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Prevent a job to run until another one complete.

Sidekiq includes a jobs dependencies mechanism to prevent a job from running before another one when enqueued.

But sometime your jobs will be enqueued independently, then for you do not know the job id on which you depend on (you could parse Sidekiq queue, but...)

Sidekiq::LockableJob allows you to set some locks ( based on job params ) when a job is enqueued or processed (store in redis), to prevent any other jobs to run if locked ( based on job params ) and will unlock any previously set locks ( based on job params ) when a job is succesfully completed.

Use cases

For a real exemple at @Babylist.

Let's say a third party service send you a webhook request when some products of an order are shipped. (-> job A) Then send you an eventual webhook request when some products of this order can not be shipped (without explicitely telling you which ones). (-> job B), on which you want to cancelled any non shipped products for this order.

Your third party service obviously send you this two webhook in the right order. But if something went wrong processing the first job (database issue, ...), you might ended cancelled the full order because the first job A haven't run prior to the second job B.

In this scenario, you will request a lock denied_order_cancellation_ABC to be set when you first job A is enqueued (order key ABC being extracted from the job params), and you will request to raise a lock error (which will retry the job later) when the second job B is about to be processed if any lock exist for denied_order_cancellation_ABC (order key ABC being extracted from the job params). And finally you will request an unlock of denied_order_cancellation_ABC when the first job A is successfully completed later on, which will allow the second job to succeed on its later retry.

If you expect multiple job of type A to be enqueued and needs to wait for all this locks to be lift (using the same key), see MultiLockService


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'sidekiq_lockable_job'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install sidekiq_lockable_job


Thanks to Asciinema!

$ rake demo



The gem is compose of four parts:

  • Setting locks when job is enqueued
  • Setting locks when job is processed
  • Raising Sidekiq::LockableJob::LockedJobError when job start to processed but is locked
  • Unsetting locks when job is succesfully processed

Setting locks when job is enqueued

happens in the sidekiq client middleware (on you rails app) including Sidekiq::LockableJob auto set the middleware chain

require 'sidekiq_lockable_job'

class Worker
  include Sidekiq::Worker
  include Sidekiq::LockableJob

  def self.lockable_job_client_lock_keys(args)
    # jobs args are always in an array like **args
    lock_key = args.first['a_key']

  def perform

When your job is ENQUEUED (Worker.perform_async), sidekiq LockableJob client middleware, will call lockable_job_client_lock_keys (before enqueuing the job) with the jobs arguments and set a lock for any returned keys

Setting locks when job is processed

happens in the sidekiq server middleware (on you rails worker) including Sidekiq::LockableJob auto set the middleware chain

require 'sidekiq_lockable_job'

class Worker
  include Sidekiq::Worker
  include Sidekiq::LockableJob

  def self.lockable_job_server_lock_keys(args)
    # jobs args are always in an array like **args
    lock_key = args.first['a_key']

  def perform

When your job is PROCESSED, sidekiq LockableJob server middleware, will call lockable_job_client_lock_keys (before running the job) with the jobs arguments and set a lock for any returned keys

Raising Sidekiq::LockableJob::LockedJobError when job start to processed but is locked

happens in the sidekiq server middleware (on you rails worker) including Sidekiq::LockableJob auto set the middleware chain

require 'sidekiq_lockable_job'

class Worker
  include Sidekiq::Worker
  include Sidekiq::LockableJob

  def self.lockable_job_locked_by_keys(args)
    # jobs args are always in an array like **args
    lock_key = args.first['a_key']

  def perform

When your job is about to be processed, sidekiq LockableJob server middleware, will call lockable_job_locked_by_keys (before processing the job) with the jobs arguments and raise Sidekiq::LockableJob::LockedJobError if any of the returned keys is locked.

Sidekiq Error Handling Sidekiq will retry failures with an exponential backoff using the formula (retry_count ** 4) + 15 + (rand(30) * (retry_count + 1)) (i.e. 15, 16, 31, 96, 271, ... seconds + a random amount of time). It will perform 25 retries over approximately 21 days. Assuming you deploy a bug fix within that time, the job will get retried and successfully processed. After 25 times, Sidekiq will move that job to the Dead Job queue, assuming that it will need manual intervention to work.

Unsetting locks when job is succesfully processed

happens in the sidekiq server middleware (on you rails worker) including Sidekiq::LockableJob auto set the middleware chain

require 'sidekiq_lockable_job'

class Worker
  include Sidekiq::Worker
  include Sidekiq::LockableJob

  def self.lockable_job_unlock_keys(args)
    # jobs args are always in an array like **args
    lock_key = args.first['a_key']

  def perform

When your job is successfully to be performed, sidekiq LockableJob server middleware, will call lockable_job_unlock_keys (after processing the job) with the jobs arguments and unset lock for any returned keys

LockService vs MultiLockService vs CustomLockService

By default Sidekiq::LockableJob use Sidekiq::LockableJob::LockService to lock, unlock and check lock. This service set lock time in redis when lock, unset redis key when unlock and check for redis key existance at lock check.

This is enough for most common scenario, but you can use Sidekiq::LockableJob::MultiLockService if you need to count the number of lock. Each lock will increase the lock count, each unlock will decrease it, job will raise only if lock exist and count if > 0.

If you're using both default lock and multi lock, keys handle by a lock should all use the same lock service see lib/sidekiq/lockable_job/multi_lock_service.rb

require 'sidekiq_lockable_job'

class MultiLockWorker
  include Sidekiq::Worker
  include Sidekiq::LockableJob
  lockable_job_lock_service Sidekiq::LockableJob::MultiLockService

If you want to use your own locking mechanism (to store somewhere else than redis, or handle locked differently), you can set your own LockService class.

module CustomLockService
  def self.lock(key)
    // do you own lock

  def self.unlock(key)
    // do you own unlock

  # non required helper method
  def self.locked?(key)
    // return true if locked

  def self.handle_locked_by(key, worker_instance:, job:)
    // do you own handle if locked
    if locked?(key)
      worker_instance.class.perform_in(3.hours, **job['args'])
      return true
    // return true if job should NOT run or false if it should

class Worker
  include Sidekiq::Worker
  include Sidekiq::LockableJob
  lockable_job_lock_service CustomLockService


  • Sidekiq::LockableJob lock (on enqueuing, processing), unlock (on successfully processed), raise if locked (before processing)
  • Sidekiq::LockableJob auto add itself to sidekiq middleware
  • Supporting lock/unlock count (if a job is queued 3 times, will increase the lock count to 3, and will require 3 unlock to be lifted)
  • Externalize locking/unlocking/locked? mechanism (LockableJobService), and give option to use different service (ie.: not storing in Redis)
  • Option to requeue job (with delay), or swallow job failure if locked
  • Option to no auto include to middleware (and use locks manually or add in different order in middleware chain)


    has a prefix
    true if locked
    false if NOT locked
    raise if locked by any key
    raise if locked by single key
    when not locked
      DOT NOT raise if not locked by
      return false

    behaves like it yield
      is expected to eq true
    behaves like set locks
      set locks
    with single lock key
      behaves like it yield
        is expected to eq true
      behaves like set locks
        set locks

  with no lock
    behaves like perform the job
      example at ./spec/sidekiq/lockable_job/middleware/server/shared.rb:13
    behaves like it yield
      is expected to eq true
  with lock set
    behaves like raise an error
      is expected to raise Sidekiq::LockableJob::LockedJobError
    with another lock key
      behaves like raise an error
        is expected to raise Sidekiq::LockableJob::LockedJobError
    with a non lock key
      behaves like perform the job
        example at ./spec/sidekiq/lockable_job/middleware/server/shared.rb:13
      behaves like it yield
        is expected to eq true
    with single lock key
      behaves like raise an error
        is expected to raise Sidekiq::LockableJob::LockedJobError

    set locks
    behaves like it yield
      is expected to eq true
    behaves like perform the job
      example at ./spec/sidekiq/lockable_job/middleware/server/shared.rb:13
    with single lock key
      set lock
      behaves like it yield
        is expected to eq true
      behaves like perform the job
        example at ./spec/sidekiq/lockable_job/middleware/server/shared.rb:13

  with previous locks
    behaves like lock keys
      remove all locks
      behaves like it yield
        is expected to eq true
      behaves like perform the job
        example at ./spec/sidekiq/lockable_job/middleware/server/shared.rb:13
      for another job
        DOES NOT remove the lock
    with single lock key
      behaves like lock keys
        remove all locks
        behaves like it yield
          is expected to eq true
        behaves like perform the job
          example at ./spec/sidekiq/lockable_job/middleware/server/shared.rb:13
        for another job
          DOES NOT remove the lock

    has a prefix
    with multiple lock
      don't unlock at first
    true if locked
    false if NOT locked
    raise if locked by any key
    raise if locked by single key
    when not locked
      DOT NOT raise if not locked by
      return false

    has lock_service by default
    set a custom lock service
    include client middleware
    include server middleware (PENDING: Temporarily skipped with xit)

  has a version number

Pending: (Failures listed here are expected and do not affect your suite's status)

  1) Sidekiq::LockableJob.included include server middleware
     # Temporarily skipped with xit
     # ./spec/sidekiq/lockable_job_spec.rb:37


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the sidekiq_lockable_job project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.