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Example using differential privacy with ZetaSQL


Imagine a fictional restaurant owner named Alice who would like to share business statistics with her visitors. Alice knows when visitors enter the restaurant and how much time and money they spend there. To ensure that visitors' privacy is preserved, Alice decides to use this differential privacy library.

Count visits by hour of the day

In this example, Alice wants to share information with potential clients in order to let them know when the restaurant is most busy.

For this, we will count how many visitors enter the restaurant at every hour of a particular day. For simplicity, assume that a visitor comes to the restaurant at most once a day. Thus, each visitor may only be present at most once in the whole dataset, since the dataset represents a single day of restaurant visits.

The data/day_data.csv file contains visit data for a single day. It includes the visitor’s ID, a timestamp of when the visitor entered the restaurant, the duration of the visitor's visit to the restaurant (in minutes), and the money the visitor spent at the restaurant.

Navigate to the examples/zetasql folder, build the code, and run it with the following query.


$ cd examples/zetasql
$ bazel run execute_query -- --data_set=$(pwd)/data/day_data.csv --userid_col=VisitorId \
'SELECT WITH ANONYMIZATION OPTIONS(epsilon=1, delta=1e-5, kappa=1)
   TIME_TRUNC(PARSE_TIME("%I:%M%p", `Time entered`), HOUR) AS `Hour entered`,
   ANON_COUNT(* CLAMPED BETWEEN 0 AND 1) AS `Total Visitors (DP)`
 FROM day_data
 GROUP BY `Hour entered`'

This reads the daily statistics and calculates the number of visitors that entered the restaurant every hour of the day in a differentially private way.

For illustration purposes, you can run the same query in a non-differentially private way:


$ cd examples/zetasql
$ bazel run execute_query -- --data_set=$(pwd)/data/day_data.csv --userid_col=VisitorId \
   TIME_TRUNC(PARSE_TIME("%I:%M%p", `Time entered`), HOUR) AS `Hour entered`,
   COUNT(*) AS `Total Visitors (Raw)`
 FROM day_data
 GROUP BY `Hour entered`'

The image below illustrates the results. The blue (left) bars represent the counts without anonymization while red (right) bars correspond to the private (or anonymized) counts. Notice that the private counts slightly differ from the non-private counts, though the overall trend is preserved: the restaurant is more busy during lunch and dinner time.

Daily counts

Note that differential privacy involves adding random noise to the actual data and hence, your own results will most likely be slightly different.

Partitions and contributions

We say that the resulting aggregated data is split into partitions. The bar chart for the private and non-private counts each have 12 partitions: one for each hour the restaurant was visited.

More generally, a single partition represents a subset of aggregated data corresponding to a given value of the aggregation criterion. Graphically, a single partition is represented as a bar on the aggregated bar chart.

We say that a visitor contributes to a given partition if their data matches the partition criterion. For example, if a visitor enters between 8 AM and 9 AM, they contribute to the 8 AM partition.

Recall that in the example above, a visitor can enter the restaurant only once per day. This implies the following contribution bounds.

  • Kappa is the limit of how many separate partitions to which a visitor can contribute. In our example, a visitor can contribute to, at most, only one partition. In other words, there is at most one time-slot when a visitor with a given ID can enter the restaurant.
  • Clamped between sets the bounds on the input values that users (i.e., visitors) contribute to the DP aggregation. In the example above using ANON_COUNT, a visitor can contribute either zero (i.e., a visitor may have not entered the restaurant at that time) or at most once, meaning they may enter the restaurant only once at a given hour.

Why is this important? Differential privacy adjusts the amount of noise to mask the contributions of each visitor. The more contributions each user is allowed to contribute to the data, the more noise is needed to protect users' privacy.

Next, we will demonstrate how to use the library in scenarios where:

  • visitors can contribute to multiple partitions;
  • contributed values can be greater than 1; and
  • visitors can contribute to a partition multiple times.

Count the visits per day of the week

The previous example made some over-simplifying assumptions. Now, let’s have a look at the use-case where visitors can contribute to multiple partitions.

Imagine Alice decides to let visitors know what the busiest days at her restaurant are. For this, she calculates how many people visit the restaurant every day of the week. For simplicity, let’s assume a visitor enters the restaurant at most once a day but may enter multiple days in a single week.

The file data/week_data.csv contains visit data for a week. It includes the visitor’s ID, the visit duration (in minutes), the money spent at the restaurant, and the day of the visit.

Navigate to the examples/zetasql folder, build the code, and run it with the following query.


$ cd examples/zetasql
$ bazel run execute_query -- --data_set=$(pwd)/data/week_data.csv --userid_col=VisitorId \
'SELECT WITH ANONYMIZATION OPTIONS(epsilon = 1, delta = 1e-5, kappa = 3)
   ANON_COUNT(* CLAMPED BETWEEN 0 AND 1) AS `Total Visitors (DP)`
 FROM week_data

This calculates the number of visitors that entered the restaurant for each day of the week in a differentially private way.

For illustration purposes, you can run the same query in a non-differentially private way:


$ cd examples/zetasql
$ bazel run execute_query -- --data_set=$(pwd)/data/week_data.csv --userid_col=VisitorId \
   COUNT(*) AS `Total Visitors (DP)`
 FROM week_data
 GROUP BY `Day`'

The results are illustrated in the image below.

Counts per week day

Notice that the private values slightly differ from the actual ones, though the overall trend is preserved.

Now, let’s take a closer look at the technical details. Speaking in terms of partitions and contributions, the resulting bar chart has 7 partitions; one for each day of the week. A visitor may enter the restaurant once a day and hence contribute to a partition at most once. A visitor may enter the restaurant several times a week and hence contribute to up to 7 partitions.

Bounding the number of contributed partitions

The parameter kappa defines the maximum number of partitions to which a visitor may contribute. One may notice that the value of kappa in our example is 3 instead of 7.

Why is that? Differential privacy adds some amount of random noise to hide the contributions of an individual. The more contributions each individual may have, the larger the noise must be, to protect each individual's privacy. However, this affects the utility of the data. In order to preserve the data's utility, we made an approximate estimate of how many times a week, at most, a person may visit a restaurant on average, and assumed that the value is around 3 instead of scaling the noise by the factor of 7 (which would have required adding more noise).

ZetaSQL processes the input data and discards all exceeding contributions (visits) automatically, so no action is required from the user.

Sum the revenue per day of the week

The previous example demonstrates how the contributed partitions are bounded. Now, we will demonstrate how individual contributions are clamped. Imagine Alice decides to calculate the sum of the restaurant's revenue per weekday in a differentially private way. For this, she needs to sum the visitors’ daily spending at the restaurant. For simplicity, let’s assume a visitor enters the restaurant at most once a day but may enter multiple times a week (on different days).

The data/week_data.csv file contains visit data for a week. It includes the visitor’s ID, the visit duration (in minutes), the money spent at the restaurant, and the day of the visit.

Navigate to the examples/zetasql folder, build the code and run it with the following query.


$ cd examples/zetasql
$ bazel run execute_query -- --data_set=$(pwd)/data/week_data.csv --userid_col=VisitorId \
'SELECT WITH ANONYMIZATION OPTIONS(epsilon=1, delta=1e-5, kappa=3)
   ANON_SUM(CAST (`Money spent (euros)` AS INT32) CLAMPED BETWEEN 10 AND 50) AS `Total money spent (DP)`
 FROM week_data
 GROUP BY `Day`'

This sums the amount of money visitors spend at the restaurant on each day of the week in a differentially private way.

For illustration purposes, you can run the same query in a non-differentially private way:


$ cd examples/zetasql
$ bazel run execute_query -- --data_set=$(pwd)/data/week_data.csv --userid_col=VisitorId \
   SUM(CAST (`Money spent (euros)` AS INT32)) AS `Total money spent (Raw)`
 FROM week_data
 GROUP BY `Day`'

The results are illustrated in the image below.

Daily sums

Clamping individual contributions

The usage of kappa for ANON_COUNT is similar to its usage for ANON_SUM, which is explained in the previous example. This section focuses on the lower and upper bounds, expressed as CLAMPED BETWEEN lower AND upper. The lower and upper bounds of CLAMPED BETWEEN define the bounds on the sum of each users' per partition data contributions such that the sum of each user's contributions will be automatically clamped to the specified bounds. Note that the clamping is not applied on users' individual contributions per user (i.e., the amount of money a visitor spends on each visit) but on the sum of all such contributions per user per partition (i.e., total money spent by a visitor each day).

In other words, any sum that is below lower will be overridden to become the same as lower, and any sum greater than upper will be reduced to be the same as upper, so that the sum of all contributions for each visitor will be within the bounds of lower and upper. This is needed for calculating the sensitivity of the aggregation, and to scale the noise that will be added to the sum accordingly.

Choosing bounds

The lower and upper bounds affect the utility of the sum in two potentially opposing ways: reducing the added noise, and preserving the utility. On the one hand, the added noise is proportional to the maximum of absolute values of the bounds. Thus, the closer the bounds are to zero, the less noise is added. On the other hand, setting the lower and upper bound close to zero may mean that the input values are clamped more aggressively, which can decrease utility as well.

Automatic Bounds Approximation (Approx Bounds)

In case CLAMPED BETWEEN (i.e., lower and upper bounds on input values) is not provided to ANON_ aggregations, ZetaSQL will infer the bounds automatically in a differentially private way from the data. See this paper or the C++ code for details.

Note that ZetaSQL uses a portion of the privacy budget for automatic bounds determination, meaning that it would need to add more noise to the aggregation output to compensate for this.

Count visits by certain duration

We will now demonstrate that just adding noise to raw data might be not enough to preserve privacy, and that eliminating some partitions completely may be necessary. This is referred to as thresholding or partition selection.

Imagine Alice wants to know how much time visitors typically spend at the restaurant. Durations of visits can vary greatly. A visitor may be at the restaurant for 31 minutes, while another may stay for a couple of hours. Instead of considering the exact durations, Alice wants to look at the approximate durations, where each visit duration is rounded up to the nearest multiple of 10 minutes. Assume that a visitor may enter the restaurant at most once a day, multiple times a week.

The data/outliers_week_data.csv file contains visit data for a week. It includes the visitor’s ID, the visit duration (in minutes), the money spent at the restaurant, and the day of the visit.

Navigate to the examples/zetasql folder, build the code and run it with the following query.


$ cd examples/zetasql
$ bazel run execute_query -- --data_set=$(pwd)/data/outliers_week_data.csv --userid_col=VisitorId \
'SELECT WITH ANONYMIZATION OPTIONS(epsilon = 1, delta = 1e-5, kappa = 1)
   CAST(SAFE_MULTIPLY(CEIL(SAFE_DIVIDE(CAST(`Time spent (minutes)` AS DOUBLE), 10.0)), 10.0) AS INT32) AS `Time Spent`,
   ANON_COUNT(CAST(SAFE_MULTIPLY(CEIL(SAFE_DIVIDE(CAST(`Time spent (minutes)` AS DOUBLE), 10.0)), 10.0) AS INT32) CLAMPED BETWEEN 0 AND 3) AS `Total visitors (DP)`
 FROM outliers_week_data
 GROUP BY `Time Spent`'

This calculates the number of visitors who spent a certain amount of time (per visit) during the week in a differentially private way.

For illustration purposes, you can run the same query in a non-differentially private way:


$ cd examples/zetasql
$ bazel run execute_query -- --data_set=$(pwd)/data/outliers_week_data.csv --userid_col=VisitorId \
   CAST(SAFE_MULTIPLY(CEIL(SAFE_DIVIDE(CAST (`Time spent (minutes)` AS DOUBLE), 10.0)), 10.0) AS INT32) AS `Time Spent`,
   COUNT(CAST(SAFE_MULTIPLY(CEIL(SAFE_DIVIDE(CAST (`Time spent (minutes)` AS DOUBLE), 10.0)), 10.0) AS INT32)) AS `Total visitors (Raw)`
 FROM outliers_week_data
 GROUP BY `Time Spent`'

The results are illustrated in the image below.

Duration counts

Similar to the previous examples, private counts slightly differ from the non-private counts. In addition, some partitions (e.g., 10 minutes and 180 minutes) do not appear in the private statistics. This is because some partitions are dropped due to thresholding.

Let’s take a closer look at the technical details. Speaking in terms of partitions and contributions, the resulting bar-plot for raw counts has 13 partitions and resulting bar-plot for anonymized counts has 11 partitions. Each partition is a visit duration (i.e., the initial set of partitions consists of all visit durations which occurred during the week, rounded up to 10 minutes). A visitor may enter the restaurant at most once a day, multiple times a week. A visitor may spend approximately the same time in each visit (e.g., a fixed-duration lunch break), and hence all their visits over the week may contribute to the same partition.

Partition selection

Having too few privacy units (i.e., visitors) contributing to a partition, or having too few results in a partition, can put users' privacy at risk, even after adding noise to the data. More precisely, if the set of partitions is not known in advance, the presence of a particular partition in the output can give an attacker information about the users in the dataset. In order to protect against such cases, we need to remove these partitions with too few contributions from the output.

There are 2 approaches for doing this:

  • Pre-aggregation partition selection. Drop partitions which do not have a sufficient number of contributing privacy units. Note that these partitions may still be included in other aggregation functions' results, if there are sufficiently many contributing privacy units for that aggregation.
  • Post-aggregation partition selection. Apply a threshold to the result of an aggregation. This can be only used with count and sum aggregations. This threshold is independent from the data; it is calculated using given DP parameters. After calculating the statistic (either count or sum) for the partition, if the statistic value is less than the threshold, then the partition will be excluded from the final result.

ZetaSQL only supports pre-aggregation partition selection.

Note that ZetaSQL takes care of partition selection automatically when you do an ANON_ aggregation, so no action is needed on your side.