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File metadata and controls

384 lines (286 loc) · 12.1 KB


YACE has two configuration mechanisms:

The command-line flags configure things which cannot change at runtime, such as the listen port for the HTTP server. The yaml file is used to configure scrape jobs and can be reloaded at runtime. The configuration file path is passed to YACE through the -config.file command line flag.

Command-line flags

Command-line flags are used to configure settings of the exporter which cannot be updated at runtime.

All flags may be prefixed with either one hypen or two (i.e., both -config.file and --config.file are valid).

Flag Description Default value
-listen-address Network address to listen to
-config.file Path to the configuration file config.yml
-debug Log at debug level false
-fips Use FIPS compliant AWS API false
-cloudwatch-concurrency Maximum number of concurrent requests to CloudWatch API 5
-tag-concurrency Maximum number of concurrent requests to Resource Tagging API 5
-scraping-interval Seconds to wait between scraping the AWS metrics 300
-metrics-per-query Number of metrics made in a single GetMetricsData request 500
-labels-snake-case Output labels on metrics in snake case instead of camel case false
-profiling.enabled Enable the /debug/pprof endpoints for profiling false

YAML configuration file

To specify which configuration file to load, pass the -config.file flag at the command line. The file is written in the YAML format, defined by the scheme below. Brackets indicate that a parameter is optional.

Below are the top level fields of the YAML configuration file:

# Configuration file version. Must be set to "v1alpha1" currently.
apiVersion: v1alpha1

# STS regional endpoint (optional)
[ sts-region: <string>]

# Note that at least one of the following blocks must be defined.

# Configurations for jobs of type "auto-discovery"
discovery: <discovery_jobs_list_config>

# Configurations for jobs of type "static"
  [ - <static_job_config> ... ]

# Configurations for jobs of type "custom namespace" (deprecated)
  [ - <custom_namespace_job_config> ... ]

Note that while the discovery, static and customNamespace blocks are all optionals, at least one of them must be defined.


The discovery_jobs_list_config block configures jobs of type "auto-discovery".

Note: Only tagged resources are discovered.

# List of tags per service to export to all metrics
[exportedTagsOnMetrics: <exported_tags_config> ]

# List of "auto-discovery" jobs
  [ - <discovery_job_config> ... ]


The discovery_job_config block specifies the details of a job of type "auto-discovery".

# List of AWS regions
  [ - <string> ... ]

# Cloudwatch service alias ("alb", "ec2", etc) or namespace name ("AWS/EC2", "AWS/S3", etc)
type: <string>

#  List of IAM roles to assume (optional)
  [ - <role_config> ... ]

# List of Key/Value pairs to use for tag filtering (all must match). Value can be a regex.
  [ - <search_tags_config> ... ]

# Custom tags to be added as a list of Key/Value pairs
  [ - <custom_tags_config> ... ]

# List of metric dimensions to query. Before querying metric values, the total list of metrics will be filtered to only those that contain exactly this list of dimensions. An empty or undefined list results in all dimension combinations being included.
  [ - <string> ... ]

# Specifies how the current time is rounded before calculating start/end times for CloudWatch GetMetricData requests.
# This rounding is optimize performance of the CloudWatch request.
# This setting only makes sense to use if, for example, you specify a very long period (such as 1 day) but want your times rounded to a shorter time (such as 5 minutes). For example, a value of 300 will round the current time to the nearest 5 minutes. If not specified, the roundingPeriod defaults to the same value as shortest period in the job.
[ roundingPeriod: <int> ]

# Passes down the flag `--recently-active PT3H` to the CloudWatch API. This will only return metrics that have been active in the last 3 hours.
# This is useful for reducing the number of metrics returned by CloudWatch, which can be very large for some services. See AWS Cloudwatch API docs for [ListMetrics]( for more details.
[ recentlyActiveOnly: <boolean> ]

# List of statistic types, e.g. "Minimum", "Maximum", etc (General Setting for all metrics in this job)
  [ - <string> ... ]

# Statistic period in seconds (General Setting for all metrics in this job)
[ period: <int> ]

# How far back to request data for in seconds (General Setting for all metrics in this job)
[ length: <int> ]

# If set it will request metrics up until `current_time - delay` (General Setting for all metrics in this job)
[ delay: <int> ]

# Return 0 value if Cloudwatch returns no metrics at all. By default `NaN` will be reported (General Setting for all metrics in this job)
[ nilToZero: <boolean> ]

# Export the metric with the original CloudWatch timestamp (General Setting for all metrics in this job)
[ addCloudwatchTimestamp: <boolean> ]

# List of metric definitions
  [ - <metric_config> ... ]

Example config file:

apiVersion: v1alpha1
sts-region: eu-west-1
      - Name
  - type: kafka
      - eu-west-1
      - key: env
        value: dev
      - name: BytesOutPerSec
        - Average
        period: 600
        length: 600


The static_job_config block configures jobs of type "static".

# Name of the job (required)
name: <string>

# CloudWatch namespace
namespace: <string>

# List of AWS regions
  [ - <string> ...]

# List of IAM roles to assume (optional)
  [ - <role_config> ... ]

# Custom tags to be added as a list of Key/Value pairs
  [ - <custom_tags_config> ... ]

# CloudWatch metric dimensions as a list of Name/Value pairs
dimensions: [ <dimensions_config> ]

# List of metric definitions
  [ - <metric_config> ... ]

Example config file:

apiVersion: v1alpha1
sts-region: eu-west-1
  - namespace: AWS/AutoScaling
    name: must_be_set
      - eu-west-1
     - name: AutoScalingGroupName
       value: MyGroup
      - key: CustomTag
        value: CustomValue
      - name: GroupInServiceInstances
        - Minimum
        period: 60
        length: 300


The custom_namespace_job_config block configures jobs of type "custom namespace".

These type of configs are deprecated since v0.51.0. Please use static_job_config from now on.

# Name of the job (required)
name: <string>

# CloudWatch namespace
namespace: <string>

# List of AWS regions
  [ - <string> ...]

#  List of IAM roles to assume (optional)
  [ - <role_config> ... ]

# Custom tags to be added as a list of Key/Value pairs
  [ - <custom_tags_config> ... ]

# List of metric dimensions to query. Before querying metric values, the total list of metrics will be filtered to only those that contain exactly this list of dimensions. An empty or undefined list results in all dimension combinations being included.
  [ - <string> ... ]

# Specifies how the current time is rounded before calculating start/end times for CloudWatch GetMetricData requests.
# This rounding is optimize performance of the CloudWatch request.
# This setting only makes sense to use if, for example, you specify a very long period (such as 1 day) but want your times rounded to a shorter time (such as 5 minutes). For example, a value of 300 will round the current time to the nearest 5 minutes. If not specified, the roundingPeriod defaults to the same value as shortest period in the job.
[ roundingPeriod: <int> ]

# Passes down the flag `--recently-active PT3H` to the CloudWatch API. This will only return metrics that have been active in the last 3 hours.
# This is useful for reducing the number of metrics returned by CloudWatch, which can be very large for some services. See AWS Cloudwatch API docs for [ListMetrics]( for more details.
[ recentlyActiveOnly: <boolean> ]

# List of statistic types, e.g. "Minimum", "Maximum", etc (General Setting for all metrics in this job)
  [ - <string> ... ]

# Statistic period in seconds (General Setting for all metrics in this job)
[ period: <int> ]

# How far back to request data for in seconds (General Setting for all metrics in this job)
[ length: <int> ]

# If set it will request metrics up until `current_time - delay` (General Setting for all metrics in this job)
[ delay: <int> ]

# Return 0 value if Cloudwatch returns no metrics at all. By default `NaN` will be reported (General Setting for all metrics in this job)
[ nilToZero: <boolean> ]

# Export the metric with the original CloudWatch timestamp (General Setting for all metrics in this job)
[ addCloudwatchTimestamp: <boolean> ]

# List of metric definitions
  [ - <metric_config> ... ]

Example config file:

apiVersion: v1alpha1
sts-region: eu-west-1
  - name: customEC2Metrics
    namespace: CustomEC2Metrics
      - us-east-1
      - name: cpu_usage_idle
          - Average
        period: 300
        length: 300
        nilToZero: true
      - name: disk_free
          - Average
        period: 300
        length: 300
        nilToZero: true


Some settings at the job level are overridden by settings at the metric level. This allows for a specific setting to override a general setting.

# CloudWatch metric name
name: <string>

# List of statistic types, e.g. "Minimum", "Maximum", etc. (Overrides job level setting)
  [ - <string> ... ]

# Statistic period in seconds (Overrides job level setting)
[ period: <int> ]

# How far back to request data for in seconds (Overrides job level setting)
[ length: <int> ]

# If set it will request metrics up until `current_time - delay` (Overrides job level setting)
[ delay: <int> ]

# Return 0 value if Cloudwatch returns no metrics at all. By default `NaN` will be reported (Overrides job level setting)
[ nilToZero: <boolean> ]

# Export the metric with the original CloudWatch timestamp (Overrides job level setting)
[ addCloudwatchTimestamp: <boolean> ]


  • Available statistics: Maximum, Minimum, Sum, SampleCount, Average, pXX (e.g. p90).

  • Watch out using addCloudwatchTimestamp for sparse metrics, e.g from S3, since Prometheus won't scrape metrics containing timestamps older than 2-3 hours.


This is an example of the exported_tags_config block:

    - VolumeId
    - Name


This is an example of the role_config block:

  - roleArn: "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/Prometheus"
    externalId: "shared-external-identifier" # optional


This is an example of the search_tags_config block:

  - key: env
    value: production


This is an example of the custom_tags_config block:

  - key: CustomTag
    value: CustomValue


This is an example of the dimensions_config block:

  - name: AutoScalingGroupName
    value: MyGroup