PG middleware is a package for Iris web framework that provides easy and type-safe access to PostgreSQL database.
- Supports PostgreSQL 9.5 and above.
- Uses pg package and pgx driver under the hood.
- Supports transactions, schema creation and validation, query tracing and error handling.
- Allows registering custom types and table models using a schema object.
- Provides a generic repository interface for common CRUD operations.
To install PG middleware, use the following command:
go get
To use PG middleware, you need to:
- Import the package in your code:
import (
- Define your database table models as structs with
// The Customer database table model.
type Customer struct {
ID string `json:"id" pg:"type=uuid,primary"`
Name string `json:"name" pg:"type=varchar(255)"`
- Create a schema object and register your models:
schema := pg.NewSchema()
schema.MustRegister("customers", Customer{})
- Create a PG middleware instance with the schema and database options:
opts := pg.Options{
Host: "localhost",
Port: 5432,
User: "postgres",
Password: "admin!123",
DBName: "test_db",
Schema: "public",
SSLMode: "disable",
Transactional: true, // or false to disable the transactional feature.
Trace: true, // or false to production to disable query logging.
CreateSchema: true, // true to create the schema if it doesn't exist.
CheckSchema: true, // true to check the schema for missing tables and columns.
ErrorHandler: func(ctx iris.Context, err error) {
ctx.StopWithError(iris.StatusInternalServerError, err)
p := pg.New(schema, opts)
- Attach the middleware handler to your Iris app or routes:
app := iris.New()
postgresMiddleware := newPostgresMiddleware()
customerAPI := app.Party("/api/customer", postgresMiddleware)
customerAPI.Post("/", createCustomer)
customerAPI.Get("/{id:uuid}", getCustomer)
- Use the
package-level functions to access the database instance or the repository interface in your handlers:
func createCustomer(ctx iris.Context) {
var payload = struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
err := ctx.ReadJSON(&payload)
if err != nil {
ctx.StopWithError(iris.StatusBadRequest, err)
// Get the current database instance through pg.DB middleware package-level function.
// db := pg.DB(ctx)
// [Work with db instance...]
// OR, initialize a new repository of Customer type and work with it (type-safety).
customers := pg.Repository[Customer](ctx)
// Insert a new Customer.
customer := Customer{
Name: payload.Name,
err = customers.InsertSingle(ctx, customer, &customer.ID)
if err != nil {
ctx.StopWithError(iris.StatusInternalServerError, err)
// Display the result ID.
ctx.JSON(iris.Map{"id": customer.ID})
func getCustomer(ctx iris.Context) {
// Get the id from the path parameter.
id := ctx.Params().Get("id")
// Get the repository of Customer type through pg.Repository middleware package-level function.
customers := pg.Repository[Customer](ctx)
// Get the customer by the id.
customer, err := customers.SelectByID(ctx, id)
if err != nil {
if pg.IsErrNoRows(err) {
} else {
ctx.StopWithError(iris.StatusInternalServerError, err)
// Display the retrieved Customer.
You can find more examples of using PG middleware in the examples folder.
PG middleware is licensed under the MIT License.