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Launching on Remote Server via SSH with Jaynes

This folder contains a working example for launching jobs with docker on a remote work station via ssh.

result looks like:

running instance screenshot

Getting Started

[will finish after lunch]

  1. install jaynes and cloudpickle==1.3.0 on both your local computer (where you run jaynes), and the docker image. This script installs these automatically, but you can comment that out if it is already installed.
  2. run

When you run the ./ script, it generates two pieces of script:

1. A Local Script

type gtar >/dev/null 2>&1 && alias tar=`which gtar`
mkdir -p '/private/var/folders/q9/qh3g18bs0vq3xjqtvv636vfmx6y0dw/T/tmpl5cmntgw'
# Do not use absolute path in tar.
tar --exclude='*__pycache__' --exclude='*.git' --exclude='*.idea' --exclude='*.egg-info' --exclude='*.pkl' -czf '/private/var/folders/q9/qh3g18bs0vq3xjqtvv636vfmx6y0dw/T/tmpl5cmntgw/3e95eff1-e180-49a4-ae6c-b88cdaa965d6.tar' -C '/Users/geyang/berkeley/packages/jaynes/example_projects/01_ssh_docker_configuration/.' .
aws s3 cp '/private/var/folders/q9/qh3g18bs0vq3xjqtvv636vfmx6y0dw/T/tmpl5cmntgw/3e95eff1-e180-49a4-ae6c-b88cdaa965d6.tar' 's3://ge-bair/jaynes-debug/3e95eff1-e180-49a4-ae6c-b88cdaa965d6.tar' --acl public-read-write


2. A Remote Host Script

# to allow process substitution
set +o posix

mkdir -p /afs/

# upload_script from within the host.
# todo: include this inside the runner script.

            # sudo service docker start # this is optional.
            # docker pull python:3.7

            # export PATH=/usr/local/bin/:$PATH  # this is needed on mac osx hosts.
            echo `which docker`
            echo -ne 'kill running instances '
            docker kill jaynes-docker-demo
            echo -ne 'remove existing container '
            LANG=utf-8 docker rm jaynes-docker-demo
            echo 'Now run docker'
            LANG=utf-8 docker run -i  --ipc=host -v '/afs/':'/Users/ge/mit/jaynes-starter-kit/01_ssh_docker_configuration/.' --name 'jaynes-docker-demo' \
            python:3.7 /bin/bash -c 'echo "Running in docker";yes | pip install jaynes==0.6.0rc16 ml-logger cloudpickle==1.3.0 -q;export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/Users/ge/mit/jaynes-starter-kit/01_ssh_docker_configuration/.;cd '/Users/ge/mit/jaynes-starter-kit/01_ssh_docker_configuration';JAYNES_PARAMS_KEY=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 python -u -m jaynes.entry'

}  > >(tee -a /afs/ 2> >(tee -a /afs/ >&2)

Then when you call, **keyword_arguments), jaynes sends the remote script to your remote host (the computer on which you want to run the job), and executes this script.

You can peek at this script by setting verbose=True in the jaynes.config call, or you can add that to the yaml file.

Now, the result is piped back via ssh to your computer at real time:

running instance screenshot