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100 lines (51 loc) · 6.51 KB

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100 lines (51 loc) · 6.51 KB



Patch Changes

  • #3518 e502c41e Thanks @kitten! - Fix TextMate grammar to support string literals that don’t immediately follow a function call's left-parenthesis (().


Patch Changes

  • #3529 a38152ef Thanks @acao! - fix triple double quote comment syntax by disabling inline double quote js strings for now


Patch Changes


Minor Changes


Patch Changes

  • #3490 334224b4 Thanks @acao! - - add ruby syntax support

    • add graphql syntax support in markdown codeblocks for js, ts, jsx, tsx, svelte, vue, ruby, rescript, reason, ocaml, php and python
    • make textmate injectors more performant and specific, eliminate redundant config

    Big thanks to @RedCMD and @aeschli for your help!


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Minor Changes

Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • #3019 ae43add6 Thanks @mjmahone! - Adds syntax highlighting for arguments on fragment spreads as well as variable definitions on fragments.


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • #2849 9b98c1b6 Thanks @acao! - docs typo bug - /* GraphQL */ (not /* GraphiQL */) is the delimiter for vscode-graphql-syntax & vscode-graphql language support


Patch Changes

  • #2573 a358ac1d Thanks @acao! - ## Enhancement

    Here we move vscode grammars and basic language support to a new GraphQL.vscode-graphql-syntax extension. GraphQL.vscode-graphql now depends on this new syntax extension. This constitutes no breaking change for vscode-graphql users, as this extension will be installed automatically as an extensionDependency for vscode-graphql. Both extensions will now have independent release lifecycles, but vscode will keep them both up to date for you :)

    Firstly, this allows users to only install the syntax highlighting extension if they don't need LSP server features.

    Secondly, this subtle but important change allows alternative LSP servers and non-LSP graphql extensions to use (and contribute!) to our shared, graphql community syntax highlighting. In some ways, it acts as a shared tooling & annotation spec, though it is intended just for vscode, it perhaps can be used as a point of reference for others implementing (embedded) graphql syntax highlighting elsewhere!

    If your language and/or library and/or framework would like vscode highlighting, come join the party!

    If you use relay, we would highly reccomend using the relay-compiler lsp extension for vscode Relay Graphql (meta.relay). They will be using the new standalone syntax extension very soon!

    Even non-relay users may want to try this extension as an alternative to our reference implementation, as relay's configuration has relative similarity with graphql-config's format, and doesn't necessitate the use of relay client afaik. We are working hard to optimize and improve graphql-language-service-server as a typescript reference implementation, and have some exciting features coming soon, however it's hard to offer more than a brand new & highly performant graphql LSP server written in Rust based on the latest graphql spec with a (mostly) paid team and dedicated open source ecosystem community of co-maintainers! And their implementation appears to allow you to opt out of any relay-specific conventions if you need more flexibility.