FFmpeg commands helper for flutter with support for setup on windows platform. Create thumbnail and run ffprobe on all platforms except WEB. This uses ffmpeg_kit_flutter_min_gpl package for android/ios/macos Info was taken from ffmpeg_cli and recreated it as that project was stale.
// Initialize in main
await FFMpegHelper.instance.initialize(); // This is a singleton instance
// FFMpegHelper ffmpeg = FFMpegHelpe.instance; // use like this
runApp(const MyApp());
// Command builder
// Use prebuilt args and filters or create custom ones
final FFMpegCommand cliCommand = FFMpegCommand(
inputs: [
args: [
const LogLevelArgument(LogLevel.info),
const OverwriteArgument(),
const TrimArgument(
start: Duration(seconds: 0),
end: Duration(seconds: 10),
filterGraph: FilterGraph(
chains: [
inputs: [],
filters: [
height: 300,
width: -2,
outputs: [],
outputFilepath: path.join(appDocDir.path, "ffmpegtest.mp4"),
FFMpegHelperSession session = await ffmpeg.runAsync(
statisticsCallback: (Statistics statistics) {
print('bitrate: ${statistics.getBitrate()}');
// use ffmpeg.getThumbnailFileAsync() to get session
Future<FFMpegHelperSession> getThumbnailFileAsync({
required String videoPath,
required Duration fromDuration,
required String outputPath,
String? ffmpegPath,
FilterGraph? filterGraph,
int qualityPercentage = 100,
Function(Statistics statistics)? statisticsCallback,
Function(File? outputFile)? onComplete,
FFMpegConfigurator? ffMpegConfigurator,
// use ffmpeg.getThumbnailFileSync() to get thumbnail file
Future<File?> getThumbnailFileSync({
required String videoPath,
required Duration fromDuration,
required String outputPath,
String? ffmpegPath,
FilterGraph? filterGraph,
int qualityPercentage = 100,
Function(Statistics statistics)? statisticsCallback,
Function(File? outputFile)? onComplete,
FFMpegConfigurator? ffMpegConfigurator,
Future<FFMpegHelperSession> runAsync(
FFMpegCommand command, {
Function(Statistics statistics)? statisticsCallback,
Function(File? outputFile)? onComplete,
Function(Log)? logCallback,
Future<File?> runSync(
FFMpegCommand command, {
Function(Statistics statistics)? statisticsCallback,
Future<MediaInformation?> runProbe(String filePath)
sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
sudo snap install ffmpeg
depends on linux distro
Future<void> downloadFFMpeg() async {
if (Platform.isWindows) {
FFMpegHelper ffmpeg = FFMpegHelper.instance;
bool present = await ffmpeg.isFFMpegPresent();
if (!present) {
bool success = await ffmpeg.setupFFMpegOnWindows(
onProgress: (FFMpegProgress progress) {
downloadProgress.value = progress;
setState(() {
ffmpegPresent = present;
} else if (Platform.isLinux) {
// show dialog box
await Dialogs.materialDialog(
color: Colors.white,
'FFmpeg installation required by user.\nsudo apt-get install ffmpeg\nsudo snap install ffmpeg',
title: 'Install FFMpeg',
context: context,
actions: [
onPressed: () {
text: 'Ok',
iconData: Icons.done,
color: Colors.blue,
textStyle: const TextStyle(color: Colors.white),
iconColor: Colors.white,
// check setup progress on windows
// On windows if ffmpeg is not present it will download official zip file and extract on doc directory of app.
width: 300,
child: ValueListenableBuilder(
valueListenable: downloadProgress,
builder: (BuildContext context, FFMpegProgress value, _) {
//print(value.downloaded / value.fileSize);
double? prog;
if ((value.downloaded != 0) && (value.fileSize != 0)) {
prog = value.downloaded / value.fileSize;
} else {
prog = 0;
if (value.phase == FFMpegProgressPhase.decompressing) {
prog = null;
if (value.phase == FFMpegProgressPhase.inactive) {
return const SizedBox.shrink();
return Column(
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
children: [
const SizedBox(height: 5),
LinearProgressIndicator(value: prog),