- Open App - Expect Splash Screen to load
- App Loads - Expect app to be viewed only in landscape mode
- Click on Tap to Login at top of screen - Expect Splash Page Screen to switch to Login Screen
- Enter Username into teacher username input field: johnteacher
- Enter Password into teacher password: 1234
- Click login button - Expect App Menu Screen to load with three options: Teacher Conference, Teacher Small Group, and Partner Station Scoring
- Expect syncing screen to pop up.
- Expect syncing duration to be 1 - 5 min
- Follow the LOGIN WORKFLOW on one iPad
- Follow the LOGIN WORKFLOW on another iPad - Expect that if teacher is logged in elsewhere, alert pops up
- Expect pop-up to read: "Publish, Teacher(johnteacher) is already login in other device.login with another account"
- Click on Teacher Conference option - Expect to see a chart of students (Apps One, Apps OneE, etc)
- Sort col by Student Name - Expect the columns to sort by Student Name (first name)
- Sort col by Rdg Stage - Expect the columns to sort by Rdg Stage
- Sort col by Desired Conf's Per Wk - Expect the columns to sort by Desired Conf's Per Wk
- Sort col by Conf: Order - Expect the columns to sort by Desired Conf: Order
- Sort col by Days Since Last Conference - Expect the columns to sort by Days Since Last Conference
- Re-sort Conf. Order by click-and-hold on Student, drag row to new slot - Expect new order to change
- Click on Teacher Conference option - Expect to see a chart of students (Apps One, Apps OneE, etc)
- Click on a Student record - Expect the record color to change to Dark Grey
- Re-sort Conf. Order by click-and-hold on Student, drag row to new slot - Expect new order to change
- Click on Teacher Conference option - Expect to see a chart of students (Apps One, Apps OneE, etc)
- Click on a Student record - Expect the record color to change to Dark Grey
- Click the View/Add Notes button - Expect the screen to switch to the Student Note Screen
- Click the Add Notes button - Expect a new note to appear with the Date field already filled
- Click into Observation/Instruction space - Expect cursor to move into and blink on Observation/Instruction space
- Type in test data
- Click into Next Steps space - Expect cursor to move into and blink on Next Steps space
- Type in test data
- Click the Exit button - Expect the screen to switch back to the Teacher Conference Screen
- Click View/Add Notes button, again - Expect the screen to switch to the Student Note Screen and the previous note(s) should be visible
- Click on Teacher Conference option - Expect to see a chart of students (Apps One, Apps OneE, etc)
- Make sure no Student record is selected
- Click on Start Session button - Expect warning to appear with "Student is not selected" in the message
- Click the OK option to exit - Expect warning to disappear and Teacher Conference Screen to reappear
- Click on Teacher Conference option - Expect to see a chart of students (Apps One, Apps OneE, etc)
- Click on Start Session button - Expect screen to switch to Choose a Skill Screen
- Click on Letter Names button - Expect the screen to switch to the Letter Names Screen
- Click on a random letter - Expect letter to appear in Word Window
- Click on No - Expect letter to be highlighted red
- Click on a different random letter - Expect letter to appear in Word Window
- Click on Yes - Expect letter to be highlighted green
- Click on first letter from INDICATE YES SUBFLOW - Expect letter to appear in Word Window
- Click on Yes - Expect red highlight to change to green highlight
- Click on Second letter from INDICATE NO SUBFLOW - Expect letter to appear in Word Window
- Click on No - Expect green highlight to change to red highlight
- Click on random letter and hold - Expect a three-colored pop-up to appear
- Choose Green, Red, or Clear - Expect color to change to chosen color
- Repeat steps for all colors - Expect color to change to chosen color
- Click on Letter Sounds button - Expect the screen to switch to the Letter Sounds Screen
- Click on a random letter - Expect letter to appear in Word Window
- Click on No - Expect letter to be highlighted red
- Click on a different random letter - Expect letter to appear in Word Window
- Click on Yes - Expect letter to be highlighted green
- Click on first letter from INDICATE YES SUBFLOW - Expect letter to appear in Word Window
- Click on Yes - Expect red highlight to change to green highlight
- Click on Second letter from INDICATE NO SUBFLOW - Expect letter to appear in Word Window
- Click on No - Expect green highlight to change to red highlight
- Click on random letter and hold - Expect a three-colored pop-up to appear
- Choose Green, Red, or Clear - Expect color to change to chosen color
- Repeat steps for all colors - Expect color to change to chosen color
- Click on first 00:00 time - Expect the screen to focus on a timer
- Click on the 00 for hours - Expect a cursor to enter the field
- Click on a number to set minutes - Expect the chosen number to be inserted into the field
- Click on the 00 for seconds - Expect a cursor to enter the field
- Click on a number to set seconds - Expect the chosen number to be inserted into the field
- Click the OK button to save - Expect screen to switch back to the activity screen
- Click the Start button to start the timer - Expect the Timer to count down
- Click the Stop button to end the timer - Expect the Timer to stop
- Repeat the above steps with the with second timer
- Expect the STOP button to back into START when the timer expires
- Click on Assignment button - Expect displays to show list of options: Reading Stage, Reading Level, Onset/Rime Set, Sight Word Set)
- Click on Reading Stage and change - Expect Assignment Description on bottom of app to change to chosen values
- Click on Reading Level and change - Expect Assignment Description on bottom of app to change to chosen values
- Click on Onset/Rime Set and change - Expect Assignment Description on bottom of app to change to chosen values
- Click on Sight Word and change - Expect Assignment Description on bottom of app to change to chosen values
- Click on information icon (i) in top right corner of Assignment Window - Expect information pop-up to appear
- Click on the Sync button Expect notification to appear regarding sync process
- !!!Check on OMS data!!!
- Click on Note button - Expect Activities Screen to switch to Notes screen
- Click the Add Notes button - Expect the screen to switch to the Student Note Screen
- Click the Add Notes button - Expect a new note to appear with the Date field already filled
- Click into Observation/Instruction space - Expect cursor to move into and blink on Observation/Instruction space
- Type in test data
- Click into Next Steps space - Expect cursor to move into and blink on Next Steps space
- Type in test data
- Click the Exit button - Expect the screen to switch back to the Teacher Conference Screen
- Click Note button, again - Expect the screen to switch to the Student Note Screen and the previous note(s) should be visible
- Click on Onset/Rime button - Expect Onset/Rime screen to appear
- Select a random Rime - Expect selected Rime to appear in the Middle Window and onset/rime words to appear in the Top Window
- Select an Onset/Rime Word in the Top Window - Expect the selected word to appear in the Middle Window
- Click the Yes button - Expect the selected Rime to be highlighted green
- Select a random Onset - Expect selected Onset to appear in the Middle Window and onset/rime words to appear in the Top Window
- Select an Onset/Rime Word in the Top Window - Expect the selected word to appear in the Middle Window
- Click the Yes button - Expect the selected Onset to be highlighted green
- Select a random Rime - Expect selected Rime to appear in the Middle Window and onset/rime words to appear in the Top Window
- Select an Onset/Rime Word in the Top Window - Expect the selected word to appear in the Middle Window
- Click the No button - Expect the selected Rime to be highlighted red
- Select a random Onset - Expect selected Onset to appear in the Middle Window and onset/rime words to appear in the Top Window
- Select an Onset/Rime Word in the Top Window - Expect the selected word to appear in the Middle Window
- Click the No button - Expect the selected Onset to be highlighted green
- Select a green Rime and hold - Expect a Green/Red/White option to appear
- Select the Red option - Expect the Rime to change highlight to red
- Select a red Rime and hold - Expect a Green/Red/White option to appear
- Select the Green option - Expect the Rime to change highlight to green
- Select a red Rime and hold - Expect a Green/Red/White option to appear
- Select the White option - Expect the Rime to change highlight to cleared
- Repeat this Subflow for All or Multiple Rimes
- Select a green Onset and hold - Expect a Green/Red/White option to appear
- Select the Red option - Expect the Rime to change highlight to red
- Select a red Onset and hold - Expect a Green/Red/White option to appear
- Select the Green option - Expect the Rime to change highlight to green
- Select a red Onset and hold - Expect a Green/Red/White option to appear
- Select the White option - Expect the Rime to change highlight to cleared
- Repeat this Subflow for All or Multiple Onsets
- Select the II tab on the right - Expect the Level II Onset/Rimes to appear
- Select the III tab and repeat the above set of instructions
- Select the IV tab and repeat the above set of instructions
- Click on Sight Words button - Expect Sight Words screen to appear
- Select a random word - Expect selected Word to appear in the Middle Window
- Click the Yes button - Expect the selected Word to be highlighted green
- Select a random word - Expect selected Word to appear in the Middle Window
- Click the No button - Expect the selected Word to be highlighted red
- Select a green Word and hold - Expect a Green/Red/White option to appear
- Select the Red option - Expect the Word to change highlight to red
- Select a red Word and hold - Expect a Green/Red/White option to appear
- Select the Green option - Expect the Word to change highlight to green
- Select a red Word and hold - Expect a Green/Red/White option to appear
- Select the White option - Expect the Word to change highlight to cleared
- Repeat this Subflow for All or Multiple Words
- Select the II tab on the left - Expect the II level words to appear
- Select the III on the left tab and repeat the above set of instructions
- Select the IV tab and repeat the above set of instructions
- Select the V tab and repeat the above set of instructions
- Select the VI tab and repeat the above set of instructions
- Click on the Story button - Expect Middle Window to reveal Level Menu
- Select a Reading Level - Expect the screen to switch to Story Menu Screen
- Select a Book - Expect the screen to switch to Story Screen
- Click on the Common Core Standards tab
- Click on an Assessment once - Expect the assessment to turn red
- Click on an Assessment twice - Expect the assessment to turn yellow
- Click on an Assessment thrice - Expect the assessment to turn green
- Click on an Assessment fourth - Expect the assessment to be cleared
- Swipe the story page left - Expect the page to move left
- Swipe the story page right - Expect the page to move right
- Scroll the text up and down - If extra lines are hidden, expect the scrolling to reveal all lines
- Click on the Whiteboard button - Expect the Whiteboard Screen to appear
- Click anywhere on the Whiteboard Window - Expect the flashing cursor to appear at the point of click
- Enter in text - Expect the text to appear on the Whiteboard Window
- Click elsewhere on the Whiteboard - Expect the flashing cursor to appear at the point of click
- Enter in text - Expect the text to appear on the Whiteboard Window
- Click on the Hide Keyboard button (lower right corner of screen) - Expect window to shrink
- Click the Exit Button - Expect the screen to switch back to the pre-whiteboard Screen