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React Native, reagent and shadow-cljs

A super simple way to develop react native apps with clojurescript and reagent, or add clojurescript modules to existing react-native projects.

If you prefer rum, go here.


re-natal is awesome, but I always feels a little too magical for my taste. Also, it uses lein, and I want to use shadow-cljs.

If I’m starting a new react native project.

Create the project:

react-native init <project-name>

Install shadow-cljs if you haven’t already. With yarn, that goes as follows:

yarn add --dev shadow-cljs

Clone the repo:

git clone

Make a folder to contain your own clojurescript source:

mkdir src

Make a shadow-cljs.edn to suit your config. Be sure to include rum-native and your source path in the source-paths.

A simple example (heavily annotated):

 ["src" "reagent-native"] ; Including rum-native makes sure rum works!

;; No need for exclusions, because shadow-cljs prefers local files
;; to deps. 0.7.0 also works
 [[reagent "0.8.0-rc1"]]

 {:app {:target :npm-module
        :output-dir "lib"}}}

Now, start coding! But see the guide below…

If I already have a react native project

Do as above, except don’t create a project.

Using reagent

One can use reagent exactly as in the browser. The module reagent-native.core defines all the helpers one needs:

  • register-component: this takes the app name and the component to use as the main app component. This component should take no props or children.
  • wrapped React Native 0.55 components: their names are precisely as in React Native, except that CamelCase becomes kebab-case, and IOS becomes ios. Props are just clojure maps, with kebab-case keys replacing the React camelCase keys.

Below is a complete app:

;;; src/app/core.cljs
(ns app.core
  (:require [reagent-native.core :as rn]
            [reagent.core :as r])

(def styles
  {:main {:flex 1
          :flex-direction :column
		  :justify-content :center
		  :align-items :center}
   :text {:font-size 20}}

(defn result
  (rn/text {:style (:text styles)}
    "You’ve clicked " val (if (= 1 val) " time." " times.")))

(defn app
  (let [cnt (r/atom 0)]
    (fn []
	  [rn/view {:style (:main styles)}
	    [result @cnt]
		 {:on-press #(swap! cnt inc)
		  :title "Click me!"}]])))

(defn init [] rn/register-component "MyApp" app)
;;; src/main.cljs
(ns main (:require app.core :refer [init]))

// index.js

import "./lib/main";

Hot reloading

Warning, buggy.

To make hot-reloading work, one needs to tell reagent explicitly to rerender on reload. The easiest way to do so is to accept the react-native.core/reload! function in the hot reaload hook (as described here:

;;; main.cljs
(ns main
  (:require [app.core :refer [init]]
            [reagent-native.core :refer [reload!]]))

(when-some [hot (.-hot js/module)]
  (.accept hot reload!))


Development workflow

Stubbing is unfortunately difficult with the latest metro bundle. For now, it's disabled.

Unfortunately, it’s unlikely a repl will be working any time soon.

As a consequence, I find it convenient to define (at least) two build targets:

  • app, as above
  • dev, which builds a node module.

The latter can happily be loaded and used in repl based development. Even better, the nature of reagent components is that they are simply functions to vectors, so one can test them without a heavy emulator.

What doesn’t work

  • I don't yet know how to get a working repl.
  • Source maps are messed up. Unfortunately, there’s not much that will change here: react’s bundler ignores source maps when bundling js.
  • This is deliberately not on clojars: it's completely experimental, and likely to change quite a bit.
  • I have yet to see how well this builds to production.


  • re-natal: an excellent way to quickly get going with react native and clojurescript. react-native/core was very strongly inspired by their work.
  • shadow-cljs: a lovely way to build clojurescript
  • reagent: a clean react cljs library.


Public domain: you're free to do whatever you want with this. However, I accept no liability for the use you put it to, nor make any claim that it is fit for any purpose.