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0x00 Shell Basics



  1. Where am I? : A script that prints the absolute path of the current working directory.
  2. What's in there? : A script that displays the contents of your current directory.
  3. There is no place like home : A script that changes the working directory to the user's home directory.
  4. The long format : A script that displays the current directory contents in a long format.
  5. Hidden files : A script that displays the current directory contents including hidden files.
  6. I loce numbers : A script that displays the current directory contents, using long format, while displaying group IDs in numeral and show hidden files.
  7. Welcome holberton : A script that will create a directory named holberton in the /tmp/ directory.
  8. Betty in Holberton : A scipt that will move a file called betty from home to the new directory created above.
  9. Bye bye Betty : A script that will delete file betty from the new location.
  10. Bye bye Holberton : A script that will delete the directory holberton that is in the /tmp/ directory path.
  11. Back to the future Change working directory to the previous one.
  12. Lists List all files (even ones with names beginning with a period character, which are normally hidden) in the current directory and the parent of the working directory and the /boot directory (in this order), in long format.
  13. File type A script that prints the type of the named file iamafile. The iamafile will be in the /tmp/ directory when we will run your script.
  14. We are symbols, and inhabit symbols Create a symbolic link to /bin/ls, named __ls__. The symbolic link should be created in the current working directory.
  15. Copy HTML files Create a script that copies all html files from the current working directory to the parent working directory while only copying files that did not exist.
  16. Let's move A script that moves all files beginning with an uppercase letter to the directory /tmp/u.
  17. Clean Emacs A script that deletes all files in the current directory that end with the character ~.
  18. Tree A script that creates the directory welcome/, welcome/to/ and welcome/to/holberton.
  19. Life is a series of commas, not periods A script that lists all the files and directories of the current directory separated by commas ,.
  20. File type: Holberton Create a magic file holberton.mgc that can be used with the command file to detect Holberton data files always contain the string HOLBERTON at offset 0.