- accept YY and DD in preferred date format (6de27bc)
- add a title block for highlights and add note as a variable in the highlight template (6ee5090)
- add article variables to the highlight template rendering (fd08d34)
- add available keys in the template settings description (2b95f9d)
- add dateArchived to the exposed variable in the article template (e619009)
- add datePublished variable to the template (38ea45c)
- add dateRead variable in the article template (6ac9b3b)
- add function map to the template (e7b0cb1)
- add highlight template in settings (2bd38c4)
- add markdown content in article template (8f96d10)
- add rawDateRead and rawDatePublished in the template (84f1a78)
- add release notes (33b37ca)
- add required and optional variables in template descriptions (adc5e48)
- add space between labels on the default template (af70f59)
- add status in the article template (2eb0d7c)
- add type to the template (c9b81de)
- add wordsCount and readLength to the exposed variables in the article template (d47f983)
- allow labels in the template to be empty (18b3911)
- allow separate page for each article (db7a2fe)
- allow unchanged block properties not being overwritten (013fa19)
- allow users to specify custom template for the article (6d88fea)
- allow users to use {{currentDate}} as the page name (948e909)
- blocks failed to create because article id is not valid uuid string (#165) (0ba02af)
- bold title (8d8af29)
- collapse content and highlight blocks by default (42306db)
- date format issue (918665d)
- date/time parsing + URLs in default template (55c2fbd)
- delete article blocks if the articles are deleted in Omnivore (0b87e0e)
- delete page if article is synced to a separate page and page is not a journal (ca2af3e)
- delete the other duplicates if detected during sync (a9c7256)
- display updated articles in omnivore as new/duplicated article blocks in logseq (8ac4ebf)
- duplicate heading block (918818b)
- escape Latex (5b97b57)
- escape Markdown characters in quote (cadf2e9)
- escape Markdown characters in quote and title (f6f36a3)
- escape quotation marks in the content of highlight and note when running datascript query (c9d01df)
- escape special characters in the page name (17e2089)
- failed to fetch highlight when quote is null (3128a10)
- failed to save page in windows by removing invisible characters in the page name (7a92a9f)
- failed to sort highlights in the file (d5e412c)
- failed to sync when existing block has no uuid (0c83cd8)
- format datePublished (0e60788)
- get correct updated reason from updates since api response (d888ca0)
- highlight color not available in the template (#135) (6988b32)
- importing article {{{ content }}} stops at first section (#154) (0df230a)
- incorrect highlight position by incorrectly using highlight position percentage which old highlights do not have it (8733dea)
- increase height of highlight template textarea in settings (3cf44f0)
- increase height of template textarea in settings (7e37da7)
- insert highlight to existing block as child (93e1edf)
- labels in highlights are not retrieved (fa26e85)
- make icon use the theme color (b77e64f)
- make links open automatically if missing api key (e999c08)
- only sync into the graph we were initially opened in (7586891)
- PDF page numbers start at 1 (#153) (ebe7eb2)
- prevent from multiple concurrent fetches (cb9147e)
- put template settings in a textarea (ad20dc1)
- query to find existing blocks (82dc459)
- remove duplicate highlights by adding parent block id in the datascript query (ac6d534)
- remove extra asterisks generated in the article blocks when headingBlockTitle setting is empty (#162) (9d14075)
- remove redundant ) in the article url (8f33965)
- replace all empty lines with blockquote ">" to preserve paragraphs (cfcb32e)
- reset background sync job id after plugin reload (b917b07)
- reset loading state before unload (f2dcd60)
- slash converted to dash in the page name (c99387b)
- sort highlights by location in the file if an error is catched (578ff3b)
- sort highlights by position percentage if available (0309413)
- sync articles to the right graph only and show an alert if the active graph is not matched (ddc2744)
- sync articles using updated syncAt timestamp (29e77c3)
- sync with omnivore in the background if we are in the right graph when we open Logseq or reload (152677b)
- truncate filename length to 100 (bca3f75)
- unescape markdown special charaters to avoid double escaping in logseq (9ec3fec)
- unload the plugin before reloaded (e1e80a1)
- update description of template settings (7c56358)
- update existing block to retain references (e476ece)
- update existing highlight block (a21606a)
- Update the plugin name in the logseq marketplace (da86a8e)
- use in:all for highlights filter (#172) (7e0ba00)
- use new get content api (70958c9)
- use parent block uuid in the query (d235199)
- use prod api endpoint (f11c98c)
- v1.14.0 failed to boot up due to corrupted bundle (58562d9)
- add command palette for sync and resync Omnivore articles (17fdc0d)
- add highlightOrder option to let user select a way to sort new highlights in the article (a796750)
- add note variable to the article and highlight template (55405b4)
- add server endpoint to the settings (3bb633c)
- Add support for labels on highlights (af6a4f3)
- add syncAt to settings so its easier to reset (98d0254)
- allow defining custom title of heading block in the settings or leave blank to not create one (#144) (dddb771)
- export highlighted markdown content using {{{ content }}} in the article template (18628cb)
- expose positionPercent and positionAnchorIndex variables in highlight template (#150) (9d4f20d)
- fetch content in markdown format (619f80b)
- fetch note from articles api (e7bd281)
- replace new icon on the toolbar (5779100)
- sort articles by savedAt (025a04c)
- use datascript query to fetch existing blocks (3c5e596)
- use id as filename (#152) (b5944e1)
- improve performance by using batch insert (b096d0d)