification-labels=Specification Labels (Automatic Copy)
+specification-labels=Etiquetas de especificación
specification-selected=Specification Selected (Automatic Copy)
specified-file-configuration-not-found=The specified file at the configuration ({0}) was not found. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -17003,7 +17003,7 @@ speed=Velocidade
speedwell-description=The Speedwell portal is a predefined B2C portal for car dealers. (Automatic Copy)
-spell-check-settings=Spell Check Settings (Automatic Copy)
+spell-check-settings=Configuración de comprobación ortográfica
split-the-workflow-into-multiple-paths=Split the workflow into multiple paths. (Automatic Copy)
split-thread=Dividir fío de discusión
split-view=Vista dividida
@@ -17067,7 +17067,7 @@ staging-live-help2-x=You are viewing the live version of {0}. Make your
staging-options=Opcións de escenificación
staging-pages=Páxinas de escenificación
staging-private-pages=Staging Private Pages (Automatic Copy)
-staging-public-pages=Staging Public Pages (Automatic Copy)
+staging-public-pages=Escenificación de páxinas públicas
staging-staging-help-x=You are viewing the staged version of {0}. You can make changes here and publish them to Live afterwards to make them public. (Automatic Copy)
staging-type=Tipo de fase
staging-type-local=Créase un clon da corrente {0} que contén datos de aplicacións configuradas para ser escenificadas (ver aplicacións escenificadas a continuación). Este clon convértese no ambiente de escenificación mentres o orixinal convértese no ambiente vivo.
@@ -17092,7 +17092,7 @@ start-from=Empezar desde
start-import=Comeza a importación
start-online-application=Start Online Application (Automatic Copy)
-start-parameter-name=Start Parameter Name (Automatic Copy)
+start-parameter-name=Nome do parámetro de inicio
start-the-walkthrough=Start the Walkthrough (Automatic Copy)
start-time=Hora de inicio
start-typing-to-find-a-page=Start typing to find a page. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -17134,7 +17134,7 @@ step-x-of-x=Step {0} of {1} (Automatic Copy)
stock-quantity=Cantidade en stock
-stock-quantity-x=Stock Quantity: {0} (Automatic Copy)
+stock-quantity-x=Cantidade de stock: {0}
stop-editing=Parar edición
stop-receiving-notifications-from-this-asset=Stop receiving notifications from this asset. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -17143,7 +17143,7 @@ stop-repeating-on=En
stop-the-import-on-error=Stop the Import on Error (Automatic Copy)
stop-timeout=Deter tempo de espera
stop-words=Palabras non significativas
-stop-words-help=Enter a list of stop words to be considered "uninteresting" and ignored by the MLT query. It can be prudent to use the same stop words configured for the analyzer. Always provide singular stop words. (Automatic Copy)
+stop-words-help=Insira unha lista de palabras de parada para ser consideradas "desinteressantes" e ignoradas pola consulta MLT. Pode ser prudente usar as mesmas palabras de parada configuradas para o analizador. Proporciona sempre palabras de parada singular.
storage-folder=Carpeta de almacenamento
storage-folder-path-cannot-be-greater-than-255-characters=Storage folder path cannot be greater than 255 characters. (Automatic Copy)
storage-type=Tipo de almacenamento
@@ -17162,7 +17162,7 @@ store-content-as-encrypted-text=Store content as encrypted text. (Automatic Copy
store-currency=Almacenar moeda
store-management=Xestión da tenda
stored-json-attribute=Stored JSON Attribute (Automatic Copy)
-strategy=Preferred Strategy (Automatic Copy)
+strategy=Estratexia preferida
strategy-description=Select what kind of device you want to audit for. Mobile strategy includes additional checks. Selected strategy will be applied to all page audits. (Automatic Copy)
street-1-and-city-are-required-fields.-postal-code-could-be-required-in-some-countries=Street 1 and city are required fields. Postal code could be required in some countries. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -17192,21 +17192,21 @@ structure-restrictions-and-workflow=Structure Restrictions and Workflow (Automat
structure-restrictions-help=Os cartafoles poden ser restrinxidos para só permitir certas estruturas. As restricións poden ser herdadas dun cartafol pai ou outro antecesor. Alternativamente, as restricións poden ser modificadas no cartafol actual.
structure-type=Tipo de estrutura
-structures-and-types=Structures and Types (Automatic Copy)
+structures-and-types=Estruturas e tipos
student-capacity=Capacidade do estudante
style-book=Libro de estilos
style-book-may-not-work-as-expected-if-the-theme-is-changed=Style book may not work as expected if the theme is changed. (Automatic Copy)
style-book-name=Nome do libro de estilo
-style-book-thumbnail=Style Book Thumbnail (Automatic Copy)
+style-book-thumbnail=Miniatura do libro de estilo
style-books=Libros de estilos
style-display=Visualización de estilo
style-errors-detected=Style Errors Detected (Automatic Copy)
-style-guide-sample=Style Guide Sample (Automatic Copy)
+style-guide-sample=Mostra de guía de estilo
styles-by-default=Estilos por defecto
-styles-from-master=Styles from Master (Automatic Copy)
+styles-from-master=Estilos do mestre
styles-from-theme=Estilos do tema
stylesheet=Folla de estilo
@@ -17229,7 +17229,7 @@ submit=Enviar
submit-again=Envíe de novo
submit-button=Botón de envío
submit-button-is-hidden-or-missing=O botón de envío está oculto ou falta. É posible que os teus usuarios non poidan enviar o formulario.
-submit-button-label=Submit Button Label (Automatic Copy)
+submit-button-label=Enviar etiqueta de botón
submit-button-missing=Submit Button Missing (Automatic Copy)
submit-button-options=Submit Button Options (Automatic Copy)
submit-for-publication=Enviar para publicar
@@ -17263,17 +17263,17 @@ subscription-activated=Subscription Activated (Automatic Copy)
subscription-cancellation-allowed=Subscription Cancellation Allowed (Automatic Copy)
subscription-cancelled=Subscription Canceled (Automatic Copy)
-subscription-enabled=Subscription Enabled (Automatic Copy)
+subscription-enabled=Subscrición habilitada
subscription-id=ID de subscrición
subscription-info=Información sobre subscrición
subscription-key-description=Estableza a clave de subscrición para a integración da tradución de Microsoft. É necesaria a subscrición á API de tradución de texto do tradutor sobre servizos cognitivos de Microsoft. As subscricións básicas, ata 2 millóns de caracteres ao mes, son gratuítas. Consulte http://docs.microsofttranslator.com/text-translate.html para máis información.
subscription-key-name=Clave de subscrición
-subscription-length=Subscription Length (Automatic Copy)
-subscription-order=Subscription Order (Automatic Copy)
+subscription-length=Lonxitude da subscrición
+subscription-order=Orde de subscrición
subscription-override=Subscription Override (Automatic Copy)
-subscription-renewed=Subscription Renewed (Automatic Copy)
+subscription-renewed=Subscrición renovada
subscription-required=Subscrición obrigatoria
-subscription-status=Subscription Status (Automatic Copy)
+subscription-status=Estado de subscrición
subscription-suspended=Subscription Suspended (Automatic Copy)
subscription-suspension-allowed=Subscription Suspension Allowed (Automatic Copy)
subscription-type=Tipo de subscrición
@@ -17319,7 +17319,7 @@ successfully-published=Successfully published. (Automatic Copy)
successfully-received-translations=Successfully received translations. (Automatic Copy)
successfully-saved=Grabado satisfactoriamente.
successfully-unassigned-display-page-template=Successfully unassigned display page template. (Automatic Copy)
-such-as-x-or-x=Such as {0} or {1} (Automatic Copy)
+such-as-x-or-x=Como {0} ou {1}
sugarcrm=SugarCRM (Automatic Copy)
sugarcrm-configuration-name=SugarCRM Integration (Automatic Copy)
@@ -17354,19 +17354,19 @@ support=Axuda
support-file-format=Support file format {0}. (Automatic Copy)
support-filtering-by-keyword=Support filtering by keyword. (Automatic Copy)
support-packages=Paquetes de axuda
-support-pagination=Support pagination (Automatic Copy)
+support-pagination=Apoia a paxinación
support-tickets=Tickets de soporte
supported-clients=Clientes soportados
supported-content-types=Supported Content Types (Automatic Copy)
-supported-features=Supported Features (Automatic Copy)
+supported-features=Características compatibles
supported-framework-versions=Versións do framework soportadas
supported-mime-type=Tipos de ficheiros soportados
supported-mime-types-key-description=Estableza os tipos de ficheiros para os que xerar as imaxes adaptadas.
supports-filters=Admite filtros
suspend-agreement=Suspend the agreement (Automatic Copy)
-suspend-subscription=Suspend Subscription (Automatic Copy)
+suspend-subscription=Suspenda a subscrición
svg-file=Ficheiro SVG
@@ -17378,7 +17378,7 @@ switch-to-advanced-mode=Switch to Advanced Mode (Automatic Copy)
switch-to-advanced-publish-process=Switch to Advanced Publish Process (Automatic Copy)
switch-to-friendly-mode=Switch to Friendly Mode (Automatic Copy)
switch-to-simple-publish-process=Switch to Simple Publish Process (Automatic Copy)
-switch-to-x-view=Switch to {0} View (Automatic Copy)
+switch-to-x-view=Cambia a {0} Ver
@@ -17391,7 +17391,7 @@ sync-all-x-contacts=Sync All ({0} Contacts) (Automatic Copy)
sync-avalara-tax-rates-to-finish-connector-setup=Sync Avalara tax rates to finish connector setup. (Automatic Copy)
sync-by-account-groups=Sync by Account Groups (Automatic Copy)
sync-by-organizations=Sync by Organizations (Automatic Copy)
-sync-by-user-groups=Sync by User Groups (Automatic Copy)
+sync-by-user-groups=Sincronización por grupos de usuarios
sync-by-user-groups-and-organizations=By User Groups and Organizations (Automatic Copy)
sync-contacts=Sincronizar contactos
sync-contacts-label-description=Sync contacts by groups or organizations only: (Automatic Copy)
@@ -17402,7 +17402,7 @@ sync-data-fields-help=DXP almacena datos de persoas en dúas táboas, contacto e
sync-order-attributes=Sync Order Attributes (Automatic Copy)
sync-people=Sincronizar a xente
sync-people-attributes=Sync People Attributes (Automatic Copy)
-sync-people-description=Contacts allow Analytics Cloud to resolve activities to known individual and account profiles. Known individuals and accounts will start appearing on your properties as users have activities on your sites. (Automatic Copy)
+sync-people-description=Os contactos permiten que Analytics Cloud resolva actividades a perfís individuais e de contas coñecidos. Os individuos e as contas coñecidas comezarán a aparecer nas túas propiedades xa que os usuarios teñen actividades nos teus sitios.
sync-product-attributes=Sync Product Attributes (Automatic Copy)
sync-sites-to-property=Sync Sites to Property (Automatic Copy)
sync-tax-rates=Sincronizar as taxas de impostos
@@ -17416,7 +17416,7 @@ synced-sites-help=Select sites to start tracking analytics and user behavior. (A
synchronous-execution-override=Synchronous Execution Override (Automatic Copy)
synchronous-execution-override-help=A value of "true" causes reindexing of modified entities to always block until completed. For performance reasons, this setting is generally turned off in production. (Automatic Copy)
-synonym-filter-names=Synonym Filter Names (Automatic Copy)
+synonym-filter-names=Nomes de filtro de sinónimos
synonym-filter-names-help=Set the synonym filter names to apply. These filters must be defined in the Elasticsearch Index Settings. See the Synonym Sets documentation. (Automatic Copy)
synonym-sets=Conxuntos de sinónimos
@@ -17606,23 +17606,23 @@ tab-tertiary-vertical-item-border-top-width=Tab Tertiary Vertical Item Border To
tab-tertiary-vertical-item-padding-x=Tab Tertiary Vertical Item Padding X (Automatic Copy)
tab-tertiary-vertical-item-padding-y=Tab Tertiary Vertical Item Padding Y (Automatic Copy)
-table-border-color=Table Border Color (Automatic Copy)
-table-border-radius=Table Border Radius (Automatic Copy)
+table-border-color=Color do bordo da táboa
+table-border-radius=Radio do bordo da táboa
table-border-width=Table Border Width (Automatic Copy)
table-box-shadow=Sombra da caixa de mesa
table-cell-min-height=Table Cell Min Height (Automatic Copy)
-table-cell-padding-x=Table Cell Padding X (Automatic Copy)
-table-cell-padding-y=Table Cell Padding Y (Automatic Copy)
+table-cell-padding-x=Acolchado de células de mesa x
+table-cell-padding-y=Táboa de acolchado de células y
table-color=Cor da táboa
table-data=Datos da táboa
-table-data-updated=Table Data Updated (Automatic Copy)
+table-data-updated=Datos da táboa actualizados
table-font-size=Tamaño do tipo de letra de táboa
table-font-weight=Peso de letra de táboa
table-header-background-color=Table Header Background Color (Automatic Copy)
table-header-cell-min-height=Table Header Cell Min Height (Automatic Copy)
table-header-cell-padding-x=Table Header Cell Padding X (Automatic Copy)
table-header-cell-padding-y=Table Header Cell Padding Y (Automatic Copy)
-table-header-color=Table Header Color (Automatic Copy)
+table-header-color=Cor da cabeceira de mesa
table-header-font-size=Table Header Font Size (Automatic Copy)
table-header-font-weight=Table Header Font Weight (Automatic Copy)
table-header-line-height=Table Header Line Height (Automatic Copy)
@@ -17674,7 +17674,7 @@ table-sm-line-height=Table Small Line Height (Automatic Copy)
table-spaced=Táboa espaciada
table-spaced-background-color=Table Spaced Background Color (Automatic Copy)
table-spaced-border-width=Table Spaced Border Width (Automatic Copy)
-table-spaced-padding=Table Spaced Padding (Automatic Copy)
+table-spaced-padding=Táboa de acolchado espaciado
table-spaced-row-border-color=Table Spaced Row Border Color (Automatic Copy)
table-spaced-row-border-radius=Table Spaced Row Border Radius (Automatic Copy)
table-spaced-row-border-spacing=Table Spaced Row Border Spacing (Automatic Copy)
@@ -17700,7 +17700,7 @@ tabs-icons=Iconas de pestanas
tabs-options=Opcións de pestanas
tabs-vertical=Pestanas verticais
-tag-based-navigation=Tag Based Navigation (Automatic Copy)
+tag-based-navigation=Navegación baseada en etiquetas
tag-details=Detalles de etiqueta
tag-facet-display-context=Tag Facet Display Context (Automatic Copy)
tag-facet-display-context-help=Access the data contained in the AssetTagSearchFacetDisplayContext object (for example, isNothingSelected returns true if terms have not been selected). (Automatic Copy)
@@ -17708,7 +17708,7 @@ tag-facet-portlet-instance-configuration-name=Faceta de etiqueta
tag-name=Nome da etiqueta
tag-name-cannot-be-an-empty-string=Tag name cannot be an empty string. (Automatic Copy)
tag-names-cannot-be-empty-string-or-contain-characters-such-as-x=Tag names cannot be an empty string or contain characters such as: {0}. (Automatic Copy)
-tag-parameter-name=Tag Parameter Name (Automatic Copy)
+tag-parameter-name=Nome do parámetro de etiqueta
tag-services=Servizos web
tag-sets=Sistemas da etiqueta
tag-value=Valor da etiqueta
@@ -17738,12 +17738,12 @@ target-widget-id=ID de widget de destino
targeting-inside-of-x=Targeting Inside of {0} (Automatic Copy)
targeting-position-as-a-child-of-x=Targeting position as a child of {0}. (Automatic Copy)
targeting-x-of-item-x-of-group-x=Targeting {0} of item {1} of group {2}. (Automatic Copy)
-targeting-x-of-x=Targeting {0} of {1} (Automatic Copy)
+targeting-x-of-x=Orientación {0} de {1}
task-assignees=Asignados de tarefas
task-execution-cluster-mode=Task Execution Cluster Mode (Automatic Copy)
task-executor-is-not-ready=Task executor is not ready. (Automatic Copy)
-task-executor-type=Task Executor Type (Automatic Copy)
+task-executor-type=Tipo de executor de tarefa
task-id=ID da tarefa
task-information=Información da tarefa
task-initially-assigned-to-the-x-role=Tarefa inicialmente asignada ao rol {0}.
@@ -17773,7 +17773,7 @@ tax-methods=Métodos fiscais
tax-rate=Tipo impositivo
tax-rate-settings=Configuración do tipo de imposto
tax-rate-sync-completed-successfully=Tax Rate Sync Completed Successfully (Automatic Copy)
-tax-rate-sync-failed=Tax Rate Sync Failed (Automatic Copy)
+tax-rate-sync-failed=Fallou a sincronización da taxa de impostos
tax-rates=Tipos impositivos
tax-rates-are-syncing=Tax rates are syncing. This may take some time. (Automatic Copy)
tax-state=Imposto estatal
@@ -17789,7 +17789,7 @@ team-id=ID de equipo
technical-support=Axuda técnica
technology-news=Noticias tecnolóxicas
-telco-or-electronics=Telco or Electronics (Automatic Copy)
+telco-or-electronics=Telco ou electrónica
telecommunication-broadcasting-or-electronic-services=Telecommunication, Broadcasting, or Electronic Services (Automatic Copy)
temp-dir-help=Set the temporary directory for uploaded files. A blank value will set the configuration back to the default value. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -17820,7 +17820,7 @@ tensorflow-auto-tag-provider-configuration-name=TensorFlow Image Auto Tagging (A
tensorflow-auto-tag-provider-process-configuration-name=TensorFlow Image Auto Tagging Process (Automatic Copy)
term-boost=Boost de termos
-term-boost-help=Set the boost factor to use if boosting terms by their tf-idf score is desired. If left blank, this defaults to deactivated (0). Any other positive value activates terms boosting with the given boost factor. (Automatic Copy)
+term-boost-help=Estableza o factor de impulso a usar se se desexa aumentar os termos pola súa puntuación TF-IDF. Se se deixa en branco, isto predeterminado é desactivado (0). Calquera outro valor positivo activa os termos que aumentan co factor de impulso dado.
term-copied-successfully=Term copied successfully. (Automatic Copy)
term-field-name=Nome do campo a termo
term-field-name-help=Display the term field name. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -17844,11 +17844,11 @@ terms-of-use-journal-article-id=Terms of Use Web Content Article ID (Automatic C
terms-of-use-web-content=Terms of Use Web Content (Automatic Copy)
terms-of-use-web-content-help=Specify the group ID and the article ID of the web content that will be displayed as the terms of use. The default text will be used if no web content is specified. (Automatic Copy)
-tertiary-horizontal=Tertiary Horizontal (Automatic Copy)
+tertiary-horizontal=Terciario horizontal
tertiary-vertical=Vertical terciario
test-cas-configuration=Comprobar a configuración CAS
-test-configuration=Test Configuration (Automatic Copy)
+test-configuration=Configuración da proba
test-database-connection=Test Database Connection (Automatic Copy)
test-direct-download-url=Comprobar o URL de descarga directa
test-ldap-connection=Comprobar a conexión a LDAP
@@ -17857,7 +17857,7 @@ test-ldap-users=Comprobar a configuración de usuarios LDAP
test-name=Nome do test
test-name-is-required=A/B test name is required. (Automatic Copy)
test-opensso-configuration=Comprobar a configuración OpenSSO
-test-running-message=Test is now running. (Automatic Copy)
+test-running-message=A proba está en funcionamento.
test-started-successfully=Test Started Successfully (Automatic Copy)
test-type=Test Type (Automatic Copy)
tests=Tests (Automatic Copy)
@@ -17904,7 +17904,7 @@ text-field-indexed=Campo de texto - indexado
text-field-secret=Campo de texto - secreto
text-field-type-description=Single line or multi-line text area. (Automatic Copy)
-text-file-mime-types=Text File MIME Types (Automatic Copy)
+text-file-mime-types=Tipos de mimo de ficheiro de texto
text-link-lg-font-size=Text Link Large Font Size (Automatic Copy)
text-link-lg-line-height=Text Link Large Line Height (Automatic Copy)
text-link-md-font-size=Text Link Medium Font Size (Automatic Copy)
@@ -17935,8 +17935,8 @@ text-small-caps-line-height=Text Small Caps Line Height (Automatic Copy)
text-state=Estado de texto
text-state-danger=Doil de estado de texto
text-state-info=Información do estado de texto
-text-state-success=Text State Success (Automatic Copy)
-text-state-warning=Text State Warning (Automatic Copy)
+text-state-success=Texto de éxito en estado
+text-state-warning=Texto ADVERTENCIA DE ESTADO
text-styles=Estilos do texto
text-to-identify=Texto para identificar
text-to-match=Text to Match (Automatic Copy)
@@ -18035,13 +18035,13 @@ the-bookmark-entry-url=The bookmark entry URL (Automatic Copy)
the-browser's-remote-address=O enderezo remoto do navegador
the-browser's-remote-host=A máquina remota do navegador
the-browser's-user-agent=O axente de usuario do navegador
-the-calendar-booking-location=The event location (Automatic Copy)
-the-calendar-booking-start-date=The event start date (Automatic Copy)
+the-calendar-booking-location=A localización do evento
+the-calendar-booking-start-date=A data de inicio do evento
the-calendar-booking-title=O título do evento
the-calendar-booking-url=URL do evento
the-calendar-name=O nome do calendario
the-calendar-was-deleted-successfully=The calendar was deleted successfully. (Automatic Copy)
-the-cart-is-empty=The cart is empty. (Automatic Copy)
+the-cart-is-empty=O carro está baleiro.
the-cas-login-url-is-invalid=A URL de identificación CAS non é válida.
the-cas-logout-url-is-invalid=A URL de saída de sesión CAS non é válida.
the-cas-no-such-user-url-is-invalid=A URL de usuario non atopado CAS non é válida.
@@ -18068,7 +18068,7 @@ the-collection-was-created-successfully=The collection was created successfully.
the-combination-of-first-name-last-name-and-email-address-is-already-taken=A combinación de nome, apelido e enderezo de correo xa están sendo usadas.
the-comic-could-not-be-found=Non se puido atopar o comic.
the-command-x-is-not-supported=The command "{0}" is not supported. (Automatic Copy)
-the-comment-content=The comment content (Automatic Copy)
+the-comment-content=O contido do comentario
the-comment-could-not-be-deleted=The comment could not be deleted. (Automatic Copy)
the-comment-could-not-be-edited=The comment could not be edited. (Automatic Copy)
the-comment-could-not-be-found=O comentario non foi atopado.
@@ -18162,7 +18162,7 @@ the-document-already-exists=The document already exists. (Automatic Copy)
the-document-could-not-be-found=O documento non foi atopado.
the-document-has-been-checked-out-.please-check-in-the-document-after-edits-are-made-to-save-the-changes-into-the-document-library=The document has been checked out. Please check in the document after edits are made to save the changes into the document library. (Automatic Copy)
the-document-preview-may-not-show-all-pages=The document preview may not show all pages. Download it to see the full document. (Automatic Copy)
-the-document-title=The document title (Automatic Copy)
+the-document-title=O título do documento
the-document-type=O tipo de documento
the-document-type-you-selected-is-not-valid-for-this-folder=The document type you selected is not valid for this folder. (Automatic Copy)
the-document-url=O URL do documento
@@ -18393,7 +18393,7 @@ the-link-is-no-longer-valid=The link is no longer valid. No action has been perf
the-link-you-followed-may-be-broken-or-the-question-no-longer-exists=The link you followed may be broken, or the question no longer exists. (Automatic Copy)
the-link-you-followed-may-be-broken-or-the-topic-no-longer-exists=The link you followed may be broken, or the topic no longer exists. (Automatic Copy)
the-list-could-not-be-found=O enlace non ha podidido ser atopado.
-the-list-of-assets=The list of assets (Automatic Copy)
+the-list-of-assets=A lista de activos
the-log-could-not-be-found=The log could not be found. (Automatic Copy)
the-logout-redirect-url-is-invalid=The logout redirect URL is invalid. (Automatic Copy)
the-master-page-was-published-successfully=The master page was published successfully. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -18767,7 +18767,7 @@ the-user-id-you-requested-is-reserved=O ID de usuario solicitado está reservado
the-user-liked-the-article=The user liked the article. (Automatic Copy)
the-user-must-be-deactivated-before-starting-the-data-erasure-process.-are-you-sure-you-want-to-deactivate-the-user=The user must be deactivated before starting the data erasure process. Are you sure you want to deactivate the user? (Automatic Copy)
the-user-must-have-at-least-one-organization-to-be-able-to-select-an-associated-location=The user must have at least one organization to be able to select an associated location. (Automatic Copy)
-the-user-password=A contraseña do usuario
+the-user-password=O contrasinal do usuario
the-user-screen-name=O nome de usuario
the-user-was-created-successfully=The user was created successfully. You can now add additional information about the user. (Automatic Copy)
the-user-who-added-the-article=O usuario que engadeu o artigo
@@ -18824,8 +18824,8 @@ the-x-field-is-empty=The {0} field is empty. (Automatic Copy)
the-x-field-is-required=The {0} field is required. (Automatic Copy)
the-x-fork-node-must-have-a-matching-join-node=The {0} fork node must have a matching join node. (Automatic Copy)
the-x-is-already-in-use=The {0} is already in use. Please enter a unique {0}. (Automatic Copy)
-the-x-is-invalid=The {0} is invalid. (Automatic Copy)
-the-x-is-required=The {0} is required. (Automatic Copy)
+the-x-is-invalid=O {0} non é válido.
+the-x-is-required=O {0} é necesario.
the-x-must-be-related-to-an-api-endpoint=The {0} must be related to an API endpoint. (Automatic Copy)
the-x-node-cannot-have-an-incoming-transition=The {0} node cannot have an incoming transition. (Automatic Copy)
the-x-node-has-an-empty-notification-template=The {0} node has an empty notification template. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -18863,7 +18863,7 @@ theme-plugin=Plugin de tema
theme-plugins=Plugins de temas
theme-settings=Configuración de aparencia
theme-spritemap-client-extension=Theme Spritemap Client Extension (Automatic Copy)
-theme-svg=Theme SVG Spritemap (Automatic Copy)
+theme-svg=Tema svg spritemap
@@ -18980,7 +18980,7 @@ there-are-no-fieldsets-description=Create groups of reusable fields among differ
there-are-no-firms=Non hai compañías.
there-are-no-folders=Non hai carpetas.
there-are-no-forecast-alert-entries-to-display=There are no Forecast Alert entries to display. (Automatic Copy)
-there-are-no-forms=There are no forms. (Automatic Copy)
+there-are-no-forms=Non hai formas.
there-are-no-fragment-sets=There are no fragment sets. (Automatic Copy)
there-are-no-fragment-usages=There are no fragment usages. (Automatic Copy)
there-are-no-fragments=There are no fragments. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -19014,7 +19014,7 @@ there-are-no-journal-images=There are no web content images. (Automatic Copy)
there-are-no-layouts-in-the-exported-data=There are no layouts in the exported data. (Automatic Copy)
there-are-no-licenses-registered=There are no licenses registered. (Automatic Copy)
there-are-no-links=Non hai enlaces.
-there-are-no-lists=There are no lists. (Automatic Copy)
+there-are-no-lists=Non hai listas.
there-are-no-live-sessions=Non hai sesións activas.
there-are-no-locations=Non hai localizacións.
there-are-no-longer-any-documents-and-media-files-with-extra-settings=Non hai ningunha das entradas de arquivos cunhas preferencias adicionais.
@@ -19023,7 +19023,7 @@ there-are-no-measurement-units=There are no measurement units. (Automatic Copy)
there-are-no-media-files-in-this-folder=Non hai imaxes nesta carpeta.
there-are-no-menu-items-to-display=There are no menu items to display. (Automatic Copy)
there-are-no-microblog-entries=Non hai entradas do microblog.
-there-are-no-models=There are no models. (Automatic Copy)
+there-are-no-models=Non hai modelos.
there-are-no-more-events-today=Non hai máis eventos hoxe.
there-are-no-navigation-menus=There are no navigation menus. (Automatic Copy)
there-are-no-new-suggestions=There are no new suggestions. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -19039,7 +19039,7 @@ there-are-no-orphan-pages-in=Non hai páxinas huérfanas en
there-are-no-page-template-sets=There are no page template sets. (Automatic Copy)
there-are-no-page-templates=There are no page templates. (Automatic Copy)
there-are-no-pages=Non hai imaxes.
-there-are-no-pages-configured-to-be-the-display-page-template=There are no pages configured to be the display page template. It is possible to make an existing page a display page by adding an Asset Publisher and configuring it to be the default Asset Publisher for the page. (Automatic Copy)
+there-are-no-pages-configured-to-be-the-display-page-template=Non hai páxinas configuradas para ser o modelo de páxina de visualización. É posible facer dunha páxina existente unha páxina de visualización engadindo un editor de activos e configurando que sexa o editor predeterminado de activos da páxina.
there-are-no-pages-in=Non hai páxinas en
there-are-no-pages-submitted-by-you-pending-approval=Non hai páxinas enviadas por ti esperando aprobación.
there-are-no-pages-that-link-to=Non hai páxinas que enlacen a
@@ -19099,7 +19099,7 @@ there-are-no-results-for-x=There are no results for "{0}". Check your spelling o
there-are-no-results-for-x-with-these-attributes=There are no results for "{0}" with these attributes. Adjust your filters to broaden your results. (Automatic Copy)
there-are-no-results-with-these-attributes=There are no results with these attributes. Adjust your filters to broaden your results. (Automatic Copy)
there-are-no-roles=Non hai roles.
-there-are-no-rules=There are no rules. (Automatic Copy)
+there-are-no-rules=Non hai regras.
there-are-no-rules-description=Define conditions and actions to dynamically change fields and elements in the form. (Automatic Copy)
there-are-no-rules-yet-click-on-plus-icon-below-to-add-the-first=There are no rules yet. Click on plus icon below to add the first. (Automatic Copy)
there-are-no-saved-export-templates=There are no saved export templates. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -19150,9 +19150,9 @@ there-are-no-topics-in-this-page-be-the-first-to-create-a-topic=There are no top
there-are-no-unlimited-subscriptions=There are no unlimited subscriptions. (Automatic Copy)
there-are-no-unpublished-definitions=There are no unpublished definitions. (Automatic Copy)
there-are-no-usable-endpoints=There are no usable endpoints. (Automatic Copy)
-there-are-no-usages=There are no usages. (Automatic Copy)
+there-are-no-usages=Non hai usos.
there-are-no-user-groups=There are no user groups. (Automatic Copy)
-there-are-no-users=There are no users. (Automatic Copy)
+there-are-no-users=Non hai usuarios.
there-are-no-users-associated-with-this-account=Non hai usuarios asociados a esta conta.
there-are-no-users-associated-with-this-role=Non hai usuarios asociados a este rol.
there-are-no-users-to-invite=Non hai usuarios para invitar.
@@ -19165,16 +19165,16 @@ there-are-no-warehouses=There are no warehouses. (Automatic Copy)
there-are-no-widgets=There are no widgets available. (Automatic Copy)
there-are-no-widgets-on-this-page=There are no widgets on this page. (Automatic Copy)
there-are-no-wiki-attachments=There are no wiki attachments. (Automatic Copy)
-there-are-no-wikis=There are no wikis. (Automatic Copy)
+there-are-no-wikis=Non hai wikis.
there-are-no-workflow-definitions=Non hai definicións de procesos de traballo.
there-are-no-x=Non hai {0}.
there-are-no-x-orders=There are no {0} orders. (Automatic Copy)
-there-are-no-x-related-issues=There are no {0} related issues. (Automatic Copy)
+there-are-no-x-related-issues=Non hai problemas relacionados {0}.
there-are-object-definitions-with-the-same-external-reference-code-as-the-imported-ones=There are object definitions with the same external reference code as the imported ones. By continuing, you will update the existing object definitions. This action is permanent and data can be lost if the imported object definitions have missing fields compared to the existing ones. The affected object definitions are: (Automatic Copy)
there-are-one-or-more-mandatory-vocabularies-assigned-to-the-knowledge-base-article=There are one or more mandatory vocabularies assigned to the knowledge base article. (Automatic Copy)
there-are-other-redirects-pointing-to-the-source-url-of-this-redirect=There are other redirects pointing to the source URL of this redirect. This will create a redirect chain so that users will be redirected multiple times before reaching the destination. (Automatic Copy)
there-are-replacement-products-in-your-cart=There are replacement products in your cart. (Automatic Copy)
-there-are-shipment-items-from-orders-with-different-shipping-methods-selected=There are shipment items from orders with different shipping methods selected. You can edit the shipment to choose the shipping method and base tracking URL you wish to link to this shipment. (Automatic Copy)
+there-are-shipment-items-from-orders-with-different-shipping-methods-selected=Hai artigos de envío de pedidos con diferentes métodos de envío seleccionados. Pode editar o envío para escoller o método de envío e o URL de seguimento base que desexa ligar a este envío.
there-are-template-references-to-this-structure.-please-update-them-if-a-field-name-is-renamed-or-removed=There are template references to this structure. Please update them if a field name is renamed or removed. (Automatic Copy)
there-are-x-membership-requests-pending=Hai {0} solicitudes de membros pendentes.
there-are-x-more-results-narrow-your-searc-to-get-more-precise-results=There are {0} more result(s). Narrow your search to get more precise results. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -19216,7 +19216,7 @@ there-is-currently-1-process-in-progress=There is currently 1 process in progres
there-is-currently-1-process-in-progress-and-x-pending=There is currently 1 process in progress and {0} pending. (Automatic Copy)
there-is-existing-form-data-please-export-and-delete-it-before-making-changes-to-the-fields=Hai datos existentes da forma. Expórteo e suprima antes de realizar cambios aos campos.
there-is-no-base-price-list-associated-with-the-current-sku=There is no base price list associated with the current SKU. (Automatic Copy)
-there-is-no-content=There is no content. (Automatic Copy)
+there-is-no-content=Non hai contido.
there-is-no-content-on-this-page=There is no content on this page. (Automatic Copy)
there-is-no-content-to-be-displayed=There is no content to be displayed. (Automatic Copy)
there-is-no-data=Non hai datos.
@@ -19227,7 +19227,7 @@ there-is-no-order-selected=There is no order selected. (Automatic Copy)
there-is-no-preview-available=There is no preview available. (Automatic Copy)
there-is-no-product-to-display=There is no product to display. (Automatic Copy)
there-is-no-selected-page=Non hai etiquetas seleccionadas.
-there-is-no-subtype=There is no subtype. (Automatic Copy)
+there-is-no-subtype=Non hai subtipo.
there-is-no-test-history-for-experience=There is no test history for this experience. (Automatic Copy)
there-is-no-translation-service-enabled.-please-contact-your-administrator=There is no translation service enabled. Please contact your administrator. (Automatic Copy)
there-is-no-version-of-this-page-marked-as-ready-for-publication=There is no version of this page marked as ready for publication. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -19282,7 +19282,7 @@ this-action-cannot-be-undone-and-will-permanently-delete-all-related-fields-from
this-action-cannot-be-undone-and-will-permanently-delete-all-the-related-schemas-and-endpoints-within-this-api=This action cannot be undone and will delete all the related schemas and endpoints within this API. (Automatic Copy)
this-action-cannot-be-undone-and-will-permanently-delete-this-field's-data=This action cannot be undone and will permanently delete this field's data. (Automatic Copy)
this-action-may-erase-data-permanently=This action may erase data permanently. (Automatic Copy)
-this-app-contains=This app contains: (Automatic Copy)
+this-app-contains=Esta aplicación contén:
this-application-is-exposed-to-facebook-via-an-iframe=Este portlet exponse a Facebook vía un iFrame.
this-application-is-exposed-to-facebook-via-fbml=Este portlet exponse ao Facebook vía FBML.
this-application-is-not-visible-to-users-yet=This application is not visible to users yet. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -19292,23 +19292,23 @@ this-application-wants-the-following-permissions=This application wants the foll
this-application-will-only-function-when-placed-on-a-site-page=This application will only function when placed on a site page. (Automatic Copy)
this-area-is-defined-by-the-theme.-you-can-change-the-theme-settings-by-clicking-x-in-the-x-panel-on-the-sidebar=This area is defined by the theme. You can change the theme settings by clicking {0} in the {1} panel on the sidebar. (Automatic Copy)
this-article-cannot-be-published-because-its-parent-has-not-been-published=This article cannot be published because its parent has not been published yet. (Automatic Copy)
-this-article-is-configured-to-use-a-display-page-that-does-not-exist-on-the-current-site=This article is configured to use a display page that does not exist on the current site. For it to function properly, the page with UUID {0} must be imported, or a new display page must be selected. (Automatic Copy)
+this-article-is-configured-to-use-a-display-page-that-does-not-exist-on-the-current-site=Este artigo está configurado para usar unha páxina de visualización que non existe no sitio actual. Para que funcione correctamente, debe importarse a páxina con UUID {0} ou debe seleccionarse unha nova páxina de visualización.
this-article-is-currently-being-edited-by-another-user=This article is currently being edited by another user. Actions like edit, expire, move, and delete are temporarily unavailable. (Automatic Copy)
this-article-is-set-to-publish-later=This article is set to publish later. You can edit the date and time or choose to publish the article now. (Automatic Copy)
this-article-will-be-published-on-x=This article will be published on {0}. (Automatic Copy)
this-blog=Este blog
this-category=Esta categoría
-this-category-might-be-being-used-in-some-contents=This category might be being used in some contents. If you delete it, this category and its subcategories will also be deleted and removed from those contents. Friendly URLs may also be affected. Do you want to continue deleting this category? (Automatic Copy)
+this-category-might-be-being-used-in-some-contents=Esta categoría pode usarse nalgúns contidos. Se a elimina, esta categoría e todas as súas subcategorías tamén serán eliminadas e eliminadas destes contidos. Queres seguir eliminando esta categoría?
this-change-will-only-affect-the-newly-created-localized-content=This change will only affect the newly created localized content. (Automatic Copy)
this-change-will-only-be-shown-after-you-refresh-the-page=Este cambio será aplicado cando a páxina sexa recargada.
this-collection-has-no-items=This collection has no items. You need at least one item to use this configuration. (Automatic Copy)
this-collection-has-x-items=This collection has {0} items. (Automatic Copy)
-this-configuration-is-inherited=This configuration is inherited. (Automatic Copy)
+this-configuration-is-inherited=Esta configuración é herdada.
this-configuration-is-not-saved-yet=This configuration is not saved yet. (Automatic Copy)
this-configuration-is-not-saved-yet.-the-values-shown-are-the-default=Esta configuración aínda non se garda. Os valores mostrados son o predeterminado.
-this-configuration-is-read-only=This configuration is read only. (Automatic Copy)
+this-configuration-is-read-only=Esta configuración só se le.
this-content-cannot-be-displayed-due-to-permission-restrictions=This content cannot be displayed due to permission restrictions. (Automatic Copy)
-this-content-has-a-display-page=This content has a display page. (Automatic Copy)
+this-content-has-a-display-page=Este contido ten unha páxina de visualización.
this-content-has-expired-or-you-do-not-have-the-required-permissions-to-access-it=Este contido caducou ou non tes os permisos requiridos para acceder a el.
this-content-is-currently-unavailable-or-has-been-deleted.-users-cannot-see-this-fragment=This content is currently unavailable or has been deleted. Users cannot see this fragment. (Automatic Copy)
this-coupon-only-applies-to-items-that-are-children-of-this-comma-delimited-list-of-categories=Este cupón aplícase soamente aos artigos que pertencen a algunha das seguintes categorías (separadas por comas).
@@ -19394,7 +19394,7 @@ this-limit-is-higher-than-x-limit-enter-maximum-number-of-pages-x=This limit is
this-limit-is-higher-than-x-limit-enter-maximum-value-x=This limit is higher than the {0} limit. Please enter a maximum value no larger than {1}. (Automatic Copy)
this-link-format-is-no-longer-recognized-please-request-a-new-link=This link format is no longer recognized. Please request a new link. (Automatic Copy)
this-may-take-several-minutes=This may take several minutes. (Automatic Copy)
-this-menu-is-empty=This menu is empty. (Automatic Copy)
+this-menu-is-empty=Este menú está baleiro.
this-menu-will-act-as-the=This menu will act as the: (Automatic Copy)
this-message-does-not-have-file-attachments=This message does not have file attachments. (Automatic Copy)
this-message-does-not-have-file-attachments-in-the-recycle-bin=This message does not have file attachments in the Recycle Bin. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -19445,7 +19445,7 @@ this-page-has-no-links=Esta páxina non ten ningún enlace.
this-page-has-no-topics=This page has no topics. (Automatic Copy)
this-page-is-associated-to-the-following-collection=This page is associated to the following collection. (Automatic Copy)
this-page-is-being-used-as-a-scope-for-content=This page is being used as a scope for content. Any content that is scoped to this page will also be removed. Are you sure you want to delete this page? (Automatic Copy)
-this-page-is-being-used-as-a-scope-for-content-and-also-has-child-pages=This page is being used as a scope for content and also has child pages. Any content that is scoped to this page will also be removed, along with any child pages. Are you sure you want to delete this page? (Automatic Copy)
+this-page-is-being-used-as-a-scope-for-content-and-also-has-child-pages=Esta páxina está a ser usada como alcance para o contido e tamén ten páxinas infantís. Tamén se eliminará calquera contido que se achegue a esta páxina, xunto con calquera páxina infantil. Seguro que queres eliminar esta páxina?
this-page-is-currently-being-edited-by-another-user=This page is currently being edited by another user. Contact your administrator if you need to take control over this page. (Automatic Copy)
this-page-is-currently-redirected-to-x=Esta páxina actualmente está redireccionada a {0}.
this-page-is-displayed-in-x=This page is displayed in {0}. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -19453,7 +19453,7 @@ this-page-is-empty-edit-it-to-add-some-text=Esta páxina está baleira. Edítaa
this-page-is-empty.-use-the-buttons-below-to-create-it-or-to-search-for-the-words-in-the-title=Esta páxina está baldeira. Usa os botóns de abaixo para crearla ou buscar polas palabras no título.
this-page-is-linked-to-a-page-template=This page is linked to a page template. Disable the automatic propagation of changes to this page to be able to make modifications. (Automatic Copy)
this-page-is-linked-to-a-site-template-which-does-not-allow-modifications-to-it=This page is linked to a site template which does not allow modifications to it. (Automatic Copy)
-this-page-is-not-a-content-display-page-template=This page is not a content display page template. It is possible to make an existing page a display page by adding an Asset Publisher and configuring it to be the default Asset Publisher for the page. (Automatic Copy)
+this-page-is-not-a-content-display-page-template=Esta páxina non é un modelo de páxina de visualización de contido. É posible facer dunha páxina existente unha páxina de visualización engadindo un editor de activos e configurando que sexa o editor predeterminado de activos da páxina.
this-page-is-not-enabled-in-this-site-pages-variation,-but-is-available-in-other-variations=This page is not enabled in this Site Pages Variation, but is available for other pages variations. (Automatic Copy)
this-page-is-part-of-an-inactive-portlet=Esta páxina é parte dun portlet inactivo.
this-page-is-using-a-different-theme-than-the-one-set-for-all-pages=This page is using a different theme than the one set for all pages. Note that style books will only be available for pages that use the theme set in all pages. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -19514,7 +19514,7 @@ this-structure-has-not-been-saved=Esta estructura non foi grabada.
this-task-has-been-reassigned=This task has been reassigned. (Automatic Copy)
this-template-does-not-belong-to-this-site.-you-may-affect-other-sites-if-you-edit-this-template=This template does not belong to this site. You may affect other sites if you edit this template.
this-template-is-being-used-in-x-pages.-are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-this=This template is being used in {0} pages. Are you sure you want to delete this? It will be deleted immediately. (Automatic Copy)
-this-template-is-marked-as-cacheable.-avoid-using-code-that-uses-request-handling,-the-cms-query-api,-taglibs,-or-other-dynamic-features.-uncheck-the-cacheable-property-if-dynamic-behavior-is-needed=This template is marked as cacheable. Avoid using code that uses request handling, the CMS query API, taglibs, or other dynamic features. Uncheck the "cacheable" property if dynamic behavior is needed. (Automatic Copy)
+this-template-is-marked-as-cacheable.-avoid-using-code-that-uses-request-handling,-the-cms-query-api,-taglibs,-or-other-dynamic-features.-uncheck-the-cacheable-property-if-dynamic-behavior-is-needed=Este modelo está marcado como caché. Evite usar código que use manexo de solicitudes, a API de consulta CMS, Taglibs ou outras funcións dinámicas. Desmarque a propiedade "caché" se é necesario un comportamento dinámico.
this-template-will-be-used-when-showing-the-content-within-a-widget=This template will be used when showing the content within a widget. (Automatic Copy)
this-theme-does-not-have-any-color-schemes=Este tema non ten ningún esquema de cor.
this-theme-does-not-include-a-token-definition=This theme does not include a token definition. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -19572,7 +19572,7 @@ this-x-does-not-contain-an-entry=This {0} does not contain an entry. (Automatic
this-x-is-approved.-publishing-these-changes-will-cause-it-to-be-unpublished-and-go-through-the-approval-process-again=Este {0} está aprobado. Publicar estes cambios vai causar que sexa retirado da publicación e volverá a entrar no proceso de aprobación.
-thousands-separator=Thousands Separator (Automatic Copy)
+thousands-separator=Separador de miles
thread=Fío de discusión
thread-as-question-by-default=Fíos como preguntas por defecto
thread-cannot-be-deleted.-anonymize-it-instead=Thread cannot be deleted. Anonymize it instead. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -19605,7 +19605,7 @@ thursday-abbreviation=J
ticker-symbol=Símbolo do ticker
tier-price=Prezo do nivel
-tier-price-entries=Tier Price Entries (Automatic Copy)
+tier-price-entries=Entradas de prezos de nivel
tier-price-settings=Tier Price Settings (Automatic Copy)
tiered-price=Prezo por nivel
tiered-pricing=Prezos a nivel
@@ -19646,7 +19646,7 @@ title=Título
title-field-help=Un título é un nome traducíbel e lexíbel por humanos para un rol. Se non é fornecido, será mostrada a chave predeterminada.
title-field-query-builder-configuration-name=Title Field Query Builder (Automatic Copy)
title-help=Display the document title. (Automatic Copy)
-title-is-required=Title is required. (Automatic Copy)
+title-is-required=É necesario o título.
title-list=Lista do títulos
title-only=Title Only (Automatic Copy)
@@ -19706,7 +19706,7 @@ token-connection-timeout=Token Connection Timeout in Milliseconds (Automatic Cop
token-connection-timeout-help=Set the amount of time to wait (in milliseconds) when establishing a connection to validate the token before timing out. A value of 0 means infinity and is not recommended. (Automatic Copy)
token-endpoint=Endpoint do token
token-endpoint-help=Set the token endpoint for the OpenID Connect provider. (Automatic Copy)
-token-introspection=Token Introspection (Automatic Copy)
+token-introspection=Introspección do token
token-is-not-valid.-please-insert-a-valid-analytics-cloud-token=Token is not valid. Please insert a valid Analytics Cloud token. (Automatic Copy)
token-location=Localización do token
@@ -19716,8 +19716,8 @@ token-location-SESSION=Sesión
token-location-help=Set this to the location of the user token. (Automatic Copy)
token-refresh-offset=Token Refresh Offset (Automatic Copy)
token-refresh-offset-description=OpenID Connect will start token refresh when there is offset time remaining before the access token expires. The minimum value is 30 seconds. (Automatic Copy)
-token-refresh-scheduled-interval=Token Refresh Scheduled Interval (Automatic Copy)
-token-refresh-scheduled-interval-description=A periodic job will try to refresh access tokens that are expired or about to expire. Set the schedule interval in seconds. An interval smaller than 30 seconds will disable the scheduled job. (Automatic Copy)
+token-refresh-scheduled-interval=Token Actualizar o intervalo programado
+token-refresh-scheduled-interval-description=Un traballo periódico intentará actualizar os tokens de acceso que caducan ou a piques de caducar. Estableza o intervalo de programación en segundos. Un intervalo inferior a 30 segundos desactivará o traballo programado.
tokens-cannot-be-mutually-referenced=Tokens cannot be mutually referenced. (Automatic Copy)
tokens-cannot-reference-itself=Tokens cannot reference itself. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -19738,7 +19738,7 @@ top-padding-unit=Unidade de recheo superior
top-posters=Usuarios máis activos
top-referring-domains=Top Referring Domains (Automatic Copy)
top-referring-domains-help=Os dominios de referencia máis importantes mostran os 10 mellores dominios que envían máis tráfico a esta páxina.
-top-referring-pages=Top Referring Pages (Automatic Copy)
+top-referring-pages=Páxinas referentes superiores
top-referring-pages-help=Top referring pages shows the top 10 pages external to your site sending more traffic to this page. (Automatic Copy)
top-referring-social-media=Top Referring Social Media (Automatic Copy)
top-searches=Top Searches (Automatic Copy)
@@ -19766,7 +19766,7 @@ total-discount-percentage-level-4-with-tax-amount=Total Discount Percentage Leve
total-discount-with-tax-amount=Total Discount with Tax Amount (Automatic Copy)
total-estimated-refund=Total Estimated Refund (Automatic Copy)
total-memory=Memoria total
-total-modifications=Total Modifications (Automatic Copy)
+total-modifications=Modificacións totais
total-open=Total abertos
total-pages=Páxinas totais
total-paid=Total pago
@@ -19801,13 +19801,13 @@ traffic-volume-is-the-number-of-page-views-coming-from-one-channel=Traffic Volum
training-credits=Créditos do adestramento
-transaction-history=Transaction History (Automatic Copy)
+transaction-history=Historia das transaccións
transaction-id=ID de transación
transaction-key=Clave de transacción
transition-base=Base de transición
-transition-collapse=Transition Collapse (Automatic Copy)
+transition-collapse=Colapso de transición
transition-fade=Fade de transición
transition-label=Etiqueta de transición
transition-to=Transición a
@@ -19826,7 +19826,7 @@ translation-options=Translation Options (Automatic Copy)
translation-override=Translation Override (Automatic Copy)
translation-was-deleted=Translation {0} was deleted. (Automatic Copy)
-transport-tcp-port=Transport TCP Port (Automatic Copy)
+transport-tcp-port=Porto TCP de transporte
transport-tcp-port-help=This configuration only applies to EMBEDDED (Development) mode. Specify the port to bind for communication between nodes. Accepts a single value or a range (e.g. 9300-9400). (Automatic Copy)
trash-entries-max-age=Trash Entries Max Age (Automatic Copy)
@@ -19838,8 +19838,8 @@ trending-searches-help=Shows the trending searches from the current site or all
trigger-by=Desencadeante por
trigger-event=Evento de disparo
-trigger-propagation=Trigger Propagation (Automatic Copy)
-trigger-propagation-help=If unchecked, changes are propagated to sites individually when they are first visited by a user. If checked, enabling propagation in a template also triggers propagation for all connected sites simultaneously. (Automatic Copy)
+trigger-propagation=Propagación de disparador
+trigger-propagation-help=Se non se controlan, os cambios son propagados a sitios individualmente cando son visitados por un usuario por primeira vez. Se se comproba, habilitar a propagación nun modelo tamén desencadea a propagación para todos os sitios conectados simultaneamente.
@@ -19848,11 +19848,11 @@ truncate-text=Texto truncado
trust-self-signed-certificates-description=If checked, REST data providers will accept responses from web services that sign their own certificates. (Automatic Copy)
trust-self-signed-certificates-name=Trust Self Signed Certificates (Automatic Copy)
-trusted-application=Trusted Application (Automatic Copy)
+trusted-application=Aplicación de confianza
trusted-application-help=Register a trusted application so the end user is not required to allow consent to the access token grant (only available using authorization code or PKCE authorization code grant flows). (Automatic Copy)
trusted-plugin-repositories=Repositorios de plugins fiables
trusting-all-self-signed-certificates-can-compromise-security=Trusting all self signed certificates can compromise security. Use only if you fully understand the risks. For production environments, always use trusted certificates for secure communication. (Automatic Copy)
-truststore-password=Truststore Password (Automatic Copy)
+truststore-password=Contrasinal de confianza
truststore-password-help=Set the password to the truststore if HTTP SSL Enabled is checked. (Automatic Copy)
truststore-path=Camiño de confianza
truststore-path-help=Set the path to the truststore file if HTTP SSL Enabled is checked. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -19870,7 +19870,7 @@ tv-show=Programa de TV
two-columns=Dúas columnas
-two-letter-iso-code=Two-Letter ISO Code (Automatic Copy)
+two-letter-iso-code=Código ISO de dúas letras
type-a-comma-or-press-enter-to-input-a-synonym=Type a comma or press enter to input a synonym. (Automatic Copy)
type-a-comma-or-press-enter-to-input-a-tag=Type a comma or press enter to input a tag. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -19887,7 +19887,7 @@ type-label=Etiqueta de tipo
type-name=Nome do tipo:
type-name-or-select-from-list=Escribe o nome ou seleccionao da lista:
type-of-service=Tipo de servizo
-type-parameter-name=Type Parameter Name (Automatic Copy)
+type-parameter-name=Tipo Nome do parámetro
type-resource-actions-here=Type resource actions here. (Automatic Copy)
type-settings=Axustes de tipo
type-sku=Escriba SKU
@@ -19932,11 +19932,11 @@ unable-to-delete-the-workflow-definition-that-is-in-use=Unable to delete the wor
unable-to-display-content-due-to-an-unexpected-error=Unable to display content due to an unexpected error. (Automatic Copy)
unable-to-empty-the-cart=Unable to empty the cart. (Automatic Copy)
unable-to-exceed-maximum-number-of-allowed-sites=Unable to exceed maximum number of allowed sites. (Automatic Copy)
-unable-to-execute-process-x=Unable to execute process ({0}). (Automatic Copy)
+unable-to-execute-process-x=Non pode executar o proceso ({0}).
unable-to-export-portlet-permissions-for-x-while-processing-portlet-preferences-during-export=Unable to export portlet permissions for {0} while processing portlet preferences during export. (Automatic Copy)
unable-to-export-referenced-article-template-for-x-while-processing-portlet-preferences-during-export=Unable to export referenced article template for {0} while processing portlet preferences during export. (Automatic Copy)
unable-to-find-article-resource-for-article-with-id-x-while-gathering-its-reference-attributes=Unable to find article resource for article with ID {0} while gathering its reference attributes. (Automatic Copy)
-unable-to-find-x=Unable to find {0}. (Automatic Copy)
+unable-to-find-x=Incapaz de atopar {0}.
unable-to-import-because-the-blueprint-configuration-is-invalid=Unable to import because the blueprint configuration is invalid. (Automatic Copy)
unable-to-import-because-the-element-configuration-is-invalid=Unable to import because the element configuration is invalid. (Automatic Copy)
unable-to-import-blueprint-with-the-same-external-reference-code-as-an-existing-blueprint=Unable to import blueprint with the same external reference code as an existing blueprint. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -20035,7 +20035,7 @@ underlined-links-description=Force underline effect for all links. (Automatic Co
underwriter=Avaliador de riscos
underwriter-final-review=Underwriter Final Review (Automatic Copy)
-underwriter-review=Underwriter Review (Automatic Copy)
+underwriter-review=Revisión de aseguradores
undo-all=Desfacer todo
undo-deletion=Eliminación de desfacer
@@ -20080,7 +20080,7 @@ unmapped=Desmapeado
unmapped-form-fields=Unmapped Form Fields (Automatic Copy)
unmapped-object-required-fields=Unmapped Object Required Fields (Automatic Copy)
-unmark-as-an-answer=Unmark as an Answer (Automatic Copy)
+unmark-as-an-answer=Unmark como resposta
unmark-as-answer=Unmark como resposta
unmark-as-cacheable=Unmark as Cacheable (Automatic Copy)
unmark-as-default=Unmark como predeterminado
@@ -20114,7 +20114,7 @@ unschedule=Quitar programación
unselect-file=Anular selección de ficheiro
unsent=Non enviado
-unset-as-facetable=Unset as Facetable (Automatic Copy)
+unset-as-facetable=Sen facetar como facetable
unset-as-primary=Non como primario
unset-as-required=Desactivado segundo sexa necesario
unset-as-sku-contributor=Unset as SKU Contributor (Automatic Copy)
@@ -20201,7 +20201,7 @@ update-interval=Update Interval (Automatic Copy)
update-interval-help=The time between each update. (Automatic Copy)
update-message=Actualizar mensaxe
update-my-styles-as-i-type=Actualizar os estilos mentres escribo.
-update-object-entry=Update Object Entry (Automatic Copy)
+update-object-entry=Actualizar a entrada do obxecto
update-object-entry-help=Update a field in an existing object entry. (Automatic Copy)
update-page=Actualizar páxina
update-page-settings=Actualizar a configuración da páxina
@@ -20230,8 +20230,8 @@ update-wiki=Actualizar Wiki
update-x=ACTUALIZACIÓN {0}
update-x-configuration=Update {0} Configuration (Automatic Copy)
update-x-editable-values=Update {0} Editable Values (Automatic Copy)
-update-your-answer=Update Your Answer (Automatic Copy)
-update-your-comment=Update Your Comment (Automatic Copy)
+update-your-answer=Actualiza a túa resposta
+update-your-comment=Actualiza o teu comentario
update-your-question=Update Your Question (Automatic Copy)
update-your-question-button-text=Update Your Question Button Text (Automatic Copy)
update-your-status=Actualizando o teu estado...
@@ -20252,8 +20252,8 @@ upload-a-logo-for-the-private-pages-that-is-used-instead-of-the-default-enterpri
upload-a-logo-for-the-public-pages-that-is-used-instead-of-the-default-enterprise-logo=Suba un logotipo para as páxinas públicas que será utilizado en vez do logotipo predeterminado da empresa.
upload-a-war-file-to-install-a-layout-template,-portlet,-or-theme=Sube un arquivo WAR para instalar un modelo, un portlet, ou un tema de aparencia.
upload-a-x-no-larger-than-x-mb=Upload a {0} no larger than {1} MB. (Automatic Copy)
-upload-another-file=Upload Another File (Automatic Copy)
-upload-certificate=Upload Certificate (Automatic Copy)
+upload-another-file=Cargue outro ficheiro
+upload-certificate=Certificado de carga
upload-completed=Transferencia completada
upload-definition=Subir definición
upload-directly-from-users-computer=Upload Directly from the User's Computer (Automatic Copy)
@@ -20268,7 +20268,7 @@ upload-image=Enviar imaxe
upload-images-no-larger-than-x=Sube imaxes menores que {0}.
upload-limit=Upload Limit (Automatic Copy)
upload-metadata=Cargue metadatos
-upload-metadata-xml=Upload Metadata XML (Automatic Copy)
+upload-metadata-xml=Cargue os metadatos XML
upload-new-version=Subir nova versión
upload-or-select-from-documents-and-media-item-selector=Upload or Select from Documents and Media Item Selector (Automatic Copy)
upload-request-reached-the-maximum-permitted-size-of-x-bytes=Upload request reached the maximum permitted size of {0} bytes. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -20294,7 +20294,7 @@ url-and-type-are-required-fields.-websites-must-start-with-http-or-https=URL e t
url-example=Exemplo de URL
url-information=Información da URL
url-is-invalid=O URL non é válido.
-url-must-not-be-a-local-network=URL must not be a local network. (Automatic Copy)
+url-must-not-be-a-local-network=O URL non debe ser unha rede local.
url-must-start-with-x-or-x=URL must start with {0} or {1}. (Automatic Copy)
url-separator=URL Separator (Automatic Copy)
url-title=URL Title (Automatic Copy)
@@ -20304,22 +20304,22 @@ urls=URLs
urls-excludes=URL excluídas
urls-help=Specify one JavaScript file URL per line. (Automatic Copy)
urls-includes=URL incluídas
-urls-must-have-a-valid-protocol=URLs must have a valid protocol. (Automatic Copy)
+urls-must-have-a-valid-protocol=Os URL deben ter un protocolo válido.
usages-and-propagation-x=Usages and Propagation ({0}) (Automatic Copy)
use-a-background-image=Usar unha imaxe de fondo
use-a-comma,-line-break,-or-space-to-add-multiple-classes=Use a comma, line break, or space to add multiple classes. (Automatic Copy)
use-a-csv-file-with-the-following-format-x=Use a CSV file with the following format {0}. (Automatic Copy)
use-a-customized-url=Use a Customized URL (Automatic Copy)
-use-a-file-already-on-the-server=Use a File Already on the Server (Automatic Copy)
+use-a-file-already-on-the-server=Use un ficheiro xa no servidor
use-a-secure-network-connection=Utilice unha conexión de rede segura
use-a-specific-template=Use a specific template. (Automatic Copy)
-use-adt=Use Application Display Template (Automatic Copy)
+use-adt=Use o modelo de visualización da aplicación
use-advanced-search-syntax=Use Advanced Search Syntax (Automatic Copy)
use-advanced-search-syntax-help=Enable this to parse the query using Lucene syntax instead of keywords. Malformed Lucene expressions may be rejected. (Automatic Copy)
use-another-mfa-checker=Usar {0}.
use-as-default-sorting=Use as Default Sorting (Automatic Copy)
-use-asset-category=Use Asset Category (Automatic Copy)
+use-asset-category=Use categoría de activos
use-camel-case-syntax=Usar sintaxis camelCase
use-category-from-request=Use Category from Request (Automatic Copy)
use-closest-warehouse=Use Closest Warehouse (Automatic Copy)
@@ -20338,7 +20338,7 @@ use-custom-open-graph-description-help=Use a custom description for Open Graph i
use-custom-open-graph-title=Usar un título personalizado
use-custom-open-graph-title-help=Use a custom title for Open Graph instead of the one provided in the HTML title field. (Automatic Copy)
use-custom-outgoing-server=Utilice o servidor saliente de encarga
-use-custom-renderer=Use Custom Renderer (Automatic Copy)
+use-custom-renderer=Use Renderer personalizado
use-custom-title=Usar un título personalizado
use-default=Usar por defecto
use-default-database=Use Default Database (Automatic Copy)
@@ -20365,7 +20365,7 @@ use-initials-for-default-user-portrait=Use Initials For Default User Portrait (A
use-initials-for-default-user-portrait-help=Activa configurar as iniciais do usuario como retrato predeterminado do usuario. Se non, empregaranse os ficheiros de imaxe retratada predeterminados. A ruta de imaxe por retrato predeterminada está definida pola propiedade "Image.Default.User.Porrait" en Portal.Properties.
use-input-as-entered=Use Input as Entered (Automatic Copy)
use-large-image=Usar imaxe grande
-use-ldap-password-policy=Utilice a política de contraseñas de LDAP
+use-ldap-password-policy=Utilice a política de contrasinais de LDAP
use-logo=Usar logo
use-medium-image=Usar imaxe mediana
use-percentage=Porcentaxe de uso
@@ -20378,7 +20378,7 @@ use-secure-incoming-connection=Usar conexión de entrada segura
use-secure-outgoing-connection=Usar conexión de saída segura
use-shipping-address-as-billing-address=Use shipping address as billing address (Automatic Copy)
use-shipping-formula=Sistema de envío
-use-signed-in-user=Use Signed in User (Automatic Copy)
+use-signed-in-user=Use asinado no usuario
use-small-image=Usar imaxe pequena
use-star-ratings=Use clasificacións de estrelas
use-structure-restrictions-of-the-parent-folder-x=Use structure restrictions of the parent folder ({0}). (Automatic Copy)
@@ -20420,7 +20420,7 @@ use-this-client-extension-to-fully-replace-the-default-css-contained-in-the-them
use-this-client-extension-to-fully-replace-the-default-spritemap-contained-in-the-theme=Use this client extension to fully replace the default spritemap contained in the theme. (Automatic Copy)
use-this-template=Usar este modelo
use-thumbs-up-thumbs-down=Use Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down (Automatic Copy)
-use-to-match-users=Use to Match Users (Automatic Copy)
+use-to-match-users=Use para combinar usuarios
use-topic-names-in-url=Use Topic Names in URL (Automatic Copy)
use-up-and-down-arrows-to-move-the-field-and-press-enter-to-place-it-in-desired-position=Use up and down arrows to move the field and press enter to place it in desired position. (Automatic Copy)
use-up-and-down-arrows-to-move-the-fragment-and-press-enter-to-place-it-in-desired-position.-currently-targeting-x-of-x=Use up and down arrows to move the fragment and press enter to place it in desired position. Currently targeting {0} of {1}. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -20449,7 +20449,7 @@ user-bans=Exclusións de usuarios
user-can-share=O usuario pode compartir
user-comments=Comentarios do usuario
user-custom-attribute-names=User Custom Attribute Names (Automatic Copy)
-user-custom-fields=User Custom Fields (Automatic Copy)
+user-custom-fields=Campos personalizados do usuario
user-custom-mappings=User Custom Mappings (Automatic Copy)
user-custom-mappings-help=When importing and exporting users, the portal will use this mapping to connect LDAP user attributes and portal user's custom attributes. (Automatic Copy)
user-customization=User Customization (Automatic Copy)
@@ -20481,7 +20481,7 @@ user-info-endpoint-help=Set the user information endpoint for the OpenID Connect
user-information=Information do usuario
user-interaction-based-product-recommendations=User Interaction-Based Product Recommendations (Automatic Copy)
user-layout-configuration=User Layout Configuration (Automatic Copy)
-user-local-service=User Local Service (Automatic Copy)
+user-local-service=Servizo local de usuario
user-local-service-help=Provides the local service for accessing, adding, authenticating, deleting, and updating users. (Automatic Copy)
user-mapping=Equivalencias de campos de usuario
user-mappings=Mapeamentos de usuario
@@ -20501,23 +20501,23 @@ user-notification-event-days-limit=User Notification Event Days Limit (Automatic
user-notification-event-days-limit-key-description=The archived user notification events must be at least this number of days old to be deleted by the scheduled job. Set to 0 if no notification events should be deleted. (Automatic Copy)
user-notification-timeout-description=Define the time, in milliseconds, in which a notification is shown to the user stating that the request is taking longer than expected. Set to 0 if no notification should be shown. (Automatic Copy)
user-notification-timeout-name=User Notification Timeout (Automatic Copy)
-user-parameter-name=User Parameter Name (Automatic Copy)
+user-parameter-name=Nome do parámetro do usuario
user-permissions=Permisos do usuario
user-personal-folder=User Personal Folder (Automatic Copy)
-user-personal-panel=User Personal Panel (Automatic Copy)
-user-personal-site=User Personal Site (Automatic Copy)
+user-personal-panel=Panel persoal de usuario
+user-personal-site=Sitio persoal do usuario
user-personalized-recommendations=User Personalized Recommendations (Automatic Copy)
user-personalized-recommendations-collection-provider-enabled=User Personalized Recommendations Collection Provider Enabled (Automatic Copy)
user-portrait=Foto do usuario
user-preferences=Preferencias do usuario
user-profile=Perfil do usuario
-user-profile-image=User Profile Image (Automatic Copy)
+user-profile-image=Imaxe do perfil de usuario
user-profile-menu=User Profile Menu (Automatic Copy)
user-ranks=Rangos de usuario
user-resolution=Resolución do usuario
user-resolution-help=Determines the approach to provision new users and match existing ones. (Automatic Copy)
user-role-could-not-be-removed=User role could not be removed. (Automatic Copy)
-user-search-filter=User Search Filter (Automatic Copy)
+user-search-filter=Filtro de busca de usuarios
user-search-filter-help=Settings for importing users from LDAP to the portal. These settings are not used unless the property "LDAPImportConfiguration.enabled" is set to true. (Automatic Copy)
user-segment-ids=User Segment IDs (Automatic Copy)
user-service=Servizo de usuarios
@@ -20530,14 +20530,14 @@ user-tool-asset-addon-entry-keys=User Tool Asset Addon Entry Keys (Automatic Cop
user-tools=Ferramentas de usuario
user-x=Usuario ({0})
user-x-does-not-exist=User {0} does not exist. (Automatic Copy)
-user.statistics.contribution=User's Contribution (Automatic Copy)
+user.statistics.contribution=Contribución do usuario
user.statistics.creator.cancelled-subscriptions=Canceled Subscriptions to User's Assets (Automatic Copy)
user.statistics.creator.comments=Comentarios en recursos de usuario
user.statistics.creator.subscriptions=Subscription to User's Assets (Automatic Copy)
user.statistics.participation=User's Participation (Automatic Copy)
-user.statistics.user.achievements=User's Achievements (Automatic Copy)
+user.statistics.user.achievements=Logros do usuario
user.statistics.user.activities=Actividades do usuario
-user.statistics.user.attachments=User's Attachments (Automatic Copy)
+user.statistics.user.attachments=Anexos do usuario
user.statistics.user.blog-updates=User's Blog Entry Updates (Automatic Copy)
user.statistics.user.blogs=User's Blog Entries (Automatic Copy)
user.statistics.user.cancelled-subscriptions=User's Canceled Subscriptions (Automatic Copy)
@@ -20576,11 +20576,11 @@ users-recovery-queries-display-in-plain-text-help=If checked, the answer provide
users-recovery-queries-enabled-help=If checked, password recovery queries can be used when recovering a user's password. (Automatic Copy)
-users-recovery-queries-questions-help=A comma separated list of questions used as password recovery queries. The default questions are in language key format and will be translated. Additional custom questions entered here will not be translated. (Automatic Copy)
+users-recovery-queries-questions-help=Unha lista de preguntas separadas por coma usada como consultas de recuperación de contrasinais. As preguntas predeterminadas están en formato de clave do idioma e traduciranse. Non se traducirán preguntas adicionais personalizadas aquí.
users-recovery-queries-required-help=If checked, users will be required to answer a password recovery query when resetting their password. (Automatic Copy)
users-that-belong-to-x-x=Usuarios que pertencen a {0} ({1}).
-users-were-invited-successfully=Users were invited successfully. (Automatic Copy)
+users-were-invited-successfully=Os usuarios foron convidados con éxito.
users-will-be-able-to-add-translations-for-the-entries-of-this-field=Users will be able to add translations for the entries of this field. (Automatic Copy)
users-will-only-be-able-to-add-unique-values-for-this-field=Users will only be able to add unique values for this field. (Automatic Copy)
users-without-an-organization=Users Without an Organization (Automatic Copy)
@@ -20603,8 +20603,8 @@ valid-from-x-until-x=Valid from {0} until {1}. (Automatic Copy)
valid-hours=Horas válidas
valid-minutes=Minutos válidos
validate-file-entry-references=Validate File Entries (Automatic Copy)
-validate-file-entry-references-help=If checked, publishing or importing some types of content with text in them will cause Liferay to check the content for any links to documents, and ensure that each of these links points to a valid document. (Automatic Copy)
-validate-journal-feed-references=Validate Journal Feed References (Automatic Copy)
+validate-file-entry-references-help=Se se comproba, publicar ou importar algúns tipos de contido con texto neles fará que Liferay comprobe o contido de calquera ligazón a documentos e asegúrese de que cada un destes enlaces apunta a un documento válido.
+validate-journal-feed-references=Validar as referencias de feeds de diario
validate-journal-feed-references-help=Se a revisión, a publicación ou a importación de algúns tipos de contido con texto neles fará que Liferay comprobe o contido de calquera referencia ás fontes de contido web e asegúrese de que cada unha destas referencias apunta a un feed válido.
validate-language-url[deepl-translation]=DeepL Validation API (Automatic Copy)
validate-layout-references=Validate Layout References (Automatic Copy)
@@ -20646,7 +20646,7 @@ variant=Variante
variant-name-is-required=Variant name is required. (Automatic Copy)
variants=Imaxes adaptábeis
-variants-available=Variants Available (Automatic Copy)
+variants-available=Variantes dispoñibles
variants-help=Create at least one variant to run the test. (Automatic Copy)
variation-x-moved-to-position-x=Variation {0} moved to position {1}. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -20663,7 +20663,7 @@ velocity-engine-configuration-name=Motor de velocidade
velocity-macro-library=Velocity Macro Library (Automatic Copy)
velocity-unit=Unidade de velocidade
-verification-actions=Verification Actions (Automatic Copy)
+verification-actions=Accións de verificación
verification-number=Número de verificación
verified-account-required=Verified Account Required (Automatic Copy)
verified-layout-template-ids=Verified Layout Template IDs (Automatic Copy)
@@ -20685,9 +20685,9 @@ versioning=Versións
versioning-strategy-overridable=Version Strategy Overridable (Automatic Copy)
versioning-strategy-overridable-help=Set whether users will be able to override the default version strategy. If enabled, users will have the opportunity to choose a custom version number increment. (Automatic Copy)
-versions-to-retain=Versions to Retain (Automatic Copy)
+versions-to-retain=Versións para conservar
-vertical-alignment=Vertical Alignment (Automatic Copy)
+vertical-alignment=Aliñamento vertical
vertical-banner=Banner vertical
vertical-bar=Varra vertical
vertical-cards=Cartóns verticais
@@ -20704,7 +20704,7 @@ view=Ver
view-album=Ver album
view-all=Ver todos
view-all-accounts=Ver todas as contas
-view-all-assignees=View All Assignees (Automatic Copy)
+view-all-assignees=Ver todos os asignados
view-all-orders=Ver todos os pedidos
view-all-steps=Ver todos os pasos
view-all-variants=Ver todas as variantes
@@ -20720,17 +20720,17 @@ view-bookmarks=Ver enlaces
view-builder=View Builder
view-calendar-booking-details=Ver información do evento
view-calendars=Ver calendarios
-view-child-articles=View Child Articles (Automatic Copy)
+view-child-articles=Ver artigos infantís
view-child-sites=Engadir subpáxina
-view-collaborators=View Collaborators (Automatic Copy)
+view-collaborators=Ver colaboradores
view-collection-items=View Collection Items (Automatic Copy)
view-content=Ver contido
view-count=Número de visualizacións
view-count-configuration-name=Número de visualizacións
-view-count-configuration-name-help=By default, view counts are maintained for asset entries, bookmark entries, document library file entries, knowledge base articles, message boards threads, and redirect not found entry requests. (Automatic Copy)
+view-count-configuration-name-help=De xeito predeterminado, mantéñense contas de vista para entradas de activos, entradas de marcadores, entradas de ficheiros de biblioteca de documentos, artigos de base de coñecemento, taboleiros de mensaxes e redirixir solicitudes de entrada non atopadas.
view-count-details=Detalles do número de visualizacións
-view-count-increment=View Count Increment (Automatic Copy)
-view-current-fields-warning-message=This display always reflects the form's current fields, and may show inaccurate data if fields have been added, edited, or deleted. Export the entries to see them as stored in the database. (Automatic Copy)
+view-count-increment=Vista incremento do reconto
+view-current-fields-warning-message=Esta pantalla sempre reflicte os campos actuais do formulario e pode mostrar datos inexactos se se engadiron, editados ou eliminados campos. Exportar as entradas para velas almacenadas na base de datos.
view-customizable-zones=View Customizable Zones (Automatic Copy)
view-data=Ver datos
view-data-in-analytics-cloud=View Data in Analytics Cloud (Automatic Copy)
@@ -20759,12 +20759,12 @@ view-in-model-builder=View in Model Builder (Automatic Copy)
view-in-page=Ver na páxina
view-in-page-administration=Ver na administración de páxinas
view-in-popup=Visualizar en xanela emerxente
-view-in-public-store=View in Public Store (Automatic Copy)
+view-in-public-store=Ver na tenda pública
view-info=View Info (Automatic Copy)
view-instances=Ver instancias
view-items=Ver elementos
view-larger-map=Ver mapa máis grande
-view-last-approved=View Last Approved (Automatic Copy)
+view-last-approved=Ver a última aprobación
view-less=Ver menos
view-library=Ver biblioteca
view-live-page=Ver páxinas publicadas
@@ -20785,7 +20785,7 @@ view-offerings=Ver agasallos
view-on-new-page=Ver na nova páxina
view-one-contact=Ver un contacto.
view-one-user=Ver un usuario.
-view-order-details=View Order Details (Automatic Copy)
+view-order-details=Ver os detalles da orde
view-orders=Ver pedidos
view-organizations=Ver organizacións
view-original-file=Ver arquivo orixinal
@@ -20794,7 +20794,7 @@ view-page=Ver páxina
view-page-staging-options=View Page Staging Options (Automatic Copy)
view-page-without-my-customizations=View Page without my customizations (Automatic Copy)
view-pages=Ver páxinas
-view-payment-terms-checkout-step=View Payment Terms Checkout Step (Automatic Copy)
+view-payment-terms-checkout-step=Ver o paso de compra de condicións de pago
view-payment-terms-checkout-step-enabled=View Payment Terms Checkout Step Enabled (Automatic Copy)
view-profile=Ver perfil
view-proposals=Ver propostas
@@ -20907,7 +20907,7 @@ walkthrough-configuration-name=Avance
warehouse-availability=Warehouse Availability (Automatic Copy)
-warehouse-quantity=Warehouse Quantity (Automatic Copy)
+warehouse-quantity=Cantidade de almacén
warning-changing-file-name-will-affect-existing-links-to-this-document=Warning: Changing the filename will affect existing links to this document. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -20922,7 +20922,7 @@ was-this-information-helpful=¿Foi de axuda esta información?
we-will-not-send-you-emails-to-x-anymore=We will not send you emails to {0} anymore. (Automatic Copy)
-weather-condition-id=Weather Condition ID (Automatic Copy)
+weather-condition-id=ID de condición meteorolóxica
weather-condition-name=Weather Condition name (Automatic Copy)
web-content=Contido web
web-content-added=Web Content Added (Automatic Copy)
@@ -20947,7 +20947,7 @@ web-content-moved-from-folder=Web Content Moved from Folder (Automatic Copy)
web-content-moved-from-folder-email=Web Content Moved from Folder Email (Automatic Copy)
web-content-moved-to-folder=Web Content Moved to Folder (Automatic Copy)
web-content-moved-to-folder-email=Web Content Moved to Folder Email (Automatic Copy)
-web-content-options=Web Content Options (Automatic Copy)
+web-content-options=Opcións de contido web
web-content-review=Web Content Review (Automatic Copy)
web-content-review-email=Email de revisión do contido web
web-content-title=Título do contido web
@@ -21017,7 +21017,7 @@ weight-to=Peso até
welcome-to-liferay=Benvido a Liferay
welcome-x=Benvido {0}!
-what-action-do-you-want-to-take=What action do you want to take? (Automatic Copy)
+what-action-do-you-want-to-take=Que acción queres facer?
what-he-can-do=O que el pode facer
what-he-cannot-do=O que el non pode facer
what-is-your-father's-middle-name=Cal é o segundo apelido de teu pai?
@@ -21059,12 +21059,12 @@ wide-layout=Deseño amplo
wide-skyscraper=Skyscraper ancho
widget-category-name=Widget Category Name (Automatic Copy)
-widget-configuration=Widget Configuration (Automatic Copy)
+widget-configuration=Configuración do widget
widget-configuration-page-x-instance-id-x=Widget Configuration (Page - {0}, Instance ID - {1}) (Automatic Copy)
widget-id-cannot-exceed-x-characters=Widget ID cannot exceed {0} characters. (Automatic Copy)
widget-id-must-be-unique=Widget ID must be unique. (Automatic Copy)
widget-id-must-contain-only-alphanumeric-characters=Widget ID must contain only alphanumeric characters. (Automatic Copy)
-widget-page-template=Widget Page Template (Automatic Copy)
+widget-page-template=Modelo de páxina de widget
widget-page-templates=Widget Page Templates (Automatic Copy)
widget-selection-panel=Widget Selection Panel (Automatic Copy)
widget-template=Modelo de widget
@@ -21116,7 +21116,7 @@ withdraw-submission=Proposta de retirar
within-x=Dentro de {0}
within-x-by-x=Dentro de {0}, por {1}
-without-restriction=Without Restriction (Automatic Copy)
+without-restriction=Sen restrición
word-count=Word Count (Automatic Copy)
word-search=Buscar por palabras
@@ -21124,12 +21124,12 @@ word-spacing=Espazo entre palabras
words=Words (Automatic Copy)
work-on-production=Work on Production (Automatic Copy)
-work-on-publication=Work on Publication (Automatic Copy)
+work-on-publication=Traballo na publicación
work-on-x=Traballa en {0}
work-phone=Teléfono do traballo
worker-core-size=Tamaño do núcleo do traballador
worker-core-size-help=Set the number of worker threads allocated to the destination. (Automatic Copy)
-worker-max-size=Worker Maximum Size (Automatic Copy)
+worker-max-size=Tamaño máximo do traballador
worker-max-size-help=Set the maximum number of worker threads allocated to the destination. (Automatic Copy)
workers-core-size=Procesos principais
workers-core-size-key-description=O número de procesos sempre dispoñíbeis para xerar ficheiros multimedia adaptados. Esta configuración non pode exceder o valor máximo de procesos.
@@ -21140,7 +21140,7 @@ workflow-assigned=Fluxo de traballo asignado
workflow-assigned-to-x=Workflow assigned to {0}. (Automatic Copy)
workflow-configuration=Configuración dos procesos de traballo
workflow-definition=Definición de proceso de traballo
-workflow-definition-configuration-name=Workflow Definition (Automatic Copy)
+workflow-definition-configuration-name=Definición do fluxo de traballo
workflow-definition-name=Workflow Definition Name (Automatic Copy)
workflow-definition-status=Workflow Definition Status (Automatic Copy)
workflow-definition-version=Workflow Definition Version (Automatic Copy)
@@ -21159,17 +21159,17 @@ workflow-metrics-nodes=Workflow Metrics Nodes (Automatic Copy)
workflow-metrics-processes=Workflow Metrics Processes (Automatic Copy)
workflow-metrics-tasks=Workflow Metrics Tasks (Automatic Copy)
workflow-metrics-transitions=Workflow Metrics Transitions (Automatic Copy)
-workflow-published-successfully=Workflow published successfully. (Automatic Copy)
+workflow-published-successfully=Workflow publicado con éxito.
workflow-saved=Fluxo de traballo gardado.
workflow-saved-successfully=Workflow saved successfully. (Automatic Copy)
-workflow-sla-indexes=Workflow SLA Indexes (Automatic Copy)
+workflow-sla-indexes=Índices SLA de fluxo de traballo
workflow-sla-instance-results=Workflow SLA Instance Results (Automatic Copy)
workflow-sla-task-results=Workflow SLA Task Results (Automatic Copy)
workflow-state=Estado do proceso de traballo
workflow-status-information=Workflow Status Information (Automatic Copy)
workflow-status[object]=Estado do fluxo de traballo
-workflow-submissions=Workflow Submissions (Automatic Copy)
+workflow-submissions=Envíos de fluxo de traballo
workflow-task=Tarefa do proceso de traballo
workflow-task-forms=Formularios de tarefa de fluxo de traballo
workflow-task-script-configuration-name=Workflow Task Script (Automatic Copy)
@@ -21188,12 +21188,12 @@ workflow-unpublished-successfully=Workflow unpublished successfully. (Automatic
workflow-updated-successfully=Workflow updated successfully. (Automatic Copy)
workflow-web-configuration-name=Fluxo de traballo
workflows=Fluxos de traballo
-workload-by-assignee=Workload by Assignee (Automatic Copy)
+workload-by-assignee=Carga de traballo por cesionario
workload-by-assignee-description=Monitor the workload and performance of users assigned to the process's pending items. (Automatic Copy)
workload-by-step=Carga de traballo por paso
workload-by-step-description=Workload by step shows the number of items in each step, by SLA deadline. The total number of pending items may not add up since multiple tasks occur simultaneously. (Automatic Copy)
workspace=Espazo de traballo
-workspace-connection=Workspace Connection (Automatic Copy)
+workspace-connection=Conexión do espazo de traballo
workspace-disconnected=Workspace disconnected. (Automatic Copy)
workspaces=Espazos de traballo
@@ -21252,10 +21252,10 @@ x-assigned-the-task-to-the-x-role={0} assigned the task to the {1} role. (Automa
x-assigned-the-task-to-x={0} asignou a tarefa a ela mesma.
x-assignees={0} Asignados
x-attachments-in-the-recycle-bin={0} anexos na papeleira de reciclaxe.
-x-authorizations={0} Authorizations (Automatic Copy)
+x-authorizations={0} autorizacións
x-available={0} dispoñible
-x-base-price-list={0} Base Price List (Automatic Copy)
-x-base-promotion={0} Base Promotion (Automatic Copy)
+x-base-price-list=Lista de prezos base {0}
+x-base-promotion={0} Promoción base
x-blog-entries={0} entradas de blog
x-bookmark=Engadir enlace
x-bookmarks={0} marcadores
@@ -21272,7 +21272,7 @@ x-categories=Categorías {0}
x-category={0} categoría
x-changed-the-state-from-x-to-x={0} cambiou o estado de {1} a {2}.
x-characters-remaining={0} Characters Remaining (Automatic Copy)
-x-child-articles={0} Child Articles (Automatic Copy)
+x-child-articles={0} artigos infantís
x-child-sites={0} sitios fillo
x-colon-y={0}: {1}
x-columns={0} columnas
@@ -21281,9 +21281,9 @@ x-commented-on-a-post-you-are-tagged-in={0} commented on a post you are tagged i
x-commented-on-your-post={0} commented on your post. (Automatic Copy)
x-comments=Engadir comentarios
x-completed-the-task-x={0} completou a tarefa {1}.
-x-configuration={0} Configuration (Automatic Copy)
-x-connected-site={0} Connected Site (Automatic Copy)
-x-connected-sites={0} Connected Sites (Automatic Copy)
+x-configuration={0} Configuración
+x-connected-site={0} Sitio conectado
+x-connected-sites={0} Sitios conectados
x-contacts-selected={0} Contacts Selected (Automatic Copy)
x-convert-x-to-x=Converter {1} a {2}
x-could-not-be-imported-because-a-x-with-the-same-name-already-exists={0} could not be imported because a {1} with the same name already exists. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -21328,17 +21328,17 @@ x-export-layout-process-failed={0} Export Process Failed (Automatic Copy)
x-export-layout-process-finished-successfully={0} Export Process Finished Successfully (Automatic Copy)
x-export-portlet-process-failed={0} Portlet Export Process Failed (Automatic Copy)
x-export-portlet-process-finished-successfully={0} Portlet Export Process Finished Successfully (Automatic Copy)
-x-export-stopped={0} Export Stopped (Automatic Copy)
+x-export-stopped={0} exportación parada
x-exported={0} exportado
x-external-url={0} External URL (Automatic Copy)
x-failed-due-to-a-file-system-error={0} failed due to a file system error. (Automatic Copy)
x-field={0} campo
x-field-is-required={0} field is required. (Automatic Copy)
x-fields={0} campos
-x-fields-selected={0} Fields Selected (Automatic Copy)
-x-file-could-not-be-published={0} file could not be published. (Automatic Copy)
+x-fields-selected={0} campos seleccionados
+x-file-could-not-be-published=O ficheiro {0} non se puido publicar.
x-file-could-not-be-saved={0} file could not be saved. (Automatic Copy)
-x-file-published={0} File Published (Automatic Copy)
+x-file-published={0} ficheiro publicado
x-file-saved={0} ficheiro gardado
x-file-saved-as-draft={0} File Saved as Draft (Automatic Copy)
x-file-sent-for-publication={0} File Sent for Publication (Automatic Copy)
@@ -21347,8 +21347,8 @@ x-files-are-ready-to-be-moved={0} arquivos listos para ser eliminados.
x-files-cannot-be-moved={0} arquivos non foron eliminados.
x-files-could-not-be-published={0} files could not be published. (Automatic Copy)
x-files-could-not-be-saved={0} files could not be saved. (Automatic Copy)
-x-files-could-not-be-uploaded={0} files could not be uploaded. (Automatic Copy)
-x-files-published={0} Files Published (Automatic Copy)
+x-files-could-not-be-uploaded=Os ficheiros {0} non se puideron cargar.
+x-files-published={0} ficheiros publicados
x-files-ready-to-be-uploaded={0} arquivos listos para ser subidos.
x-files-saved={0} ficheiros gardados
x-files-saved-as-draft={0} Files Saved as Draft (Automatic Copy)
@@ -21361,7 +21361,7 @@ x-folders={0} cartafoles
x-folders-are-ready-to-be-moved={0} carpetas listas para ser movidas.
x-folders-cannot-be-moved={0} carpetas non foron movidas.
x-for-x={0} para {1}.
-x-for-x-for-x={0} for {1} for {2}. (Automatic Copy)
+x-for-x-for-x={0} para {1} para {2}.
x-form=Formulario {0}
x-form-contains-one-or-more-hidden-fragments-mapped-to-required-fields={0} form contains one or more hidden fragments mapped to required fields. A form with missing required fields will not generate a valid entry. Are you sure you want to publish it? (Automatic Copy)
x-form-does-not-allow-creating-entries-as-draft={0} form does not allow creating entries as draft. Review the button configuration and set it to approved to generate valid entries. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -21398,13 +21398,13 @@ x-history=Historial de {0}
x-hour={0} Hora
x-hours={0} horas
x-hours-ago=Hai {0} horas.
-x-icons-selected={0} Icons Selected (Automatic Copy)
+x-icons-selected={0} iconas seleccionadas
x-images-failed-process={0} imaxes non puideron ser procesadas.
x-import-layout-process-failed={0} Import Process Failed (Automatic Copy)
x-import-layout-process-finished-successfully={0} Import Process Finished Successfully (Automatic Copy)
x-import-portlet-process-failed={0} Portlet Import Process Failed (Automatic Copy)
x-import-portlet-process-finished-successfully={0} Portlet Import Process Finished Successfully (Automatic Copy)
-x-import-stopped={0} Import Stopped (Automatic Copy)
+x-import-stopped={0} Importación parada
x-imported={0} importado
x-in-stock={0} en stock
x-in-x={0} en {1}
@@ -21441,14 +21441,14 @@ x-is-not-enabled={0} non está activo.
x-is-scheduled-and-will-be-displayed-on-x={0} está programado e será mostrado en {1}.
x-is-staged={0} está escenificado.
x-is-the-owner={0} é o propietario.
-x-is-the-winner-variant={0}{1}{2} is the winner variant. (Automatic Copy)
+x-is-the-winner-variant={0} {1} {2} é a variante gañadora.
x-issues={0} Issues (Automatic Copy)
x-item={0} elemento
x-item-could-not-be-copied={0} item could not be copied. (Automatic Copy)
x-item-could-not-be-imported={0} item could not be imported. (Automatic Copy)
x-item-is-ready-to-be-moved={0} arquivos listos para ser eliminados.
x-item-is-ready-to-be-moved-to-x=O elemento {0} está preparado para ser movido a {1}.
-x-item-selected={0} Item Selected (Automatic Copy)
+x-item-selected={0} elemento seleccionado
x-item-was-copied-successfully={0} item was copied successfully. (Automatic Copy)
x-item-was-imported={0} item was imported. (Automatic Copy)
x-item-was-imported-with-warnings={0} item was imported with warnings. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -21458,14 +21458,14 @@ x-items-are-ready-to-be-moved-to-x={0} elementos están preparados para ser movi
x-items-are-selected={0} elementos seleccionados.
x-items-could-not-be-copied={0} items could not be copied. (Automatic Copy)
x-items-could-not-be-imported={0} items could not be imported. (Automatic Copy)
-x-items-deleted={0} Item(s) Deleted (Automatic Copy)
-x-items-exported={0} Item(s) Exported (Automatic Copy)
+x-items-deleted={0} elemento (s) eliminado
+x-items-exported={0} elemento (s) exportado
x-items-per-page={0} Resultados por páxina
x-items-selected={0} Elementos seleccionados
x-items-were-copied-successfully={0} items were copied successfully. (Automatic Copy)
x-items-were-imported={0} items were imported. (Automatic Copy)
x-items-were-imported-with-warnings={0} items were imported with warnings. (Automatic Copy)
-x-items-were-moved-to-the-x={0} items were moved to the {1}. (Automatic Copy)
+x-items-were-moved-to-the-x=Os elementos {0} trasladáronse ao {1}.
x-items-were-removed={0} elementos foron eliminados.
x-items-will-be-moved-into-x={0} items will be moved into {1}. (Automatic Copy)
x-key={0} chave
@@ -21487,7 +21487,7 @@ x-modified-a-x-in-x-x-ago={0} modified a {1} in {2} {3} ago. (Automatic Copy)
x-modified-a-x-x-ago={0} modified a {1} {2} ago. (Automatic Copy)
x-modified-x-ago={0}, modified {1} ago. (Automatic Copy)
x-module-per-row={0} Module per Row (Automatic Copy)
-x-modules-per-row={0} Modules per Row (Automatic Copy)
+x-modules-per-row={0} módulos por fila
x-month={0} Mes
x-months={0} Meses
x-more-collaborator={0} More Collaborator. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -21509,7 +21509,7 @@ x-not-found={0} non atopado.
x-notes={0} notas
x-of-the-emails-in-this-folder-have-been-downloaded={0}% de correos electrónicos nesta carpeta foron descargados. Esto pode tardar un pouco en rematar.
x-of-x={0} en {1}
-x-of-x-characters={0}/{1} Characters (Automatic Copy)
+x-of-x-characters={0}/{1} caracteres
x-of-x-items-selected={0} of {1} Items Selected (Automatic Copy)
x-of-x-products-selected={0} of {1} Products Selected (Automatic Copy)
x-of-x-selected={0} of {1} Selected (Automatic Copy)
@@ -21561,7 +21561,7 @@ x-related-objects-for-x={0} related objects for {1}. (Automatic Copy)
x-removed={0} (quitado)
x-removed-the-attachment-x={0} eliminou o anexo {1}.
x-repeatable={0} (Repeatable) (Automatic Copy)
-x-replied-x-ago={0} replied {1} ago. (Automatic Copy)
+x-replied-x-ago={0} respondeu {1}.
x-replies={0} respostas
x-reply={0} resposta
x-replying={0}, respondendo ...
@@ -21605,7 +21605,7 @@ x-sends-you-a-social-relationship-request={0} sends you a social relationship re
x-shortcuts-are-ready-to-be-moved={0} carpetas listas para ser movidas.
x-shortcuts-cannot-be-moved={0} carpetas non foron movidas.
x-site=Sitio de {0}
-x-sla-is-blocked={0} SLA is blocked. (Automatic Copy)
+x-sla-is-blocked={0} SLA está bloqueado.
x-slas-are-blocked={0} SLAs are blocked. (Automatic Copy)
x-sort-fragments-by-render-time={0} Sort Fragments by Render Time (Automatic Copy)
x-subcategories={0} subcategorías
@@ -21615,7 +21615,7 @@ x-suborganizations={0} Suborganizacións
x-subtype=Subtipo {0}
x-suggested-x-ago={0}, suggested {1} ago. (Automatic Copy)
x-syntax-help=Ocultar a axuda de sintaxis
-x-tab-key-using={0} tab key using: (Automatic Copy)
+x-tab-key-using={0} tecla de pestana usando:
x-tagged-you-in-a-post={0} tagged you in a post. (Automatic Copy)
x-tasks-have-been-reassigned={0} tasks have been reassigned. (Automatic Copy)
x-template=Modelo de {0}
@@ -21669,12 +21669,12 @@ x-web-content-instances-cannot-be-moved={0} web content instances cannot be move
x-week={0} Semana
x-weeks={0} Semanas
x-were-deleted-successfully={0} foron eliminados correctamente.
-x-were-exported-to-a-zip-file={0} were exported to a ZIP file. (Automatic Copy)
+x-were-exported-to-a-zip-file={0} exportáronse a un ficheiro zip.
x-widget={0} widget
-x-will-be-deleted={0} will be deleted. (Automatic Copy)
+x-will-be-deleted={0} eliminarase.
x-will-be-moved-into-x={0} will be moved into {1}. (Automatic Copy)
x-will-be-published-on-x={0} will be published on {1}. (Automatic Copy)
-x-will-be-removed={0} will be removed. (Automatic Copy)
+x-will-be-removed={0} eliminarase.
x-will-be-removed-from-x={0} will be removed from {1}. (Automatic Copy)
x-will-no-longer-have-access-to-your-account-removed-access-cannot-be-recovered={0} will no longer have access to your account. Removed access cannot be recovered. (Automatic Copy)
x-with-property-x={0} With Property {1} (Automatic Copy)
@@ -21772,7 +21772,7 @@ you-can-bind-an-object-to-a-root-through-a-valid-one-to-many-relationship=You ca
you-can-choose-more-than-one=Pode seleccionarse máis dun.
you-can-configure-the-top-level-pages-of-this-public-site-to-merge-with-the-top-level-pages-of-the-public-x-site=Podes configurar o nivel máis alto das páxinas deste sitio web público para mezclar co nivel máis alto do sitio web {0}. Os usuarios poden navegar entre os dous sitios web máis fácilmente.
you-can-configure-the-top-level-pages-of-this-site-to-merge-with-the-top-level-pages-of-the-x-site=You can configure the top level pages of this site to merge with the top level pages of the {0} site. Users can then navigate between the two sites more seamlessly. (Automatic Copy)
-you-can-create-a-shortcut-to-any-document-that-you-have-read-access-for=You can create a shortcut to any document that you have read access for. This will allow users with access to both the shortcut and the original document to view the original document through the shortcut. (Automatic Copy)
+you-can-create-a-shortcut-to-any-document-that-you-have-read-access-for=Podes crear un atallo para calquera documento que teña acceso. Isto permitirá aos usuarios con acceso tanto ao atallo como ao documento orixinal ver o documento orixinal a través do atallo.
you-can-customize-this-menu-or-see-all-you-have-by-clicking-more=You can customize this menu or see all you have by clicking "more". (Automatic Copy)
you-can-customize-this-page=Podes personalizar esta páxina.
you-can-email-users-that-have-been-manually-added-to-the-database=Podes enviar un correo electrónico aos usuarios que se engadiron manualmente á base de datos. Estes usuarios deberían ter {0} como contrasinal. O lanzamento dos usuarios restablece aqueles novos usuarios cun contrasinal aleatorio e notifícanos do estado da súa nova conta no portal.
@@ -21875,7 +21875,7 @@ you-do-not-have-permission-to-update-this-publication=You do not have permission
you-do-not-have-permission-to-view-forecast-alerts=You do not have permission to view Forecast Alerts. (Automatic Copy)
you-do-not-have-permission-to-view-this-page=Non tes permiso de visión esta páxina.
you-do-not-have-permission-to-view-this-publication=You do not have permission to view this publication. (Automatic Copy)
-you-do-not-have-permissions-to-edit-the-site-with-id-x-on-the-remote-server.-please-verify-that-you-have-the-proper-permissions-in-both-the-live-environment-and-the-staging-environment=You do not have permissions to edit the site with id {0} on the remote server. Please verify that you have the proper permissions in both the live environment and the staging environment. (Automatic Copy)
+you-do-not-have-permissions-to-edit-the-site-with-id-x-on-the-remote-server.-please-verify-that-you-have-the-proper-permissions-in-both-the-live-environment-and-the-staging-environment=Non ten permisos para editar o sitio con ID {0} no servidor remoto. Verifique que ten os permisos adecuados tanto no ambiente en directo como no ambiente de escenificación.
you-do-not-have-permissions-to-translate-to-any-of-the-available-languages=You do not have permissions to translate to any of the available languages. (Automatic Copy)
you-do-not-have-the-permission-to-access-the-upload-fields-on-this-form=You do not have the permission to access the upload fields on this form. Contact the form owner or portal administrator to request the access. (Automatic Copy)
you-do-not-have-the-permission-to-submit-this-form=You do not have the permission to submit this form. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -21956,7 +21956,7 @@ you-may-also-like-product-recommendations-collection-provider-enabled="You May A
you-may-lose-formatting-when-switching-from-x-to-x=Poderías perder algún formato cando cambies desde {0} a {1}. ¿Queres continuar?
you-may-only-vote-once=Só se permite un voto.
you-may-use-the-tokens-email-address-screen-name-userid=You may use the tokens @email_address@, @screen_name@, and @user_id@ for the user name field. These are replaced at runtime with the current user's information. (Automatic Copy)
-you-may-use-the-tokens-email-address-screen-name-userid-and-password=You may use the tokens @email_address@, @screen_name@, and @user_id@ for the user name field and @password@ for the password field. These are replaced at runtime with the current user's information. (Automatic Copy)
+you-may-use-the-tokens-email-address-screen-name-userid-and-password=Podes usar o tokens @correo electrónico_address @, @screen_name @, e @user_id @para o campo de nome de usuario e @password @para o campo de contrasinal. Estes substitúense en tempo de execución pola información do usuario actual.
you-must-add-at-least-one-0-or-one-9=You must add at least one 0 or one 9. (Automatic Copy)
you-must-agree-to-the-terms-of-use=Debes de aceptar os términos de uso.
you-must-agree-with-the-terms-of-use-to-continue=Debes aceptar os términos de uso para continuar.
diff --git a/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_hi_IN.properties b/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_hi_IN.properties
index 62f868a47bca56..75d8dc3a33f6f3 100644
--- a/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_hi_IN.properties
+++ b/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_hi_IN.properties
@@ -19298,7 +19298,7 @@ this-article-is-set-to-publish-later=This article is set to publish later. You c
this-article-will-be-published-on-x=This article will be published on {0}. (Automatic Copy)
this-blog=यह Blog
this-category=यह Category
-this-category-might-be-being-used-in-some-contents=This category might be being used in some contents. If you delete it, this category and its subcategories will also be deleted and removed from those contents. Friendly URLs may also be affected. Do you want to continue deleting this category? (Automatic Copy)
+this-category-might-be-being-used-in-some-contents=इस श्रेणी का उपयोग कुछ सामग्रियों में किया जा सकता है। यदि आप इसे हटाते हैं, तो इस श्रेणी और इसके सभी उपश्रेणियों को भी हटा दिया जाएगा और उन सामग्रियों को हटा दिया जाएगा। क्या आप इस श्रेणी को हटाना जारी रखना चाहते हैं?
this-change-will-only-affect-the-newly-created-localized-content=यह परिवर्तन केवल नवनिर्मित स्थानीयकृत सामग्री को प्रभावित करेगा। (Automatic Translation)
this-change-will-only-be-shown-after-you-refresh-the-page=तुम्हारे करेंट पेज को रेफ्रेश करने के बाद केवल यह चेंजस show होगे|
this-collection-has-no-items=This collection has no items. You need at least one item to use this configuration. (Automatic Copy)
diff --git a/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_hu.properties b/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_hu.properties
index ea38b75d2c4c35..db5cd09d02dc5b 100644
--- a/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_hu.properties
+++ b/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_hu.properties
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ accepted=Elfogadva
accepted-answer=Elfogadott válasz
accepted-date=Elfogadás dátuma
accepted-file-extensions=Elfogadott fájl-kiterjesztések
-accepted-x-declined-x-pending-x-maybe-x=Accepted ({0}), Declined ({1}), Pending ({2}), Maybe ({3}) (Automatic Copy)
+accepted-x-declined-x-pending-x-maybe-x=Elfogadva ({0}), Elutasítva ({1}), Függőben ({2}), Talán ({3})
access-denied=Hozzáférés megtagadva
access-from-desktop=Elérés a munkaasztalról
access-in-my-account=Hozzáférés a saját fiókban
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ access-token-key-byte-size=Hozzáférési token mérete
access-token-key-byte-size-description=Állítsa be a hozzáférési token generálásához használt véletlenszerű bájtok számát.
access-token-size=Hozzáférési token mérete
access-token-size-description=Állítsa be a hozzáférési token generálásához használt véletlenszerű bájtok számát.
-access-token-url=Access Token URL (Automatic Copy)
+access-token-url=Hozzáférési token URL
accessTokenCreateDate=Hozzáférési token létrehozási dátuma
accessTokenExpirationDate=Hozzáférési token lejárati dátuma
accessed-urls=Letöltött URL-ek
@@ -1068,7 +1068,7 @@ add-restriction=Korlátozás hozzáadása
add-restrictions=Korlátozások hozzáadása
add-result=Találat hozzáadása
add-results-help=Az olyan találatok hozzáadása, amelyeket a fő keresési lekérdezés általában nem ad vissza.
-add-return-item=Add Return Item (Automatic Copy)
+add-return-item=Visszaküldési tétel hozzáadása
add-role=Új szerepkör
add-role-to-x=Szerepkör hozzáadása: {0}
add-row=Új sor
@@ -1218,7 +1218,7 @@ administrator-id=Adminisztrátor ID
administrator-role-names=Rendszergazda szerepkör nevek
administrator-user=Rendszergazda felhasználó
-administrators-can-create-and-execute-code-in-their-virtual-instance=Administrators can create and execute code in their virtual instance. Disabling this feature deactivates all actions and validations that use Groovy. (Automatic Copy)
+administrators-can-create-and-execute-code-in-their-virtual-instance=A rendszergazdák kódot hozhatnak létre és hajthatnak végre a virtuális példányukban. A funkció letiltása kikapcsolja az összes Groovyt használó műveletet és érvényesítést.
administrators-can-manually-unlock-pages-that-are-being-used-by-other-users=Az adminisztrátorok manuálisan feloldhatják a más felhasználók által használt oldalakat. Felhívjuk a figyelmet arra, hogy ha feloldja az oldalt, az aktuális felhasználó elveszítheti az irányítást az oldal szerkesztése felett.
administrators-can-view,-edit,-publish,-and-invite-other-users=Az adminisztrátorok megtekinthetnek, szerkeszthetnek, közzétehetnek, és meghívhatnak más felhasználókat.
administrators-email=Adminisztrátor e-mail címe
@@ -1380,9 +1380,9 @@ all-your-pages-are-connected-or-redirected=Az összes oldala csatlakoztatva vagy
all-your-unsaved-changes-will-be-lost-unless-you-save-or-publish-them-before-leaving=Minden el nem mentett módosítás elveszik, hacsak el nem menti vagy közzé nem teszi azokat távozás előtt.
allow-adding-pages=Oldalhozzáadás engedélyezése
-allow-administrator-to-create-and-execute-code-in-liferay=Allow administrator to create and execute code in Liferay. (Automatic Copy)
+allow-administrator-to-create-and-execute-code-in-liferay=Engedélyezi, hogy a rendszergazda kódot hozzon létre és hajtson végre a Liferayben.
allow-administrators-to-publish-and-edit-workflows=A rendszergazdák közzétehetik és szerkeszthetik a munkameneteket
-allow-administrators-to-publish-and-edit-workflows-description=When selected, users with the Regular Administrator role in a virtual instance can publish new workflow definitions, including scripting content that is executed inside the portal (and potentially in other virtual instances). (Automatic Copy)
+allow-administrators-to-publish-and-edit-workflows-description=Ha be van jelölve, a virtuális példány normál rendszergazda szerepkörével rendelkező felhasználók közzétehetik az új munkamenet-meghatározásokat, így a portálon (és esetleg más virtuális példányokon) belül végrehajtott parancsfájl tartalmak is.
allow-anonymous-emails=Névtelen e-mail engedélyezése
allow-anonymous-posting=Névtelen bejegyzések engedélyezése
allow-anyone-with-the-link-to-view-this-publication=A publikációt bárki láthatja, aki rendelkezik a hivatkozással.
@@ -1441,7 +1441,7 @@ allowed-classes=Engedélyezett osztályok
allowed-credentials-per-user=Engedélyezett hitelesítési adatok felhasználónként
allowed-credentials-per-user-description=Állítsa be a felhasználónként megengedett hitelesítési adatok számát.
allowed-domains=Engedélyezett tartományok
-allowed-domains-help=Set the domains which the portal is allowed to redirect to. Remove all entries to allow any domain. Specifying a domain with a leading "*." allows redirects to subdomains. PORTAL_DOMAIN will be replaced with the current domain of the portal. (Automatic Copy)
+allowed-domains-help=Állítsa be a tartományokat, amelyekre a portál átirányíthat. Az öszes bejegyzés eltávolításával engedélyezi az összes tartományt. Ha egy tartomány megadását a "*" jellel kezdi, engedélyezi az altartományokba való átirányítást.
allowed-file-extensions=Megengedett fájl-kiterjesztések
allowed-fragments=Engedélyezett töredékek
allowed-grant-types=Engedélyezett hitelesítéstípusok
@@ -1812,7 +1812,7 @@ are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-all-timers-and-their-settings=Biztosan törölni
are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-blueprints=Biztosan törli a kiválasztott tervrajzokat?
are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-elements=Biztosan törli a kiválasztott elemeket?
are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-order-x=Biztosan törölni kívánja a #{0} rendelést?
-are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-return-x=Are you sure you want to delete return #{0}? (Automatic Copy)
+are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-return-x=Biztosan törölni kívánja a #{0} visszaküldést?
are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-the-application-there-are-no-authorizations-or-associated-tokens=Biztosan törölni kívánja az alkalmazást? Nincsenek hitelesítések, sem hozzárendelt tokenek.
are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-the-application-this-action-revokes-one-authorization-and-associated-tokens=Biztosan törölni kívánja az alkalmazást? Ez a művelet megvon 1 hitelesítést és a hozzárendelt tokeneket.
are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-the-application-this-action-revokes-x-authorizations-and-associated-tokens=Biztosan törölni kívánja az alkalmazást? Ez a művelet megvon {0} hitelesítést és a hozzárendelt tokeneket.
@@ -2512,7 +2512,7 @@ base-quantity=Alapmennyiség
base-tracking-url=Alap URL-cím a követéshez
base-unit-quantity=Alapegység mennyisége
base-unit-quantity-help=A vásárlók csak az alapegység növekményeiben vásárolhatnak.
-base-url=Base URL (Automatic Copy)
+base-url=Bázis URL
base-url-x-is-invalid=A(z) "{0}" bázis URL érvénytelen. Kérjük, adjon meg egy érvényes bázis URL-t.
baseline-clauses=Alapvonal kifejezései
@@ -2912,7 +2912,7 @@ calendar=Naptár
calendar-does-not-serve-unknown-resource-x=A naptár nem szolgálja ki az ismeretlen forrást {0}.
calendar-item-color-picker-press-space-to-enter-the-color-picker=Naptárelem színválasztója: A színválasztó megnyitásához nyomja meg a szóközbillentyűt.
-calendar-name=Calendar Name (Automatic Copy)
+calendar-name=Naptár neve
calendar-notification-templates=Naptári értesítő sablonok
calendar-resource-already-exists=Naptár erőforrás már létezik.
calendar-resources=Naptár erőforrások
@@ -3354,7 +3354,7 @@ changing-the-order-of-the-categories-is-not-supported=A kategóriák sorrendjén
changing-the-structure-key-will-reindex-all-the-web-content-articles-with-this-structure.-this-action-may-take-some-time,-and-the-affected-items-may-not-be-available-during-this-process=A struktúrakulcs megváltoztatása újraindexeli a struktúrát használó összes webes tartalomcikket. Ez a művelet eltarthat egy ideig, és előfordulhat, hogy a művelet során az érintett cikkek nem lesznek elérhetők.
changing-the-template-will-not-affect-the-original-web-content-default-template.-the-change-only-applies-to-this-web-content-display=A sablon megváltoztatása nincs hatással az eredeti webes tartalom alapértelmezett sablonjára. A változás csak a jelen webes tartalom megjelenítésére vonatkozik.
changing-the-value-of-this-field-reloads-the-page=Ennek a mezőnek a megváltoztatásakor az oldal újratöltődik.
-changing-this-setting-will-reset-all-mappings-for-this-collection=Changing this setting will reset all mappings for this collection. (Automatic Copy)
+changing-this-setting-will-reset-all-mappings-for-this-collection=A beállítás megváltoztatása visszaállítja a gyűjtemény összes hozzárendelését.
channel-account-managers=Csatorna fiókmenedzserei
channel-defaults=Csatorna alapértelmezett értékei
@@ -4376,7 +4376,7 @@ cookie-consent-panel-configuration-name=Beleegyezés panelje
cookie-enabled-help=Ez a jelölőnégyzet lehetővé teszi a sütibeállítások kezelését a felhasználó választásának megfelelően. Engedélyezi a reklámsáv és a beleegyezési panel konfigurációs lehetőségeit is.
cookie-explicit-consent-mode=Kifejezett süti-jóváhagyási mód
cookie-explicit-consent-mode-help=Ha bejelöli ezt a lehetőséget, semmilyen süti nem kerül beállításra, amíg a felhasználó bele nem egyezik a sütik használatába. Ellenkező esetben a sütik beállításra kerülnek, amíg a felhasználó vissza nem vonja beleegyezését.
-cookie-explicit-consent-mode-help-deprecated=If this option is checked, then no cookies are set until the user agrees to cookie usages. Otherwise, all cookies are set until the user opts out of them. (Automatic Copy)
+cookie-explicit-consent-mode-help-deprecated=Ha bejelöli ezt a lehetőséget, semmilyen süti nem kerül beállításra, amíg a felhasználó bele nem egyezik a sütik használatába. Ellenkező esetben a sütik beállításra kerülnek, amíg a felhasználó vissza nem vonja beleegyezését.
cookie-policy-link=Link a süti-irányelvre
cookie-preference-handling-configuration-name=Alapbeállítások kezelése
@@ -5489,8 +5489,8 @@ default-view=Alapértelmezett nézet
default-view-must-have-at-least-one-column=Az alapértelmezett nézetnek legalább egy oszlopot kell tartalmaznia.
default-viewport=Alapértelmezett nézőpont
default-visualization-mode=Alapértelmezett megjelenítési módok
-default-visualization-mode-help=Customize which visualization mode will be shown by default for this Data Set. (Automatic Copy)
-default-visualization-mode-tooltip=To select a default visualization mode, first configure it in the Visualization Modes tab. (Automatic Copy)
+default-visualization-mode-help=Testreszabhatja, hogy alapértelmezés szerint melyik megjelenítési mód jelenjen meg ebben az adathalmazban.
+default-visualization-mode-tooltip=Az alapértelmezett megjelenítési mód kiválasztásához először konfigurálja azt a Megjelenítési módok lapon.
default-was-changed=Az alapértelmezés megváltozott
default-workflow-for-all-document-types=Alapértelmezett munkafolyamat minden dokumentumtípusra
default-workflow-for-all-structures=Alapértelmezett munkafolyamat az összes struktúrára
@@ -5600,7 +5600,7 @@ delete-question=Törli a kérdést?
delete-recurring-event=Ismétlődő esemény törlése
delete-refresh-token=Frissítési token törlése
delete-relationship=Viszony törlése
-delete-return-x=Delete Return #{0} (Automatic Copy)
+delete-return-x=Visszaküldés törlése: #{0}
delete-row=Sor törlése
delete-segment-property=Szegmenstulajdonság törlése
delete-selected-value=Kiválasztott sor törlése
@@ -5923,7 +5923,7 @@ display-did-you-mean-if-the-number-of-search-results-does-not-meet-the-threshold
display-discount-levels=Kedvezményszintek megjelenítése
display-entries-of-the-following-field-types-as-tables-select-from-list-single-selection-multiple-selection-and-boolean=Az alábbi mezőtípusok bejegyzéseinek a megjelenítése táblázatként: logikai, többszörös kijelölés, választás a listából és egyszeres kijelölés.
display-facet=Facet megjelenítése
-display-field-name-in-structures-ui-and-allow-users-to-edit-it=Display field name in structures UI and allow users to edit it. (Automatic Copy)
+display-field-name-in-structures-ui-and-allow-users-to-edit-it=A mező nevének a megjelenítése a struktúrák felhasználói felületén, és lehetővé teszi a felhasználók számára a szerkesztését.
display-fields-and-one-to-one-relationships=Mezők és egy-az-egyhez kapcsolatok megjelenítése.
display-folder-facet=Mappa Facet megjelenítése
display-frequencies=Megjelenítés gyakorisága
@@ -6236,7 +6236,7 @@ duplicated-from-x=Megkettőzve innen: {0}
duplicated-variable-name=Duplikált változónév
duration-help=Napok száma, amíg a fájl elérhető az ügyfelek számára. Korlátlan letöltésekhez hagyja meg a 0 értéket.
-duration-type=Duration Type (Automatic Copy)
+duration-type=Időtartam típusa
duration-x-x=Időtartam {0} {1}
dxp-has-successfully-connected-to-analytics-cloud,-complete-your-set-up-in-the-instance-scope-menu=A DXP sikeresen kapcsolódik az Analytics felhőhöz, fejezze be a beállítást a példány hatókörének menüjében.
@@ -7015,7 +7015,7 @@ error-password-syntax-keywords=Hiba, jelszó szintaxisa, kulcsszavak
error-password-trivial-text-keywords=Hiba, jelszó triviális szöveg, kulcsszavak
error-status=Hiba állapota
error-template-ftl=Hibás FTL sablon
-error-updating-definition=Error Updating Definition (Automatic Copy)
+error-updating-definition=Hiba a definíció frissítése során
error-user-lockout-keywords=Hiba, felhasználó kizárva, kulcsszavak
error.default-locale-title-blank=Az alapértelmezett hely címe nem lehet üres.
error.default-locale-x-title-blank=A(z) {0} alapértelmezett hely címe nem lehet üres.
@@ -7303,22 +7303,22 @@ feature.flag.LPD-6368.description=A felhasználók behatárolhatják a keresési
feature.flag.LPD-6368.title=Találat rangsorolásának a behatárolása
feature.flag.LPD-6378.description=A felhasználók segédprogram-oldalakat konfigurálhatnak a Bejelentkezés, a Elfelejtett jelszó és a Fiók létrehozása műveletekhez.
feature.flag.LPD-6378.title=Bejelentkezés segédprogram-oldalai
-feature.flag.LPD-10703.description=Include workflow information and actions when reviewing publication changes. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10703.title=Improve Publications Review (Automatic Copy)
+feature.flag.LPD-10703.description=A közzététel módosításainak vizsgálatakor mellékelje a munkafolyamatra vonatkozó információkat és műveleteket.
+feature.flag.LPD-10703.title=A publikációk vizsgálatának javítása
feature.flag.LPD-10793.description=A felhasználók az OpenAI segítségével a Dokumentumok és médiafájlok alkalmazásban AI-képeket hozhatnak létre és menthetnek el.
feature.flag.LPD-10793.title=MI képgenerálás a Dokumentumok és médiafájlok alkalmazásban
feature.flag.LPD-10855.description=A felhasználók közvetlenül kezelhetik a fiókokhoz kötődő kapcsolatokat.
feature.flag.LPD-10855.title=Fiók kapcsolatai
-feature.flag.LPD-10856.description=Users can map each product specification individually on a content page. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10856.title=Mapping Individual Product Specifications (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10862.description=Users can activate the content creation prompt with a single click by leveraging AI capabilities directly within the CKEditor for seamless and efficient content generation. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10862.title=Generative AI for Commerce Product (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10887.description=Users can now configure purchase options for products based on date, times, time zones, and durations, allowing for the sale of time slots. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10887.title=Date Times as Option (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-11018.description=Notify users when publications fail to publish or when scheduled publications have conflicts. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-11018.title=Publication Conflict Notifications (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-11070.description=Add the preview draft permission for pages. This grants users read only access to page drafts. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-11070.title=Preview Page Drafts Permission (Automatic Copy)
+feature.flag.LPD-10856.description=A felhasználók az egyes termékleírásokat külön-külön is leképezhetik egy tartalmi oldalon.
+feature.flag.LPD-10856.title=Az egyes termékleírások leképezése
+feature.flag.LPD-10862.description=A felhasználók egyetlen kattintással aktiválhatják a tartalomkészítési felszólítást, kihasználva a mesterséges intelligencia képességeit közvetlenül a CKEditoron belül a zökkenőmentes és hatékony tartalomgeneráláshoz.
+feature.flag.LPD-10862.title=Generatív AI kereskedelmi termékhez
+feature.flag.LPD-10887.description=A felhasználók ezentúl dátum, időpontok, időzónák és időtartamok alapján konfigurálhatják a termékek vásárlási opcióit, lehetővé téve az idősávokon belüli értékesítést.
+feature.flag.LPD-10887.title=Dátum és Időpontok opcióként
+feature.flag.LPD-11018.description=Értesíti a felhasználókat, ha a publikációk nem jelennek meg, vagy ha a tervezett kiadások konfliktusban állnak egymással.
+feature.flag.LPD-11018.title=Közzétételi konfliktusokról szóló értesítések
+feature.flag.LPD-11070.description=Adjon engedélyt az oldalak vázlatának előnézetére. Ezzel a felhasználók csak olvasási hozzáférést kapnak az oldalvázlatokhoz.
+feature.flag.LPD-11070.title=Oldalvázlat előnézetének engedélyezése
feature.flag.LPD-11147.description=Users can configure the URL path for different asset types. (Automatic Copy)
feature.flag.LPD-11147.title=Configurable URLs for Asset Types (Automatic Copy)
feature.flag.LPD-11218.description=A felhasználók engedélyezhetik a "Saját" és "Legújabb" szűrőket, hogy gyorsan megtalálják saját tartalmukat a létrehozás dátumával együtt.
@@ -7327,8 +7327,8 @@ feature.flag.LPD-15596.description=A felhasználók a közzétételi folyamat so
feature.flag.LPD-15596.title=Engedélyek és ütemezés kezelése a tartalom közzététele során
feature.flag.LPD-15804.description=Új lépéssel bővíti a pénztári folyamatot.
feature.flag.LPD-15804.title=Kereskedelmi Pénztár lépés ügyfél-kiterjesztése
-feature.flag.LPD-16469.description=Users have the ability to bulk manage permissions for multiple web content articles. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-16469.title=Bulk Manage Permissions for Web Content Articles (Automatic Copy)
+feature.flag.LPD-16469.description=A felhasználóknak lehetőségük van több webes tartalomcikk engedélyeinek tömeges kezelésére.
+feature.flag.LPD-16469.title=Webes tartalomcikkek engedélyeinek tömeges kezelése
feature.flag.LPS-96845.description=A konfigurált SCIM-ügyfelek kihasználhatják a REST API-kat a felhasználók és csoportok azonosító adatainak külső alkalmazásokkal való szinkronizálására.
feature.flag.LPS-96845.title=Tartományok közötti azonosságkezelő rendszer (SCIM)
feature.flag.LPS-114700.description=Adjon meg egy állapotot, amely az egyes nyelvekre lefordított webes tartalommezők teljes számát jelzi.
@@ -7355,8 +7355,8 @@ feature.flag.LPS-171364.description=A felhasználók áthelyezhetik a változás
feature.flag.LPS-171364.title=Változások áthelyezése a kiadványok között
feature.flag.LPS-174417.description=A webhelyoldalak és webhelysablonok rendszergazdái figyelmeztetéseket láthatnak, ha az oldalak böngészőbarát URL címei már léteznek a webhelysablonban vagy a webhelysablonból létrehozott webhelyen.
feature.flag.LPS-174417.title=Figyelmeztetések a webhelysablon böngészőbarát URL-címének konfliktusára
-feature.flag.LPS-174455.description=Use object REST APIs to manage attachment fields. Add, get, or update data in Base64 format. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPS-174455.title=Improve REST APIs for Object Attachment Fields (Automatic Copy)
+feature.flag.LPS-174455.description=Objektum REST API-k használata a csatolmánymezők kezeléséhez. Base64 formátumú adatok hozzáadása, lekérése vagy frissítése.
+feature.flag.LPS-174455.title=Az objektumcsatolási mezők REST API-jainak javítása
feature.flag.LPS-178642.description=A felhasználók kód nélküli REST API-kat hozhatnak létre végpontokkal, sémákkal, szűrőkkel és rendezésekkel. A felhasználói felület a Vezérlőpult > Objektum > API-építő részben lesz elérhető.
feature.flag.LPS-179669.description=Keressen egyező tartalmat a cég indexében. Adjon hozzá lefordított megjelenítési kifejezésekkel ellátott fazettákat, és állítson be egy keresési tervrajzot a kérelemben az egyéni keresés, szűrés, összesítés és rendezés hozzáadásához.
@@ -7373,8 +7373,8 @@ feature.flag.LPS-187285.description=Jelzések megjelenítése az oldalauditban
feature.flag.LPS-187285.title=Jelzések a teljesítményproblémák megelőzésére
feature.flag.LPS-187436.description=Hivatkozáson keresztül bárki megtekintheti a kiadványban végzett változtatásokat.
feature.flag.LPS-187436.title=Publikáció megosztása hivatkozáson keresztül
-feature.flag.LPS-187793.description=Users can customize the XML Sitemap to include or exclude content based on SEO requirements. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPS-187793.title=Customizing Sitemap Indexing (Automatic Copy)
+feature.flag.LPS-187793.description=A felhasználók testre szabhatják az XML-oldaltérképet, hogy az SEO-követelmények alapján tartalmazzon vagy ne tartalmazzon tartalmat.
+feature.flag.LPS-187793.title=Oldaltérkép-indexelés testreszabása
feature.flag.LPS-187854.description=A felhasználók objektum-ellenőrzéseket adhatnak meg, amelyek ellenőrzik a mezők értékeinek egyediségét.
feature.flag.LPS-187854.title=A mezők magasabb szintű ellenőrzése
feature.flag.LPS-188058.description=A felhasználók ütemezhetik a tudásbázis-cikkek közzétételét, a mappák vagy cikkek törlése pedig a papírkosárba helyezi azokat.
@@ -7383,8 +7383,8 @@ feature.flag.LPS-188898.description=A fejlesztők objektumellenőrző ügyfél-b
feature.flag.LPS-188898.title=Objektumellenőrzés szabálya ügyfél-bővítmény
feature.flag.LPS-193884.description=Lehetővé teszi a lejárati dátum beállítását az új felhasználó "új jelszó beállítása" linkjeinél a "jelszó visszaállítása" linkekhez hasonlóan.
feature.flag.LPS-193884.title=Új felhasználó jelszava beállítási hivatkozásának lejárati dátuma
-feature.flag.LPS-196847.description=Users can manage permissions for page groups and visually distinguish between public and private pages. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPS-196847.title=Improve Permission Management for Pages (Automatic Copy)
+feature.flag.LPS-196847.description=A felhasználók kezelhetik az oldalcsoportok jogosultságait, és vizuálisan megkülönböztethetik a nyilvános és a privát oldalakat.
+feature.flag.LPS-196847.title=Az oldalak jogosultságkezelésének javítása
feature.flag.LPS-196935.description=Az elavult dinamikus adatlistákat az Objektum váltja fel. A DDL 2024-ben megszűnik. Kérjük, előtte migrálja adatait az Objektumba.
feature.flag.LPS-196935.title=Dinamikus adatlista
feature.flag.LPS-199086.description=Allows staging users to export/import a child page without its parents. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -8129,7 +8129,7 @@ grace-limit=Grace küszöb
grace-limit-help=Ez meghatározza az alkalmak számát, ahányszor egy felhasználó bejelentkezhet lejárt jelszavával, mielőtt új jelszót kellene megadnia.
-grant-type=Grant Type (Automatic Copy)
+grant-type=Odaítélés típusa
grant-type-x-is-unsupported-for-this-client-type=A "{0}" engedélyezési típus nincs támogatva ehhez az ügyféltípushoz.
graph-url=Grafika URL
@@ -8475,7 +8475,7 @@ http-client-max-connections=HTTP-kapcsolatok maximális száma
http-client-max-connections-help=Állítsa be a megengedett nyitott HTTP-kapcsolatok maximális számát.
http-client-max-error-retry=HTTP újrapróbálkozások maximális száma
http-client-max-error-retry-help=Állítsa be a sikertelen újrapróbálható kérelmek újrapróbálkozási kísérleteinek maximális számát.
-http-configuration-name=HTTP Configuration (Automatic Copy)
+http-configuration-name=HTTP konfiguráció
http-cors-allow-origin=Http CORS eredet engedélyezése
http-cors-allow-origin-help=Az engedélyezni kívánt eredetik engedélyezett HTTP CORS esetén.
http-cors-configurations=Http CORS konfigurációk
@@ -8678,7 +8678,7 @@ import-siteminder-users-from-ldap-help=Ha be van jelölve, a SiteMinderről hite
import-status=Importálás állapota
import-strategy=Importálási stratégia
import-structure=Struktúra importálása
-import-succeeded=Import Succeeded (Automatic Copy)
+import-succeeded=Importálás sikeres volt
import-task-isolation=Importálási feladat elszigeteltségi szintje
import-task-isolation-help=Állítsa be az elszigeteltségi szintet a webhelysablon-terjesztés importálási feladataihoz. Az alapértelmezett érték a csoport. Ez azt jelenti, hogy egy célhelyen egyidejűleg csak egy webhelysablon-terjesztés importálási feladat futhat. Beállíthatja azonban cég beállításra is. Ez korlátozza a párhuzamosságot, mivel a vállalat szintjén csak egy feladat futtatását teszi lehetővé. Általánosságban ez a beállítás a portál terhelésének csökkentésére használható a telephelysablon-terjesztés késlekedésének a rovására.
import-translation=Fordítás importálása
@@ -8906,7 +8906,7 @@ instance-id=Példányazonosító
instance-id-x=Példányazonosító: {0}
instance-scope=Példány hatóköre
-instance-web-id=Instance Web ID (Automatic Copy)
+instance-web-id=Példány webes azonosítója
instant-messenger=Azonnali üzenetküldő
@@ -9320,11 +9320,11 @@ javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_inventory_web_internal_portlet_Commerce
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_machine_learning_forecast_alert_web_internal_portlet_CommerceMLForecastAlertPortlet=Kereskedelmi gépi tanulás előrejelzési figyelmeztetése
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_order_content_web_internal_portlet_CommerceOpenOrderContentPortlet=Nyitott bevásárlókocsik
-javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_order_content_web_internal_portlet_CommerceReturnContentPortlet=Returns (Automatic Copy)
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_order_rule_web_internal_portlet_COREntryPortlet=Rendelési szabályok
-javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_order_web_internal_portlet_CommerceReturnPortlet=Returns (Automatic Copy)
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_organization_web_internal_portlet_CommerceOrganizationPortlet=Szervezet kezelése
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_payment_web_internal_portlet_CommercePaymentMethodPortlet=Fizetési módok
@@ -9667,8 +9667,8 @@ kb-folders=Tudásbázis mappái
keep-alive=Életben tartani
-keep-alive-timeout=Keep Alive Timeout (Automatic Copy)
-keep-alive-timeout-help=Specify a default timeout in seconds for HTTP keep alive. By default, a connection is persistent and will remain open indefinitely. A Keep-Alive header is commonly used to communicate a specific timeout value. Setting this default timeout with a value greater than 0 would make it so that if the Keep-Alive header is not present with a specific timeout value, the specified default timeout would be used. (Automatic Copy)
+keep-alive-timeout=Életben tartás időtúllépése
+keep-alive-timeout-help=Adja meg a HTTP életben tartás alapértelmezett időkorlátját másodpercben. Alapértelmezés szerint a kapcsolat tartós, és korlátlan ideig nyitva marad. Az Életben tartás fejlécet általában egy adott időkorlát értékének közlésére használják. Az alapértelmezett időkorlát 0-nál nagyobb értékkel történő beállítása azt eredményezi, hogy ha az Életben tartás fejléc nem tartalmaz konkrét időkorlát értéket, akkor a megadott alapértelmezett időkorlát kerül alkalmazásra.
keep-alive-url=Életben tartandó URL-cím
keep-both=Mindkettő megtartása
keep-both-attachments-and-rename-the-removed-attachment-as=Tartsd meg mindegyik csatolmányt, és nevezd át az eltávolított csatolmányt erre:
@@ -10013,7 +10013,7 @@ layout.types.portlet=Widget oldal
layout.types.portlet.description=Összeállít egy oldalt widgetek és tartalom hozzáadásával.
layout.types.url=Hivatkozás URL-re
layout.types.url.description=Hivatkozás másik webhelyre.
-layout.types.utility=Utility Page (Automatic Copy)
lazy-loading-can-help-to-improve-page-performance=A lusta betöltés segíthet az oldal teljesítményének javításában.
@@ -10315,7 +10315,7 @@ major=Nagy súlyú
make-a-copy=Másolat létrehozása
-make-a-return=Make a Return (Automatic Copy)
make-active=Legyen aktív
make-additional-changes-and-publish-them-when-you-are-ready=Hajtson végre további módosításokat, majd tegye őket közzé, amikor végzett.
make-default=Legyen alapértelmezett
@@ -10436,7 +10436,7 @@ mark-as-translated-for-x-language=A(z) {0} nyelv összes mezője lefordítottké
mark-as-unread=Megjelölés olvasatlanként
mark-the-sku-as-discontinued=SKU megjelölése megszüntetettként
mark-x-as-favorite={0} megjelölése kedvencként
-mark-x-as-translated=Mark "{0}" as Translated (Automatic Copy)
+mark-x-as-translated={0} megjelölése lefordítottként
markdown-importer-article-extensions=Markdown Importer cikk kiterjesztései
markdown-importer-article-intro=Markdown Importer cikk bevezetője
markdown-importer-image-file-extensions=Markdown Importer képfájl kiterjesztései
@@ -11370,8 +11370,8 @@ modified-x-ago-by-x=Módosította {1}, ennyi ideje: {0}.
modifier-type=Módosító típusa
modify-the-friendly-url-of-the-pages-to-allow-their-propagation-from-the-site-template=Módosítsd az oldalak egyszerű URL-jét, hogy lehetővé tedd a továbbterjedésüket a webhelysablonból.
-modifying-the-field-name-may-result-in-data-loss=Modifying the field name may result in data loss. (Automatic Copy)
-modifying-the-option-name-may-result-in-data-loss=Modifying the option name may result in data loss. (Automatic Copy)
+modifying-the-field-name-may-result-in-data-loss=A mezőnév módosítása adatvesztést eredményezhet.
+modifying-the-option-name-may-result-in-data-loss=Az opció nevének módosítása adatvesztéshez vezethet.
modifying-the-site-template-logo-only-affects-sites-that-are-not-yet-created=A webhely sablon logójának megváltoztatása csak azokra a webhelyekre lesz hatással, amik még nem jöttek létre.
@@ -12387,14 +12387,14 @@ object-action-trigger[onAfterRootUpdate]="Gyökérfrissítés után" esetén
object-action-trigger[onAfterUpdate]="Frissítés után" esetén
-object-definition=Object Definition (Automatic Copy)
object-definition-data=Objektum adatai
object-definition-storage-type-tooltip=Válassza ki, hogy az adatokat a Liferay (alapértelmezés), vagy csak egy külső rendszer tárolja. A külső tárolási típusokat tartalmazó objektumdefiníciókra korlátozások vonatkoznak.
object-definition-successfully-imported=Az objektumdefiníció sikeresen importálva.
object-definition-table-name=Táblázat neve
object-definition-x-is-selected=A {0} objektumdefiníció van kiválasztva.
-object-definitions-failed-to-import=Object Definitions Failed to Import (Automatic Copy)
+object-definitions-failed-to-import=Az objektumdefiníciók importálása sikertelen volt
object-entry-id=Objektumbejegyzés azonosítója
object-entry-value-exceeds-integer-field-allowed-size=Az objektumbejegyzés értéke túllépi az egész típusú mező megengedett méretét.
object-entry-value-exceeds-long-field-allowed-size=Az objektumbejegyzés értéke túllépi a hosszú egész típusú mező megengedett méretét.
@@ -12633,9 +12633,9 @@ option=Lehetőség
option-created=Lehetőség létrehozva
option-detail=Lehetőség részletei
option-field-type=A lehetőség mező típusa
-option-name=Option Name (Automatic Copy)
option-not-found=Az opció nem található
-option-reference=Option Reference (Automatic Copy)
option-selected=Lehetőség kiválasztva
option-template-detail=Beállítássablon részletek
@@ -13264,7 +13264,7 @@ please-add-a-valid-email-address=Kérjük, adjon meg egy érvényes e-mail címe
please-add-a-workflow-title-before-publishing=A közzététel előtt adjon meg egy munkafolyamatcímet.
please-add-at-least-one-field=Adjon meg legalább egy mezőt.
please-add-at-least-one-item-to-the-shipment=Adjon meg legalább egy szállítási tételt.
-please-add-at-least-one-item-you-wish-to-return-from-the-order-to-proceed-with-the-request=Please add at least one item you wish to return from the order to proceed with the request. (Automatic Copy)
+please-add-at-least-one-item-you-wish-to-return-from-the-order-to-proceed-with-the-request=Kérjük, adjon meg legalább egy visszaküldeni kívánt terméket a rendelésből, hogy folytatni tudja a kérelmet.
please-add-at-least-one-option=Legalább egy lválasztási ehetőséget meg kell adni.
please-add-at-least-one-shipping-option=Adjon meg legalább egy szállítási módot.
please-add-at-least-one-tax-rate=Adjon meg legalább egy adókulcsot.
@@ -13622,7 +13622,7 @@ please-provide-all-mandatory-files-and-make-sure-the-file-types-are-valid=Add me
please-provide-the-reason-for-your-request=Kérem, adja meg kérelme okát.
please-reenter-your-quantity-for-the-items-with-the-following-skus=Add meg újra az alábbi leltári számú termékek mennyiségét:
please-rename-this-with-another-words=Kérjük, nevezze át más szavakkal.
-please-review-the-details-of-the-returning-items-before-submitting-the-request=Please review the details of the returning items before submitting the request. (Automatic Copy)
+please-review-the-details-of-the-returning-items-before-submitting-the-request=Kérjük, a kérelem benyújtása előtt tekintse át a visszaküldött tételek részleteit.
please-select-a-category=Válassz kategóriát!
please-select-a-country=Válassz országot!
please-select-a-course=Válassz tanfolyamot!
@@ -14621,8 +14621,8 @@ refund-amount=Visszatérítés összege
refund-details=Visszatérítés részletei
refund-reason=Visszatérítés oka
refund-status=Visszatérítés státusza
-refund-subtotal=Refund Subtotal (Automatic Copy)
-refund-summary=Refund Summary (Automatic Copy)
+refund-subtotal=Visszatérítés részösszege
+refund-summary=Visszatérítés összegzése
regenerate-preview-and-thumbnail-of-openoffice-files-in-documents-and-media=OpenOffice-fájlok előnézetének és miniatűrjének újragenerálása dokumentumokban és médiákban.
regenerate-preview-and-thumbnail-of-openoffice-files-in-documents-and-media-help=Ez a művelet nem módosítja a meglévő OpenOffice előnézeteket.
@@ -14869,7 +14869,7 @@ repeat-top-to-bottom=Ismétlés fentről lefelé
repeat-type=Ismétlés típusa
-repetitions=Repetitions (Automatic Copy)
replace-certificate=Tanúsítvány lecserélése
replace-file=Fájl felülírása
@@ -14969,7 +14969,7 @@ requested-by-x={0} kérte
requested-date=Kérelem dátuma
requested-delivery-date=Átadás kért dátuma
requested-delivery-date-at-checkout=A kiszállítás kívánt dátuma a fizetésnél
-requested-quantity=Requested Quantity (Automatic Copy)
+requested-quantity=Kért mennyiség
requested-report-id=Kérelmezett jelentés azonosítója
requested-report-status=Kérelmezett jelentés állapota
requesting-translation=Fordítás kérelmezése.
@@ -15056,7 +15056,7 @@ resize-column=Oszlop átméretezése
resize-sidebar=Oldalsáv átméretezése
-resolve-all-active-scripting-uses-before-proceeding-you-can-deactivate-the-source-entity-or-remove-the-script=Resolve all active scripting uses before proceeding. You can deactivate the source entity or remove the script. (Automatic Copy)
+resolve-all-active-scripting-uses-before-proceeding-you-can-deactivate-the-source-entity-or-remove-the-script=A folytatás előtt oldja fel az összes aktív parancsfájl-használatot. Deaktiválhatja a forrás entitást, vagy eltávolíthatja a parancsfájlt.
resolve-any-conflicts=Ütközések megoldása
resolved-on-time=Időben megoldva
@@ -15153,12 +15153,12 @@ retry-payment=Új próbálkozás a fizetéssel
retry-timeout=Újrapróbálkozás időtúllépése
retry-timeout-description=Állítsa be a sikertelen belépési kísérletek határa elérése utáni időt másodpercben a kérelmek letiltásához.
retry-your-request=Ismételje meg a kérelmet.
-return-date=Return Date (Automatic Copy)
-return-date-range=Return Date Range (Automatic Copy)
-return-id=Return ID (Automatic Copy)
-return-reason=Return Reason (Automatic Copy)
+return-date=Visszaküldés dátuma
+return-date-range=Visszaküldés dátumtartománya
+return-id=Visszaküldés azonosítója
+return-reason=Visszaküldés oka
return-receipt=Átvételi nyugta:
-return-status=Return Status (Automatic Copy)
+return-status=Visszaküldés státusza
return-to-full-page=Vissza a teljes oldalra
return-type=Visszatérési típus
@@ -15463,7 +15463,7 @@ scheduled=Betervezett
scheduled-by-x=Ütemezte {0}
scheduled-events=Időzített események
scheduled-jobs=Ütemezett feladatok
-scheduled-publications-conflict-checks=Scheduled Publications Conflict Checks (Automatic Copy)
+scheduled-publications-conflict-checks=Tervezett közzététel konfliktusának ellenőrzése
scheduled-publish-layout-local=Időzített helyi publikáció
scheduled-publish-layout-remote=Időzített távoli publikáció
scheduled-start-date=Ütemezett kezdési dátum
@@ -15517,7 +15517,7 @@ script-file=Szkript fájl
script-language=Parancsfájl nyelve
-script-source=Script Source (Automatic Copy)
+script-source=Parancsfájl forrása
scripted-assignment=Hozzárendelés parancsfájllal
scripted-assignment-cache-expiration-time-description=Határozza meg az időt percben, amely után a rendszer törli a parancsfájlok általi kiosztási feladatok parancsfájljai gyorsítótárát. A gyorsítótár letiltásához használjon nullát vagy negatív értéket.
scripted-assignment-cache-expiration-time-name=Parancsfájl általi hozzárendelések gyorsítótárának lejárati ideje
@@ -15835,7 +15835,7 @@ select-css-client-extensions=CSS ügyfél-kiterjesztések kiválasztása
select-current-date=Aktuális dátum kiválasztása
select-data-fields=Válasszon adatmezőket
select-date=Dátum kijelölése
-select-date-from-list=Select Date from List (Automatic Copy)
+select-date-from-list=Válasszon dátumot a listából
select-date-range=Kiválasztás dátumterjedelem alapján
select-destination=Cél kiválasztása
select-destination-folder-for-x-item=Válasszon célmappát {0} elem számára
@@ -15925,7 +15925,7 @@ select-reassignment=Átruházás kiválasztása
select-recipients=Címzettek kijelölése
select-region=Térség kiválasztása
select-restore-folder=Válassza ki a mappát a visszaállításhoz
-select-returnable-items=Select Returnable Items (Automatic Copy)
+select-returnable-items=Válasszon visszaküldhető elemeket
select-role=Szerepkör kiválasztása
select-scope=Hatókör kiválasztása
select-search=Keresés kiválasztása
@@ -16237,7 +16237,7 @@ set-x-to-x={0} beállítása {1} értékre
set-your-jira-login=JIRA hozzáférésed beállítása.
set-your-login-for-x-to-track-your-jira-activity=JIRA tevékenységed követéséhez állítsd be a {0} hozzáférésedet.
setting-a-value-above-x-can-affect-page-performance-severely=Egy {0} feletti érték kiválasztása súlyosan befolyásolhatja az oldal teljesítményét.
-setting-cannot-be-deactivated=Setting Cannot Be Deactivated (Automatic Copy)
+setting-cannot-be-deactivated=A beállítás nem deaktiválható
several-shared-parameters-are-mapped-to-the-same-parameter=Több megosztott paraméter van kijelölve ugyanahhoz a paraméterhez.
@@ -17241,7 +17241,7 @@ submit-for-workflow-with-permissions=Beküldés munkafolyamatba jogosultságokka
submit-new=Új beküldése
submit-new-x=Új {0} beküldése
-submit-return-request=Submit Return Request (Automatic Copy)
+submit-return-request=Visszaküldési kérelem benyújtása
submit-to-reddit=Javaslat a Reddithez
submitted-entry-status=Beküldött bejegyzésstátusz
@@ -17324,9 +17324,9 @@ successfully-saved=Sikeresen elmentve.
successfully-unassigned-display-page-template=A alapértelmezett megjelenítőoldal-sablonhoz való hozzárendelés sikeresen megszüntetve.
such-as-x-or-x=Mint {0} vagy {1}
-sugarcrm=SugarCRM (Automatic Copy)
-sugarcrm-configuration-name=SugarCRM Integration (Automatic Copy)
-sugarcrm-objects-do-not-support-relationships=SugarCRM objects do not support relationships. (Automatic Copy)
+sugarcrm-configuration-name=SugarCRM integráció
+sugarcrm-objects-do-not-support-relationships=A SugarCRM objektumok nem támogatják a kapcsolatokat.
suggestion-contributor=Javaslat közreműködője
suggestion-contributor-help=Állítsa be a közreműködő javaslatok megjelenítéséhez használt nevét.
suggestion-in-progress-email=Javaslat folyamatban e-mail
@@ -17785,8 +17785,8 @@ tax-value-endpoint-url=Adó érték végpontjának URL-címe
taxed-address=Adózási cím
-tcp-keep-alive-enabled=TCP Keep Alive Enabled (Automatic Copy)
-tcp-keep-alive-enabled-help=If checked, SO_KEEPALIVE will be enabled for newly created sockets by default. (Automatic Copy)
+tcp-keep-alive-enabled=TCP életben tartás engedélyezve
+tcp-keep-alive-enabled-help=Ha be van jelölve, a SO_KEEPALIVE alapértelmezés szerint engedélyezve lesz az újonnan létrehozott szoftvercsatornáknál.
@@ -18441,7 +18441,7 @@ the-note-could-not-be-found=A megjegyzés nem található.
the-number-of-keys-generated-has-exceeded-the-number-of-allowed-keys=A generált kulcsok száma meghaladta a megengedettet.
the-object-action-was-created-successfully=Az objektumművelet sikeresen létrejött.
the-object-action-was-updated-successfully=Az objektumművelet sikeresen frissítve.
-the-object-could-not-be-found=The object could not be found. (Automatic Copy)
+the-object-could-not-be-found=Az objektum nem található.
the-object-definition-failed-to-import=Az objektumdefiníció importálása sikertelen volt.
the-object-definition-is-already-published=Az objektumdefiníció már közzé van téve.
the-object-definition-was-imported-without-a-custom-view=Az objektumdefiníció importálása egyéni nézet nélkül történt.
@@ -19173,7 +19173,7 @@ there-are-no-workflow-definitions=Nincsenek munkafolyamat meghatározások.
there-are-no-x=Nincs {0}.
there-are-no-x-orders=Nincs {0} megrendelés.
there-are-no-x-related-issues=Nincsenek {0} vonatkozású problémák.
-there-are-object-definitions-with-the-same-external-reference-code-as-the-imported-ones=There are object definitions with the same external reference code as the imported ones. By continuing, you will update the existing object definitions. This action is permanent and data can be lost if the imported object definitions have missing fields compared to the existing ones. The affected object definitions are: (Automatic Copy)
+there-are-object-definitions-with-the-same-external-reference-code-as-the-imported-ones=Egyes objektumdefinícióknak ugyanaz a külső hivatkozási kódja, mint az importáltaké. A folytatással frissíti a meglévő objektumdefiníciókat. A művelet végleges, és az adatok elveszhetnek, ha az importált objektumdefiníciókból hiányoznak mezők a meglévőkhöz képest. Az érintett objektumdefiníciók a következők:
there-are-one-or-more-mandatory-vocabularies-assigned-to-the-knowledge-base-article=Egy vagy több kötelező szótár van a Tudásbázis cikkéhez rendelve.
there-are-other-redirects-pointing-to-the-source-url-of-this-redirect=Az átirányítás forrás-URL címére más átirányítások mutatnak. Ezzel egy átirányítási lánc jön létre, tehát a felhasználók többször is át lesznek irányítva, mielőtt elérik a céljukat.
there-are-replacement-products-in-your-cart=A kosarában cseretermékek vannak.
@@ -19301,7 +19301,7 @@ this-article-is-set-to-publish-later=Ez a cikk későbbi közzétételre van be
this-article-will-be-published-on-x=A cikk megjelenési dátuma: {0}.
this-blog=Ez a blog
this-category=Ez a kategória
-this-category-might-be-being-used-in-some-contents=This category might be being used in some contents. If you delete it, this category and its subcategories will also be deleted and removed from those contents. Friendly URLs may also be affected. Do you want to continue deleting this category? (Automatic Copy)
+this-category-might-be-being-used-in-some-contents=Előfordulhat, hogy ez a kategória használatban van egyes tartalmakban. Ha törli, akkor ez a kategória és minden alkategóriája is törölve lesz, illetve el lesz távolítva az adott tartalmakból. Biztosan törli ezt a kategóriát?
this-change-will-only-affect-the-newly-created-localized-content=Ez a változás csak az újonnan létrehozott honosított tartalmat érinti.
this-change-will-only-be-shown-after-you-refresh-the-page=A változtatás csak akkor lesz látható, miután frissíti az aktuális oldalt.
this-collection-has-no-items=A gyűjteménynek nincsenek elemei. A konfiguráció használatához legalább egy elemre van szükség.
@@ -19410,7 +19410,7 @@ this-operation-cannot-be-undone=Ez a művelet nem vonható vissza.
this-operation-will-not-be-applied-to-any-of-the-selected-folders=Ez a művelet nem lesz alkalmazva a kiválasztott mappák egyikére sem.
this-option-is-enabled-only-in-a-clustered-environment=Ez a lehetőség csak fürtözött környezetben engedélyezett.
this-order-cannot-be-transitioned=A rendelés nem vihető át.
-this-order-has-already-been-checked-out=This order has already been checked out. (Automatic Copy)
+this-order-has-already-been-checked-out=A rendelést már kipipálták.
this-organization=Ez a szervezet
this-organization-does-not-have-a-parent-organization=Ennek a szervezetnek nincs fölérendelt szervezete.
this-organization-does-not-have-any-additional-email-addresses=Ennek a szervezetnek nincsenek további e-mail címei.
@@ -19492,7 +19492,7 @@ this-result-comes-from-the-x-version-of-this-content=Az eredmény ennek a tartal
this-role-does-not-have-any-permissions=Ehhez a szerepkörhöz nem tartoznak jogosultságok.
this-role-is-automatically-assigned=Ez a szerepkör automatikusan hozzárendelődik.
this-rule-is-broken-due-to-missing-fields=A hiányzó mezők megszegik ezt a szabályt.
-this-scheduled-publication-contains-conflicting-changes-that-must-be-manually-resolved-before-publishing=This scheduled publication contains conflicting changes that must be manually resolved before publishing. Please unschedule the publication in order to resolve conflicts. (Automatic Copy)
+this-scheduled-publication-contains-conflicting-changes-that-must-be-manually-resolved-before-publishing=Az ütemezett publikáció ütköző változtatásokat tartalmaz, amelyeket a publikálás előtt manuálisan kell megoldani. Kérjük, hogy az ütközések feloldásához törölje a publikáció ütemezését.
this-scope-is-no-longer-available=A hatókör már nem érhető el.
this-search-bar-is-not-visible-to-users-yet=Ez a keresősáv még nem látható a felhasználók számára.
this-section-will-be-editable-after-creating-the-user=Ez a választás a felhasználó létrehozása után lesz szerkeszthető.
@@ -19767,7 +19767,7 @@ total-discount-percentage-level-3-with-tax-amount=Teljes kedvezmény 3. százal
total-discount-percentage-level-4=Teljes kedvezmény 4. százalékszintje
total-discount-percentage-level-4-with-tax-amount=Teljes kedvezmény 4. százalékszintje az adó összegével
total-discount-with-tax-amount=Teljes kedvezmény az adó összegével
-total-estimated-refund=Total Estimated Refund (Automatic Copy)
+total-estimated-refund=A becsült visszatérítés összesen
total-memory=Összes memória
total-modifications=Módosítások összesen
total-open=Nyitottak összesen
@@ -20065,7 +20065,7 @@ unit-price=Egységár
united-states-phone-format=Amerikai telefonszám-formátum
units-of-measure=Mértékegység (UOM)
-units-returned=Units Returned (Automatic Copy)
+units-returned=Visszaküldött egységek
unknown-element-message-edit=Törölje ezt a feltételt. Egy már nem létező elemből jött létre.
unknown-element-message-view=A kiemelt feltétel egy már nem létező elemmel kapcsolatos. Szerkessze és törölje a feltételt.
@@ -20188,7 +20188,7 @@ update-entry=Bejegyzés frissítése
update-event=Esemény frissítése
update-exchange-rates=Árfolyam frissítése
update-existing-object-definition=A meglévő objektumdefiníció frissítése
-update-existing-object-definitions=Update Existing Objects Definitions (Automatic Copy)
+update-existing-object-definitions=Meglévő objektumok definícióinak frissítése
update-existing-object-folder=A meglévő objektummappa frissítése
update-existing-picklist=A meglévő értéklista frissítése
update-feedback=Visszajelzés frissítése
@@ -21596,7 +21596,7 @@ x-rows-were-imported-successfully={0} sor sikeresen importálva.
x-rows-were-not-imported={0} sor nem volt importálva.
x-scheduled-publication-failed={0} tervezett közzététele sikertelen volt.
x-scheduled-publication-failed-with-an-unexpected-system-error={0} tervezett közzététele sikertelen volt váratlan rendszerhiba miatt.
-x-scheduled-publication-has-conflicts-with-production={0} scheduled publication has conflicts with production. (Automatic Copy)
+x-scheduled-publication-has-conflicts-with-production={0} tervezett közzététel konfliktusban áll az éles verzióval.
x-screen-size-is-selected={0} képernyőméret van kiválasztva.
x-search={0} kereső
x-search-provider={0} kereső szolgáltató
diff --git a/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_it.properties b/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_it.properties
index da8eac0b4cf2a3..dea7d43b231944 100644
--- a/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_it.properties
+++ b/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_it.properties
@@ -1382,7 +1382,7 @@ allow=Consenti
allow-adding-pages=Consenti Aggiungi Pagine
allow-administrator-to-create-and-execute-code-in-liferay=Allow administrator to create and execute code in Liferay. (Automatic Copy)
allow-administrators-to-publish-and-edit-workflows=Permetti agli Amministratori di Pubblicare e Modificare i Flussi di Lavoro
-allow-administrators-to-publish-and-edit-workflows-description=When selected, users with the Regular Administrator role in a virtual instance can publish new workflow definitions, including scripting content that is executed inside the portal (and potentially in other virtual instances). (Automatic Copy)
+allow-administrators-to-publish-and-edit-workflows-description=Se selezionato, gli utenti con il ruolo di Regolare Amministratore in un'istanza virtuale possono pubblicare nuove definizioni del flusso di lavoro, incluso il contenuto di script che viene eseguito all'interno del portale (e potenzialmente in altre istanze virtuali).
allow-anonymous-emails=Consenti Email Anonime
allow-anonymous-posting=Consenti l'Invio Anonimo
allow-anyone-with-the-link-to-view-this-publication=Allow anyone with the link to view this publication. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -1441,7 +1441,7 @@ allowed-classes=Classi Consentite
allowed-credentials-per-user=Credenziali Per Utente Consentite
allowed-credentials-per-user-description=Imposta il numero di credenziali consentite per utente.
allowed-domains=Domini Consenti
-allowed-domains-help=Set the domains which the portal is allowed to redirect to. Remove all entries to allow any domain. Specifying a domain with a leading "*." allows redirects to subdomains. PORTAL_DOMAIN will be replaced with the current domain of the portal. (Automatic Copy)
+allowed-domains-help=Imposta i domini a cui il portale può reindirizzare. Rimuovi tutte le voci per consentire qualsiasi dominio. Specificare un dominio iniziando con "*." consente i reindirizzamenti a tutti i sottodomini.
allowed-file-extensions=Estensioni File Consentite
allowed-fragments=Frammenti Consentiti
allowed-grant-types=Tipi di Autorizzazione Consentite
diff --git a/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_ja.properties b/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_ja.properties
index 887ee54ecc0588..368efaf9e30359 100644
--- a/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_ja.properties
+++ b/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_ja.properties
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ accepted=参加
-accepted-x-declined-x-pending-x-maybe-x=Accepted ({0}), Declined ({1}), Pending ({2}), Maybe ({3}) (Automatic Copy)
+accepted-x-declined-x-pending-x-maybe-x=参加 ({0})、不参加 ({1})、保留中 ({2})、未定 ({3})
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ access-token-key-byte-size=アクセストークンのサイズ
-access-token-url=Access Token URL (Automatic Copy)
+access-token-url=アクセストークン URL
@@ -1068,7 +1068,7 @@ add-restriction=制限を追加
-add-return-item=Add Return Item (Automatic Copy)
add-role-to-x=ロールを {0} へ追加
@@ -1218,7 +1218,7 @@ administrator-id=管理者ID
-administrators-can-create-and-execute-code-in-their-virtual-instance=Administrators can create and execute code in their virtual instance. Disabling this feature deactivates all actions and validations that use Groovy. (Automatic Copy)
+administrators-can-create-and-execute-code-in-their-virtual-instance=管理者が自分の仮想インスタンスでコードを作成・実行できます。この機能を無効にすると、Groovy を使用するすべてのアクションと検証が無効になります。
@@ -1380,9 +1380,9 @@ all-your-pages-are-connected-or-redirected=全ページが接続中またはリ
-allow-administrator-to-create-and-execute-code-in-liferay=Allow administrator to create and execute code in Liferay. (Automatic Copy)
+allow-administrator-to-create-and-execute-code-in-liferay=管理者に Liferay でのコードの作成と実行を許可します。
-allow-administrators-to-publish-and-edit-workflows-description=When selected, users with the Regular Administrator role in a virtual instance can publish new workflow definitions, including scripting content that is executed inside the portal (and potentially in other virtual instances). (Automatic Copy)
@@ -1441,7 +1441,7 @@ allowed-classes=許可されたクラス
-allowed-domains-help=Set the domains which the portal is allowed to redirect to. Remove all entries to allow any domain. Specifying a domain with a leading "*." allows redirects to subdomains. PORTAL_DOMAIN will be replaced with the current domain of the portal. (Automatic Copy)
+allowed-domains-help=ポータルのリダイレクト先として許可するドメインを設定します。すべてのドメインを許可するには、エントリーをすべて削除してください。"*." で始まるドメインを指定すると、サブドメインへのリダイレクトを許可することができます。
@@ -1812,7 +1812,7 @@ are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-all-timers-and-their-settings=すべてのタイ
are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-order-x=注文 #{0} を削除してもよろしいですか?
-are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-return-x=Are you sure you want to delete return #{0}? (Automatic Copy)
+are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-return-x=返品 #{0} を削除してもよろしいですか?
are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-the-application-this-action-revokes-one-authorization-and-associated-tokens=このアプリケーションを削除してもよろしいですか?この操作は 1 件の権限と関連するトークンを無効化します。
are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-the-application-this-action-revokes-x-authorizations-and-associated-tokens=このアプリケーションを削除してもよろしいですか?この操作は {0} の権限や関連するトークンを無効化します。
@@ -2512,7 +2512,7 @@ base-quantity=基本数量
base-tracking-url=基本追跡 URL
-base-url=Base URL (Automatic Copy)
+base-url=基本 URL
base-url-x-is-invalid=基本 URL "{0}" は無効です。有効な基本 URL を入力してください。
@@ -2912,7 +2912,7 @@ calendar=カレンダー
calendar-item-color-picker-press-space-to-enter-the-color-picker=カレンダー項目のカラーピッカー: Space を押すとカラーピッカーに入ります。
-calendar-name=Calendar Name (Automatic Copy)
@@ -3354,7 +3354,7 @@ changing-the-order-of-the-categories-is-not-supported=カテゴリーの順番
changing-the-structure-key-will-reindex-all-the-web-content-articles-with-this-structure.-this-action-may-take-some-time,-and-the-affected-items-may-not-be-available-during-this-process=ストラクチャーキーを変更すると、このストラクチャーを含むすべての Web コンテンツのインデックスが再構築されます。この操作には少し時間がかかる場合があり、この処理を行っている間は影響を受けた項目が使用できなくなる可能性があります。
changing-the-template-will-not-affect-the-original-web-content-default-template.-the-change-only-applies-to-this-web-content-display=テンプレートの変更は デフォルトのWeb コンテンツに影響を与えることはありません。変更は、この web コンテンツ表示にのみ適用されます。
-changing-this-setting-will-reset-all-mappings-for-this-collection=Changing this setting will reset all mappings for this collection. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -4376,7 +4376,7 @@ cookie-consent-panel-configuration-name=同意パネル
cookie-enabled-help=このチェックボックスにより、ユーザーが選択した内容に従って Cookie 設定の処理が行われるようになります。また、バナーと同意パネルの両方に対する構成オプションも有効になります。
cookie-explicit-consent-mode=明示的な Cookie 同意モード
cookie-explicit-consent-mode-help=このオプションをチェックした場合、ユーザーが Cookie の使用に同意するまで Cookie は設定されません。チェックしない場合は、ユーザーがオプトアウトするまですべての Cookie が設定されます。
-cookie-explicit-consent-mode-help-deprecated=If this option is checked, then no cookies are set until the user agrees to cookie usages. Otherwise, all cookies are set until the user opts out of them. (Automatic Copy)
+cookie-explicit-consent-mode-help-deprecated=このオプションをチェックした場合、ユーザーが Cookie の使用に同意するまで Cookie は設定されません。チェックしない場合は、ユーザーがオプトアウトするまですべての Cookie が設定されます。
cookie-policy=Cookie ポリシー
cookie-policy-link=Cookie ポリシーのリンク
@@ -5489,8 +5489,8 @@ default-view=デフォルトビュー
-default-visualization-mode-help=Customize which visualization mode will be shown by default for this Data Set. (Automatic Copy)
-default-visualization-mode-tooltip=To select a default visualization mode, first configure it in the Visualization Modes tab. (Automatic Copy)
+default-visualization-mode-tooltip=デフォルトのビジュアル化モードを選択するには、[ビジュアル化モード] タブで先に設定を行ってください。
@@ -5600,7 +5600,7 @@ delete-question=質問を削除しますか?
delete-refresh-token=リフレッシュ トークンを削除
-delete-return-x=Delete Return #{0} (Automatic Copy)
+delete-return-x=返品 #{0} を削除
@@ -5923,7 +5923,7 @@ display-did-you-mean-if-the-number-of-search-results-does-not-meet-the-threshold
-display-field-name-in-structures-ui-and-allow-users-to-edit-it=Display field name in structures UI and allow users to edit it. (Automatic Copy)
+display-field-name-in-structures-ui-and-allow-users-to-edit-it=ストラクチャー UI にフィールド名を表示し、ユーザーがそれを編集することを許可します。
display-fields-and-one-to-one-relationships=フィールドと 1 対 1 のリレーションを表示します。
display-folder-facet=Folder Facetを表示
@@ -6236,7 +6236,7 @@ duplicated-from-x={0} から複製
-duration-type=Duration Type (Automatic Copy)
duration-x-x=期間 {0} {1}
dxp-has-successfully-connected-to-analytics-cloud,-complete-your-set-up-in-the-instance-scope-menu=DXP が正常に Analytics Cloud に接続されました。インスタンススコープメニューでセットアップを完了してください。
@@ -7015,7 +7015,7 @@ error-password-syntax-keywords=エラー: パスワード構文キーワード
error-password-trivial-text-keywords=エラー: 推測が容易なパスワードのキーワード
error-template-ftl=エラー テンプレートFTL
-error-updating-definition=Error Updating Definition (Automatic Copy)
error-user-lockout-keywords=エラー: ユーザー ロックアウト キーワード
error.default-locale-x-title-blank=デフォルトロケール {0} のタイトルは空にできません。
@@ -7303,22 +7303,22 @@ feature.flag.LPD-6368.description=ユーザーが検索結果ランキングを
-feature.flag.LPD-10703.description=Include workflow information and actions when reviewing publication changes. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10703.title=Improve Publications Review (Automatic Copy)
feature.flag.LPD-10793.description=ユーザーが OpenAI を使用して 'ドキュメントとメディア' アプリケーションで AI 画像を生成・保存できます。
feature.flag.LPD-10793.title=ドキュメントとメディアの AI 画像生成
-feature.flag.LPD-10856.description=Users can map each product specification individually on a content page. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10856.title=Mapping Individual Product Specifications (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10862.description=Users can activate the content creation prompt with a single click by leveraging AI capabilities directly within the CKEditor for seamless and efficient content generation. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10862.title=Generative AI for Commerce Product (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10887.description=Users can now configure purchase options for products based on date, times, time zones, and durations, allowing for the sale of time slots. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10887.title=Date Times as Option (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-11018.description=Notify users when publications fail to publish or when scheduled publications have conflicts. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-11018.title=Publication Conflict Notifications (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-11070.description=Add the preview draft permission for pages. This grants users read only access to page drafts. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-11070.title=Preview Page Drafts Permission (Automatic Copy)
+feature.flag.LPD-10862.description=シームレスかつ効率的なコンテンツ生成を行うため、ユーザーが CKEditor 内で AI 機能を直接活用し、ワンクリックでコンテンツ生成プロンプトを有効にできます。
+feature.flag.LPD-10862.title=コマース製品向け生成 AI
feature.flag.LPD-11147.description=Users can configure the URL path for different asset types. (Automatic Copy)
feature.flag.LPD-11147.title=Configurable URLs for Asset Types (Automatic Copy)
feature.flag.LPD-11218.description=ユーザーが "自分" および "最近" フィルターを有効にして自分のコンテンツとその作成日を素早く特定できます。
@@ -7327,8 +7327,8 @@ feature.flag.LPD-15596.description=ユーザーが権限を定義・管理し、
-feature.flag.LPD-16469.description=Users have the ability to bulk manage permissions for multiple web content articles. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-16469.title=Bulk Manage Permissions for Web Content Articles (Automatic Copy)
+feature.flag.LPD-16469.description=ユーザーが複数の Web コンテンツ記事の権限を一括で管理できます。
+feature.flag.LPD-16469.title=Web コンテンツ記事の一括管理権限
feature.flag.LPS-96845.description=設定済みの SCIM クライアントが REST API を利用し、ユーザーとグループの ID 情報を外部アプリケーションと同期できます。
feature.flag.LPS-96845.title=クロスドメイン ID 管理システム (SCIM)
feature.flag.LPS-114700.description=各言語に翻訳される Web コンテンツフィールドの合計数を示すステータスを追加します。
@@ -7355,8 +7355,8 @@ feature.flag.LPS-171364.description=ユーザーが公開間で変更を移動
feature.flag.LPS-174417.description=ページのフレンドリ URL がすでにサイトテンプレートまたはサイトテンプレートから作成されたサイトに存在する場合にサイトページとサイトテンプレートの管理者が警告を表示できるようになります。
feature.flag.LPS-174417.title=サイトテンプレートのフレンドリ URL 競合警告
-feature.flag.LPS-174455.description=Use object REST APIs to manage attachment fields. Add, get, or update data in Base64 format. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPS-174455.title=Improve REST APIs for Object Attachment Fields (Automatic Copy)
+feature.flag.LPS-174455.description=オブジェクト REST API を使用して添付フィールドを管理します。Base64 形式でデータを追加、取得、更新します。
+feature.flag.LPS-174455.title=オブジェクト添付フィールドの REST API を改善
feature.flag.LPS-178642.description=ユーザーがエンドポイント、スキーマ、フィルター、ソートのないノーコードの REST API を作成できます。この UI は [コントロールパネル] > [オブジェクト] > [API ビルダー] にあります。
feature.flag.LPS-178642.title=API ビルダー
@@ -7373,8 +7373,8 @@ feature.flag.LPS-187285.description=ユーザーがパフォーマンスに影
-feature.flag.LPS-187793.description=Users can customize the XML Sitemap to include or exclude content based on SEO requirements. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPS-187793.title=Customizing Sitemap Indexing (Automatic Copy)
+feature.flag.LPS-187793.description=ユーザーが XML サイトマップをカスタマイズし、SEO 要件に基づいてコンテンツを含めたり除外したりできます。
@@ -7383,8 +7383,8 @@ feature.flag.LPS-188898.description=開発者がオブジェクト検証クラ
feature.flag.LPS-193884.description="パスワードをリセット" リンクと同じように新規ユーザーの "新規パスワードを設定" リンクに対して有効期限を設定できるようにします。
-feature.flag.LPS-196847.description=Users can manage permissions for page groups and visually distinguish between public and private pages. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPS-196847.title=Improve Permission Management for Pages (Automatic Copy)
feature.flag.LPS-196935.description=動的データリストは廃止予定であり、オブジェクトに置き換えられています。DDL は 2024 年に削除される予定です。その前にデータをオブジェクトに移行してください。
feature.flag.LPS-199086.description=Allows staging users to export/import a child page without its parents. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -8129,7 +8129,7 @@ grace-limit=許可する回数
-grant-type=Grant Type (Automatic Copy)
grant-type-x-is-unsupported-for-this-client-type=このクライアント種別では権限付与タイプ "{0}" をサポートしていません。
@@ -8475,7 +8475,7 @@ http-client-max-connections=HTTPの最大接続数
-http-configuration-name=HTTP Configuration (Automatic Copy)
+http-configuration-name=HTTP 設定
http-cors-allow-origin=Http CORS 許可オリジン
http-cors-allow-origin-help=HTTP CORSが有効な時の、許可するオリジン
http-cors-configurations=Http CORS 設定
@@ -8678,7 +8678,7 @@ import-siteminder-users-from-ldap-help=これがチェックされている場
-import-succeeded=Import Succeeded (Automatic Copy)
import-task-isolation-help=サイトテンプレートプロパゲーションインポートタスクに分離レベルを設定します。デフォルトはグループに設定されています。これは、同じターゲットサイトに対して 1 件のサイトテンプレートプロパゲーションインポートタスクのみを実行できることを意味します。ただし、分離レベルを会社に設定することも可能です。この場合は 1 件のタスクのみが会社レベルで実行可能となるため、並列性が低下します。このオプションは、一般的にはサイトテンプレートプロパゲーションを遅延させる代わりにポータルの負荷を減らすために使用します。
@@ -8906,7 +8906,7 @@ instance-id=インスタンスID
instance-id-x=インスタンス ID: {0}
-instance-web-id=Instance Web ID (Automatic Copy)
+instance-web-id=インスタンス Web ID
@@ -9320,11 +9320,11 @@ javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_inventory_web_internal_portlet_Commerce
-javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_order_content_web_internal_portlet_CommerceReturnContentPortlet=Returns (Automatic Copy)
-javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_order_web_internal_portlet_CommerceReturnPortlet=Returns (Automatic Copy)
@@ -9667,8 +9667,8 @@ kb-folders=ナレッジベースフォルダ
keep-alive=Keep Alive
-keep-alive-timeout=Keep Alive Timeout (Automatic Copy)
-keep-alive-timeout-help=Specify a default timeout in seconds for HTTP keep alive. By default, a connection is persistent and will remain open indefinitely. A Keep-Alive header is commonly used to communicate a specific timeout value. Setting this default timeout with a value greater than 0 would make it so that if the Keep-Alive header is not present with a specific timeout value, the specified default timeout would be used. (Automatic Copy)
+keep-alive-timeout=Keep Alive タイムアウト
+keep-alive-timeout-help=HTTP キープアライブのデフォルトのタイムアウト (秒) を指定します。接続はデフォルトで永続的であり、無期限に開いたままになります。Keep-Alive ヘッダーは特定のタイムアウト値を伝える目的でよく使用されます。このデフォルトのタイムアウトを 0 より大きい値に設定すると、特定のタイムアウト値を含む Keep-Alive ヘッダーがない場合に指定されたデフォルトのタイムアウトが使用されます。
keep-alive-url=Keep Alive URL
@@ -10012,7 +10012,7 @@ layout.types.portlet=ウィジェットページ
-layout.types.utility=Utility Page (Automatic Copy)
@@ -10314,7 +10314,7 @@ major=重大
-make-a-return=Make a Return (Automatic Copy)
@@ -10435,7 +10435,7 @@ mark-as-translated-for-x-language={0}言語のすべてのフィールドが翻
mark-the-sku-as-discontinued=SKU を廃止に設定する
mark-x-as-favorite={0} をお気に入りにする
-mark-x-as-translated=Mark "{0}" as Translated (Automatic Copy)
markdown-importer-article-extensions=Markdown インポーターアーティクルエクステンション
markdown-importer-article-intro=Markdown インポーターアーティクルイントロ
markdown-importer-image-file-extensions=Markdown インポーター画像ファイルエクステンション
@@ -11369,8 +11369,8 @@ modified-x-ago-by-x={0}前に{1}さんが変更しました。
-modifying-the-field-name-may-result-in-data-loss=Modifying the field name may result in data loss. (Automatic Copy)
-modifying-the-option-name-may-result-in-data-loss=Modifying the option name may result in data loss. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -12386,14 +12386,14 @@ object-action-trigger[onAfterRootUpdate]=ルートの更新後
-object-definition=Object Definition (Automatic Copy)
object-definition-id=オブジェクト ID
object-definition-storage-type-tooltip=データを Liferay (デフォルト) に保存するか、外部システムのみに保存するかを選択します。制限は外部ストレージタイプのオブジェクト定義に適用されます。
object-definition-x-is-selected=オブジェクト定義 {0} が選択されています。
-object-definitions-failed-to-import=Object Definitions Failed to Import (Automatic Copy)
object-entry-id=オブジェクトエントリー ID
@@ -12632,9 +12632,9 @@ option=オプション
-option-name=Option Name (Automatic Copy)
-option-reference=Option Reference (Automatic Copy)
@@ -13263,7 +13263,7 @@ please-add-a-valid-email-address=有効なメールアドレスを追加して
-please-add-at-least-one-item-you-wish-to-return-from-the-order-to-proceed-with-the-request=Please add at least one item you wish to return from the order to proceed with the request. (Automatic Copy)
+please-add-at-least-one-item-you-wish-to-return-from-the-order-to-proceed-with-the-request=リクエストを続行するには、注文から返品したい商品を 1 つ以上追加してください。
@@ -13621,7 +13621,7 @@ please-provide-all-mandatory-files-and-make-sure-the-file-types-are-valid=すべ
-please-review-the-details-of-the-returning-items-before-submitting-the-request=Please review the details of the returning items before submitting the request. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -14620,8 +14620,8 @@ refund-amount=払い戻し額
-refund-subtotal=Refund Subtotal (Automatic Copy)
-refund-summary=Refund Summary (Automatic Copy)
regenerate-preview-and-thumbnail-of-openoffice-files-in-documents-and-media=ドキュメントとメディアで OpenOffice ファイルのプレビューとサムネイルを再生成します。
regenerate-preview-and-thumbnail-of-openoffice-files-in-documents-and-media-help=このアクションは既存の OpenOffice プレビューを変更しません。
@@ -14868,7 +14868,7 @@ repeat-top-to-bottom=上から下へ繰り返す
-repetitions=Repetitions (Automatic Copy)
@@ -14968,7 +14968,7 @@ requested-by-x={0}からのリクエスト
-requested-quantity=Requested Quantity (Automatic Copy)
@@ -15055,7 +15055,7 @@ resize-column=列幅の変更
-resolve-all-active-scripting-uses-before-proceeding-you-can-deactivate-the-source-entity-or-remove-the-script=Resolve all active scripting uses before proceeding. You can deactivate the source entity or remove the script. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -15152,12 +15152,12 @@ retry-payment=支払いの再試行
-return-date=Return Date (Automatic Copy)
-return-date-range=Return Date Range (Automatic Copy)
-return-id=Return ID (Automatic Copy)
-return-reason=Return Reason (Automatic Copy)
+return-id=返品 ID
-return-status=Return Status (Automatic Copy)
@@ -15462,7 +15462,7 @@ scheduled=予定済み
-scheduled-publications-conflict-checks=Scheduled Publications Conflict Checks (Automatic Copy)
@@ -15516,7 +15516,7 @@ script-file=スクリプトファイル
-script-source=Script Source (Automatic Copy)
scripted-assignment-cache-expiration-time-description=スクリプト化された割り当てタスクのキャッシュがクリアされるまでの時間を分単位で定義します。キャッシュを無効にするには 0 かマイナス値を使用します。
@@ -15834,7 +15834,7 @@ select-css-client-extensions=CSS クライアント拡張の選択
-select-date-from-list=Select Date from List (Automatic Copy)
@@ -15924,7 +15924,7 @@ select-reassignment=再割り当てを選択
-select-returnable-items=Select Returnable Items (Automatic Copy)
@@ -16236,7 +16236,7 @@ set-x-to-x={0} を {1} に設定
setting-a-value-above-x-can-affect-page-performance-severely={0} を超える値を設定すると、ページのパフォーマンスに大きく影響します。
-setting-cannot-be-deactivated=Setting Cannot Be Deactivated (Automatic Copy)
@@ -17240,7 +17240,7 @@ submit-for-workflow-with-permissions=権限を指定してワークフロー用
submit-new-x=新規申請 {0}
-submit-return-request=Submit Return Request (Automatic Copy)
@@ -17323,9 +17323,9 @@ successfully-saved=保存が成功しました。
-sugarcrm=SugarCRM (Automatic Copy)
-sugarcrm-configuration-name=SugarCRM Integration (Automatic Copy)
-sugarcrm-objects-do-not-support-relationships=SugarCRM objects do not support relationships. (Automatic Copy)
+sugarcrm-configuration-name=SugarCRM 統合
+sugarcrm-objects-do-not-support-relationships=SugarCRM オブジェクトはリレーションをサポートしていません。
@@ -17784,8 +17784,8 @@ tax-value-endpoint-url=税額エンドポイントのURL
-tcp-keep-alive-enabled=TCP Keep Alive Enabled (Automatic Copy)
-tcp-keep-alive-enabled-help=If checked, SO_KEEPALIVE will be enabled for newly created sockets by default. (Automatic Copy)
+tcp-keep-alive-enabled=TCP Keep Alive が有効
+tcp-keep-alive-enabled-help=チェックがある場合、デフォルトで新たに作成されたソケットに対して SO_KEEPALIVE が有効になります。
@@ -18440,7 +18440,7 @@ the-note-could-not-be-found=メモが見つかりません。
-the-object-could-not-be-found=The object could not be found. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -19172,7 +19172,7 @@ there-are-no-workflow-definitions=ワークフローの定義が見つかりま
there-are-no-x={0} が見つかりません。
there-are-no-x-orders={0} の注文はありません。
there-are-no-x-related-issues={0} に関連する問題はありません。
-there-are-object-definitions-with-the-same-external-reference-code-as-the-imported-ones=There are object definitions with the same external reference code as the imported ones. By continuing, you will update the existing object definitions. This action is permanent and data can be lost if the imported object definitions have missing fields compared to the existing ones. The affected object definitions are: (Automatic Copy)
there-are-one-or-more-mandatory-vocabularies-assigned-to-the-knowledge-base-article=ナレッジ ベースの記事に割り当てられている 必須語彙があります。
@@ -19300,7 +19300,7 @@ this-article-is-set-to-publish-later=この記事は後で公開するように
this-article-will-be-published-on-x=この記事は {0}に公開されます。
-this-category-might-be-being-used-in-some-contents=This category might be being used in some contents. If you delete it, this category and its subcategories will also be deleted and removed from those contents. Friendly URLs may also be affected. Do you want to continue deleting this category? (Automatic Copy)
this-collection-has-no-items=このコレクションには項目がありません。この設定を使用するには、1 件以上の項目が必要です。
@@ -19409,7 +19409,7 @@ this-operation-cannot-be-undone=この操作は取り消せません。
-this-order-has-already-been-checked-out=This order has already been checked out. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -19491,7 +19491,7 @@ this-result-comes-from-the-x-version-of-this-content=この結果は、このコ
-this-scheduled-publication-contains-conflicting-changes-that-must-be-manually-resolved-before-publishing=This scheduled publication contains conflicting changes that must be manually resolved before publishing. Please unschedule the publication in order to resolve conflicts. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -19766,7 +19766,7 @@ total-discount-percentage-level-3-with-tax-amount=税込合計割引率レベル
total-discount-percentage-level-4=合計割引率レベル 4
total-discount-percentage-level-4-with-tax-amount=税込合計割引率レベル 4
-total-estimated-refund=Total Estimated Refund (Automatic Copy)
@@ -20064,7 +20064,7 @@ unit-price=単価
units-of-measure=測定単位 (UOM)
-units-returned=Units Returned (Automatic Copy)
@@ -20187,7 +20187,7 @@ update-entry=エントリの更新
-update-existing-object-definitions=Update Existing Objects Definitions (Automatic Copy)
@@ -21595,7 +21595,7 @@ x-rows-were-imported-successfully={0} 行が正常にインポートされまし
x-rows-were-not-imported={0} 行がインポートされませんでした。
x-scheduled-publication-failed={0} のスケジュールされた公開が失敗しました。
x-scheduled-publication-failed-with-an-unexpected-system-error={0} のスケジュールされた公開が予期しないシステムエラーで失敗しました。
-x-scheduled-publication-has-conflicts-with-production={0} scheduled publication has conflicts with production. (Automatic Copy)
+x-scheduled-publication-has-conflicts-with-production={0} のスケジュールされた公開に本番環境との競合があります。
x-search={0} 検索
diff --git a/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_ko.properties b/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_ko.properties
index 2fae47c9928ab5..1b061c3ad28e35 100644
--- a/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_ko.properties
+++ b/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_ko.properties
@@ -1382,7 +1382,7 @@ allow=허용
allow-adding-pages=페이지 추가 허용
allow-administrator-to-create-and-execute-code-in-liferay=Allow administrator to create and execute code in Liferay. (Automatic Copy)
allow-administrators-to-publish-and-edit-workflows=관리자가 워크플로우를 발행 혹은 수정할 수 있도록 허용
-allow-administrators-to-publish-and-edit-workflows-description=When selected, users with the Regular Administrator role in a virtual instance can publish new workflow definitions, including scripting content that is executed inside the portal (and potentially in other virtual instances). (Automatic Copy)
+allow-administrators-to-publish-and-edit-workflows-description=이 옵션을 선택하면 가상 인스턴스에서 일반 관리자 역할이 있는 사용자가 포털 내에서 (혹은 잠재적으로 다른 가상 인스턴스에서) 실행되는 스크립팅 콘텐츠를 포함하여 새 워크플로 정의를 발행할 수 있습니다.
allow-anonymous-emails=익명 이메일 허용
allow-anonymous-posting=익명Posting을 허용하십시요
allow-anyone-with-the-link-to-view-this-publication=Allow anyone with the link to view this publication. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -1441,7 +1441,7 @@ allowed-classes=허용 클래스
allowed-credentials-per-user=사용자 당 허용 계정
allowed-credentials-per-user-description=사용자 당 허용된 계정 수를 설정합니다.
allowed-domains=허용 도메인
-allowed-domains-help=Set the domains which the portal is allowed to redirect to. Remove all entries to allow any domain. Specifying a domain with a leading "*." allows redirects to subdomains. PORTAL_DOMAIN will be replaced with the current domain of the portal. (Automatic Copy)
+allowed-domains-help=포탈이 리다이렉트 할 수 있는 도메인을 설정합니다. 빈 값은 모든 도메인을 허용합니다. "*."은 서브 도메인으로 리다이렉트를 표시합니다.
allowed-file-extensions=허용된 파일 확장
allowed-fragments=허용 프래그먼트
allowed-grant-types=허용된 인증 유형
@@ -19297,7 +19297,7 @@ this-article-is-set-to-publish-later=This article is set to publish later. You c
this-article-will-be-published-on-x=This article will be published on {0}. (Automatic Copy)
this-category=이 종류
-this-category-might-be-being-used-in-some-contents=This category might be being used in some contents. If you delete it, this category and its subcategories will also be deleted and removed from those contents. Friendly URLs may also be affected. Do you want to continue deleting this category? (Automatic Copy)
+this-category-might-be-being-used-in-some-contents=이 카테고리는 일부 콘텐츠에서 사용되고 있을 수 있습니다. 삭제하면 이 카테고리와 모든 하위 카테고리도 삭제되고 해당 콘텐츠에서 제거됩니다. 이 카테고리를 계속 삭제하시겠습니까?
this-change-will-only-affect-the-newly-created-localized-content=이 변경 사항은 새로 생성된 현지화된 콘텐츠에만 영향을 미칩니다.
this-change-will-only-be-shown-after-you-refresh-the-page=너가 현재 페이지를 상쾌하게 한 후에 이 변화는 단 보일 것이다.
this-collection-has-no-items=이 컬렉션에는 항목이 없습니다. 이 구성을 사용하려면 하나 이상의 항목이 필요합니다.
diff --git a/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_nl.properties b/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_nl.properties
index 709776fd7e62b5..d3f056427c1e6a 100644
--- a/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_nl.properties
+++ b/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_nl.properties
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ accepted=Geaccepteerd
accepted-answer=Geaccepteerd antwoord
accepted-date=Geaccepteerde datum
accepted-file-extensions=Geaccepteerde bestandsextensies
-accepted-x-declined-x-pending-x-maybe-x=Accepted ({0}), Declined ({1}), Pending ({2}), Maybe ({3}) (Automatic Copy)
+accepted-x-declined-x-pending-x-maybe-x=Geaccepteerd ({0}), Geweigerd ({1}), In behandeling ({2}), Misschien ({3})
access-denied=Toegang geweigerd
access-from-desktop=Toegang vanuit bureaublad
access-in-my-account=Toegang tot Mijn account
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ access-token-key-byte-size=Grootte toegangstoken
access-token-key-byte-size-description=Stel het aantal willekeurige bytes in dat gebruikt wordt om een toegangstoken te genereren.
access-token-size=Grootte toegangstoken
access-token-size-description=Stel het aantal willekeurige bytes in dat gebruikt wordt om een toegangstoken te genereren.
-access-token-url=Access Token URL (Automatic Copy)
+access-token-url=URL toegangstoken
accessTokenCreateDate=Aanmaakdatum toegangstoken
accessTokenExpirationDate=Vervaldatum toegangstoken
accessed-urls=Bezochte URL's
@@ -1068,7 +1068,7 @@ add-restriction=Beperking toevoegen
add-restrictions=Beperkingen toevoegen
add-result=Resultaat toevoegen
add-results-help=Voeg resultaten toe die normaal niet worden opgehaald door de hoofd-zoekquery.
-add-return-item=Add Return Item (Automatic Copy)
+add-return-item=Retourartikel toevoegen
add-role=Rol toevoegen
add-role-to-x=Rol toevoegen aan {0}
add-row=Rij toevoegen
@@ -1218,7 +1218,7 @@ administrator-id=ID administrator
administrator-role-names=Namen voor beheerdersrollen
-administrators-can-create-and-execute-code-in-their-virtual-instance=Administrators can create and execute code in their virtual instance. Disabling this feature deactivates all actions and validations that use Groovy. (Automatic Copy)
+administrators-can-create-and-execute-code-in-their-virtual-instance=Beheerders kunnen code maken en uitvoeren in hun virtuele instantie. Als u deze functie uitschakelt, worden alle acties en validaties die Groovy gebruiken, gedeactiveerd.
administrators-can-manually-unlock-pages-that-are-being-used-by-other-users=Beheerders kunnen handmatig pagina's deblokkeren die door andere gebruikers worden gebruikt. Houd er rekening mee dat de huidige gebruiker de controle over het bewerken van de pagina kan verliezen als u deze deblokkeert.
administrators-can-view,-edit,-publish,-and-invite-other-users=Beheerders kunnen bekijken, bewerken, publiceren en andere gebruikers uitnodigen.
administrators-email=E-mailadres beheerder
@@ -1380,9 +1380,9 @@ all-your-pages-are-connected-or-redirected=Al uw pagina's zijn verbonden of door
all-your-unsaved-changes-will-be-lost-unless-you-save-or-publish-them-before-leaving=Al uw niet-opgeslagen wijzigingen gaan verloren tenzij u ze opslaat of publiceert voordat u afsluit.
allow-adding-pages=Pagina's toevoegen toestaan
-allow-administrator-to-create-and-execute-code-in-liferay=Allow administrator to create and execute code in Liferay. (Automatic Copy)
+allow-administrator-to-create-and-execute-code-in-liferay=Beheerder toestaan om code te maken en uit te voeren in Liferay.
allow-administrators-to-publish-and-edit-workflows=Beheerders toestaan om workflows te publiceren en te bewerken
-allow-administrators-to-publish-and-edit-workflows-description=When selected, users with the Regular Administrator role in a virtual instance can publish new workflow definitions, including scripting content that is executed inside the portal (and potentially in other virtual instances). (Automatic Copy)
+allow-administrators-to-publish-and-edit-workflows-description=Indien geselecteerd, kunnen gebruikers met een gewone beheerdersfunctie in een virtuele instantie nieuwe workflowdefinities publiceren, inclusief scriptinhoud die wordt uitgevoerd in de portal (en mogelijk in andere virtuele instanties).
allow-anonymous-emails=Anonieme e-mails toestaan
allow-anonymous-posting=Anonieme inzendingen toestaan
allow-anyone-with-the-link-to-view-this-publication=Sta iedereen met de link toe om deze publicatie te bekijken.
@@ -1441,7 +1441,7 @@ allowed-classes=Toegestane klassen
allowed-credentials-per-user=Toegestane referenties per gebruiker
allowed-credentials-per-user-description=Stel het aantal toegestane referenties per gebruiker in.
allowed-domains=Toegestane domeinen
-allowed-domains-help=Set the domains which the portal is allowed to redirect to. Remove all entries to allow any domain. Specifying a domain with a leading "*." allows redirects to subdomains. PORTAL_DOMAIN will be replaced with the current domain of the portal. (Automatic Copy)
+allowed-domains-help=Stel de domeinen in waarnaar het portaal mag doorverwijzen. Verwijder alle invoer om elk domein toe te staan. Door een domein voorafgegaan door "*." op te geven, worden doorverwijzingen naar subdomeinen toegestaan.
allowed-file-extensions=Toegestane bestandsextensies
allowed-fragments=Toegestane fragmenten
allowed-grant-types=Toegestane autorisatietypes
@@ -1812,7 +1812,7 @@ are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-all-timers-and-their-settings=Weet u zeker dat u
are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-blueprints=Weet u zeker dat u de geselecteerde blauwdrukken wilt verwijderen?
are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-elements=Weet u zeker dat u de geselecteerde elementen wilt verwijderen?
are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-order-x=Weet u zeker dat u bestelling #{0} wilt verwijderen?
-are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-return-x=Are you sure you want to delete return #{0}? (Automatic Copy)
+are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-return-x=Weet u zeker dat u retour #{0} wilt verwijderen?
are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-the-application-there-are-no-authorizations-or-associated-tokens=Weet u zeker dat u de applicatie wilt verwijderen? Er zijn geen autorisaties of bijbehorende tokens.
are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-the-application-this-action-revokes-one-authorization-and-associated-tokens=Weet u zeker dat u de applicatie wilt verwijderen? Deze actie trekt 1 autorisatie en bijbehorende tokens in.
are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-the-application-this-action-revokes-x-authorizations-and-associated-tokens=Weet u zeker dat u de applicatie wilt verwijderen? Deze actie trekt {0} autorisaties en bijbehorende tokens in.
@@ -2512,7 +2512,7 @@ base-quantity=Basishoeveelheid
base-tracking-url=Basis-URL voor tracking
base-unit-quantity-help=Kopers kunnen alleen kopen in stappen van de basishoeveelheid.
-base-url=Base URL (Automatic Copy)
base-url-x-is-invalid=Basis-URL "{0}" is ongeldig. Voer een geldige basis-URL in.
baseline-clauses=Componenten basislijn
@@ -2912,7 +2912,7 @@ calendar=Kalender
calendar-does-not-serve-unknown-resource-x=Kalender dient geen onbekende bron {0}.
calendar-item-color-picker-press-space-to-enter-the-color-picker=Kleurenkiezer voor kalenderitems: druk op de spatiebalk om de kleurenkiezer te openen.
-calendar-name=Calendar Name (Automatic Copy)
+calendar-name=Naam agenda
calendar-resource-already-exists=Er bestaat al een kalenderbron.
@@ -3354,7 +3354,7 @@ changing-the-order-of-the-categories-is-not-supported=Wijzigingen in de volgorde
changing-the-structure-key-will-reindex-all-the-web-content-articles-with-this-structure.-this-action-may-take-some-time,-and-the-affected-items-may-not-be-available-during-this-process=Door de structuursleutel te wijzigen, worden alle webinhoudsartikelen met deze structuur opnieuw geïndexeerd. Deze actie kan enige tijd duren, en het is mogelijk dat de betreffende items niet beschikbaar zijn tijdens dit proces.
changing-the-template-will-not-affect-the-original-web-content-default-template.-the-change-only-applies-to-this-web-content-display=Wijziging van de sjabloon heeft geen invloed op standaardsjabloon van de oorspronkelijke webinhoud. De wijziging als alleen van toepassing voor de weergave van deze webinhoud.
changing-the-value-of-this-field-reloads-the-page=Als de waarde van dit veld verandert, wordt de pagina herladen.
-changing-this-setting-will-reset-all-mappings-for-this-collection=Changing this setting will reset all mappings for this collection. (Automatic Copy)
+changing-this-setting-will-reset-all-mappings-for-this-collection=Als u deze instelling wijzigt, worden alle toewijzingen voor deze collectie gereset.
channel-defaults=Standaardwaarden kanaal
@@ -4376,7 +4376,7 @@ cookie-consent-panel-configuration-name=Toestemmingspaneel
cookie-enabled-help=Dit selectievakje schakelt de cookievoorkeurbehandeling in op basis van de keuzeselectie van de gebruiker. Het activeert ook de configuratieopties voor zowel de banner als het toestemmingspaneel.
cookie-explicit-consent-mode=Expliciete toestemmingsmodus voor cookies
cookie-explicit-consent-mode-help=Als deze optie is aangevinkt, worden er geen cookies geplaatst totdat de gebruiker instemt met het gebruik van cookies. Anders worden alle cookies geplaatst totdat de gebruiker er niet meer mee instemt.
-cookie-explicit-consent-mode-help-deprecated=If this option is checked, then no cookies are set until the user agrees to cookie usages. Otherwise, all cookies are set until the user opts out of them. (Automatic Copy)
+cookie-explicit-consent-mode-help-deprecated=Als deze optie is aangevinkt, worden er geen cookies geplaatst totdat de gebruiker instemt met het gebruik van cookies. Anders worden alle cookies geplaatst totdat de gebruiker er niet meer mee instemt.
cookie-policy-link=Link naar cookiebeleid
@@ -5489,8 +5489,8 @@ default-view=Standaardweergave
default-view-must-have-at-least-one-column=De standaardweergave moet minstens één kolom hebben.
default-viewport=Standaard viewport
default-visualization-mode=Standaard visualisatiemodus
-default-visualization-mode-help=Customize which visualization mode will be shown by default for this Data Set. (Automatic Copy)
-default-visualization-mode-tooltip=To select a default visualization mode, first configure it in the Visualization Modes tab. (Automatic Copy)
+default-visualization-mode-help=Pas aan welke visualisatiemodus standaard wordt getoond voor deze gegevensset.
+default-visualization-mode-tooltip=Om een standaard visualisatiemodus te selecteren, moet u deze eerst configureren op het tabblad Visualisatiemodi.
default-was-changed=Standaardwaarde gewijzigd
default-workflow-for-all-document-types=Standaardwerkstroom voor alle documenttypes
default-workflow-for-all-structures=Standaardwerkstroom voor alle structuren
@@ -5600,7 +5600,7 @@ delete-question=Vraag verwijderen?
delete-recurring-event=Terugkerende gebeurtenis verwijderen
delete-refresh-token=Tokenvernieuwing verwijderen
delete-relationship=Relatie verwijderen
-delete-return-x=Delete Return #{0} (Automatic Copy)
+delete-return-x=Retour #{0} verwijderen
delete-row=Rij verwijderen
delete-segment-property=Segmenteigenschap verwijderen
delete-selected-value=Geselecteerde waarde verwijderen
@@ -5923,7 +5923,7 @@ display-did-you-mean-if-the-number-of-search-results-does-not-meet-the-threshold
display-discount-levels=Kortingniveaus weergeven
display-entries-of-the-following-field-types-as-tables-select-from-list-single-selection-multiple-selection-and-boolean=Invoer van de volgende veldtypes weergeven als tabellen: booleaans, meervoudige selectie, selecteren uit lijst en enkelvoudige selectie.
display-facet=Weergave facet
-display-field-name-in-structures-ui-and-allow-users-to-edit-it=Display field name in structures UI and allow users to edit it. (Automatic Copy)
+display-field-name-in-structures-ui-and-allow-users-to-edit-it=Geef de veldnaam weer in de gebruikersinterface van structuren en geef gebruikers de mogelijkheid om deze te bewerken.
display-fields-and-one-to-one-relationships=Geef velden en een-op-een relaties weer.
display-folder-facet=Mapfacet weergeven
display-frequencies=Frequenties weergeven
@@ -6236,7 +6236,7 @@ duplicated-from-x=Gedupliceerd van {0}
duplicated-variable-name=Gedupliceerde variabele naam
duration-help=Het aantal dagen dat het bestand toegankelijk blijft voor klanten. Zet 0 voor onbeperkt downloaden.
-duration-type=Duration Type (Automatic Copy)
+duration-type=Type duur
duration-x-x=Duur {0} {1}
dxp-has-successfully-connected-to-analytics-cloud,-complete-your-set-up-in-the-instance-scope-menu=DXP heeft verbinding gemaakt met Analytics Cloud, voltooi uw configuratie in het menu instantiebereik.
@@ -7015,7 +7015,7 @@ error-password-syntax-keywords=Fout wachtwoord syntaxis sleutelwoorden
error-password-trivial-text-keywords=Fout wachtwoord Trivial-tekst sleutelwoorden
error-template-ftl=Fout FTL-sjabloon
-error-updating-definition=Error Updating Definition (Automatic Copy)
+error-updating-definition=Fout bij het bijwerken van de definitie
error-user-lockout-keywords=Fout uitsluiting gebruiker wachtwoorden
error.default-locale-title-blank=De titel voor de standaard landinstelling mag niet leeg zijn.
error.default-locale-x-title-blank=De titel voor de standaard taalinstelling {0} mag niet leeg zijn.
@@ -7303,22 +7303,22 @@ feature.flag.LPD-6368.description=Gebruikers kunnen het bereik bepalen voor de r
feature.flag.LPD-6368.title=Het bereik bepalen voor ranglijsten van zoekresultaten
feature.flag.LPD-6378.description=Gebruikers kunnen functiepagina's configureren voor de processen Aanmelden, Wachtwoord vergeten en Account aanmaken.
feature.flag.LPD-6378.title=Functiepagina's voor aanmelden
-feature.flag.LPD-10703.description=Include workflow information and actions when reviewing publication changes. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10703.title=Improve Publications Review (Automatic Copy)
+feature.flag.LPD-10703.description=Neem workflowinformatie en acties op bij het beoordelen van publicatiewijzigingen.
+feature.flag.LPD-10703.title=Publicatiebeoordelingen verbeteren
feature.flag.LPD-10793.description=Gebruikers kunnen met OpenAI in de applicatie Documenten en Media AI-afbeeldingen genereren en opslaan.
feature.flag.LPD-10793.title=AI-afbeeldingen genereren in Documenten en Media
feature.flag.LPD-10855.description=Gebruikers kunnen contacten beheren die direct aan accounts zijn gekoppeld.
-feature.flag.LPD-10856.description=Users can map each product specification individually on a content page. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10856.title=Mapping Individual Product Specifications (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10862.description=Users can activate the content creation prompt with a single click by leveraging AI capabilities directly within the CKEditor for seamless and efficient content generation. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10862.title=Generative AI for Commerce Product (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10887.description=Users can now configure purchase options for products based on date, times, time zones, and durations, allowing for the sale of time slots. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10887.title=Date Times as Option (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-11018.description=Notify users when publications fail to publish or when scheduled publications have conflicts. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-11018.title=Publication Conflict Notifications (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-11070.description=Add the preview draft permission for pages. This grants users read only access to page drafts. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-11070.title=Preview Page Drafts Permission (Automatic Copy)
+feature.flag.LPD-10856.description=Gebruikers kunnen elke productspecificatie afzonderlijk toewijzen op een inhoudpagina.
+feature.flag.LPD-10856.title=Individuele productspecificaties toewijzen
+feature.flag.LPD-10862.description=Gebruikers kunnen de prompt voor het maken van inhoud met één klik activeren door de AI-mogelijkheden rechtstreeks in de CKEditor te gebruiken om naadloos en efficiënt inhoud te genereren.
+feature.flag.LPD-10862.title=Generatieve AI voor Commerce-producten
+feature.flag.LPD-10887.description=Gebruikers kunnen nu aankoopopties voor producten configureren op basis van datum, tijd, tijdzones en duurtijden, waardoor de verkoop van tijdslots mogelijk wordt.
+feature.flag.LPD-10887.title=Datum en tijd als optie
+feature.flag.LPD-11018.description=Stel gebruikers op de hoogte wanneer publicaties niet gepubliceerd worden of wanneer geplande publicaties conflicten vertonen.
+feature.flag.LPD-11018.title=Conflictmeldingen voor publicaties
+feature.flag.LPD-11070.description=Voeg de machtiging Voorbeeld van concept voor pagina's toe. Hiermee krijgen gebruikers alleen leestoegang tot conceptpagina's.
+feature.flag.LPD-11070.title=Machtiging Voorbeeld van concept voor pagina's
feature.flag.LPD-11147.description=Users can configure the URL path for different asset types. (Automatic Copy)
feature.flag.LPD-11147.title=Configurable URLs for Asset Types (Automatic Copy)
feature.flag.LPD-11218.description=Gebruikers kunnen de filters "Van mij" en "Recent" inschakelen om snel hun eigen inhoud te vinden, samen met de aanmaakdatum.
@@ -7327,8 +7327,8 @@ feature.flag.LPD-15596.description=Gebruikers kunnen tijdens het publicatieproce
feature.flag.LPD-15596.title=Machtigingen en planning beheren bij het publiceren van inhoud
feature.flag.LPD-15804.description=Voegt een nieuwe stap toe aan het betaalproces.
feature.flag.LPD-15804.title=Clientextensie betaalstap winkel
-feature.flag.LPD-16469.description=Users have the ability to bulk manage permissions for multiple web content articles. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-16469.title=Bulk Manage Permissions for Web Content Articles (Automatic Copy)
+feature.flag.LPD-16469.description=Gebruikers hebben de mogelijkheid om machtigingen voor meerdere webinhoudartikelen in bulk te beheren.
+feature.flag.LPD-16469.title=Machtigingen voor beheer in bulk van meerdere webinhoudartikelen
feature.flag.LPS-96845.description=Geconfigureerde SCIM-clients kunnen REST-API's gebruiken om identiteitsgegevens voor gebruikers en groepen te synchroniseren met externe toepassingen.
feature.flag.LPS-96845.title=Systeem voor domeinoverkoepelend identiteitsbeheer (SCIM)
feature.flag.LPS-114700.description=Voeg een status toe die het totale aantal vertaalde velden voor webinhoud aangeeft voor elke taal.
@@ -7355,8 +7355,8 @@ feature.flag.LPS-171364.description=Gebruikers kunnen wijzigingen verplaatsen tu
feature.flag.LPS-171364.title=Wijzigingen verplaatsen tussen publicaties
feature.flag.LPS-174417.description=Beheerders van websitepagina's en -sjablonen zullen waarschuwingen kunnen zien als er al beschrijvende URL's van pagina's bestaan in het websitesjabloon of in de website die op basis van het websitesjabloon is gemaakt.
feature.flag.LPS-174417.title=Waarschuwingen voor conflicten van beschrijvende URL's voor websitesjablonen
-feature.flag.LPS-174455.description=Use object REST APIs to manage attachment fields. Add, get, or update data in Base64 format. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPS-174455.title=Improve REST APIs for Object Attachment Fields (Automatic Copy)
+feature.flag.LPS-174455.description=Gebruik object-REST API's om bijlagevelden te beheren. Voeg gegevens in Base64-indeling toe, haal ze op of werk ze bij.
+feature.flag.LPS-174455.title=REST API's voor objectbijlagevelden verbeteren
feature.flag.LPS-178642.description=Gebruikers kunnen zonder code REST-API's maken met eindpunten, schema's, filters en sorteringen. De gebruikersinterface zal beschikbaar zijn onder Configuratiescherm > Object > API-bouwer.
feature.flag.LPS-179669.description=Zoek in de bedrijfsindex naar overeenkomende inhoud. Voeg facetten toe met vertaalde weergavetermen en stel een zoekblauwdruk in het verzoek in om aangepast zoeken, filteren, groeperen en sorteren toe te voegen.
@@ -7373,8 +7373,8 @@ feature.flag.LPS-187285.description=Toon indicaties bij paginacontrole en in de
feature.flag.LPS-187285.title=Indicaties om prestatieproblemen te voorkomen
feature.flag.LPS-187436.description=Iedereen kan wijzigingen in een publicatie bekijken via een link.
feature.flag.LPS-187436.title=Een publicatie delen met een link
-feature.flag.LPS-187793.description=Users can customize the XML Sitemap to include or exclude content based on SEO requirements. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPS-187793.title=Customizing Sitemap Indexing (Automatic Copy)
+feature.flag.LPS-187793.description=Gebruikers kunnen het XML-siteoverzicht aanpassen om inhoud toe te voegen of uit te sluiten op basis van SEO-vereisten.
+feature.flag.LPS-187793.title=Siteoverzichtindexering aanpassen
feature.flag.LPS-187854.description=Gebruikers kunnen objectvalidaties toevoegen om te controleren of veldwaarden uniek zijn.
feature.flag.LPS-187854.title=Veldvalidaties verbeteren
feature.flag.LPS-188058.description=Gebruikers kunnen kennisbankartikelen plannen voor publicatie, en als ze mappen of artikelen verwijderen, worden ze naar de prullenbak verplaatst.
@@ -7383,8 +7383,8 @@ feature.flag.LPS-188898.description=Ontwikkelaars zullen in staat zijn om client
feature.flag.LPS-188898.title=Clientextensies voor objectvalidatieregels
feature.flag.LPS-193884.description=Sta het instellen van een vervaldatum toe voor links "Nieuw wachtwoord instellen" voor nieuwe gebruikers, net zoals voor links "Wachtwoord resetten".
feature.flag.LPS-193884.title=Vervaldatum link Wachtwoord instellen voor nieuwe gebruikers
-feature.flag.LPS-196847.description=Users can manage permissions for page groups and visually distinguish between public and private pages. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPS-196847.title=Improve Permission Management for Pages (Automatic Copy)
+feature.flag.LPS-196847.description=Gebruikers kunnen machtigingen voor paginagroepen beheren en een visueel onderscheid maken tussen openbare en privépagina's.
+feature.flag.LPS-196847.title=Machtigingenbeheer voor pagina's verbeteren
feature.flag.LPS-196935.description=Dynamische datalijsten zijn afgeschaft en vervangen door Object. DDL worden in 2024 verwijderd. Migreer uw gegevens voor die tijd naar Object.
feature.flag.LPS-196935.title=Dynamische datalijsten
feature.flag.LPS-199086.description=Allows staging users to export/import a child page without its parents. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -8129,7 +8129,7 @@ grace-limit=Limiet
grace-limit-help=Deze optie bepaalt het aantal keer dat gebruikers zich mogen aanmelden nadat hun wachtwoord is verlopen voordat zij een nieuw wachtwoord moeten kiezen.
grand-total=Algemeen totaal
-grant-type=Grant Type (Automatic Copy)
grant-type-x-is-unsupported-for-this-client-type=Toewijzingstype "{0}" wordt niet ondersteund voor dit clienttype.
@@ -8475,7 +8475,7 @@ http-client-max-connections=Maximaal aantal HTTP-verbindingen
http-client-max-connections-help=Stel het maximale aantal toegestane open HTTP-verbindingen in.
http-client-max-error-retry=Maximaal aantal nieuwe HTTP-pogingen
http-client-max-error-retry-help=Stel het maximale aantal nieuwe pogingen in voor mislukte opnieuw uitvoerbare verzoeken.
-http-configuration-name=HTTP Configuration (Automatic Copy)
http-cors-allow-origin=Oorsprong http CORS toestaan
http-cors-allow-origin-help=Toegestane oorsprongen wanneer HTTP CORS is ingeschakeld.
http-cors-configurations=Configuraties http CORS
@@ -8678,7 +8678,7 @@ import-siteminder-users-from-ldap-help=Als dit is geselecteerd worden geauthenti
import-structure=Structuur importeren
-import-succeeded=Import Succeeded (Automatic Copy)
+import-succeeded=Import geslaagd
import-task-isolation=Isolatieniveau importtaak
import-task-isolation-help=Stel het isolatieniveau in van importtaken voor het propageren van sitesjablonen. De standaardinstelling is groep. Dit betekent dat slechts één importtaak voor het propageren van sitesjablonen tegelijkertijd kan worden uitgevoerd voor dezelfde doelsite. U kunt echter ook de instelling 'bedrijf' gebruiken. Dit zal het parallellisme verminderen doordat slechts één taak op bedrijfsniveau kan worden uitgevoerd. In het algemeen wordt deze optie gebruikt om de belasting op het portaal te verminderen in ruil voor tragere propagatie van sitesjablonen.
import-translation=Vertaling importeren
@@ -8906,7 +8906,7 @@ instance-id=Instantie-ID
instance-id-x=Instantie-ID: {0}
instance-scope=Toepassingsgebied instantie
instance-settings=Instantie Instellingen
-instance-web-id=Instance Web ID (Automatic Copy)
+instance-web-id=Web-ID instantie
instant-messenger=Instant Messenger
@@ -9320,11 +9320,11 @@ javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_inventory_web_internal_portlet_Commerce
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_machine_learning_forecast_alert_web_internal_portlet_CommerceMLForecastAlertPortlet=Prognosemelding voor automatisch leren voor handel
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_order_content_web_internal_portlet_CommerceOpenOrderContentPortlet=Open winkelkarren
-javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_order_content_web_internal_portlet_CommerceReturnContentPortlet=Returns (Automatic Copy)
-javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_order_web_internal_portlet_CommerceReturnPortlet=Returns (Automatic Copy)
@@ -9667,8 +9667,8 @@ kb-folders=Kennisbankmappen
-keep-alive-timeout=Keep Alive Timeout (Automatic Copy)
-keep-alive-timeout-help=Specify a default timeout in seconds for HTTP keep alive. By default, a connection is persistent and will remain open indefinitely. A Keep-Alive header is commonly used to communicate a specific timeout value. Setting this default timeout with a value greater than 0 would make it so that if the Keep-Alive header is not present with a specific timeout value, the specified default timeout would be used. (Automatic Copy)
+keep-alive-timeout-help=Geef een standaard time-out in seconden op voor 'HTTP Keep Alive'. Standaard is een verbinding permanent en blijft deze voor onbepaalde tijd open. Een keepalive-kop wordt gewoonlijk gebruikt om een specifieke time-outwaarde door te geven. Door deze standaard time-out in te stellen met een waarde groter dan 0, wordt de opgegeven standaard time-out gebruikt als de keepalive-kop niet aanwezig is met een specifieke time-outwaarde.
keep-both=Beide behouden
keep-both-attachments-and-rename-the-removed-attachment-as=Beide bijlagen behouden en de verwijderde bijlage hernoemen als:
@@ -10013,7 +10013,7 @@ layout.types.portlet=Widgetpagina
layout.types.portlet.description=Bouw een pagina door widgets en inhoud toe te voegen.
layout.types.url=Link naar URL
layout.types.url.description=Link naar een andere website.
-layout.types.utility=Utility Page (Automatic Copy)
lazy-loading-can-help-to-improve-page-performance=Vertraagd laden kan helpen om de prestaties van de pagina te verbeteren.
@@ -10315,7 +10315,7 @@ major=Groot
major-version=Belangrijke versie
make-a-copy=Kopie maken
make-a-refund=Voer een terugbetaling uit
-make-a-return=Make a Return (Automatic Copy)
make-active=Actief maken
make-additional-changes-and-publish-them-when-you-are-ready=Maak bijkomende wijzigingen en publiceer ze wanneer u klaar bent.
make-default=Als standaard instellen
@@ -10436,7 +10436,7 @@ mark-as-translated-for-x-language=Alle velden voor {0} zullen gemarkeerd worden
mark-as-unread=Als ongelezen markeren
mark-the-sku-as-discontinued=De SKU markeren als stopgezet
mark-x-as-favorite={0} markeren als favoriet
-mark-x-as-translated=Mark "{0}" as Translated (Automatic Copy)
+mark-x-as-translated={0} markeren als vertaald
markdown-importer-article-extensions=Artikelextensies markdown-importer
markdown-importer-article-intro=Artikelintro markdown-importer
markdown-importer-image-file-extensions=Afbeeldingsbestandextensies markdown-importer
@@ -11370,8 +11370,8 @@ modified-x-ago-by-x={0} geleden gewijzigd door {1}.
modifier-type=Type wijzigingselement
modify-the-friendly-url-of-the-pages-to-allow-their-propagation-from-the-site-template=De beschrijvende URL van de pagina's aanpassen om ze te laten propageren door de sitesjabloon.
-modifying-the-field-name-may-result-in-data-loss=Modifying the field name may result in data loss. (Automatic Copy)
-modifying-the-option-name-may-result-in-data-loss=Modifying the option name may result in data loss. (Automatic Copy)
+modifying-the-field-name-may-result-in-data-loss=Het wijzigen van de veldnaam kan leiden tot gegevensverlies.
+modifying-the-option-name-may-result-in-data-loss=Het wijzigen van de optienaam kan leiden tot gegevensverlies.
modifying-the-site-template-logo-only-affects-sites-that-are-not-yet-created=Aanpassing van het site sjabloon logo heeft alleen effect op site die nog niet zijn gecreëerd.
@@ -12387,14 +12387,14 @@ object-action-trigger[onAfterRootUpdate]=Actief na rootupdate
object-action-trigger[onAfterUpdate]=Na het bijwerken
-object-definition=Object Definition (Automatic Copy)
object-definition-storage-type-tooltip=Kies of de gegevens alleen in Liferay (standaard) of in een extern systeem opgeslagen worden. Er worden beperkingen toegepast voor objectdefinities met externe opslagtypes.
object-definition-successfully-imported=Objectdefinitie geïmporteerd.
object-definition-x-is-selected=Objectdefinitie {0} is geselecteerd.
-object-definitions-failed-to-import=Object Definitions Failed to Import (Automatic Copy)
+object-definitions-failed-to-import=De objectdefinities zijn niet geïmporteerd
object-entry-id=ID objectinvoer
object-entry-value-exceeds-integer-field-allowed-size=De invoerwaarde van het object overschrijdt de toegestane grootte van het veld voor gehele getallen.
object-entry-value-exceeds-long-field-allowed-size=De invoerwaarde van het object overschrijdt de toegestane grootte van het lange veld.
@@ -12633,9 +12633,9 @@ option=Optie
option-created=Optie gemaakt
option-field-type=Type optieveld
-option-name=Option Name (Automatic Copy)
option-not-found=Optie niet gevonden
-option-reference=Option Reference (Automatic Copy)
option-selected=Geselecteerde optie
option-template-detail=Detail optiesjabloon
@@ -13264,7 +13264,7 @@ please-add-a-valid-email-address=Voeg een geldig e-mailadres toe.
please-add-a-workflow-title-before-publishing=Voeg een workflowtitel toe voorafgaand aan de publicatie.
please-add-at-least-one-field=Voeg minstens één veld toe.
please-add-at-least-one-item-to-the-shipment=Voeg minstens één item toe aan de zending.
-please-add-at-least-one-item-you-wish-to-return-from-the-order-to-proceed-with-the-request=Please add at least one item you wish to return from the order to proceed with the request. (Automatic Copy)
+please-add-at-least-one-item-you-wish-to-return-from-the-order-to-proceed-with-the-request=Voeg ten minste één artikel uit de bestelling toe dat u wilt retourneren om verder te gaan met het verzoek.
please-add-at-least-one-option=Voeg ten minste één optie toe.
please-add-at-least-one-shipping-option=Voeg minstens een verzendoptie toe.
please-add-at-least-one-tax-rate=Voeg minstens één belastingtarief toe.
@@ -13622,7 +13622,7 @@ please-provide-all-mandatory-files-and-make-sure-the-file-types-are-valid=Geef a
please-provide-the-reason-for-your-request=Geef een reden op voor uw verzoek.
please-reenter-your-quantity-for-the-items-with-the-following-skus=Voer opnieuw de hoeveelheid in voor artikelen met nummer:
please-rename-this-with-another-words=Hernoem dit met andere woorden.
-please-review-the-details-of-the-returning-items-before-submitting-the-request=Please review the details of the returning items before submitting the request. (Automatic Copy)
+please-review-the-details-of-the-returning-items-before-submitting-the-request=Bekijk de details van de geretourneerde artikelen voordat u het verzoek indient.
please-select-a-category=Selecteer een categorie.
please-select-a-country=Selecteer een land.
please-select-a-course=Selecteer een cursus.
@@ -14621,8 +14621,8 @@ refund-amount=Bedrag terugbetaling
refund-details=Gegevens terugbetaling
refund-reason=Reden terugbetaling
refund-status=Status terugbetaling
-refund-subtotal=Refund Subtotal (Automatic Copy)
-refund-summary=Refund Summary (Automatic Copy)
+refund-subtotal=Subtotaal terugbetaling
+refund-summary=Overzicht terugbetaling
regenerate-preview-and-thumbnail-of-openoffice-files-in-documents-and-media=Genereer voorbeelden en miniaturen voor OpenOffice-bestanden in documenten en media opnieuw.
regenerate-preview-and-thumbnail-of-openoffice-files-in-documents-and-media-help=Deze actie wijzigt geen bestaande OpenOffice-voorbeelden.
@@ -14869,7 +14869,7 @@ repeat-top-to-bottom=Van boven naar beneden herhalen
repeat-type=Type herhalen
-repetitions=Repetitions (Automatic Copy)
replace-certificate=Certificaat vervangen
replace-file=Bestand vervangen
@@ -14969,7 +14969,7 @@ requested-by-x=Verzocht door {0}
requested-date=Gevraagd op
requested-delivery-date=Gevraagde leverdatum
requested-delivery-date-at-checkout=Gevraagde leveringsdatum bij betaling
-requested-quantity=Requested Quantity (Automatic Copy)
+requested-quantity=Gevraagde hoeveelheid
requested-report-id=Gevraagde rapport-ID
requested-report-status=Gevraagde rapportstatus
requesting-translation=Vertaling aanvragen ...
@@ -15056,7 +15056,7 @@ resize-column=Kolomgrootte aanpassen
resize-sidebar=Grootte zijbalk wijzigen
-resolve-all-active-scripting-uses-before-proceeding-you-can-deactivate-the-source-entity-or-remove-the-script=Resolve all active scripting uses before proceeding. You can deactivate the source entity or remove the script. (Automatic Copy)
+resolve-all-active-scripting-uses-before-proceeding-you-can-deactivate-the-source-entity-or-remove-the-script=Los alle actieve scripttoepassingen op voordat u verdergaat. U kunt de bronentiteit deactiveren of het script verwijderen.
resolve-any-conflicts=Conflicten oplossen
resolved-on-time=Tijdig opgelost
@@ -15153,12 +15153,12 @@ retry-payment=Betaling opnieuw proberen
retry-timeout=Tijd voor nieuwe poging
retry-timeout-description=Stel de tijd in seconden in om aanvragen te blokkeren nadat de limiet voor mislukte pogingen werd bereikt.
retry-your-request=Probeer uw verzoek opnieuw.
-return-date=Return Date (Automatic Copy)
-return-date-range=Return Date Range (Automatic Copy)
-return-id=Return ID (Automatic Copy)
-return-reason=Return Reason (Automatic Copy)
+return-date=Datum retour
+return-date-range=Datumbereik retour
+return-reason=Reden retour
-return-status=Return Status (Automatic Copy)
+return-status=Status retour
return-to-full-page=Terug naar volledige pagina
return-type=Return -type
@@ -15463,7 +15463,7 @@ scheduled=Gepland
scheduled-by-x=Gepland voor {0}
scheduled-events=Geplande gebeurtenissen
scheduled-jobs=Geplande taken
-scheduled-publications-conflict-checks=Scheduled Publications Conflict Checks (Automatic Copy)
+scheduled-publications-conflict-checks=Conflictcontroles van geplande publicaties
scheduled-publish-layout-local=Geplande publicatie naar lokaal
scheduled-publish-layout-remote=Geplande externe publicatie
scheduled-start-date=Geplande startdatum
@@ -15517,7 +15517,7 @@ script-file=Scriptbestand
-script-source=Script Source (Automatic Copy)
scripted-assignment=Gescripte Toewijzing
scripted-assignment-cache-expiration-time-description=Definieer de tijd, in minuten, waarna de cache voor de scripts van de gescripte toewijzingstaak wordt gewist. Gebruik nul of een negatieve waarde om de cache uit te schakelen.
scripted-assignment-cache-expiration-time-name=Verlooptijd cache gescripte toewijzing
@@ -15835,7 +15835,7 @@ select-css-client-extensions=CSS-clientextensies selecteren
select-current-date=Selecteer de huidige datum
select-data-fields=Gegevensvelden selecteren
select-date=Datum selecteren
-select-date-from-list=Select Date from List (Automatic Copy)
+select-date-from-list=Datum in lijst selecteren
select-date-range=Datumbereik selecteren
select-destination=Bestemming kiezen
select-destination-folder-for-x-item=Selecteer doelmap voor {0} item
@@ -15925,7 +15925,7 @@ select-reassignment=Nieuwe toewijzing selecteren
select-recipients=Ontvangers selecteren
select-region=Selecteer regio
select-restore-folder=Herstelmap selecteren
-select-returnable-items=Select Returnable Items (Automatic Copy)
+select-returnable-items=Retourneerbare artikelen selecteren
select-role=Rol selecteren
select-scope=Bereik selecteren
select-search=Zoeken selecteren
@@ -16237,7 +16237,7 @@ set-x-to-x={0} instellen als {1}
set-your-jira-login=Uw JIRA-login instellen.
set-your-login-for-x-to-track-your-jira-activity=Stel uw JIRA-login in om {0} uw JIRA-activiteiten te kunnen volgen.
setting-a-value-above-x-can-affect-page-performance-severely=Als u een waarde boven {0} instelt, kan dat de prestaties van de pagina ernstig beïnvloeden.
-setting-cannot-be-deactivated=Setting Cannot Be Deactivated (Automatic Copy)
+setting-cannot-be-deactivated=De instelling kan niet worden gedeactiveerd
several-shared-parameters-are-mapped-to-the-same-parameter=Verscheidene gedeelde parameters worden gekoppeld aan dezelfde parameter.
@@ -17241,7 +17241,7 @@ submit-for-workflow-with-permissions=Verzenden voor workflow met machtigingen
submit-new=Nieuw(e) indienen
submit-new-x=Nieuw(e) {0} indienen
-submit-return-request=Submit Return Request (Automatic Copy)
+submit-return-request=Retourverzoek indienen
submit-to-reddit=Aan Reddit verzenden
submitted-by=Verzonden door
submitted-entry-status=Status invoer verzonden
@@ -17324,9 +17324,9 @@ successfully-saved=Succesvol opgeslagen.
successfully-unassigned-display-page-template=Toewijzing aan de standaard weergavepaginasjebloon ongedaan gemaakt.
such-as-x-or-x=Zoals {0} of {1}
-sugarcrm=SugarCRM (Automatic Copy)
-sugarcrm-configuration-name=SugarCRM Integration (Automatic Copy)
-sugarcrm-objects-do-not-support-relationships=SugarCRM objects do not support relationships. (Automatic Copy)
+sugarcrm-objects-do-not-support-relationships=SugarCRM-objecten ondersteunen geen relaties.
suggestion-contributor-help=Voer de naam in van de bijdrager die wordt gebruikt om suggesties weer te geven.
suggestion-in-progress-email=Suggesties in voortgangs Email
@@ -17785,8 +17785,8 @@ tax-value-endpoint-url=URL eindpunt belastingwaarde
taxed-address=Belast adres
-tcp-keep-alive-enabled=TCP Keep Alive Enabled (Automatic Copy)
-tcp-keep-alive-enabled-help=If checked, SO_KEEPALIVE will be enabled for newly created sockets by default. (Automatic Copy)
+tcp-keep-alive-enabled=TCP Keep Alive ingeschakeld
+tcp-keep-alive-enabled-help=Indien aangevinkt, wordt SO_KEEPALIVE standaard ingeschakeld voor nieuw gemaakte sockets.
@@ -18441,7 +18441,7 @@ the-note-could-not-be-found=De nota werd niet gevonden.
the-number-of-keys-generated-has-exceeded-the-number-of-allowed-keys=Het aantal gegenereerde sleutels heeft het toegestane aantal sleutels overschreden.
the-object-action-was-created-successfully=De objectactie is gemaakt.
the-object-action-was-updated-successfully=De objectactie is bijgewerkt.
-the-object-could-not-be-found=The object could not be found. (Automatic Copy)
+the-object-could-not-be-found=Het object werd niet gevonden.
the-object-definition-failed-to-import=De objectdefinitie is niet geïmporteerd.
the-object-definition-is-already-published=De objectdefinitie is al gepubliceerd.
the-object-definition-was-imported-without-a-custom-view=De objectdefinitie is geïmporteerd zonder aangepaste weergave.
@@ -19173,7 +19173,7 @@ there-are-no-workflow-definitions=Er zijn geen werkstroomdefinities.
there-are-no-x=Er zijn geen {0}.
there-are-no-x-orders=Er zijn geen {0} orders.
there-are-no-x-related-issues=Er zijn geen met {0} gerelateerde problemen.
-there-are-object-definitions-with-the-same-external-reference-code-as-the-imported-ones=There are object definitions with the same external reference code as the imported ones. By continuing, you will update the existing object definitions. This action is permanent and data can be lost if the imported object definitions have missing fields compared to the existing ones. The affected object definitions are: (Automatic Copy)
+there-are-object-definitions-with-the-same-external-reference-code-as-the-imported-ones=Er zijn objectdefinities met dezelfde externe referentiecode als de geïmporteerde. Als u doorgaat, werkt u de bestaande objectdefinities bij. Deze actie is definitief en gegevens kunnen verloren gaan als de geïmporteerde objectdefinities ontbrekende velden hebben in vergelijking met de bestaande. De betrokken objectdefinities zijn:
there-are-one-or-more-mandatory-vocabularies-assigned-to-the-knowledge-base-article=Er zijn een of meer verplichte woordenlijsten toegewezen aan het kennisbankartikel.
there-are-other-redirects-pointing-to-the-source-url-of-this-redirect=Andere omleidingen verwijzen naar de bron-URL van deze omleiding. Dit zal een omleidingsketen tot stand brengen waardoor gebruikers meermaals worden omgeleid voordat ze de bestemming bereiken.
there-are-replacement-products-in-your-cart=Uw winkelwagen bevat vervangingsproducten.
@@ -19301,7 +19301,7 @@ this-article-is-set-to-publish-later=De publicatie van dit artikel is ingesteld
this-article-will-be-published-on-x=Dit artikel wordt gepubliceerd op {0}.
this-blog=Deze blog
this-category=Deze categorie
-this-category-might-be-being-used-in-some-contents=This category might be being used in some contents. If you delete it, this category and its subcategories will also be deleted and removed from those contents. Friendly URLs may also be affected. Do you want to continue deleting this category? (Automatic Copy)
+this-category-might-be-being-used-in-some-contents=Deze categorie kan gebruikt worden voor bepaalde inhoud. Als u ze verwijdert, worden deze categorie en alle bijbehorende subcategorieën ook gewist en verwijderd uit deze inhoud. Wilt u doorgaan met de verwijdering van deze categorie?
this-change-will-only-affect-the-newly-created-localized-content=Deze wijziging heeft alleen invloed op de zojuist gemaakte gelokaliseerde inhoud.
this-change-will-only-be-shown-after-you-refresh-the-page=Deze wijziging wordt pas getoond als u de pagina ververst.
this-collection-has-no-items=Deze collectie bevat geen items. U heeft minstens één item nodig om deze configuratie te gebruiken.
@@ -19410,7 +19410,7 @@ this-operation-cannot-be-undone=Deze bewerking kan niet ongedaan worden gemaakt.
this-operation-will-not-be-applied-to-any-of-the-selected-folders=Deze bewerking zal niet worden toegepast op de geselecteerde mappen.
this-option-is-enabled-only-in-a-clustered-environment=Deze optie is alleen ingeschakeld in een clusteromgeving.
this-order-cannot-be-transitioned=Voor deze bestelling is geen overgang mogelijk.
-this-order-has-already-been-checked-out=This order has already been checked out. (Automatic Copy)
+this-order-has-already-been-checked-out=Deze bestelling is al betaald.
this-organization=Deze organisatie
this-organization-does-not-have-a-parent-organization=Deze organisatie heeft geen bovenliggende organisatie.
this-organization-does-not-have-any-additional-email-addresses=Deze organisatie beschikt niet over extra e-mailadressen.
@@ -19492,7 +19492,7 @@ this-result-comes-from-the-x-version-of-this-content=Dit resultaat is afkomstig
this-role-does-not-have-any-permissions=Deze rol heeft geen rechten.
this-role-is-automatically-assigned=Deze rol wordt automatisch toegewezen.
this-rule-is-broken-due-to-missing-fields=Deze regel is geschonden vanwege ontbrekende velden.
-this-scheduled-publication-contains-conflicting-changes-that-must-be-manually-resolved-before-publishing=This scheduled publication contains conflicting changes that must be manually resolved before publishing. Please unschedule the publication in order to resolve conflicts. (Automatic Copy)
+this-scheduled-publication-contains-conflicting-changes-that-must-be-manually-resolved-before-publishing=Deze geplande publicatie bevat conflicterende wijzigingen die handmatig moeten worden opgelost voorafgaand aan de publicatie. Gelieve de planning van de publicatie te annuleren om conflicten op te lossen.
this-scope-is-no-longer-available=Dit toepassingsgebied is niet meer beschikbaar.
this-search-bar-is-not-visible-to-users-yet=Deze zoekbalk is nog niet zichtbaar voor gebruikers.
this-section-will-be-editable-after-creating-the-user=Deze sectie is te bewerken als de gebruiker is aangemaakt.
@@ -19767,7 +19767,7 @@ total-discount-percentage-level-3-with-tax-amount=Bedrag kortingspercentage nive
total-discount-percentage-level-4=Kortingspercentage niveau 4 voor totaal
total-discount-percentage-level-4-with-tax-amount=Bedrag kortingspercentage niveau 4 incl. belasting voor totaal
total-discount-with-tax-amount=Kortingsbedrag incl. belasting voor totaal
-total-estimated-refund=Total Estimated Refund (Automatic Copy)
+total-estimated-refund=Totale geschatte terugbetaling
total-modifications=Totaal Wijzigingen
total-open=Totaal open
@@ -20065,7 +20065,7 @@ unit-price=Eenheidsprijs
united-states-phone-format=Telefoonnummerindeling van de VS
units-of-measure=Meeteenheid (ME)
-units-returned=Units Returned (Automatic Copy)
+units-returned=Geretourneerde eenheden
unknown-element-message-edit=Verwijder deze voorwaarde. Ze werd gemaakt van een element dat niet meer bestaat.
unknown-element-message-view=De gemarkeerde voorwaarde is gekoppeld aan een element dat niet meer bestaat. Ga naar Bewerken en verwijder de voorwaarde.
@@ -20188,7 +20188,7 @@ update-entry=Invoer bijwerken
update-event=Gebeurtenis bijwerken
update-exchange-rates=Wisselkoersen bijwerken
update-existing-object-definition=Bestaande objectdefinitie bijwerken
-update-existing-object-definitions=Update Existing Objects Definitions (Automatic Copy)
+update-existing-object-definitions=Bestaande objectdefinities bijwerken
update-existing-object-folder=Bestaande objectmap bijwerken
update-existing-picklist=Bestaande selectielijst bijwerken
update-feedback=Terugkoppeling bijwerken
@@ -21596,7 +21596,7 @@ x-rows-were-imported-successfully={0} rijen geïmporteerd.
x-rows-were-not-imported={0} rijen niet geïmporteerd.
x-scheduled-publication-failed={0} geplande publicatie mislukt.
x-scheduled-publication-failed-with-an-unexpected-system-error={0} geplande publicatie mislukt met een onverwachte systeemfout.
-x-scheduled-publication-has-conflicts-with-production={0} scheduled publication has conflicts with production. (Automatic Copy)
+x-scheduled-publication-has-conflicts-with-production={0} geplande publicatie heeft conflicten met de productie.
x-screen-size-is-selected=Schermgrootte {0} is geselecteerd.
x-search={0} doorzoeken
x-search-provider={0} zoekmachine
diff --git a/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_pt_BR.properties b/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_pt_BR.properties
index 62894641502166..99a99c6558ad32 100644
--- a/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_pt_BR.properties
+++ b/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_pt_BR.properties
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ accepted=Aceito
accepted-answer=Resposta aceita
accepted-date=Data de aceitação
accepted-file-extensions=Extensões de arquivo aceitadas
-accepted-x-declined-x-pending-x-maybe-x=Accepted ({0}), Declined ({1}), Pending ({2}), Maybe ({3}) (Automatic Copy)
+accepted-x-declined-x-pending-x-maybe-x=Aceitou ({0}), Recusou ({1}), Pendente ({2}), Talvez ({3})
access-denied=Acesso negado
access-from-desktop=Acessar do Desktop
access-in-my-account=Acesso à Minha Conta
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ access-token-key-byte-size=Tamanho do token de acesso
access-token-key-byte-size-description=Definir o número de bytes aleatórios utilizados para a geração do token de acesso.
access-token-size=Tamanho do token de acesso
access-token-size-description=Definir o número de bytes aleatórios utilizados para a geração do token de acesso.
-access-token-url=Access Token URL (Automatic Copy)
+access-token-url=URL de token de acesso
accessTokenCreateDate=Data de Criação do Token de Acesso
accessTokenExpirationDate=Data de Expiração do Token de Acesso
accessed-urls=URLs acessados
@@ -1068,7 +1068,7 @@ add-restriction=Adicionar Restrição
add-restrictions=Adicionar Restrições
add-result=Adicionar Resultado
add-results-help=Adicionar resultados que não são normalmente exibidos pelas consultas principais de busca.
-add-return-item=Add Return Item (Automatic Copy)
+add-return-item=Adicionar item de retorno
add-role=Adicionar função
add-role-to-x=Adicionar função para {0}
add-row=Adicionar Linha
@@ -1218,7 +1218,7 @@ administrator-id=ID do administrador
administrator-role-names=Nomes da Função de Administrador
administrator-user=Usuário administrador
-administrators-can-create-and-execute-code-in-their-virtual-instance=Administrators can create and execute code in their virtual instance. Disabling this feature deactivates all actions and validations that use Groovy. (Automatic Copy)
+administrators-can-create-and-execute-code-in-their-virtual-instance=Os administradores podem criar e executar código na sua instância virtual. Desativar esse recurso impede todas as ações e validações que usam o Groovy.
administrators-can-manually-unlock-pages-that-are-being-used-by-other-users=Os administradores podem desbloquear manualmente as páginas usadas por outros usuários. Este ciente de que o usuário atual pode perder o controle da edição da página se você desbloqueá-la.
administrators-can-view,-edit,-publish,-and-invite-other-users=Administradores podem visualizar, editar, publicar e convidar usuários.
administrators-email=E-mail do administrador
@@ -1380,9 +1380,9 @@ all-your-pages-are-connected-or-redirected=Todas as suas páginas são conectada
all-your-unsaved-changes-will-be-lost-unless-you-save-or-publish-them-before-leaving=Todas as suas alterações não salvas serão perdidas a menos que você as salve ou publique antes de sair.
allow-adding-pages=Permitir adicionar páginas
-allow-administrator-to-create-and-execute-code-in-liferay=Allow administrator to create and execute code in Liferay. (Automatic Copy)
+allow-administrator-to-create-and-execute-code-in-liferay=Permita que o administrador crie e execute códigos no Liferay.
allow-administrators-to-publish-and-edit-workflows=Permitir que os Administradores publiquem e editem Fluxos de trabalho
-allow-administrators-to-publish-and-edit-workflows-description=When selected, users with the Regular Administrator role in a virtual instance can publish new workflow definitions, including scripting content that is executed inside the portal (and potentially in other virtual instances). (Automatic Copy)
+allow-administrators-to-publish-and-edit-workflows-description=Quando selecionado, os usuários com a função de Administrador regular em uma instância virtual podem publicar novas definições de fluxo de trabalho, incluindo o conteúdo de script que é executado dentro do portal (e, potencialmente, em outras instâncias virtuais).
allow-anonymous-emails=Permitir Emails Anônimos
allow-anonymous-posting=Permitir Posts Anônimos
allow-anyone-with-the-link-to-view-this-publication=Permitir que qualquer pessoa com o link visualize esta publicação.
@@ -1441,7 +1441,7 @@ allowed-classes=Classe permitida
allowed-credentials-per-user=Credenciais permitidas por usuário
allowed-credentials-per-user-description=Definir o número de credenciais permitidas por usuário.
allowed-domains=Domínios autorizados
-allowed-domains-help=Set the domains which the portal is allowed to redirect to. Remove all entries to allow any domain. Specifying a domain with a leading "*." allows redirects to subdomains. PORTAL_DOMAIN will be replaced with the current domain of the portal. (Automatic Copy)
+allowed-domains-help=Defina os domínios para os quais o portal pode redirecionar. Remova todas as entradas para autorizar qualquer domínio. Especificar um domínio precedido por um "*." permite redirecionamentos para subdomínios.
allowed-file-extensions=Extensões de Arquivo Permitidas
allowed-fragments=Fragmentos Permitidos
allowed-grant-types=Tipos de Autorização Permitidos
@@ -2512,7 +2512,7 @@ base-quantity=Quantidade base
base-tracking-url=URL de rastreamento base
base-unit-quantity=Quantidade de unidade base
base-unit-quantity-help=Os compradores só podem comprar em acréscimos da quantidade de unidade base.
-base-url=Base URL (Automatic Copy)
+base-url=URL base
base-url-x-is-invalid=URL base "{0}" inválido. Insira um URL base válido.
baseline=Linha base
baseline-clauses=Cláusulas de linha base
@@ -2912,7 +2912,7 @@ calendar=Calendário
calendar-does-not-serve-unknown-resource-x=O calendário não serve o recurso desconhecido {0}.
calendar-item-color-picker-press-space-to-enter-the-color-picker=Seletor de cor de item do calendário: pressione espaço para acessar o seletor de cor.
-calendar-name=Calendar Name (Automatic Copy)
+calendar-name=Nome do calendário
calendar-notification-templates=Modelos de notificação do calendário
calendar-resource-already-exists=Recurso do calendário já existe.
calendar-resources=Recursos do calendário
@@ -3354,7 +3354,7 @@ changing-the-order-of-the-categories-is-not-supported=Alterar a ordem das catego
changing-the-structure-key-will-reindex-all-the-web-content-articles-with-this-structure.-this-action-may-take-some-time,-and-the-affected-items-may-not-be-available-during-this-process=A alteração da chave de estrutura reindexará todos os artigos de conteúdo web com essa estrutura. Esta ação pode demorar um pouco e os itens afetados podem ficar indisponíveis durante este processo.
changing-the-template-will-not-affect-the-original-web-content-default-template.-the-change-only-applies-to-this-web-content-display=Alterar o modelo não afetará o modelo padrão do Conteúdo Web original. A alteração só aplica-se a esta exibição de conteúdo web.
changing-the-value-of-this-field-reloads-the-page=Mudar o valor deste campo provocará o recarregamento da página.
-changing-this-setting-will-reset-all-mappings-for-this-collection=Changing this setting will reset all mappings for this collection. (Automatic Copy)
+changing-this-setting-will-reset-all-mappings-for-this-collection=Alterar essa configuração redefinirá todos os mapeamentos para esta coleção.
channel-account-managers=Gerentes de conta do canal
channel-defaults=Padrões do canal
@@ -4376,7 +4376,7 @@ cookie-consent-panel-configuration-name=Painel de consentimento
cookie-enabled-help=Esta caixa de seleção ativa a gestão das preferências de cookies de acordo com as escolhas selecionadas pelo usuário. Também habilita opções de configuração para banner e painel de consentimento.
cookie-explicit-consent-mode=Modo de consentimento explícito de cookies
cookie-explicit-consent-mode-help=Se está opção estiver marcada, nenhum cookie será definido até que usuário concorde com o uso de cookies. Caso contrário, todos os cookies são definidos até que o usuário opte por desativá-los.
-cookie-explicit-consent-mode-help-deprecated=If this option is checked, then no cookies are set until the user agrees to cookie usages. Otherwise, all cookies are set until the user opts out of them. (Automatic Copy)
+cookie-explicit-consent-mode-help-deprecated=Se esta opção estiver marcada, nenhum cookie será definido até que o usuário concorde com o uso de cookies. Caso contrário, todos os cookies serão definidos até que o usuário opte por desativá-los.
cookie-policy=Política de cookies
cookie-policy-link=Link da política de cookies
cookie-preference-handling-configuration-name=Gestão de preferências
@@ -5489,8 +5489,8 @@ default-view=Visualização padrão
default-view-must-have-at-least-one-column=Visualização padrão deve ter pelo menos uma coluna.
default-viewport=Visor padrão
default-visualization-mode=Modo de exibição padrão
-default-visualization-mode-help=Customize which visualization mode will be shown by default for this Data Set. (Automatic Copy)
-default-visualization-mode-tooltip=To select a default visualization mode, first configure it in the Visualization Modes tab. (Automatic Copy)
+default-visualization-mode-help=Escolha o modo de visualização padrão para este Conjunto de dados.
+default-visualization-mode-tooltip=Para selecionar um modo de visualização padrão, primeiro configure-o na aba Modos de visualização.
default-was-changed=Padrão alterado
default-workflow-for-all-document-types=Fluxo de trabalho padrão para todos os tipos de documentos
default-workflow-for-all-structures=Fluxo de Trabalho Padrão para Todas as Estruturas
@@ -5923,7 +5923,7 @@ display-did-you-mean-if-the-number-of-search-results-does-not-meet-the-threshold
display-discount-levels=Exibir níveis de desconto
display-entries-of-the-following-field-types-as-tables-select-from-list-single-selection-multiple-selection-and-boolean=Exibir entradas dos seguintes tipos de campo como tabelas: booleana, seleção múltipla, selecionar da lista e seleção única.
display-facet=Exibir Faceta
-display-field-name-in-structures-ui-and-allow-users-to-edit-it=Display field name in structures UI and allow users to edit it. (Automatic Copy)
+display-field-name-in-structures-ui-and-allow-users-to-edit-it=Exiba o nome do campo na interface do usuário das estruturas e permita que os usuários o editem.
display-fields-and-one-to-one-relationships=Exibe campos e relacionamentos um a um.
display-folder-facet=Exibir a Faceta de Pastas
display-frequencies=Frequências de exibição
@@ -6236,7 +6236,7 @@ duplicated-from-x=Duplicado de {0}
duplicated-variable-name=Nome da variável duplicado
duration-help=Número de dias que clientes poderão acessar este arquivo. Defina como 0 para poder realizar downloads ilimitados.
-duration-type=Duration Type (Automatic Copy)
+duration-type=Tipo de duração
duration-x-x=Duração {0} {1}
dxp-has-successfully-connected-to-analytics-cloud,-complete-your-set-up-in-the-instance-scope-menu=DXP conectado com sucesso ao Analytics Cloud, conclua sua configuração no menu de escopo da instância.
@@ -7303,22 +7303,22 @@ feature.flag.LPD-6368.description=Os usuários podem definir o escopo das classi
feature.flag.LPD-6368.title=Classificação de resultados de escopo
feature.flag.LPD-6378.description=Os usuários podem configurar as páginas de utilitário para os processos de Login, Esqueceu a senha e Criar conta.
feature.flag.LPD-6378.title=Páginas de utilitários de Login
-feature.flag.LPD-10703.description=Include workflow information and actions when reviewing publication changes. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10703.title=Improve Publications Review (Automatic Copy)
+feature.flag.LPD-10703.description=Inclua informações e ações do fluxo de trabalho ao revisar as alterações da publicação.
+feature.flag.LPD-10703.title=Melhorar revisão de publicações
feature.flag.LPD-10793.description=Os usuários podem gerar e salvar imagens de IA no aplicativo Documentos e Mídia usando o OpenAI.
feature.flag.LPD-10793.title=Geração de imagem de IA em Documentos e Mídia
feature.flag.LPD-10855.description=Os usuários podem gerenciar contatos diretamente relacionados a contas.
feature.flag.LPD-10855.title=Contatos da conta
-feature.flag.LPD-10856.description=Users can map each product specification individually on a content page. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10856.title=Mapping Individual Product Specifications (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10862.description=Users can activate the content creation prompt with a single click by leveraging AI capabilities directly within the CKEditor for seamless and efficient content generation. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10862.title=Generative AI for Commerce Product (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10887.description=Users can now configure purchase options for products based on date, times, time zones, and durations, allowing for the sale of time slots. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10887.title=Date Times as Option (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-11018.description=Notify users when publications fail to publish or when scheduled publications have conflicts. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-11018.title=Publication Conflict Notifications (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-11070.description=Add the preview draft permission for pages. This grants users read only access to page drafts. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-11070.title=Preview Page Drafts Permission (Automatic Copy)
+feature.flag.LPD-10856.description=Os usuários podem mapear cada especificação do produto individualmente em uma página de conteúdo.
+feature.flag.LPD-10856.title=Mapeamento de especificações individuais do produto
+feature.flag.LPD-10862.description=Os usuários podem ativar facilmente o prompt de criação de conteúdo com apenas um clique, aproveitando os recursos de IA diretamente no CKEditor para uma geração de conteúdo perfeita e eficiente.
+feature.flag.LPD-10862.title=IA generativa para fins comerciais
+feature.flag.LPD-10887.description=Agora, os usuários podem configurar opções de compra de produtos com base em data, horário, fuso horário e duração, permitindo a venda de horários específicos.
+feature.flag.LPD-10887.title=Data e horas como opção
+feature.flag.LPD-11018.description=Notifique os usuários quando as publicações não forem publicadas ou quando houver conflitos com as publicações agendadas.
+feature.flag.LPD-11018.title=Notificações de conflito de publicação
+feature.flag.LPD-11070.description=Adicione a permissão de visualização das páginas de rascunho. Isso concede aos usuários acesso apenas para leitura às páginas de rascunho.
+feature.flag.LPD-11070.title=Permissão de visualização da página de rascunhos
feature.flag.LPD-11147.description=Users can configure the URL path for different asset types. (Automatic Copy)
feature.flag.LPD-11147.title=Configurable URLs for Asset Types (Automatic Copy)
feature.flag.LPD-11218.description=Os usuários podem ativar os filtros "Meu" e "Recente" para localizar rapidamente seu próprio conteúdo, juntamente com sua data de criação.
@@ -7327,8 +7327,8 @@ feature.flag.LPD-15596.description=Os usuários podem definir e gerenciar permis
feature.flag.LPD-15596.title=Gerencie permissões e agendamentos ao publicar conteúdo
feature.flag.LPD-15804.description=Adiciona uma nova etapa ao processo de finalização de compra.
feature.flag.LPD-15804.title=Extensão Client da etapa de finalização de compra comercial
-feature.flag.LPD-16469.description=Users have the ability to bulk manage permissions for multiple web content articles. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-16469.title=Bulk Manage Permissions for Web Content Articles (Automatic Copy)
+feature.flag.LPD-16469.description=Os usuários podem gerenciar as permissões em massa para vários artigos de conteúdo da web.
+feature.flag.LPD-16469.title=Permissões de gerenciamento em lote para artigos de conteúdo da web
feature.flag.LPS-96845.description=Os clientes SCIM configurados podem desfrutar das APIs REST para sincronizar informações de identidade para usuários e grupos com aplicativos externos.
feature.flag.LPS-96845.title=Sistema de gerenciamento de identidade entre domínios (SCIM)
feature.flag.LPS-114700.description=Adicione um status que indica o número total de campos do conteúdo web traduzidos para cada idioma.
@@ -7355,8 +7355,8 @@ feature.flag.LPS-171364.description=Os usuários podem mover alterações entre
feature.flag.LPS-171364.title=Mover alterações entre publicações
feature.flag.LPS-174417.description=Os administradores de páginas do site e do modelo do site poderão receber avisos quando URLs amigáveis de páginas já existirem no modelo do site ou no site criado a partir do modelo do site.
feature.flag.LPS-174417.title=Avisos de conflito de URL amigável do modelo do site
-feature.flag.LPS-174455.description=Use object REST APIs to manage attachment fields. Add, get, or update data in Base64 format. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPS-174455.title=Improve REST APIs for Object Attachment Fields (Automatic Copy)
+feature.flag.LPS-174455.description=Utilize APIs REST de objeto para gerenciar campos de anexo. Adicione, obtenha ou atualize dados no formato Base64.
+feature.flag.LPS-174455.title=Aprimore as APIs REST para campos de anexação de objeto
feature.flag.LPS-178642.description=Os usuários podem criar APIs REST sem código com pontos de extremidade, esquemas, filtros e classificações. A interface do usuário estará disponível em Painel de controle > Objeto > Construtor de API.
feature.flag.LPS-178642.title=Construtor de API
feature.flag.LPS-179669.description=Pesquise no índice da empresa o conteúdo correspondente. Adicione facetas com termos de exibição traduzidos e defina um esquema de pesquisa na solicitação para adicionar pesquisa, filtragem, agregação e classificação personalizadas.
@@ -7383,8 +7383,8 @@ feature.flag.LPS-188898.description=Os desenvolvedores poderão usar extensões
feature.flag.LPS-188898.title=Extensão do cliente da regra de validação de objeto
feature.flag.LPS-193884.description=Permita que uma data de expiração seja definida nos links "definir nova senha" do novo usuário, como é possível para links "redefinir senha".
feature.flag.LPS-193884.title=Data de expiração do link definir senha do novo usuário
-feature.flag.LPS-196847.description=Users can manage permissions for page groups and visually distinguish between public and private pages. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPS-196847.title=Improve Permission Management for Pages (Automatic Copy)
+feature.flag.LPS-196847.description=Os usuários podem gerenciar permissões para grupos de páginas e diferenciar visualmente entre páginas públicas e privadas.
+feature.flag.LPS-196847.title=Melhor gerenciamento de permissões para páginas
feature.flag.LPS-196935.description=As listas de dados dinâmicos foram descontinuadas e serão removidas em 2024. Para evitar a perda de dados, você deve migrar seus dados para o Liferay Objects.
feature.flag.LPS-196935.title=Listas de Dados Dinâmicos
feature.flag.LPS-199086.description=Allows staging users to export/import a child page without its parents. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -8129,7 +8129,7 @@ grace-limit=Limite de concessão
grace-limit-help=Isto determina o número de vezes que um usuário pode efetuar login após sua senha expirar, antes de ser forçado usar uma nova senha.
grand-total=Total bruto
-grant-type=Grant Type (Automatic Copy)
+grant-type=Tipo de concessão
grant-type-x-is-unsupported-for-this-client-type=O tipo de concessão "{0}" não possui suporte para este tipo de cliente.
graph-url=URL do gráfico
@@ -8678,7 +8678,7 @@ import-siteminder-users-from-ldap-help=Se marcado, usuários autenticados do Sit
import-status=Importar estado
import-strategy=Importar estratégia
import-structure=Estrutura de importação
-import-succeeded=Import Succeeded (Automatic Copy)
+import-succeeded=Importação bem-sucedida
import-task-isolation=Importar nível de isolamento da tarefa
import-task-isolation-help=Defina o nível de isolamento para tarefas de importação de propagação de modelo de site. O padrão é definido como grupo. Isso significa que apenas um trabalho de importação de propagação de modelo de site pode ser executado ao mesmo tempo para o mesmo site de destino. No entanto, você também pode defini-lo para a empresa. Isso reduzirá o paralelismo, permitindo que apenas uma tarefa seja executada no nível corporativo. Em geral, use esta opção para reduzir a carga no portal em troca de propagações do modelo de site com atraso.
import-translation=Importar tradução
@@ -8906,7 +8906,7 @@ instance-id=ID da instância
instance-id-x=ID da instância: {0}
instance-scope=Escopo da instância
instance-settings=Configurações da Instância
-instance-web-id=Instance Web ID (Automatic Copy)
+instance-web-id=ID da web da instância
instanceable=Pode criar instâncias
instant-messenger=Mensagem Instantânea
@@ -9320,7 +9320,7 @@ javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_inventory_web_internal_portlet_Commerce
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_machine_learning_forecast_alert_web_internal_portlet_CommerceMLForecastAlertPortlet=Alerta de previsão de aprendizagem automática comercial
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_order_content_web_internal_portlet_CommerceOpenOrderContentPortlet=Cartões abertos
-javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_order_content_web_internal_portlet_CommerceReturnContentPortlet=Returns (Automatic Copy)
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_order_rule_web_internal_portlet_COREntryPortlet=Regras do pedido
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_order_web_internal_portlet_CommerceOrderTypePortlet=Tipos de pedido
@@ -10010,7 +10010,7 @@ layout.types.portlet=Página de Widget
layout.types.portlet.description=Construa uma página adicionando widgets e conteúdos.
layout.types.url=Vincular a uma URL
layout.types.url.description=Vincular a um outro website.
-layout.types.utility=Utility Page (Automatic Copy)
+layout.types.utility=Página de utilitários
lazy-loading-can-help-to-improve-page-performance=Carregamento lento pode ajudar a melhorar o desempenho da página.
@@ -10312,7 +10312,7 @@ major=Grande
major-version=Versão Principal
make-a-copy=Fazer uma cópia
make-a-refund=Fazer um reembolso
-make-a-return=Make a Return (Automatic Copy)
+make-a-return=Fazer uma devolução
make-active=Torne ativo
make-additional-changes-and-publish-them-when-you-are-ready=Realize alterações adicionais e as publique quando estiver pronto.
make-default=Tornar Padrão
@@ -10433,7 +10433,7 @@ mark-as-translated-for-x-language=Todos os campos para o idioma {0} serão marca
mark-as-unread=Marcar Como Não Lida
mark-the-sku-as-discontinued=Marque o SKU como descontinuado
mark-x-as-favorite=Marque {0} como Favorito
-mark-x-as-translated=Mark "{0}" as Translated (Automatic Copy)
+mark-x-as-translated=Marcar {0} como traduzido
markdown-importer-article-extensions=Extensões do artigo do importador Markdown
markdown-importer-article-intro=Introdução do artigo do importador Markdown
markdown-importer-image-file-extensions=Extensões do arquivo de imagem do importador Markdown
@@ -11367,8 +11367,8 @@ modified-x-ago-by-x=Modificado há {0} por {1}.
modifier-type=Tipo de modificador
modify-the-friendly-url-of-the-pages-to-allow-their-propagation-from-the-site-template=Modifique a URL amigável das páginas par permitir sua propagação a partir do modelo do site.
-modifying-the-field-name-may-result-in-data-loss=Modifying the field name may result in data loss. (Automatic Copy)
-modifying-the-option-name-may-result-in-data-loss=Modifying the option name may result in data loss. (Automatic Copy)
+modifying-the-field-name-may-result-in-data-loss=Modificar o nome do campo pode resultar em perda de dados.
+modifying-the-option-name-may-result-in-data-loss=Modificar o nome da opção pode resultar em perda de dados.
modifying-the-site-template-logo-only-affects-sites-that-are-not-yet-created=Modificar a logomarca padrão do site apenas afeta sites ainda não criados.
module-id=ID do módulo
@@ -12384,14 +12384,14 @@ object-action-trigger[onAfterRootUpdate]=Ligado após atualização root
object-action-trigger[onAfterUpdate]=Após atualização
-object-definition=Object Definition (Automatic Copy)
+object-definition=Definição de objeto
object-definition-data=Dados do objeto
object-definition-id=ID do objeto
object-definition-storage-type-tooltip=Selecione se os dados forem armazenados no Liferay (padrão) ou em um sistema externo. Limitações são aplicadas para definições de objeto com tipos de armazenamento externo.
object-definition-successfully-imported=Definição de objeto importada com sucesso.
object-definition-table-name=Nome da tabela
object-definition-x-is-selected=A definição do objeto {0} foi selecionada.
-object-definitions-failed-to-import=Object Definitions Failed to Import (Automatic Copy)
+object-definitions-failed-to-import=Falha na importação das definições de objeto
object-entry-id=ID de entrada do objeto
object-entry-value-exceeds-integer-field-allowed-size=O valor da entrada do objeto excede o tamanho permitido do campo de inteiro.
object-entry-value-exceeds-long-field-allowed-size=O valor de entrada do objeto excede o tamanho permitido do campo longo.
@@ -12630,9 +12630,9 @@ option=Opção
option-created=Opção criada
option-detail=Detalhes da Opção
option-field-type=Tipo de Campo de Opção
-option-name=Option Name (Automatic Copy)
+option-name=Nome da opção
option-not-found=Opção não encontrada
-option-reference=Option Reference (Automatic Copy)
+option-reference=Referência de opção
option-selected=Opção selecionada
option-selector=Seletor de opção
option-template-detail=Detalhe do Modelo de Opção
@@ -13261,7 +13261,7 @@ please-add-a-valid-email-address=Por favor, adicione um endereço de e-mail vál
please-add-a-workflow-title-before-publishing=Por favor, adicione um título de fluxo de trabalho antes da publicação.
please-add-at-least-one-field=Por favor, adicione pelo menos um campo.
please-add-at-least-one-item-to-the-shipment=Por favor, adicione, pelo menos, um item ao envio.
-please-add-at-least-one-item-you-wish-to-return-from-the-order-to-proceed-with-the-request=Please add at least one item you wish to return from the order to proceed with the request. (Automatic Copy)
+please-add-at-least-one-item-you-wish-to-return-from-the-order-to-proceed-with-the-request=Adicione pelo menos um item que você deseja devolver do pedido para prosseguir com a solicitação.
please-add-at-least-one-option=Por favor adicione pelo menos uma opção.
please-add-at-least-one-shipping-option=Por favor, adicione pelo menos uma opção de envio.
please-add-at-least-one-tax-rate=Por favor, adicione pelo menos uma taxa de imposto.
@@ -13619,7 +13619,7 @@ please-provide-all-mandatory-files-and-make-sure-the-file-types-are-valid=Por fa
please-provide-the-reason-for-your-request=Forneça o motivo de sua solicitação.
please-reenter-your-quantity-for-the-items-with-the-following-skus=Por favor, reinsira a sua quantidade dos itens com os seguintes códigos SKU:
please-rename-this-with-another-words=Renomeie com outras palavras.
-please-review-the-details-of-the-returning-items-before-submitting-the-request=Please review the details of the returning items before submitting the request. (Automatic Copy)
+please-review-the-details-of-the-returning-items-before-submitting-the-request=Revise os detalhes dos itens devolvidos antes de enviar a solicitação.
please-select-a-category=Por favor, selecione uma categoria.
please-select-a-country=Por favor, selecione um país.
please-select-a-course=Por favor, selecione um curso.
@@ -14618,8 +14618,8 @@ refund-amount=Valor do reembolso
refund-details=Detalhes de reembolso
refund-reason=Motivo do reembolso
refund-status=Status do reembolso
-refund-subtotal=Refund Subtotal (Automatic Copy)
-refund-summary=Refund Summary (Automatic Copy)
+refund-subtotal=Subtotal devolvido
+refund-summary=Resumo da devolução
regenerate-preview-and-thumbnail-of-openoffice-files-in-documents-and-media=Regerar os arquivos de visualização e miniatura de arquivos OpenOffice nos documentos e mídia.
regenerate-preview-and-thumbnail-of-openoffice-files-in-documents-and-media-help=Esta ação não modifica pré-visualizações de OpenOffice existentes.
@@ -14866,7 +14866,7 @@ repeat-top-to-bottom=Repetir de cima para baixo
repeat-type=Repetir tipo
-repetitions=Repetitions (Automatic Copy)
replace-certificate=Substituir Certificado
replace-file=Substituir arquivo
@@ -14966,7 +14966,7 @@ requested-by-x=Solicitado por {0}
requested-date=Data da Solicitação
requested-delivery-date=Data de entrega solicitada
requested-delivery-date-at-checkout=Data de entrega solicitada na finalização de compra
-requested-quantity=Requested Quantity (Automatic Copy)
+requested-quantity=Quantidade solicitada
requested-report-id=ID do Relatório Solicitado
requested-report-status=Status do Relatório Solicitado
requesting-translation=Solicitando tradução.
@@ -15053,7 +15053,7 @@ resize-column=Redimensionar coluna
resize-sidebar=Redimensionar barra lateral
-resolve-all-active-scripting-uses-before-proceeding-you-can-deactivate-the-source-entity-or-remove-the-script=Resolve all active scripting uses before proceeding. You can deactivate the source entity or remove the script. (Automatic Copy)
+resolve-all-active-scripting-uses-before-proceeding-you-can-deactivate-the-source-entity-or-remove-the-script=Resolva todos os usos ativos de script antes de prosseguir. Você pode desativar a entidade de origem ou remover o script.
resolve-any-conflicts=Resolver qualquer conflito
resolved-on-time=Solucionado a tempo
@@ -15151,9 +15151,9 @@ retry-timeout=Tempo limite para novas tentativas
retry-timeout-description=Definir o tempo em segundos para o bloqueio de solicitações depois do limite de tentativas mal sucedidas permitidas ser alcançado.
retry-your-request=Reinserir sua solicitação.
return-date=Data de retorno
-return-date-range=Return Date Range (Automatic Copy)
+return-date-range=Intervalo de data da devolução
return-id=ID de retorno
-return-reason=Return Reason (Automatic Copy)
+return-reason=Motivo da devolução
return-receipt=Retornar recibo:
return-status=Status de retorno
return-to-full-page=Retornar para página inteira
@@ -15514,7 +15514,7 @@ script-file=Script
script-language=Linguagem de script
script-management=Gerenciamento de script
script-management-configuration-name=Gerenciamento de script
-script-source=Script Source (Automatic Copy)
+script-source=Fonte do script
scripted-assignment=Atribuição de script
scripted-assignment-cache-expiration-time-description=Definir o tempo, em minutos, após o qual o cache para os scripts de tarefa de atribuição com script será removido. Use zero ou um valor negativo para desabilitar o cache.
scripted-assignment-cache-expiration-time-name=Tempo de expiração do cache de atribuição com script
@@ -15832,7 +15832,7 @@ select-css-client-extensions=Selecionar extensões CSS Client
select-current-date=Selecionar data atual
select-data-fields=Selecionar campos de dados
select-date=Selecionar Data
-select-date-from-list=Select Date from List (Automatic Copy)
+select-date-from-list=Selecionar dados da lista
select-date-range=Selecionar período
select-destination=Selecionar destino
select-destination-folder-for-x-item=Selecione a pasta de destino para {0} item
@@ -15922,7 +15922,7 @@ select-reassignment=Selecionar reatribuição
select-recipients=Selecionar destinatários
select-region=Selecionar Região
select-restore-folder=Selecione Restaurar pasta
-select-returnable-items=Select Returnable Items (Automatic Copy)
+select-returnable-items=Selecionar itens que podem ser devolvidos
select-role=Selecionar Função
select-scope=Selecionar escopo
select-search=Selecione a Busca
@@ -16234,7 +16234,7 @@ set-x-to-x=Definir {0} para {1}
set-your-jira-login=Configurar suas credenciais do JIRA.
set-your-login-for-x-to-track-your-jira-activity=Configurar suas credenciais para {0} para rastrear suas atividades no JIRA.
setting-a-value-above-x-can-affect-page-performance-severely=Definir um valor acima de {0} pode afetar a severidade do desempenho da página afetada.
-setting-cannot-be-deactivated=Setting Cannot Be Deactivated (Automatic Copy)
+setting-cannot-be-deactivated=A configuração não pode der desativada
several-shared-parameters-are-mapped-to-the-same-parameter=Diversos parâmetros compartilhados estão mapeados para o mesmo parâmetro.
@@ -17238,7 +17238,7 @@ submit-for-workflow-with-permissions=Enviar para fluxo de trabalho com permissõ
submit-new=Submeter novo
submit-new-x=Submeter Novo {0}
-submit-return-request=Submit Return Request (Automatic Copy)
+submit-return-request=Enviar solicitação de devolução
submit-to-reddit=Submeta para reeditar
submitted-by=Enviado por
submitted-entry-status=Status da entrada enviada
@@ -17321,9 +17321,9 @@ successfully-saved=Salvo com sucesso.
successfully-unassigned-display-page-template=Atribuição cancelada com sucesso ao modelo de página de exibição.
such-as-x-or-x=Como {0} ou {1}
-sugarcrm=SugarCRM (Automatic Copy)
-sugarcrm-configuration-name=SugarCRM Integration (Automatic Copy)
-sugarcrm-objects-do-not-support-relationships=SugarCRM objects do not support relationships. (Automatic Copy)
+sugarcrm-configuration-name=Integração do SugarCRM
+sugarcrm-objects-do-not-support-relationships=Os objetos do SugarCRM não dão suporte a relacionamentos.
suggestion-contributor=Contribuidor de sugestão
suggestion-contributor-help=Inserir o nome do colaborador usado para exibir sugestões.
suggestion-in-progress-email=Email de Sugestão em Progresso
@@ -18438,7 +18438,7 @@ the-note-could-not-be-found=Não foi possível encontrar a nota.
the-number-of-keys-generated-has-exceeded-the-number-of-allowed-keys=O número de chaves geradas excedeu o número de chaves permitidas.
the-object-action-was-created-successfully=A ação do objeto foi criada com sucesso.
the-object-action-was-updated-successfully=A ação do objeto foi atualizada com sucesso.
-the-object-could-not-be-found=The object could not be found. (Automatic Copy)
+the-object-could-not-be-found=O objeto não foi encontrado.
the-object-definition-failed-to-import=A definição do objeto falhou ao importar.
the-object-definition-is-already-published=A definição o objeto já foi publicada.
the-object-definition-was-imported-without-a-custom-view=A definição do objeto foi importada sem uma visualização personalizada.
@@ -19298,7 +19298,7 @@ this-article-is-set-to-publish-later=Este artigo deverá ser publicado posterior
this-article-will-be-published-on-x=Este artigo será publicado em {0}.
this-blog=Este blog
this-category=Esta categoria
-this-category-might-be-being-used-in-some-contents=This category might be being used in some contents. If you delete it, this category and its subcategories will also be deleted and removed from those contents. Friendly URLs may also be affected. Do you want to continue deleting this category? (Automatic Copy)
+this-category-might-be-being-used-in-some-contents=Esta categoria pode estar sendo utilizada em alguns conteúdos. Se você excluí-la, esta categoria e todas as suas subcategorias também serão excluídas e removidas destes conteúdos. Deseja continuar excluindo esta categoria?
this-change-will-only-affect-the-newly-created-localized-content=Essa mudança só afetará o conteúdo localizado recém-criado.
this-change-will-only-be-shown-after-you-refresh-the-page=Esta modificação será exibida somente quando a página for atualizada.
this-collection-has-no-items=Esta coleção não possui nenhum item. Você precisa de pelo menos um item para usar esta configuração.
@@ -19407,7 +19407,7 @@ this-operation-cannot-be-undone=Esta operação é irreversível.
this-operation-will-not-be-applied-to-any-of-the-selected-folders=Esta operação não será aplicada a nenhuma das pastas selecionadas.
this-option-is-enabled-only-in-a-clustered-environment=Esta opção só está habilitada em um ambiente em cluster.
this-order-cannot-be-transitioned=Este pedido não pode ser transferido.
-this-order-has-already-been-checked-out=This order has already been checked out. (Automatic Copy)
+this-order-has-already-been-checked-out=Este pedido já foi verificado.
this-organization=Esta organização
this-organization-does-not-have-a-parent-organization=Essa organização não possui uma organização pai.
this-organization-does-not-have-any-additional-email-addresses=Esta empresa não possui nenhum endereço de e-mail adicional.
@@ -19764,7 +19764,7 @@ total-discount-percentage-level-3-with-tax-amount=Porcentagem do desconto do tot
total-discount-percentage-level-4=Porcentagem de desconto do total nível 4
total-discount-percentage-level-4-with-tax-amount=Porcentagem do desconto do total nível 4 com quantidade de taxas
total-discount-with-tax-amount=Quantidade de desconto do total com imposto
-total-estimated-refund=Total Estimated Refund (Automatic Copy)
+total-estimated-refund=Reembolso total estimado
total-memory=Memória total
total-modifications=Modificações totais
total-open=Total aberto
@@ -20062,7 +20062,7 @@ unit-price=Preço Unitário
united-states-phone-format=Formato de telefone dos Estados Unidos
units-of-measure=Unidades de medida (UOM)
-units-returned=Units Returned (Automatic Copy)
+units-returned=Unidades devolvidas
unknown-element-message-edit=Exclua esta condição. Ela foi criada de um elemento que não existe mais.
unknown-element-message-view=A condição destacada é relacionada a um elemento que não existe mais. Vá em editar e exclua a condição.
diff --git a/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_sv.properties b/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_sv.properties
index 716c7fbf372cce..eda6335330678c 100644
--- a/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_sv.properties
+++ b/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_sv.properties
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ accepted=Accepterad
accepted-answer=Accepterat svar
accepted-date=Accepterat datum
accepted-file-extensions=Tillåtna filtillägg
-accepted-x-declined-x-pending-x-maybe-x=Accepted ({0}), Declined ({1}), Pending ({2}), Maybe ({3}) (Automatic Copy)
+accepted-x-declined-x-pending-x-maybe-x=Accepterade ({0}), Avvisade ({1}), Väntande ({2}), Kanske ({3})
access-denied=Åtkomst nekad
access-from-desktop=Nå från skrivbordet
access-in-my-account=Tillgång i Mitt konto
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ access-token-key-byte-size=Storlek på åtkomsttoken
access-token-key-byte-size-description=Ange antal slumpmässiga byte som används för att generera åtkomsttoken.
access-token-size=Storlek på åtkomsttoken
access-token-size-description=Ange antal slumpmässiga byte som används för att generera åtkomsttoken.
-access-token-url=Access Token URL (Automatic Copy)
+access-token-url=URL för åtkomsttoken
accessTokenCreateDate=Skapandedatum för åtkomsttoken
accessTokenExpirationDate=Förfallodatum för åtkomsttoken
accessed-urls=Besökta URL:er
@@ -1068,7 +1068,7 @@ add-restriction=Lägg till begränsning
add-restrictions=Lägg till begränsningar
add-result=Lägg till resultat
add-results-help=Lägg till resultat som vanligtvis inte returneras av huvudsökfrågan.
-add-return-item=Add Return Item (Automatic Copy)
+add-return-item=Lägg till returvara
add-role=Lägg till roll
add-role-to-x=Lägg till roll i {0}
add-row=Lägg till rad
@@ -1218,7 +1218,7 @@ administrator-id=Administratör-ID
administrator-role-names=Namn för administratörsroller
-administrators-can-create-and-execute-code-in-their-virtual-instance=Administrators can create and execute code in their virtual instance. Disabling this feature deactivates all actions and validations that use Groovy. (Automatic Copy)
+administrators-can-create-and-execute-code-in-their-virtual-instance=Administratörer kan skapa och köra kod i sin virtuella instans. Om du inaktiverar funktionen inaktiveras alla åtgärder och valideringar som använder Groovy.
administrators-can-manually-unlock-pages-that-are-being-used-by-other-users=Administratörer kan manuellt låsa sidor som används av andra användare. Observera att nuvarande användare kan förlora redigeringskontrollen på sidan om du låser upp den.
administrators-can-view,-edit,-publish,-and-invite-other-users=Administratörer kan redigera, publicera och bjuda in andra användare.
administrators-email=E-post för administratör
@@ -1380,9 +1380,9 @@ all-your-pages-are-connected-or-redirected=Alla dina sidor är ansluta eller omd
all-your-unsaved-changes-will-be-lost-unless-you-save-or-publish-them-before-leaving=Alla ändringar som inte sparats kommer att förloras om du inte sparar eller publicerar dem innan du avslutar.
allow-adding-pages=Tillåt möjlighet att lägga till sidor
-allow-administrator-to-create-and-execute-code-in-liferay=Allow administrator to create and execute code in Liferay. (Automatic Copy)
+allow-administrator-to-create-and-execute-code-in-liferay=Tillåt administratör att skapa och köra kod i Liferay.
allow-administrators-to-publish-and-edit-workflows=Tillåt administratörer att publicera och redigera arbetsflöden
-allow-administrators-to-publish-and-edit-workflows-description=When selected, users with the Regular Administrator role in a virtual instance can publish new workflow definitions, including scripting content that is executed inside the portal (and potentially in other virtual instances). (Automatic Copy)
+allow-administrators-to-publish-and-edit-workflows-description=När detta markeras kan användare med roll som vanlig administratör i en virtuell instans publicera nya definitioner för arbetsflöde, inklusive skriptinnehåll som utförs i portalen (och potentiellt i andra virtuella instanser).
allow-anonymous-emails=Tillåt anonyma epost
allow-anonymous-posting=Tillåt anonyma inlägg
allow-anyone-with-the-link-to-view-this-publication=Tillåt alla som har länken att visa publiceringen.
@@ -1441,7 +1441,7 @@ allowed-classes=Tillåtna klasser
allowed-credentials-per-user=Tillåtna autentiseringsuppgifter per användare
allowed-credentials-per-user-description=Ange antal tillåtna autentiseringsuppgifter per användare.
allowed-domains=Tillåtna domäner
-allowed-domains-help=Set the domains which the portal is allowed to redirect to. Remove all entries to allow any domain. Specifying a domain with a leading "*." allows redirects to subdomains. PORTAL_DOMAIN will be replaced with the current domain of the portal. (Automatic Copy)
+allowed-domains-help=Ställ in domäner som portaler kan dirigeras till. Ta bort alla inlägg som tillåter domäner. Om du specificerar en domän som inleds med "*.", tillåts omdirigeringar till underdomäner.
allowed-file-extensions=Tillåtna filtyper
allowed-fragments=Tillåtna fragment
allowed-grant-types=Tillåtna auktoriseringstyper
@@ -1812,7 +1812,7 @@ are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-all-timers-and-their-settings=Vill du verkligen
are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-blueprints=Vill du verkligen ta bort de valda skisserna?
are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-elements=Vill du verkligen ta bort de valda elementen?
are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-order-x=Vill du verkligen ta bort beställning #{0}?
-are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-return-x=Are you sure you want to delete return #{0}? (Automatic Copy)
+are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-return-x=Vill du verkligen ta bort retur #{0}?
are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-the-application-there-are-no-authorizations-or-associated-tokens=Vill du verkligen ta bort applikationen? Det finns inga auktoriseringar eller associerade token.
are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-the-application-this-action-revokes-one-authorization-and-associated-tokens=Vill du verkligen ta bort applikationen? Den här åtgärden upphäver 1 auktorisering och associerade tokens.
are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-the-application-this-action-revokes-x-authorizations-and-associated-tokens=Vill du verkligen ta bort applikationen? Den här åtgärden upphäver {0} auktoriseringar och associerade tokens.
@@ -2512,7 +2512,7 @@ base-quantity=Baskvantitet
base-unit-quantity-help=Köpare kan bara köpa i inkrement av basenhetskvantiteten.
-base-url=Base URL (Automatic Copy)
base-url-x-is-invalid=Bas-URL "{0}" är ogiltig. Ange en giltig bas-URL.
@@ -2912,7 +2912,7 @@ calendar=Kalender
calendar-does-not-serve-unknown-resource-x=Kalendern betjänar inte okänd resurs {0}.
calendar-item-color-picker-press-space-to-enter-the-color-picker=Färgväljare för kalenderobjekt. Tryck på blanksteg för att öppna färgväljaren.
-calendar-name=Calendar Name (Automatic Copy)
calendar-notification-templates=Mallar för kalenderaviseringar
calendar-resource-already-exists=Kalenderresurs finns redan.
@@ -3354,7 +3354,7 @@ changing-the-order-of-the-categories-is-not-supported=Det går inte att ändra o
changing-the-structure-key-will-reindex-all-the-web-content-articles-with-this-structure.-this-action-may-take-some-time,-and-the-affected-items-may-not-be-available-during-this-process=Om du ändrar strukturnyckeln omindexeras alla webbinnehållsartiklar med den här strukturen. Åtgärden kan ta lite tid och objekten som påverkas kanske inte är tillgängliga under processen.
changing-the-template-will-not-affect-the-original-web-content-default-template.-the-change-only-applies-to-this-web-content-display=Ändring av mallen påverkar inte det ursprungliga webbinnehållets standardmall. Ändringen gäller bara för visningen av det här webbinnehållet.
changing-the-value-of-this-field-reloads-the-page=En justering av värdet i det här fältet kommer resultera i att sidan laddas om.
-changing-this-setting-will-reset-all-mappings-for-this-collection=Changing this setting will reset all mappings for this collection. (Automatic Copy)
+changing-this-setting-will-reset-all-mappings-for-this-collection=Om du ändrar inställningen återställs alla mappningar för samlingen.
channel-account-managers=Ansvariga för kanalkonton
channel-defaults=Standard för kanal
@@ -4376,7 +4376,7 @@ cookie-consent-panel-configuration-name=Panel för medgivande
cookie-enabled-help=Den här rutan aktiverar hantering av cookieinställningar baserat på användarnas val. Den aktiverar även konfigurationsalternativ för både bannerpanel och panel för medgivande.
cookie-explicit-consent-mode=Medgivandeläge för explicit cookie
cookie-explicit-consent-mode-help=Om det här alternativet markeras anges inga cookies förrän användaren godkänner användning av cookies. Annars anges alla cookies tills användaren väljer bort dem.
-cookie-explicit-consent-mode-help-deprecated=If this option is checked, then no cookies are set until the user agrees to cookie usages. Otherwise, all cookies are set until the user opts out of them. (Automatic Copy)
+cookie-explicit-consent-mode-help-deprecated=Om det här alternativet markeras ställs inga cookies in förrän användaren godkänner användning av cookies. Annars ställs alla cookies in tills användaren väljer bort dem.
cookie-policy-link=Länk till cookiepolicy
cookie-preference-handling-configuration-name=Hantering av inställningar
@@ -5489,8 +5489,8 @@ default-view=Standardvy
default-view-must-have-at-least-one-column=Standardvisning måste ha minst en kolumn.
default-visualization-mode=Förinställt visualiseringsläge
-default-visualization-mode-help=Customize which visualization mode will be shown by default for this Data Set. (Automatic Copy)
-default-visualization-mode-tooltip=To select a default visualization mode, first configure it in the Visualization Modes tab. (Automatic Copy)
+default-visualization-mode-help=Anpassa vilket visualiseringsläge som visas som standard för den här datauppsättningen.
+default-visualization-mode-tooltip=För att välja ett förinställt visualiseringsläge ska du först konfigurera det i fliken Visualiseringslägen.
default-was-changed=Standard har ändrats
default-workflow-for-all-document-types=Standard arbetsflöde för samtliga dokumenttyper
default-workflow-for-all-structures=Standardarbetsflöde för alla strukturer
@@ -5600,7 +5600,7 @@ delete-question=Ta bort fråga?
delete-recurring-event=Ta bort återkommande händelse
delete-refresh-token=Ta bort uppdateringstoken
delete-relationship=Ta bort relation
-delete-return-x=Delete Return #{0} (Automatic Copy)
+delete-return-x=Ta bort retur #{0}
delete-row=Ta bort rad
delete-segment-property=Ta bort segmentegenskap
delete-selected-value=Ta bort valt värde
@@ -5923,7 +5923,7 @@ display-did-you-mean-if-the-number-of-search-results-does-not-meet-the-threshold
display-discount-levels=Visa rabattnivåer
display-entries-of-the-following-field-types-as-tables-select-from-list-single-selection-multiple-selection-and-boolean=Visa poster i följande fälttyper som tabeller: boolesk, flera val, välj från lista och ett val.
display-facet=Visa fasett
-display-field-name-in-structures-ui-and-allow-users-to-edit-it=Display field name in structures UI and allow users to edit it. (Automatic Copy)
+display-field-name-in-structures-ui-and-allow-users-to-edit-it=Visa fältnamnet i struktur-UI och tillåt användare att redigera det.
display-fields-and-one-to-one-relationships=Visa fält och en-till-en-förhållanden.
display-folder-facet=Visa mappfasett
display-frequencies=Visa frekvenser
@@ -6236,7 +6236,7 @@ duplicated-from-x=Duplicerad från {0}
duplicated-variable-name=Duplicerat variabelnamn
duration-help=Antalet dagar som en kund kommer åt filen. Lämna 0 för obegränsade nedladdningar. Obs! Om prenumeration av produkten är aktiverad kommer varaktigheten på prenumerationscyklarna att åsidosätta den.
-duration-type=Duration Type (Automatic Copy)
duration-x-x=Längd {0} {1}
dxp-has-successfully-connected-to-analytics-cloud,-complete-your-set-up-in-the-instance-scope-menu=DXP har anslutits till Analytics Cloud. Slutför konfigurationen i menyn för instansomfånget.
@@ -7015,7 +7015,7 @@ error-password-syntax-keywords=Nyckelord för fel med Lösenordssyntax
error-password-trivial-text-keywords=Nyckelord för fel med enkel text för lösenord
error-template-ftl=Mallfel FTL
-error-updating-definition=Error Updating Definition (Automatic Copy)
+error-updating-definition=Det gick inte att uppdatera definition
error-user-lockout-keywords=Nyckelord för utelåsningsfel av användare
error.default-locale-title-blank=Titeln för standardspråket får inte lämnas tomt.
error.default-locale-x-title-blank=Titeln för standardspråket {0} får inte lämnas tom.
@@ -7303,22 +7303,22 @@ feature.flag.LPD-6368.description=Användare kan skapa omfattningar för ranknin
feature.flag.LPD-6368.title=Omfattningens resultatrankningar
feature.flag.LPD-6378.description=Användare kan konfigurera verktygssidor för Inloggning, Glömt lösenord och Skapa konto.
feature.flag.LPD-6378.title=Verktygssidor för inloggning
-feature.flag.LPD-10703.description=Include workflow information and actions when reviewing publication changes. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10703.title=Improve Publications Review (Automatic Copy)
+feature.flag.LPD-10703.description=Inkludera information om arbetsflöde och åtgärder när publiceringsändringar granskas.
+feature.flag.LPD-10703.title=Förbättra publiceringsgranskning
feature.flag.LPD-10793.description=Användare kan generera och spara AI-bilder i Dokument och media med OpenAI.
feature.flag.LPD-10793.title=AI-bildgenerering i Dokument och media
feature.flag.LPD-10855.description=Användare kan hantera kontakter som är direkt relaterade till konton.
-feature.flag.LPD-10856.description=Users can map each product specification individually on a content page. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10856.title=Mapping Individual Product Specifications (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10862.description=Users can activate the content creation prompt with a single click by leveraging AI capabilities directly within the CKEditor for seamless and efficient content generation. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10862.title=Generative AI for Commerce Product (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10887.description=Users can now configure purchase options for products based on date, times, time zones, and durations, allowing for the sale of time slots. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10887.title=Date Times as Option (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-11018.description=Notify users when publications fail to publish or when scheduled publications have conflicts. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-11018.title=Publication Conflict Notifications (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-11070.description=Add the preview draft permission for pages. This grants users read only access to page drafts. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-11070.title=Preview Page Drafts Permission (Automatic Copy)
+feature.flag.LPD-10856.description=Användare kan mappa varje produktspecifikation enskilt på en innehållssida.
+feature.flag.LPD-10856.title=Mappning av enskilda produktspecifikationer
+feature.flag.LPD-10862.description=Användare kan aktivera meddelande för innehållsskapande med ett enda klick genom att använda AI-funktioner direkt i CKEditor för sömlöst och effektivt innehållsskapande.
+feature.flag.LPD-10862.title=Generativ AI för handelsprodukt
+feature.flag.LPD-10887.description=Användare kan nu konfigurera köpalternativ för produkter baserat på datum, tider, tidszoner och längder vilket tillåter försäljning av lediga tider.
+feature.flag.LPD-10887.title=Datum och tidpunkt som alternativ
+feature.flag.LPD-11018.description=Meddela användarna när det inte går att publicera eller när det finns konflikter i schemalagda publiceringar.
+feature.flag.LPD-11018.title=Aviseringar om publiceringskonflikt
+feature.flag.LPD-11070.description=Lägg till behörighet för utkastförhandsgranskning på sidor. Detta beviljar användarna skrivskyddad åtkomst till sidutkast.
+feature.flag.LPD-11070.title=Behörigheter för utkastförhandsgranskning på sidor
feature.flag.LPD-11147.description=Users can configure the URL path for different asset types. (Automatic Copy)
feature.flag.LPD-11147.title=Configurable URLs for Asset Types (Automatic Copy)
feature.flag.LPD-11218.description=Användare kan aktivera filtren "Mina" och "Senare" för att snabbt hitta sitt eget innehåll tillsammans med datum för skapande.
@@ -7327,8 +7327,8 @@ feature.flag.LPD-15596.description=Användare kan definiera och hantera behörig
feature.flag.LPD-15596.title=Hantera behörigheter och schemaläggning när innehåll publiceras
feature.flag.LPD-15804.description=Lägger till ett nytt steg under utcheckningen.
feature.flag.LPD-15804.title=Klienttillägg för utcheckningssteg
-feature.flag.LPD-16469.description=Users have the ability to bulk manage permissions for multiple web content articles. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-16469.title=Bulk Manage Permissions for Web Content Articles (Automatic Copy)
+feature.flag.LPD-16469.description=Användare kan masshantera behörigheter för flera webbinnehållsartiklar.
+feature.flag.LPD-16469.title=Behörighet för masshantering av webbinnehållsartiklar
feature.flag.LPS-96845.description=Konfigurerade SCIM-klienter kan använda REST-API:er för att synkronisera identitetsinformation för användare och grupper med externa applikationer.
feature.flag.LPS-96845.title=System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM)
feature.flag.LPS-114700.description=Lägg till en status som anger hur många webbinnehållsfält som översätts till varje språk.
@@ -7355,8 +7355,8 @@ feature.flag.LPS-171364.description=Användare kan flytta ändringar mellan publ
feature.flag.LPS-171364.title=Flytta ändringar mellan publiceringar
feature.flag.LPS-174417.description=Administratörer för webbplatssidor och webbplatsmallar ser varningar när visnings-URL:er för sidor redan finns i webbplatsmallen eller om webbplatsen har skapats från webbplatsmallen.
feature.flag.LPS-174417.title=Konfliktvarningar för visnings-URL i webbplatsmall
-feature.flag.LPS-174455.description=Use object REST APIs to manage attachment fields. Add, get, or update data in Base64 format. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPS-174455.title=Improve REST APIs for Object Attachment Fields (Automatic Copy)
+feature.flag.LPS-174455.description=Använd objektets REST-API:er för att hantera fält för bilagor. Lägg till, hämta eller uppdatera data i Base64-format.
+feature.flag.LPS-174455.title=Förbättra REST-API:er för fält där objekt bifogas
feature.flag.LPS-178642.description=Användare kan skapa REST-API:er utan kod med slutpunkter, scheman, filter och sorteringar. Användargränssnittet är tillgängligt i Kontrollpanel > Objekt > API-skapare.
feature.flag.LPS-179669.description=Sök i företagsindex för matchande innehåll. Lägg till fasetter med översatta visningstermer och ställ in en sökskiss i begäran för att lägga till anpassad sökning, filtrering, sammansättning och sortering.
@@ -7373,8 +7373,8 @@ feature.flag.LPS-187285.description=Visa indikationer i sidgranskning och sidred
feature.flag.LPS-187285.title=Indikationer för att förhindra prestandaproblem
feature.flag.LPS-187436.description=Alla kan granska ändringar i en publicering genom en länk.
feature.flag.LPS-187436.title=Dela publicering med länk
-feature.flag.LPS-187793.description=Users can customize the XML Sitemap to include or exclude content based on SEO requirements. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPS-187793.title=Customizing Sitemap Indexing (Automatic Copy)
+feature.flag.LPS-187793.description=Användare kan anpassa XML-webbplatskartan för att inkludera eller exkludera innehåll baserat på SEO-krav.
+feature.flag.LPS-187793.title=Anpassa indexering av webbplatskarta
feature.flag.LPS-187854.description=Användare kan lägga till objektvalideringar som verifierar att fältvärden är unika.
feature.flag.LPS-187854.title=Förbättra fältvalideringar
feature.flag.LPS-188058.description=Användare kan schemalägga artiklar i kunskapsbasen för publicering och borttagning av mappar eller artiklar flyttar dem till papperskorgen.
@@ -7383,8 +7383,8 @@ feature.flag.LPS-188898.description=Utvecklare kan använda kundtilläggen objek
feature.flag.LPS-188898.title=Kundtillägget Regel för validering av objekt
feature.flag.LPS-193884.description=Tillåt att ett förfallotdatum ställs in för både "ange nytt lösenord"-länkar för nya användare och "återställ lösenord"-länkar.
feature.flag.LPS-193884.title=Förfallodatum för länk till nya användare att ange lösenord
-feature.flag.LPS-196847.description=Users can manage permissions for page groups and visually distinguish between public and private pages. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPS-196847.title=Improve Permission Management for Pages (Automatic Copy)
+feature.flag.LPS-196847.description=Användare kan hantera behörigheter för sidgrupper och visuellt skilja mellan offentliga och privata sidor.
+feature.flag.LPS-196847.title=Förbättra behörighetshantering för sidor
feature.flag.LPS-196935.description=Dynamiska datalistor blir inaktuella och ersätts av Objekt. DDL kommer att tas bort 2024. Flytta över dina data till Objekt innan dess.
feature.flag.LPS-196935.title=Dynamiska datalistor
feature.flag.LPS-199086.description=Allows staging users to export/import a child page without its parents. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -8129,7 +8129,7 @@ grace-limit=Hjälpsamhetsgräns
grace-limit-help=Detta anger antalet gånger som en användare kan logga in efter att lösenordet har slutat gälla innan de måste ange ett nytt lösenord.
-grant-type=Grant Type (Automatic Copy)
grant-type-x-is-unsupported-for-this-client-type=Det går inte att bevilja typen "{0}" för den här klienttypen.
graph-url=Graf URL
@@ -8475,7 +8475,7 @@ http-client-max-connections=Maximalt antal HTTP-anslutningar
http-client-max-connections-help=Ange maximalt antal öppna HTTP-anslutningar som tillåts.
http-client-max-error-retry=Maximalt antal HTTP-återförsök
http-client-max-error-retry-help=Ange maximalt antal återförsök för misslyckade återförsöksbara begäranden.
-http-configuration-name=HTTP Configuration (Automatic Copy)
http-cors-allow-origin=Http CORS Allow Origin
http-cors-allow-origin-help=Ursprung som tillåts när HTTP CORS är aktiverat.
http-cors-configurations=Http CORS-konfigurationer
@@ -8678,7 +8678,7 @@ import-siteminder-users-from-ldap-help=Om detta markeras kommer användare som a
import-structure=Importera struktur
-import-succeeded=Import Succeeded (Automatic Copy)
+import-succeeded=Import genomförd
import-task-isolation=Isoleringsnivå för importuppgift
import-task-isolation-help=Ställ in isoleringsnivå för webbplatsens importuppgifter av mallspridning. Standard är grupp. Det innebär att bara en av webbplatsens importuppgifter av mallspridning kan köras samtidigt för samma målwebbplats. Men du kan ange den som företag också. Detta minskar parallellism genom att bara tillåta att en uppgift körs på företagsnivå. Överlag ska du använda det här alternativet för att minska belastningen på portalen i utbyte mot förseningar av webbplatsens mallspridningar.
import-translation=Importera översättning
@@ -8906,7 +8906,7 @@ instance-id=Portal-ID
instance-id-x=Instans-ID: {0}
-instance-web-id=Instance Web ID (Automatic Copy)
+instance-web-id=Webb-ID för instans
instanceable=Kan göras till instans
instant-messenger=Instant Messenger
@@ -9320,11 +9320,11 @@ javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_inventory_web_internal_portlet_Commerce
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_machine_learning_forecast_alert_web_internal_portlet_CommerceMLForecastAlertPortlet=Prognosaviseringar för maskininlärning för handel
javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_order_content_web_internal_portlet_CommerceOpenOrderContentPortlet=Öppna kundvagnar
-javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_order_content_web_internal_portlet_CommerceReturnContentPortlet=Returns (Automatic Copy)
-javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_order_web_internal_portlet_CommerceReturnPortlet=Returns (Automatic Copy)
@@ -9667,8 +9667,8 @@ kb-folders=Mappar i kunskapsbas
kb-templates=Mallar för kunskapsbas
keep-alive=Keep Alive
-keep-alive-timeout=Keep Alive Timeout (Automatic Copy)
-keep-alive-timeout-help=Specify a default timeout in seconds for HTTP keep alive. By default, a connection is persistent and will remain open indefinitely. A Keep-Alive header is commonly used to communicate a specific timeout value. Setting this default timeout with a value greater than 0 would make it so that if the Keep-Alive header is not present with a specific timeout value, the specified default timeout would be used. (Automatic Copy)
+keep-alive-timeout=Keep Alive-timeout
+keep-alive-timeout-help=Ange en standardtimeout i sekunder för HTTP Keep Alive. Som standard är en anslutning fortlöpande och den förblir öppen på obestämd tid. En Keep Alive-rubrik brukar användas för att kommunicera ett specifikt timeoutvärde. Om standardtimeouten har ett värde högre än 0, innebär det att den angivna standardtimeouten används om Keep Alive-rubriken inte har ett specifikt timeoutvärde.
keep-alive-url=Keep Alive-URL
keep-both=Behåll båda
keep-both-attachments-and-rename-the-removed-attachment-as=Behåll båda bilagorna och byt namn på den borttagna bilagan som:
@@ -10010,7 +10010,7 @@ layout.types.portlet=Widget-sida
layout.types.portlet.description=Skapa en sida genom att lägga till widgetar och innehåll.
layout.types.url.description=Länk till en annan webbplats.
-layout.types.utility=Utility Page (Automatic Copy)
lazy-loading-can-help-to-improve-page-performance=Förskjuten inläsning hjälper att förbättra sidprestanda.
@@ -10312,7 +10312,7 @@ major=Allvarligt
make-a-copy=Skapa en kopia
make-a-refund=Gör en återbetalning
-make-a-return=Make a Return (Automatic Copy)
+make-a-return=Gör en retur
make-active=Gör aktiv
make-additional-changes-and-publish-them-when-you-are-ready=Gör ytterligare ändringar och publicera dem när du är redo.
make-default=Gör till standard
@@ -10433,7 +10433,7 @@ mark-as-translated-for-x-language=Alla fält för {0} markeras som översatta. D
mark-as-unread=Markera som oläst
mark-the-sku-as-discontinued=Markera SKU som upphörd
mark-x-as-favorite=Markera {0} som favorit
-mark-x-as-translated=Mark "{0}" as Translated (Automatic Copy)
+mark-x-as-translated=Markera {0} som översatt
markdown-importer-article-extensions=Artikeltillägg för markdown-importerare
markdown-importer-article-intro=Artikelintroduktion för markdown-importerare
markdown-importer-image-file-extensions=Bildfiltillägg för markdown-importerare
@@ -11367,8 +11367,8 @@ modified-x-ago-by-x=Modifierades för {0} sedan av {1}.
modify-the-friendly-url-of-the-pages-to-allow-their-propagation-from-the-site-template=Modifiera vänlig URL för sidorna för att tillåta deras spridning från webbplatsmallen.
-modifying-the-field-name-may-result-in-data-loss=Modifying the field name may result in data loss. (Automatic Copy)
-modifying-the-option-name-may-result-in-data-loss=Modifying the option name may result in data loss. (Automatic Copy)
+modifying-the-field-name-may-result-in-data-loss=Om fältnamnet ändras kan det leda till dataförlust.
+modifying-the-option-name-may-result-in-data-loss=Om alternativnamnet ändras kan det leda till dataförlust.
modifying-the-site-template-logo-only-affects-sites-that-are-not-yet-created=Ändring av webbplatsmallens logotyp påverkar bara webbplatser som ännu inte skapats.
@@ -12384,14 +12384,14 @@ object-action-trigger[onAfterRootUpdate]=Om Efter rotuppdatering
object-action-trigger[onAfterUpdate]=Om Efter uppdatering
-object-definition=Object Definition (Automatic Copy)
+object-definition=Definition av objekt
object-definition-storage-type-tooltip=Välj om data ska lagras i Liferay (standard) eller bara i ett externt system. Begränsningar används för objektdefinitioner med externa lagringstyper.
object-definition-successfully-imported=Objektdefinitionen har importerats.
object-definition-x-is-selected=Objektdefinitionen {0} har valts.
-object-definitions-failed-to-import=Object Definitions Failed to Import (Automatic Copy)
+object-definitions-failed-to-import=Det gick inte att importera objektdefinitioner
object-entry-value-exceeds-integer-field-allowed-size=Objektets inmatningsvärde överskrider heltalsfältets tillåtna storlek.
object-entry-value-exceeds-long-field-allowed-size=Objektets inmatningsvärde överskrider tillåten storlek för långt fält.
@@ -12630,9 +12630,9 @@ option=Alternativ
option-created=Alternativ skapat
option-field-type=Fälttyp för alternativ
-option-name=Option Name (Automatic Copy)
option-not-found=Alternativet hittades inte
-option-reference=Option Reference (Automatic Copy)
option-selected=Alternativ valt
option-template-detail=Information om alternativmall
@@ -13261,7 +13261,7 @@ please-add-a-valid-email-address=Ange en giltig e-postadress
please-add-a-workflow-title-before-publishing=Lägg till titel för arbetsflöde innan publicering.
please-add-at-least-one-field=Lägg till minst ett fält.
please-add-at-least-one-item-to-the-shipment=Lägg minst till en artikel i leveransen.
-please-add-at-least-one-item-you-wish-to-return-from-the-order-to-proceed-with-the-request=Please add at least one item you wish to return from the order to proceed with the request. (Automatic Copy)
+please-add-at-least-one-item-you-wish-to-return-from-the-order-to-proceed-with-the-request=Lägg till minst en vara som du vill returnera från beställningen för att fortsätta med begäran.
please-add-at-least-one-option=Lägg till minst ett alternativ.
please-add-at-least-one-shipping-option=Lägg till minst ett leveransalternativ.
please-add-at-least-one-tax-rate=Lägg till minst en momssats.
@@ -13619,7 +13619,7 @@ please-provide-all-mandatory-files-and-make-sure-the-file-types-are-valid=Välj
please-provide-the-reason-for-your-request=Ange en anledning till din begäran.
please-reenter-your-quantity-for-the-items-with-the-following-skus=Skriv in på nytt antalet varor för följande artikelnr:
please-rename-this-with-another-words=Byt namn på det här med andra ord.
-please-review-the-details-of-the-returning-items-before-submitting-the-request=Please review the details of the returning items before submitting the request. (Automatic Copy)
+please-review-the-details-of-the-returning-items-before-submitting-the-request=Granska informationen på de returnerade varorna innan du skickar begäran.
please-select-a-category=Välj en kategori.
please-select-a-country=Välj ett land.
please-select-a-course=Välj en kurs.
@@ -14618,8 +14618,8 @@ refund-amount=Återbetalningsbelopp
refund-reason=Anledning till återbetalning
-refund-subtotal=Refund Subtotal (Automatic Copy)
-refund-summary=Refund Summary (Automatic Copy)
+refund-subtotal=Delsumma för återbetalning
+refund-summary=Sammanfattning av återbetalning
regenerate-preview-and-thumbnail-of-openoffice-files-in-documents-and-media=Återskapa förhandsvisning och miniatyr av OpenOffice-filer i Dokument och media.
regenerate-preview-and-thumbnail-of-openoffice-files-in-documents-and-media-help=Åtgärden ändrar inte befintliga OpenOffice-förhandsvisningar.
@@ -14866,7 +14866,7 @@ repeat-top-to-bottom=Upprepa topp till botten
repeat-type=Upprepa typ
repeatable=Kan upprepas
-repetitions=Repetitions (Automatic Copy)
replace-certificate=Ersätt certifikat
replace-file=Ersätt fil
@@ -14966,7 +14966,7 @@ requested-by-x=Ansökan från {0}
requested-date=Datum för begäran
requested-delivery-date=Begärt leveransdatum
requested-delivery-date-at-checkout=Begärt leveransdatum vid betalning
-requested-quantity=Requested Quantity (Automatic Copy)
+requested-quantity=Begärd kvantitet
requested-report-id=Begärde rapport-ID
requested-report-status=Begärde rapportstatus
requesting-translation=Begär översättning.
@@ -15053,7 +15053,7 @@ resize-column=Ändra storlek på kolumn
resize-sidebar=Ändra storlek på sidofält
-resolve-all-active-scripting-uses-before-proceeding-you-can-deactivate-the-source-entity-or-remove-the-script=Resolve all active scripting uses before proceeding. You can deactivate the source entity or remove the script. (Automatic Copy)
+resolve-all-active-scripting-uses-before-proceeding-you-can-deactivate-the-source-entity-or-remove-the-script=Lös alla aktiva skriptanvändningar innan du fortsätter. Du kan inaktivera källentiteten eller ta bort skriptet.
resolve-any-conflicts=Lös eventuella konflikter
resolved=Fullständigt bestämd.
resolved-on-time=Löst i tid
@@ -15150,12 +15150,12 @@ retry-payment=Försök betala igen
retry-timeout=Timeout för omförsök
retry-timeout-description=Ange tid i sekunder som en användare kan vänta innan hen försöker igen efter misslyckad inloggning.
retry-your-request=Försök igen med begäran.
-return-date=Return Date (Automatic Copy)
-return-date-range=Return Date Range (Automatic Copy)
-return-id=Return ID (Automatic Copy)
-return-reason=Return Reason (Automatic Copy)
+return-date-range=Intervall för returdatum
-return-status=Return Status (Automatic Copy)
return-to-full-page=Tillbaka till normal sida
@@ -15460,7 +15460,7 @@ scheduled=Tider
scheduled-by-x=Schemalagd av {0}
scheduled-events=Schemalagda händelser
scheduled-jobs=Schemalagda jobb
-scheduled-publications-conflict-checks=Scheduled Publications Conflict Checks (Automatic Copy)
+scheduled-publications-conflict-checks=Kontroller av konflikt i schemalagda publiceringar
scheduled-publish-layout-local=Schemalagd lokal publicering
scheduled-publish-layout-remote=Schemalagd fjärrpublicering
scheduled-start-date=Schemalagt startdatum
@@ -15514,7 +15514,7 @@ script-file=Skriptfil
-script-source=Script Source (Automatic Copy)
scripted-assignment=Skriptbaserat uppdrag
scripted-assignment-cache-expiration-time-description=Definiera namn, i minuter, varefter cache för skriptbaserade tilldelningsuppgiftsskript rensas. Använd noll eller ett negativt värde för att inaktivera cache.
scripted-assignment-cache-expiration-time-name=Förfallotid för cache för skriptbaserad tilldelning
@@ -15832,7 +15832,7 @@ select-css-client-extensions=Välj CSS-klienttillägg
select-current-date=Välj nuvarande datum
select-data-fields=Välj datafält
select-date=Välj datum
-select-date-from-list=Select Date from List (Automatic Copy)
+select-date-from-list=Välj datum från listan
select-date-range=Välj datumintervall
select-destination=Välj destination
select-destination-folder-for-x-item=Välj målmapp för {0} objekt
@@ -15922,7 +15922,7 @@ select-reassignment=Välj omtilldelning
select-recipients=Välj mottagare
select-region=Välj region
select-restore-folder=Välj Återställ mapp
-select-returnable-items=Select Returnable Items (Automatic Copy)
+select-returnable-items=Välj returnerbara varor
select-role=Välj roll
select-scope=Välj omfattning
select-search=Välj sökning
@@ -16234,7 +16234,7 @@ set-x-to-x=Ställ in {0} till {1}
set-your-jira-login=Sätt ditt login till JIRA.
set-your-login-for-x-to-track-your-jira-activity=Ange ditt användarnamn för {0} för att spåra dina aktiviteter i JIRA.
setting-a-value-above-x-can-affect-page-performance-severely=Om värdet ställs in över {0} kan sidans prestanda påverkas allvarligt.
-setting-cannot-be-deactivated=Setting Cannot Be Deactivated (Automatic Copy)
+setting-cannot-be-deactivated=Det går inte att inaktivera inställningen
several-shared-parameters-are-mapped-to-the-same-parameter=Flerade delade parametrar pekar på samma parameter.
@@ -17238,7 +17238,7 @@ submit-for-workflow-with-permissions=Skicka för arbetsflöde med behörigheter
submit-new=Skicka ny
submit-new-x=Skicka ny {0}
-submit-return-request=Submit Return Request (Automatic Copy)
+submit-return-request=Skicka begäran om retur
submit-to-reddit=Skicka till Reddit
submitted-by=Skickad av
submitted-entry-status=Skickade poststatus
@@ -17321,9 +17321,9 @@ successfully-saved=Har sparats.
successfully-unassigned-display-page-template=Tilldelning har tagits bort för förinställd mall för visningssida.
such-as-x-or-x=Som {0} eller {1}
-sugarcrm=SugarCRM (Automatic Copy)
-sugarcrm-configuration-name=SugarCRM Integration (Automatic Copy)
-sugarcrm-objects-do-not-support-relationships=SugarCRM objects do not support relationships. (Automatic Copy)
+sugarcrm-objects-do-not-support-relationships=SugarCRM-objekt stöder inte relationer.
suggestion-contributor=Deltagare för förslag
suggestion-contributor-help=Ange namnet på deltagaren som används för att visa förslag.
suggestion-in-progress-email=E-post med förslag pågår
@@ -17782,8 +17782,8 @@ tax-value-endpoint-url=URL för slutpunkt för momsvärde
-tcp-keep-alive-enabled=TCP Keep Alive Enabled (Automatic Copy)
-tcp-keep-alive-enabled-help=If checked, SO_KEEPALIVE will be enabled for newly created sockets by default. (Automatic Copy)
+tcp-keep-alive-enabled=Keep Alive-URL aktiverad för TCP
+tcp-keep-alive-enabled-help=Om det markeras aktiveras SO_KEEPALIVE för nyligen skapade sockets som standard.
@@ -18438,7 +18438,7 @@ the-note-could-not-be-found=Det gick inte att hitta anteckningen.
the-number-of-keys-generated-has-exceeded-the-number-of-allowed-keys=Antalet genererade nycklar har överstigit det tillåtna antalet nycklar.
the-object-action-was-created-successfully=Objektåtgärden har skapats.
the-object-action-was-updated-successfully=Objektåtgärden har uppdaterats.
-the-object-could-not-be-found=The object could not be found. (Automatic Copy)
+the-object-could-not-be-found=Objektet kunde inte hittas.
the-object-definition-failed-to-import=Det gick inte att importera objektdefinitionen.
the-object-definition-is-already-published=Objektdefinitionen har redan publicerats.
the-object-definition-was-imported-without-a-custom-view=Objektdefinitionen har importerats utan en anpassad vy.
@@ -19170,7 +19170,7 @@ there-are-no-workflow-definitions=Det finns inga arbetsflödesdefinitioner.
there-are-no-x=Det finns inga {0}.
there-are-no-x-orders=Det finns inga {0}-beställningar.
there-are-no-x-related-issues=Det finns inga {0}-relaterade problem.
-there-are-object-definitions-with-the-same-external-reference-code-as-the-imported-ones=There are object definitions with the same external reference code as the imported ones. By continuing, you will update the existing object definitions. This action is permanent and data can be lost if the imported object definitions have missing fields compared to the existing ones. The affected object definitions are: (Automatic Copy)
+there-are-object-definitions-with-the-same-external-reference-code-as-the-imported-ones=Det finns objektdefinitioner med samma externa referenskod som de importerade. Genom att fortsätta uppdaterar du de befintliga objektdefinitionerna. Den här åtgärden är permanent och data kan förloras om de importerade objektdefinitionerna har fält som saknas jämfört med de befintliga. Påverkade objektdefinitioner är:
there-are-one-or-more-mandatory-vocabularies-assigned-to-the-knowledge-base-article=Det finns en eller fler obligatoriska ordlistor som tilldelats till artikeln i kunskapsbasen.
there-are-other-redirects-pointing-to-the-source-url-of-this-redirect=Det finns andra omdirigeringar som pekar på käll-URL:en för den här omdirigeringen. Detta skapar en omdirigering så att användare omdirigeras flera gånger innan de når destinationen.
there-are-replacement-products-in-your-cart=Det finns ersättningsprodukter i din kundvagn.
@@ -19298,7 +19298,7 @@ this-article-is-set-to-publish-later=Den här artikeln kommer att publiceras sen
this-article-will-be-published-on-x=Artikeln kommer att publiceras på {0}.
this-blog=Denna blogg
this-category=Denna kategori
-this-category-might-be-being-used-in-some-contents=This category might be being used in some contents. If you delete it, this category and its subcategories will also be deleted and removed from those contents. Friendly URLs may also be affected. Do you want to continue deleting this category? (Automatic Copy)
+this-category-might-be-being-used-in-some-contents=Den här kategorin kan användas i visst innehåll. Om du tar bort den kommer den här kategorin och alla dess underkategorier också tas bort och flyttas från innehållet. Vill du fortsätta ta bort den här kategorin?
this-change-will-only-affect-the-newly-created-localized-content=Den här ändringen påverkar bara det nyligen skapade lokaliserade innehållet.
this-change-will-only-be-shown-after-you-refresh-the-page=Ändringarna syns inte förrän du laddar om sidan.
this-collection-has-no-items=Den här samlingen har inga objekt. Du behöver minst ett objekt för att använda den här konfigurationen.
@@ -19407,7 +19407,7 @@ this-operation-cannot-be-undone=Åtgärden kan inte ångras.
this-operation-will-not-be-applied-to-any-of-the-selected-folders=Den här åtgärden kommer inte att tillämpas på någon av de valda mapparna.
this-option-is-enabled-only-in-a-clustered-environment=Det här alternativet är bara aktiverat i en klustermiljö.
this-order-cannot-be-transitioned=Den här beställningen kan inte föras över.
-this-order-has-already-been-checked-out=This order has already been checked out. (Automatic Copy)
+this-order-has-already-been-checked-out=Beställningen har redan checkats ut.
this-organization=Den här organisationen
this-organization-does-not-have-a-parent-organization=Den här organisationen har ingen underordnad organisation.
this-organization-does-not-have-any-additional-email-addresses=Den här organisationen har inga fler e-postadresser.
@@ -19489,7 +19489,7 @@ this-result-comes-from-the-x-version-of-this-content=Det här resultatet kommer
this-role-does-not-have-any-permissions=Den här rollen har inga rättigheter.
this-role-is-automatically-assigned=Rollen tilldelas automatiskt.
this-rule-is-broken-due-to-missing-fields=Den här regeln är bruten på grund av fält som saknas.
-this-scheduled-publication-contains-conflicting-changes-that-must-be-manually-resolved-before-publishing=This scheduled publication contains conflicting changes that must be manually resolved before publishing. Please unschedule the publication in order to resolve conflicts. (Automatic Copy)
+this-scheduled-publication-contains-conflicting-changes-that-must-be-manually-resolved-before-publishing=Den schemalagda publiceringen innehåller ändringar i konflikt som måste lösas manuellt innan publicering. Ta bort schemaläggning för publiceringen för att lösa konflikterna.
this-scope-is-no-longer-available=Omfattningen är inte längre tillgänglig.
this-search-bar-is-not-visible-to-users-yet=Det här sökfältet är inte synligt för användare ännu.
this-section-will-be-editable-after-creating-the-user=Den här avdelningen kan redigeras först när användaren skapats.
@@ -19764,7 +19764,7 @@ total-discount-percentage-level-3-with-tax-amount=Procent för total rabatt niv
total-discount-percentage-level-4=Procent för total rabatt nivå 4
total-discount-percentage-level-4-with-tax-amount=Procent för total rabatt nivå 4 med momsbelopp
total-discount-with-tax-amount=Total rabatt med momsbelopp
-total-estimated-refund=Total Estimated Refund (Automatic Copy)
+total-estimated-refund=Uppskattad återbetalning
total-memory=Total minne
total-modifications=Antal ändringar
total-open=Antal öppna
@@ -20062,7 +20062,7 @@ unit-price=Enhetspris
united-states-phone-format=Amerikanskt telefonnummerformat
units-of-measure=Måttenhet (UOM)
-units-returned=Units Returned (Automatic Copy)
+units-returned=Enheter som returnerats
unknown-element-message-edit=Ta bort det här villkoret. Det skapades från ett element som inte finns längre.
unknown-element-message-view=Det markerade villkoret är relaterat till ett element som inte finns längre. Gå till Redigera och ta bort villkoret.
@@ -20185,7 +20185,7 @@ update-entry=Uppdatera inlägg
update-event=Uppdatera händelse
update-exchange-rates=Uppdatera valutakurser
update-existing-object-definition=Uppdatera befintlig objektdefinition
-update-existing-object-definitions=Update Existing Objects Definitions (Automatic Copy)
+update-existing-object-definitions=Uppdatera befintliga objektdefinitioner
update-existing-object-folder=Uppdaterar befintlig objektmall
update-existing-picklist=Uppdatera befintlig plocklista
update-feedback=Uppdatera Feedback
@@ -21593,7 +21593,7 @@ x-rows-were-imported-successfully={0} rader har importerats.
x-rows-were-not-imported={0} rader importerades inte.
x-scheduled-publication-failed=Schemalagd publicering av {0} misslyckades.
x-scheduled-publication-failed-with-an-unexpected-system-error=Schemalagd publicering av {0} misslyckades med ett oväntat systemfel.
-x-scheduled-publication-has-conflicts-with-production={0} scheduled publication has conflicts with production. (Automatic Copy)
+x-scheduled-publication-has-conflicts-with-production={0} schemalagd publicering är i konflikt med produktion.
x-screen-size-is-selected=Skärmstorleken {0} har valts.
x-search={0} Sök
x-search-provider={0} Söktjänst
diff --git a/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_th.properties b/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_th.properties
index e15cc484371b31..206d897f3e7cb7 100644
--- a/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_th.properties
+++ b/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_th.properties
@@ -1382,7 +1382,7 @@ allow=อนุญาต
allow-administrator-to-create-and-execute-code-in-liferay=Allow administrator to create and execute code in Liferay. (Automatic Copy)
-allow-administrators-to-publish-and-edit-workflows-description=When selected, users with the Regular Administrator role in a virtual instance can publish new workflow definitions, including scripting content that is executed inside the portal (and potentially in other virtual instances). (Automatic Copy)
+allow-administrators-to-publish-and-edit-workflows-description=เมื่อถูกเลือก ผู้ใช้ที่มีบทบาทเป็นผู้ดูแลทั่วไปในอินสแตนซ์เสมือนจริงสามารถเผยแพร่คำจำกัดความของเวิร์กโฟลว์ใหม่, รวมถึงสคริปติ้งคอนเทนต์ที่ใช้งานภายในพอร์ทัล (และมีความเป็นไปได้ในอินสแตนซ์เสมือนจริงอื่น)
allow-anyone-with-the-link-to-view-this-publication=Allow anyone with the link to view this publication. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -1441,7 +1441,7 @@ allowed-classes=Classes ที่อนุญาต
-allowed-domains-help=Set the domains which the portal is allowed to redirect to. Remove all entries to allow any domain. Specifying a domain with a leading "*." allows redirects to subdomains. PORTAL_DOMAIN will be replaced with the current domain of the portal. (Automatic Copy)
+allowed-domains-help=เซ็ตโดเมนที่พอร์ทัลได้รับอนุญาตให้รีไดเร็คไปได้ ลบรายการทั้งหมดเพื่ออนุญาตโดเมนใดก็ได้ ระบุโดเมนที่มี "*." นำหน้าเพื่ออนุญาตให้รีไดเร็คไปยังซับโดเมน
@@ -19298,7 +19298,7 @@ this-article-is-set-to-publish-later=This article is set to publish later. You c
this-article-will-be-published-on-x=This article will be published on {0}. (Automatic Copy)
-this-category-might-be-being-used-in-some-contents=This category might be being used in some contents. If you delete it, this category and its subcategories will also be deleted and removed from those contents. Friendly URLs may also be affected. Do you want to continue deleting this category? (Automatic Copy)
+this-category-might-be-being-used-in-some-contents=หมวดหมู่นี้อาจถูกใช้ในบางเนื้อหา ถ้าหากคุณลบ หมวดหมู่นี้และหมวดหมู่ย่อยทั้งหมดของมันจะถูกลบและถูกนำออกจากคอนเทนต์เหล่านั้นด้วย คุณต้องการลบหมวดหมู่นี้?
this-collection-has-no-items=คอลเลคชั่นนี้ไม่มีไอเทม คุณต้องการอย่างน้อยหนึ่งไอเทมเพื่อใช้การตั้งค่านี้
diff --git a/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_zh_CN.properties b/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_zh_CN.properties
index 68e21e8def69a4..f605c4456c02d3 100644
--- a/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_zh_CN.properties
+++ b/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_zh_CN.properties
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ accepted=已接受
-accepted-x-declined-x-pending-x-maybe-x=Accepted ({0}), Declined ({1}), Pending ({2}), Maybe ({3}) (Automatic Copy)
+accepted-x-declined-x-pending-x-maybe-x=已接受 ({0}),已拒绝 ({1}),待定 ({2}),可能 ({3})
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ access-token-key-byte-size=访问令牌大小
-access-token-url=Access Token URL (Automatic Copy)
+access-token-url=访问令牌 URL
@@ -1068,7 +1068,7 @@ add-restriction=添加限制
-add-return-item=Add Return Item (Automatic Copy)
add-role-to-x=向 {0} 添加角色
@@ -1218,7 +1218,7 @@ administrator-id=管理员 ID
-administrators-can-create-and-execute-code-in-their-virtual-instance=Administrators can create and execute code in their virtual instance. Disabling this feature deactivates all actions and validations that use Groovy. (Automatic Copy)
+administrators-can-create-and-execute-code-in-their-virtual-instance=管理员可以在其虚拟实例中创建和执行代码。禁用此功能将停用使用 Groovy 的所有操作和验证。
@@ -1380,9 +1380,9 @@ all-your-pages-are-connected-or-redirected=已连接或重定向您的所有页
-allow-administrator-to-create-and-execute-code-in-liferay=Allow administrator to create and execute code in Liferay. (Automatic Copy)
+allow-administrator-to-create-and-execute-code-in-liferay=允许管理员在 Liferay 中创建和执行代码。
-allow-administrators-to-publish-and-edit-workflows-description=When selected, users with the Regular Administrator role in a virtual instance can publish new workflow definitions, including scripting content that is executed inside the portal (and potentially in other virtual instances). (Automatic Copy)
@@ -1441,7 +1441,7 @@ allowed-classes=允许的类
-allowed-domains-help=Set the domains which the portal is allowed to redirect to. Remove all entries to allow any domain. Specifying a domain with a leading "*." allows redirects to subdomains. PORTAL_DOMAIN will be replaced with the current domain of the portal. (Automatic Copy)
+allowed-domains-help=设置允许门户重定向到的域。移除所有条目可以允许任何域。使用前导 "*." 指定域可以重定向到子域。
@@ -1812,7 +1812,7 @@ are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-all-timers-and-their-settings=确定要删除所
are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-order-x=确定要删除订单 #{0} 吗?
-are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-return-x=Are you sure you want to delete return #{0}? (Automatic Copy)
+are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-return-x=确定要删除退货 #{0} 吗?
are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-the-application-this-action-revokes-one-authorization-and-associated-tokens=您确定想要删除应用程序吗?此操作将撤销 1 个授权和关联的令牌。
are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-the-application-this-action-revokes-x-authorizations-and-associated-tokens=您确定想要删除应用程序吗?此操作将撤销 {0} 个授权和关联的令牌。
@@ -2512,7 +2512,7 @@ base-quantity=基础数量
base-tracking-url=基本跟踪 URL
-base-url=Base URL (Automatic Copy)
+base-url=基本 URL
base-url-x-is-invalid=基础 URL"{0}"无效。请输入有效的基础 URL。
@@ -2912,7 +2912,7 @@ calendar=日历
calendar-does-not-serve-unknown-resource-x=日历不服务于未知的资源 {0}。
-calendar-name=Calendar Name (Automatic Copy)
@@ -3354,7 +3354,7 @@ changing-the-order-of-the-categories-is-not-supported=不支持类别顺序变
changing-the-structure-key-will-reindex-all-the-web-content-articles-with-this-structure.-this-action-may-take-some-time,-and-the-affected-items-may-not-be-available-during-this-process=更改结构键将使用此结构重新索引所有 Web 内容文章。此操作可能需要一些时间,并且在此过程中受影响的条目可能不可用。
changing-the-template-will-not-affect-the-original-web-content-default-template.-the-change-only-applies-to-this-web-content-display=更改模板将不会影响原始的 Web 内容默认模板。更改仅适用于其 Web 内容显示。
-changing-this-setting-will-reset-all-mappings-for-this-collection=Changing this setting will reset all mappings for this collection. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -4376,7 +4376,7 @@ cookie-consent-panel-configuration-name=同意面板
cookie-enabled-help=此复选框启用基于用户选择的 Cookie 偏好设置处理。它还会启用横幅和同意面板的配置选项。
cookie-explicit-consent-mode=明确 Cookie 同意模式
cookie-explicit-consent-mode-help=如果选中此选项,则在用户同意使用 Cookie 之前不会设置任何 Cookie。否则,将设置所有 Cookie,直到用户选择停用它们。
-cookie-explicit-consent-mode-help-deprecated=If this option is checked, then no cookies are set until the user agrees to cookie usages. Otherwise, all cookies are set until the user opts out of them. (Automatic Copy)
+cookie-explicit-consent-mode-help-deprecated=如果选中此选项,则在用户同意使用 Cookie 之前不会设置任何 Cookie。否则,将设置所有 Cookie,直到用户选择停用它们。
cookie-policy=Cookie 政策
cookie-policy-link=Cookie 政策链接
@@ -5489,8 +5489,8 @@ default-view=默认视图
-default-visualization-mode-help=Customize which visualization mode will be shown by default for this Data Set. (Automatic Copy)
-default-visualization-mode-tooltip=To select a default visualization mode, first configure it in the Visualization Modes tab. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -5600,7 +5600,7 @@ delete-question=删除问题?
-delete-return-x=Delete Return #{0} (Automatic Copy)
+delete-return-x=删除退货 #{0}
@@ -5923,7 +5923,7 @@ display-did-you-mean-if-the-number-of-search-results-does-not-meet-the-threshold
-display-field-name-in-structures-ui-and-allow-users-to-edit-it=Display field name in structures UI and allow users to edit it. (Automatic Copy)
+display-field-name-in-structures-ui-and-allow-users-to-edit-it=在结构 UI 中显示字段名称并允许用户编辑该名称。
@@ -6236,7 +6236,7 @@ duplicated-from-x=从{0} 复制
duration-help=客户可以访问文件的天数。如果填写 0,下载次数将不受限。
-duration-type=Duration Type (Automatic Copy)
duration-x-x=持续时间 {0} {1}
dxp-has-successfully-connected-to-analytics-cloud,-complete-your-set-up-in-the-instance-scope-menu=DXP 已成功连接到 Analytics Cloud,请在实例范围菜单中完成设置。
@@ -7303,22 +7303,22 @@ feature.flag.LPD-6368.description=用户可以设定搜索结果排名范围(
-feature.flag.LPD-10703.description=Include workflow information and actions when reviewing publication changes. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10703.title=Improve Publications Review (Automatic Copy)
feature.flag.LPD-10793.description=用户可以使用 OpenAI 在"文档与媒体"应用程序中生成并保存 AI 图像。
feature.flag.LPD-10793.title="文档与媒体"中的 AI 图像生成
-feature.flag.LPD-10856.description=Users can map each product specification individually on a content page. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10856.title=Mapping Individual Product Specifications (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10862.description=Users can activate the content creation prompt with a single click by leveraging AI capabilities directly within the CKEditor for seamless and efficient content generation. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10862.title=Generative AI for Commerce Product (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10887.description=Users can now configure purchase options for products based on date, times, time zones, and durations, allowing for the sale of time slots. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-10887.title=Date Times as Option (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-11018.description=Notify users when publications fail to publish or when scheduled publications have conflicts. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-11018.title=Publication Conflict Notifications (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-11070.description=Add the preview draft permission for pages. This grants users read only access to page drafts. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-11070.title=Preview Page Drafts Permission (Automatic Copy)
+feature.flag.LPD-10862.description=通过在 CKEditor 中直接利用 AI 功能,用户只需轻轻一点即可激活内容创建提示,从而以无缝且高效的方式生成内容。
+feature.flag.LPD-10862.title=面向商务产品的生成式 AI
feature.flag.LPD-11147.description=Users can configure the URL path for different asset types. (Automatic Copy)
feature.flag.LPD-11147.title=Configurable URLs for Asset Types (Automatic Copy)
@@ -7327,8 +7327,8 @@ feature.flag.LPD-15596.description=用户可以在发布过程中定义和管理
-feature.flag.LPD-16469.description=Users have the ability to bulk manage permissions for multiple web content articles. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPD-16469.title=Bulk Manage Permissions for Web Content Articles (Automatic Copy)
+feature.flag.LPD-16469.description=用户可以批量管理多个 Web 内容文章的权限。
+feature.flag.LPD-16469.title=批量管理 Web 内容文章的权限
feature.flag.LPS-96845.description=经过配置的 SCIM 客户端可以利用 REST API 将用户和群组的身份信息与外部应用程序同步。
feature.flag.LPS-96845.title=跨域身份管理系统 (SCIM)
feature.flag.LPS-114700.description=添加一个状态,指示为每种语言翻译的 Web 内容字段的总数。
@@ -7355,8 +7355,8 @@ feature.flag.LPS-171364.description=用户可以在两次发布之间移动更
feature.flag.LPS-174417.description=当站点模板或根据站点模板创建的站点中已存在页面的友好 URL 时,站点页面和站点模板管理员将能够看到警告。
feature.flag.LPS-174417.title=站点模板友好 URL 冲突警告
-feature.flag.LPS-174455.description=Use object REST APIs to manage attachment fields. Add, get, or update data in Base64 format. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPS-174455.title=Improve REST APIs for Object Attachment Fields (Automatic Copy)
+feature.flag.LPS-174455.description=使用对象 REST API 管理附件字段。以 Base64 格式添加、获取或更新数据。
+feature.flag.LPS-174455.title=改进对象附件字段的 REST API
feature.flag.LPS-178642.description=用户可以创建带有端点、架构、筛选器和排序的无代码 REST API。"控制面板 > 对象 > API 构建器"下将提供 UI。
feature.flag.LPS-178642.title=API 构建器
feature.flag.LPS-179669.description=在公司索引中搜索匹配内容。添加带有已翻译显示搜索词的 Facet,并在请求中设置搜索蓝图以添加自定义搜索、筛选、聚合与排序。
@@ -7373,8 +7373,8 @@ feature.flag.LPS-187285.description=当用户添加可能影响性能的配置
-feature.flag.LPS-187793.description=Users can customize the XML Sitemap to include or exclude content based on SEO requirements. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPS-187793.title=Customizing Sitemap Indexing (Automatic Copy)
+feature.flag.LPS-187793.description=用户可以根据 SEO 要求自定义 XML 站点地图来包含或排除内容。
@@ -7383,8 +7383,8 @@ feature.flag.LPS-188898.description=开发者能够使用对象验证客户端
-feature.flag.LPS-196847.description=Users can manage permissions for page groups and visually distinguish between public and private pages. (Automatic Copy)
-feature.flag.LPS-196847.title=Improve Permission Management for Pages (Automatic Copy)
feature.flag.LPS-196935.description=动态数据列表已弃用,并被对象所取代。DDL 将于 2024 年移除。请在此之前将数据迁移到对象。
feature.flag.LPS-199086.description=Allows staging users to export/import a child page without its parents. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -8129,7 +8129,7 @@ grace-limit=宽限
-grant-type=Grant Type (Automatic Copy)
graph-url=图表 URL
@@ -8475,7 +8475,7 @@ http-client-max-connections=最大HTTP连接
-http-configuration-name=HTTP Configuration (Automatic Copy)
+http-configuration-name=HTTP 配置
http-cors-allow-origin=HTTP CORS 允许源
http-cors-allow-origin-help=此配置仅适用于 EMBEDDED 模式。设置启用 HTTP CORS 时允许的源。
http-cors-configurations=HTTP CORS 配置
@@ -8678,7 +8678,7 @@ import-siteminder-users-from-ldap-help=如果选中此复选框,将从 LDAP
-import-succeeded=Import Succeeded (Automatic Copy)
@@ -8906,7 +8906,7 @@ instance-id=实例ID
instance-id-x=实例 ID:{0}
-instance-web-id=Instance Web ID (Automatic Copy)
+instance-web-id=实例 Web ID
@@ -9320,11 +9320,11 @@ javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_inventory_web_internal_portlet_Commerce
-javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_order_content_web_internal_portlet_CommerceReturnContentPortlet=Returns (Automatic Copy)
-javax.portlet.title.com_liferay_commerce_order_web_internal_portlet_CommerceReturnPortlet=Returns (Automatic Copy)
@@ -9667,8 +9667,8 @@ kb-folders=知识库文件夹
-keep-alive-timeout=Keep Alive Timeout (Automatic Copy)
-keep-alive-timeout-help=Specify a default timeout in seconds for HTTP keep alive. By default, a connection is persistent and will remain open indefinitely. A Keep-Alive header is commonly used to communicate a specific timeout value. Setting this default timeout with a value greater than 0 would make it so that if the Keep-Alive header is not present with a specific timeout value, the specified default timeout would be used. (Automatic Copy)
+keep-alive-timeout=Keep Alive 超时
+keep-alive-timeout-help=指定 HTTP 保持活动状态的默认超时(以秒为单位)。默认情况下,连接持续存在,并且将无限期地保持打开状态。Keep-Alive 头通常用于传达特定的超时值。使用大于 0 的值设置此默认超时,这样一来,如果保持活动状态头不存在特定超时值,将使用指定的默认超时。
keep-alive-url=保持活动状态 URL
@@ -10012,7 +10012,7 @@ layout.types.portlet=微件页
-layout.types.utility=Utility Page (Automatic Copy)
@@ -10314,7 +10314,7 @@ major=大问题
-make-a-return=Make a Return (Automatic Copy)
@@ -10435,7 +10435,7 @@ mark-as-translated-for-x-language="{0}"语言的所有字段都将被标记为
mark-the-sku-as-discontinued=将 SKU 标记为已停产
-mark-x-as-translated=Mark "{0}" as Translated (Automatic Copy)
@@ -11369,8 +11369,8 @@ modified-x-ago-by-x={0}前由 {1} 修改。
-modifying-the-field-name-may-result-in-data-loss=Modifying the field name may result in data loss. (Automatic Copy)
-modifying-the-option-name-may-result-in-data-loss=Modifying the option name may result in data loss. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -12386,14 +12386,14 @@ object-action-trigger[onAfterRootUpdate]=在根更新后
-object-definition=Object Definition (Automatic Copy)
object-definition-id=对象 ID
object-definition-storage-type-tooltip=选择数据是存储在 Liferay(默认)还是仅存储在外部系统中。限制适用于具有外部存储类型的对象定义。
object-definition-x-is-selected=已选择对象定义 {0}。
-object-definitions-failed-to-import=Object Definitions Failed to Import (Automatic Copy)
object-entry-id=对象条目 ID
object-entry-value-exceeds-integer-field-allowed-size=对象条目值超出 integer 字段允许大小。
object-entry-value-exceeds-long-field-allowed-size=对象条目值超出 long 字段允许大小。
@@ -12632,9 +12632,9 @@ option=选项
-option-name=Option Name (Automatic Copy)
-option-reference=Option Reference (Automatic Copy)
@@ -13263,7 +13263,7 @@ please-add-a-valid-email-address=请添加有效的电子邮件地址。
-please-add-at-least-one-item-you-wish-to-return-from-the-order-to-proceed-with-the-request=Please add at least one item you wish to return from the order to proceed with the request. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -13621,7 +13621,7 @@ please-provide-all-mandatory-files-and-make-sure-the-file-types-are-valid=请提
-please-review-the-details-of-the-returning-items-before-submitting-the-request=Please review the details of the returning items before submitting the request. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -14620,8 +14620,8 @@ refund-amount=退款金额
-refund-subtotal=Refund Subtotal (Automatic Copy)
-refund-summary=Refund Summary (Automatic Copy)
regenerate-preview-and-thumbnail-of-openoffice-files-in-documents-and-media=重新生成文档与媒体中的 OpenOffice 文件的预览和缩略图。
regenerate-preview-and-thumbnail-of-openoffice-files-in-documents-and-media-help=此操作不会修改现有 OpenOffice 预览。
@@ -14868,7 +14868,7 @@ repeat-top-to-bottom=从上到下重复
-repetitions=Repetitions (Automatic Copy)
@@ -14968,7 +14968,7 @@ requested-by-x={0}的要求
-requested-quantity=Requested Quantity (Automatic Copy)
requested-report-id=请求的报告 ID
@@ -15055,7 +15055,7 @@ resize-column=调整列宽
-resolve-all-active-scripting-uses-before-proceeding-you-can-deactivate-the-source-entity-or-remove-the-script=Resolve all active scripting uses before proceeding. You can deactivate the source entity or remove the script. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -15152,12 +15152,12 @@ retry-payment=重试付款
-return-date=Return Date (Automatic Copy)
-return-date-range=Return Date Range (Automatic Copy)
-return-id=Return ID (Automatic Copy)
-return-reason=Return Reason (Automatic Copy)
+return-id=退货 ID
-return-status=Return Status (Automatic Copy)
@@ -15462,7 +15462,7 @@ scheduled=已加入日程
scheduled-by-x=由 {0} 计划
-scheduled-publications-conflict-checks=Scheduled Publications Conflict Checks (Automatic Copy)
@@ -15516,7 +15516,7 @@ script-file=脚本文件
-script-source=Script Source (Automatic Copy)
@@ -15834,7 +15834,7 @@ select-css-client-extensions=选择 CSS 客户端扩展程序
-select-date-from-list=Select Date from List (Automatic Copy)
select-destination-folder-for-x-item=选择{0} 条目的目标文件夹
@@ -15924,7 +15924,7 @@ select-reassignment=选择重新分配
-select-returnable-items=Select Returnable Items (Automatic Copy)
@@ -16236,7 +16236,7 @@ set-x-to-x=将{0}设置为{1}
setting-a-value-above-x-can-affect-page-performance-severely=将值设置为大于 {0} 会严重影响页面性能。
-setting-cannot-be-deactivated=Setting Cannot Be Deactivated (Automatic Copy)
@@ -17240,7 +17240,7 @@ submit-for-workflow-with-permissions=提交用于工作流(带权限)
-submit-return-request=Submit Return Request (Automatic Copy)
@@ -17323,9 +17323,9 @@ successfully-saved=保存成功。
-sugarcrm=SugarCRM (Automatic Copy)
-sugarcrm-configuration-name=SugarCRM Integration (Automatic Copy)
-sugarcrm-objects-do-not-support-relationships=SugarCRM objects do not support relationships. (Automatic Copy)
+sugarcrm-configuration-name=SugarCRM 集成
+sugarcrm-objects-do-not-support-relationships=SugarCRM 对象不支持关系。
@@ -17784,8 +17784,8 @@ tax-value-endpoint-url=税额端点 URL
-tcp-keep-alive-enabled=TCP Keep Alive Enabled (Automatic Copy)
-tcp-keep-alive-enabled-help=If checked, SO_KEEPALIVE will be enabled for newly created sockets by default. (Automatic Copy)
+tcp-keep-alive-enabled=启用 TCP Keep Alive
+tcp-keep-alive-enabled-help=如果选中,默认情况下将为新创建的套接字启用 SO_KEEPALIVE。
@@ -18440,7 +18440,7 @@ the-note-could-not-be-found=无法找到该备注。
-the-object-could-not-be-found=The object could not be found. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -19172,7 +19172,7 @@ there-are-no-workflow-definitions=没有工作流定义。
there-are-no-x-related-issues=没有与 {0} 相关的问题。
-there-are-object-definitions-with-the-same-external-reference-code-as-the-imported-ones=There are object definitions with the same external reference code as the imported ones. By continuing, you will update the existing object definitions. This action is permanent and data can be lost if the imported object definitions have missing fields compared to the existing ones. The affected object definitions are: (Automatic Copy)
there-are-other-redirects-pointing-to-the-source-url-of-this-redirect=存在指向此重定向的源 URL 的其他重定向。这将创建一个重定向链,因此用户在到达目标网址之前将被重定向多次。
@@ -19300,7 +19300,7 @@ this-article-is-set-to-publish-later=此文章设为稍后发布。您可以编
this-article-will-be-published-on-x=此文件将在 {0} 发布。
-this-category-might-be-being-used-in-some-contents=This category might be being used in some contents. If you delete it, this category and its subcategories will also be deleted and removed from those contents. Friendly URLs may also be affected. Do you want to continue deleting this category? (Automatic Copy)
@@ -19409,7 +19409,7 @@ this-operation-cannot-be-undone=此操作无法撤消。
-this-order-has-already-been-checked-out=This order has already been checked out. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -19491,7 +19491,7 @@ this-result-comes-from-the-x-version-of-this-content=这个结果来自这个内
-this-scheduled-publication-contains-conflicting-changes-that-must-be-manually-resolved-before-publishing=This scheduled publication contains conflicting changes that must be manually resolved before publishing. Please unschedule the publication in order to resolve conflicts. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -19766,7 +19766,7 @@ total-discount-percentage-level-3-with-tax-amount=3 级含税总计折扣百分
total-discount-percentage-level-4=4 级总计折扣百分比
total-discount-percentage-level-4-with-tax-amount=4 级含税总计折扣百分比
-total-estimated-refund=Total Estimated Refund (Automatic Copy)
@@ -20064,7 +20064,7 @@ unit-price=单价
units-of-measure=计量单位 (UOM)
-units-returned=Units Returned (Automatic Copy)
@@ -20187,7 +20187,7 @@ update-entry=更新条目
-update-existing-object-definitions=Update Existing Objects Definitions (Automatic Copy)
@@ -21595,7 +21595,7 @@ x-rows-were-imported-successfully=已成功导入 {0} 行。
x-rows-were-not-imported={0} 行未导入。
x-scheduled-publication-failed={0} 定时发布失败。
x-scheduled-publication-failed-with-an-unexpected-system-error={0} 定时发布失败,出现了意外的系统错误。
-x-scheduled-publication-has-conflicts-with-production={0} scheduled publication has conflicts with production. (Automatic Copy)
+x-scheduled-publication-has-conflicts-with-production={0} 定时发布与生产发生冲突。
x-screen-size-is-selected=已选择 {0} 屏幕大小。
diff --git a/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_zh_TW.properties b/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_zh_TW.properties
index 84056c45bdde8b..b6217ec52bca86 100644
--- a/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_zh_TW.properties
+++ b/modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language_zh_TW.properties
@@ -1382,7 +1382,7 @@ allow=允許
allow-administrator-to-create-and-execute-code-in-liferay=Allow administrator to create and execute code in Liferay. (Automatic Copy)
-allow-administrators-to-publish-and-edit-workflows-description=When selected, users with the Regular Administrator role in a virtual instance can publish new workflow definitions, including scripting content that is executed inside the portal (and potentially in other virtual instances). (Automatic Copy)
+allow-administrators-to-publish-and-edit-workflows-description=選定後,在虛擬實例中具有常規管理員角色的使用者可以發佈新的工作流程定義,包括在 Portal 內(以及可能在其他虛擬實例中)執行的腳本內容。
allow-anyone-with-the-link-to-view-this-publication=Allow anyone with the link to view this publication. (Automatic Copy)
@@ -1441,7 +1441,7 @@ allowed-classes=允許的類別
-allowed-domains-help=Set the domains which the portal is allowed to redirect to. Remove all entries to allow any domain. Specifying a domain with a leading "*." allows redirects to subdomains. PORTAL_DOMAIN will be replaced with the current domain of the portal. (Automatic Copy)
+allowed-domains-help=設置允許 Portal 重導向到的網域。移除所有條目可以允許任何網域。使用前導 "*." 以指定網域可以重導向到子網域。
@@ -19299,7 +19299,7 @@ this-article-is-set-to-publish-later=This article is set to publish later. You c
this-article-will-be-published-on-x=This article will be published on {0}. (Automatic Copy)
-this-category-might-be-being-used-in-some-contents=This category might be being used in some contents. If you delete it, this category and its subcategories will also be deleted and removed from those contents. Friendly URLs may also be affected. Do you want to continue deleting this category? (Automatic Copy)
this-collection-has-no-items=This collection has no items. You need at least one item to use this configuration. (Automatic Copy)