Tuesday Dec 8, 2015
Hello iOS Connect Members. It's been an exciting week for iOS Developers. Our Sunday Hands-On iOS Project Group at Hacker Dojo Mountain View continues to be a huge success. Our Tuesday Events continue to be a great place to engage in discussions about the week's latest news, ask about new API or for quick pairing session.
The biggest news for the week is the open sourcing of Swift. With the source on GitHub and Pull Requests being accepted from the community, now is a great time to be a Swift Developer.
The project home page is at Swift.org There you can read about the Compiler, Standard Libraries, and the Package Manager. I highly recommend the API Design Guidelines which detail some of the changes coming in Swift 3.0.
If you are feeling up to it checkout the guidelines to contributing and put your mark on the new Foundation (Certified Obj-C free) Library The Project Group Meetup would be a great place for this kind of work.
Just want to write your first few lines of Swift? Try out the IBM Swift Sandbox
We had an amazing group of learners yesterday at the Hands-On iOS Project Group Meetup. It is great to be in such a diverse learning environment. From the UI layer through the data layer and everything in between. There were people working with Dynamic Type and AutoLayout, TableViews, CoreData, and UIPickerView.
We even had a few members giving Functional Reactive Programming a try using the RxSwift library!
Learning Core Data can be a challenge. There is a great tutorial series over at Tuts+ Core Data. The series walks through setting up the stack, reading and writing data, up to Fetched Results Controllers and Batched Updates! The tutorials are all focused on the task at hand and build up slowly. I hope you find them useful.
Be Nice. Orta says it best! Have a great week!