This is a port of the amazing Play! framework to the Go language.
Cheshire is a GO web framework that simplifies creating fast & scalable websites and apis. It's inspired by the cheshire java framework
Mango is a modular web-application framework for Go, inspired by ruby's Rack and python's WSGI(PEP333).
based on web.go
A RESTful HTTP client and server.
A quick and easy way to setup a RESTful JSON API
A lightweight RESTful web framework for Go
A RESTful style web-services framework for the Go language.
A simple web framework to build webapp easily in Go
Amber is an elegant templating engine for Go Programming Language, inspired from HAML and Jade
Kasia.go is a Go implementation of the Kasia templating system.
The mustache template language in Go
An alternate version of Go's template package. It allows for templates to be nested inside parent templates. This provides for an improved ability to reduce the duplication of markup shared between multiple pages. See the Wiki for more information.
A template engine which implements a Django-template-like syntax.
a simple http routing API for the Go programming language
Efficient URL routing using a Trie data structure.
Gherkin based BDD for Go Lang.
An attempt to build a beautiful Cucumber/JBehave like tool for GoLang.
Sofar it is using the PEG parser/generator here:
To get it running yourself, you must install that package to that 'peg' is in your $PATH.
If your Go environment is setup correctly, it should be a matter of running "go get".
Implement a Gherkin engine in Golang
Peg, Parsing Expression Grammar, is an implementation of a Packrat parser generator for golang.
sqlite3 driver for golang