Released 2021-05-16
- Fix bugs around database transactions
Released 2021-04-20
- Add TypeScript to the frontend
Released 2021-04-04
- Major refactoring of the server and the WebRTC client
- Add support for a database (SQLite or Postgresql) on the server
- Add support for multiple audio/video tracks to the WebRTC client
- Improve support for screenreaders and keyboard-based navigation
- Automatically reconnect websocket on failure/disconnection
- Update the Snap package for database support
- Add tutorial for deploying on Raspberry Pi
- Rename the /chat route to /room
Released 2021-01-27
- Add invitation link and hang-up button
Released 2020-11-01
- Improve styling for the landing page
Released 2020-10-24
- Fix video preview to use the selected device when entering a room
- Decrease time between server pings to the client to prevent the websocket from timing out
- Provide a logo for Heroku
Released 2020-10-20
- Rewrite the UI using React
- Add video feed controls (fullscreen, picture-in-picture, resolution, audio level, visibility)
- Support STUN/TURN server configuration in the client
- Add Snap package
Released 2020-08-26
- Support deployment on Heroku
- Use Hypercorn for production
Released 2020-07-28
- Initial release
- Audio & video streaming
- Screensharing
- Text chat
- Support Coturn TURN server
- Cross-browser support for Chromium, Firefox, and Safari