- Original Author: Josh Morman [email protected]
- Champion: Josh Morman [email protected]
- Status: Draft
- 22-Nov-2021: Initial Draft
- 24-Dec-2021: Made active
GNU Radio Companion has proved itself to be the most convenient and powerful access mechanism to the GNU Radio framework, but many have eyed using the tool beyond just GNU Radio, including:
- GNU Radio 4.0 (newsched) flowgraphs
- FPGA toolchain workflows
- Modeling tool for non-SDR components of radio system
This motivates the idea of "detaching" GRC from the GNU Radio codebase and setting up the workflows in a modular fashion, so that different workflows can be accomodated without upstreaming to the GNU Radio codebase
GRC has much potential beyond just rendering python and c++ flowgraphs for GNU Radio. The application of connecting blocks together and based on a set of blocks, connections, parameters and then rendering some programmatic output is general enough where it doesn't need to be tied directly to GNU Radio. In addition, more features can be added that benefit GNU Radio that are difficult to maintain in-tree.
Take for instance gr-bokehgui. In order to render flowgraphs for bokehgui, it is necessary to have the hooks built into the templates that will generate the python file. If bokehgui was able to install a "workflow" somewhere that GRC would read, then the parts of the rendering process could be abstracted out of tree and GRC wouldn't have to know what a bokeh is.
In terms of modularity, GRC already succeeds at having blocks defined modularly which is the basis for our out of tree (OOT) modules. Apart from blocks, the missing piece is defining how the graph gets rendered to a script, or c++ application, or potentially something else.
The workflow should define a subset of things that are currently in the Options
block, which is
overloaded to handle all possible combinations.
The workflow can be defined as a .workflow.yml
file that specifies the parameters that are part of the workflow.
In our current usage of GRC, the following workflows could be proposed:
- gnuradio-python
- gnuradio-python-qtgui
- gnuradio-cpp
- gnuradio-cpp-qtgui
- gnuradio-python-bokehgui
For example, the gnuradio-python.workflow.yml
file would specify the minimum amount of parameters to render a
python flowgraph without qtgui. This might look like:
id: gnuradio-python
label: GNU Radio 3.x Python Workflow
flags: ['python']
- id: title
label: Title
dtype: string
hide: ${ ('none' if title else 'part') }
- id: author
label: Author
dtype: string
hide: ${ ('none' if author else 'part') }
- id: copyright
label: Copyright
dtype: string
hide: ${ ('none' if copyright else 'part') }
- id: description
label: Description
dtype: string
hide: ${ ('none' if description else 'part') }
- id: run_options
label: Run Options
dtype: enum
default: prompt
options: [run, prompt]
option_labels: [Run to Completion, Prompt for Exit]
- id: run
label: Run
dtype: bool
default: 'True'
options: ['True', 'False']
option_labels: [Autostart, 'Off']
- id: realtime_scheduling
label: Realtime Scheduling
dtype: enum
options: ['', '1']
option_labels: ['Off', 'On']
hide: ${ ('all' if generate_options.startswith('hb') else ('none' if realtime_scheduling
else 'part')) }
- id: catch_exceptions
label: Catch Block Exceptions
category: Advanced
dtype: enum
options: ['False', 'True']
option_labels: ['Off', 'On']
default: 'True'
hide: part
- id: run_command
label: Run Command
category: Advanced
dtype: string
default: '{python} -u {filename}'
imports: |-
from gnuradio import gr
from gnuradio.filter import firdes
from gnuradio.fft import window
import sys
import signal
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from gnuradio.eng_arg import eng_float, intx
from gnuradio import eng_notation
- 'if ${run}: self.start()
else: self.stop(); self.wait()'
documentation: |-
Document the workflow
file_format: 1
Which is just the options block with everything qtgui, bokeh, c++, hier block stripped out of it.
The workflow yaml should be installed into a workflows/workflow-name directory along with whatever mako templates are required to render the output. The rendering commands should be specified in the workflow yaml file. There is no reason jinja2 could not be used as well.
One idea is that the Options block would have a dropdown that is dynamically populated with all the workflow files present at launch. When a particular workflow is selected, the rest of the options block would then be populated with the parameters from the workflow yaml file
There are probably other methods that would make for a better user experience, and this should all be evaluated from a UX point of view.
With GRC more detached from GNU Radio itself, it should pull up a level and live at the same level as GNU Radio
Perhaps if it finds more application outside of GNU Radio, should be renamed to something else, such
as Graphical Companion
or something more creative.