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File metadata and controls

274 lines (186 loc) · 8.91 KB


This is the central class, which will allow you to add multiple Containers, register Modules and use Properties to get more information about your Application.

Aside from that, the Package-class will boot your Application on a specific point (like plugins_loaded) and grants access for other Applications via hook to register and extend Services via Modules.


The Package-class contains the following public API:

Package::moduleStatus(): array

Returns an array of all Modules and the current status.

Package::moduleIs(string $moduleId, string $status): bool

Allows to check the status for a given Module::id().

Following Module statuses are available:

Status Description
Package::MODULE_REGISTERED A ServiceModule was added and returned a non-zero number of services.
Package::MODULE_REGISTERED_FACTORIES A FactoryModule was added and returned a non-zero number of factories.
Package::MODULE_EXTENDED An ExtendingModule was added and returned a non-zero number of extension.
Package::MODULE_ADDED Any of the three statuses above applied, or a module implements ExecutableModule
Package::MODULE_NOT_ADDED None of the first three statuses applied for a modules that is non-executable. That might happen in two scenarios: a module only implemented base Module interface, or did not return any service/factory/extension.
Package::MODULE_EXECUTED An ExecutableModule::run() method was called and returned true.
Package::MODULE_EXECUTION_FAILED An ExecutableModule::run() method was called and returned false.

Package::hookName(string $suffix = ''): string

Allows to generate the hookName for Package-class (see below)

Package::properties(): PropertiesInterface

Access to Properties.

Package::container(): ContainerInterface

Access to the compiled Container after the booting process is finished.


A shortcut to Properties::baseName() which contains the name of your Application

Package::addModule(Module $module): self

Allows adding Modules from outside via custom Hooks triggered.

Package::statusIs(int $status): bool

Retrieve the current status of the Application. Following are available:

  • Package::STATUS_IDLE - before Application is booted.
  • Package::STATUS_INITIALIZED - after first init action is triggered.
  • Package::STATUS_MODULES_ADDED - after all modules have been added.
  • Package::STATUS_READY - after the "ready" action has been fired.
  • Package::STATUS_BOOTED - Application has successfully booted.
  • Package::STATUS_FAILED_BOOT - when Application did not boot properly.

Access from external

The recommended way to set up your Application is to provide a function in your Application namespace which returns an instance of Package. Here’s a short example of an “Acme”-Plugin:



 * Plugin Name:       Acme
 * Author:            Inpsyde GmbH
 * Author URI:
 * Version:           1.0.0
 * Text Domain:       acme

namespace Acme;

use Inpsyde\Modularity;

function plugin(): Modularity\Package {
    static $package;
    if (!$package) {
        $properties = Modularity\Properties\PluginProperties::new(__FILE__);
        $package = Modularity\Package::new($properties);

   return $package;

    static function(): void {

By providing the Acme\plugin() function, you’ll enable external code to hook into your application:



namespace FooBarInc;

use Inpsyde\Modularity\Package;

if (! function_exists('Acme\plugin')) {

    static function (Package $plugin): void {
       $plugin->addModule(new MyModule());

Building the package

Sometimes, especially in unit tests, it might be desirable to obtain services as defined for the production code, but without calling any ExecutableModule::run(), which usually contains WP-dependant code, and therefore requires heavy mocking.

For example, assuming a common plugin() function like the following:

function plugin(): Modularity\Package {
    static $package;
    if (!$package) {
        $properties = Modularity\Properties\PluginProperties::new(__FILE__);
        $package = Modularity\Package::new($properties)
            ->addModule(new ModuleOne())
            ->addModule(new ModuleTwo())
    return $package;

In unit test it will be possible (as of v1.7+) to do something like the following:

$myService = plugin()->build()->container()->get(MyService::class);

Booting a built container

The Package::boot() method can be called on already built package.

For example, the following is a valid unit test code:

$plugin = plugin()->build();
$myService = $plugin->container()->get(MyService::class);




Deprecated boot parameters

Before Modularity v1.7.0, it was an accepted practice to pass default modules to Package::boot(), as in:

    static function(): void {
        plugin()->boot(new ModuleOne(), new ModuleTwo());

This is now deprecated to allow a better separation of the "building" and "booting" steps.

While it still works (and it will work up to version 2.0), it will emit a deprecation notice.

The replacement is using Package::addModule():

plugin()->addModule(new ModuleOne())->addModule(new ModuleTwo())->boot();

There's only one case in which calling Package::boot() with default modules will throw an exception (besides triggering a deprecated notice), that is when a passed modules was not added before Package::addModule() and an instance of the container was already obtained from the package.

For example, this will throw an exception:

$plugin = plugin()->build();

// Now that container is built, passing modules to `boot()` will raise an exception, because we
// can't add new modules to an already "compiled" container being that read-only.
$container = $plugin->container();

$plugin->boot(new ModuleOne());

To prevent the exception it would be necessary to add the module before calling build(), or alternatively, to call $plugin->boot(new ModuleOne()) before calling $plugin->container(). In this latter case the exception is not thrown, but the deprecation will still be emitted.

Connecting packages

Every Package has a separate container, however sometimes it might be desirable access another package's services. For example from a plugin access one library services, or from a theme access a plugin's services.

That can be done using the Package::connect() method.

For example:

// a theme functions.php

$properties = Properties\ThemeProperties::new('/path/to/theme/dir/');
$theme = Inpsyde\Modularity\Package::new($properties);


To note:

  • Package::connect() must be called before boot. If called later, no connections happen and it returns false
  • The package to be connected might be already booted or not. In the second case the connection will happen, but before accessing its services it has to be booted, or an exception will happen.

Package connection is a great way to create reusable libraries and services that can be used by many plugins. For example, it might be possible to have a library that has something like this:

namespace Acme;

function myLibrary(): Package {
    static $lib;
    if (!$lib) {
        $properties = Properties\LibraryProperties::new('path/to/composer.json');
        $lib = Inpsyde\Modularity\Package::new($properties);
        $lib->addModule(new ModuleOne());
        $lib->addModule(new ModuleTwo());
    return $lib;

This would be autoloaded by Composer, but not being a plugin will not be called by WordPress.

However, many plugins in the same installation could do:

/** @var Package $plugin */

Thanks to that, all plugins will be able to access the library's services in the same way they access own modules' services.

Accessing connected packages' properties

In modules, we can access package properties calling $container->get(Package::PROPERTIES). If we'd like to access any connected package properties, we could do that using a key whose format is: sprintf('%s.%s', $connectedPackage->name(), Package::PROPERTIES).