diff --git a/.changeset/rotten-knives-arrive.md b/.changeset/rotten-knives-arrive.md
deleted file mode 100644
index f54962f..0000000
--- a/.changeset/rotten-knives-arrive.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-"@gzim/svelte-datagrid": patch
-Add README.md to deployed package
diff --git a/apps/website/CHANGELOG.md b/apps/website/CHANGELOG.md
index c0c456d..916996d 100644
--- a/apps/website/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/apps/website/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,5 +1,12 @@
# website
+## 0.0.13
+### Patch Changes
+- Updated dependencies [cb53ad7]
+ - @gzim/svelte-datagrid@0.2.4
## 0.0.12
### Patch Changes
diff --git a/apps/website/package.json b/apps/website/package.json
index 4cfae35..368ccbe 100644
--- a/apps/website/package.json
+++ b/apps/website/package.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "website",
- "version": "0.0.12",
+ "version": "0.0.13",
"private": true,
"scripts": {
"dev": "vite dev --port 3590 --host",
diff --git a/packages/svelte-datagrid/CHANGELOG.md b/packages/svelte-datagrid/CHANGELOG.md
index ec309d8..da5472e 100644
--- a/packages/svelte-datagrid/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/packages/svelte-datagrid/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
# @gzim/svelte-datagrid
+## 0.2.4
+### Patch Changes
+- cb53ad7: Add README.md to deployed package
## 0.2.3
### Patch Changes
diff --git a/packages/svelte-datagrid/README.md b/packages/svelte-datagrid/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a3eb33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/svelte-datagrid/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+# Svelte DataGrid
+Svelte DataGrid is a high-performance, feature-rich grid component for Svelte. It is designed to handle large datasets and provide a smooth scrolling experience. It is also designed to be accessible and customizable.
+It's based on the excellent (but deprecated) [svelte-data-grid](https://github.com/bsssshhhhhhh/svelte-data-grid).
+## Demo website
+[![Demo website](./assets/demo-screenshot.webp)](https://gzimbron.github.io/svelte-datagrid)
+## Features
+- High scrolling performance
+- ARIA attributes set on elements
+- Lightweight even when displaying a huge dataset due to implementation of a "virtual list" mechanism
+- Column headers remain fixed at the top of the grid
+- Custom components can be specified to control how individual table cells or column headers are displayed
+## TODO
+- [x] Demo website
+- [x] Re-ordering columns
+- [ ] Resizing columns
+- [ ] Feel free to suggest more features or contribute to the project
+## Usage:
+If using within Sapper:
+npm install @gzim/svelte-datagrid
+If using from inside a svelte component:
+import { Datagrid } from '@gzim/svelte-datagrid';
+Datagrid requires 2 properties to be passed in order to display data: `rows` and `columns`.
+`columns` is an array of objects containing at least 3 properties: `label`, `dataKey`, and `width`. A svelte component can be specified in `headerComponent` and `cellComponent` if any custom cell behavior is required.
+ {
+ label: 'Name', // What will be displayed as the column header
+ dataKey: 'firstName', // The key of a row to get the column's data from
+ width: 400 // Width, in pixels, of column
+ },
+ {
+ label: 'Age',
+ dataName: 'age',
+ width: 150
+ }
+`rows` is an array of objects containing the data for each table row.
+ {
+ firstName: 'Gustavo',
+ age: 34
+ },
+ {
+ firstName: 'Paulina',
+ age: 31
+ },
+ {
+ firstName: 'Daphne',
+ age: 2
+ }
+## Editing Data
+You can use this 3 componets as cellComponent to edit data:
+Import the components:
+import { TextboxCell, SelectCell, CheckboxCell } from '@gzim/svelte-datagrid';
+### Textbox Cell
+Textbox cell will debounce the user input.
+ label: 'Name',
+ dataKey: 'name',
+ width: 250,
+ cellComponent: TextboxCell
+### Select Cell
+SelectCell requires that you provide an `options` array in your cell definition:
+ label: 'Simpsons Character',
+ dataKey: 'simpsonChar',
+ width: 200,
+ cellComponent: SelectCell,
+ options: [
+ {
+ display: 'Homer',
+ value: 'homer'
+ },
+ {
+ display: 'Bart',
+ value: 'bart'
+ },
+ {
+ display: 'Lisa',
+ value: 'lisa'
+ },
+ {
+ display: 'Marge',
+ value: 'marge'
+ },
+ {
+ display: 'Maggie',
+ value: 'maggie'
+ }
+ ]
+### Checkbox Cell
+CheckboxCell will set the checked state of the checkbox depending on the boolean value of the row's data.
+ display: 'Pending',
+ dataName: 'pending',
+ width: 75,
+ cellComponent: CheckboxCell
+## Custom Cell Components
+To create a custom cell component, create a new Svelte component following the example below.
+Components will be passed the following properties:
+- `rowNumber` - The index of the row within `rows`
+- `row` - The entire row object from `rows`
+- `column` - The entire column object from `columns`
+Import the component
+import MyCustomCell from './MyCustomCell.svelte';
+`columns` option:
+ {
+ label: 'Icon'
+ dataKey: 'icon',
+ width: 300,
+ cellComponent: MyCustomCell
+ }
+## Custom Header Components
+Header components can also be specified in `columns` entries as the `headerComponent` property. Header components are only passed `column`, the column object from `columns`.
+~{ column.label }~
+## Properties:
+Datagrid provides a few options for controlling the grid and its interactions:
+### Configurations
+- `rowHeight` - The row height in pixels _(Default: 24)_
+- `headerRowHeight` - The row height in pixels _(Default: 24)_
+- `rowsPerPage` - The number of rows to render per page _(Default: rows lenght up to 10)_
+- `extraRows` - Add extra rows to the virtual list to improve scrolling performance _(Default: 0)_
+- `allColumnsDraggable` - Set all columns draggable by default, ignoring the `draggable` property of each column _(Default: false)_
+### Functions exported
+Yoy can bind to the following functions to control the grid:
+- `getGridState` - A function that returns the current grid state.
+const getGridState: () => {
+ visibleRowsIndexes: {
+ start: number;
+ end: number;
+ };
+ scrollTop: number;
+ scrollLeft: number;
+ yScrollPercent: number;
+ xScrollPercent: number;
+- `scrollToRow` - A function that scrolls the grid to a specific row index.
+const scrollToRow: (rowIndex: number) => void;
+### Styling
+- `--border` Css: Custom style for grid borders _(Default: 1px)_
+- `--header-border` Custom width for header row border bottom _(Default: 2px)_
+- `--header-border-color` Custom color for header row border bottom _(Default: black)_
+- `--head-bg` Custom background color for header row _(Default: white)_
+- `--cell-bg` Custom background color for body cells _(Default: white)_
+- `--textbox-cell-bg` ustom background color for textbox cells _(Default: white)_
+- `--select-cell-bg` Custom background color for select cells _(Default: white)_
+- `--head-color` Custom color for header row text.
+- `--cell-color` Custom color for body cells text
+- `--textbox-cell-color` Custom color for textbox cells text
+- `--select-cell-color` Custom color for select cells text
+- `--no-draggable-opacity` Opacity for NOT draggable columns content when dragging. _(Default: 0.4)_
+- `--no-draggable-fg` CSS color for NOT draggable columns when dragging, this color is used to create an overlay over the column _(Default: rgba(66, 66, 66, 0.5))_
+- `--draggable-bg` CSS Hover color for draggable columns. _(Default: rgba(33, 248, 255, 0.5))_
+- `--dragging-bg` CSS Background color for actual dragging column. _(Default: rgba(33, 255, 151, 0.5))_
+- `--grid-height` Min height for the grid container _(@default RowHeight \* 6)_
+## Events:
+- `scroll` - Triggered when the grid is scrolled on Y axis. The Y scroll percent position can be accessed from `event.detail`
+- `xScroll` - Triggered when the grid is scrolled on X axis. The X scroll percent position can be accessed from `event.detail`
+- `valueUpdated` - Triggered when a cell's value is updated. The updated value can be accessed from `event.value`, other data can be accessed from `event.row`, `event.column` and `event.rowIndex`
+- `columnsSwapped` - Triggered when columns are swapped. `event.detail` contains `from`, `to` and new `columns` order properties
+## Bugs? Suggestions?
+Please file an issue if you find a bug or have a suggestion for a new feature.
diff --git a/packages/svelte-datagrid/package.json b/packages/svelte-datagrid/package.json
index c8b7b3f..5322afe 100644
--- a/packages/svelte-datagrid/package.json
+++ b/packages/svelte-datagrid/package.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "@gzim/svelte-datagrid",
- "version": "0.2.3",
+ "version": "0.2.4",
"license": "MIT",
"publishConfig": {
"access": "public"