- Games Starts
- Level restarts when live is lost
- Game Over when all lives lost
- Next level when all targets eaten and left through exit
- Worm
- Moves
- Moves Fast
- Speedup
- Grows
- Style
- Targets
- Collision Detection
- New Target after hit
- Start/Exit
- Start Closes behind Worm
- Exit opens once all targets are eaten
- Maps
- 16px Demo
- 16px Collection
- Collision Detection
- Collision with Solid Tile
- Input
- Keyboard Interface
- Touch
- Enemies (Movig Obsacles)
- Portals
- More Maps
- Portrait/Landscape
- Port original "Der Wurm" maps
- Start Button
- Game Selection
- High-Score?
- Second Worm
- WASD/Arrow
- WebRTP