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Releases: globules-io/OGX.JS

OGX.JS 1.34.0

06 Feb 06:51
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New Features

  • [Placeholder] placeholders can now be expressed as a 2D Array
  • [Tree] addItem can now be passed an array of items

Bug Fixes

  • [Tree] fix parent item state not updated after removing a child using deleteItem
  • [Display] fix dynamic OML via as


  • [Data] OGX.Data.isOML has been deprecated in favor to OGX.OML.isOML


  • [Flip] 1.0.0 new Flip component to render and flip between 2 OML trees.
  • [FlexCells] 1.3.3 fix placeholder in complex OML
  • [Table] 1.2.0 added mode in config and mode method to set selection mode to row or item (prop/val combo)


31 Jan 06:24
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Bug Fixes

  • [Placeholder] fix offset in placeholder


  • [FlexCells] 1.3.0 value of cellSize can now be expressed as an array

OGX.JS 1.33.2

30 Jan 06:45
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Bug Fixes

  • [Display] fix bind issue introduced with 1.33.1


  • [FlexCells] 1.2.2 value of min can now be expressed as an array of mixed values i.e. [100, '40%', '250']

OGX.JS 1.33.1

29 Jan 13:41
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Bug Fixes

  • [Data] fix clipboard not triggering focus

Other Changes

  • [OML] result method now flushes result cache if null is passed as parameter

OGX.JS 1.33.0

28 Jan 18:33
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New Features

  • [DynamicList] added findMove method to move an item at the desired index

  • [Net] added download method to create and auto click a download link

  • [Uxi] added optional parameter levels to reveal method, only reveal n levels away from Uxi

  • [Display] refactoring, added support to OSE scripts in template and css binds

  • [Touch] added dblick constant for double click

  • [Tree] added openItem, closeItem and getItemByPath methods

  • [OSE] added function keyword for inline function declaration, or link to a global function

    {{ function myGlobalFunction }} //link to function
    {{ function myGlobalFunction() }} //execute function
    {{ function if( $color === 'red' ){ return '#CC2222'; } return '#22CC22'; } }} //declare and execute

Bug Fixes

  • [Tree] fix selection not reset when selecting using one of the select methods
  • [Tree] fix item content not showing on first expend after updateItem

Breaking Changes

  • [OSE] function and method keywords now return link to function/method without executing it if parenthesis aren't present.

    {{ method myMethod myUxi:MyView }} //returns link to method
    {{ method myMethod() myUxi:MyView }} //executes method and passes available parameters
    {{ function MyGlobalFunction }} //returns link to function
    {{ function MyGlobalFunction() }} //executes function and passes available parameters

Note that the breaking nature of this change only applies to the method keyword since function is new

OGX.JS 1.32.0

21 Jan 07:48
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New Features

  • [DynamicList] added scroll method to scroll to an item of the list
  • [Net] added upload method that triggers file select process and returns the selected files
  • [Media] added crop method to resize or crop a base64 encoded image

Bug Fixes

  • [Placeholder] fix offset in placeholder when a node does not contain any default selector

Other Changes

  • [DynamicList] passes itself as parameter when calling callbacks.render
  • [Theme] Updated default theme


  • [Chat] 1.3.0 added attach icon to select and send media
  • [FlexCells] 1.2.0 better handling of existing HTML when creating a FlexCells without a template

OGX.JS 1.31.2

15 Jan 14:25
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Bug Fixes

  • [Carousel] fix replaceNode node not always rendered

OGX.JS 1.31.1

15 Jan 11:48
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Bug Fixes

  • [Carousel] fix replaceNode node not properly removed

OGX.JS 1.31.0

10 Jan 12:37
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New Features

  • [Splash] OGX now has a Splash screen with loading progress, set in app.json
  • [List] update method can now be passed a custom update function such as list.update({}, (__item) => {});
  • [List] added support to exist filtering keyword
  • [Carousel] added replaceNode method
  • [Uxi] added onResize override, called recursively down the tree when a node extending Uxi gets resized
  • [Point] added attribute data-ogx-point to its element reflecting current point, for styling purposes
  • [Point] added reference to itself via property id when triggering CHANGE event
  • [App] now resizes nodes when entering and exiting the browser fullscreen mode
  • [App] can now return the version from the manifest.json doing app.version((__version) => {...}));

Bug Fixes

  • [Uxi] fix reveal not showing appropriate Carousel panel when revealing a nested children and using a Container as parent

Other Changes

  • [Uxi] reveal performance


  • [FlexCells] 1.1.2 added get/setter cellSize and event OGX.FlexCells.RESIZE on user resize
  • [Docker] 1.2.3 prevent preview from showing if Popup is already showed

OGX.JS 1.30.0

03 Jan 13:53
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New Features

  • [Window] added title method to get/set the title
  • [DynamicList] no_selection can now be expressed as an Array of values, considering the key
  • [DynamicList] has a new select mode set, makes the list items push buttons and prevents unselection
  • [OML] exposed Core options max_render_time via getter/setter maxRenderTime and max_depth via getter/setter maxDepth
  • [Tabs] exposed config.icons via getter/setter icons
  • [Popup] new parameter config.group_icon as default icon for a group
  • [Popup] added data attribute containing the group if set, for styling purposes
  • [App] grouping popups now adds icons into tabs if popup had icon
  • [App] ungrouping popups now restores the icon from the Tab

Bug Fixes

  • [Carousel] fix children focus upon rapid change using next or prev
  • [Uxi] fix parents without arguments not returning all parents
  • [App] fix Grouping then ungrouping a Popup, title missing in the ungrouped Popup

Breaking Changes

  • [Tabs] SELECT is now triggered with a 2nd object containing tab info proper to Tabs such as index, index used to be merged to the tab object. This change only affects your code if you were catching the new index by listening to this event.

Other Changes

  • [Router] added resolve method in debug builds only
  • [Tabs] performance enhancements
  • [Container] performance enhancements