Pairing visualization from your git history
To set up, you need to have a directory that looks like this:
|- repo_1/
|- repo_2/
|- repo_3/
|- repo_n/
|- pairviz.exs
And you need to be able to interact with remote repo from your shell since we are going to reuse your whole .ssh folder.
For pairviz.exs file, it is a configuration file that tells pairviz how to extract name out of commit message and what are the people you are interested in since some of them might already left the team and you don't want to visualize it anymore.
Here is the example of pairviz.exs file:
use Mix.Config
pipe_around_name = ~r/^.*\|(?<names>.*)\|.*$/
bracket_around_name = ~r/^.*\[(?<names>.*)\].*$/
config :pairviz, Pairviz.Pairing,
name_pattern: [pipe_around_name, bracket_around_name],
name_splitter: ["&", ":"],
name_list: ["Dave", "Ops", "Sec"]
From the example configuration above, if you have commit message like the following:
#123 | Dave:Ops | Trying to do something useful here
#123 | Dave&Ops | Trying to do something useful here
#123 [ Dave:Ops ] Trying to do something useful here
#123 [ Dave&Ops ] Trying to do something useful here
It will recognize Dave and Ops as a pair
You can also have more than two person working together as well, it will be detected and calculate the pairing score accordingly:
#123 | Dave:Ops:Sec | Trying to do something useful here
But if there is someone who is not in the name_list appears in the commit message, they will be ignored:
#123 | Dave:Ops:Con | Trying to do something useful here
The Con
guy will be ignored.
Run via docker:
docker run \
-v ~/.ssh:/root/.ssh \
-v "$(pwd)":/workspace/repositories \
-v "$(pwd)"/pairviz.exs:/workspace/config/pairviz.exs \
-p 4000:4000 \
-it \
Now you can visit localhost:4000
from your browser.