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Deploying huginn on any server or virtualbox using chef solo and or vagrant

squarel edited this page Apr 17, 2014 · 29 revisions

This documentation is not yet complete. The Vagrant and Chef setup for Huginn has not been merged into master yet.

EC2 with Chef

Vagrant (EC2)

Vagrant (locally)

Deploying Huginn to EC2 with Chef (warning as of 16 March 2014: may be outdated, remove this when fixed)

Chef cookbooks for deploying Huginn are available in deployment. Use the role role[huginn_production] to deploy Huginn to a production environment or the role role[huginn_development] to deploy to a development environment.

Here are instructions for deploying Huginn to any server using chef solo.

First, install knife-solo:

gem install knife-solo

This will also install chef solo.

Next, install the librarian-chef gem:

gem install librarian-chef

Install the cookbooks listed in the Cheffile by running:

cd deployment && librarian-chef install

Now, to deploy Huginn in production mode on a newly created EC2 instance, run:

knife solo bootstrap [user@]hostname -r role[huginn_production]

You can provide ssh options like -i (identity file) and -p (SSH port) to knife if needed. When this finishes, Huginn should be installed and running on your server at port 80. Visit your server to check it out. A new user has been created for managing Huginn with username huginn and password huginn (please change it right away by logging in and typing passwd). Huginn is installed in the home directory of huginn at /home/huginn. Setup follows Capistrano standards, so the current, shared, and releases directories are present with current symlinked to the most recent deployment in releases. Nginx is running and proxy-passing to a Unicorn server, with config files at /home/huginn/shared/config/nginx.conf and /home/huginn/shared/config/unicorn.rb respectively, which you can change according to your needs and redeploy by running above mentioned command. Before redeploying, make sure that Huginn isn't already running by stopping it with sudo stop huginn. You can start, stop, or restart Huginn with these commands:

sudo start huginn

To install Huginn on an EC2 instance, fill out aws.access_key_id, aws.secret_access_key, aws.keypair_name, and override.ssh.private_key_path in the deployment/Vagrantfile and run sudo stop huginn sudo restart huginn

If you would like to use your private Huginn repo, then you will have to replace with the URL of your Huginn private repo in the deploy resource's repo attribute here: deployment/site-cookbooks/huginn_production/recipes/default.rb.

Deploying Huginn with Vagrant

You can also use Vagrant to play with Huginn locally or even to spin up an EC2 server for experimentation.

EC2 Vagrant

It'll install Huginn on a newly created EC2 instance in Rails's production environment mode. It uses the same chef role role[huginn_production] as mentioned above.

Install necessary plugins
vagrant plugin install vagrant-aws
vagrant plugin install vagrant-omnibus
vagrant plugin install vagrant-librarian-chef
Download Huginn
git clone git://
cd huginn/deployment
Set AWS variables

Fill out aws.access_key_id, aws.secret_access_key, aws.keypair_name, and override.ssh.private_key_path in deployment/Vagrantfile

Start the instance using the Virtualbox provider
vagrant up ec2 --provider=aws
Connect to the EC2 instance with SSH
vagrant ssh ec2
Disconnect from the instance
Stop and destroy the EC2 instance
vagrant destroy ec2

Local Vagrant

Install necessary plugins
vagrant plugin install vagrant-omnibus
vagrant plugin install vagrant-librarian-chef
Download Huginn
git clone git://
Start the VM using the Virtualbox provider
cd huginn/deployment
librarian-chef install
vagrant up vb
Connect to the VM with SSH
vagrant ssh

You should now be able to visit http://localhost:3000 to use Huginn on your local computer. It uses the role[huginn_development] chef role. A new user with username huginn and password huginn is created and Huginn is installed at /home/huginn/huginn

Other vagrant commands worth knowing

Disconnect from the VM
Stop the VM gracefully
vagrant halt
Stop the VM forcefully (like unplugging the power from a machine)
vagrant halt -f
Stop and destroy the VM (and anything you change while using it)
vagrant destroy
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