February 11, 2016
How do you like our new Santa Clara iOS Connect banner on the meetup main site? Thank you to our member Ralph for the beautiful design and for his volunteer work. The new logo now seen throughout our GitHub, Slack group, and on the mobile meetup app.
Tuesday night this week was intimate. With the evening felt like a summer night, we decided to anchor outside. Surprisingly, there were less noise, and we could hear each other well. Since most of us already knew each other like old friends hanging out, we skipped formal intro and delved into discussions. We talked about dependencies, and dependency managers like CocoaPods vs Carthage (which is written 100% in SWIFT). Some were brainstorming on a good project idea to use map and the iOS camera. Any suggestions? Which libraries and how? The senior iOS developers might be collaborating on a hackathon? Mixed into all that, we talked about Moxtra for our group events, AppleTV, and one of our members just submitted his app for Apple review a few days ago. Ask, if you want to learn more about beautiful watches.
Some Libraries you might want to checkout. https://medium.com/app-coder-io/27-ios-open-source-libraries-to-skyrocket-your-development-301b67d3124c