The goal of these starter apps is to provide the best developer experience possible for developers learning the ArcGIS API for JavaScript
Language | Framework | From | Strategy | Bundler | Code |
JavaScript | None | CDN | AMD | None | Code |
JavaScript | Svelte | CDN | AMD | Rollup.js | Code |
JavaScript | None | CDN | ESM | None | Code |
JavaScript | Ember.js | Local | ESM | None | Code |
JavaScript | React | Local | ESM | None | Code |
JavaScript | Vue.js | Local | ESM | None | Code |
JavaScript | None | Local | ESM | Rollup.js | Code |
JS / NodeJS | None | Local | ESM | Rollup.js | Code |
JavaScript | None | Local | ESM | Snowpack | Code |
JavaScript | None | Local | ESM | Vite | Code |
JavaScript | None | Local | ESM | Webpack | Code |
JavaScript | None | Local | ESM | Webpack | Code (alt) |
TypeScript | None | CDN | AMD1 | None | Code |
TypeScript | Angular | Local | ESM | None | Code |
TypeScript | None | Local | ESM | Rollup.js | Code |
TypeScript | None | Local | ESM | Webpack | Code |
Recomemded talks:
- ArcGIS API for JavaScript: Options for Consuming the API
- ArcGIS API for JavaScript: Building Apps with ES Modules
You can speed up your developement using code autocompletion in any application that uses local ESM modules (with plain JS) or TypeScript within Visual Studio Code because both includes @types/arcgis-js-api and the IDE identifies it an extend the autocompletion.
With type definitions you will get
Autocompletion of supported properties and methods of each class:
Documentation about supported parameters, links to the API Reference, etc.:
You can speed up your developement using code using ArcGIS API for JavaScript Snippets for Visual Studio Code. It includes code snippets to:
Providing you with all accepted values in a property like
But you can also add your own code snippets
You can find additional snippets in and a snippets builder tool to add your custom ones.
You can also migrate those snippets to Sublime Text and Atom with this tool.
New starter apps and improvements to existing starter apps (simplifications, instructions, bug fixing, updates, ...) are welcome. So please feel free to submit yours.
If you don't find a starter app that fits your needs, do not hesitate and open an issue.
Note 1: you will use
statements (ESM) with the AMD path, and the TypeScript compiler will translate them to AMD.
This starter apps are maintained by the community. If you find something broken or outdated and the code from the starter app comes from another repository please open the issue there, if it doesn't feel free to open an issue on this repo.
Note that frameworks and bundlers are outside of the scope of support from the Esri Technical Support. In any case, you can use the issues repositories related to each starter app to interact with the community for support.
Bellow you will find some of the resources used to compile this samples apps:
-*: ts-esm-local-nobundler-angular, js-esm-local-nobundler-ember, js-esm-local-nobundler-react, js-esm-cdn-nobundler-noframework, js-esm-local-rollup-nodejs, js-esm-local-nobundler-vue, js-esm-local-webpack-noframework-2, js-esm-local-rollup-noframework
- ts-esm-local-rollup-noframework, ts-esm-local-webpack-noframework
- ts-amd-cdn-nobundler-noframework
- js-amd-cdn-nobundler-noframework
- Quick look at custom builds with ArcGIS JSAPI: js-esm-local-vite-noframework, js-esm-local-webpack-noframework
- js-esm-local-snowpack-noframework