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109 lines (87 loc) · 5.77 KB

File metadata and controls

109 lines (87 loc) · 5.77 KB
% display mode, one of "mono", "dual", "dualparallel","dualcross", "cross", "parallel", "redgreen", "greenred", "redblue",
% "bluered", "shutter", "topbottom", "bottomtop", "interleavedline", "interleavedcolumn", "propixxmono", "propixxstereo"

options.scrID=1; % screen ID, generally 0 for a single display setup, 1 for dual display setup

% how to start the experiment
% 0: press ENTER or SPACE, 1: click left-mouse button, 2: wait the first MR trigger (CiNet),
% 3: waiting for a MR trigger pulse (BUIC) -- checking onset of pin #11 of the parallel port
% 4: custom key trigger (wait for a key input that you specify as options.custom_trigger).

% when you want to use your own trigger key to start the stimulus presentation, set a character here.
% but note that the setting here is valid only when you set options.start_method=4;

% response key codes. [1xN] matrix in which all the keycodes to be used are stored.
options.keys=[37,39]; % 37=left arrow, 39=right arrow

% screen length along y and x axes which you want to use [row,col] (pixels)

% if you need to change RGB video input intensities (e.g. for red-green glasses display mode),
% please set these values [2(left/right) x 3(RGB)]. Valid only when ~strcmpi(options.exp_mode,'mono')
options.RGBgain=[1.0,1.0,1.0; 1.0,1.0,1.0];

% fixation parameter, {fixation type(0: non, 1: circle, 2: cross),size,color}

% background parameters,
% {type(uniform(0) or with patches(1)),background_RGB,patch1_RGB,patch2_RGB,patch_num(row,col),patch_size(row,col),(optional)aperture_size(row,col)}

% whether masking display images using a circular aperture mask, {on_off(0|1),radius_pix(row,col),gaussian_parameters(mean,sd)}
% if you want to put a circular aperture mask on each of the images, please set on_off to 1.
% if gaussian_parameters(1)=0, no smoothing on the edges is applied.

% whether setting background color automatically by matching it with the upper-left (1,1) pixel color of the first target image

% whether forcing to use the full-screen display, [0|1]

% whether skipping frame sync (flip) test

% whether forcing to use specific frame rate, if 0, the frame rate wil bw computed in the ImagesShowPTB function.
% if non zero, the value is used as the screen frame rate.

% whether forcing to use frames (vertical sync signals) as a unit of display duration instead of msec.
% 0: none, 1: force to use the number of frames for presentation duration setting

% whether presenting images with original resolution
% 0: display images with sizes set in image_database file. 1: diplay image with their original sizes

% whether reading images one by one in creating PTB textures
% 1: load images to the memory one by one when creating the target texture.
% 2: load all the images at once before the actual presentation, but make texture when requested.
% 3: load all the images at once and make all the textures before the actual presentation
% By setting this to 1, you can save memory, but it requires additional computation time in presentation
% When you set this to 2 or 3, you can save computational time, but requires more memory on your computer.
% I recommend to test options.img_loading_mode=2 first.

% image offset, [row,col]. when set [0,0], images will be presented at the center of the screen[0,0];

% whether flipping images, 0: none, 1: x-axis (horizontally), 2: y-axis (vertically), 3: x&y-axis,
% 4: x-axis only for the left view (the first) display,
% 5: x-axis only for the right view (the second) display. (4 and 5 are for some half-mirror stereo displays such as 3D PluraView)

% whether adding task during the experiment. [1x3] matrix. [type,frequency,duration]
% about type. 0: no task, 1: fixation dim, 2: vernier task, 3: character detection task, when 'C' is presented, press a key
% 4: 1-back identification task for odd sequence, 5: 1-back identification task for even sequence
% about frequency (integer): how often the tasks occur during the experiment, 1 is the most frequent (every time, not recommend).
% 3-5 would be practically fine.
% about duration: task duration in msec or frame
% !!!NOTEICE!!! Even you do not need to interpose task (options.task(1)=0), please set the other 2 variables.
% when you use task in your experiment, please fix the unit of the durations in protocolfile as 'msec' or 'frame'. please do not mix.

% whether randomize the order of the 'blocks' in protocol file.
% 0:OFF, 1:ALL, 2:Even seq. only, 3:Odd seq. only, 4:first half seq. only, 5:last half seq. only
% 6:2-N-1 blocks are randomized whereas the first and the last blocks are fixed.
% matrix:randomize specific blocks you set. e.g. options.block_rand=[2,4,6,8];

% whether displaying stimulus onset marker for images with trigger=ON. (you can set in your image database file).
% the marker can be used to get a photodiode trigger etc.
% [type,onset_marker_size]
% type, 0: none, 1: upper-left, 2: upper-right, 3: lower-left, 4: lower-right
% onset_marker_size : pixels of the marker

% how to display the progress of image presentations on the MATLAB terminal window.
% 0: displaying block and image sequences only
% 1: displaying event details including presentation time, responses, triggers etc.